MPEG-4 Visual & 응용 장의선 삼성종합기술원멀티미디어랩
MPEG? MPEG! Moving Picture Experts Group ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11 1988년 15명으로출발! 2001년 3백여명의동영상전문가집단으로성장
MPEG History 101
MPEG-1,2,4,7,21 멀티미디어압축표준 : MPEG-1: 1.5 Mb/s 동영상서비스 MPEG-2: 4 Mb/s 동영상서비스 MPEG-4: 64 K ~ 20M b/s 대화형멀티미디어서비스 멀티미디어표현 / 검색표준 : MPEG-7 멀티미디어통합프레임워크 : MPEG-21
Scope of MPEG Visual Coding Coding of of moving moving pictures pictures Coding Coding of of Coding Coding of of and and associated associated Moving Moving Pictures Pictures Audo-Visual Audo-Visual audio audio on on digital digital and and Audio Audio Objects Objects storage storage media media!
MPEG 표준의특징 Toolkit standards Tools for functionalities MPEG standards define profiles
MPEG-1 세계최초의 A/V 압축표준 VCD: 1.5Mb/s MP3: MPEG-1 Audio Coding Layer 3 Video CD MP3
MPEG-2 DIGITAL 방송표준 set top boxes (for satellite and cable) Digital TV VHF/UHF broadcasting DVD players 총 300 억불규모의시장창출 Set top box DVD Player
MPEG-4 (ISO 14496) Title: Coding of audio-visual objects Project history (July 93 ~ 현재 ) 개발목적 : compression and manipulation of audio and visual objects, the web page paradigm applied to audio and video!
Q. MPEG-4 Scope? 주요응용분야 : Digital TV 대화형그래픽스응용 대화형멀티미디어 특징 : 미디어객체의압축표현 미디어객체의합성 미디어스트리밍 미디어객체의대화형처리 저작물의인증및처리
MPEG-4 System
Visual Objects Toolset Bit stream Video Object Texture Motion Shape Shape Still Texture 2D D Mesh Object 2D Mesh FBA Object Face/Body Animation 3D D Mesh Object 3D Mesh Composition Still Texture Object Visual Decoder
MPEG-4 Video 객체
Video Object #$! %& %'
MPEG-4 Video 대역폭 : 5 Kb/s ~ 10 Mb/s 비디오형식 : Progressive or Interlaced Resolution: sub-qcif (176x120) ~ HDTV이상 MPEG-1,-2의주요기술유지 Better than MPEG-1 or MPEG-2
Binary Shape Coding
Object Coding and Representation
Sprite Coding
S-VOP Sprite Coding: Example I-VOP + warping
Still Texture 객체
Still Texture 부호화
Still Texture Scalability: Example
Still Texture SNR Scalability
2D Mesh 객체
초기메쉬생성 초기노드부호화 노드모션부호화
View dependent 부호화
! #
! #$%!&&! '(!$#$!! )*!$+$
#! #$%!&&! '(!$#$!! )*!$+$
' (! $ #! && $ # $
$ % &,! -!(!%(!#$#%& %!+ %
' ( $ % & ' ( % & )
)* %+!
*,- * &! #$ %
( +$)$,
' (
' ##& ' #$' %!
Body Animation: Example
. ()*+,-. /!-0 1+234215 / - -*6 )#
. 7 ## - ) ) *
*. -&!. / /!.! 000
. Bit stream DEMUX Arithmetic Decoder Vertex Graph Decoder Stitching Triangle Data Decoder Triangle Tree Decoder Reconstruction
3DMC: Topological Surgery
/* 0 6 # ) 8/#
MPEG-4 Visual 응용
MPEG-4 Visual Profiles 19 profiles! Simple Simple Simple Simple FA FA Advance Advance Real Real Time Time Simple Simple Advanced Advanced Core Core Simple Simple Scalable Scalable Scalable Scalable Texture Texture Core Core Scalable Scalable Simple Simple FBA FBA Core Core Main Main Basic Basic Animated Animated 2D 2D Texture Texture Hybrid Hybrid Visual Visual Advanced Advanced Coding Coding Efficiency Efficiency Fine Fine Granular Granular Scalability Scalability Advanced Advanced Scalable Scalable Texture Texture Advanced Advanced Simple Simple N-Bit N-Bit Simple Simple Studio Studio Core Core Studio Studio
MPEG-4 Visual 응용분야 유 / 무선 Multimedia Streaming MPEG-4 over IP Digital Video Camcoder Still image compression for Web Satellite broadcasting Media processors
MPEG-4 Chips Matsushita: MPEG-4 Chip (Core profile) Toshiba: MPEG-4 Chip (Simple profile) Trimedia and Philips Intel
멀티미디어스트리밍 Simple profile에기반한비디오스트리밍 가장활발한사업화가진행중 주요참여업체 : Philips, Apple, MS, MPEG Solutions, Toshiba, NTT, OKI, NEC, PacketVideo 등
무선미디어스트리밍 2.5G 삼성애니콜 VOD 폰 : 144Kb/s 서비스 IMT-2000: H.263, MPEG-4 선정 WMF, MPEG-4 선정
Digital Video Camera JVC MiniDV camara: MPEG-4 지원 Sharp MPEG-4 Digital Camcoder Sharp Zaurus
MPEG-4 의미래
관련 Site? MPEG Home page: Leonardo Homepage : On MPEG-4 Tutorial: SNHC: M4IF: