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The Journal of The Korean Dental Association October 2016 C O N T E N T S 748 820 827 829 751 789

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오리 도비라 2016.9.27 3:52 PM 페이지1 mac001 in 2540DPI 100LPI 1 신승철, 권혜숙, 심수현 당도와 점도를 이용한 식품의 치아우식유발지수 산출 2 마득현, 김수관, 오지수, 유재식, 김원기, 양정은, 임형섭 Prognosis of Maxillary Sinus Augmentation in the Presence of Antral Pseudocyst: Case Reports 2 김물결, 김광만 상아질 접착 시스템의 국내 사용 동향에 관한 연구

ORIGINAL ARTICLE 1 ABSTRACT The cariogenic potentiality index using the sugar contents and the viscosity of Korean food 1) Department of Preventive Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Dankook University 2) Department of Oral Health, Graduate School of Public Health & Social Welfare, Dankook University Seung Chul Shin 1), Su Hyun Shim 1), Kwon Hyu Suk 2) Introduction: Caries prevention through diet control can be achieved clinically by use of the cariogenic potentiality for a range of food commonly eaten by Koreans. Material & methods: The cariogenic potentiality index of each food can be calculated with the sugar contents and the viscosity of each food applying the regression analysis on the variables. 278 favorite foods for Korean were examined. Result 1. The formula of CPI is as below Cariogenic potentiality index (CPI) = 2.581343*sugar contents+0.598324*viscosity 2. The average CPI of the fruits, vegetable are 9.07~9.62 minutes. But the average CPI of the carbohydrate food is 15.21~19.60 minutes. Conclusion: Using the cariogenic potentiality indices, we will be able to determine an individual patients' average oral status for caries experience in the future. In addition, diet control by use of the cariogenic potentiality index and the analysis for each nutrient is considered as useful clinically for diet control in preventive dentistry. Key words : Cariogenic food, Cariogenic potentiality, Dental caries, Diet control, Sugar contents, Viscosity of food 752



















ORIGINAL ARTICLE 2 ABSTRACT Prognosis of Maxillary Sinus Augmentation in the Presence of Antral Pseudocyst: Case Reports Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Dentistry, Chosun University Deuk-Hyun Mah, Su-Gwan Kim, Ji-Su Oh, Jae-Seek You, Won-Gi Kim, Jung-Eun Yang, Hyoung-Sup Lim Purpose: Antral pseudocyst is a common benign lesion that exists in the maxillary sinus. Because of this possible complication, controversy remains with respect to sinus floor elevation operations. The purpose of this study was to analyze the antral pseudocyst related to maxillary sinus augmentation. Patients and Methods: The radiographs of 268 patients who visited Chosun University Dental Hospital from 2008 to 2010 and underwent the maxillary bone grafting procedure were examined. Results: Of the 268 patients who underwent the maxillary bone grafting procedure, 5 patients (1.86%) were diagnosed with antral pseudocysts. In all cases, maxillary sinus floor elevation was performed without aspiration, biopsy or extraction of the antral pseudocyst. Conclusion: Antral pseudocysts are not considered a contraindication for maxillary sinus bone grafting procedure. Key words : Dental implant, Cyst, Maxillary sinus The use of sufficient bone volume in the implant placement area is imperative for achieving a good long-term prognosis for intraosseous implants. To improve the stability of intraosseous implants, partial augmentation is required when vertical deficiency of the alveolar 771

ORIGINAL ARTICLE bone is observed. Insufficient height of the alveolar bone is the most significant factor that limits the placement of the implant in the maxillary molar area. If the pneumatization of the maxillary sinus has progressed greatly or the alveolar bone underwent atrophy due to the edentulous condition over a long period of time, it is difficult to place the implants at the proper height. To resolve these problems, maxillary sinus floor elevation has been developed and makes it possible to place implants in the maxillary edentulous area because of the ridge augmentation involved in this procedure 1, 2). Although the rate of complications from bone grafts in the maxillary sinus is low, various conditions may develop, including perforation of the sinus membrane, bleeding during surgery, risks of postsurgical wound infection and maxillary sinusitis, exposure to graft materials or barrier membranes, infection of graft materials that requires the removal of graft materials, and the dehiscence of valve. In addition to the maxillary sinus bone grafting procedures, dislocation within the maxillary sinus during the placement of the implant or failure of synosteosis may also occur 3-7). The careful selection of patients and the prevention of complications as well as efficient management leads to successful maxillary sinus augmentation 8). It has been reported that the presence of cystic lesions is a contraindication for maxillary bone grafting procedures. Nonetheless, the classification of cystic lesions in the maxillary sinus and their etiology are controversial issues 9). Pseudocysts within the maxillary sinus are typically caused by the retention of inflammatory exudate under the maxillary sinus mucous membrane and appear as hemispheric and even radiopaque lesions in the maxillary sinus floor. Generally, antral pseudocysts are asymptomatic. Nevertheless, although rare, facial dysesthesia and pain in the affected area are observed. Based on radiological analyses, the prevalence is 1.5% - 14% 10, 11). To make the appropriate diagnosis, is it essential to consider the medical history and perform a radiological examination, although biopsies are rarely required. Although antral pseudocysts do not require treatment, a comprehensive evaluation of the adjacent teeth is required. When found, the cause of infection should be removed 10, 11). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prognosis of the maxillary bone grafting procedure when antral pseudocysts were detected in the maxillary edentulous area. The radiographs of 268 patients who visited Chosun University Dental Hospital from 2008 to 2010 and underwent the maxillary bone grafting procedure were examined. Among these, the electronic medical records of patients who were diagnosed with antral pseudocysts by radiography were examined. Age, gender, general disease, medical disease history, the method of sinus floor elevation, the area of implant placement, the diameter and length of the 772

ORIGINAL ARTICLE implant, the bone graft material, complications, follow-up periods, and the treatment of antral pseudocysts were monitored. Using panoramic radiographs and computed tomography images, the location and size of vague radiopaque lesions with a round shape in the maxillary floor, the volume of remaining bones, and the pattern of changes after the procedure were examined. For maxillary bone graft, either the lateral approach or the alveolar approach was used depending on the volume of the remaining bone in the edentulous ridge of the patient and the preference of the surgeon. Similarly, depending on the bone quality, either a 1-stage or 2-stage method was selected. After the maxillary sinus elevation, depending on the preference of the surgeon, autologous, allogenic, or xenogenic bones, or mixtures thereof were used, and implants with a length of greater than 11 mm were inserted. Each patient received a 375 mg dose of the antibiotic Augmentin three times per day for 7 days after the procedure, as well as an anti-inflammatory analgesic, 0.2% chlorhexi dine, solution for gargling. After the maxillary bone grafting procedure, patients were informed about the potential risks and side effects. In addition, continuous clinical and radiological follow-ups were performed once a month. Of the 268 patients who underwent the maxillary bone grafting procedure, 5 patients (1.86%) were diagnosed with antral pseudocysts (Table 1). Typical hemispheric shapes with an even radiopaque pattern were detected in all patients with antral pseudocysts. Although the lesion boundary was clear, the characteristic thin radiopaque boundary line of the cortical bones 773

ORIGINAL ARTICLE typically observed in dental cysts was not visible (Fig. 1). Using panoramic radiographs and computed tomography images, radiopaque lesions with a size ranging from 18.6 mm x 15.4 mm to 26.4 mm x 18.8 mm were observed. However, deformities in adjacent structures, such as humps in the internal and external wall of maxillary sinus, deformities in the external wall of the nasal cavity, and the destruction of the eye socket, among others were not detected. In addition, movability of the teeth in the corresponding area, facial pain, edema, nasal obstruction and other specific clinical symptoms were not detected. In all cases, maxillary sinus floor elevation was performed without aspiration, biopsy or extraction of the antral pseudocyst. The remaining bone in the maxillary molar area for implant placement was measured to be 2.5-6.4 mm; thus, the maxillary sinus floor elevation and bone grafting procedures were performed by either the alveolar crest approach or the lateral approach (Fig. 2). During surgery, complications 774

ORIGINAL ARTICLE from the perforation of the maxillary membrane were observed in only one case; therefore, treatments applying absorbable membranes were performed. With the exception of these perforations, no other complications during or after surgery were observed. Follow-ups were continued for 17 to 43 months. Bone resorption in the vicinity of implant was not observed, the prostheses were maintained, and additional clinical symptoms in the surgical area did not develop. During the radiological examinations, specific changes such as the expansion of the radiopaque lesion within the maxillary sinus or the deformation and destruction of adjacent bones were not observed (Fig. 3). Maxillary sinus floor elevation considered an effective method with low failure rate. Maxillary sinus floor elevation is a procedure that has been widely applied for the past 20 years. Nonetheless, frequent erroneous treatment plans and improper implementation of the procedure has caused various complications 12). The possibility of postsurgical complications is always present and thus should be carefully considered. One of the most important causes of postsurgical complications is the presence of a poor pre-surgical clinical condition. For evaluation of diseases in the maxillary sinus that are pertinent to the maxillary sinus floor elevation, the application of computed tomography is recommended for all cases. If a non-infectious maxillary sinus disease are detected, a biopsy should be performed immediately. If cysts or tumors are found, their removal should be considered. To optimize the surgical procedure environment, chronic maxillary sinusitis should be managed with decongestants, anti-histamines, steroids, and antibiotics. If conservative treatments fail, endoscopic maxillary surgery to induce the release of maxillary sinus secretion by widening the original opening of the maxillary sinus should be performed 13). Radiopaque cystic lesions within the maxillary sinus can be divided into the following: sinus 775

ORIGINAL ARTICLE mucocele, postoperative maxillary cyst, mucous retention cyst, and antral pseudocyst. Sinus mucocele is a true cyst lined with epithelium, wherein the obstructed maxillary sinus space is filled with a mucous secretion. When the normal excretion route of the maxillary sinus is obstructed or the obstructed gland expands continuously, a maxillary sinus mucocele may develop, which may completely fill the maxillary sinus and thus appear as a radiopaque lesion that fully or partially fills the maxillary sinus. In the maxillary bone structure, due to inflammatory reactions, bone remodeling gradually takes place, and eventually, the maxillary sinus wall becomes thin. A conservative treatment of maxillary sinus mucocele includes cyst enucleation or marsupialization. Maxillary sinus mucocele could expand and invade the adjacent structures such as the eye socket and the cranial cavity, among others and can be observed in radiographic images. Because these characteristics are difficult to distinguish from malignant lesions, a biopsy must be performed during the diagnosis. A postoperative maxillary cyst is a type of maxillary sinus mucocele that is developed after a Caldwell-Luc procedure and other surgeries or trauma. Common clinical symptoms include headaches, ophthalmic abnormalities, expansion of the cheek area and nasal obstruction, and sometimes, the dislocation of maxillary teeth. The inside of the cyst is filled with yellow, green or gray mucus or a suppurative exudate, and the epithelial lining of the cyst reveals a pattern of the maxillary mucous membrane consistent with a chronic inflammatory condition. The postoperative maxillary cyst should be surgically removed. A mucous retention cyst develops because of the obstruction of mucous glands. Normally, the mucous glands are present in the vicinity of the maxillary ostium, but due to continuous infection, they proliferate and can be detected as polyp patterns. Because most mucous retention cysts are small, it is challenging to detect them using clinical radiography. Their etiology is considered to be an allergic reaction. Unless they expand greatly and become obstructive lesions, treatment is not required. Antral pseudocyst is a disease that is detected most frequently in panoramic radiographs obtained during dental treatments and presents as a hemispheric lesion with even radiopacity in the maxillary sinus floor caused by the retention of inflammatory exudate under the maxillary mucous membrane. The level of radiopacity is such that normal anatomical structures within the lesion can be observed without hyperosteotics. The definition of a pseudocyst it that it lacks the cystic wall formed by the epithelium. It has been reported that the incidence of antral pseudocyst is 1.5% - 14% 10, 11, 14, 15), and they may develop in cases of odontogenic infection in the vicinity, infection within the maxillary sinus, and allergic reactions. Nonetheless, the precise etiology of this condition is not known. Clinical disease history and radiological examination are essential for a proper diagnosis, whereas biopsies are not required because the disease can be adequately diagnosed by the radiological characteristics. Antral pseudocysts do not require 776

ORIGINAL ARTICLE special treatment. Nevertheless, a comprehensive evaluation of adjacent teeth is required. If the cause of infection is detected, it should be removed 10, 11, 14, 15). In patients with cystic lesions in the maxillary sinus, the indication for a maxillary sinus floor elevation is not obvious. Ziccardi considered maxillary mucous retention cysts to be a contraindication for maxillary sinus augmentation 9). However, in their study, the definition of a mucous retention cyst and an antral pseudocyst was not clear. They suggested removing or aspirating cysts prior to maxillary sinus floor elevation. Nevertheless, most maxillary mucous retention cysts and pseudocysts are asymptomatic, and if they are not associated with the symptoms of maxillary obstruction, surgery is not generally recommended 9). In addition, in other studies, antral pseudocysts were not considered a contraindication for maxillary sinus floor elevation 16-18). It has been reported that when pseudocysts are present, the risk of perforation is rare due to thickening of the maxillary mucosal membrane 19). Recently, a study has been performed wherein a small bone window with a diameter of 5 mm in the lateral wall of the maxillary sinus was formed, and an antral pseudocyst was removed 3 months prior to performing the maxillary sinus floor elevation 20). In this study, follow-ups on antral cystic lesions were performed for 38 to 102 months using Water s radiography. The size of the lesions increased by 29.4% 20). Therefore, obstruction of the maxillary sinus ostium was induced, indicating that bone grafting and implant placement had failed. The removal of antral pseudocysts was achieved using a minimally invasive procedure because cystic lesions could not be definitively diagnosed without a biopsy 21). The prevalence of antral pseudocysts can be determined by the presence of hemispheric radiopaque shapes in the radiographs and is estimated to be 1-10% by panoramic radiography 22), 12% by CT, and 21% by MRI 23). In most cases, unless the enlargement of the lesion is clearly detected radiologically or associated with symptoms such as headaches, treatment is not required. Nonetheless, if a lesion is large or if the diagnosis is not clear, more evaluation is necessary prior to performing surgical procedures. In our cases, the patients did not show symptoms pertinent to diseases within the maxillary sinus; moreover, bone destruction and other findings were not detected radiologically. Thus, the patients were diagnosed with antral pseudocysts, and maxillary sinus floor elevation was performed without any presurgical treatments for the cystic lesions. Afterwards, the clinical and radiological follow-up results confirmed that maxillary sinus floor augmentation was performed in a typical fashion, and the bones adjacent to implants were wellmaintained without significant changes after the placement of the implant and even after completion of the prosthesis. In addition, the antral pseudocysts that were detected during the evaluation prior to the procedure did not exhibit 777

ORIGINAL ARTICLE any enlargement of the lesion or symptoms of diseases in the maxillary sinus. When antral pseudocyst lesions are present, prior to performing maxillary sinus bone grafting procedure, precise diagnosis by the surgeon is required. Antral pseudocysts are not considered a contraindication for maxillary sinus bone grafting procedure. However, to avoid various complications associated with the maxillary sinus bone grafting procedure, it is necessary to understand the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the maxillary sinus to exercise proper caution. Furthermore, to develop more definitive outcomes, long-term studies on additional cases must be performed. 778


ORIGINAL ARTICLE 3 ABSTRACT Survey study on the using state of dentin bonding systems in Korea 1) Yonsei University College of Dentistry 2) Department and Research Institute of Dental Biomaterials & Bioengineering, BK21 Plus Project Mul Kyel Kim 1), Kwang-Mahn Kim 2) Dentin bonding systems are unique dental materials which are rapidly evolute and essential materials for bonding of restorative materials to dentin. Now, 4th generation, 5th generation, 6th generation and 7th generation of dentin bonding systems are used in clinic. We investigated the frequency, motivation of choosing dentin bonding systems and satisfaction of them by survey in 2014. 5th generation of dentin bonding systems are mostly used in Korea and young dentist have tendency to choose newly developed dentin bonding systems. Key words : Bonding, Dentin, Material, Survey, System 780









도비라 2016.9.27 3:56 PM 페이지1 mac001 in 2540DPI 100LPI 구강악안면외상 치료의 최근경향 1 김영수 악안면 연조직 외상치료의 최신지견 2 정승곤 안와 골절의 치료 전략 3 김진욱 범안면골 골절의 최근 경향 및 수술개념

Korean Dental Association ABSTRACT Current Concepts in the Treatment of Maxillofacial Soft Tissue Trauma Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Dentistry, Chonbuk National university Yongsoo Kim, DDS, Ph.D. The maxillofacial soft tissue trauma is one of the major causes to visit the emergency room. For the past few decades, however, the basic concept of the repairing the soft tissue wound have not been changed. Therefore, it could be worthwhile to remind the fundamental concepts and practical information belong to the soft tissue injury management. Among the many types of soft tissue trauma, laceration wound which is most frequently met in the clinic will be discussed in this review. Key words : facial soft tissue trauma, maxillofacial injury, facial laceration 790


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Korean Dental Association ABSTRACT Treatment strategy for orbital fractures Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Dentistry, Chonnam National University Seunggon Jung, DDS, PhD, FIBCSOMS Orbital fractures have a significant portion in facial bone trauma. The important thing in treatment of orbital fractures is variable depending on the patient. Reconstruction of orbital wall demands an understanding of the anatomy and function of the orbit, including the orbital tissues, and the approacheds, materials, and methods available. Key words : Orbital fracture, biomaterials 799

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Korean Dental Association ABSTRACT Recent trend and surgical management for panfacial fracture Department of oral and maxillofacial surgery, School of dentistry, Kyungpook National University Jin-Wook Kim, DDS, Ph.D. Panfacial fracture is extremely difficult to manage facial injuries but concomitant injuries and severe complications including facial esthetic and functional problems can make it harder. Thorough evaluation and closed co-work with other specialists is needed when reduction and fixation cannot be achieved quickly. Emergency bony support and soft tissue key suture provide the patients with airway integrity, hard and soft tissue vitality. A systemic treatment plan must be made by 3D CT image. This plan include airway management for surgery, sequence of reduction and fixation, approach method, soft tissue resuspension and reconstruction of lost tissue like inferior orbital wall, zygomaic buttress and soft tissue. From known to unknown structures, accurate reduction and fixation will provide proper occlusion, facial projection, width, hight and function. Consideration about facial retaining ligaments must be given to prevent soft tissue sagging. Key words : Panfacial fractuer, Surgical management, Bottom up and inside out, Top down and outside in 811

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Korean Dental Association 818

é 819










대한치과의사협회지 학술원고 투고 규정 경우 저자의 성을 영문으로 쓰고 소괄호속에 발행년도를 표시하며, 문장 중간이나 끝에 별도로 표시할 때에는 쉼표 나 마침표 뒤에 어깨번호를 붙인다. 참고문헌이 두 개 이 상일 때에는 소괄호속에, 으로 구분하고 발행년도 순으 로 기재한다. 저자와 발행년도가 같은 2개 이상의 논문을 인용할 때에는 발행년도 표시뒤에 월별 발행 순으로 영문 알파벳 소문자 (a, b, c,...) 를 첨부한다. c. 참고문헌의 저자명은 한국인은 성과 이름, 외국인은 성과 이름, 외국인은 성 뒤에 이름의 첫 자를 대문자로 쓴다. 정 기학술지의 경우 저자명, 제목, 정기간행물명 (단행본명), 발행연도, 권, 호, 페이지 순으로 기록한다. 단행본의 경우 저자명, 저서명, 판수, 출판사명, 인용부분의 시작과 끝 쪽 수 그리고 발행년도의 순으로 기술한다. 학위논문은 저자 명, 학위논문명, 발행기관명 그리고 발행년도 순으로 한다. 참고문헌의 저자는 모두 기재하며 저자의 성명은 성의 첫 자를 대문자로 하여 모두 쓰고, 이름은 첫문자만 대문자로 연속하여 표시한다. 이름사이에는 쉼표를 쓴다. 논문제목은 첫 자만 대문자로 쓰고 학명이외에는 이탤릭체를 쓰지 않 는다. 학술지명의 표기는 Index Medicus 등재 학술지의 경우 해당 약자를 사용하고, 비등재학술지는 그 학술지에서 정 한 고유약자를 쓰며 없는 경우에는 학술지명 전체를 기재 한다. 기술양식은 아래의 예와 같다. d. 정기학술지 논문 Howell TH. Chemotherapheutic agents as adjuncts in the treatmenr of periodontal disease. Curr Opin Dent 1991;1(1):81-86 정유지, 이용무, 한수부. 비외과적 치주 치료: 기계적 치주치료. 대한치주과학회지 2003;33(2):321-329 e. 단행본 Lindhe J, Lang NP, Karring T. Clinical periodontology and implant dentistry. 4th edition. Blackwell Munksgarrd. 2008. 대한치주과학교수협의회. 치주과학. 제4판. 군자출판사. 2004. f. 학위논문 SeoYK - Effects of ischemic preconditioning on the phosphorylation of Akt and the expression of SOD-1 in the ischemic-reperfused skeletal muscles of rats Graduate school Hanyang University 2004. ⑥ 표 (table) a. 표는 영문과 아라비아숫자로 기록하며 표의 제목을 명료 하게 절 혹은 구의 형태로 기술한다. 문장의 첫 자를 대문 자로 한다. b. 분량은 4줄 이상의 자료를 포함하며 전체내용이 1쪽을 넘 지 않는다. c. 본문에서 인용되는 순서대로 번호를 붙인다. d. 약자를 사용할 때는 해당표의 하단에 알파벳 순으로 풀어 서 설명한다. e. 기호를 사용할 때는 *,,,,..,, **,, 의 순으 로 하며 이를 하단 각 주에 설명한다. f. 표의 내용은 이해하기 쉬워야 하며, 독자적 기능을 할 수 있어야 한다. g. 표를 본문에서 인용할 때는 Table 1, Table 2, Table 3 이라 고 기재한다. h. 이미 출간된 논문의 표와 동일한 것은 사용할 수 없다. ⑦ 그림 및 사진 설명 a. 본문에 인용된 순으로 아라비아 숫자로 번호를 붙인다. 예) Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3,... b. 별지에 영문으로 기술하며 구나 절이 아닌 문장형태로 기 술한다. c. 미경 사진의 경우 염색법과 배율을 기록한다. ⑧ 그림 및 사진 (Figure) a. 사진의 크기는 최대 175 230mm를 넘지 않아야 한다. b. 동일번호에서 2개 이상의 그림이 필요한 경우에는 아라비 아숫자 이후에 알파벳 글자를 기입하여 표시한다 (예: Fig. 1a, Fig. 1b) c. 화살표나 문자를 사진에 표시할 필요가 있는 경우 이의 제 거가 가능하도록 인화된 사진에 직접 붙인다. d. 그림을 본문에서 인용할 때에는 Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig.3,... 라고 기재한다. e. 칼라 사진은 저자의 요청에 의하여 칼라로 인쇄될 수 있으 며 비용은 저자가 부담한다. ⑨ 영문초록 (Abstract) a. 영문초록의 영문 제목은 30 단어 이내로 하고 영문 저자명 은 이름과 성의 순서로 첫 자를 대문자로 쓰고 이름 사이 에는 하이픈 - 을 사용한다. 저자가 여러명일 경우 저자명 은 쉼표로 구분한다. 저자의 소속은 학과, 대학, 대학교의 순서로 기재하며 주소는 쓰지 않는다. 제목, 저자와 소속의 기재방법은 한글의 경우와 같다. b. 영문초록의 내용은 600 단어 이내로 작성하며 논문의 목 적, 재료 및 방법, 결과와 결론의 내용이 포함되도록 4개의 문단으로 나누어 간결하게 작성한다. 각 문단에서는 줄을 바꾸지 말고 한 단락의 서술형으로 기술한다. 영문초록 아 래쪽에는 7단어 이내의 주제어 (keyword)를 영문으로 기재 하며 각 단어의 첫글자는 대문자로 쓴다. 이때 주제어는 Index Medicus 에 나열된 의학주제용어를 사용하여야 한다. 영문초록의 아래에는 교신저자 명을 소괄호속의 소속과 함께 쓰고 E-mail 주소를 쓴다. ⑩ 기타 a. 기타 본 규정에 명시되지 않은 사항은 협회 편집위원회의 결정에 따른다. b. 개정된 투고규정은 2009년 11월 18일부터 시행한다. 10. 연구비의 지원을 받은 경우 첫 장의 하단에 그 내용을 기록한다. 11. 원저의 게재 및 별책 제작 원저의 저자는 원고게재에 소요되는 제작실비와 별책이 필요한 경우 그 비용을 부담하여야 한다.

대한치과의사협회지 학술원고 투고 규정 경우 저자의 성을 영문으로 쓰고 소괄호속에 발행년도를 표시하며, 문장 중간이나 끝에 별도로 표시할 때에는 쉼표 나 마침표 뒤에 어깨번호를 붙인다. 참고문헌이 두 개 이 상일 때에는 소괄호속에, 으로 구분하고 발행년도 순으 로 기재한다. 저자와 발행년도가 같은 2개 이상의 논문을 인용할 때에는 발행년도 표시뒤에 월별 발행 순으로 영문 알파벳 소문자 (a, b, c,...) 를 첨부한다. c. 참고문헌의 저자명은 한국인은 성과 이름, 외국인은 성과 이름, 외국인은 성 뒤에 이름의 첫 자를 대문자로 쓴다. 정 기학술지의 경우 저자명, 제목, 정기간행물명 (단행본명), 발행연도, 권, 호, 페이지 순으로 기록한다. 단행본의 경우 저자명, 저서명, 판수, 출판사명, 인용부분의 시작과 끝 쪽 수 그리고 발행년도의 순으로 기술한다. 학위논문은 저자 명, 학위논문명, 발행기관명 그리고 발행년도 순으로 한다. 참고문헌의 저자는 모두 기재하며 저자의 성명은 성의 첫 자를 대문자로 하여 모두 쓰고, 이름은 첫문자만 대문자로 연속하여 표시한다. 이름사이에는 쉼표를 쓴다. 논문제목은 첫 자만 대문자로 쓰고 학명이외에는 이탤릭체를 쓰지 않 는다. 학술지명의 표기는 Index Medicus 등재 학술지의 경우 해당 약자를 사용하고, 비등재학술지는 그 학술지에서 정 한 고유약자를 쓰며 없는 경우에는 학술지명 전체를 기재 한다. 기술양식은 아래의 예와 같다. d. 정기학술지 논문 Howell TH. Chemotherapheutic agents as adjuncts in the treatmenr of periodontal disease. Curr Opin Dent 1991;1(1):81-86 정유지, 이용무, 한수부. 비외과적 치주 치료: 기계적 치주치료. 대한치주과학회지 2003;33(2):321-329 e. 단행본 Lindhe J, Lang NP, Karring T. Clinical periodontology and implant dentistry. 4th edition. Blackwell Munksgarrd. 2008. 대한치주과학교수협의회. 치주과학. 제4판. 군자출판사. 2004. f. 학위논문 SeoYK - Effects of ischemic preconditioning on the phosphorylation of Akt and the expression of SOD-1 in the ischemic-reperfused skeletal muscles of rats Graduate school Hanyang University 2004. ⑥ 표 (table) a. 표는 영문과 아라비아숫자로 기록하며 표의 제목을 명료 하게 절 혹은 구의 형태로 기술한다. 문장의 첫 자를 대문 자로 한다. b. 분량은 4줄 이상의 자료를 포함하며 전체내용이 1쪽을 넘 지 않는다. c. 본문에서 인용되는 순서대로 번호를 붙인다. d. 약자를 사용할 때는 해당표의 하단에 알파벳 순으로 풀어 서 설명한다. e. 기호를 사용할 때는 *,,,,..,, **,, 의 순으 로 하며 이를 하단 각 주에 설명한다. f. 표의 내용은 이해하기 쉬워야 하며, 독자적 기능을 할 수 있어야 한다. g. 표를 본문에서 인용할 때는 Table 1, Table 2, Table 3 이라 고 기재한다. h. 이미 출간된 논문의 표와 동일한 것은 사용할 수 없다. ⑦ 그림 및 사진 설명 a. 본문에 인용된 순으로 아라비아 숫자로 번호를 붙인다. 예) Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3,... b. 별지에 영문으로 기술하며 구나 절이 아닌 문장형태로 기 술한다. c. 미경 사진의 경우 염색법과 배율을 기록한다. ⑧ 그림 및 사진 (Figure) a. 사진의 크기는 최대 175 230mm를 넘지 않아야 한다. b. 동일번호에서 2개 이상의 그림이 필요한 경우에는 아라비 아숫자 이후에 알파벳 글자를 기입하여 표시한다 (예: Fig. 1a, Fig. 1b) c. 화살표나 문자를 사진에 표시할 필요가 있는 경우 이의 제 거가 가능하도록 인화된 사진에 직접 붙인다. d. 그림을 본문에서 인용할 때에는 Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig.3,... 라고 기재한다. e. 칼라 사진은 저자의 요청에 의하여 칼라로 인쇄될 수 있으 며 비용은 저자가 부담한다. ⑨ 영문초록 (Abstract) a. 영문초록의 영문 제목은 30 단어 이내로 하고 영문 저자명 은 이름과 성의 순서로 첫 자를 대문자로 쓰고 이름 사이 에는 하이픈 - 을 사용한다. 저자가 여러명일 경우 저자명 은 쉼표로 구분한다. 저자의 소속은 학과, 대학, 대학교의 순서로 기재하며 주소는 쓰지 않는다. 제목, 저자와 소속의 기재방법은 한글의 경우와 같다. b. 영문초록의 내용은 600 단어 이내로 작성하며 논문의 목 적, 재료 및 방법, 결과와 결론의 내용이 포함되도록 4개의 문단으로 나누어 간결하게 작성한다. 각 문단에서는 줄을 바꾸지 말고 한 단락의 서술형으로 기술한다. 영문초록 아 래쪽에는 7단어 이내의 주제어 (keyword)를 영문으로 기재 하며 각 단어의 첫글자는 대문자로 쓴다. 이때 주제어는 Index Medicus 에 나열된 의학주제용어를 사용하여야 한다. 영문초록의 아래에는 교신저자 명을 소괄호속의 소속과 함께 쓰고 E-mail 주소를 쓴다. ⑩ 기타 a. 기타 본 규정에 명시되지 않은 사항은 협회 편집위원회의 결정에 따른다. b. 개정된 투고규정은 2009년 11월 18일부터 시행한다. 10. 연구비의 지원을 받은 경우 첫 장의 하단에 그 내용을 기록한다. 11. 원저의 게재 및 별책 제작 원저의 저자는 원고게재에 소요되는 제작실비와 별책이 필요한 경우 그 비용을 부담하여야 한다.