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5 1,,3 The Development of DICOM CD Data Validation Toolkit Sae Rome Kim 1,, Haijo Jung,3, Min Mo Sung 4, Seung Wook Choi 4, Bong Mun Jang 1,, Sun Kook Yoo 5, Hee Joung Kim 1,,3 1 Brain Korea 1 Project for Medical Sciences, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea Research Institute of Radiological Science, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea 3 Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea 4 Infinitt Co, Ltd. 5 Dept. of Medical Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul Korea = Abstract = Since Korean government decided to reimburse for filmless full-pacs (Picture Archiving and Communications System) installation, a number of PACS installations had been rapidly increased. Currently, the number of large (> 5 beds) and small (< 5 beds) hospitals installing full-pacs are over 5 and 11, respectively. In case of patients who wewe referred to other hospitals, their image data which was the set of DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) studies was transferred to referred hospitals. The DICOM studies were exported by available portable storage media such as a CD (Compact Disk). The DICOM images were imported from CD-ROM and stored to new PACS sever. In Yonsei University Medical Center, the number of referred patients is over 3,5 a day. Hospital PACS operators are trying to import the DICOM files to the server about 5 times a day and the number of the tasks is gradually increasing. However, many problems were occurred when the DICOM images were imported. For instance, some images could not be imported from the DICOM CD data. Although they were successfully imported, some of them were not able to display. After anayzing various CD Data from many hospital and PACS vendors, DICOM validation toolkit was developed to improve the compatibility between the DICOM CD data and PACS. The joint project was aiming at developing DICOM CD validation toolkit. This study reported the procedure which was to make DICOM CD Recommended Data Guideline Document and the result that we validated the DI- COM data sets using the DICOM CD validation toolkit. Key words: PACS, DICOM, Validation, DICOM CD - 47 -

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram illustrating the structure of DICOM image data defined in the DICOM CD recommended guideline. - 48 -

Fig.. Flow chart of DICOM CD data evaluation utilized in the designing of DICOM CD validation toolkit. - 49 -

Fig. 3. The number of imaging modalities used for evaluation of the not imported DI- COM CD data using the DICOM CD validation toolkit. - 5 -

Table 1. Definition of Group B in DICOM CD guideline Info.En. Mo. No. Tag Attribute Name Value Reference DICOM C-1 Preamble File Preamble (18bytes) PS 3.1: 7.1 File Meta Info. C- DICM DICOM Prefix DICM C-3 (,) Group Length C-4 (,1) File Meta Information Version C-5 (,) Media Storage #PS 3.4-3: I 1.4 SOP Class UID C-6 (,3) Media Storage SOP Instance UID #B-1 C-7 (,1) Transfer Syntax 1..84.18.1. (IL) UID 1..84.18.1..1 (EL) Patient IE Patient C-8 (1,1) Patient Name #B-6 PS 3.3:C7.1.1 Module C-9 (1,) Patient s ID C-1 (1,3) Patient s Birth Date C-11 (1,4) Patient s Sex #B- M, F, O Study IE General C-1 (8,) Study Date #B- PS 3.3:C7..1 Study Module C-13 (8,3) Study Time #B-3 C-14 (8,5) Accession Number C-15 (,D) Study #B-1 Instance UID Series IE General C-16 (8,6) Modality CR, CT, MR, US, XA, DX, Series MG, IO, OT, ES, RF PS 3.3:C7.3.1 Module C-17 (,E) Series Instance UID #B-1 C-18 (,11) Series Number - 51 -

Table. Definition of Group I in DICOM CD guideline Info. En. Mo. No. Tag Attribute Name Value Reference Image IE General I-1 (8,3) Content Date #B- PS 3.3:C7.6.1 Image I- (8,33) Content Time #B-3 Module I-3 (,13) Instance Number (Image Number) Image Pixel I-4 (8,) Samples per Pixel 1, 3, 4 PS 3.3:C7.6.3 Module I-5 (8,4) Photometric Interpretation MONOCHROME1,... I-6 (8,1) Rows I-7 (8,11) Columns I-8 (8,1) Bits Allocated I-9 (8,11) Bits Stored I-1 (8,1) High Bit I-11 (8,13) Pixel H, 1H Representation I-1 (7FE,1) Pixel Data SOP I-13 (8,16) SOP Class UID #PS 3.6-3:A PS 3.3:C1.1 Common I-14 (8,18) SOP Instance #B-1 Module UID - 5 -

김새롬 외 : DICOM CD 데이터 검증 툴킷 개발 또 한, DICOM PS3.3에 서 정 의 된 CR(Computed 따라 각 DICOMDIR IOD의 IE의 필수 tag 값을 조사하여 값 Radiography), CT(Computed Tomography), MRI (Magnetic 이 존재하면 SUCCEED 라는 문구와 함께 어떤 내용인지 Resonance Imaging), US(Ultrasound/US multi-frame 출력하고 존재 하지 않으면 ERROR 문구와 함께 오류 메 Imaging), 시지를 출력하는 화면이다. SC(Secondary Capture), XA(X-ray Angiographic/Radiofluoroscopic Imaging), DX (Digital X- 모든 DICOM 영상 파일은 DICOM CD 데이터 호환성 권 ray), MG(Digital Mammography), 그리고 IO(Intra-oral 고안에서 정의한 group C(common tag)를 검증한 후 group Imaging) 등의 영상장비에서 독특하게 사용되어지는 tag들을 I (image tag)를 검증하였다. 그런 후 media storage SOP 포함하는 IE 들을 구분하여 각각 별도의 그룹으로 정리하였 class UID (, )를 이용하여 장비를 판별한 후 각 다. 장비가 생성하는 특징을 분석하였다. Figure 3에서 오른쪽 Figure 4는 DICOM CD 데이터 구성 권고안의 내용에 근 화면에 나타난 파일을 선택하면, 그 DICOM 영상 장비에 따 거하여 개발한 DICOM CD 데이터 검증 툴킷을 사용하여 DICOM CD CR 데이터의 DICOMDIR을 분석한 예의 화면을 Table 4. Validation results of DICOMDIR files. 보여주고 있다. DICOM CD 데이터 권고안에 작성된 내용에 Table 3. Status of DICOMDIR used in validation of the DICOM CD dada. DICOMDIR DICOMDIR이 없는 경우 DICOMDIR이 있지만 Error가 있는 경우 DICOMDIR이 있는 경우 Number 7 11 8 Tag with Error Group Length File Meta Information Media Storage SOP Instance UID File-Set Consistency Flag Record In-use Flag Reference File ID Transfer Syntax UID Referenced File ID Tag Number of Error. (,) (,1) (,3) (4,11) (4,141) (4,15) (4,151) (4,15) 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 Fig. 4. Screen illustrating the validation results of the DICOMDIR of DICOM CD data using the DICOM validation toolkit. - 53 -

대한PACS학회지 4;1:47-56 른 DICOM CD 데이터 권고안의 정의된 내용에 맞는지 검 결과의 예제 화면이다. 증 결과를 오른쪽 화면에 보여준다. 만약 DICOM CD 데이 오류를 일으키는 DICOMDIR은 DICOM CD 데이터를 반출 터 호환성 문서에 정의된 내용을 만족하면 SUCCEED 라는 하는 PACS 업체 또는 장비의 console application에서 생성 문구와 함께 해당 검증 내용을 보여주며, 그렇지 않은 경우 된다. 따라서 DICOMDIR은 PACS 제조 업체나 DICOM CD ERROR 라는 문구와 함께 오류내용을 화면에 붉은 색 글 데이터를 생성할 수 있는 장비 업체가 이를 올바르게 생성 씨로 보여준다. Figure 5은 DICOM CT 영상 파일의 분석한 하지 못 한 것으로 사료된다. Table 5. Validation results of Common IE occurring the import errors. Tag with Error Common tag Accession Number Series Number Patient name Patient Birthday Patient s Sex Patient s ID Study Instance UID Series Instance UID Group Length File Meta Information Media Storage SOP Instance UID Media Storage SOP Class UID Tag Number of NULL Value Number of Empty Tag (8,5) (,11) (1,1) (1,3) (1,4) (1,) (,D) (,E) (,) (,1) (,3) (1..84.113619.4.)가 존재 하지 않음 8 6 5 19 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 Fig. 5. Screen illustrating the validation results of the CT DICOM CD data using the DICOM validation toolkit. - 54 -

Table 6. Validation results of Image IE occurring the import errors Tag with Error Tag Number of NULL Value Number of Empty Tag Image IE Instance Number (,13) Sample Per Pixel (8,) 3 Photometric Interpretation (8,4) Rows (8,1) Columns (8,11) Bits Allocated (8,1) Bits Stored (8,11) High Bit (8,1) Pixel Representation (8,13) 3 Content Date (8,3) 14 Content Time (8,33) 14 SOP Class UID (8,16) 1 SOP Instance UID (8,18) 1 Table 7. Validation results of DICOM CD data occurring the import errors. Modality Tag with Error Tag Number of NULL Value Number of Empty Tag CR View Position (18,511) 11 Body Part Examined (18,15) 1 CT Rescale Intercept (8,15) 1 4 Rescale Slope (8,153) 1 4 Conversion Type (8,54) 1 Frame of Reference UID (,5) Patient Position (18,51) Slice Thickness (18,5) Image Position (,3) Image Orientation (,37) Study Time (8,3) 1 Pixel Spacing (8,3) 1 Image Type (8,8) 1 SC Conversion Type (8,54) 1 US Curve Number (,4) 4 Curve Dimension (5,5) 4 Number of Points (5,1) 4 Type of Data (5,) 4 Data Value Representation (5,13) 4 Curve Data (5,3) 4 MR Slice Thickness (18,5) 1 Patient Position (18,51) 1 Sequence Variant (18,1) 1 1 Scanning Sequence (18,) 1 XA Frame Time Vector (18,165) 1 1-55 -

1. Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine Standards Committee. DICOM Version 3, parts 1-1. Rosslyn, Va.: National Electrical Manufacturers Association, http://medical.nema.org/, 1997-3.. Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine Standards Committee. DICOM Version 3, part 11 supplement 19. General Purpose CD-R Image Interchange Profile, Rosslyn, Va.: National Electrical Manufacturers Association, http://medical.nema.org/, 1996. 3. PACS CD Data Format Guideline Rev... http://www.pacs. or.kr, 3-56 -