Microsoft PowerPoint - 가상환경에최적화된_NetBackup_Appliance

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가상환경에최적화된 Symantec NetBackup Appliance 1

Contents 1 현재백업환경은? 2 NetBackup Appliance 소개 3 가상화환경에서의데이터보호방안 2

현재백업환경은? 3

물리환경과가상환경의추이 4

시장분석 데이터가상화비율 $4,500 $4,000 $3,500 $3,000 $2,500 $2,000 Total Data Protection Market Data Protection Market for Virtualized $1,500 $1,000 $500 $- 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Data Protection Market $2,545 $2,793 $3,076 $3,383 $3,723 $4,086 Rate of virtualization 57% 65% 70% 80% 85% 90% Data Protection Market for Virtualized $1,450 $1,815 $2,154 $2,707 $3,165 $3,677 Sources: IDC Worldwide SW Forecaster 2012, VMware PEX 2012 By 2015, 80% of the workloads are expected to be virtualized. This highlights the need to reinvent NetBackup for this trend. 5

Business Critical 업무들의가상환경으로의이동 다운타임이일 / 시간단위가아닌분단위로측정됨 기존의백업방법은시간이많이걸리고리소스사용률이높음 중요한시스템들은 on/off 사이트보호가필요함 6

NetBackup Appliance 소개 7

NetBackup 백업 / 복구시장업계의리더 Largest global data protection footprint over 35,000 enterprise customers Fortune 500 99 percent Leading Telecom 10 of 10 Global 2000 90 percent Symantec is # 1 in VMware Backup Leading Healthcare 10 of 10 Leading Financial Services 10 of 10 Symantec backs up more than half of all the worlds business information Combined 34.1 percent market share Symantec NetBackup Delivers 1st in VMware, storage, copy management, and scale for the enterprise Symantec Backup Exec Delivers 1 st in Microsoft application protection, and simplicity for small and medium businesses (SMB) V-Ray Technologies Shared between Symantec Backup Exec / NetBackup Deduplication, VMware, and more 1. Market Share: Storage Management Software, Worldwide, 2011, Gartner (May 2012), Based on WW Revenue. Source: Symantec customer database. 8

NetBackup Appliance 란? Many Components All in One Backup configuration Backup Server Backup SW Backup Storage Backup Configuration Deduplication Patch + Driver update 9

Why NetBackup Appliances? 백업솔루션구축 NBU Appliance Hardware : 업데이트필요 Software : 주기적인패치필요통합 테스트 - 구축여러개의관리콘솔필요다양한벤더필요 백업의간소화 운영비용감소통합의복잡성제거예측가능한성능단일벤더를통한구매및지원단일관리콘솔 10

가상화환경에서의데이터보호방안 11

가상화환경에서데이터보호의고려사항 운영서버의부하절감 백업 Window 최소화 즉각적인복구 효율적인 DR 구성 12

Direct vsphere Backup 운영서버의부하절감 13

일반적인백업 VM 에에이전트설치 에이전트를통한파일백업 에이전트를통한개별파일복구 ESX VMDK 전체복구 DR 구성 가상서버의부하 14

Direct vsphere backup Tape Out Master Server Backup Storage Media Server Off-Host Backup 의장점 vcenter Server ESX 1 VMDK복구의 ESX 2 간편화 Discovery Path Backup Path Application Performance 영향이없음 Backup Window 감소 Backup Storage 절감 백업 / 복구속도증가 ESX 3 SAN Transport VM 1 VM 2 VM 3 VM 4 VM 5 VM 6 VM 7 APP APP APP APP APP APP APP OS OS OS OS OS OS OS DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA DATA Datastore 1 Datastore 2 15

V-Ray - 가상환경에대한백업기능 Tags, metadata, indexes VM Snapshot 백업 (VMDK) File 순서에따른 Read FILE 3 C FILE 1 A FILE 1 B FILE 2 B FILE 3 B FILE 3 D FILE 3 A FILE 2 A Full, Incremental 백업시개별파일들에대한전체 indexing 정보저장 (Cataloging) 전사적인 Global deduplication 적용 D A D D VMDK image format ESX Server D A D ESX Server D DEDUPE up to 98% Across All VM guest Across All ESX servers Across virtual and physical severs 16

End-to-End Protection for VM Summary V-ray technology vsphere Direct Backup Intelligent Deduplication Application object단위복구 Single file restore using VMDK 17

NetBackup Accelerator for VMware 백업 Window 최소화 18

NetBackup Accelerator for VMware vsphere Changed Block Tracking aka Block-level Incremental Unchanged Blocks reside in Dedupe Repository aka Optimized Synthetic 19

NetBackup Accelerator for VMware Faster Backup, Faster Recovery Accelerator 백업 Full Recovery Changed block tracking + Dedupe up to 35x faster 일반적인백업 Full Traditional Backup Incremental Full + Incremental recovery Time 20

NetBackup Instant Recovery for VMware 즉각적인복구 21

NetBackup Instant Recovery for VMware NFS Datastore 1 2 DAS SAN NFS 3 NAS 1 2 3 복구없이 NetBackup Appliance 로부터 VM Power ON!! 즉가적인서비스시작 vmotion 을이용하여, 운영스토리지로서비스중단없이 VM 마이그레이션진행 22

NetBackup Instant Recovery for VMware 23

AIR (Auto Image Replication) 효율적인 DR 구성 24

NetBackup AIR (Auto Image Replication) Primary Site Tape Out DR Site WAN Dedupe engine DR site domain 으로백업본자동복제 Dedupe data Non-dedupe data 변경된데이타만전송 99% Bandwidth 절약 Catalog 자동인식 즉각적복구가능 25

가상환경에서의백업 DR 구성방안 ESXi 1 NBU Accelerator for VMware 2 DR 복제 ESXi VM2 VMDK VMDK ESXi UCS ESXi ESXi 1 NetBackup Accelerator 2 AIR 를통해백업이미지의 Block 단위복제 3 ESXi 3 VM 에대한즉각적 Power ON!!! 26

IT 변화 VMware 와 10 년간파트너 Symantec 과 10 년, VMware 와 8 년동시파트너 2014 Symantec Tech Symposium 27