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1 Introduction Functional Anatomy & Physical Exam Of Foot and Ankle Kim Jin-su,MD.PhD su,md.phd. Assistant Professor Sports Physician Incidence & terminology Anatomy & Physical Exam (Related to the Sports medicine) 1. Calf, shin pain, Achilles pain 2. Foot pain 3. Acute ankle injuries, Ankle pain Foot & Ankle Injury Foot & Ankle Injury 종목저자위치원인 15% 태권도 Siana et al 발등손상, 13/364 막기동작에팔꿈치부딪혀서 씨름 아킬레스건염, 염좌 농구 Mckay 발목손상 45% 점프후착지 축구 Larsen 킥하는발목, 35/1000 점프, 킥, 그라운드상태 럭비 Ekstrand 17-19%, 발목손상태클, 깔릴때 야구 Robert 16%, 족부손상슬라이딩시 High Risk Ballet Basketball Dance Ice skating Mountaineering Running Skateboarding Snowboarding Soccer Adapted from Sports Injuries. Accident Facts. Report of the National Safety Council, 1990, p 88; and from Table 26-1 in Clanton TO: Athletic injuries to the soft tissues of the foot and ankle. In Coughlin MJ, Mann RA (eds): Surgery of the Foot and Ankle, 7th ed. St. Louis, Mosby, Risk Sports for Foot and Ankle Injury Medium Risk Aerobics Baseball Football Gymnastics Ice hockey Lacrosse Racquetball, squash Roller skating Rugby Tennis Volleyball Water-skiing Low Risk Archery Boating Bowing Cycling Equestrian Fishing Golf Parachuting Rodeo Skiing Weight training Wrestling 1
2 Foot & Ankle Terminology Abduction Adduction Pronation & Supination ( 회내 : 회외 ) Heel varus, ankle inversion, forefoot adduction 예외 ~ 무지 (Hallux); Varus( 내반 ) / Valgus( 외반 ) P/E Video : Foot and Ankle injury : part I Acute ankle injury Sprain Associated injury Chronic ankle injury 2
3 Acute Ankle Injuries Lateral ligament injury Acute sprain Ankle sprain Lateral ligament injury Grade III >15mm ATF, CF complete rupture Problem ankle: Fracture around ankle Impingement tendon problem, atypical sprain 외측인대 (lateral ligament complex) 외측인대 (lateral ligament complex) 1. 전거비인대 ATF (anterior talofibular ligament) 2. 거종인대 CF (calcaneofibular ligament) 후거비인대 PTF (posterior talofibular ligament) 4. 전하방경비간인대 AITF (anterior inferior tibiofibular ligament 5. 이분이대 (bifurcate ligament) 6. 족근동 (sinus tarsi, cervical ligament) 비골근 (peroneal tendon) 8. 신전지대 (extensor retinaculum) Drawer test Antero lateral rotary instability > Anterior drawer test + Suction sign + 3
4 Clinical oriented classification Jackson et al, CORR, 1974 Grade I Grade II Grade III Severity State Symptom Instability Mild 거의늘어남이없음 Moderate 어느정도늘어남 (Firm end point) Severe 끝이견고성없이느슨한상태 Intraligamentous tear Incomplete tear Complete rupture Minimal swelling pain, tenderness Considerable swelling, pain, tenderness, LOM Marked swelling pain, tenderness, LOM Need assistance Minimal Functional instability Mild moderate instability Marked instability Marked Swelling, pain Deltoid injury Syndesmotic injury Avulsion fracture OLT etc. Fracture, combined injury Ottawa ankle rules : take Radiographic evaluation Complex fracture (Bimalleolar fracture) Displacement: >2mm Mortise widening Syndesmotic injury Post fx > 25% MRI findings : Sprain Confirmed : Grade I, II sprain Most common cause of Chronic ankle pain : insufficient rehabilitation & pain control. Grade III; > 6weeks rehab 특수한상황을제외하고는수술을하지않는다. 4
5 Associated injury and DDx Medial ankle sprain High ankle sprain OSF OLT OSM ANS Peroneal functional weakness (functional instability) Peroneal tendon injury Peroneal subluxation Ant. impingement Post. impingement Sinus tarsi syndrome Subtalar instability Tarsal coalition Calcaneal alignment OA Ganglion CRPS Injuries rate: 1-18% of all ankle sprains Physical Exam Reliable test t External rotation test Not always Cotton test Squeeze test Frick test Interosseous ligament Syndesmosis diastasis MRI(helpful), Arthroscopy(confirm) 4. Anterior inferior tibio-fibular ligament Deltoid ligament ( 삼각인대, 내측측부인대 ) Thickest and longest Diagnosis : medial lig injury 빈도 : 2 ~ 45.3% Superficial Deltoid Prohibit abduction Deep Deltoid Resist ER when DF Deltoid (Tibionavicular) lig. related to eversion and rotary instability Stress view Diagnosis: CT guide 5
6 Mechanism : Synd + Medial Grade III Severe ER, Abduction Complete disruption of the medial ligaments Extensive disruption of syndesmosis Acompanished by fracture (maisonneuve) Overtly unstable Tender point X-ray MRI Sono Acute Deltoid rupture Chronicity Bony Problem (DDx) Acute lateral sprain Chronic : 20% Acute medial sprain Chronic : 8% (MCAI) Syndesmotic injury: Grade II, III Operative risk < Morbidity of CSI Ankle OA, Chronic intractable pain Rehab : double up Possible chronic pain 뼈조각 뼈조각제거술 골절 고정술 OSF OSM(OST) ANS AIS PIS Os peroneum APC Os subfibulare (OSF): 비골하부골 Os subtibiale (submalleolae) Avulsion fracture Secondary ossifciation center Not united Bone scan, MRI Bone scan, MRI OST OSM ~35% 6
7 Anterior Impingement syndrome (AIS) Radiologic evaluation X-ray: Anterior spur 전방골극 McDermott grading categories Preop. Postop. CT, MRI, Bone scan 24/M Soccer player m/c, Ballet dancer Diagnosis 삼각골 (Os trigonum) : Shepherd s fracture 발목통증. 전방, 전내측 Hyper Dorsiflexion Hyper Plantarflexion 통증 Posterior impingement syndrome(pis) Malleolar fracture ( 내과, 외과골절 ) 2mm Displace ment 발레, 축구 Sx : Trigonal fx FHL tenosynovitis PIS, Loose bodies 7
8 Lateral malleolar fracture PER injury MM fracture, syndesmotic injury, talar fracture, chondral injury Careful! Neurovascular damage N/V Splinting Icing No traction, just align Cartilage OLT: osteochondral lesion of talus Pain, swelling, catching, locking. LOM MRI, *Bone scan. Grading of Osteochondral Fracture of the Talar dome IIa III IV : IIa, III, IV : Arthroscopic microfracture 8
9 Foot and Ankle injury : part II 주상골 (Navicular), 부주상골 (Accessory navicular) Bone Ossicles Stress fracture Tendon Peroneus AchillesA Calf Other ds 발안쪽 Accessary Navicular Syndrome Painful Accessory Navicular ( 부주상골 ) Os Tibiale Externum Radiologic finding Posterior tibialis tendon Cartilagenous connection P/Ex. : direct tenderness Navicualr tuberosity bulging inversion power decreased MM Anterior process fracture of calcaneus Fracture Around Foot Stress fracture Lower extremity weight-bearing bones : more common : tibia(49.1%) > tarsal bone(25.3%) > 1.Bifurcate ligament avulsion fx, 2. Compression fracture Inversion Midfoot sprain Bifurcate ligament : Y-shaped lig CNL, CCL metatarsals (8.8%) Repetitive Stress, compression 9
10 Tibial stress fracture, DDx: shin splint > 6 month March fracture, 2 nd MT Running Jumping 군인 Conservative Tx 5 th MT base stress fracture 5 th MT base stress fracture Modified Tension Band Wiring : all Surgical results of 5th metatarsal stress fracture using modified tension band wiring. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc Union : CT check!! Navicular stress fracture 주상골스트레스골절 Complications Nonunion : Bone graft 10
11 Navicular stress fx : ORIF with bone graft Vs Conservative Tx : debate Lisfrac injury Injury mechanism Thick: dorsal, plantar intermetatarsal, tarsointermetatarsal ligament 1 st MT 1 st Cuneiform 1 st Cuneiform -2 nd MT Weak Lisfrac lig. Coalition ( 골융합증 ) : CT, MRI Dx Tendon 건 Achilles tendon ( 아킬레스건 ) Peroneal tendon ( 비골건 ) Flexor Hallucis Longus ( 장족무지굴곡근 ) Extensor hallucis longus ( 장족무지신전근 ) 통증 Plantar fascia ( 족저근막 ) m/c Talo-calcaneal coalition 11
12 Achilles tendon Midportion Achilles tendinopathy 달리기선수 : 일반인에비해아킬레스건파열의위험도는 15 배높고, 단순건병증의위험도도 30 배가넘는다. Achilles tendinopathy :midportion Achilles bursa Retrocalcaneal bursa Achilles Insertional bursitis Paratenon, peritenon Insertional achilles tendinopathy Haglund deformity Insertional achilles tendinopathy Calcific tendinitis, apophysitis Sever s ds: Children, adolescent P/E : Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment, VISA-A 아침에일어나면, 아킬레스강직을느낍니까? 낮에준비운동후스트레칭을하면통증이있습니까? 평지 30분걷고, 2시간내에통증이있습니까? 정상보폭으로계단내려갈때아픕니까? 평지에서 10번뛰꿈치들기하는중혹은직후통증이있습니까? 한발로뛰기를통증없이몇회할수있습니까? 얼마나오랫동안운동이가능합니까? Predisposing factors 운동을한횟수 운동강도의증가 ( 거리, 속도, 경사도등 ) 훈련세션사이회복기의감소 훈련장바닥의변화 신발의변화 [ 낮은힐스파이크 (lower heeled spike), 힐탭 (heel tab) 이있는신발등 ] 회내과다 ( 발가락들림기에발을재-회외시키기위하여비복근- 가자미근복합체에과도한부하가걸린다 ) 장딴지근력약화 근육의유연성저하 ( 긴장된장딴지근등 ) 관절가동범위 ( 제한된족배굴곡 ) 12
13 Diagnosis : Achilles Rupture Palpable defect : dimpling. Dimpling Diagnosis : Ease, no neglect! No single heel rise, Simmond s test Thomson squeeze test Thompson test / heel rising test Open repair VS Conservative Rerupture rate OP : rerupture risk 27% 낮음 infection, fibrosis risk 11% 증가 Complications 34 % surgery VS 2.7 % non-op Tx Peroneal tendon anatomy Functional ankle Instability Peroneal tendinopathy Most important Muscle group In Rehab Inf. Surface of cuboid bone Lat. Surface of 1 st MT Most common lateral overuse injury : pronation, 무용, 농구, 배구 13
14 Degeneration, longitudinal splitting : Tubulization Peroneal subluxation( 비골근탈구 ) WB 갑자기빠지면서아프고, 힘이빠진다. Dislocation Sudden DF Violent reflex contraction Peroneal subluxation Skillful neglect Intra-sheath subluxation of peroneal tendon Snapping Retinacular repair Shin pain, 정강이통증 Common in runner = Shin splint Clinical perspective Bone stress reaction Vascular compromise Inflammation Compartment syndrome Nerve entrapment Role of biomechanics Rigid cavus ( 요족 ) : 충격흡수력 Excessive pronated feet ( 평발 ) Stretched TP FHL Soleus. Heel strike : resisted to pronation Heel strike : resisted to pronation Eccentric contraction Toe off : convert to supinated foot for rigid locker. Concentric contraction Stress riser (traction c proximal m. attachment site) 14
15 Gait cycle Calf pain Gastrocnemius, 비복근 Soleus, 가자미근 Acceleration Contusion DDx Vascular causes Neuromyofascial casues Clamp Fatigue Heat condition Heel pain (syndrome) Proximal plantar fasciitis (overuse) Fat pad contusion Stress fracture Lateral plantar n. entrapment Apophysitis Bone marrow edema Sero-negative connective tissue disease Plantar fascia 콜라겐의정렬손실변화, no inflammation 족저근막염, plantar fasciitis. 15
16 Flexor Hallucis Longus (FHL) 장족무지굴곡근 Extensor hallucis longus (EHL) 장족무지신전근 태권도 : direct trauma ; rupture Tenosynovitis. Tenosynovitis : 너무흔하다 Metatarsalgia DDx Cavus Flat feet Callus Neuromuscular OA Deformity Sesamoid Shoes problem Hallux Valgus ( 무지외반증 ) Bunion pain 발가락통증. Joplin's neuritis 안쪽통증 Freiberg s disease 2 nd MT head AVN (avascular necrosis) OA, LOM Morton s Neuroma Inter digital n. entrapment Narrow shoes 16
17 Sesamoiditis Tuft toe Sesmoid 기능 장무지굴근 (fl exor hallucis longus) 의건보호 전족부의내측부의대부분의체중부하흡수 무지의내재근구조물의역학적기능향상 대략 30% 의사람에서양분된 (bipartite) 내, 외측종자골이관찰된다. High arch Stress Ingrowing nail, 내향성발톱 Subungal hematoma, sports toe Grade First antibiotics Protection Partial nail excision with matrixetomy Nail avulsion Contusion No removal Distal nail end deform nail lip hypertrophy Clubbed nail New nail grow outward P/E Video : 정리 Fast exam with precise pointing : 26 point or Exam: 17
Microsoft PowerPoint - 김진수
Introduction Functional Anatomy & Physical Exam Of Foot and Ankle Kim Jin-su,MD.PhD su,md.phd. Assistant Professor Sports Physician Incidence Anatomy & Physical Exam (Related to the Sports medicine) 1.
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Review rticle pissn 1738-3757 eissn 2288-8551 J Korean Foot nkle Soc 2018;22(2):49-54 https://doi.org/10.14193/jkfas.2018.22.2.49 만성족관절불안정성의진단및동반질환 하동준 *, 김덕희, 곽희철 인제대학교의과대학부산백병원정형외과학교실, * 부산의료원정형외과 Diagnosis
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Vol. 11, No. 4, December, 2004 Objective: Ultrasonography (USG) of joints has a unique position for the diagnosis of joint diseases. Bone surface, cartilage, periarticular soft tissue and their pathologic
94 年 類 理 療 理 療 1 4110 7 1 不 80 1.25 2 不 1 squatting 樓 若 滑 Q 度 Clarke s sign vastus medialis oblique 力不 諾 McConnel taping 2 行 若 stance phase 度 力 力 3 sacral base posteroanterior 力 sacral nutation sacral
대한골절학회지제24권, 제3호, 2011년 7월 Journal of the Korean Fracture Society Vol. 24, No. 3, July, 2011 증례보고 족관절탈구후후경골건감돈과장족무지굴건이탈에동반된 Checkrein 변형 - 증례보고 - 배서영ㆍ정형진ㆍ김만영 인제대학교상계백병원정형외과 20 세남자환자가우측족관절탈구로원위경비관절고정과외고정술을시행받았는데,
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대한골절학회지제 20 권, 제 3 호, 2007 년 7 월 종설 Journal of the Korean Fractrure Society Vol. 20, N o. 3, July, 2007 족근관절경비인대결합손상 (Ankle Syndesmotic Injury) 이근배 전남대학교의과대학정형외과학교실 서 ~ 론 손상기전 해부학및생역학 통신저자 : 이근배 Tel:062-227-1640
2 에서는여성의족관절염좌가더흔하게 (RR, 2.03; 95% CI, ) 발생한다고보고하였다. 이러한염좌의거의절반은스포츠활동중에발생하였는데, 이중농구 (41.1%) 가가장흔하고, 미식축구 (9.3%) 와축구 (7.9%) 가그뒤를잇는다고한다. 1) 다른조사
Symposium J Korean Orthop Assoc 2014; 49: 1-6 http://dx.doi.org/10.4055/jkoa.2014.49.1.1 www.jkoa.org Ankle Sprain: Current Trends 1 족관절염좌 : 역학, 해부학및손상기전 성균관대학교의과대학삼성서울병원정형외과학교실 pissn : 1226-2102, eissn
2 2007 SPORTS WHITE PAPER 3 2007 4 2007 SPORTS WHITE PAPER 5 2007 6 2007 SPORTS WHITE PAPER 7 2007 8 2007 SPORTS WHITE PAPER 9 2007 10 2007 SPORTS WHITE PAPER 11 2007 12 2007 SPORTS WHITE PAPER 13 2007
PowerPoint Presentation
8 장 : 인간다리의운동역학 The Biomechanics of the Human Lower Extremity 학습목표 해부학적구조가하지관절의움직임능력에어떻게영향을미치는지설명할수있다. 하지관절의상대적인가동성과안정성에영향을미치는요인을구별할수있다. 하지가체중을지탱하는기능에적응하는방법을설명할수있다. 특정한하지가운동을하는동안활동하는근육을구별할수있다. 하지의일반적부상에영향을미치는운동역학적요인을기술할수있다.
Thorax CHAPTER 1 (, thorax). (chest) (thorax),. (chest) (pectoral),, () ( ), ( )., (breast). (, thoracic cavity).. ( ) (thoracic cage, rib cage), (, sternum) (, thoracic vertebrae) (, rib) (, costal cartilage)
Back Pain in Children
Back Pain in Children back pain? back pain 10 ~ 30 % (up to 50 % by Questionnaire) 10 : rare (11 : 11%, 15 : 50%) : Back pain 2 ~ 8 % : (+) up to 50% if : Significant vs. Non-significant Red flag (Fever,
슬라이드 1
팔꿈치의초음파 손과손목의초음파 가톨릭대학교인천성모병원 재활의학과김재민 Elbow, Wrist and Hand 팔꿈치관절의정상초음파소견 팔꿈치관절전면 팔꿈치를신전시킨상태 Transverse scan Longitudinal scan 주관절부위에서얻은초음파영상이다. 화살표가가리키고있는구조물은? (BA: 상완동맥 ) 가. Ulnar nerve 나. Median nerve
PSJHJOBM! BSUJDMF 대한족부족관절학회지 : 제 15 권제 1 호 2011 J Korean Foot Ankle Soc. Vol. 15. No. 1. pp.13-17, 2011 인제대학교의과대학상계백병원정형외과 Treatment of Anteroinferior Tibiofibular Ligament Avulsion Fracture Accompanied
98 年 不 療 理 98 年 5111 8 1 類 理 療 理 療 1 不 80 1.25 2 不 1 pronation 力 列 C6 C7 C8 T1 2 列 行 rotatory cervical manipulation techniques 行 力 upper limb tension test 拉 distraction test 3 forward head 列 狀 extension
Ankylosing Spondylitis 1 Ankylosing Spondylitis Marie-strumpell, Bechterew, (pelvospondylitis ossificans). (ossification), (sacroiliac joint),.,.,,.,.., NSAIDs(Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs),.
Fitting Orthosis in Footwear 관동의대분당제생병원이태임 발의여러가지질환을치료하는데 Foot Orthosis가유용하게사용되고있지만아무리좋은 foot orthosis를처방한다하여도적절한 footwear가함께제공되지않는다면성공적인결과를얻기는어렵다. 일반
Fitting Orthosis in Footwear 관동의대분당제생병원이태임 발의여러가지질환을치료하는데 Foot Orthosis가유용하게사용되고있지만아무리좋은 foot orthosis를처방한다하여도적절한 footwear가함께제공되지않는다면성공적인결과를얻기는어렵다. 일반적으로 mild, corrective, frontal plane control을위해서는 functional
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제 23 차대한당뇨병학회춘계학술대회 May 6-8. 2010 전북대학교의학전문대학원 내분비대사내과 박태선 Lancet 2005; 366 Nov 12 :1673-1750 Neuropathic foot Ischemic foot Plantar aspect of the foot under the metatarsal heads or on the plantar
슬라이드 1
Examination of the Hip & Pelvic 고관절을구성하는 bone 대퇴골 (femur) - 신체무게지탱, 지면반발력전달 - frontal plane : 대퇴경과대퇴각도약 125 도염전각은 12 도형성 골반 (pelvic) - 관골 : Ilium + pubic bone + Ischium - pubic symphisis, SI joint - closed
98 年 不 療 理 5111 8 1 類 理 療 理 療 1 ˍˍˍˍˍˍˍ 不 80 1.25 2 不 1 利 兩 異 C6 C7 C8 T1 2 列 nodding occipitoatlantal joint 練 sternocleidomastoid 力 來 練 suboccipital muscles 拉 3 廓 thoracic outlet syndrome 列 狀 狀 不 力 練
109~120 õÃʾàħ Ä¡·á
109 DOI : 10.3831/KPI.2010.13.3.109 Received : 10. 08. 13 Revised : 10. 09. 06 A Case Study Of Patients With Knee Joint Pain Treated With Rubiae Radix Pharmacopuncture Accepted : 10. 09. 07 Key Words:
615_622_의학강좌- 윤영철
DOI: 10.5124/jkma.2010.53.7.615 pissn: 1975-8456 eissn: 2093-5951 http://jkma.org Continuing Education Column Imaging Diagnosis of Sports Injury Young Cheol Yoon, MD Department of Radiology, Samsung medical
84 김동수ㆍ김용민ㆍ최의성외 4 인 (MRI) 검사를시행하였다. 자기공명영상 T2 강조영상상비골건 막안에서비골건주위의고신호강도소견이일부관찰되었으 나건실질내에선정상신호강도를보였고, 장비골건의내측으 Figure 1. Drawing illustrates a peroneus
Case Report J Korean Orthop Assoc 2010; 45: 83-87 doi:10.4055/jkoa.2010.45.1.83 www.jkoa.org Stenosing Peroneus Brevis Tendinitis Caused by Peroneus Quartus Tendon 김동수 김용민 최의성 손현철 박경진 조병기 이형준충북대학교의과대학정형외과학교실
Review Article pissn eissn J Korean Foot Ankle Soc 2016;20(1):1-5 편평족의진단 이태훈, 최서우, 김학
Review Article pissn 1738-3757 eissn 2288-8551 J Korean Foot Ankle Soc 2016;20(1):1-5 http://dx.doi.org/10.14193/jkfas.2016.20.1.1 편평족의진단 이태훈, 최서우, 김학준 고려대학교의과대학구로병원정형외과학교실 Diagnosis of Flatfoot Deformity
07 이호승( ).hwp
대한족부족관절학회지 : 제 권제 호 6 J Korean Foot Ankle Soc. Vol.. No.. pp.56-6, 6 무지외반증에서외측연부조직유리술을함께시행한원위갈매기형절골술의치료결과 울산대학교의과대학정형외과학교실, 한일병원정형외과 * 이호승 지형철 이성우 김종민 * The Results of Distal Chevron Osteotomy with Lateral
대한족부족관절학회지 : 제 8 권제 호 4 J Korean Foot Ankle Soc. Vol 8. No.. pp.86-9, 4 한전의료재단한일병원정형외과 라종득 박현수 임창석 장영수 박상원 정태원 전용수 Comparison of the Results after the Surgical Treatments of the Trimalleolar Ankle Fractures
HANYANG MEDICAL REVIEWS Vol. 29 No. 1, 2009 발목과발스포츠손상의재활 Rehabilitation of Common Ankle and Foot Sports Injuries 황지혜성균관대학교의과대학재활의학교실 Ji Hye Hwang, M.D
HANYANG MEDICAL REVIEWS Vol. 29 No. 1, 2009 발목과발스포츠손상의재활 Rehabilitation of Common Ankle and Foot Sports Injuries 황지혜성균관대학교의과대학재활의학교실 Ji Hye Hwang, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
대한정형외과학회지 : 제 43 권제 3 호 2008 J Korean Orthop Assoc 2008; 43: 359-365 Weber B 형외과골절과동반된원위경비인대결합손상 박시영ㆍ박상원ㆍ한승범ㆍ정웅교ㆍ최근석ㆍ이순혁 고려대학교의과대학안암병원정형외과학교실 Syndesmosis Injury Associated with the Weber Type B Lateral
*200 1 1, 2, 3 200 1 3 29 ( ), 200 1 5 25 ( ), 200 1 6 20 ( ).. 1. 19. : 200 1 4 13~ 14 (, ) : 1. 2. : 338, 199 ( 537 ) 2. 200 1 20 : 200 1 10 25 ( )~ 10 26 ( ) : : ( ) 3. 1) 200 1 10 25, 200 1 8 18 (
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Special Issue Diabetic Retinopathy Won Ki Lee, M.D. Department of Ophthalmology The Catholic University of Korea College of Medicine Kangnam St. Mary s Hospital E mail : wklee@catholic.ac.kr Abstract R
REVIEW 대한족부족관절학회지제 16 권제 4 호 2012 J Korean Foot Ankle Soc. Vol. 16. No. 4. pp , 2012 비골건손상 강원대학교의학전문대학원정형외과학교실 문성훈 강 Peroneal Tendon Tears
REVIEW 대한족부족관절학회지제 16 권제 4 호 2012 J Korean Foot Ankle Soc. Vol. 16. No. 4. pp.210-216, 2012 강원대학교의학전문대학원정형외과학교실 Peroneal Tendon Tears Sung-Hoon Moon, M.D., Kang Lee, M.D. Department of Orthopaedic Surgery,
ISSN 1225-1682 (Print) ISSN 2287-9293 (Online) 대한골절학회지제 27 권, 제 3 호, 2014 년 7 월 J Korean Fract Soc 2014;27(3):222-226 http://dx.doi.org/10.12671/jkfs.2014.27.3.222 Case Report 거골외측돌기골절과동반된비골건탈구 - 증례보고
장무지굴근기능장애의자기공명영상소견 김지은 1 최혜영 1 최호철 1 이경규 2 전경녀 1 신태범 1 나재범 1 목적 : 장무지굴근기능장애의자기공명영상소견을알아보고, 이질환에서자기공명영상의유용성을알아보고자하였다. 대상및방법 : 1992년부터 2003년까지수술로확진된 40명
김지은 1 최혜영 1 최호철 1 이경규 2 전경녀 1 신태범 1 나재범 1 목적 : 을알아보고, 이질환에서자기공명영상의유용성을알아보고자하였다. 대상및방법 : 1992년부터 2003년까지수술로확진된 40명의장무지굴근기능장애환자중자기공명영상을시행한 22명, 총 24예 (2명은양측성 ) 를대상으로하였다. 자기공명영상에서장무지굴근과장무지굴근건의신호강도, 장무지굴근건초와건초삼출액,
98 年 不 療 理 3111 81 類 理 療 理 療 療 療 療 1 ˍˍˍˍˍˍˍ 不 80 1.25 2 不 1 度 chronaxie 1.5 3 20 100 流 度 2 刺 療 列 金 3 列 5 ma 16 ma 離 8 ma 流量 流 流 更 4 離 列 離 離 離 離 5 利 oscilloscope 來 量刺 列 刺 流 刺 刺 兩 流 刺 兩 6 列 不 度 strength-duration
Analysis of objective and error source of ski technical championship Jin Su Seok 1, Seoung ki Kang 1 *, Jae Hyung Lee 1, & Won Il Son 2 1 yong in Univ
Analysis of objective and error source of ski technical championship Jin Su Seok 1, Seoung ki Kang 1 *, Jae Hyung Lee 1, & Won Il Son 2 1 yong in University & 2 Kang Won University [Purpose] [Methods]
< DB1E8BAB4C3B62DC3D6BCBAC1BE D31332E687770>
대한족부족관절학회지 : 제 12 권제 1 호 2008 J Korean Foot Ankle Soc. Vol. 12. No. 1. pp.9-13, 2008 부산의료원정형외과학교실 Consideration of Various Medial Capsulorrhaphy Methods in Hallux Valgus Surgery Sung Jong Choi, M.D., Byung
대한족부족관절학회지 : 제 10 권제 2 호 2006 J Korean Foot Ankle Soc. Vol. 10. No. 2. pp.173-178, 2006 급성족관절고도염좌에대한조기일차봉합술결과 한림대학교의과대학춘천성심병원정형외과 정운섭 박용욱 이제형 Results of Early Primary Repair for Acute Severe Ankle Sprains
Original Article pissn eissn J Korean Foot Ankle Soc 2017;21(1): 동통을동반한족관절의만성외측불안
Original Article pissn 1738-3757 eissn 2288-8551 J Korean Foot Ankle Soc 2017;21(1):12-16 https://doi.org/10.14193/jkfas.2017.21.1.12 동통을동반한족관절의만성외측불안정성에있어서마취하스트레스방사선검사 최준영, 안희찬, 신명진 *, 서진수 * W 병원족부족관절센터,
大韓放射線醫學會誌 Vol. XIX. No R3 족관절골철의방사선학적고찰 경북대학교의과대학방사선과학교실 이원화 박해원 박인규 -Abstract- Radiologic Evaluation of Anlke Fractures Won Wha Lee, M.D., Hae
大韓放射線醫學會誌 Vol. XIX. No. 4. 19R3 족관절골철의방사선학적고찰 경북대학교의과대학방사선과학교실 이원화 박해원 박인규 -Abstract- Radiologic Evaluation of Anlke Fractures Won Wha Lee, M.D., Hae Won Park, M.D., In Kyu Park, M.D. Department of Radiology,
Original Article pissn eissn J Korean Foot Ankle Soc 2017;21(1): 제 1 열전족부절골술을통한평발교정
Original Article pissn 1738-3757 eissn 2288-8551 J Korean Foot Ankle Soc 2017;21(1):7-11 https://doi.org/10.14193/jkfas.2017.21.1.7 제 1 열전족부절골술을통한평발교정에있어골이식없이사용한소형쐐기형금속판의치료결과 최준영, 신명진 *, 서진수 * W 병원족부족관절센터,
The Journal of the Korean Society of Fractures Vol.11, No.3, July, 1998 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, College of Medicine Chungnam National Unive
The Journal of the Korean Society of Fractures Vol11, No3, July, 1998 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, College of Medicine Chungnam National University Hospital, Taejon, Korea and Taejon Sungshim General
발 간 사 제가 어느 기자 분에게 도대체 견주관절학회가 무슨 뜻이고, 무엇 을 하는 곳이냐고 질문을 받고서 의학을 모르는 일반인의 입장에서는 견주관절학회가 어깨, 팔꿈치 학회가 아니고 개, 소주 학회로 잘못 해 석할 수 있겠다는 생각을 하게 되었습니다. 우리 의학계에서는 언제 부터인지 의학 용어를 한자어에 맞추어서 사용하게 되었고, 우리들도 처음 의학을 공부할
대한족부족관절학회지 : 제 4 권제 호 200 J Korean Foot Ankle Soc. Vol. 4. No.. pp.36-40, 200 광명성애병원정형외과, 성애병원정형외과 * 김종민 정성훈 박병문 문찬삼 * 이길형 Surgical Treatment of Symptomatic Accessory Navicular in Adolescent Jong-Min Kim,
PowerPoint 프레젠테이션
Physical Examination of the Wrist & Hand 연부조직촉진 (soft tissue palpation) 연부조직의촉진 (soft tissue palpation) 1) 수근관절제 1구역 ; 요골경상돌기 (radial styloid process) (1) Anatomical snuffbox - 요측연 장모지외전근 (Abd. poll. long
<303920C0CCBFECC3B52DB1E8C0AFB9CC28B0ED D E687770>
대한족부족관절학회지 : 제 10 권제 2 호 2006 J Korean Foot Ankle Soc. Vol. 10. No. 2. pp.168-172, 2006 인제대학교의과대학정형외과학교실 Treatment of Deep Infection Following Repair of Achilles Tendon Rupture Woo Chun Lee, M.D., Yu Mi
대한족부족관절학회지 : 제 8 권제 2 호 2004 J Korean Foot Ankle Soc. Vol 8. No. 2. pp.199-203, 2004 무지외반증환자의근위부절골술후발생한의인성제 1 중족골의족배굴곡증의치료 -1 예보고 - 을지대학교의과대학노원을지병원정형외과학교실 이경태 양기원 김재영 차승도 김응수 손상우 Treatment of Iatrogenic
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PHYSEAL INJURY 2006 년도소아정형외과학연수강좌인제대학교일산백병원주석규 2006 년 11 월 11 일 ANATOMY VASCULAR SUPPLY Epiphyseal a.: Main blood supply to epiphysis and physis Supplies proliferative zone chondrocytes Nutrient a. Capillary
스포츠손상에따른물리치료 근골격계스포츠손상의분류 접촉성스포츠 신기문 비접촉성스포츠 근골격계스포츠손상의원인 Macrotrauma : 급성의큰외력 Microtrauma : 반복동작, 스트레스, 견인력만성과사용 (overuse) 미세손상 경기력 향상 작 용 지속적반복성최대스트레스 반작용 병리학적미세상해 ( 건, 근육접합부위및골격 ) 반 복 염증성반응 ( 부종및출혈
07-09 김의창(국)
ORIGINAL ARTICLE Hip Pelvis 25(2): 121-126, 2013 http://dx.doi.org/10.5371/hp.2013.25.2.121 Print ISSN 2287-3260 Online ISSN 2287-3279 Recovery of Limitation of Motion in Secondary Osteoarthritis of the
ePapyrus PDF Document
Introduction 373 374 Definition of Child Abuse 375 376 Current Status of Child Abuse 377 378 Causes of Child Abuse 379 Signs and Sequelae of Child Abuse 380 A B C 381 382 383 384 385 Clinical Evaluation
「메디시티 대구 브랜드 활성화를 위한」 웰니스토탈케어 솔루션[WTCS] 센터 운영계획
Lower Extremity 1. hip joint complex 2. Knee joint complex 3. ankle & foot complex Lower Extremity Hip Part. 1. Anatomical consideration Part. 2. special test Part. 3. clinical consideration Knee joint
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대한골절학회지제 19 권, 제 4 호, 2006 년 10 월 Journal of the Korean Fractrure Society Vol. 19, N o. 4, October, 2006 팔씨름에의해발생한상완골간부및내상과골절 윤여헌 하종경 * 최경업 * 이관희 신상진 이화여자대학교의과대학목동병원정형외과, 서울적십자병원정형외과 * 목적 : 팔씨름중발생한상완골골절의발생기전및치료의결과를분석하였다.
Review Article pissn eissn J Korean Foot Ankle Soc 2018;22(4): 원위경비인대염좌의치료 최귀연
Review Article pissn 1738-3757 eissn 2288-8551 J Korean Foot Ankle Soc 2018;22(4):145-150 https://doi.org/10.14193/jkfas.2018.22.4.145 원위경비인대염좌의치료 최귀연, 이준영 조선대학교의과대학정형외과학교실 Management of High Ankle Sprain
59 pissn : , eissn : Original Article J Korean Orthop Assoc 2019; 54:
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Analyses the Contents of Points per a Game and the Difference among Weight Categories after the Revision of Greco-Roman Style Wrestling Rules Han-bong An 1 & Kyoo-jeong Choi 2 * 1 Korea National Wrestling
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Case Reports Korean Circulation J 2002;325:442-446 말초동맥폐쇄환자에서경피적경혈관중재술시행후 발생한구획증후군 2 예 정재헌 민필기 구본권 권기환 고영국 변영섭 최동훈 Two Cases of Compartment Syndrome Complicating Percutaneous Transluminal Peripheral Arterial
DTF! SFQPSU 대한족부족관절학회지: 제15권 제1호 2011 J Korean Foot nkle Soc. Vol. 15. No. 1. pp.39-43, 2011 중족부에 발생한 Mycobacterium abscessus 골수염 가톨릭대학교 의정부성모병원 영상의학과*, 인제대학교 일산백병원 내과, 정형외과 천경아* 곽이경 서진수 Mycobacterium
ORIGINAL ARTICLE 대한족부족관절학회지제 17 권제 4 호 2013 J Korean Foot Ankle Soc. Vol. 17. No. 4. pp.288-293, 2013 한림대학교의과대학강동성심병원정형외과학교실 이정길 김갑래 이진영 이의수 이재희 Experience of Arthroscopy of Ankle Joint with Manual Traction
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J Korean Orthop Assoc 2007; 42: 91-97 변형 Brostrom 술식을이용한만성족근관절외측불안정성의치료 안재훈이영근정세현최원식 Treatment of Chronic Ankle Lateral Instability using Modified Brostrom Procedure Purpose: To analyze the results of
96 年 不 療 理 5111 8 1 類 理 療 理 療 1 ˍˍˍˍˍˍˍ 不 80 1.25 2 不 1 列 mechanism of injury 索 whiplash injurytrauma 老 年 罹 cervical spondylosis 廓 thoracic outlet syndrome sustained postures 廓 度 overuse 2 列 不 cervical
大 韓 癩 學 會 誌 : 第 41 卷, 第 1 號 2008 Korean Leprosy Bulletin, Vol. 41, No. 1, June, 2008 마비성 하안검 외반증에 대한 lateral tarsal strip의 재조명 안성열 성형외과의원 1), 제일병원 피부과 2) 안성열 1), 박향준 2) - Abstract - Reappraisal of the
슬라이드 1
김태원, 최영 *, 원성훈, 박문석 *, 정진엽 * 울산병원, 분당서울대병원 *, 국군함평병원 Background Buddy taping is a well known useful method for treating dislocations, and other injuries of finger or toe. Background Buddy taping is a well
Lumbar spine
Lumbar spine CT 32 111 DOI : 10.3831/KPI.2010.13.2.111 Lumbar Spine CT 32 Received : 10. 05. 23 Revised : 10. 06. 04 Accepted : 10. 06. 11 Key Words: Disc herniation, CT scan, Clinical analysis The Clinical
Microsoft PowerPoint - 박진영
Shoulder 스포츠 손상과 치료 강의를 초청하여 주셔서 감사합니다 감사합니다.. 박진영, PARK Jin-Young 건국대학교 의학전문대학원 Shoulder, Elbow & Sports Service Sports injury?? Sports injury?? Sports injury?? AC joint injury Most common injury in contact
Review Article pissn eissn J Korean Foot Ankle Soc 2016;20(2): 요족의진단과치료 서재완 *,
Review Article pissn 1738-3757 eissn 2288-8551 J Korean Foot Ankle Soc 2016;20(2):55-61 http://dx.doi.org/10.14193/jkfas.2016.20.2.55 요족의진단과치료 서재완 *, 최우진, 이진우 연세대학교의과대학정형외과학교실, * 단국대학교병원정형외과 Diagnosis
Sports Medicine 1 Editing By A.K.A teamdoc, B. Sc., P.T. [Sports injury]. muscle joint.,,,,,,.,,. muscle joint tendinitis, arthritis, fracture. Primary prevention: [prevent occurrence] Secondary prevention:
96 年 理 療 5109 8 1 類 理 療 理 療 1 ˍˍˍˍˍˍˍ 不 80 1.25 2 不 1 列 不 廓 thoracic outlet syndrome 狀 度 狀 hyperabduction syndrome 肋 狀 cervical rib syndrome 狀 pectoralis minor syndrome 度 狀 hyperflexion syndrome 2 來 理
Microsoft PowerPoint - 조종현-KNEE재활
KNEE Rehab. Ex Speaker : JDI Sports Clinic Cho, Jong-Hyun The Knee Joint 4 bones : Femur Patella Tibia, Fibula 3 joints: Patellofemoral Tibiofemoral Tibiofibular joint Knee Joint Movement Flexion Extension
페르테스병 (legg-calve-perthes disease) 81 스테로이드반응성관절염 (monoarticular steroid sensitive arthritis) 82 골관절염 (osteoarthritis) 83 Chapter 02 Knee pain 슬관절의진단과
차례 Chapter 01 Hip pain 고관절의진단과치료 1 introduction 3 해부학구조 7 전방의인대구조 (anterior part ligament) 7 후방의인대구조 (posterior part ligament) 7 대퇴경부의각도 (femoral neck angle) 9 근육의구조물 10 해부학적특이성 10 외반고 (coxa valga) 10
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Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science 14(2) p.71~82 December 2008 71 류마티스 관절염의 재활치료 오 기 영 순천향 대학교 의과대학 재활의학교실 Rehabilitation Interventions for the Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis Ki-Young Oh Department
Common Allergic Diseases in Children Sang - Il Lee, M.D. Department of pediatrics Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Samsung Medical Center E - mail : silee@smc.samsung.co.kr Abstract Allergy
Abstract Background : Most hospitalized children will experience physical pain as well as psychological distress. Painful procedure can increase anxie
Volume 12, Number 1, 92~102, An Intervention Study of Pain Reduction during IV Therapy in Hospitalized Children Myo-Jin Kim 1), Joung-Hae Bak 1), Won-Seok Seo 2) Mi-Young Kim 3), Sun-Kyoung Park 3), Jai-Soung
Review Article pissn eissn J Korean Foot Ankle Soc 2014;18(3): 후천적성인편평족 : 병태생리,
Review Article pissn 1738-3757 eissn 2288-8551 J Korean Foot Ankle Soc 2014;18(3):87-92 http://dx.doi.org/10.14193/jkfas.2014.18.3.87 후천적성인편평족 : 병태생리, 진단과비수술적치료 성기선, 유인상 성균관대학교의과대학삼성서울병원정형외과학교실 Acquired
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Effects of detachable forefoot outsole angles and shapes on muscle activity of the lower extremity during downhill walking Haeng-Seob Lee, Jae-Hu Jung, & Woen-Sik Chae* Kyungpook National University [Purpose]
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Continuing Education Column Ossification of Posterior Longitudinal Ligament(OPLL) of Cervical Spine Ki Hong Cho, M.D. Department of Neurosurgery Ajou
Ossification of Posterior Longitudinal Ligament(OPLL) of Cervical Spine Ki Hong Cho, M.D. Department of Neurosurgery Ajou University College of Medicine & Hospital E mail : khcho54@ajou.ac.kr Abstract
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제 5 강. 손관절보조기 중수지절관절에대한보조기 MP flexor orthosis Common Name: Knuckle bender 목적및구성 : dorsal hand band(d), dorsal finger band(d), palmar rod(p) 두개의밴드의양쪽에돌출된후크에고무줄을연결시켜서 MP를굴곡시키는작용을함. MP flexor orthosis MP
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Symposium J Korean Orthop Assoc 2018; 53: Update: Arthroscopy Techniques in Ankle Joint
Symposium J Korean Orthop Assoc 2018; 53: 93-102 https://doi.org/10.4055/jkoa.2018.53.2.93 www.jkoa.org Update: Arthroscopy Techniques in Ankle Joint 93 거골하관절경술및후방내시경술 유태욱 안재훈 김종빈 가톨릭대학교의과대학서울성모병원정형외과학교실
1. 요추퇴행성질환의질환별단계별분류연구 1.1 Osteophyte - Atsushi Fujiwara 등에의한분류 (1) grade 1: no osteophyte (2) grade 2: mild or possible osteophyte (3) grade 3: modera
1. 요추퇴행성질환의질환별단계별분류연구 1.1 Osteophyte - Atsushi Fujiwara 등에의한분류 (1) grade 1: no osteophyte (2) grade 2: mild or possible osteophyte (3) grade 3: moderate osteophyte (4) grade 4: large osteophyte - Margulies
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10 (Development of the Placental circulation) (torphoblast) 1/3 20. 1. (Placental Calcification). : 2 (Plaques) : 3 (33 ),. 2. (Subchorionic fibrin deposition) (10 15%) (laminated collection). 3. (Intervillous
413 TAT Rupture by Intratendinous Ganglion Cyst A CB C D Figure 2. Magnetic resonance imaging showing the cystic lesion located along the tibialis ant
412 pissn : 1226-2102, eissn : 2005-8918 Case Report J Korean Orthop Assoc 2015; 50: 412-417 http://dx.doi.org/10.4055/jkoa.2015.50.5.412 www.jkoa.org 건내결절종에의해발생한자발적전경골건완전파열 권석현 강홍제 이성인 원광대학교의과대학정형외과학교실
Original Article pissn eissn J Korean Foot Ankle Soc 2014;18(4): 무지외반증에서시행한
Original Article pissn 1738-3757 eissn 2288-8551 J Korean Foot Ankle Soc 2014;18(4):178-182 http://dx.doi.org/10.14193/jkfas.2014.18.4.178 무지외반증에서시행한 Scarf 절골술의합병증 남일현, 안길영, 문기혁, 이영현, 최성필, 이태훈, 이영훈 포항성모병원정형외과
Clinical Article The Korean Journal of Sports Medicine 28(2):83-88, 2010 만성족관절외측불안정성환자에서의비골건병변 관동대학교의과대학명지병원정형외과 김형수ㆍ정수태ㆍ유정현ㆍ박재형ㆍ김주학ㆍ차승도ㆍ오세만 Peroneal Tendinopathy in Chronic Lateral Ankle Instability Hyung-Soo
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99 年 理 療 99 年 類 理 療 理 療 1 5107 8 1 不 80 1.25 2 不 1 列 不 masseter temporalis 狀 pterygoid stylohyoid 2 不 cervical instability 列 不 lordosis 度 3 列 acute locking of the cervical spine C2-C3 老年 理 不 4 列 acceleration
New 2018 Opening High Tibial Osteotomy Surgical Technique Guide Biomechanical Test Table of Contents Introduction Change the New Screw Angle Characteristic Features Principle of HTO Keys to Success in
대한임상신경생리학회지 13(2):87~92, 2011 ISSN 1229-6414 Original Article 수술소견과자기공명영상소견을통한발목터널증후군의원인연구 가천의과학대학교가천의대길병원신경과 1, 정형외과 2 손민기 1 박홍기 2 이영배 1 Etiologic Study of Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome by Operative and MRI