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2011 학년도 LGC 신 / 편입학 외국인 특별전형 모집요강

Table of Contents 1. Application Schedule 01 2. Admission Units 01 3. Applicant Qualifications 01 4. Selection 02 5. Application Requirements 02 6. Notification 03 7. Fees 04 8. Information Directory 04 FORMS - Application Form 05 - Personal Statement Form 06 - Certificate of Financial Guarantee Form 07 - Letter of Consent & Verification Form 08 - Educational History 10 - Sample Certificate of the Facts Concerning Entry the & Exit 12 1. APPLICATION SCHEDULE ForFall2011 RegularStudents Date(s) Remarks

Note: Submissionofdocuments July4 July14,2011 Bymailorpersonalvisit Evaluation&interview July22,2011 Face to faceorbyinternetvideo* Admissionnotification July29,2011 Issuanceofadmissionletter July29,2011 Byregularmail Feepayment August1 3,2011 Wiretransferavailable Processingofstudentvisa August4 19,2011 Pre semesterarrival August22 Fallsemesterclassesbegin August29 *TheLGCadmissioncommitteewillevaluatetheapplicant'squalifications.Theapplicant'sacademicandimmigration records,aswellascertificationsandinterviewresponses,willbetakenintoaccount. *Theschedulehasbeendesignedtoaccommodateinternationalstudentswithdifferentacademiccalendars. *TheInternetvideointerviewisavailableonlyforapplicantsoutsideofKorea. 2.ADMISSIONUNIT College Division Major Linton Global College School of Global Studies *Global Communication & Culture *Global Business 3.APPLICANTQUALIFICATIONS For the purpose of university admission, the Korean Ministry of Education, Science and Technology defines an international student as a non-korean national whose parents are both non-korean nationals. International students who are holders of a high school* diploma (dated before the target semester begins) with the required minimum English proficiency are qualified to apply. The 12th high school grade level(or 13th for Britishbased systems) is equivalent to the 3rd level in the Korean high school system. The LGC office will consider the academic system in the applicant s home country in making its decision on admission. Transfer Students: Applicants who have successfully completed two or three years at another college or university or have completed a four-year bachelor s degree can qualify for admission as a transfer student. *Language institutes do not qualify. TOEFL/IELTS Conversions TOEFLCBT TOEFLiBT IELTS 213 80 6.0 4. SELECTION : Documents & Interview 5. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS Documents GeneralForms 1 Applicationform 2 Personalstatement 3 Educationalhistory

AcademicVerificationDocuments 4 Highschooldiploma 5 Highschooltranscript(ifissuedinyourcountry) 6 LetterofConsent&VerificationForm(withrelevantsectionsfilledoutandsignedbystudent) 7 ProofofTOEFLiBTscoreof80+orequivalentscoreonCBT/IELTS,orscreeninginterview.Scoresshouldbeno more than two years old. (English requirement waived for students from English speaking countries and graduatesofenglish basedinternationalschools.) 8 Financialverificationdocuments Option1 Self/Family Supported 1. Certificate of bank balance of over US$10,000 in applicant's name or name of family member,whichhasbeendepositedformorethanonemonthfromthepointofissuedateof theacceptanceletter. 2. If the bank account carries the name of the applicant's family member, documentation shouldbeprovidedcertifyingthattheapplicantisamemberofthatfamily. Option2 Financial Guarantor 1.CertificateofFinancialGuarantee(formprovidedinapplicationpacket) 2.CertificateofbankbalanceofoverUS$10,000forthefinancialguarantor,whichhasbeen depositedformorethantwomonthsfromthepointofissuedateoftheacceptanceletter 3.BusinessRegistrationCertificateorEmploymentCertificateforfinancialguarantor 4.PropertyTaxPaymentCertificateforfinancialguarantor FormsofIdentification 9 Certificateofidentity:birthcertificate,familyregister,etc. ForNon KoreanApplicantsResidinginKorea 10CertificateoftheFactsConcerningtheEntry&Exit,asissuedbytheKoreanImmigrationBureau 11OnecopyofAlienRegistrationCard All documents submitted for admission must be originals. Transcripts must be originals with apostille attached. Diplomas can be copies with apostille attached, Alternatively, transcripts and diplomas can be verified by the applicant'slocalkoreanconsulate. All documents submitted must be in either English or Korean. Documents in any other languages must have a notarizedtranslationattached IftheapplicanthasattendedjuniorhighschoolorhighschoolinKoreaforanylengthoftime,heorshemustsubmit anofficialkoreantranscript. Applicationsandotheradmission relatedformsmaybedownloadedfromthehannamuniversitywebsite. (,( 6. NOTIFICATION 1) Evaluation * Evaluation for admission will be conducted by Hannam University and the Linton Global College Admissions AssessmentCommitteepursuanttotheadmissionproceduresandregulationsofHannamUniversity. *Evaluationofanapplicant'sapplicationpacketwillbeconductedcontinuouslyandcollectivelyduringtheadmission process through review and verification of academic records, immigration related documents, and various certifications.notificationofresultswillbecarriedoutbytheofficeofadmissionandlgconanindividualbasis. *Incompleteapplicationmaterialsorfailuretopasstheinterviewwillresultincancellationofadmission. *Admissionevaluationscoresandcontentswillnotbedisclosed. *InterviewsarerequiredtotestfluencyinEnglish,asrequiredforstudyatLGC. 2) Dishonesty Policy

* If a student who has been granted admission is found to be guilty of submitting false/forged documents and/or of altering representation of eligibility as by employing a substitute during examination, admission will be cancelled automatically,evenaftertheletterofacceptancehasbeensentoutorafterclassregistrationhasbeencompleted. * For students who are attending schools in Korea, if any part of the transcript submitted differs from the transcript providedbyministryofeducation,scienceandtechnology,admissionwillbedenied/cancelled. 3) Emergency Accuratecontactinformation(mobilephonenumberoremailaddress)fortheapplicantandhis/herlegalguardianis requiredincaseofemergency. 4) Personal Interview / Internet Video Interview Interviewarrangementswillbemadeafteralldocumentshavebeenreceivedandprocessed. 5) Miscellaneous *ApplicantsapplyingtomorethanoneuniversityinKoreashouldregisteratonlyone.Multipleregistrationswillresult inautomaticcancellationbytheministryofeducation,scienceandtechnology. *Theuniversityreservestherighttorequestadditionalspecificdocumentsfromindividualapplicantsifnecessary. *Ifaname(s)otherthantheoneonthecurrentapplicationisused,theapplicantmustprovideprooftoverifytheuseof thealternatename(s). * Documents submitted to the Office of Admission cannot be altered after submission and will not be returned to applicants. *Forfurtherinquiries,pleasevisitourhomepage( (Tel.:82 42 629 8500,Fax:82 42 629 8485). Pleasesendalldocumentsto: LintonGlobalCollegeMainOffice HannamUniversity 133Ojeong dong,daedeok gu Daejeon,SouthKorea306 791 Fax.82 42 629 8485 Telephone82 42 629 8500 7. FEES 1)ApplicationFee:150,000KRW 2)One TimeAdmissionFee:759,000KRW 3)TuitionFee:TuitionfeesfortheacademicyearwillbeannouncedinearlyFebruary.TuitionfeesforAcademicYear 2011are3,954,850KRWpersemester. 4)DormitoryFee:Approximately770,000KRWpersemester 5)Food&PersonalExpenses *Varyaccordingtostudent,butgenerallyamountto:1,500,000 2,500,000KRWpersemester *AllcostsquotedinKoreanWonbasedon2011estimates*

8. INFORMATION DIRECTORY LintonGlobalCollege MainOffice Office Contacts Ms.SoljiKim Tel:82 42 629 8500,E Dean Chair Dept.ofGlobalCommunication&Culture Chair Dept.ofGlobalBusiness ProfessorDong hoshin Tel:82 42 629 8500,E ProfessorToddTerhune Tel:82 42 629 8505,E ProfessorMajidAramand Tel:82 42 629 8507,E LEGALNAME( 성명 ) (Asitappearsonyour passport) ENGLISH ( 영문 ) (Last, ChineseCharacters( 한자 ) FirstM.) NATIONALITY( 국적 ) GENDER( 성별 ) COUNTRYOFBIRTH ( 출생국 ) NATIONALITY( 국적 ) PASSPORTNO. ( 여권번호 ) DATEOFBIRTH ( 생년월일 ) MALE( 남 )EMALE( 여 ) YEAR 년 /MONTH 월 /DAY 일 ALIENREGISTRATIONIDNO.( 외국인등록번호 ) 사 진 PHOTO (3 cm 4 cm ) ADMISSION UNIT ( 학과 ( 부 ) HOUSING PLAN COLLEGE( 대학 )DARTMENT(DIVISION) 학과 ( 학부 ) CODE Dormitory Other() HOME ADDRESS ( 지원자 주소 ) - (POSTALCODE 우편번호 ) NAME ( 성명 ) RELATIONSHIPTO APPLICANT ( 지원자와의 관계 ) EMERGENCY CONTACT ( 비상연락처 ) - (POSTALCODE) ADDRESS ( 주소 ) TELEPHONE ( 전화번호 ) MOBILE ( 휴대폰 ) EMAIL OCCUPATION ( 직업 ) TELEPHONE ( 전화번호 ) MOBILE ( 휴대폰 ) EDUCATION( 교육 경력 ) MIDDLE SCHOOL ( 중학교 ) NAME( 학교 이름 ) DATESATTENDED( 재학기간 ) From(YY/MM/DD) ~ 부터 ( 년 / 월 / 일 ) To(YY/MM/DD) ~ 까지 ( 년 / 월 / 일 ) DEGREE/ DIPLOMAS ( 학위 )

HIGHSCHOOL ( 고등학교 ) COLLEGE ( 대학교 ) - (POSTALCODE) TELEPHONE ( 전화번호 ) FAX( 팩스 ) EMAIL IcertifythattheinformationIhaveprovidedonthisformistrueandcorrecttothebestofmyknowledge,andIfullyunderstand thatanyfalsifyingorconcealingmaterialfactsorfalsedocumentsinthesubmissionofthisformmayresultinthecancellationof myadmissionanddegreebyhannamuniversity. ( 본인은 위 기재내용이 틀림이 없으며 만약 허위, 누락 또는 잘못 기재된 사항이 합격한 이후라도 발견될 경우 그로 인한 입학 취소 또는 학위 취소가 진행될 수 있음을 이해합니다.) DATE( 제출일 ): SIGNATURE( 서명 ):

PersonalStatement( 자기 소개서 ) Pleasewritearesponseof100to200wordsoneachquestionlistedbelow.Ifnecessary,youmayusethe backofthisformorattachanadditionalpage.( 아래의 항목에 100-200 자 정도로 간략히 기술하시오.) 1.Whatareyourstudyplans? 2.PersonalPhilosophyandGoalsofLife( 인생관 및 장래 목적 )


PURPOSEOFSTAY( 체류목적 ) 2.Guarantor( 보증인 ) NAME ( 성명 ) FAMILYNAME( 성 ) M 남 GIVENNAME( 이름 ) DATEOFBIRTH( 생년월일 ) KOREANIDNUMBER (ifany)orpassportno. ( 주민등록번호 / 여권번호 ) YEAR 년 /MONTH 월 /DAY 일 CHINESE CHARACTERS (ifany)( 한자 성명 ) NATIONALITY ( 국적 ) TELEPHONE ( 전화번호 ) GENDER ( 성별 ) F 여 HOME( 자택 ) OFFICE( 사무실 ) MOBILE RELATIONSHIPWITH GUARANTEE ( 피보증인과의 관계 ) EMAIL HOMEADDRESS ( 자국내 주소 ) ADDRESSINKOREA ( 대한민국 내 주소 ) COMPANYNAME&POSITION ( 직장명ㆍ 근무처 ) TELEPHONE ( 직장전화 ) BANKINFORMATION NAME( 은행이름 ) ACCOUNTNO.( 구좌번호 ) REMARKS ( 비고 ) 3.DurationofGuarantee( 보증기간 ) FROM(~ 부터 ) TO(~ 까지 ) YEAR/MONTH/DAY( 년 / 월 / 일 ) YEAR/MONTH/DAY( 년 / 월 / 일 ) 4.GeneralDutiesoftheGuarantor( 보증인의 의무사항 ) 1. 2. Guarantor assumes full responsibility for supervising the guarantee's behavior in terms of Korean law and the regulationsofhannamuniversityduringhisorherperiodofstudyathannamuniversity. ( 보증인은 피보증인이 유학기간 중 한국의 제반법규는 물론, 한남대학교의 제 규정을 준수하도록 하여야 한다.) Guarantor is liable for the full cost of school expenses incurred by the Guarantee during his or her stay at Hannam University. ( 보증인은 한국 및 한남대학교에서 피보증인의 유학기간 중 소요되는 학비비용일체에 대한 지불책임을 부담한다.) 3. Guarantor is liable for any costs incurred through illegal actions by the Guarantee according to Korean law and the regulationsofhannamuniversityduringhisorherstayinkorea. ( 보증인은 피보증인이 한국 및 한남대학교에서 유학하는 기간 동안, 위법 또는 불법행위로 인하여 발생되는 벌금 추징금 등의 납부 및 이로 인한 손해배상을 다하지 아니할 때 대신 납부의무를 부담한다.) AsGuarantor,I,,herebyconfirmthattheinformationgivenaboveiscorrectandcontainsnofalsestatements.Ialsoconfirm thattheguaranteewillabidebykoreanlawandtheregulationsofhannamuniversity. ( 위 재정보증인은 피보증인이 대한민국에 체류함에 있어서 재정에 이상이 없음을 확인하고 위 사항을 보증합니다.) Date( 보증일 ):Guarantor ssignature( 재정보증인 서명 ):

No. LETTEROFCONSENT Towhomitmayconcern:

ThisletteristoconfirmthatIattended ( ). IhaveappliedtoHannamUniversityinDaejeon,Koreaandagreetopermit the release of my academic records to this university when officially requested. In connection with this, I would like to request your full cooperation with Hannam University in giving information when they contact you regarding verificationofenrollmentandtranscripts. NameofEnrolled: * DateofBirth: * (M)-(D) -(Y) DateofAdmission(Transfer): * (M) -(D) -(Y) DateofGraduation(Withdrawal): * (M) -(D) -(Y) Sincerelyyours, (M) (D) (Y) - -- (Signature) (Date) No. HANNAMUNIVERSITY 133,Ojeong-dong,Daedeuk-gu,Daejeon306-791,Korea OfficeofAdmissionsandPublicRelations/Tel.:+82-42-629-7506~8/Fax:+82-42-629-7838/ Date: School'sName:

Address: Subject:VerificationofStudentInformation Towhomitmayconcern: We would like to request verification of the following information for prospective student,. Your answers to the following questions are greatly appreciated and will be held in strict confidence.foryourreference,pleaseseethestudent'sattachedletterofconsent. Aresponseviafaxwillbegreatlyappreciatedandcontributesignificantlytoexpeditingour processingofthisindividual'sapplication.thankyouverymuchinadvance. Sincerelyyours, KyeongRyangPark,Ph.D., DeanofOfficeofAdmissionsandPublicRelations HannamUniversity Questionstoverifystudentinformation. StudentIDNo:DateofBirth NameofEnrolled: DateofAdmission(Transfer): DateofGraduation(Withdrawal): TotalCredits: VerificationDate: PrintedNameandTitle:Signature: Typeof Applications ( 지원자격 구분 ) EducationalHistory ( 수학기록표 ) Application No. ( 수험번호 ) Korean Name ( 한글 ) ( 성명 ) English( 영문 ) Nationality ( 국적 ) 1. Dates of Attending Schools: College, high school, middle school, and elementary school( 출신학교별 대학ㆍ고ㆍ중ㆍ초 수학기간 기록 ) School Countr Addres Telephon Fax Dates Gratepoint Degrees,

Name ( 학교명칭 ) y ( 국명 ) s ( 주소 ) e ( 전화 ) ( 팩스 ) Attended*( 수학기간 ) From(~ 부터 ) YY/MM To (~ 까지 ) YY/M M Average( 학점 ) Received/Maximu m Ex.:3.2/4.5 Diplomas, and/or Certicate s Obtained Datesattendedshouldcoincidewithdatesonproofofenrollment.( 수학기간은 재학증명서 상의 기간을 기재함 ) Donotincludetheperiodsofthekindergarten.( 유치원과정 수학기간은 제외함 ) You can round up the dates if the number of dates of attending exceeds 15 days. If less, round down. (15 일 이상은 1 개월로 간주하고 15 일 미만은 버림 ) The Korean grading system uses a 4.5 scale. If your country/school uses a different scale, please attach an explanationofthedifferentgradingsystem. ( 한남대학교의 성적 총 평점은 4.5 만점임 / 그 외의 평점기준 경우, 성적평점기준을 설명하는 증빙서류를 첨부할 것 ) By signing here, I certify that the information I have provided on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge,andifullyunderstandthatanyfalsifyingorconcealingmaterialfactsorusinganyfalsedocumentsin thesubmissionofthisformmayresultinthecancellationofmyadmissionandentrancetohannamuniversity. ( 위 기재 내용은 틀림이 없으며, 만약 허위 기재 사실이 확인되었을 경우 합격한 이후라도 합격 취소나 입학 취소 등 학교 측의 상응하는 조치에 승복하겠습니다.) DateofApplication( 신청일 ): Applicant'sSignature( 지원자 서명 ): Please list any ACADEMIC DISTINCTIONS or HONORS you have received over thecourseofyoureducationalhistory Educational Grade Level e.g., 2 nd year. middle Brief Description of Academic Distinction or Honors Award Level e.g., 1 st place, Top10% Administrative Level e.g., school, state, national, international

school Please list any major EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES that you participated in overthecourseofyoureducationalhistory. Educational Grade Levele.g., 2 nd year, middle school Brief Description of Extracurricular Activity Positions Held / Honors PleaselistanymajorACADEMICTESTStakenduringthelastfiveyears. Test Namee.g., "TOEFL", "IELTS", "ACT" Date Taken or Date to be Taken Score Sample Certificate of the Facts Concerning the Entry & Exit