MeetinG PlAnninG GuiDe SEOUL, KOREA the westin chosun seoul 106 sogong-ro, Jung-gu, seoul 100-070 Korea 82.2.771.0500 82.2.752.1443
GRAnD BAllRooM Lobby Floor the newly opened Grand Ballroom is equipped with state-of-the-art lighting and sound systems and video conference facilities to accommodate various types of events. it can be sub-divided into two rooms and can hold 500 guests for sit-down banquets and up to 1,000 for cocktails. 20 eaw s ceiling-mounted speakers and 4 supplementary speakers deliver even and excellent sounds through every corner of the room. 72 spot lights, 60 PAR lights and 50 table lights highlight the stage or the tables helping you create the ambience you want for your event. Also 4 main projection screens and 4 supplementary screens allow you to appreciate the event from every angle of the room. the westin chosun seoul s banquet and catering services have satisfied the sophisticated taste of every client for almost a century and also successfully completed G20 conference with our unique know-hows and exceptional personalized services. 김환기, 윤명로등한국현대미술의거장작품들을지나오면보이는공간이행사를개최하는그랜드볼룸의시작입니다. 그랜드볼룸은두곳으로나누어독립적으로사용할수있으며, 세미나스타일로 400 명, 연회스타일로 500 명, 극장식스타일로 800 명, 스탠딩파티의경우 1,000 명까지수용이가능합니다. 기자간담회, 런칭쇼, 웨딩등다양한행사를기획한의도대로연출할수있습니다. 음향은미국 EAW 사의최상급스피커 20개를천정매립으로, 4개의라인스피커를보조로설치해그랜드볼룸어느곳에서나고른음향이나오며하우링없이명료하게음성이전달됩니다. 조명은 72대의스포트라이트, 60대의파라이트, 50대의테이블라이트등총 182대의라이트와콘솔이무대뿐아니라테이블하나하나에비추어의도한대로연출해줍니다. 전면투사방식의메인스크린 4개, 보조스크린 4개로어떤방향에서도프리젠테이션을잘볼수있습니다. 100 년동안대한민국상류층의미각을만족시켰고 G20 행사를성공적으로이끈최고의서울웨스틴조선호텔주방장의섬세한손길로만들어진메뉴만이귀하에게제공됩니다. GRAnD BAllRooM Banquet Buffet Theater School Room Width Length Height SQ Banner Screen Beam GBR 480 400 800 430 36 25 6.5 825 8 5 x 4.5 15000 ansi GBR A 200 170 350 220 25 18 6.5 412.5 7 5 x 5 15000 ansi GBR B 200 170 350 220 25 18 6.5 412.5 7 5 x 5 15000 ansi
orchid RooM our smaller ballroom on the second floor may seat up to 200 guests and is ideal for social gatherings, family reunions, weddings, and most of all, your special meeting or function. the room boasts an ultra modern ambience with the traditional Korean touch and has private foyer which is ideal for cocktail reception or large scaled coffee break. the orchid room is equipped with 3 individual built-in screens and high tech lcd projectors as well as an advanced lighting system. Also small function rooms on the same floor promise smooth and efficient business meeting. 서울웨스틴조선호텔 2층에위치한오키드룸은모던하면서도한국적인선의아름다움을살려디자인한것이특징입니다. 최대 200명규모로연회행사진행이가능하고룸입구의넓은포이어에서는칵테일리셉션과여유로운커피브레이크가가능합니다. 3개의대형내장형스크린과최신형프로젝터를갖추고있으며밝고환한 LED 조명과필요에따라조도조절이가능한디머시스템및음향시스템을갖추고있습니다. 인원에따라중, 소규모의행사가가능한미팅룸이같은층에위치해행사진행을유연하고편리하게하실수있습니다. orchid RooM Banquet Buffet Theater School Room Width Length Height SQ Banner Screen Beam orchid 200 150 300 190 14.5 24.9 3.8 361 6 4.5 x 2.7 7000 ansi
4 PRiVAte MeetinG RooMs 4 individual meeting rooms can be combined together into one spacious meeting room according to the size of the function, with a maximum capacity of 200 guests. each room is equally sized and supports full sound and lighting systems, as well as high-tech banqueting facilities. the spectacular view of the historic hwangudan (a temple of heaven) and royal garden can be enjoyed from the 4 different rooms through uniquely-designed blinds inspire by the traditional Korean patterns. 역사적유적으로높은가치를지니고있는환구단의아름다운전경을바라보는 4개의미팅룸은인원에따라전체를하나로사용할수있으며최대 200명연회가가능합니다. 소규모의행사시모두 4 개의동일한크기의룸으로나누어사용할수있습니다. 또한디머기능과 LED 조명을갖춘시스템을비롯세미나와연회를위한최첨단장비들이준비되어있습니다. 한국적문양을형상화한블라인드를통해느껴지는창밖의멋진전경은서울웨스틴조선호텔만이지닌최고의가치를선사합니다. 4 Private Meeting Rooms Banquet Buffet Theater School Room Width Length Height SQ Banner Screen Beam lilac 40 0 50 40 7.4 11.3 3.2 83.63 5 3 x 2.15 4500 ansi tulip 40 0 50 40 7.4 11.3 3.2 83.23 5 3 x 2.15 4500 ansi cosmos 40 0 50 40 7.4 11.3 3.2 83.23 5 3 x 2.15 4500 ansi Violet 40 0 50 40 7.1 11.3 3.2 80.23 5 3 x 2.15 4500 ansi 2 PDR 90 70 120 90 14.5 11.3 3.2 161.36 5 4.35 x 2.75 4500 ansi 3 PDR 140 100 200 140 21.5 11.3 3.2 242.49 5 4.35 x 2.75 4500 ansi 4 PDR 200 140 250 190 28.7 11.3 3.2 327 5 4.35 x 2.75 4500 ansi
Rose RooM the Rose room, located on the 2 nd floor, is ideal for small scale business meetings with the perfect boardroom settings. the room is also suitable for small functions or private dining and can be turned into a ViP room or a separate waiting room with other events in special occasions. with its magnificent garden view through oversize window, Rose Room will be an ideal choice for any small scale or private events that require independent and specialized sections. 2층에위치해있는로즈룸은비즈니스미팅에적합한보드룸형태로이루어졌습니다. 단독으로소규모미팅과식사진행이가능하며미팅룸에서행사진행시귀빈실또는별도의웨이팅룸으로함께사용하실수있습니다. 정원이보이는조용하고단아한로즈룸은비즈니스뿐만아니라잠깐의휴식에서도남다른품격을선사합니다. Rose Room Oval Buffet Theater School Room Width Length Height SQ Banner Screen Beam Rose 14 - - - 6.9 11.3 3.2 77.9 - - -
FlooR PlAn Lobby Floor FlooR PlAn