tvn 나의영어사춘기 < 첫번째과제 > 인칭대명사및지시대명사 주격 (~( 은 ) 는, ~( 이 ) 가 ) 소유격 (~ 의 ) 목적격 (~ 를 ) I my me you your you he his him she her her they their them we our us it its it this 이, 이것 these 이것들, 이것들의 that 저, 저것 those 저것들, 저것들의 here 여기에 there 저기에 시간단위 년 year 월 month 주 week 날, 일 day 월 1 월 January 2 월 February 3 월 March 4 월 April 5 월 May 6 월 June 7 월 July 8 월 August 9 월 September 10 월 October 11 월 November 12 월 December
날짜 1st first 11th eleventh 21st twenty first 2nd second 12th twelfth 22nd twenty second 3rd third 13th thirteenth 23rd twenty third 4th fourth 14th fourteenth 24th twenty fourth 5th fifth 15th fifteenth 25th twenty fifth 6th sixth 16th sixteenth 26th twenty sixth 7th seventh 17th seventeenth 27th twenty seventh 8th eighth 18th eighteenth 28th twenty eighth 9th ninth 19th nineteenth 29th twenty ninth 10th tenth 20th twentieth 30th thirtieth 요일 31st thirty first 평일 weekday 월 Monday 화 Tuesday 수 Wednesday 목 Thursday 금 Friday 주말 weekend 토 Saturday 일 Sunday 자주보는주변의명사들 계단 stairs 서랍 drawer 판 board 천장 ceiling 옷장 closet / wardrobe 등 light 찬장 cupboard 쓰레기통재활용박스 garbage can recycling box 층 floor 선반 rack 주차장 parking lot 바닥 floor 뒤 back 지하 주차장 underground parking lot 전치사 < 시간 > 7 시까지 by 7 7 시에 at 7 7 시쯤 around 7 7 시전에 before 7 7 시이후에 after 7 < 장소 > ~ 에서 at, in ~ 와함께 with
현재형과긍정 / 부정연습하기 현재형 (~ 한다 ) 현재의부정형 (~ 안한다 ) (~ 했다 ) 과거의부정형 (~ 안했다 ) 간다 go don t go went didn t go 걸어간다 walk don t walk walked didn t walk 운전한다 drive don t drive drove didn t drive 온다 come don t come came didn t come 산다 buy don t buy bought didn t buy 가지고있다 have don t have had didn t have 받는다, ( 물건을 ) 구하다 get don t get got didn t get 모인다 get together don t get together got together didn t get together 가져간다 take don t take took didn t take 가져온다 bring don t bring brought didn t bring 두고간다 leave don t leave left didn t leave 두고온다 leave don t leave left didn t leave 먹는다 eat don t eat ate didn t eat 마시다 drink don t drink drank didn t drink 뛰어내려간다 don t run down ran down didn t run down run down 걸어내려간다 walk down don t walk down walked down didn t walk down 두고간다, 두고온다 는 leave 동사를함께씁니다.
현재형과, 과거의부정연습하기 현재형 (~ 한다 ) (~ 했다 ) 과거의부정형 (~ 안했다 ) 옷을갈아입는다 get changed got changed didn t get changed 머리를한다 do my hair did my hair didn t do my hair 화장을한다 put on makeup put on makeup didn t put on makeup 왁스바르다 put on wax put on wax didn t put on wax 재킷을입는다 put on a jacket put on a jacket didn t put on a jacket 가방을챙기다 grab a bag grabbed a bag didn t grab a bag 이메일을확인하다 check my email checked my email didn t check my email 차에탄다 get in the car got in the car didn t get in the car 차에서내린다 get off the car got off the car didn t get off the car 올라간다 go up went up didn t go up 내려간다 go down went down didn t go down 들어간다 go in went in didn t go in 나간다 go out went out didn t go out 올라온다 come up came up didn t come up 내려온다 come down came down didn t come down 앉다 sit down sat down didn t sit down 앉다 have a seat had a seat didn t have a seat 앉다 grab a seat grabbed a seat didn t grab a seat 내려준다 drop me off (at) dropped me off (at) didn t drop me off (at) 데리러온다 ( 데리러간다 ) picked me up (at) didn't pick me up (at) pick me up (at) 데려다준다 take me to 어디 took me to 어디 didn t take me to 어디 아침 / 점심 / 저녁먹는다 have breakfast/lunch/dinner had breakfast/lunch/dinner didn t have breakfast/lunch/dinner 먹어보다, 마셔본다 try 먹었다, 마셨다 tried 먹지않았다, 마시지않았다 not tried 다먹는다, 다마신다 finish 다먹는다, 다마셨다 finished 다먹지않았다 not finished 일어나다 get up got up didn t get up 샤워하다 take a shower took a shower didn t take a shower 양치하다 brush my teeth brushed my teeth didn t brush my teeth 전화를받다 get a call from 누구 got a call from 누구 didn t get a call from 누구 전화를하다 call 누구 called 누구 didn t call 누구 앉다 는여러가지표현이있습니다.
자주쓰는표현들연습하기 I will~ ~ 할거야 I m gonna~ ~ 할거야 I wanna~ ~ 하고싶어 I feel like to~ ~ 하고싶어 ( 그런기분이들어 ) get / have / take 활용 ( 가서 ~ 해.) ( 가서 ~ 했다 ) 가서의자가져와. Go get a chair. went and got a chair 가서쟤데려와. Go get him. went and got him 가서커피좀가져와. Go get some coffee. went and got some coffee 가서너커피가져다줄게. Go get you some coffee. went and got you some coffee 가서좀쉬어. Go get some rest. went and got some rest 가서쟤번호좀따봐. Go get her number. went and got her number 가서불꺼. Go get the light. went and got the light 가서바람좀쐐. Go get some fresh air. went and got some fresh air 가서한잔해. Go get drunk. went and got drunk 가서먹을것좀가져와. Go get something to eat. went and got something to eat 가서마사지받아. Go get a massage. went and got a massage 가서치료받아. Go get a treatment. went and got a treatment 가서문좀따줘. Go get the door. went and got the door 가서차에타있어. Go get in my car. went and got in my car 가서저녁먹어. Go have dinner. went and had dinner 가서커피마셔. Go have some coffee. went and had some coffee 가서잠좀자. Go have some sleep. went and had some sleep 가서걔랑회의하고와. Go have a meeting with him. went and had a meeting with him 가서걔랑이야기좀해봐. Go have a talk with him. went and had a talk with 가서앉아있어. Go have a seat. went and had a seat 가서잠깐쉬고와. Go take a break. went and took a break 가서샤워해. Go take a shower. went and took a shower 가서한번보고와. Go take a look at it. went and took a look at it 가서한숨돌리고와. Go take a deep breath. went and took a deep breath 가서산책하고와. Go take a walk. went and took walk 가서엘레베이터타. Go take the elevator. went and took the elevator 가서주문받아. Go take the order. went and took the order
자주쓰는표현들연습하기 do / see / 그외활용 ( 가서 ~ 해.) ( 가서 ~ 했다 ) 가서설거지해. Go do the dishes. went and did the dishes 가서빨래해. Go do the laundry. went and did the laundry 가서숙제해. Go do your homework. went and did my homework 가서화장해. Go do makeup. went and did makeup 가서머리손질해. Go do your hair. went and did my hair 가서걔부탁을들어줘. Go do him a favor. went and did him a favor 가서영화봐. Go see a movie. went and saw a movie 병원가봐. Go see a doctor. went and saw a doctor 가서우리딸좀봐줘. Go watch my daughter. went and watched my daughter 가서찬물좀틀어줘. Go turn on the cold water. went and turned on the cold water 가서찬물좀잠가줘. Go turn off the cold water. went and turned off the cold water 가서화장실물좀내려줘. Go flush the toilet. went and flushed the toilet 가서알아보고와. Go find out. went and found out 가서테이블좀치워줘. Go clean the table. went and cleaned the table 가서방좀치워. Go clean your room. went and cleaned my room 가서저녁준비해. Go prepare for dinner. went and prepared for dinner