Evaluation 헤렌휘트니스파크한경진 ATC Contents 1. Shoulder 2. Elbow 3. Knee 4. Ankle 1
Shoulder Neer Hawkin s Empty can Speed O brien Shoulder anatomy 2
Neer Test Hawkin s test 3
Empty can test Speed Test 4
O Brien Test O Brien Test 5
Elbow Valgus stress test Valgus moving stress test Bounce home test Tennis elbow test Golfer s s elbow test Elbow anatomy 6
Valgus stress test Valgus moving stress test 7
Bounce home test Tennis elbow test (Lateral epicondylitis) 8
Golfer s s elbow test (Medial epicondylitis) Knee Anterior drawer test Lachman test Posterior drawer test Godfrey s s test Valgus stress test Varus stress test McMurray s s test 9
Knee anatomy Anterior drawer test 10
Lachman s test Lachman s test 11
Posterior drawer test Posterior sag test 12
Valgus stress test Varus stress test 13
McMurray s s test Ankle Anterior drawer test Inversion stress test Thompson test 14
Ankle anatomy Anterior drawer test (anterior talofibula ligament instability) 15
Anterior drawer test (anterior talofibula ligament instability) Inversion stress test (Calcaneofibular ligament instability) 16
Thompson test (Achilles tendon rupture) PRACTICE 17
PRACTICE Shoulder Neer Hawkin s Empty can O brien Elbow Valgus stress Tennis elbow Bounce home Knee Anterior drawer Lachman Posterior drawer McMurray s Ankle Anterior drawer Thompson Shoulder Neer Hawkin s Empty can O brien 18
Neer Test 검사과정 : 1. 옆또는앞에서서한손은어깨후면을촉지하고한손은 elbow distal 을잡음 2. elbow extension 하고 forearm pronation 시킴 3. 검사자는 scapular plane 에서서서히 shoulder flexion 시킴. Hawkin s test 검사과정 : 1. elbow 90 flexion 과 shoulder 90 abduction 시킴 2. scapular plane 에서시작하여 passive internal rotation 시키면서 horizontal adduction 동작으로이동함. 19
Empty can test 검사과정 : 1. scapular plane, elbow extension 시킴 2. humerus internal rotation, forearm pronation 시킴 3. forearm 의 distal 부위를잡은상태에서 shoulder abduction 동작을할때검사자는저항을준다. O Brien Test 검사과정 : 1. The GH joint is 90 flexion 시킴후에 horizontally adduction 15 시킴 3. The humerous in full internal rotation 시킨후 shoulder flexion 할때검사자는저항을준다 20
Elbow Valgus stress Tennis elbow test Bounce home test Valgus stress test 검사과정 : 1. Elbow flexion을 30 시킴 2. 한손은주관절을잡아주고다른손은 elbow distal을잡은상태서검사자는 valgus force 를준다. 21
Tennis elbow test 검사과정 : 1. Elbow flexion 90,, forearm pronation 시킴 2. wrist extension while palpating the lateral epicondyle. 3. 주먹을쥔상태에서검사자는아래로저항을준다. Bounce home test 검사과정 : 1. Elbow flexion 과 Extension 을하는데힘이들어가지않을정도로팔의힘을가볍게뺀상태 2. 30 정도의 flexion 상태에서검사자는가볍게 Extension 시키면서팔꿈치를튕길때후내방의통증이있는지확인함. 22
Knee Anterior drawer Lachman s Posterior drawer McMurray s Anterior drawer test 환자자세 : lying supine, Hip flexed to 45,, Knee flexed to 90. 검사자자세및과정 : 검사자는 Joint line 아래의 tibia 를잡고앞으로 당긴다. 23
Lachman s test 환자자세 : lying supine, Knee flexed to 20~25. 검사자자세및과정 : 검사자는한손은 tibia 를앞으로당기고 한손은 femur 를아래로누른다. Posterior drawer test 환자자세 : lying supine, Hip flexed to 45,, Knee flexed to 90. 검사과정 : 엄지손은 patella tendon 의옆에 joint line 을따라서두며, 나머지손가락으로 joint line 아래를잡는다. 검사자는 Proximal tibia 를후방으로민다. 24
McMurray s s test 환자자세 : lying supine. 검사자자세및과정 : 한손으로발바닥을보조한다. 다른손으로엄지와검지손가락은 knee 의 medial 과 lateral joint line 을잡는다. knee flexion + valgus stress, knee extension + varus stress 를준다. 같은방법으로 tibia 를 internal, external rotation 시키면서시행. Ankle Anterior drawer Thompson test 25
Inversion stress test (Calcaneofibular ligament instability) 환자자세 : sitting 검사자자세및과정 : 한손으로 calcaneus 를잡고 ( 엄지손가락이나검지손가락이 calcaneofibular ligament 에위치 ) 다른손으로하지를고정시키고 Inversion stress 를준다. Thompson test (Achilles tendon rupture) 환자자세 : lying prone. 검사자자세및과정 : 검사자는 calf muscle 을잡고누른다. 26
Thank you! 27