Your First Grammar GRAMMAR BEAN 2 정답 및 해설 deep 정답 및 해설 -

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Unit1 4-5형식 동사 정리 of를 수반할 수 있는 동사: ask, require 등 ex ask: He asked me the way. He asked the way of me. 4 형식 동사 4형식 문형: S + V + I.O + D.O (V: 수여동사) 4형식

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Unit 1 reading.hwp



Your First Grammar GRAMMAR BEAN 2 정답 및 해설 deep 정답 및 해설 -

01 일반동사의현재형 1 My Grammar Note p.9 G 1. watch, watches 2. does, do 3. goes, go 4. loves, love 5. have, has H 1. writes a letter 2. takes a ballet lesson 3. speaks Korean and English 4. closes at 10 1. 일반동사 2. 현재 3. 3 인칭단수 4. catches, tries, has p.16-17 p.10-11 A wash, live, run, like, sing, eat, study B 1. play, play 2. likes, like 3. barks, bark 4. eat, eat 5. teaches, teach 6. goes, go 7. send, send 8. has, have C 1. visits 2. finishes 3. has 4. goes 5. studies 6. drinks 7. writes D 1. eats 2. rains 3. goes 4. speak 5. plays 6. calls p.12-15 A 1. eats 2. cleans 3. sleeps 4. flies 5. dances 6. studies 7. drinks 8. tries 9. catches 10. says 11. watches 12. buys 13. mixes 14. does B 1. I 2. They 3. He 4. The girls 5. My brother 6. Lily 7. Eva C 1. gets 2. opens 3. drinks 4. take 5. washes 6. have 7. walks D 1. reads 2. has 3. buys 4. play 5. loves 6. cleans E 1. calls 2. looks 3. enjoys 4. likes 5. feel 6. fall 7. play F 1. am, enjoy 2. is, plays 3. is, sings 4. are, clean 5. is, has A 1. The boy reads cartoons 2. I play computer games 3. Emily and Brad watch a movie 4. Brian goes to the park B 1. 1) like 2) She likes apple juice. 2. 1) lives 2) Many fish live in the sea. 3. 1) wants 2) My parents want a large house. 4. 1) enjoy 2) Olivia enjoys camping in summer. 5. 1) drink 2) Daniel drinks coffee every morning. C Yuna gets up at 7 in the morning. She has breakfast at 7:30. Then she goes to the gym. Yuna exercises for three hours and then has lunch at 12:00. After lunch, she practices skating. At 9:00, she surfs the Internet and goes to bed at 10:00. Wrap-up Test p.18-20 1. 4 2. 2 3. 4 4. 4 5. 4 6. 1 7. 4 8. 4 9. plays 10. He watches a comedy show

1. 4 are 는 be 동사이다. 2. 2 -ch 로끝나는동사의 3 인칭단수형은 -es 를붙여 서만든다. watches 3. 빈칸에는 춤추다 라는의미인 dance 가들어가야하 고, 주어가 3 인칭단수이므로 dances 가알맞다. 4. 주어가 3 인칭단수이다. 5. Ms. Lee 와 She 는 3 인칭단수주어이다. 6. 1 like likes 7. cry 와 finish 의 3 인칭단수형은각각 cries 와 finishes 이다. 8. have 는 가지다, play tennis 는 테니스를치다, do one s homework 는 숙제를하다 의뜻으로, play 와 do 는 3 인칭단수형으로써야한다. 9. 컴퓨터게임을하다 는 play computer games 이고, 주어가 3 인칭단수이므로 plays 를쓴다. 10. 주어가 3 인칭단수이므로 watch 에 -es 를붙여 watches 로쓴다. 02 일반동사의현재형 2 My Grammar Note p.23 1. not 2. don t, doesn t 3. 동사원형 4. does p.24-25 A 1. X 2. O 3. O 4. X 5. O 6. X 7. X B 1. don t 2. don t 3. doesn t 4. doesn t 5. don t 6. doesn t 7. doesn t C 1. Do 2. Do 3. Does 4. Does 5. Do 6. Does 7. Does D 1. c 2. d 3. f 4. e 5. b 6. a p.26-29 A 1. doesn t, like 2. doesn t, eat 3. doesn t, have 4. don t, enjoy 5. don t, study 6. don t, like B 1. don t like 2. don t want 3. doesn t play 4. doesn t have 5. doesn t watch 6. doesn t eat 7. don t have C 1. Do, drink, don t 2. Does, enjoy, does 3. Do, draw, do 4. Does, want, doesn t 5. Do, exercise, do D 1. Do I know 2. Do you hate 3. Does she eat 4. Do they like 5. Does he get 6. Do we have 7. Does it snow E 1. don t like 2. doesn t wear 3. don t want 4. doesn t have F 1. Does he enjoy fishing e 2. Do babies cry a lot d 3. Does she have a brother b 4. Do you like watermelons a 5. Does your dog bite c G 1. O 2. doesn t 3. watch 4. O 5. doesn t 6. have 7. don t 8. Do, Yes 9. Does, does 10. do, O 11. O, don t 12. take, doesn t 13. O, does p.30-31 A 1. I don t like action movies. 2. She doesn t live in London. 3. We don t remember the actor s name. 4. Serena doesn t go to bed early. 5. You don t have a lot of homework. 정답및해설 -

6. Ally doesn t study science hard. B 1. Do you like / Yes, I do. 2. Does he want / No, he doesn t. 3. Does your sister sing / Yes, she does. 4. Do they drink / No, they don t. 5. Do you know / Yes, we do. 6. Does Mary speak / No, she doesn t. 7. Does he have / Yes, he does. C Sora is on a diet. She don t eat hamburgers or drink Coke anymore. She doesn t eats anything at night. Does she exercises every day? Yes, she do! Sora is on a diet. She doesn t eat hamburgers or drink Coke anymore. She doesn t eat anything at night. Does she exercise every day? Yes, she does! 5. 4 주어 (bears) 가 3 인칭단수가아니므로 do 를쓴다. Does Do 6. 3 A 의질문에 B 가긍정의대답을하고나서, 그와상 반되는내용을말하고있으므로어색하다. 7. 123 does[does] 4 do 8. 주어가 3 인칭단수 (she) 인일반동사의의문문에대한 대답에는 does 를쓴다. 문맥상부정의대답이와야 한다. 9. 주어 + don t[doesn t] + 동사원형 ~ 10. Do[Does] + 주어 + 동사원형 ~? 03 현재진행형 My Grammar Note p.37 1. is running 2. not, not reading 3. 주어, Are they p.38-39 Wrap-up Test p.32-34 1. 3 2. 4 3. 4 4. 1 5. 4 6. 3 7. 4 8. 2 9. I don t like swimming 10. Does David enjoy reading, he does 1. 일반동사의부정문은주어가 3 인칭단수이면 주어 + doesn t + 동사원형 ~ 으로쓴다. 2. 일반동사 (take) 의의문문이고, 주어가 3 인칭단수이 므로빈칸에는 Does 가와야한다. 3. Do 로시작하는일반동사의의문문은 do 를사용해서 답한다. 4. 일반동사의부정문과의문문에서 do[does] 뒤에는 동사원형을쓴다. A 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 B 1. brushing 2. walking 3. study 4. flying 5. smiles 6. eating 7. skates C 1. is riding 2. am doing 3. are running 4. is cleaning 5. are singing 6. is playing 7. is talking D 1. swimming 2. crying 3. going 4. Is 5. I 6. he teaching 7. they jumping p.40-43 A 1. acting 2. crying 3. living

4. becoming 5. beginning 6. breaking 7. building 8. saying 9. stopping 10. dying 11. sitting 12. enjoying 13. lying 14. cutting B 1. is buying 2. are having 3. is dancing 4. is catching 5. am writing 6. are reading 7. is waiting C 1. is, isn t[is not] driving 2. am, am not using 3. are, aren t[are not] listening 4. is, isn t[is not] snowing 5. are, aren t[are not] wearing D 1. are, Are you, I am 2. is, Is Mom, she isn t[is not] 3. are, Are the boys, they are 4. are, Are they, they aren t[are not] 5. is, Is he, he is E 1. isn t[is not] looking 2. aren t[are not] singing 3. am not cooking 4. isn t[is not] barking 5. aren t[are not] riding 6. isn t[is not] wearing F 1. Are they watching 2. Is he listening 3. Are they eating 4. Is she playing 5. Are you reading 6. Is she using G 1. are eating 2. is calling 3. is looking 4. isn t[is not] staying 5. am not listening 6. Are you going 7. Is 8. is jogging 9. isn t[is not] watching 10. telling p.44-45 A 1. The girl is wearing yellow rain boots. 2. He isn t[is not] reading a newspaper. 3. Are they speaking in English? 4. Is Alex making chicken curry? 5. Many[A lot of] people are waiting for the bus. B 1. 1) am learning 2) My sister is learning Chinese. 2. 1) are swimming 2) They are lying in the park. 3. 1) Is, listening 2) Is Chris playing a computer game? 4. 1) isn t[is not] playing 2) Ted isn t[is not] watching TV. 5. 1) are eating 2) We are drinking apple juice. C We are cleaning the classroom. Yumi is erasing the blackboard. Jinsu are moving the desks. Jessica is wipes the windows. Minho does sweeping the floor. We are cleaning the classroom. Yumi is erasing the blackboard. Jinsu is moving the desks. Jessica is wiping the windows. Minho is sweeping the floor. Wrap-up Test p.46-48 1. 4 2. 4 3. 2 4. 1 5. 2 6. 3 7. 2 8. 4 9. is not studying, is sleeping 10. Is, swimming, she isn t, is running 1. 4 모음 1개와자음 1개로끝나는동사는마지막자음을한번더쓰고 ing를붙인다. (stop - stopping) 정답및해설 -

2. 현재진행형 : be 동사 + 동사원형 -ing 3. 현재진행형의부정문 : be 동사 + not + 동사원형 -ing 4. be 동사다음에는동사원형이바로올수없다. 5. 현재진행형의의문문 : be 동사 + 주어 + 동사원형 -ing? 6. 124 is[is], 3 are 7. be 동사를이용한질문에는 be 동사를이용해답한다. 8. 4 eating is eating 또는 eats 04 be동사의과거형 : was, were My Grammar Note p.51 1. was, were, was 2. weren t 3. 주어, Was, wasn t A 1, 3, 5, 6 p.52-53 B 1. was 2. were 3. was 4. were 5. was 6. were 7. was C 1. was easy 2. was angry 3. were at 4. was good 5. was absent 6. were my 7. were fruits D 1. Was she 2. Were they 3. Was he 4. Were the books 5. Was I 6. Were there 7. Was the movie p.54-57 A 1. is, He was 2. are, You were 3. are, They were 4. am, I was 5. are, We were 6. is, It was 7. is, He was B 1. are, were 2. is, was 3. am, was 4. is, was 5. is, was 6. are, were C 1. is 2. were 3. was 4. are 5. was 6. were D 1. There was 2. There were 3. There is 4. There were 5. There was 6. There are E 1. was, wasn t[was not] sweet 2. were, weren t[were not] noisy 3. was, wasn t[was not] a smart boy 4. were, weren t[were not] big 5. was, wasn t[was not] a good choice 6. was, wasn t[was not] great 7. was, I wasn t[was not] busy F 1. Was the room, it wasn t 2. Were they, they were 3. Was the dress, it was 4. Was he, he wasn t 5. Was she, she was G 1. were 2. was 3. Was 4. weren t[were not] 5. Was 6. wasn t[was not] 7. Were 8. was 9. was 10. wasn t[was not] A 1. The wind was very cold. 2. His hands were clean. p.58-59 3. The key wasn t[was not] under the table. 4. Were you at the library? 5. Was the weather good? B 1. 1) was 2) We were sad yesterday. 2. 1) wasn t[was not] 2) The students weren t[were not] sleepy. 3. 1) were 2) There was a clock in the classroom.

4. 1) was 2) My parents were in Seoul last week. 5. 1) Were 2) Was your computer broken that day? C Jina and I are good friends, but we are very different. Jina is small but I am tall. Jina is good at math but I m poor at it. There was a math test in school yesterday. It was very easy for Jina. Was it easy for me? No, it wasn t! Wrap-up Test p.60-62 1. 2 2. 2 3. 3 4. 3 5. 3 6. 4 7. 2 8. 2 9. 3 10. Were, weren t[were not] 1. 2 you + were 2. be동사뒤에 not을쓴다. 3. 주어가 3인칭단수일때 be동사의현재형으로는 is, 과거형으로는 was를쓴다. 4. 과거를나타내는문장이고주어가 I이므로 wasn t가적절하다. 5. 3 were was 6. 4 의문문의주어가 they이므로 they를써서답한다. 7. 2 Yes 다음에는긍정의표현이와야한다. 8. 주어가 3인칭단수인과거형문장이다. 9. 첫번째문장은과거형, 두번째문장은현재형이다. 10. 주어가복수형인과거시제의문장이므로 be동사 were를이용한다. 05 일반동사의과거형 1 My Grammar Note p.65 2. wanted, lived, cried 3. did, came, read p.66-67 A 1, 3, 6, 7, 11, 12, 14, 15 B 1. looked 2. wanted 3. lived 4. liked 5. cried 6. studied 7. told 8. dropped 9. sat 10. ran C 1. went 2. took 3. read 4. gave 5. stopped 6. said 7. had p.68-71 A 1. watched 2. enjoyed 3. loved 4. visited 5. stopped 6. helped 7. played 8. tried 9. worked 10. hated B 1. met 2. saw 3. made 4. knew 5. did 6. sat 7. came 8. drank 9. slept 10. had 11. swam 12. gave 13. found 14. began 15. bought 16. taught 17. got 18. put 19. sang 20. wrote C 1. saw, see 2. exercises, exercised 3. listen, listened 4. begins, began 5. practiced, practices 6. cleans, cleaned 7. went, go 8. know, knew D 1. called 2. played 3. waited 4. danced 5. cried 6. had 7. dropped E 1. met 2. fixed 3. ate 4. spoke 5. drank 6. traveled 정답및해설 -

F 1. was, am 2. goes, went 3. taught, teaches 4. has, had 5. lived, live 6. wakes, woke 7. wanted, wants 8. read, reading p.72-73 A 1. watched TV 2. met Jessica 3. made cookies 4. studied English 5. saw a movie 6. wrote e-mails 7. went shopping B 1. 1) snows 2) It snowed a lot last month. 2. 1) drives 2) He drove us home last night. 3. 1) helps 2) We helped him last week. 4. 1) read 2) Jack read a book yesterday. 5. 1) takes 2) I took piano lessons two years ago. Wrap-up Test p.74-76 1. 2 2. 4 3. 4 4. 3 5. 4 6. 1 7. 3 8. 4 9. swimed swam 10. (1) came come (2) sang sing (3) got get 1. 2 stop - stopped 2. 4 sit - sat 3. last night과 last week이쓰였으므로둘다동사의과거형이들어가야한다. 4. 첫번째문장은반복되는습관을나타내므로현재형, 두번째문장은어제의일이므로과거형으로쓴다. 5. last night으로보아과거시제로써야한다. 4 fights fought 6. 동사 (painted) 가과거형이므로 now는들어갈수없다. 7. 3 win won 8. buy의과거형은 bought이다. 9. swim의과거형은 swam이다. 10. was: be동사 came, sang, got: 일반동사 C I went to an amusement park with Mina yesterday. We ride the roller coaster and the merry-go-round. We eat pizza and drink Coke. We have a great time! 06 일반동사의과거형 2 I went to an amusement park with Mina yesterday. We rode the roller coaster and the merry-go-round. We ate pizza and drank Coke. We had a great time! My Grammar Note p.79 1. did, not, didn t 2. Did, Did 3. did p.80-81 A 1. didn t 2. doesn t 3. didn t 4. don t 5. didn t B 1. call 2. do 3. get 4. tell 5. rain

6. keep 7. watch C 1. Did, go 2. Did, drink 3. Does, watch 4. Did, buy 5. Do, take D 1. I did 2. he didn t 3. it did 4. they didn t 5. she did p.82-85 A 1. met, meet 2. played, play 3. had, have 4. fixed, fix B 1. Did, wash 2. Did, take 3. Did, read 4. Did, hear 5. Did, forget C 1. Sara didn t go, Did Sara go 2. He didn t want, Did he want 3. She didn t bring, Did she bring 4. They didn t invite, Did they invite 5. He didn t miss, Did he miss 6. The train didn t leave, Did the train leave D 1. didn t, got 2. took 3. played 4. didn t, went 5. do, I did 6. read E 1. didn t read 2. didn t swim, swam 3. listened 4. Did, eat, ate 5. Did, go, enjoyed F 1. Did you go 2. pass 3. didn t ride 4. like 5. didn t have 6. I didn t 7. he didn t 2. 1) Did, read 2) Did he read today s newspaper? 3. 1) didn t wash 2) My father didn t wash his car. 4. 1) Did, go 2) Did she get up early? 5. 1) didn t open 2) She didn t lock the door. C A: What do you do yesterday? B: I watch a horror movie. A: Do you enjoy it? B: Yes, but I am very scared and don t sleep well last night. A: What did you do yesterday? B: I watched a horror movie. A: Did you enjoy it? B: Yes, but I was very scared and didn t sleep well last night. Wrap-up Test p.88-90 1. 2 2. 3 3. 4 4. 4 5. 3 6. 4 7. 4 8. Did you meet 9. didn t[did not] wash her hair 10. (1) Yes, he did (2) No, he didn t A 1. She didn t take a bus. p.86-87 2. He didn t go to the museum yesterday. 3. Did Daniel fight with his friend? 4. Did you make a snowman? B 1. 1) didn t go 2) I didn t go to school yesterday. 1. didn t + 동사원형 2. Did + 주어 + 동사원형 ~? 3. 질문에 yesterday가쓰였으므로동사의과거형이들어가야한다. 4. 그가집에있었다고했으므로빈칸에는부정의대답이알맞다. 7. didn t 뒤에는동사원형을써야한다. 정답및해설 -

4 didn t make 8. B 의대답으로보아 Did you + 동사원형 ~? 으로묻 는것이알맞다. 9. 주어 + didn t + 동사원형 ~ 10. James 는늦게일어나서아침을먹지않고학교에 달려갔다. 07 미래형 1: will, be going to My Grammar Note p.93 3. am going to dye 4. is going to hit 5. are going to be 6. am going to have 7. is going to watch E 1. will close 2. will pass 3. will meet 4. will drink 5. will bring 6. will go F 1. is going to buy 2. am going to go 3. is going to read 4. is going to fly 5. are going to see 6. is going to stop G 1. will be 2. will take 3. O 4. will go 5. will be 6. will buy 7. O 8. I am going 9. going to play 10. going to 11. to read 12. are going 13. going to wear 14. O 15. going to buy 2. 1) will, will 2) going to, going to p.100-101 A 1, 2, 5, 7 p.94-95 B 1. c, b, a 2. b, a, c C 1. He go 2. It rain 3. They go 4. She be 5. There be 6. I stay 7. shop open D 1. are going to 2. is going to 3. am going to 4. is going to 5. are going to 6. are going to p.96-99 A 1. rain 2. make 3. send 4. attend 5. going to 6. be 7. drink 8. help B 1. He s going to 2. She ll 3. I m going to 4. It ll 5. We re going to 6. You ll C 1. is, will be 2. will be 3. am, will be 4. will be 5. is, will be 6. are, will be D 1. is going to turn 2. are going to take A 1. is going to have, is going to do 2. is going to meet, are going to go 3. is going to read, is going to write B 1. 1) meet 2) He is going to arrive at 2 p.m. 2. 1) win 2) You will pass the test. 3. 1) rain 2) It will snow this Christmas. 4. 1) are, miss 2) are going to be late 5. 1) going to learn 2) Sam is going to learn Korean. C go, bring, climb, take, try Brain, Mike, Amy, and Jessie are going to go to Jeju Island next Friday. Brian is going to bring his camera. Mike is going to climb Mt. Halla. Amy is going to take many pictures. Jessie is going to try horseback riding. 10

Wrap-up Test p.102-104 1. 3 2. 1 3. 3 4. 2 5. 3 6. 2 7. 2 8. 1 9. c a b 10. I am going to make Christmas cards 1. be going to 는 ~ 할예정이다 라는뜻이다. 주어가 복수이므로 be 동사자리에 are 를쓴다. 2. will 다음에는동사원형을쓴다. 3. 미래의결심을나타내므로 주어 + will + 동사원형 의 어순이되어야한다. 4. will 다음에는동사원형을쓴다. 5. 124 미래를나타내는 be going to 3 ~ 에가고있는중이다 를뜻하는현재진행형 6. 2 will 과 be going to 는함께쓰지않는다. will play 또는 is going to play 7. 2 last night( 지난밤 ) 은과거를나타내므로, 미래시 제와함께쓸수없다. 8. 1 be, 234 is 9. a 현재진행형 (be 동사 + 동사원형 -ing) b 미래시제 (will + 동사원형 ) c 과거시제 ( 동사의과거형 made) 10. 주어 + be going to + 동사원형 의순서로쓴다. 08 미래형 2 : 부정문 / 의문문 My Grammar Note p.107 1. will, not, won t, will 2. not, going to p.108-109 A 1. will join 2. will go 3. will pass 4. are going to 5. am going to 6. are going to 7. is going to B 1. It won t[it ll not] 2. I m not going to 3. She s not going to[she isn t going to] 4. I won t[i ll not] 5. They re not going to[they aren t going to] 6. Jack s not going to[jack isn t going to] 7. He won t[he ll not] C 1. Is 2. Will 3. Am 4. Are 5. Will 6. Is D 1. he won t 2. they will 3. I am 4. she is 5. she isn t p.110-113 A 1. invite 2. stay 3. sleep 4. rain 5. isn t 6. will not 7. aren t B 1. Are, I am 2. Will she 3. No, he won t 4. Is, he is C 1. won t[will not] call 2. won t[will not] meet 3. will study 4. won t[will not] win 5. will take 6. won t[will not] be 7. won t[will not] speak D 1. not going to visit 2. isn t[is not] going to stay 3. is going to get 4. aren t[are not] going to eat 5. is going to buy 6. aren t[are not] going to pay 7. aren t[are not] going to be E 1. Will the class start 2. Are you going to meet 3. Will they keep 4. Is the train going to leave 5. Is Rachel going to learn 6. Will you marry 7. Will you lend 8. Is he going to get 9. Are you going to give F 1. won t be 2. will not show 정답및해설 - 11

3. won t[will not] sell 4. are not going to 5. O 6. are not going to 7. Will 8. Is 9. Is the baby 10. O 11. Will she make 12. they won t 13. O 14. he will 15. we aren t p.114-115 A it, won t, snow, No, it, won t, will, rain, will B 1. He isn t going to wash his car today. 2. Will you go to Kelly s birthday party? 3. Are you going to buy some chocolate? 4. I m not going to answer the phone. 5. I won t[will not] have lunch with Brad. 6. Will you forgive him? C I will exercise every day. I will read a lot of books. I will study hard. I will clean my room. I won t tell a lie. I won t get up late. I won t fight with my sister. Wrap-up Test p.116-118 1. 4 2. 1 3. 2 4. 4 5. 3 6. 4 7. 3 8. 2 9. No, I m not 10. Ted will not come early. 1. 1 현재진행형, 23 과거형 2. will + 주어 + 동사원형 ~? 3. be going to + 동사원형 4. be going to는미래를나타내므로 yesterday( 어제 ) 와함께쓸수없다. 5. 질문과대답의시제가같아야한다. 3 No, he isn t. 6. 4 They are not going to stay in a hotel. 7. 미래를묻는표현이므로 will 과 be going to 를이용 한다. 8. 2 won t 는 will not 의줄임말이므로뒤에 not 을쓸 수없다. 9. 꽃을살것이라고대답했으므로빈칸에는부정의답이 와야자연스럽다. 10. will 이쓰인문장의부정문은 will 뒤에 not 을쓴다. 09 시제비교 My Grammar Note p.121 1. played, will play 2. 현재진행형 3. going p.122-123 A 1. b, f 2. a 3. c 4. d, e B 1. is talking 2. gets up 3. is crying 4. go C 1. O 2. X 3. O 4. O 5. X 6. O 7. X D 1. takes 2. played 3. are going to ride 4. are shaking 5. is surfing 6. took 7. will wear p.124-127 A 1. is reading 2. runs 3. came 4. rained 5. visited 6. will buy 7. traveled 8. are eating 9. go B 1. b 2. c 3. d 4. a 12

C 1. 2 2. 3 3. 2 4. 3 5. 1 D 1. on Sundays 2. now 3. next year 4. on Sundays 5. next year 6. yesterday E 1. ate 2. is practicing 3. takes 4. will[am going to] go 5. is reading 6. jumps F 1. is traveling 2. O 3. didn t[did not] eat 4. is going[is going to go] 5. is playing 6. left 7. O G 1. Tim wrote e-mails 2. We aren t[are not] watching TV 3. Will you wear new jeans 4. Dad is cooking dinner for us 5. Jennifer helped her mother 6. This bakery is going to open 7. They sang and danced 8. My family is moving to Seoul 9. He is closing the window 10. Did she go scuba diving p.128-129 A 1. He lost his umbrella yesterday. 2. Are you doing your homework now? 3. Paul isn t[is not] going to sell the car. 4. We take an English test every Monday. 5. Did you watch the game last night? B 1. 1) take 2) Daniel goes to the pool on Sundays. 2. 1) are playing 2) Joe is talking on the phone now. 3. 1) Did, fix 2) Did she climb a mountain yesterday? 4. 1) am going to wash 2) Katie is going to have a haircut tomorrow. 5. 1) won t[will not] buy 2) I won t[will not] wear the hat. C 1. celebrates 2. am wearing 3. visited 4. will[are going to] make Wrap-up Test p.130-132 1. 3 2. 2 3. 4 4. 1 5. 4 6. 4 7. 2 8. 3 9. celebrate, had 10. I am having chicken on Friday. 1. 124 과거, 3 현재진행 2. yesterday( 어제 ) 가쓰였으므로과거시제가되어야한다. 3. 3 현재진행형을써서예정된가까운미래를나타낼수있다. 4 현재진행시제 4. 1 last night( 과거 ) 과 goes( 현재 ) 는어울리지않는다. 5. now는현재진행형과, soon은미래형과함께쓰는것이자연스럽다. 6. 4 어젯밤에뉴스를보았냐는질문에긍정의대답을하고나서, 지금보고있다고말하는것은어색하다. 7. last Sunday는과거시제와, tomorrow는미래시제와함께쓰는것이자연스럽다. 현재진행형으로가까운미래를나타낼수있다. 8. last year는과거시제와, next year는미래시제와함께쓰는것이자연스럽다. 9. every year는현재시제와, last Christmas는과거시제와함께쓰는것이자연스럽다. 10. 현재진행형으로가까운미래를나타내기도한다. 정답및해설 - 13

10 문장의형태 My Grammar Note p.135 H 1. This coffee smells great. 2. The singer s voice sounds wonderful. 3. I practice the piano every day. 4. Ms. Lee teaches foreigners Korean. 5. Jennifer showed me her diary. 1. 형용사 2. 명사 3. ~ 에게 p.142-143 p.136-137 A 1. O 2. V 3. X 4. O 5. X 6. V 7. O B 1. d 2. c 3. g 4. e 5. b 6. f 7. a C 1. 1 2. 1 3. 1 4. 2 D 1. her an e-mail 2. me a science book 3. his mother a scarf 4. my brother a sweater 5. him a secret 6. her his pictures 7. me English p.138-141 A 1. looks 2. smells 3. feel 4. sounds 5. smell 6. look 7. tastes B 1. 3 2. 2 3. 3 4. 2 5. 1 6. 3 7. 3 C 1. read a novel 2. plays basketball 3. brush my teeth 4. drink milk 5. takes a bus D 1. I study math 2. Joe doesn t play the violin 3. Many people remember the war. 4. They ate lunch 5. He will watch a soccer game E 1. me 2. him 3. her 4. you 5. them 6. us 7. my sister F 1. 2 2. 3 3. 2 4. 2 5. 3 6. 2 7. 1 G 1. looks peaceful 2. O 3. O 4. wants a new watch 5. told me the secret 6. O 7. bought me a hamburger A 1. feel bored 2. looks healthy 3. She didn t change her mind. 4. I have a good idea. 5. He lent me his shoes. 6. We gave her a concert ticket. B 1. 1) speaks 2) My uncle speaks Chinese well. 2. 1) sent him 2) He sent me some pictures. 3. 1) bought 2) My mom bought me a new bicycle. 4. 1) made 2) He made us a big snowman. C 1. tastes sweet 2. makes pink cotton candy 3. buy their children his cotton candy Wrap-up Test p.144-146 1. 4 2. 3 3. 4 4. 4 5. 4 6. 3 7. 4 8. 3 9. looks 10. gave the children a lot of presents 1. 4 네옷에서안좋은냄새가나. 2. have 뒤에는명사가와야한다. 3. 동사 + 형용사 동사 + 명사 동사 + 명사 + 명사각각의문장형태에알맞은동사를찾는다. 14

4. tell + 명사 ( 사람 ) + 명사 ( 사물 ): ~ 에게 을말해주다 5. 4 Mom made us sandwiches. 6. 124 [ 동사 + 명사 + 명사 ] 3 [ 동사 + 명사 ] 7. ~ 에게 에해당하는대명사는목적격으로쓴다. 8. [ 동사 + 명사 ] 와 [ 동사 + 명사 + 명사 ] 형태의문장에서모두쓸수있는동사는 buy이다. 9. [ 동사 (look) + 형용사 ] 의형태이다. 10. [ 동사 (give) + 명사 (~ 에게 ) + 명사 (~ 을 )] 의형태이다. 정답및해설 - 15