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IL PRANZO LUNCH Salad bar + Pasta Pasta del giorno Today's pasta 오늘의파스타 39,000 어린이 Child (37개월 ~ 만12세 / 37months to 12years) 27,300 36개월미만 Under 36mon

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曉鐘羹 효종갱 Hyo Jong Gaeng Set 효종갱은조선시대양반들이즐겨먹던최초의배달음식입니다. Hyo Jong Gaeng was the first delivery food in Korea for the upper class in Joseon Dynasty. 맞이먹거리 Welcome Food 연두부샐러드 Green Salad with Soft Tofu 해파리겨자채 Cold Jellyfish Salad 육회 Raw Beef Tartare 고추장두릅 Parboiled Green Vegetable with Red Pepper Paste 오늘의부침개 Chef s Special Pancake LA 갈비 Korean-style Grilled Beef Ribs 삼치구이 Grilled Spanish Mackerel 효종갱 Hyo Jong Gaeng 45,000

7 첩 7 Course 맞이먹거리 Welcome Food 견과류를가미한그린샐러드 Green Salad 해산물초무침 Seafood with Red chili-pepper & Vinegar Dressing 구운버섯과불고기냉채 Chilled Bulgogi Salad with Mushrooms 생선회 Assorted Sliced Raw Fish 안동생마두부선 Bean Curd Korean Style Pancake & Fresh Yam 왕새우모둠튀김 Assorted Deep-fried King Prawn 미소된장메로구이 Grilled Toothfish with Miso Bean Paste Sauce LA 갈비 Korean-style Grilled Beef Ribs 진지와국 Today s Soup and Steamed Rice 55,000

9 첩 9 Course 맞이먹거리 Welcome Food 견과류를가미한그린샐러드 Green Salad 해산물초무침 Seafood with Red chili-pepper & Vinegar Dressing 구운버섯허브향채와오리가슴살구이 Grilled Mushroom with Herb & Smoked Duck Breast 모둠생선회 Assorted Sliced Raw Fish 소고기육회 Korean Beef Tartare 안동생마두부선 Bean Curd Korean Style Pancake & Fresh Yam 섭산전 Pan-fried Mountain Herb 왕새우모둠튀김 Assorted Deep-fried King Prawn 미소된장메로구이 Grilled Toothfish with Miso Bean Paste Sauce 연육한팥갈비찜 Braised Short Ribs with Red Bean Sauce 진지와국 Today s Soup and Steamed Rice 68,000

1 2 첩 12 Course 맞이먹거리 Welcome Food 견과류를가미한그린샐러드 Green Salad 해산물초무침 Seafood with Red chili-pepper & Vinegar Dressing 구운버섯허브향채와오리가슴살구이 Grilled Mushroom with Herb & Smoked Duck Breast 활전복과모둠생선회 Assorted Sliced Raw Fish 소고기육회 Korean Beef Tartare 대령숙수특선부침개 Chef s Special Pancake 섭산전 Pan-fried Mountain Herb 대게그라탕과왕새우튀김 Snow Crab Gratin & Deep-fried King Prawn 모둠해물찜 Assorted Braised Spicy Seafood 미소된장메로구이 Grilled Toothfish with Miso Bean Paste Sauce 구운야채와쇠고기등심구이 Grilled Beef Sirloin with Vegetable 진지와국 Today s Soup and Steamed Rice 80,000

SURA SANG 사전예약메뉴 수라상 맞이먹거리 Welcome Food 견과류를가미한그린샐러드 Green Salad 해산물초무침 Seafood with Red chili-pepper & Vinegar Dressing 단호박백김치와등심로스편채 White Kimchi with Sweet Pumpkin Sauce and Pan-fried Beef Sirloin with Vegetable 갈아만든생마와새싹인삼즙 Squeezed Fresh Ginseng with Yam Juice 활전복과모둠생선회 Assorted Sliced Raw Fish 소고기육회 Korean Beef Tartare 대령숙수특선부침개 Chef s Special Pancake 섭산전 Pan-fried Mountain Herb 대게그라탕과왕새우튀김 Snow Crsb Gratin & Deep-fried King Prawn 민물장어구이 Grilled Eel 미소된장메로구이 Grilled Toothfish with Miso Bean Paste Sauce 구운버섯과올리브오일양갈비구이 Grilled Mushroom & Lamb Chop 진지와국 Today s Soup and Steamed Rice 99,000

Jung Il Pum Set 사전예약메뉴 正一品 정일품 주전부리 Welcome Food 오늘의죽 Today s Porridge 닭가슴살겨자채 Chicken Breast and Vegetables with Mustard Sauce 구운불고기냉채 Chilled Bulgogi Salad with Mushrooms 모둠회 Assorted Sliced Raw Fish 육회 Korean Beef Tartare 민물장어구이 Grilled Eels 오늘의부침개 Today s Pancake 자연송이, 명란계란찜 Steamed Eggs with Wild Pine Mushrooms 버터전복구이 Grilled Abalone with Butter 팥소스를곁들인한방갈비찜과간장게장 Braised Short Ribs with Red Bean Sauce and Soy Sauce Marinated Crab 진지와국 Today s Soup and Steamed Rice 83,000

사전예약메뉴 彌鄒忽 미추홀 Michuhol Set 미추홀은백제초기의수도이자역사상최초로등장하는인천의명칭입니다. Michuhol was the capital of the early history of the Baekje Kingdom, as it is widely considered to be present-day Incheon. 버섯장국죽 Soybean Paste Porridge with Mushroom 홍시드레싱을곁들인해산물샐러드 Seafood Salad with Soft Persimmon Dressing 육회 Raw Beef Tartare 복분자소스를곁들인민물장어구이 Grilled Eel with Raspberry Sauce 사골육수와만난자연송이양지수육 Pine Mushrooms and Boiled Beef with Beef Born Broth 소고기수삼말이 Ginseng Beef Roll 능이버섯을곁들이갈비구이 Grilled Beef with Mushroom 국과진지 Steamed Rice and Today`s Soup 69,000

사전예약메뉴 買召忽 매소홀 Maesohol Set 매소홀은인천의고구려시대지명입니다. Maesohol was the name of Incheon in Goguryeo Dynasty. 버섯장국죽 Soybean Paste Porridge with Mushroom 홍시드레싱을곁들인해산물샐러드 Seafood Salad with Soft Persimmon Dressing 육회 Raw Beef Tartare 캐비어와복분자소스를곁들인민물장어구이 Grilled Eel with Caviar and Raspberry Sauce 사골육수와만난자연송이양지수육 Pine Mushrooms and Boiled Beef with Beef Born Broth 소고기수삼말이 Ginseng Beef Roll 오늘의튀김 Deep-fried Dish 단호박한방전복갈비찜 Braised Short Ribs with Sweet Pumpkin 국과진지 Steamed Rice and Today`s Soup 79,000

Sosunghyun Set 소성현은인천의고구려시대지명입니다. Sosunghyun was the name of Incheon in the period of Unified Silla. 사전예약메뉴 邵城縣 소성현 버섯장국죽 Soybean Paste Porridge with Mushroom 홍시드레싱을곁들인해산물샐러드 Seafood Salad with Soft Persimmon Dressing 육회 Raw Beef Tartare 복분자소스를곁들인민물장어구이 Grilled Eel with Raspberry Sauce 사골육수와만난자연송이양지수육 Pine Mushrooms and Boiled Beef with Beef Born Broth 소고기수삼말이 Ginseng Beef Roll 오늘의전 Korean Pancake 오늘의튀김 Deep-fried Dish 한우 1++ 안심구이 (120g) Grilled Korean Beef Tenderloin (120g) 국과진지 Steamed Rice and Today`s Soup 89,000

사전예약메뉴 慶源府 경원부 Gyeongwonbu Set 경원부는인천역사상가장번성했던고려시대지명입니다. Gyeongwonbu was the name of Incheon during the most prosperous of Goryeo Dynasty. 모임의성격과기호에따라총주방장이구성하는맞춤식정찬메뉴입니다. 제철식재료와최상의로컬푸드를사용하여화려한한식의정수를느끼실수있습니다. Chef`s recommended special set menu Gyeongwonbu Set is perfect for private meeting. The menu is made from carefully selected highest quality local and seasonal ingredients. 169,000

一品料理 일품요리 A La Carte 해물파전 Seafood & Green Onion Pancake 한우버섯불고기구이 Bulgogi(Grilled Marinated Beef) with Mushroom 육회와배 Sliced Raw Beef with Pear 메로구이 Grilled Toothfish with Red Chili Paste Sauce 참전복해물찜 Braised Spicy Seafood with Abalone 왕새우튀김요리 Deep Fried King Prawn & Vegetable with Sweet Sour Sauce 20,000 50,000 60,000 65,000 70,000 70,000 자연송이와갈비구이 Grilled Beef Rib with Pine Mushroom 80,000 생마를곁들인참전복요리 Poached Abalone with Yam 90,000 해물콩나물찜을곁들인민물장어구이 Braised Spicy Eels with Seafood & Vegetable 110,000

원산지 메뉴명품목원산지 쌀밥, 죽쌀국산 옥돔구이옥돔제주산 훈제오리오리중국산 낙지초무침낙지베트남 소고기수육양지미국산 닭가슴살 ( 겨자채 ) 닭고기 국내산 장어구이장어중국산 해물파전오징어중국산 베이컨 돼지고기 스페인, 덴마크 아일랜드 안심소고기국산 간장게장 ( 코스 ) 꽃게 중국산

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