2010 학년도정보전자신소재공학과 수학및기초과학 화학및실험 1,2 미분적분학 1,2 물리학및실험 1,2 공학프로그래밍입문공학수학 1,2 ( 공학수학 2: 전공선택으로인정됨 ) 화학계열 물리화학 (3) 유기화학 (3) 고분자화학 (3) 고분자물성 (3) 분광분석 (3)

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교과목해설 공학수학 2 Engineering Mathematics 2) 본강좌는라플라스전환과푸리에분석에대하여다룬다. This course deals with Laplace transformations and Fourier analysis. 세라믹재료 Ceramic Materials 정보전자재료의핵심재료중하나인세라믹재료의구조, 전기적, 광학적, 기계적특성을강의하고이를통해세라믹재료의구조와물성간의관계를이해하도록한다. 또한여러가지전자소자분야및디스플레이분야에서세라믹재료의여러응용분야를소개한다. This class introduces the structural, electrical, optical and mechanical properties of the ceramic materials which is one of the key materials for information and electronics. Using basing concept of ceramic materials, understand the relationship between structure and properties of ceramic material. In addition, this class show the varioius application of ceramic materials in the electronics and displays. 재료양자물리 Quantum physics for materials 정보전자재료의물성을파악하는데필요한기본적인재료의원자적, 분자적성질을이해하기위하여빛의입자성으로부터시작하여물질의파동성, 파속도와군속도, 입자의회절, 불확정성원리등의현대물리의기본을강의한다. 고체를이루는기본단위인원자의구조에대하여고전적인측면과현대적인측면에서설명하고, 양자역학을도입하여슈레딩거의식을풀어얻어지는원자구조를설명한다. This class will discuss the modern physics by introducing particle, wave properties, and duality of the photon to understand basic atomic and molecular properties of materials for grasping the information and electronic materials. Using classing physics and modern physics, we will discuss the structure of atoms which is basic unit consisting the solids. In addition, the atomic structure will be explained by solving Schrodinger equation at several conditions by introducing quantum physics. 디스플레이에사용되는다양한유기무기재료들의구조, 명명법및제조방법들을배우고각재료들이가지고있는화학적, 물리적, 전기적및광학적특성들을이해한다. Organic and inorganic materials used for various displays are taught. Chemical structures, nomenclature and the synthetic methods are covered and the chemical, physical, electrical and optical properties of these materials are discussed. 정보전자소자및실험 Information and electronic components experiment 정보전자산업에응용되는디스플레이소자의시스템, 동작및광학원리, 그리고이들을구성하고있는기본소자 / 부품들의특성에대하여학습하고액정디스플레이및유기EL 디스플레이테스트소자를직접제작하여전기광학특성을평가한다. This course will discuss the electronic display systems, the operation principle, thge related optics, and their consisting components and materials. We will also fabricate LCD and OLED test devices and evaluate their electrooptical characteristics and performances. 유기전자재료 Organic Electronic Materials 전자 정보산업에사용되는유기 / 고분자소재의화학적및물리적특성들을소개하고그화학적구조-물성의관계를컴퓨터모사를통하여실습한다. An introductory course to organic/polymeric materials for electronics and information technology with computer-aided practice on their chemical structure-property relationship. 열역학을중심으로기체상태방정식, 화학평형, 용액성질, 상평형, 전기화학및반응속도론을다루며재료의열역학적, 속도론적평

형에대해배운다. The concept of thermodynamics, equations of state for gas, laws of thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium, solution properties, phase equilibrium, electrochemistry, and chemical kinetics are dealt with. The class includes the discussion about the thermodynamic and kinetic equilibrium of various materials. 유기화학의기초적인지식을다루고, 특히간단한유기화합물의구조, 반응및명명법을주된내용으로하며, 자연과학에관련된모든학문분야에적용되어지는기본반응의응용측면을강조한다. Methods of classification and nomenclature of organic chemical compounds on the basis of general chemistry including the stereochemistry of organic compounds. Basic principles of organic synthesis and their application will be introduced. 디스플레이재료공학전반에걸친물리적개념의확립을위한파동, 전기및빛등의기본원리를가르친다. The conceptual idea of the basic physical phenomena such as wave, electricity and light will be studied without emphasizing mathmatics in order to establish fundamentals for further studies in the course of Display Material Engeneering. 디스플레이에이용되는다양한전자회로의특성을이해하며, 디스플레이패널의평가에이용되는전자회로의특성을학습한다. This classes teaches the fundamentals of the electrical circuit for display panel fabrication, such as logic gate, shift resister, transmission gates. The electrical properties of the devices and in dividual components re also covered. Material science 금속, 세라믹, 고분자로분류되는주요재료들의기본구조, 명명법, 물성, 분석방법을배우고물질의상태를열역학적 / 속도론적관점에서파악할수있는이론을익힌다. Basic understanding of three major materials (metals, ceramics, polymers) is covered through the study of fun damental structures, nomenclature, physical properties and characterization, thermodynamic and kinetic phase equilibrium. 디지털회로의기본원리를이해하고다양한디지털회로의논리연산, 집적회로의특성, 디스플레이구동소자의작동원리등을이해하며이를이용해전자재료의특성을이해할수있다. This class deals with the basic concept of digital logic, integrated circuit and display operation devices properties. These concepts can be applied to the understanding of the electronic materials properties. 다양한고분자재료의기초적인합성방법, 구조와물성과의상관관계를소개하고기계적거동에대해논하며특성분석방법등을다룬다. This course deals with a basic knowledge of polymer structure and property relationship, fundamental concept of polymer synthesis and characterization methods, and mechanical properties. 기본적인고분자개론에서발전하여단량체로부터고분자를제조하는데따른중합반응기구, 중합속도론, 분자량및분자량분포등에우선배우며, 축합반응, 라디칼반응, 이온반응이외에도고급고분자합성이론을배운다. This course deals with polymerization mechanism and kinetics and the basic theories to control the molecular weight distribution and the average molecular weight. Advanced chemical theory beyond condensation, radical and ionic polymerizations are covered.

정전기장, 전자시장등의관찰이론을소개하고물질에서의전자기이론을배운다. Electrostatics and magnetostatics are taught. Electromagnetism in materials are also covered. 열역학적관점에서재료들을이해하는기본이론을배운다. 고체재료들의다양한상평형을엔탈피, 엔트로피그리고기브스프리에너지를이용하여알아보고응용분야에적용되는현상을이해한다. Basic thermodynamic theory of various materials are studied. Thermodynamic phase equilibrium of solid materials are reviewed in relation with enthalpy, entropy and gibb's free energy and the application of these materials are covered. 이강좌에서는반도체재료의기본원리에서시작하여실리콘기판제작, 사진식각, 평탄화, 산화, 증착, 박막형성, 세정, 패키징등반도체전공정의미세화학적및공학적과정과관련하여배운다. his class teaches the fundamentals of semiconductor materials and the related processes such as wafer prepara tion, photolithography, planarization, oxidation, thin film formation, cleaning and packaging. 재료의특성을이해하는데필요한기본적인분석원리및실험을강의한다. 분석실험에는분자량측정실험, 열분석실험, 분광학적구조분석실험, 현미경적미세구조분석실험등을실시한다. The basic principles of materials characterization will be offered in this course. Various analytical instruments will be employed to characterize properties of polymers such as molecular weight, thermal properties, optical proper ties, and crystal morphology. 정보전자산업에응용되는디스플레이소자의시스템, 동작및광학원리, 그리고이들을구성하고있는기본소자 / 부품들의특성에대하여학습하고액정디스플레이및유기EL 디스플레이테스트소자를직접제작하여전기광학특성을평가한다. This course will discuss the electronic display systems, the operation principle, thge related optics, and their con sisting components and materials. We will also fabricate LCD and OLED test devices and evaluate their electro optical characteristics and performances. 결정구조학 Crystallography 기초적인엑스선회절이론을이용하여고분자및섬유의기계적성질에가장큰영향을미치는결정구조, 결정화도, 결정의크기, 배향도를구하는방법론을다룬다. This course deals with X-ray production, crystallography, determination of crystal structure and orientation of polymers and fibers by wide-angle X-ray diffraction, and the theory of small-angle X-ray scattering. 고분자물성 Polymer Physics 이강좌는고분자의기계적및점탄성적인성질에대하여다룬다. 고분자의전기적 / 광학적성질에대해서도수업시간에강의한다. This course deals with mechanical and viscoelastic properties of polymers. Electrical and optical properties of polymers are also discussed in the class.. 에너지신소재 Energy Materials 태양전지, 연료전지, 이차전지등의에너지기술개발에필요한유 / 무기신소재의종류, 특성, 및분석법에대하여강의한다. This course deals with characteristics and analytical methods of organic/inorganic materials used for development of energy technologies such as solar cells, fuel cells, and secondary batteries. 분광분석 Spectroscopic Analysis 주로적외선분광분석, 핵자기공명, 가시 - 자외선분광분석, 질량분광분석을사용하여재료의구조분석및정량분석에사용되는이론

과실제를다룬다. This course deals with principles of infrared spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, ultraviolet spectroscopy, and mass spectroscopy. 박막공학 Thin film technology 본강의에서는반도체및디스플레이제작을위해사용되는여러가지박막기술을위한강의한다. 특히진공기술을기반으로박막기술의핵심요소인물리기상증착법, 화학기상증착법, 원자증착법과응용분야를소개한다. 또한여러가지변수에따른박막의성장메카니즘을이해하고, 박막의전기적, 광학적, 구조적, 조성적특성을평가할수있는여러가지박막분석기술을강의한다. This class introduce thin film technologies for fabrication of displays and semiconductor devices. Based on the vacuum technology, the physical vapor deposition, chemical vapor deposition, and atomic layer deposition will be introduced. In addition, we deal with the thin film formation mechanism according to various deposition parameters. Futhermore, this class introduce the several kinds of thin film analysis methods to investigate electrical, optical, structural and composition properties of thin films. 반도체디스플레이공정 (Semiconductor and Display Manufacturing Process) 이강좌에서는포토리소, 평탄화, 산화, 확산, 증착, 박막형성, 세정, 패키징등의반도체및디스플레이공정의관련최신기술에대하여학습한다. This course gives the students the latest technology for semiconductor and display manufacturing processes, such as photolithography, chemical mechanical planarization, oxidation, diffusion, metalization, thin film formation, deposition, cleaning and packaging. 유기신소재및실험 ( Experiement of organic materials ) 디스플레이분야및전자소자에사용되는유기재료의기본적인합성및분석원리를이해하고실험을통하여확인하며공학적인관점에서어떻게실제응용될수있는지살펴본다. Fundamental synthesis and characterization of various organic materials used for the displays and other electronic devices are taught and the related experiments are carried out. The realistic application of these materials are also covered. 광전자소재 ( Optoelectronic materials ) 본강의에서는발광다이오드, 레이져다이오드, 태양전지, 광센서와같은여러가지광전소자의원리및제조공정을소개하고응용분야를모색한다. This class introduce the working principles and fabrication process of several types of optoelectronic devices such as light emitting diodes (LEDs), laser diodes, solar cells, and photo sensor. In addition, applications of the optoelectronics devices in displays and information/electronic industries. 정보저장소재 Materials for Information Storage 이강좌는정보저장기술에쓰이는재료및소자에대하여논한다. This course deals with materials and devices for information storage technologies. 하이브리드재료 Hybrid Materials 신기능성소재를개발하는데중요한방법인고분자블렌딩, 섬유강화복합재료등에대하여강의한다. 하이브리드재료에관한혼합열역학, 상도 (phase diagram), 상분리거동, 물리화학성질등을다룬다. This course is designed to explore the basic concept of polymer hybrid technology. Polymer hybrid is industrially important because it provide a novel type of functions which is rarely found in conventional polymers. Basic concept of thermodynamic miscibility and compatibility will be lectured. Miscibility tests using thermal and mechanical property analysis, phase diagram, and polymer hybrid morphology analysis will be studied.

고급고분자화학, 물리, 물리화학, 역학및유변학등고분자분야의심화된내용을기본적으로배우며, 복합재료, 나노분자공학등재료분야의수준높은주제를다룬다. Advanced topics of polymer science such as chemistry, physics, physical chemistry, mechanics and rheology are covered and in-depth study of the current hot issues such as the hybrid materials and nano molecular materials is carried out. 정보전자신소재특강 Special Topics 정보전자신소재와관련된다양한세미나에참석하여최근의주요연구나산업계의동향을파악하면서정보전자신소재산업전반의이해를높인다. Students attend a number of seminars that cover the current hot issues in Advanced Materials Engineering for Information & Electronics research or industry and maximize the in-direct experience in Advanced Materials Engineering for Information & Electronics area. 관련기업에서실무경험을통해전공지식을응용한다. ( 총 80시간이상, 1일 8시간이내 ) This course gives a chance to apply theoretical knowledges in a field. 관련기업에서실무경험을통해전공지식을응용한다. ( 총 120시간이상, 1일 8시간이내 ) This course gives a chance to apply theoretical knowledges in a field 관련기업에서실무경험을통해전공지식을응용한다. ( 총 160시간이상, 1일 8시간이내 ) This course gives a chance to apply theoretical knowledges in a field 연구실에서각종실험실습및프로젝트참여등을통해전공지식을응용한다. This Course gives a chance for students to participate the research works in Laboratory. 연구실에서각종실험실습및프로젝트참여등을통해전공지식을응용한다. This Course gives a chance for students to participate the research works in Laboratory.