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UNIT 1 Can you please tell me a little bit about yourself? Answer Strategy


여: 좋습니다. 샐러드도 같이 드시겠어요? 남: 어떤 종류의 샐러드가 있나요? 여: 양상추와 토마토 샐러드만 있습니다. 남: 아, 아뇨, 그거면 됐습니다. 그냥 피자만 시킬게요. 여: 네. 6개들이 탄산음료 한 팩도 드릴까요? 남: 괜찮습니다. 여: 알겠습니다. 주방장


4. 수업의 흐름 차시 창의 인성 수업모형에 따른 단계 수업단계 활동내용 창의 요소 인성 요소 관찰 사전학습: 날짜와 힌트를 보고 기념일 맞춰보기 호기심 논리/ 분석적 사고 유추 5 차시 분석 핵심학습 그림속의 인물이나 사물의 감정을 생각해보고 써보기 타인의 입장 감정

1. 청소년의 이해



Lesson 3 Sports Day A: What s the weather like? B: It s warm and sunny. A: Let s dance. B: Yes, let s. A: Come with me. B: Okay. No problem. I am playing soccer. Minsu is not reading a book. Is he reading a book? Words about against ex. They are playing against the Japanese team. baseball batter bone busy free call ex. I ll call you later. catch throw cheer ex. We are cheering for the Korean team. classmate clean either ex. I don t like him, either. favorite ex. My favorite color is blue. first last football foul ball hairstyle hit hit horror kick laugh cry maybe perhaps ex. Maybe it will rain tomorrow. miss pitcher receiver 82 sad happy science stadium ex. I often go to a baseball stadium. still ex. He is still sleeping. strike sunny tell throw threw warm cool win lose ex. Which team is winning? zoo Phrases a lot of lots of ex. Try to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. be late for ex. Don t be late for school. go to a movie ex. Let s go to a movie tomorrow. look at ex. I like to look at the stars at night. sports day ex. We have sports day at school tomorrow. talk about ex. Let s talk about it. wait for ex. We are waiting for you. Go for the victory. That s too bad. Way to go!

Words 01 zoo 02 stadium 03 cheer 04 tell 05 foul ball 06 kick 07 either 08 miss 09 warm 10 receiver 11 win 12 hit 13 about 14 strike 15 busy 16 sad 17 baseball 18 throw 19 catch 20 batter 21 bone 22 call 23 classmate 24 clean 25 favorite 26 hairstyle 27 against 28 first 29 laugh 30 still 31 football 32 horror 33 maybe 34 pitcher 35 science 36 sunny Phrases 37 go to a movie 38 wait for 39 look at 40 Way to go! 41 Go for the victory. 42 a lot of 43 That s too bad. 44 sports day 45 talk about 46 be late for p.181 Lesson 3 83 Words 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 84 p.181 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Phrases 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

1 happy : sad = cool : 2 rain : rainy = sun : 3 catch : catcher = receive : 4 go : come = lose : 5 Thank you for for us. 6 me the ball and I ll it. 7 I don t want to go there,. 8 Science is my subject. 9 It is dark outside. of for about at to 10 What are you talking? 11 I am waiting your mail. 12 Let s go a movie this afternoon. 13 There are a lot cars on the road. 14 Don t be late the class. 15 free throw 16 lose pitcher 17 batter busy 18 catch win catch catcher science subject dark outside p.181 Lesson 3 85 86 A: What s the weather like? B: It s warm and sunny. What s the weather like? / How is the weather? it it sunnywarmcoldrainy snowy windy foggy 1 A: the weather over there? B: and cloudy. the there? A:. A: Let s go shopping. B: Sure, I need a new hat. Let s ~. Why don t we ~? Shall we ~? / What about ~? / How about ~? Why don t we go to a movie? Shall we go to a movie? What[How] about going to a movie? Sure. / No problem. / Yes, let s. / Why not? Sorry. / Maybe next time. / I m afraid not. 2 A: after school. B: I m. I have a piano class. A:.

p.181 A: Turn off the TV. B: All right. 2(you) (you) please Don t ex. You open your book. Open your book. Please open your book. = Open your book, please. Don t open your book. Come over here, please. Be nice to others. Don t run in the classroom. Sure. / All right.(=okay.) / No problem. / Why not? Sorry. / Maybe later. / Not now. 3 A: I m hungry, Mom. Can I have some cookies? B: Sure. But your hands first. A:. 4 A: Tom, the computer. Tom B:. I m using it. A: it after using it. B:,. 5 A: in the library. B:. 6 A: You are late again. What happened? B:. I got up late. A:. Lesson 3 87 p.181 A: 1. to a movie, Tony. Tony B: 2.. What movie? A: 3. the Dark.In the Dark B: Oh, I 4. horror movies, Jane. Jane. A: Then 5. Walking on the Moon? Walking on the Moon B: Well, I don t like SF movies, 6.. Then Are You Crying Again? Are You Crying Again A: I 7. sad movies. B: Oh, well. That s 8... A: Then 9. to the school stadium. They re a football game. My brother in it. B: 10. great. I love sports. I movies. (A) Sure. What concert? (B) Let s go to a concert. (C) Oh, I don t like heavy metal very much. (D) Oh, well. That s too bad. Maybe next time. (E) A heavy metal concert. 88

1 A: How s the weather today? B: is windy and cloudy. A: How about tomorrow? B: will be cold and rainy. 2 A: Why don t we go on a holiday? B: Sounds great. A: What s the weather like today? B: It s cold and snowy. A: Let s play baseball this afternoon. B: No problem. I have a test tomorrow. A: How about going shopping? B: All right. Let s go now. A: Show your ticket, please. B: Sure. Here you are. 3 A: B: I m sorry I can t. I m busy now. Let s go for a walk. How about going for a walk? Shall we go for a walk? Why don t we go for a walk? Why didn t he go for a walk? 4 A: Let s go to a musical tomorrow. I have free tickets. B: Tomorrow? I have a club meeting tomorrow. Why not? I m sorry I can t. No problem. Maybe next time. That s a good idea. weather go on a holiday cold snowy play baseball this afternoon go shopping busy go for a walk musical free meeting Lesson 3 89 5 A: It s Saturday. Let s go shopping. B: Sure. I need some new clothes. A: I need new shoes. How about go to the JJ Department Store? B: OK. Let s make a shopping list first. 6 (A) Don t work too hard, Dave. (B) All right. I m almost finished. (C) Go to bed now. It s already ten o clock. (D) Not now. I m studying for the test tomorrow. [7~8] Jane: Let s go to a movie, Tony. Tony: Sure. What movie? Jane: In the Dark. Tony: Oh, I don t like horror movies, Jane. Jane: Then what about Walking on the Moon? Tony: Well, I don t like SF movies, either. Then what about Are You Crying Again? Jane: I don t like sad movies. Tony: Oh, well. That s too bad. Maybe next time. 7 8 Tony doesn t like horror movies. Jane doesn t like sad movies. They are going to a movie now. Walking on the Moon is an SF movie. In the Dark is a horror movie. 90 p.181 go shopping clothes department store shopping list almost already study tomorrow horror movie SF movie either

The boy is watching TV. She is driving her car. be am/are/is-ing Tony has breakfast every day. Tony is having breakfast now. -ing -ing play playing eat eating -e e -ing make making have having -ing run running stop stopping -ie ie y -ing die dying lie lying 1 I for my friend. (wait) 2 He off the school bus. (get) 3 They a kite on the top of the hill. (fly) 4 We a birthday cake for Mom. (make) 5 The dog around the yard. (run) 6 Tom does taking a shower now. 7 She is play the piano now. 8 They do talking on the phone now. 9 It is rains very hard now. 10 We are listen to music now. Lesson 3 91 92 p.181 I am not watching TV. Are you using the Internet? Yes, I am. / No, I m not. be not-ing be not She is running. She isn t running. be be not She s not sleeping. = She isn t sleeping. Tom is not studying now. The baby is not sleeping now. be -ing be be They are eating lunch. Are they eating lunch? YesbeNobenot A: Is he doing his homework? B: Yes, he is. / No, he isn t. 11 I help my mother. 12 Jenny is studying in the library. 13 They are exercising at the gym. 14 (1) A: Is your father wearing glasses? B: Yes,. (2) A: Is your sister playing the piano? B: No,. She is playing the violin.

1 play playing ride riding swim swimming cut cuting wash washing 2 He is kicks a ball now. They are jump rope now. Our team is win now. I m blowing out the candles. The ball flying high. 3 He is looking for his dog. 4 A: Is she painting a picture? B: She is listening to music. Yes, she does. Yes, she is. No, she doesn t. No, she isn t. Yes, she isn t. [5~6] 5 (a / party / they / having / are / now /?) 6 (not / I / playing / computer game / a / am / now /.) ride wash kick jump rope blow out look for paint a picture listen to have a party play a computer game Lesson 3 93 7 A: Is Tom English? B: No, he isn t. He is math. study study study studying studying study studying studying studies studies 8 Take your umbrella with you. It a lot now. rain rains is raining rained raining 9 A: Are they cleaning their classroom? B: Yes,. 10 Somebody is waiting for you. I m drawing a picture. They are visiting their parents. Is she washing the dishes? We don t riding a bike. 11 (1) He works very hard. (2) They are swimming in the pool. (3) She is helping her mother. 94 p.181 math study take umbrella rain a lot clean classroom somebody wait for draw a picture wash the dishes ride a bike hard

Sports Day It s a beautiful spring day. It s warm and sunny. Today the Hanguk Middle School baseball team is playing against Boram Middle School. Many students are at the stadium. Mike and Beth, Yumi s friends, are there, too. But Junho is late for the game. He s still on the bus. He s calling Yumi. Yumi, is our team be -ing winning? Tell me about the game. MikeBeth = at the stadium All right, no problem. Samar, our classmate, is the batter now. He is looking at the pitcher. Samar is waiting for the ball. The pitcher is throwing look at ~ the ball! Oh, it s a strike! wait for ~ be -ing People are cheering for Samar. Look, the pitcher is throwing the ball again! cheer for ~ Samar is hitting the ball! He s running, running, running! Wow, home run, home run! Oh, no. It s a foul ball. 1 It s a sunny spring day. (T / F) 2 Mike and Beth are Yumi s classmates. (T / F) 3 Yumi and Junho are at the stadium. (T / F) 4 Yumi tells Junho about the baseball game. (T / F) 5 Samar is the pitcher. (T / F) 6 Samar hits a home run. (T / F) sunny against stadium still call win classmate batter pitcher throw strike cheer hit Lesson 3 95 Listening Easy A 1 Let s clean the house. Let s 2 Are you doing math homework? be -ing~? 3 Are you doing science homework? 4 Let s play football. Easy B A: Let s go to a movie. Let s B: Sure. What movie? A: In the Dark. B: Oh, I don t like horror movies. A: Then let s go to the school stadium. They re having a football game. My brother is playing in it. be -ing = the football game. B: Sounds great. I love sports. I don t like movies. On Level C A: It s Sunday. it B: Let s go to the park, Dad. C: Let s go to the zoo. D: Let s go to a movie. E: Let s play football, Dad. F: Let s do our homework. On Level D A: Let s go to a movie, Tony. B: Sure. What movie? A: In the Dark. B: Oh, I don t like horror movies, Jane. A: Then what about Walking on the Moon? 96 B: Well, I don t like SF movies, either. Then what about Are You Crying Again? A: I don t like sad movies. B: Oh, well. That s too bad. Maybe next time. A: Then let s go to the school stadium. They re having a football game. My brother is playing in it. = the football game B: Sounds great. I love sports. I don t like movies. Challenging E be -ing Tony and Jane are going to the school stadium now. Jane s brother is playing football in the stadium. Reading On Level B 1 Samar is a baseball player. Samar 2 Junho is late for the game. 3 He is still on the bus. 4 Yumi is talking to John. talk to 5 Samar is a batter. 6 Samar hits a foul ball. On Level D 1 Samar is looking at the pitcher. look at 2 The pitcher is throwing the ball. 3 Samar is hitting the ball. 4 Samar is running.

1. a beautiful spring day. 2. and. 3. Today the Hanguk Middle School baseball team is Boram Middle School. 4. Many students at the. 5. Mike and Beth, Yumi s friends, there,. 6. But Junho the game. 7. He s the bus. 8. He s Yumi. 9. Yumi, our team? 10. Tell me the game. 11. All right,. 12. Samar,, is the now. 13. He is the pitcher. 14. Samar is the ball. 15. The pitcher is the ball! Oh, it s a strike! 16. People are Samar. 17. Look, the pitcher is the ball again! 18. Samar is the ball! 19. He s,,. Wow, home run, home run! Oh, no. It s a foul ball. p.182 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mike Beth 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Samar 13. 14. Samar 15. 16. Samar 17. 18. Samar 19. Lesson 3 97 Samar Samar Samar Samar 98 p.182

Listening Easy A 1 the house. 2 you 3 you?? 4 football. Easy B A: a B:.? A: In the Dark. B: Oh, I A: Then the school. They re having a football game. My brother in it. B: great. I love sports. I On Level C A: Sunday. B: the park, Dad. C: the zoo. D: a E: football, Dad. F: our homework. On Level D A: a, Tony. B: Sure.? A: In the Dark. B: Oh, I p.182, Jane. A: Then Walking on the Moon? B: Well, I movies,. Then Are You Crying Again? A: I sad movies. B: Oh, well.. A: Then to the school stadium. They re having a football game. My brother in it. B: great. I love sports. I Challenging E Tony and Jane the now. Jane s brother football in the stadium. Reading On Level B 1 Samar is a. 2 Junho the game. 3 He is the bus. 4 Yumi John. 5 Sama is a. 6 Samar a. On Level D 1 Samar the pitcher. 2 The pitcher the ball. 3 Samar the ball. 4 Samar. Lesson 3 99 baseball 1 : a game played by two teams using a bat and a ball: 2 : a large sports ground with rows of seats all round it : 3 : someone or something that receives : 4 : to give support to someone by shouting : 5 : the player who throws the ball to the person batting to hit : 6 : best-liked, preferred : 7 : a feeling of great shock, fear, and worry : 8 : to hit or strike out with the foot : 9 : to strike someone or something : 10 : a game played in North America with an oval ball on a field : 11 : a fellow member of a class at school or college : 12 : to stop a moving thing and hold it : 13 : a person who bats or is batting : 14 : to make a phone call to somebody : Samar, our classmate, is the (A) batter / catcher now. He is looking at the pitcher. Samar is waiting for the ball. The pitcher is throwing the ball! Oh, it s a strike! People are (B) cheering / crying for Samar. Look, the pitcher is throwing the ball again! Samar is (C) hitting / kicking the ball! He s running, running, running! Wow, home run, home run! Oh, no. It s a foul ball. (A) (B) (C) catcher cheering kicking batter cheering hitting batter crying kicking catcher cheering hitting batter crying hitting 100...... Words + Reading favorite classmate baseball horror call kick cheer stadium football receiver pitcher batter catch hit

p.182 Grammar + Reading 1 Let s going to the beach. 2 Why don t we going to the library this afternoon? 3 Do you listening to music now? 4 Today our school baseball team is playing with Boram Middle School. 5 Not turn off the computer. 6 Samar is waiting to the ball. 7 I don t like horror movies, too. 8 People are cheering to Samar. 9 Oh, our team is wins now. 10 How s the weather like today? 11 He is late to the game. 12 Samar is hiting the ball. It s a beautiful spring day. It s warm and sunny. Today the Hanguk Middle School baseball team is playing against Boram Middle School. Many students are at the stadium. Mike and Beth, Yumi s friends, are there, too. But Junho is late for the game. He s still on the bus. He s calling Yumi. Yumi, does our team winning? Tell me about the game. Lesson 3 101 1 win lose go come hit strike throw catch laugh cry 2 zoo: a park where wild animals are kept kick: to hit or strike out with the foot horror: a feeling of great shock and fear football: a game played by two teams of nine people using a bat and a ball classmate: a fellow student in one s class at school 3 A: What is your subject? B: I like math best. boring popular favorite different important 4 Tell me your family. Don t be late your class. at about at for about for for at for about 102 5 What s the weather? I to read books. want like be for with 6 A: Let s go to the school stadium. They re having a basketball game. My brother is playing in it. B: I love basketball. That s all right. You re welcome. You re right. OK. No problem. Maybe next time. 7 No problem. = That s too bad. I m afraid I can t. = I m sorry I can t. Not now. = Maybe later. Let s go to a museum. = Why don t we go to a museum? Open the window, please. = Will you open the window, please?

8 A: Why don t we join the Drama Club? B: Sounds great. I like acting. 9 A: Come straight home after school. B: I ll be home early. Sure. Not today. Why not? No problem. All right. 10 Maybe next time. I m afraid I can t. Sure, no problem. I m sorry, I can t. Maybe later. 11 Let s go to a movie. (A) Oh, come on! Rapunzel is a very interesting movie. (B) That s great. (C) Sorry. I have lots of things to do. (D) Rapunzel? All right, then. Let s go. 12 Way to go! Go for the victory. Go for it. Go! Go! No way! 13 The sun rises in the east. The sun in the east now. rises rising is rises is rising rise (14~15) 14 A: Is it raining now? B: It s sunny. Yes, it does. Yes, it is. No, it doesn t. No, it isn t. No, it is. 15 A: Hi, Mike. B: I m listening to Mozart. A: Really? Do you like his music? B: Yes, I like his music very much. What do you do? How do you do? What are you doing? How are you doing? What are you do? Lesson 3 103 16 The band is practicing a music. Kevin doesn t singing. He is playing the drum. 17 (1) Ann on the bench. Ann (2) Ben a letter? Ben 18 is 8 o clock in the morning. is cold and windy. is March 12. This That It Weather Today 19 Shall we going for a ride? How about going fishing? He is using the computer. She is feeding the dog. Are you staying at this hotel? 104 20 The girl talking with her father. Are you going to the library now? The baby is sleeping not now. They are walk on the street. Is she talk on the phone? (21~23) Yumi goes to Hanguk Middle School. This is her classroom. Look at her. They are takeing a break now. Beth is listening to music. Bora is opening the window. Mike is drinking water. Junho is talking on the phone. Minho is sleeping. Do you see Yumi? She is writing a letter. 21 family students teachers children classmates 22 23 Beth

(24~26) Paris It s Paris. It s Monday. It s 5 o clock in the morning. It s a clear spring day. People sleeping. Sydney It s Sydney. It s Monday. It s 3 o clock in the afternoon. It s a sunny autumn day. People taking a walk in the park. 24 am are is do does 25 What time is it now? What s the date today? What season is it? What day is it today? What s the weather like today? 26 5 3 (27~29) A: Let s going to a football game. My brother is playing in it. B: Sure. No problem. A: Oh, our team is winning. B: Where s your brother? A: He s a (A)! Look, he s running now. B: Where? A: Right there! He is catching the ball now! B: Where? I don t see him. A: Come on. He is running again now. 27 28 Q: Where are they now? A: They are at the. 29 batter pitcher coach receiver runner Lesson 3 105 (30~32) It s a beautiful spring day. It s sunny and warm. ( ) Today the Hanguk Middle School baseball team is playing against Boram Middle School. ( ) Many students are at the stadium. ( ) Mike and Beth, Yumi s friends, are there, too. ( ) He s still on the bus. ( ) He s calling Yumi. Yumi, is our team winning? Tell me about the game. All right. No problem. 30 But Junho is late for the game. 31 many students Mike and Beth Yumi and Junho Hanguk Middle School baseball team Boram Middle School baseball team 32 106 p.183 (33~35) Samar, our classmate, is the batter now. He is looking at the pitcher. Samar is waiting (A) the ball. The pitcher is throwing the ball! Oh, it s a strike! People are cheering (B) Samar. Look, the pitcher is throwing the ball again! Samar is hitting the ball! He s running, running, running! (C) Wow, home run, home run! Oh, no. It s a foul ball. 33 34 in of for to at 35 bored excited sad happy nervous relaxed surprised glad excited disappointed

1 skating sport tennis baseball football 2 busy free first last dark bright warm cool beautiful pretty 3 There are people at the stadium. We have homework today. many much a lot of few little 4 A: What a nice day! Why don t we go hiking? B: That s a good idea. Let s go hiking. Shall we go hiking? How about going hiking? What about going hiking? Do you want to go hiking? 5 The boy (make) a snowman now. make making does making is making makes (6~7) 6 A: Let s have hamburgers and coke. B: I don t like fast food. Sounds great. Why not? Sure. No problem. I m afraid not. Of course. 7 A: Is your brother still playing outside? B: He is at home now. Yes, he does. No, he doesn t. Yes, he is. No, he isn t. You re right. 8 A: What is Mike doing? B: He is writing a letter. A: Turn on the light, please. B: All right. A: How s the weather today? B: It s cold and windy. A: How about going inline-skating? B: It was great. A: Let s go fishing this afternoon. B: Maybe next time. It looks like rain. Lesson 3 107 9 A rock concert. It s free for everyone. Really? That sounds cool. Let s go to a concert. OK. What concert? 10 Tom and Jane are playing badminton. Alex is washing his dog in the bathroom. He is puting on his jacket. She is studying for the final exam. They are riding a bike in the park. (11~13) It s a beautiful spring day. It s warm and sunny. Today the Hanguk Middle School baseball team is playing (A) Boram Middle School. Many students are at the stadium. Mike and Beth, Yumi s friends, are there, too. But Junho is late for the game. He s still on the bus. He s call Yumi. Yumi, is our team winning? Tell me (B) the game. 11 with to for about against about with to against in 108 p.183 12 13 It s a warm spring day. Yumi is watching the game at the stadium. Junho is at the stadium. Junho is talking to Yumi on the phone. There are lots of students at the stadium. (14~15) Samar, our classmate, is the batter now. He is looking at the pitcher. Samar is waiting for the ball. The pitcher is the ball! Oh, it s a strike! People are for Samar. Look, the pitcher is throwing the ball again! Samar is the ball! He s running, running, running! Wow, home run, home run! Oh, no. It s a foul ball. 14 throwing looking hitting throwing cheering hitting hitting cheering throwing hitting waiting throwing running looking running 15 volleyball football baseball basketball tennis

1 the player who throws the ball to the person batting to hit batter receiver catcher runner pitcher 2 snowy rainy cloudy sunny season year weather country animal 3 Hurry up, or you will the train. We you so much. catch miss throw call win 4 Chris is a vegetarian. He doesn t eat meat. He doesn t eat fish,. either also too so same 5 A: What is the weather like today? B: I like sunny weather. I m fine, thanks. I don t like rainy days. I d like to go bike riding. It is cold and snowy. 6 A: Shall we go inline-skating? B: Let s go right now. Sure, no problem. Why not? That s a good idea. Maybe next time. Sounds great. 7 A: Show me your student card, please. B: Here you are. A: Fill out this form, please. B: Here you are. Sure. All right. Not now. Maybe next time. I m afraid I can t. 8 (don t / lunch / why / together / we / have) Lesson 3 109 9 A: Let s go to a movie. B: OK. What movie? A: Why don t we study together? B: That s too bad. A: How about playing soccer? B: Maybe next time. A: Come with me. B: Sure. No problem. A: What is he doing now? B: He is washing his face. 10 A: What is Ted (do / doing)? (Is / Does) he reading a book? B: No, he (isn t / doesn t). do Does isn t do Is isn t do Is doesn t doing Does doesn t doing Is isn t 11 It It is Thursday. It is very cold and windy. It is 3 o clock in the afternoon. It is still dark outside. It is a small green house. 110 12 He drives very carefully. (13~14) A: Let s clean the house, Andy. B:, Mom. I m doing my homework. A: Really? Are you doing math homework? B: No. A: Are you doing science homework? B: No. I m doing music homework. 13 That s great That s all right I m busy now No problem You re welcome 14 Andy Andy Andy Andy

(15~17) Jane: Let s go to a movie, Tony. Tony: Sure. What movie? Jane: In the Dark. ( ) Tony: Oh, I don t like horror movies, Jane. Jane: ( ) Then what about Walking on the Moon? Tony: ( ) Then what about Are You Crying Again? Jane: ( ) I don t like sad movies. Tony: ( ) Oh, well. Maybe next time. 15 Well, I don t like SF movies, either. 16 17 Come on. Good for you! That s too bad. That s great. You re welcome. (18~20) Today the Hanguk Middle School baseball team is playing against Boram Middle School. Many students are at the stadium. Mike and Beth, Yumi s friends, are there, too. But Junho is late for the game. He s still on the bus. He s calling Yumi. Yumi, is our team winning? Tell me about the game. 18 Which is the best title for the above passage? A School Festival A Field Trip A Baseball Match A Band Practice A New Stadium 19 Bob comes from Tokyo, Japan. We, Koreans are very hardworking. The old woman lives with Amy, her daughter. Do you like Taco, a Mexican dish? Mr. Brown, Bob s teacher, is very nice. 20 there Lesson 3 111 (21~23) Junho is calling Yumi. Yumi, is our team winning? Tell me about the game. (A) Samar, our classmate, is the batter now. He is looking at the pitcher. Samar is waiting for the ball. The pitcher is throwing the ball! Oh, it s a strike! People are cheering for Samar. Look, the pitcher is throwing the ball again! Samar is hiting the ball! He s running, running, running! Wow, home run, home run! Oh, no. It s a foul ball. 21 22 I m afraid I can t. I m busy now. All right, no problem. Come on, hurry up. Sorry, I can t. 23 Fill in the blanks and answer the question. Q: What is Yumi doing now? A: She is Junho about the 112 p.184 (24~25) Ted: My brother is playing in it. Ann: Sure. No problem. Ted: Oh, our team is winning. Ann: Where s your brother? Ted: He s a receiver. Look, he s running now. Ann: Where? Ted: Right there! He is catching the ball now! Ann: Where? I don t see him. Ted: Come on. He is running again now. 24 Go to a football game. I want to go to a football game. Let s go to a football game. Do you want to go to a football game? They are having a football game. 25 Ted Ann Ted Ann Ted Ted Ted.

1 a large sports ground with rows of seats all round it hall theater stadium station playground 2 batter pitcher catcher football tennis basketball baseball volleyball 3 There are a lot of people in the room. Wait for your turn please. Don t be late for the train. We will cheer for the team. Look at this cute baby. 4 A: I feel bored. B: Me, too. go to a movie. A: Sounds great. 5 A: Where are you going? B: I m going to buy a birthday present for my sister. Come with me. A: Sure. No problem. 6 A: Let s go to a soccer game. B: I don t like soccer. OK, no problem. Sounds good. Why not? Oh, I m sorry. That s a good idea. 7 What s the weather like? = How is the weather? Go for the victory. = Way to go! How about going to an opera? = What about going to an opera? I m afraid I can t. = I m sorry I can t. Why don t we go shopping? = Let s not go shopping. Lesson 3 113 8 A: Telling me about your new school. B: All right. 9 Tom is (make) a robot. making We are (visit) them. visiting He is (cut) paper into pieces. cuting She is (cry) very sadly. crying He is (lie) in bed. lying 10 Do you have a good time there? Are you have a good time there? Do you having a good time there? Are you having a good time there? Having you a good time there? 11 It is raining now. 114 (12~14) A: Let s clean the house, Jenny. B: I m busy now, Mom. I m my homework. A: Really? Are you math homework? B: No. A: Are you science homework? B: (A) I m music homework. A: All right, then. Maybe next time. 12 mother daughter doctor patient clerk customer friend friend teacher student 13 do does did doing to do 14 Yes, I am. Yes, I do. No, I m not. No, I don t. No, I wasn t.

(15~17) (18~20) A: Let s go to a movie, Tony. B: Sure. What movie? A: In the Dark. B: Oh, I don t like horror movies, Jane. A: Then what about Walking on the Moon? B: Well, I don t like SF movies, either. Then what about Are You Crying Again? A: I don t like sad movies. B: Oh, well. That s too bad. Maybe next time. A: Then let s go to the school stadium. They re having a football game. My brother is playing in it. B: I love sports. I don t like movies. 15 It s a beautiful spring day. ( ) It s warm and sunny. ( ) Today the Hanguk Middle School baseball team is playing against Boram Middle School. ( ) Mike and Beth, Yumi s friends, are there, too. ( ) But Junho is late for the game. He s still on the bus. ( ) He s calling Yumi. Yumi, is our team winning? Tell me about. 18 Many students are at the stadium. 19 16 Sorry, I can t. Maybe next time. Why not? I m afraid I can t. Sounds great. your school your classmates the stadium the game the weather 20 Which of the following is true about the above passage? 17 Fill in the blanks and answer the question. Q: Where are they going now? A: They are going to. Junho is at the stadium. The weather is very hot. Yumi is watching the baseball game on TV. Mike and Beth are Yumi s friends. The baseball game ended. Lesson 3 115 (21~23) Junho is calling Yumi. Yumi, is our team win? Tell me about the game. All right, no problem. Samar, our classmate, is the batter now. He is looking at the pitcher. Samar is waiting for the ball. The pitcher is throwing the ball! Oh, it s a strike! People are cheering for Samar. Look, the pitcher is throwing the ball again! Samar is hitting the ball! He s running, running, running! Wow, home run, home run! Oh, no. It s a foul ball. 21 22 Samar Samar Samar 23 The pitcher is throwing the ball again. Samar is hitting the ball. It s a foul ball. The pitcher is throwing the ball. It s a strike. Samar is the batter now. 116 p.184 (24~25) Sue: Let s join the Dance Club. John: I don t like dancing. Sue: Then what about Singing Club? John: I don t like singing, either. Sue: Then, what about the Reading Club? John: I m sorry. I like reading. 24 25 Sue John John John John

1 go play do M: It s Sunday! G1: (1) to the park, Dad. B1: (2) baseball. W: (3) shopping. B2: (4) football, Dad. G2: (5) homework. M: Well... no problem. Do your homework, first, then. (2~3) 2 how / a / game / about / playing /? 3 don t / grandparents / we / our / why / visit /? (4~5) 4 ( get up ) 5 ( turn off, cell phone ) 6 A: Let s clean the house, Jenny. B: I m busy now, Mom. I m doing my homework. A: Really? Do you doing math homework? B: No. A: Are you doing science homework? B: No. I m do music homework. A: Hmm. (7~8) 7 He is exercising in the gym now. 8 She is wearing a blue dress. 9 Sue: Let s go to a movie. Andy: Sure. What movie? Sue: Shrek III. Andy: Oh, I don t like animation movies. Sue: Oh, well. That s too bad. Maybe next time. Lesson 3 117 10 A: How s the weather today? B: It s warm and sunny. A: Oh, good. Let s have a picnic in the park. B: Sounds great! (11~12) 11 A: Is he cleaning his room? B: 12 A: Is she watching TV? B: (13~14) 13 Sarah walks to school every day. But, she (1) to school now. She (2) a bike to school. 14 John and Alex play soccer every day. But, they (1) soccer now. They (2) baseball. 118 p.185 15-1 (1) I a diary now. (2) My sister her homework. 15-2 (1) Dave studies very hard. (2) We take a walk after dinner. 15-3 Mike Junho Minho Yumi Beth This is Yumi s classroom. It s break time now. Look at her classmates. What are they doing? (1) Yumi a letter. (2) Beth to music. (3) Mike milk. (4) Junho on the phone. (5) Minho.

Lesson 3 Sports Day p.83 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 p.84 1 strike 2 win 3 science 4 classmate 5 busy 6 stadium 7 warm 8 bone 9 either 10 batter 11 football 12 favorite 13 maybe 14 still 15 horror 16 baseball 17 sunny 18 zoo 19 throw 20 call 21 sad 22 laugh 23 catch 24 receiver 25 miss 26 pitcher 27 hit 28 against 29 clean 30 hairstyle 31 about 32 foul ball 33 tell 34 kick 35 first 36 cheer 37 That s too bad. 38 be late for 39 wait for 40 Way to go! 41 sports day 42 talk about 43 a lot of 44 Go for the victory. 45 look at 46 go to a movie p.85 1 warm 2 sunny 3 receiver 4 win 5 cheering 6 Throw, catch 7 either 8 favorite 9 still 10 about 11 for 12 to 13 of 14 for 15 busy 16 win 17 pitcher 18 throw pp.86~87 1 What s, like / It s windy / How s, weather / It s warm and sunny 2 Let s play badminton / sorry / Maybe next time 3 wash / All right 4 turn off / Not now / Turn, off / OK, Mom 5 Please be quiet / I m sorry 6 I m sorry / Don t be late again p.88 1 Let s go 2 Sure 3 In 4 don t like 5 what about 6 either, what about 7 don t like 8 too bad / Maybe next time 9 let s go / having / is playing 10 Sounds / don t like (B) (A) (E) (C) (D) pp.89~90 1 It 2 3 4 5 How about going to the JJ Department Store? 6 (C) (D) (A)(B) 7 8 1 it 2 No problem. 3 4 I m sorry I can t. / I m afraid I can t. / Maybe next time. 5 How [What] about ~ing? 8 Jane Tony pp.91~92 1 am waiting 2 is getting 3 are flying 4 are making 5 is running 6 Tom is taking a shower now. 7 She is playing the piano now. 8 They are talking on the phone now. 9 It is raining very hard now. 10 We are listening to music now. 11 I am[i m] helping my mother. 12 Jenny is not [isn t] studying in the library. 13 Are they exercising at the gym? 14 (1) he is (2) she isn t pp.93~94 1 2 3 4 5 Are they having a party now? 6 I am not playing a computer game now. 7 8 9 they are 10 11 (1) He is[he s] working very hard. (2) They are[thery re] not swimming in the pool. (3) Is she helping her mother? 181 1 cut t cutting 2 be -ing 3 be not 4 Yes, be No, benot. 5 be 6 be not 9 Yes, be No, benot. 10 don t riding aren t riding 11 be not-ing be -ing p.95 1 T 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 F 6 F p.97 1 It s 2 It s warm, sunny 3 playing against 4 are, stadium 5 are, too 6 is late for 7 still on 8 calling 9 is, winning 10 about 11 no problem 12 our classmate, batter 13 looking at 14 waiting for 15 throwing 16 cheering for 17 throwing 18 hitting 19 running, running, running p.98 1 It is warm and sunny. 2 Today the Hanguk Middle School baseball team is playing against Boram Middle School. 3 Many students are at the stadium. 4 But Junho is late for the game. 5 He is still on the bus. 6 Yumi, is our team winning? 7 Tell me about the game. 8 Samar, our classmate, is the batter now. 9 Samar is waiting for a ball. 10 The pitcher is throwing the ball. 11 People are cheering for Samar. 12 Samar is hitting the ball! 182 p.99 Listening Easy A 1 Let s clean 2 Are, doing math homework 3 Are, doing science homework 4 Let s play Easy B Let s go to, movie / Sure / What movie / don t like horror movies / let s go to, stadium / is playing / Sounds / don t like movies On Level C It s / Let s go to / Let s go to / Let s go to, movie / Let s play / Let s do On Level D Let s go to, movie / What movie / don t like horror movies / what about / don t like SF, either / what about / don t like / That s too bad / Maybe next time / let s go / is playing / Sounds / don t like movies Challenging E are going to, school stadium / is playing Reading On Level B 1 baseball player 2 is late for 3 still on 4 is talking to 5 batter 6 hits, foul ball On Level D 1 is looking at 2 is throwing 3 is hitting 4 is running pp.100~101 Words + Reading 2 stadium 3 receiver 4 cheer 5 pitcher 6 favorite 7 horror 8 kick 9 hit 10 football 11 classmate 12 catch 13 batter 14 call Grammar + Reading 1 Let s go to the beach. 2 Why don t we go to the libray this afternoon? 3 Are you listening to music now? 4 Today our school baseball team is playing against Boram Middle School. 5 Don t[do not] turn off the computer. 6 Samar is waiting for the ball. 7 I don t like horror movies, either. 8 People are cheering for Samar. 9 Oh, our team is winning now. 10 What s the weather like today?(=how s the weather today?) 11 He is late for the game. 12 Samar is hitting the ball.

pp.102~106 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 (C) (A) (D) (B) 12 13 14 15 16 doesn t isn t 17 (1) is sitting (2) Is, writing 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 stadium 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 1 hit strike 2 9 3 A: B: 4 about be late for 5 like 6 7 That s too bad. No problem. 8 Why don t we ~? 9 10 Sure, no problem. 11 12 No way! 13 be -ing 14 be 15 be -ing 16 be not doesn t isn t 17 be 18 it 19 Shall we (going go) 20 talking is talking is sleeping not is not sleeping walk walking talk talking 21 classmate 22 take e e -ing 23 take a break 24 be -ing people be are 25 26 27 Let s (Let s going Let s go) 28 29 running, catching the ball receiver 30 he 31 our team 32 33 Samar our classmate he Samar 34 wait for cheer for 35 Wow Ohno pp.107~108 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 183 1 sport 2 3 a lot of 4 6 7 be 8 How about ~ing? 9 10 put putting 11 play against tell ~ about... 13 14 (A) pitcher throwing (C) Samar batter hitting (B) cheer for 15 batter, pitcher, throw the ball, hitting pp.109~112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Why don t we have lunch together? 9 10 11 12 He is driving very carefully. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 stadium 21 22 23 telling, game 24 25 1 (pitcher) 2 weather snowy rainy cloudy 3 miss 184 4 either 5 What is the weather like? it 6 7 Sure. / OK. / All right. No problem. 8 Why don t we 9 Why don t we ~? That s too bad. 13 14 Andy I m doing my homework. 15 either I don t like horror movies. Tony 16 Tony 18 19 Mike and Beth, Yumi s friends Mike Beth 20 there stadium 21 hit hitting 23 24 Sure, no problem. 25 Ted Ann Ann Ted pp.113~116 1 2 3 4 Let s 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 It is not[isn t] raining now. 12 13 14 15 16 17 the school stadium 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

1 stadium 2 batterpitchercatcher 3 cheer for 4 Let s 5 Sure. No problem. 6 7 Why don t we ~? 8 telling tell 9 cut cutting 10 be 11 be not 12 Mom Jenny 14 15 16 17 Tony 18 there at the stadium Mike and Beth, Yumi s friends, are there, too. 19 21 be win winning 22 23 Samar Samar 24 25 John I like reading. John pp.117~118 1 (1) Let s go (2) Let s play (3) Let s go (4) Let s play (5) Let s do 2 How about playing a game? 3 Why don t we visit our grandparents? 4 Get up early in the morning. 5 Turn off your cell phone, please. 6 Do you doing Are you doing I m do I m doing 7 He isn t[is not] exercising in the gym now. / Is he exercising in the gym now? 8 She isn t[is not] wearing a blue dress. / Is she wearing a blue dress? 9 Why don t we go to a movie? / How[What] about going to a movie? / Shall we go to a movie? 10 What is[what s] the weather like today? 11 Yes, he is. 12 No, she isn t. 13 (1) isn t walking (2) is riding 14 (1) aren t playing (2) are playing 15-1 (1) am writing (2) is doing 15-2 (1) Dave is studying very hard. (2) We are taking a walk after dinner. 15-3 (1) is writing (2) is listening (3) is drinking (4) is talking (5) is sleeping 1 Let s 2 How about -ing? 3 Why don t we 4-5 6 be Do you doing Are you doing be I m do I m doing 7 be not be 9 Let show about ~ing Why don t we Shall we 10 What s the weather like? How s the weather? 11-12 Yes, be No, benot. 13-14 now 185