IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere Version 10 Release 4.1 Configuring IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere
Note Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Notices on page 17. This edition applies to version 10, release 4, modification 1 of IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. Copyright IBM Corporation 2014. US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Contents Configuring IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere.. 1 Application definition files.......... 1 Data resources in the application definition.... 2 Defining work task list queries........ 5 Creating queries in IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform............... 5 Adding queries to mobile apps....... 6 Specifying criteria for retrieving lookup data... 7 Configuring page sizes for retrieving data.... 8 Configuring maps............ 9 Configuring access to a map service provider.. 9 Enabling the map view......... 10 Download map files for ios devices.... 11 Activating GPS........... 12 Restricting access to status changes...... 12 Activating bar code scans.......... 13 Enabling selection of users, locations, and assets on new work tasks............. 13 Enabling encryption of the local data store.... 14 Changing the heartbeat interval....... 15 Attachments properties.......... 15 Timeout properties............ 16 Notices.............. 17 Privacy Policy Considerations........ 18 Trademarks.............. 19 Copyright IBM Corp. 2014 iii
iv Configuring IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere
Configuring IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere Application definition files You can configure IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere to suit the business needs of your organization. You can define work list queries and other settings for retrieving data from the server. You can enable maps, bar code scans, and data encryption. Configuration settings can apply at an application or system level. An application definition is an XML file that defines the user interface and data resources of an IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere mobile app. You can configure the app by editing the application definition. IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere includes user applications that are built and deployed to the mobile workforce to support business operations. User applications The application definition for a user application is in the application root directory and has the name app.xml. The app.xml for the IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere Work Task Management app is in the following directory: install_home\ TRIRIGAAnywhere\apps\WorkTaskManagement\artifact. You can make the following changes only to the Work Task Management app: v Specify the queries that determine which work list records can be retrieved from the server v Define the lookup data that can be retrieved from the server v Enable the map view v Enable bar code scans v Restrict access by user group to status changes After you change an application definition, you must build and deploy the application. Depending on the type of change, the updated app is delivered to users as a new app version or as a direct update: v v If the change includes new or updated native code, you must deploy the app as a new app version. For example, when you enable the map view or bar code scans, native code is added to the app during the build process. Users must download and install the new app version from the server. If the change includes updated web resources, you can deploy the app without changing the app version. Users can accept the change as a direct update of the app version that is installed on their devices. Structure of application definition files The <app> XML element is the root element of an application definition file. The <app> element has three child elements that define the basic structure of the application definition. <ui> element Contains the specifications for the views in the mobile app, including views for the work list, record details, lookups, and dialog boxes. Copyright IBM Corp. 2014 1
<data> element Contains the specifications for the data resources that are used by the app, including work list, lookup, and system resources. <messages> element Contains messages that are displayed on the user interface and recorded in the app log. Related concepts: Data resources in the application definition The data that is used in a mobile app is specified in the application definition in the form of OSLC resources. Resources are categorized as primary, supporting, lookup, or system resources. These categories determine how the resources are specified in the application definition and how they are managed at run time. Data resources in the application definition The data that is used in a mobile app is specified in the application definition in the form of OSLC resources. Resources are categorized as primary, supporting, lookup, or system resources. These categories determine how the resources are specified in the application definition and how they are managed at run time. An OSLC resource represents a business, configuration, or domain object that belongs to the provider application. A resource is defined in the provider application by a shape document that describes the structure of the resource and all possible properties. The resource is published for integration by an OSLC query. The resource is registered with a service provider that specifies and manages the data operations that are available for the resource to consumer applications. In IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere, where mobile apps act as consumers, the application definition specifies the resources that are used by the mobile application. The <data> XML element contains the specifications for all resources. The main characteristics of a resource are defined by the attributes of the root element, <resource>. Table 1. Attributes of the <resource> element Attribute Specifies Usage providedby describedby The service provider that is used for data operations on this resource. The shape document that defines the resource. Required for primary, lookup, and system resources. A service provider reference is required for resources that are retrieved from the provider application as independent entities. The service provider specifies whether data for the resource can be updated, created, or deleted by the consumer application. For the primary resource, the service provider also specifies which queries are available to consumer applications. Required for primary, lookup, and system resources. The specifications for these resources in the application definition must conform to the shape document definition. 2 Configuring IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere
Table 1. Attributes of the <resource> element (continued) Attribute Specifies Usage name A unique name that is used for references to this resource in the application definition. Required for all resources. pagesize additional Data issystem The number of resource instances that can be retrieved at a time from the provider application. If, during query execution, the number of matching resource instances exceeds the page size value, the value is used to break down the result set into subsets that are retrieved in successive calls. Whether the resource is a lookup resource. Whether the resource is a system resource. Required for primary, lookup, and system resources. Required with a value of true for all lookup resources. Required with a value of true for all system resources. The following example shows the attributes that define the primary resource, worktask, in the application definition for the Work Task Management app: <resource providedby="/oslc/sp/triworkmanagementsp" describedby="" name="worktask" pagesize="50" [...]> The following example shows the attributes that define a lookup data resource, priority, in the application definition for the Work Task Management app: <resource providedby="/oslc/sp/tri/smarterphysicalinfrastructuresp" describedby="" name="priority" pagesize="20" additionaldata="true"> The <resource> element is parent to the <attributes> element. This element contains a list of attributes that specify the resource data that is used by the mobile app. The attributes that are listed correspond to properties that are defined by the resource shape document in the provider application. Primary resource The primary resource represents the top-level object in the work list record. The primary resource can be a parent to one or more supporting resources. A supporting resource represents a child object in the work list record. The primary resource can have a one-to-one or a one-to-many relationship with a supporting resource. When a one-to-many relationship exists between the primary and supporting resources, the data for the supporting resource is rendered as a list of child objects in the work list record. For example, the work task is the primary resource for the Work Task Management app. The work task resource can be related to supporting resources such as asset and location. A work task can have a single main asset or location and multiple tasks and resource assignments. Tasks and resource assignments are displayed as lists within the work task. Configuring IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere 3
In the application definition, primary and supporting resources are defined as separate entities. The primary resource has the following characteristics: v v v v References to the service provider and shape document for the primary resource in the provider application. A list of the queries that are used during run time to retrieve work task records from the server. The list is contained in the <querybases> element. A page size value that specifies the maximum number of work task records that can be retrieved in each request. Simple and complex attributes for the properties of the primary resource as defined in the shape document. Simple attributes represent data that is local to the primary resource. Complex attributes refer to supporting resources. A supporting resource includes simple attributes for data that belongs to the supporting resource but is used in the work task record. Supporting resources are dependent on the primary resource to which they are related. Unlike the primary resource, supporting resources are not retrieved independently from the provider application and do not require references to a service provider and shape document. Lookup resources During run time, users can change supporting data in the work task record in accordance with business rules and application capabilities. Many changes involve the use of a lookup control to reference and select data that is external to the work task record. Examples of lookup data include the assets, tools, and materials that can be added to a work task. Users must download lookup data to make it available in the mobile app. Locally stored lookup data can be refreshed be on demand. Lookup objects are represented in the application definition as lookup resources. A lookup resource has the following characteristics: v An additionaldata attribute with a value of true. v v v References to the service provider and shape document for the lookup resource in the provider application. A page size value that specifies the maximum number of records that can be retrieved in each request. Simple attributes for the properties of the lookup resource as defined in the shape document. System resources A system resource represents an object that is external to the work list record but is required to support system operations in the mobile app. System data is automatically downloaded when a user first logs in to the application. If the download fails, the user cannot log in. Locally stored system data is refreshed whenever the user refreshes lookup data. In the application definition, a system resource has an issystem attribute with a value of true. Other characteristics are the same as the characteristics of the lookup resource. 4 Configuring IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere
Defining work task list queries The work task list queries that you define for a mobile app determine which records can be retrieved from the server by mobile users. You create custom queries in IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform. You implement these queries in the mobile app by updating the application definition and deploying a new application version. Creating queries in IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform When you create queries in IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform, you specify search criteria that suit the requirements of the target user groups in IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere. About this task You create work task queries in the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform Report Manager tool. Queries are created using the application that is associated with the primary resource for the mobile app. The authorizing application must be registered with the query for the primary resource. For example, the primary resource in the IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere Work Task Management app is the work task. In IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform, the work task management application is registered as the authorizing application for the triworktaskrs query and work task resource. The search criteria that you define for a query determine the search results that are returned during run time. The actual result set for individual users can be different depending on their access rights in IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform. For example, a user belongs to a security group that is authorized to see work tasks for the Site A, but not Site B. When this user runs a query in the app to retrieve all work tasks in the preventive maintenance backlog, work tasks for Site A, but not for Site B, are downloaded to the device. The search criteria can include constants that are resolved dynamically when the query is executed in IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform. The result set is filtered by the value that is returned for the resolved constant. For example, the default query, trimyassignedworktasksqc, for the Work Task Management app includes a constant, Current User. When the query is executed, this constant is resolved to return all work tasks that are owned by the current user. For more information about creating queries in the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform, see the Reporting User Guide in the IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform Knowledge Center. Procedure 1. In IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform, open the Report Manager. 2. Click New. 3. Enter a unique name and ID for the query. 4. Select the business objects to be used for the query and specify other information as appropriate. 5. Save the query. Configuring IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere 5
What to do next Use the query name that you specified in IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform to add the query to the application definition for the mobile application. Related information: Integrating data by using OSLC Adding queries to mobile apps To enable mobile users to retrieve work task list records from the server, you must add at least one query to each mobile app. You add queries to a mobile app by including them in the application definition file. The updated application must then be built and deployed. Before you begin The queries that you want to implement in the mobile application must be saved as queries in IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform. About this task In the application definition, you add queries to the specifications for the work task list view and the primary resource. Each query must correspond to, and have the same name as, a query in IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform. The query, in turn, corresponds to a query in the service provider for the primary resource. Each application definition includes three system queries, Records Created Locally, Records with Errors, and Search Results, that are used for system functions in the mobile app. You must not remove or modify the code for these queries. Procedure 1. In the TRIRIGAAnywhere\apps\application_name\artifact directory, open the app.xml file with an XML editor. 2. Add a query to the work task list view. The work task list view is the first view that is defined in the UI section of the application definition. a. In the <queries> element for the work task list view, add a child element called <query>. b. Use the querybase attribute to specify the name of the query in IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform. The query name is case sensitive. c. Use the label attribute to specify the query label that is displayed in the work task list menu. d. Optional: To define this query as the default query for the work task list view, specify the query label as the value of the label attribute for the parent <view> element. 3. Add the query that you specified in step 2 to the primary resource. The primary resource is the first resource that is defined in the data section of the application definition. a. In the <querybases> element for the primary resource, add a child element called querybase. b. Use the name attribute to specify the name of the query in IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform. The query name is case sensitive. c. Use the queryuri attribute to specify how to retrieve the query records from IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform. 6 Configuring IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere
In this example, three queries are added to the work task list view for the Work Task Management app: <view id="worktasklistview" label="my Assigned Tasks" saveonshow="true" showbackbutton="false"> <queries resource="worktask"> <query label="assigned Work" querybase="trimyassignedworktasksqc" cssclass="querybasemenuitem" /> <query label="preventive Work" querybase="trimypreventiveworktasksqc" cssclass="querybasemenuitem" /> <query label="corrective Work" querybase="trimycorrectiveworktasksqc" cssclass="querybasemenuitem" /> <query label="completed Work" querybase="trimycompletedworktasksqc" cssclass="finalquerybasemenuitem" /> <query label="search Results" querybase=" search_result "> <eventhandlers> <eventhandler event="render" method="hideshowsearchedmenu" class="application.handlers.worktaskhandler" /> </eventhandlers> </query> <query label="records with Errors" querybase=" errored " /> </queries> 4. Save the file. 5. Build and deploy the application. What to do next Log in to the application and check that the queries that you added appear in the work task list menu. Verify that the result set is the same when you run the query in the provider application and in the mobile app. Related concepts: Data resources in the application definition on page 2 The data that is used in a mobile app is specified in the application definition in the form of OSLC resources. Resources are categorized as primary, supporting, lookup, or system resources. These categories determine how the resources are specified in the application definition and how they are managed at run time. Specifying criteria for retrieving lookup data To narrow the scope of the query for a lookup resource, you can add a WHERE clause to the resource in the application definition file. The criteria in the WHERE clause are resolved dynamically when lookup data is retrieved from the provider application. About this task By default, the query for a lookup resource retrieves all records, or instances of the resource, that are available in the provider application. Depending on the requirements of your mobile app users, you might want to filter the result set to match custom criteria. You specify those criteria by adding a WHERE clause to the lookup resource in the application definition file. The application definition file for a mobile app can include predefined WHERE clauses for lookup and system resources. The criteria that are expressed in a predefined WHERE clause are required by the mobile app to support system operations and must not be modified. However, you can add additional criteria to predefined WHERE clauses by using the and operator to add custom criteria. IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere supports the OSLC WHERE clause. The criteria in an OSLC WHERE clause have a standard format that comprises an attribute, an operator, and a constant. Configuring IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere 7
For example, you can filter to see a list of approved work task records that were created within a specific time range: <whereclause clause="spi:status= Approved" and dcterms:created>"2003-07-07t09:50:00-4:00" and dcterms:created<="2004-07-07t09:50:00-04:00" /> The where clause includes the following items: status An attribute of the work task lookup resource. = A comparison operator that expresses equality. No spaces are allowed before or after comparison operators. Approved Constant that express the status value criteria for matching work task records. created An attribute of the work task lookup resource. > A comparison operator that expresses greater than. No spaces are allowed before or after comparison operators. <= A comparison operator that expresses less than or equal to. No spaces are allowed before or after comparison operators. Date/time values Constant that express the site value criteria for matching work task records. You must not create circular references in WHERE clauses that use attributes from other resources. For example, if the WHERE clause for resource A uses an attribute from resource B, the where clause for resource B must not use an attribute from resource A. The application XSD cannot validate the content of the <whereclause> element. If you add WHERE clauses to the lookup resources in an application definition file, you must test the updated runtime application before you deploy it to a production environment. Procedure 1. In the TRIRIGAAnywhere\apps\application_name\artifact directory, open the app.xml file. In the data section of the file, locate the resource that you want to configure. 2. In the <whereclause> element, specify the criteria as the value of the clause attribute and save the file. 3. Build and deploy the application. Configuring page sizes for retrieving data To increase or reduce the number of records that are retrieved from the server at a time, you can configure the page size for primary, lookup, and system resources. About this task The page size of a data resource in the application definition file defines the number of records that are retrieved from the server at a time. If the size of the result set exceeds the page size value, the result set is divided into subsets that are retrieved as separate pages in successive requests. 8 Configuring IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere
Configuring maps You can specify different values for individual resources: v The page size for the primary resource determines the number of work list records that can be retrieved in a results page when users select a work list query in a mobile app. The default page size for primary resources is 100. v The page size for a lookup or system resource determines the number of records that can be retrieved in a results page for that resource type when users download or refresh lookup data on mobile devices. The default page size for most lookup and system resources is 1000. By reducing the page size, you can improve the response time for the retrieval of data. By increasing the page size, you can reduce the number of requests that are issued by the application to retrieve the full result set. Procedure 1. In the TRIRIGAAnywhere\apps\application_name\artifact directory, open the app.xml file. 2. In the data section of the file, update the value of the pagesize attribute for the resource or resources that you want to configure. pagesize is an attribute of the root element of the resource. 3. Save the file. 4. Build and deploy the application. Mobile workers can use the map view in the IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere Work Task Management application to check the geographical location of work tasks. To make the map view available, you must prepare the IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere environment and configure the application. Configuring access to a map service provider A map service provider is required for providing routing and driving directions to work tasks in the map view. The configuration information is valid for all apps that include the map view and that are deployed in the current environment. Before you begin Both the mobile device and the Esri ArcGIS server should be configured for secure communication. About this task Information that is used to access the Esri ArcGIS server is not added to the file by default because map support in IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere is optional. You configure this authentication information by editing this file. When an app with the map view is started, information is transferred to the app so that the mobile workers can use the routing service. Procedure 1. From the tririgaanywhere_home\tririgaanywhere\server\conf directory, edit the file and set the following properties: Configuring IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere 9
Property Description Enables authentication to the Esri ArcGIS server. Set this property to 1 to enable authentication. The user name that is used to access the routing service on the Esri ArcGIS server. The password that is used to access the routing service on the Esri ArcGIS server. The secure URL of the routing service on the Esri ArcGIS server. Set this property to, for example, rest/services/world/route/naserver/ Route_World 2. Save and close the file. 3. Optional: Encrypt the file by using the encrypt.bat file encryption process. The property contains an encryption value similar to HhMEhpY3f6F6rlJQ17qwbw\=\=. 4. Build and deploy the application. 5. Restart Worklight Server. Related information: Esri web site ArcGIS Resources Enabling the map view The map view provides mobile workers with the geographical location of work tasks in their current work list. Before mobile workers can get directions in the Work Task Management app, the map view must be enabled, and the location and name of the map file must be specified. Before you begin You must obtain offline maps that are compatible with and supported by your map service provider. The mobile devices that use the map view must have ARM processors and enough space for the offline map (map.tpk) files, which can exceed 1 GB. The coordinate system that is used by the offline map files must be the same as the system used by IBM TRIRIGA To use the routing service, you must have a license from Esri. About this task The map view is disabled by default because map support in IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere is optional. Enabling the map view displays the map view icon in the work list. The work list corresponds to the work task position markers in the map view. When you enable the map view, the updated app must be deployed as a new app version. Users must download and install the new app version from the server. 10 Configuring IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere
Procedure 1. From the tririgaanywhere_home\tririgaanywhere directory, edit the file and add the property map.enabled=true. 2. Save and close the file. 3. From the tririgaanywhere_home\tririgaanywhere\apps\worktaskmanagement\ artifact directory, edit the app.xml and update the attribute for the map control. Device On Android devices Action Update the attribute androidlocalmapurl="file:// folder_path/map.tpk" with the location and name of the map file on the mobile device. For example, if the folder path is mnt/sdcard/basemaps and the map file is map.tpk, the attribute is androidlocalmapurl="file://mnt/sdcard/basemaps/ map.tpk". On ios devices 1. Update the attribute ioslocalmapurl="map.tpk" with the name of the map file on the mobile device. 2. Update the attribute iosmapaccessmethod="access_method" to specify how the map file copied to the mobile device. For example, if the folder path is Documents and the map file is map.tpk, the attribute is ioslocalmapurl="map.tpk" iosmapaccessmethod="usedocumentsfolder". You can specify the following access methods: usedocumentsfolder Indicates that the map file is added to the Documents folder on the device for the Work Task Management app by using itunes file sharing. 4. Save and close the file. 5. Build and deploy the application. What to do next Activate GPS Related information: Esri web site ArcGIS Resources Download map files for ios devices To use maps on ios devices, you download the map file to the device by using itunes. Before you begin Obtain the maps that you need to add to the Work Task Management app. Enable the map view on the ios device by updating the app.xml file to specify the name of the map and how to access the map file. Configuring IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere 11
About this task You add a map file to the device by using itunes. Different maps are used in the Work Task Management app for individual devices. This method is useful because mobile workers operate in different geographical areas. Procedure To add a map file from any workstation to an individual device, copy the map to the device by sharing files in itunes. Related information: Esri web site ArcGIS Resources Activating GPS IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere uses global positioning system (GPS) data to determine the geographical location of mobile workers and work tasks. GPS is also needed to add position markers to the map view. Before you begin The map view must be enabled. About this task GPS is disabled by default because map support in IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere is optional. Procedure 1. From the tririgaanywhere_home\tririgaanywhere directory, edit the file and add the property gps.enabled=true. 2. Save and close the file. 3. Build and deploy the application. Restricting access to status changes When mobile workers manage work tasks, they must have the authority to change the status of the tasks. You can set up privileges for users by group. The user and group association are retrieved from IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform during authentication. Before you begin Before you edit the application definition file, app.xml, back up the source control files inside a source repository. About this task By default, all users of an app can change the status values for work tasks. You might want some tasks to require authorization by specific groups of users. To provide users with the right level of access, you can modify the conditional elements in the application definition file for the app. You apply conditions to the 12 Configuring IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere
Activating bar code scans predefined security group TRIRIGA Service Technician in IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform. Procedure 1. In IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform, add users to the predefined TRIRIGA Service Technician group. 2. From the TRIRIGAAnywhere\apps\application_name\artifact directory, open the app.xml file. 3. In the app.xml file for the app, specify the conditions to make status changes. 4. Save the app.xml file. 5. Build and deploy the app. Related information: Deploying applications to the server When bar code scans are activated, mobile device users can scan bar codes to review work order details. About this task By default, bar code scanning is turned off, but it can be turned on in the file. When you activate bar code scans, the updated app must be deployed as a new app version. Users must download and install the new app version from the server. Procedure 1. Open the file in the TRIRIGAAnywhere folder. 2. Locate the barcode.enabled property and set this property to true if you want to activate bar code scanning. If you want to deactivate bar code scanning, set this property to false. 3. After you activate or deactivate bar code scanning, build and deploy the application. Related information: Deploying applications to the server Enabling selection of users, locations, and assets on new work tasks When a user creates a work task in the IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere Work Task Management mobile app, the user can select a primary location, add an asset, and assign a different user to the task only if the user's employee record has an associated geography. About this task The geography that is specified in a user's employee record is used in the mobile app to provide the user with selection options from the geography. By default, the lookup queries for assets, people, and locations download values from the current user's geography and from the parent and child geographies. Configuring IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere 13
For example, if a user's geography is South West Region, they can select from locations, assets, or users that are in the Southwest Region, including children geographies such as states that are in that region and counties and cities within those states. The user can also select from locations, assets, and users that are within the immediate parent geography, which is the United States. If you want a user to be able to specify locations and assets for new work, or to assign the work to a different user, you must ensure that the user's employee record in IBM TRIRIGA has a geography value. Otherwise, the user must leave the asset and location values blank and must leave the work task assigned to themselves. Procedure 1. In IBM TRIRIGA, go to Portfolio > People > Employees. 2. Open the record for the user that you want to assign a geography to. 3. On the General tab, in the Primary Address section, in the Geography Lookup field, select a geography. 4. Save the record. Enabling encryption of the local data store You enable data encryption at the level of the IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere project. When encryption is enabled, the data store that is created on the device for each mobile app is automatically encrypted. About this task You enable or disable data encryption by using the encryption setting in the file for the IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere project. The active setting applies to all applications that are then built and deployed for the project. By enabling data encryption, you increase the level of protection for application data that is stored on the device. However, the performance of the application might deteriorate because of the time that is required by the encryption and decryption processes. When you disable data encryption, the locally stored login password is still secured. By default, data encryption is disabled. At run time, you cannot convert the local data store from an encrypted format to a non-encrypted format and vice versa. If the data encryption setting changes between app updates, you must clear the cache and data for the current app version, uninstall the current version, and then install the updated version. When you clear app data, any unsynchronized data is lost. When you install and log in to the updated version of the app, the local data store is created in the format that corresponds to the active setting. Procedure 1. Open the file in the TRIRIGAAnywhere folder. 2. Set the enabledataencryption property. 3. Save and close the file. 4. Build and deploy the applications. 14 Configuring IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere
Changing the heartbeat interval You can change the frequency of the heartbeat signal that is sent by active IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere apps to Worklight Server. About this task Attachments properties At run time, a IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere app generates a heartbeat signal at a frequency that is defined at system level. The signal is used to determine whether the app is connected to Worklight Server. If connectivity is confirmed, the app uploads local data changes that are not yet saved to the server. The frequency of the heartbeat therefore determines the frequency of the automatic upload. You define the frequency of the heartbeat signal by specifying the interval between successive signals in file for the IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere project. The active setting applies to all applications that are built and deployed for the project. The default heartbeat interval is 1200 seconds (20 minutes). A lower value reduces the battery life of devices on which the IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere apps run. Procedure 1. Open the file in the tririgaanywhere_home\ TRIRIGAAnywhere\server\conf directory. 2. In the si.device.heartbeat.timeinterval property, specify the value of the heartbeat interval in seconds. 3. Save and close the file. 4. Build and deploy the applications. The download and upload of attachments, the maximum size, and the location of attachments are controlled by properties in the file. To change the value of a property, edit the file in the tririgaanywhere_home\tririgaanywhere\server\conf directory. Property si.device.downloadattachments WithBulkDownload si.device.onlybulkdownloadprint WithReportAttachments si.att.proxy.maxfilesize Description When the condition is true, attachments on work task are downloaded with a work task list. App users can override the default value of this property by clearing the Download attachments with work list check box on the Settings view in the IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere Work Task Management app. By default, attachments that can be printed are downloaded with a work task list. You can override the default by going to IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform and clearing the check box in the Print attached document with report if printable type option in the Attachment Properties window. Attachments can still be downloaded manually. Controls the maximum size of an attachment that can be uploaded with a work task. You can change the default to a higher or to a lower number. Default value true true 10485760 (10 MB) Configuring IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere 15
Property si.attach.uploadmaxsize si.attachment.basedirectory Description Controls the maximum size of an attachment that can be uploaded with a work record. You can change the default to a higher or to a lower number. If you use IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform as a backend server, ensure that the attachment document property mxe.doclink.maxfilesize setting is equal to or greater than the setting for si.attach.uploadmaxsize. Controls the location of the base directory for attachments. If a mobile device is shared, attachments are added to multiple user directories, with one directory per user. All of the user directories are located under the base directory. To free up the space that is taken up by attachments, delete the attachments within the user directories or delete the default directory. Default value 10 MB anywhere Timeout properties Both the amount of time allowed before a request times out and the amount of wait time before requests can be reissued after a timeout is controlled by properties in the file. The following examples describe the default behavior for requests that timeout in the IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere Work Task Management app: v You attempt to access Worklight Server. A request timeout occurs, and you cannot reissue the request for 60 seconds. v You attempt to connect to the adapter. The request times out after 3 seconds. v You attempt to download large amounts of data. The request times out after 6 minutes. To change the value of a property, edit the file in the tririgaanywhere_home\tririgaanywhere\server\conf directory. Property si.device.connectivity. timeout.interval si.device.connectivity. timeout si.device.connectivity. timeout.stablepagination Description The wait time between attempts to access Worklight Server. Specify 0 if you do not want an interval. If Worklight Server does not respond, an error is returned to the app. The amount of time allowed before the request to connect to the adapter times out. The amount of time allowed before the request to download large amounts of data such as lookup data times out. Default value 60000 ms 3000 ms 360000 ms Related information: Deploying applications to the server 16 Configuring IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere
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20 Configuring IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere
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