Korean J. Plant Res. 28(2):263-270(2015) http://dx.doi.org/10.7732/kjpr.2015.28.2.263 Print ISSN 1226-3591 Online ISSN 2287-8203 Original Research Article 토마토시설재배지토양에서단기녹비작물재배가연작장해토양개량및토마토생육에미치는영향 정유진 1,2, 노일섭 3, 강권규 1,2 * 1 한경대학교원예학과, 2 한경대학교유전공학연구소, 3 순천대학교원예학과 Effects of Green Manure Crops on Tomato Growth and Soil Improvement for Reduction of Continuous Cropping Injury through Crop Rotation in Greenhouse Yu Jin Jung 1,2, III Sup Nou 3 and Kwon Kyoo Kang 1,2 * 1 Department of Horticulture, Hankyong National Unversity, Ansung 456-749, Korea 2 Institute of Genetic Engineering, Hankyong National University, Ansung 456-749, Korea 3 Department of Horticulture, Suncheon National University, Suncheon 540-742, Korea Abstract - To reduce the injury by continuous cropping system of tomato cultivation, green manure crops (GMCs) such as hairy vetch and rye were applied, Nutrient contributions of N, P 2O 5, K 2O, CaO, and MgO in hairy vetch were 26.2, 5.8, 10.2, 6.6, and 1.5 kg /10a, respectively. Nutrient contributions of N, P 2O 5, K 2O, CaO, and MgO in rye were 9.1, 4.2, 11.8, 3.8, and 3.1 kg /10a, respectively. After incorporation of GMCs into soil, bulk density in soil with GMCs was lower than that in soil without GMCs (control). In soil after incorporation of GMCs, ph was not different in all treatment conditions, and ranged from 6.37~6.52. EC in soil after incorporation of GMCs was lower than that in soil without GMCs. The OM, T-N, and avail. P 2O 5 contents in soil with GMCs were higher than those in soil without GMCs. The tomato growths were increased in the rotational cropping system (RCS) as compared to continuous cropping system (control and without NPK). Also the density of Pseudomonas corrugata in soil with GMCs was lower than that in soil without GMCs (control). This study suggest that the RCS using GMCs showed lower disease outbreak density in soil for tomato cultivation as compared to RCS without GMCs. Especially, the GMCs was good effect for reduction of continuous cropping injury of tomato. Key words - Green manure crops, Soil improvement, Reduction of continuous cropping injury, Tomato greenhouse 서언최근국민소득의증가와함께고품질신선편이의수요가급증하면서이를위한시설채소재배면적은해마다증가하여 2010년약 10만 5천 ha를차지하고있다 ( 농림수산식품부 2010). 시설재배작물은무, 배추, 오이, 상추, 호박, 참외, 딸기, 토마토, 가지등이대부분을차지하고있으며, 대규모화에따라동일시설내에서같은작물의연작이계속되고있다 (Son et al., 2011). 시설하우스재배토양은외부와격리되어천연무기물공급원인강우가차단될뿐아니라시설내온도가높아하층에서 * 교신저자 (E-mail) : kykang@hknu.ac.kr 상층으로토양수분이이동하며, 농약, 화학비료및유기물의과다시용으로시설내토양이화학성이열악해진다고보고되고있다 (Allotey et al., 1997). 밭작물에서연작장해는토양물리화학성변화, 알레로파시및생물학적요인등 (Bernstein, 1975; Wright and Upadhyaya, 1996; Cho et al., 2006) 으로윤작은연작장해를해결하는데유효하며, 그효과로는토양유기물의공급 유지, 토양물리성개선, 토양의양분흡수권의확대, 토양양분의균형유지및병해충발생의억제등이알려져있다 (Wright and Upadhyaya, 1996; Kim et al., 2002; Lee et al., 2006). 비닐하우스에서발생하기쉬운작물의생장장해는여러가지가있으나일반적으로연작장해에의한토양내특정양분 c 본학회지의저작권은 ( 사 ) 한국자원식물학회지에있으며, 이의무단전재나복제를금합니다. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons -263- Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
韓資植誌 Korean J. Plant Res. 28(2) : 263~270(2015) 의소모, 토양물리화학성악화, 전작물의뿌리나작물유체의분해과정에서생성되는독소물질이토양중에축적되어생육장해를발생하는것과토양의병원성미생물, 선충등에의한흡수장해가알려져있다 (Kim et al., 2002; Lee et al., 2006). 이와같은지력저하에대한대책의하나로서지속가능한농법으로지력회복가능한녹비도입에대한연구가보고되고있다 (Allotey et al., 1997, Nam et al., 2007; Cho et al., 2006, 2011, 2012). 녹비작물이란토양개량, 작물의생육촉진및양분공급등을목적으로재배하는작물로퇴비처럼발효시키지않고재배된신선한식물체를토양에갈아엎어투입하는작물로서양질의유기물을얻을수있고미생물의먹이가많으므로토양유효미생물의증식이활발하여토양개량효과가크다 (Chang and Drenge, 1955; Jun et al., 2002; Lee et al., 2011). 또한, 녹비만으로도토양개량, 작물의생육촉진, 양분공급, 토양유실방지및토양물리화학성개량효과가있으며, 자연경관보전등의많은장점이있다 (Shon et al., 1999; Jun et al., 2002; Cho et al., 2006, 2010, Jeon et al., 2010, 2011, 2012; Lee et al., 2013). 녹비작물중에서헤어리베치는콩과식물로서다른두과녹비작물에비해 10 g kg -1 이상의높은질소고정능을갖고있으며, C/N 율이 15 미만으로낮아토양에환원되면 8주만에 75 80% 가분해되어후작물에양분공급이가능하여질소공급을위한녹비작물로중요시되고있으며, 토양개량, 미생물번식증가, 토양수분의조절, 잡초발생의억제, 토양침식경감, 대기정화등여러가지기능을갖고있다 (Shon et al., 1999; Jun and Park 2001; Cho et al., 2006, 2011, Jeon et al., 2010, 2012; Lee et al., 2013). 본논문은토마토시설재배지에녹비작물재배가토양에미치는영향을알아보기위해두과의해어리벳치와화본과호밀를단파및혼파하여토마토연작재배지에서녹비작물의양분공급특성, 녹비작물토양환원따른토양의이화학적특성및토마토의연작장해경감효과를구명하고자한다. 재료및방법시험포장본연구는 2010 년부터 2013 년까지 4년간경기도일죽면에위치한토마토시설재배지를선정하였고, 크기는가로 6.7 m, 세로 100 m로총면적은 670 m2이었으며, 시험토양의이화학적특성은 Table 1과같다. 시험토양은 ph 6.6~6.7, 전기전도도 (electrical conductivity, EC) 2.52~2.83 ds m -1, 토양유기물 (organic matter, OM) 함량 22.1~23.8 g kg -1, 총질소 (totalnitrogen) 함량 1.72~1.74 gkg -1, 유효인산 (available phosphorus) 함량 1464~1519mgkg -1, 치환성칼륨 (exchangeable potassium) 함량 1.42~1.46 cmol c kg -1, 치환성칼슘 (exchangeable calcium) 함량 5.59~5.91 cmol c kg -1, 치환성마그네슘 (exchangeable magnesium) 함량 1.85~1.98 cmol c kg -1 의분포를보였다. 시험토양의토성은미사질양토였다. 녹비작물재배본시험에사용된녹비작물의파종은헤어리베치및호밀을단파및혼파로구분하여처리하였으며처리구의경우대조구 ( 무처리 ), 관행처리구, 녹비작물단파및혼파처리구로설정하였다. 토마토연작재배지에서녹비작물파종량은단파의경우헤어리베치및호밀을각각 10a 당 9 kg되게파종하였고, 혼파의경우는헤어리베치및호밀을각각 10a 당 4.5 kg씩 1:1의비율로혼합하여파종하였다 (Table 2). 조사항목녹비작물의양분공급량은각녹비작물의 T-N, T-P, K, Ca 및 Mg 함량과생체중량을고려하여계산하였으며, 나온결과를 N, P 2O 5, K 2O, CaO 및 MgO 의비료공급형태로환산하였다. 녹비작물의토양환원전 후토양의이화학적특성조사는녹비작물토양환원전인 2010 년 9월 20일에채취한토양과 2011 년부터 Table 1. Chemical properties of soil used in this studies Exch. Cation ph EC z OM y T-N x Avail. P 2 O 5 Block K + Ca 2+ Mg 2+ Soil texture 1:5 ds m -1 g kg -1 g kg -1 mgkg -1 ----- cmol c kg -1 ----- I 6.6 2.52 22.1 1.72 1464 1.46 5.91 1.98 Silt loam II 6.7 2.83 23.8 1.74 1478 1.42 5.84 1.92 Silt loam III 6.6 2.77 23.7 1.73 1519 1.43 5.59 1.85 Silt loam z EC, electrical conductivity; y OM, soil organic matter; x T-N, total-nitrogen. -264-
토마토시설재배지토양에서단기녹비작물재배가연작장해토양개량및토마토생육에미치는영향 Table 2. Treatment condition of green manure crop Green manure Amounts of seed ( kg 10a -1 ) Control - HV z Hairy vetch 9 Rye Rye 9 Companion cropping HV z +Rye Hairy vetch + Rye 4.5 + 4.5 Table 3. Growth characteristics of green manure crops Single cropping Companion cropping Plant height Root height Fresh weight Dry weight Individual number cm cm g plant -1 g plant -1 ea m -2 HV z 97.9 ± 17.2 22.6 ± 4.3 46.0 ± 6.5 4.8 ± 2.1 76 ± 11.2 Rye 74.5 ± 9.6 12.0 ± 2.9 16.8 ± 5.8 3.2 ± 1.9 78 ± 9.0 HV z 48.8 ± 6.5 15.5 ± 4,2 21.0 ± 8.9 2.9 ± 1.2 48 ± 6.6 Rye 30.0 ± 11.1 11.0 ± 3,4 14.8 ± 6.6 2.5 ± 1.5 31 ± 8.4 2013년까지매년녹비작물환원후에각처리구별토양을채취하였으며, 토양화학성의경우는 ph, EC, OM, T-N, Avail, P 2 O 5, 치환성양이온및무기성분함량을조사하였다. 녹비작물토양환원후토마토의생육특성은토마토정식 2개월후에대조구 ( 무처리 ), 관행처리구, 녹비작물단파및혼파처리구에서토마토생육특성을조사하였다. 토마토의생육특성은초장및줄기직경, 생체중및건물중을조사하였다. 녹비작물토양환원후토마토재배후토양을이용하여토마토시들음병원균의밀도는대조구 ( 무처리 ), 관행처리구, 녹비작물단파및혼파처리구로구분하여조사하였다. 분석방법각각의시험구내 5곳으로부터작토 ( 깊이 0~20 cm ) 로부터채취한토양은식물잔여물을제거하고, 건조한후에 2 mm체를통과한것을화학성분분석에사용하였다. 화학성분분석은농촌진흥청농업과학기술원토양분석법 (NIAST, 2000) 을적용하여 ph와 EC는토양과증류수의비율을 1:5로희석한후 ph meter (Orion 520A ph meter, Orion Research Inc., Boston, USA) 와, EC meter (Orion 3STAR EC meter, Orion Research Inc., Boston, USA) 로측정하였다. T-N 은 Kjeldhal 법으로, NH 4 -N 은건토 5g을 0.5M K 2 SO 4 50 ml로용액으로침출후 MgO 로알카리화하여증류법으로정량하였으며, NO 3-N은 NH 4-N을정류후 devarda s alloy를가하여 NO 3 -N을 NH 4 -N로전환시켜 증류법으로정량, 유기물은 Tyurin 법으로측정하였으며, 유효인산은 Lancaster 법으로비색계 (UV-1650PC, Shimadzu Co., Kyoto, Japan) 를사용하였다. 치환성칼륨, 칼슘, 마그네슘, 나트륨등의양이온은 1M NH 4OAc로추출하여 ICP(DV-4300, Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, USA) 로분석하였다. 식물체분석은습식분해법 (H 2 SO 4 :HClO 4 =1:1) 으로전처리하여 T-N 은 Kjeldahl 법 ( 질소자동분석기, Gerhardt autosampler Vapodest 50 carouse, Germany) 으로분석하였고, T-P 는 Vanado molybdate 법 (UV 2550PC, Perkinelmer) 을사용하였다. 무기성분함량은습식분해법으로분해된용액을 ICP (DV-4300, Perkinelmer) 를사용하여각각분석하였다 (NIAST, 2000). 또한분석된토양화학성은 SAS 프로그램 9.1.3 버전 (2006) 을사용하였다. 결과및고찰토마토재배지에서녹비작물의생육특성토마토시설재배지에녹비작물의단작및혼작등재배방법에따른초장, 생체중및건물중을조사한결과 Table 3과같다. 각처리구별생체중및건물중함량은헤어리베치의경우는 46.0 및 4.8 g plant -1 이었으며, 호밀은 16.8 및 3.2 g plant -1 로헤어리베치가높은경향이었다. 단작및혼작에따른녹비 1주당생체중및건물중은단작의헤어리베치가가장높게나타났고, 그밖의처리구에서거의유사한결과를얻었다. -265-
韓資植誌 Korean J. Plant Res. 28(2) : 263~270(2015) 토마토재배지에서녹비작물의성분함량토마토시설재배지에서녹비작물의양분흡수비율은단작의경우헤어리베치의질소함량은 3.29%, 호밀의질소함량은 1.67% 였으며, 혼작의경우헤어리베치질소는 3.02%, 호밀의질소는 1.35% 로서헤어리베치의질소가호밀보다높았다 (Table 4). 헤어리베치는호밀에비해식물체내질소함량및기타무기물함량이높고, C/N 율이낮아서포장에서분해가빠르다. 생육후토양에피복하고 2주정도지나면모두분해되어, 후작물재배시질소비료시용량도감소시킬수있다고하였다 (Lee et al., 2013). 녹비작물생육시기별무기성분함량은재배기간이길어짐에따라감소하였다. 질소의경우도생육초기에함량이높고생육이진행됨에따라낮아지는경향을보였다. 단파에비해혼파의경우녹비작물에포함된질소의함량이감소하였다. C/N 율이높은호밀은헤어리베치와혼파재배시초기에질소를생산할수있는장점이있으며뿌리가깊어토양의통기성을좋게하는데이는 Jeon et al. (2011) 의보고와일치하였다. 또한녹비작물수확후미량원소 Fe, Mn, Cu 및 Zn 함량은단작및혼작에따라거의유사한결과를얻었다. 또한녹비작물수확후미량원소 Fe, Mn, Cu 및 Zn 함량은단작및혼작에따라거의유사한결과를얻었다. 녹비작물의 biomass 생산량및양분공급량토마토시설재배지토양에서녹비작물단파및혼파에따른 biomass 생산량은단파처리구인경우헤어리베치 (2,183 kg /10a) 가호밀 (2,154 kg /10a) 에비해높은경향으로녹비작물환원시토양유기물공급면에서호밀보다는헤어리베치가효과적일것으로판단된다. 혼파의경우 2,169 kg 10a -1 로단일처리인헤어리베치및호밀과유사성을보였다. 건물중면에서볼때단파처리구의헤어리베치와호밀이각각 515 kg 10a -1, 509 kg 10a -1 로나타났으며, 혼파처리에서 405 kg 10a -1 로나타나단일재배지가높은 biomass 량을보였다 (Table 5). 흔히두과인콩과화본과인헤어리베치를여름과겨울철에파종하여실험했을때, 겨울철에는두녹비작물간에별다른차이없이비슷한 biomass 량을보였으나, 여름철에콩은 4 kg /ha 였으며, 헤어리베치는 7.7 kg /ha 로큰차이가있다고보고된바있다 (Lee et al. 2008, Kim et al., 2013). 또한토마토시설재배지토양에서생육된녹비작물의토양환원시인 (P 2 O 5 ) 공급량은단파의경우헤어리베치가 5.8 kg /10a, 호밀이 4.2 kg /10a 였고, 혼파는헤어리베치가 3.1 kg /10a, 호밀이 2.5 kg /10a 였다. 토마토시설재배지에서녹비작물의토양환원시질소 (N) 공급량은단파의경우헤어리베치가 26.2 kg / 10a, 호밀은 9.1 kg /10a 였고, 혼파는헤어리베치 13.5 kg /10a, Table 4. Nutrient content after harvest of green manure crop in tomato continuous cultivation Companion cropping N P K Ca Mg Na % % HV z 3.29 0.92 2.60 1.50 0.38 0.15 Rye 1.65 0.48 1.82 0.39 0.18 0.12 HV z 3.02 1.21 2.28 1.50 0.29 0.15 Rye 1.35 0.45 1.82 0.38 0.20 0.12 Table 5. Biomass productions after harvest of green manure crop in tomato continuous cultivation Single cropping Companion cropping Fresh biomass Dry biomass kg 10a -1 kg 10a -1 Stem + Leaf Root Total Stem + Leaf Root Total HV z 1,981 202 1,981 466 49 1,981 Rye 2,012 142 2,012 461 48 2,012 HV z 992 175 992 168 28 992 Rye 852 150 852 187 22 852-266-
토마토시설재배지토양에서단기녹비작물재배가연작장해토양개량및토마토생육에미치는영향 Table 6. Nutrient contribution of green manure crop in tomato continuous cultivation Companion cropping Nutrient contribution ( kg 10a -1 ) N P 2O 5 K 2O CaO MgO HV z 26.2 5.8 10.2 6.6 1.5 Rye 9.1 4.2 11.8 3.8 3.1 HV z 13.5 3.1 4.1 2.8 1.6 Rye 3.5 2.5 5.2 2.0 3.2 Table 7. Chemical properties in soil before/ after incorporation of green manure crop Green manure reduction ph EC OM T-N Av. P 2 O 5 1:5 ds m -1 g kg -1 g kg -1 mgkg -1 HV z Before 6.48 2.80 23.8 1.72 1464 After 6.44 2.64 24.0 1.80 1594 Rye Mixed cropping HVz + Rye Before 6.41 2.91 23.7 1.74 1478 After 6.37 2.62 24.2 1.77 1490 Before 6.52 2.81 22.1 1.73 1519 After 6.50 2.62 23.4 1.79 1624 호밀이 3.5 kg /10a 였다. 칼륨 (K 2 O) 공급량은단파의경우헤어리베치가 10.2 kg /10a, 호밀이 11.8 kg /10a 였고, 혼파는헤어리베치가 4.1 kg /10a, 호밀이 5.2 kg /10a 였다. 토마토시설재배지에서녹비작물의토양환원시 CaO 공급량은단파의경우헤어리베치가 6.6 kg /10a, 호밀이 3.8 kg /10a 였고, 혼파는헤어리베치가 2.8 kg /10a, 호밀이 2.0 kg /10a 였다. 또한 MgO 공급량은단파의경우헤어리베치가 1.5 kg /10a, 호밀이 3.1 kg /10a 였고, 혼파의경우헤어리베치가 1.6 kg /10a, 호밀이 3.2 kg /10a 였다 (Table 6). 지금까지몇몇연구자들은양분공급에있어서녹비작물종류, 예취높이및녹비작물혼파비율이중요한영향을미친다고보고한바있다 (Jeon et al., 2011, 2012). 본연구에서도헤어리베치와호밀의예취높이및혼파비율을설정한다면양분공급효과는증대될수있을것으로판단되며, 과잉으로공급되는 K와같은성분들을감소할수있을것으로판단된다. 녹비토양환원전 후화학적특성토마토시설재배지에서녹비작물의토양환원전 후토양의 ph 및 EC는녹비작물을토양에환원한후모든처리에서약간씩감소하는경향을보였으며, 특히호밀을토양에환원한처리구에서가장낮았다 (Table 7). 토양의 EC는염류가집적되기쉬운시설재배지에서대체로높은경향을보이기때문에뿌리에서토양수이용률을저하시키고 (Bernstein, 1975), 이온의불균 형과과다이온의존재에의한이온독성발현과타유효이온의흡수를저해하여작물의생육장해를유발할수있다고보고된바있는데 (Chang and Drenge, 1955; Cho et al., 2006), 토마토시설재배지의연작장해경감을위해헤어리베치및호밀과같은녹비작물의시용이토양의 EC를경감시킬수있는방안이라판단된다. 또한유기물의함량은녹비작물단파및혼파처리구가처리전토양 ( 대조구 ) 에비해약간증가하는경향이었으며, 녹비작물처리구별유기물함량의증가량은혼파처리 (0.7 g/ kg ) > 호밀 (0.5 g/ kg ) > 헤어리베치 (0.2 g/ kg ) 순이었다. T-N 함량은녹비를토양에환원한후모든녹비처리구가처리전토양 ( 대조구 ) 에비해증가하는경향을보였다 (Table 7). 녹비작물중에서두과녹비는공중질소를고정하는능력이있어토양에환원시킨후에분해속도가화본과녹비에비해질소함량이증가한다고알려져있다 (Sung et al., 2008, Jeon et al., 2011). 본연구에서도두과인헤어리베치가화본과인호밀보다도질소함량이높게나타났다. 또한토마토시설재배지에서녹비작물의토양환원전 후토양의양이온함량및무기성분함량은 Table 8과같다. 양이온중 K의함량은호밀이포함된처리구의경우는약간증가하는경향이었고, 헤어리베치는감소하는경향이었다. 무기성분함량은전반적으로녹비작물처리전 ( 대조구 ) 에비해약간증가하는경향이었다. -267-
韓資植誌 Korean J. Plant Res. 28(2) : 263~270(2015) Table 8. Exchangeable cation properties in soil before / after incorporation of green manure crop Mixed cropping Green manure reduction K + Ca 2+ Mg 2+ Na + cmol c kg -1 HV z Before 1.46 5.91 1.98 1.53 After 1.33 5.93 2.05 1.55 Before 1.42 5.84 1.92 1.32 Rye After 1.46 5.91 1.99 1.39 HV z +Rye Before 1.43 5.59 1.85 1.54 After 1.44 5.62 1.88 1.55 Table 9. Growth characteristics of tomato Plant height Stem diameter Fresh weight Dry weight cm mm g plant -1 g plant -1 Control 167 ± 12.2 8.2 ± 1.2 707 ± 19.2 66 ± 10.3 NPK 190 ± 10.1 10.6 ± 0.9 947 ± 18.5 88 ± 9.7 Companion cropping HV z 186 ± 9.6 9.6 ± 1.4 812 ± 21.1 79 ± 11.7 Rye 179 ± 10.1 10.7 ± 2.0 912 ± 16.8 78 ± 16.8 HV z 171 ± 10.9 11.1 ± 0.8 687 ± 22.3 64 ± 11.8 Rye 188 ± 8.9 9.8 ± 0.9 679 ± 19.9 52 ± 13.9 Table 10. Change of Pseudomonas corrugata density in soil before/ after incorporation of green manure crop Pseudomonas corrugata (CFU/g dry soil) Before of treatment After of treatment HV z 3.1 10 5 2.6 10 4 Rye 3.7 10 5 2.9 10 4 Mixed cropping HV z + Rye 3.5 10 5 3.2 10 4 *30days after incorporation of green manure crop, Pseudomonas corrugata density of 20 cm depth soil *Colony numbers in selected medium for Pseudomonas corrugata 후작물 ( 토마토 ) 생육특성및토마토시들음병원균의조사각녹비작물의토양환원후, 토마토생육특성을조사한결과 Table 9와같다. 녹비작물처리는대조에비해서는우수한생육을보였으나, 관행처리와는비슷한생육을보였다. 이와같이녹비작물의시용만으로도토마토의생육에일정부분양분공급이가능할것으로판단되며, 화학비료와적절히혼합한다면토마토의높은생산성과화학비료의절감효과를동시에만족할수있을것으로사료된다. 녹비작물의토양환원후에토마토시들음병원균의변화를조사한결과는 Table 10과같다. 단파의헤어리베치구와호밀구에서처리전시들음병원균의밀도는각각 3.1 10 5 CFU/g 과 3.7 10 5 CFU/g 이었으나녹비작물을 혼입한후, 그밀도는각각 2.6 10 4 CFU/g 와 2.9 10 4 CFU/g 으로현저하게감소하는경향을보였다. 또한혼파처리에서도유사한결과을얻었다. 따라서녹비작물이토양에혼입되어알레로파시역할을통해균의밀도를현저하게감소시킨다고하였다 (Nam et al., 2007; Lee et al., 2008; Yang et al., 2011., Lee et al., 2013). 적요본연구는시설하우스내토마토연작장해경감을위해단기녹비작물재배가토마토의생육특성및수량에미치는영향을 -268-
토마토시설재배지토양에서단기녹비작물재배가연작장해토양개량및토마토생육에미치는영향 알아보기위해토마토시설재배지에헤어리베치와호밀을단파및혼파로구분하여파종하였으며, 생육된녹비작물의양분공급량과녹비작물의토양환원후토양의이화학적특성그리고녹비작물환원후후작물인토마토의생육특성및토마토시들음병원균의밀도를조사한결과, 녹비작물의질소 (N), 인 (P 2 O 5 ), 칼륨 (K2O), 칼슘 (CaO) 및마그네슘 (MgO) 공급량은헤어리베치의경우각각 26.2, 5.8, 10.2, 6.6, 및 1.5 kg /10a 였으며, 호밀은각각 9.1, 4.2, 11.8, 3.8, 및 3.1 kg /10a 였고, 혼파의경우는단파와유사한경향이었다. 토마토시설재배지에서녹비작물의토양환원전 후토양의 ph는대조구와별다른차이없이 6.37-6.52 범위였으며, EC 는헤어리베치 (2.64 ds/m) 및호밀 (2.62 ds/m) 처리가대조구 ( 헤어리베치-2.80 ds/m, 호밀 -2.91 ds/m) 에비해낮았다. 토양중유기물, T-N 및 avail. P 2 O 5 함량은녹비작물처리가대조구에비해증가하는경향이었다. 녹비작물토양환원에따른후작물인토마토생육은녹비작물처리는대조구에비해우수한생육을보였으나, 관행처리와는비슷한생육을보였다. 또한녹비처리에서토마토시들음병원균의밀도가현저하게감소하였다. 이상의결과를종합할때, 토마토시설재배지에서녹비작물의시용은비료로서충분한가치가있으며, 녹비작물토양환원후토양화학성을개선함으로써시설하우스토마토연작재배지의연작장해를경감할수있을것으로사료된다. 사사이논문은농촌진흥청의연구비지원 (PJ007358) 에의해이루어진결과로이에감사드립니다. References Allotey, D.F.K., T. Horiuchi and S. Miyagwa. 1997. Growth and nutrient dynamics of buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) as influeced by different applications of green soybean manure and bio-decomposer. Japanese J. Crop Sci. 66(3):407-417. Bernstein, L. 1975. Effects of salinity and sodicity on plant growth. Ann. Rev. of Phytopathology 13:295-312. Chang, C.W. and H.E. Drenge. 1955. The effect of exchangeable sodium on soil properties on growth and cation content of alfalfa and cotton. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 19: 29-35. Cho, H.S., W.Y. Park, K.Y. Seong, C.G. Kim, T.S. Park and J.D. Kim. 2011. Effect of green manure barley and hairy vetch on soil characteristics and rice yield in paddy. CNU J. Agricul. Sci. 38(4):703-709. Cho, H.S., K.Y. Seong, T.S. Park, M.C. Seo, W.T. Jeon, W.H. Yang, H.W. Kang and H.J. Lee. 2012. Change in carbon amount of soil and rice plant as influenced by the cultivation of different green manure crop. Korean J. Soil Sci. Fert. 45(6):1058-1064. Cho, K.R., C.S. Kang, T.J. Won and K.Y. Park. 2006. Effects of compressed expansion rice hull application and drip irrigation on the alleviation of salt accumulation in the plastic film house soil. Korean J. Soil Sci. Fert. 39(6):327-379. Jeon, W.T., K.Y. Seong, M.T. Kim, G.J. Oh, I.S. Oh and U.G. Kang. 2010. Change of soil physical properties by glomalin concentration and rice yield using difference green manure crop in paddy. Korean J. Soil Sci. Fert. 43(2):119-123. Jeon, W.T., K.Y. Seong, M.T. Kim, I.S. Oh, B.S. Choi and U.G. Kang. 2011. Effect of biomass and N production by cultivation methods of Leguminous and Gramineae green mamure on rice growth in central regions of Korea. Korean J. Soil Sci. Fert. 44(5): 853-858. Jeon, W.T., K.Y. Seong, G.J. Oh, M.T. Kim, Y.H. Lee, U.G. Kang, H.B. Lee and H.W. Kang. 2012. Changes of biomass of green manure and rice growth and yield using leguminous crops and barley mixtures by cutting height at paddy. Korean J. Soil Sci. Fert. 45(2):192-197. Jun, H.S. and W.C. Park. 2001. Soil chemical characteristics and comparison with infested status of nematode (Meloidogyne, spp.) in plastic house continuously cultivated oriental melon in Sonju. Korean J. Environ. Agric. 20:127-132. Jun, H.S., W.C. Park and J.S. Jung. 2002. Effects of soil addition and subsoil plowing on the changes of soil chemical properties and the reduction of root-knot nematode in continuous cropping field of oriental melon (Cucumis melo L.). Korean J. Environ. Agric. 21:1-6. Kim, B.S. 2011. Selection of desirable cultivar for organic cultivation of carrot. Res. Plant Dir. 17(1):95-98. Kim, C.G., J.H. Seo, H.S. Cho, S.H. Choi and S.J. Kim. 2002. Effect of hairy vetch as green manure on rice cultivation. Korean J. Soil Sci. Fert. 35(3):169-174. Kim, S.H., D.C. Seo, J.H. Park, S.T. Lee, S.W. Lee, H.C. Kim, J.S. Cho and J.S. Heo. 2013. Effects of green manure crops on growth and yield of carrot for reduction of continuous cropping injury of carrot through crop rotation. Korea J. Environ. Agric. 32(4):279-286. -269-
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