일본요리의정수 ( 精秀 ) 가이세키, 오감으로재현되다. Taste the best of Kaiseki with all your five senses. 고급일본요리의정수가이세키요리를감각적인스타일로재현하는일식당무라사키는 건강한삶, 품격있는스타일 을지향하는최고급다이닝입니다. 국내특급호텔최초로선보이는 교토오반자이 콘셉트와네오클래식가이세키콘셉트의최고급메뉴를통해새로운일식오뜨퀴진 (Haute Cuisine) 을선보입니다. Japanese restaurant Murasaki presents a sensational Kaiseki meal, a representative Japanese course dish, at a premium dining space targeting healthy life and elegant style. Each seasonal change is reflected in exquisite details at the restaurant. Come marvel at the Haute Cuisine including premium hotel s first Kyoto Obanzai and other finest dishes under Neo-classical concepts. 우유, 계란, 밀, 콩, 땅콩, 견과류, 생선, 패류등은알러지를유발할수있으므로알러지가있는고객께서는미리말씀해주시기바랍니다. Milk, Eggs, Wheat, Soybeans, Peanuts, Tree nuts, Shellfish can cause allergic symptoms. Please let us know in advance if you have any food allergies or dietary issues.
Traditional Kaiseki 春爛漫 하루란만 Haru Ranman 추운겨울을이겨내고꽃이피어나는화사한모습처럼 따뜻한봄의시작을의미하는계절가이세키입니다. Discover a seasonal kaiseki menu created to welcome the warm sunlight, flowers and hope of spring after a long winter. 蛤カダイフ揚げ蟹餡かけ 季節の前菜 5 種盛り 旬のお造り 5 種盛り 帆 立 貝 と 春 野 菜の 貝 焼 き 게살소스를올린대합카다이프튀김 Clam Kadaif Tempura with Crab Sauce 계절전채요리 5 종 5 kinds of Seasonal Relish 계절생선회 5 종 5 kinds of Seasonal Sashimi 산마소스를올린가리비구이와봄채소모둠구이 Fried Scallops and Vegetables with Wild Yam Sauce 韓牛とトマトの小鍋仕立て한우토마토냄비 Tomato Nabe with Korean Beef 大 ト ロ の カ ツ レ ツ 참치대뱃살커틀렛 Tuna Belly Cutlet 貝の炙り寿司 3 種盛り赤出汁香の物 さくらんぼプリンと季節の果物 계절조개초밥 Seasonal Clam Sushi 앵두푸딩과계절과일 Aengdu Cherry Pudding and Seasonal Fruit 198,000 (per person)
Modern Kaiseki 美食コース 미식코스 Gastronomy Course 오감을표현하는구성과순서는전통가이세키를따르면서계절감을느낄수있는최고급식재료를사용하여은은함과아름다움을표현한플레이팅이돋보이는모던가이세키입니다. Modern Kaiseki appealing to five senses follow the order and composition of traditional Kaiseki. Seasonal premium ingredients are used combining elegant plating for additional delight. 本日のおすすめ先付 2 種 甘 鯛 の 雲 丹 巻 き の 清 汁 仕 立 て 오늘의추천전채요리 2 종 2 kinds of Relish 옥돔성게말이맑은국 Sea Bream and Sea Urchin Roll in Clear Soup 炙 り ト ロ の 飯 蒸 し 살짝구운참치뱃살찹쌀찜 Lightly Grilled Tuna Belly with Steamed Glutinous Rice 旬のお造り 5 種盛り 牛肉と蓮根の山椒焼き 鱸の松前蒸し 鰻のお茶漬け M U R A S A K I 特撰デザート 계절생선회 5 종 5 kinds of Seasonal Sashimi 소고기와연근산초양념구이 Grilled Beef and LotusRroot Seasoned with Sancho Pepper 농어다시마술찜 Sea Bass Steamed with Kelp and Rice Wine 장어오차쯔께 Eel Ochazuke 무라사키특선후식 Murasaki Special Dessert 180,000 (per person)
Special Course 寿司コ - ス 스시코스 Sushi Course 한층업그레이드된무라사키만의초밥을즐길수있는코스요리로서 신선한제철생선을활용한스시부터생선회, 구이요리까지다양하게구성하였습니다. A course meal upgraded for MURASAKI sushi lovers include fresh seasonal sushi, Sashimi and grilled dishes. 小鉢고바치 Relish お造り三種盛り생선회 3 종 3 kinds of Sashimi 鮑入り茶碗蒸し전복계란찜 Hot Egg Custard with Abalone 季節魚焼き物계절생선구이 Seasonal Broiled Fish 寿司盛り合せ모둠스시 Assorted Sushi うどん又はそば우동또는소바 Udon or Buckwheat Noodles デザート후식 Dessert 180,000 (per person)
Special Course 善 선코스 Seon 무라사키에서가장사랑받는시그니처메뉴들로구성한코스메뉴입니다. Enjoy the Seon course composed of the favorites and tasty dishes at an affordable price. 小 鉢 고바치 Relish 海 鮮 サ ラ ダ 해산물샐러드 Seafood Salad お 造 り 五 種 盛 り 생선회 5종 5 kinds of Sashimi 季 節 魚 焼 き 物 계절생선구이 Seasonal Broiled Fish お ま か せ 天 麩 羅 모둠튀김 Assorted Tempura 寿 司 盛 り 合 せ 모둠스시 Assorted Sushi 海鮮鍋又は季節魚ちり鍋 해물냄비또는계절생선냄비 Seafood in a Hot Pot or Seasonal Fish in a Hot Pot デ ザ ー ト 후식 Dessert 155,000 (per person)
A la carte 一品料理 I 일품요리 お造り盛り合わせ 調理長特選寿司 寿司盛り合せ 모둠생선회 Assorted Sashimi 세프특선스시 Chef s Special Sushi 모둠스시 Assorted Sushi 250,000 130,000 110,000 ちらし寿司지라시스시 Chirashi Sushi 105,000 季節魚煮つけ 天婦羅盛り合わせ 계절생선조림 Seasonal Braised Fish 모둠튀김 Assorted Tempura 95,000 95,000 季節焼き魚계절생선구이 Seasonal Broiled Fish 90,000 牛肉すき焼き目板鰈と春野菜の鍋韓牛とトマトの鍋仕立て 소고기스끼야끼 Korean Beef Sirloin Sukiyaki 봄야채도다리냄비 Spring Vegetable and Flunder in a Hot Pot 한우토마토냄비 Tomato Nabe with Korean Beef 105,000 100,000 80,000