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1 ª Ÿ (Korean J. Medicinal Crop Sci.) 19(2) : (2011) y» y» w x* Á *Á»*Á½ **Á k **Á **Á ** * w y w w, ** p w p Effects of Organic Fertilizers and Green Manure Crops on Growth Responses and Yields of Astragalus membranaceus Bunge Beom Heon Song*, Kyung A Lee*, Yoon Kee Chang*, Young Gook Kim**, Tae Jin Ahn**, Young Seob Ahn** and Chung Beom Park** *Department of Plant Science, College of Agriculture, Life & Environment Sciences, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju , Korea. **Department of Herbal Crop Research, NIHHS, RDA, Eumseong , Korea. ABSTRACT : This studies were conducted to investigate the growth responses and yields of Astragalus membranaceus Bunge which were grown with organic cultivation using two organic fertilizers and two green manure crops of hairy vetch and rye in 2008 and The lengths of stems and roots were not clearly different between organic and conventional cultivations. The root diameters and the branch numbers were slightly thicker and more in all treatments of organic cultivation than that of conventional cultivation in 2008, although they were not significantly different between two cultivating methods in The dry weights of shoot and root were heavier on organic cultivation than those on conventional cultivation. The T/ R ratios were commonly higher in organic culture, showing more clearly in 2008 than The yields were generally higher in organic cultivation than those in conventional cultivation in 2008 although the effect did not clear on yield in The organic cultivation using of organic fertilizers and green manure crops would be new method to have safety and qualitative products. The techniques of organic cultivation for Astragalus membranaceus Bunge would be studied more on utilizing the natural organic resources. Key WordsG: Astragalus membranaceus Bunge, Growth Response, Yield, Organic Agriculture, Organic Fertilizer, Green Manure Crop y» (Astragalus membranaceus) w w w. w,, š v e ¾ s w (Ma et al., 2000). y» w» z ù,, š ƒ ƒw» s û s š (Kim et al., 1996a, 1996b). t m w ü y» 1990 l ƒw ³ ƒ z w w ùkü , , w ùkû (MFAFF, 2009). w y» y w w ƒœ y š. y» 1 5 ¾ 1 š (Kim et al., 1996b). y»» w ã. q», (Seo et al., 1995; Kim et al., 1996a, 1996b), 3 (Park et al., 1988), y» (Kim et al., 1996b) mw y», t w ƒ w š, x e ƒwš,»ƒ, v (Ryoo, 2003). y y wì» Corresponding author: (Phone) ( ) bhsong@chungbuk.ac.kr Received 2011 February 24 / 1st Revised 2011 March 22 / 2nd Revised 2011 April 8 / Accepted 2011 April 11 83
2 xá Á»Á½ Á k Á Á Table 1. Chemical contents of green manure crops and organic fertilizers used in this experiment. Resources of organic matter Total-N P 2 O 5 K 2 O CaO MgO Fe Cu Mn Zn (%) (ppm) Hairy vetch , Rye Organic Fertilizer I Organic Fertilizer II t» w ƒ š. y» saponin flavonoide, formononetin linoleic acid š (Kim and Kim, 1997). y» ƒ w y y» x (Goh et al., 2009; Yin et al., 2009),» y» w w e w» w w š t y ƒ (Jeon et al., 2010)., ƒœ w š ƒ ƒ w y y z» w w.» w» w w» w š. y»»» w y y w» y w» y y x e y w y» w,» z wš w w. x» y w y»»» w p w p xs ƒ w 1» w t y» œ t w ü, w,» ƒƒ 1.0, (» w» w y» 100, 150, 200%) q 1 m w z 5 10 q w, q 90, 20, 10 q.»k y» t t y» œ w ü, w, y y x e w z m n w y» w y x e. y x e ƒƒ 15 /10a, 6 /10a q, š p z ƒ z» w w ¾ y x e xm k w. m n» y 240 / 10a, x e 121 /10a š, ü w x eƒ 2.93%, y 1.18%,»k» yw Table 1. y x e m n wš y»» w y 1 2 ƒƒ 270 / 10a, 780 /10a ƒ n w š, y» y ww»» I 1 2 ƒƒ 178 /10a, 512 /10a ƒ w,» II 1 2 ƒ ƒ 104 /10a, 297 /10a ƒ w. x e y»» 1 84 /10a, /10a ƒƒ ƒ n w, x e» yww x e m n z,»» I /10a, 470 /10a ƒƒ ƒw w š,» II /10a, 273 /10a ƒƒ ƒw w. y»,,,,, w, w, 2 3 l 7 2 e¾ w. w l ó¾, 2, w l 5 d w, w,»k ü x» w. 84
3 » y» p Fig. 1. Stem and root length of Astragalus membranaceus Bunge cultivated with the organic cultivation using the organic fertilizers and the green manure crops for two years, 2008 and The bars represent the standard deviation (1, 1.5, 2 : Each level of application amount of organic fertilizer based on the recommended application amount of N, Con : conventional cultivation, NF : non fertilization, OF I : Organic fertilizer I, OF II : Organic fertilizer II, H : Hairy vetch, H + OF I : Hairy vetch + Organic fertilizer I, H + OF II : Hairy vetch + Organic fertilizer II, R : Rye, R + OF I : Rye + Organic fertilizer I, R + OF II : Rye + Organic fertilizer II). š y»»» w» w» y y x e w m y z y» w y» w w Fig w w» ¼ ùkû,» w w»» yw j ù», x e w» w 2 w ¼ y 2 ¼ y ƒ ù kû. y» w p ƒ y x e yw (Song et al., 2010) w w w m n w ƒ y ƒ š (Yoon and Song, 2009) y» y { w q w w w. y» 2008 w» ¼,» w ù» I 1.0 w ¼ ùkû w w, w,», š m y z w» ƒ w. w w x ùkù,» n y». x e y» ¼ (Ryoo, 2003) w.» w Fig. 2.» ~11», ~8». w,», š n ƒ»» 2008 w w» 2009» ù w w w. w y» t y» 2008» ùkû ù w w w.» j» y» w y» w j w š q. w» w z ƒ ùkù.» n» ƒ w» y» Fig y» w 85
4 xá Á»Á½ Á k Á Á Fig. 2. Stem and root diameter of Astragalus membranaceus Bunge cultivated with the organic cultivation using the organic fertilizers and the green manure crops for two years, 2008 and The bars represent the standard deviation (1, 1.5, 2 : Each level of application amount of organic fertilizer based on the recommended application amount of N, Con : conventional cultivation, NF : non fertilization, OF I : Organic fertilizer I, OF II : Organic fertilizer II, H : Hairy vetch, H + OF I : Hairy vetch + Organic fertilizer I, H + OF II : Hairy vetch + Organic fertilizer II, R : Rye, R + OF I : Rye + Organic fertilizer I, R + OF II : Rye + Organic fertilizer II). Fig. 3. No. of branches of Astragalus membranaceus Bunge cultivated with the organic cultivation using the organic fertilizers and the green manure crops for two years, 2008 and The bars represent the standard deviation (1, 1.5, 2 : Each level of application amount of organic fertilizer based on the recommended application amount of N, Con : conventional cultivation, NF : non fertilization, OF I : Organic fertilizer I, OF II : Organic fertilizer II, H : Hairy vetch, H + OF I : Hairy vetch + Organic fertilizer I, H + OF II : Hairy vetch + Organic fertilizer II, R : Rye, R + OF I : Rye + Organic fertilizer I, R + OF II : Rye + Organic fertilizer II). w»,» I» II ùkù» s ù w» j,» w w ùkù.» y w» y» w w w Table w» w» ùkûš,» ƒ ùkû. w w w ù»,» I w» II ƒw w w» ùkû,» w w. w w, T/R ~ 1.95 w» T/R ~1.05 w» w x w ùkû. y» x e w ƒw ew ew,» w.» y w» w y» w Fig » w y»» 86
5 » y» p Table 2. Fresh weight and dry weight in shoot and root tissues of Astragalus membranaceus Bunge cultivated with treating two different organic fertilizers and two green manure crops for two years, 2008 and Year Treatment Application level Fresh weight Dry weight Shoot Root Total Shoot Root Total T/R ratio NF 1) b 2) b b c d d 1.07 b Con b b b c cd cd 1.24 b 2008 OF I OF II a a a ab abc ab 1.82 a a ab a b abc ab 1.70 a a ab a b bcd bc 1.87 a a a a ab ab ab 1.71 a a a a ab a a 1.70 a a a a ab a a 1.95 a F-value 89.96** 83.68** 88.12** 10.44** 83.98** 88.21** 8.51** Con abc abc abc ab ab abc 0.88 ab 2009 H H+OF I H+OF II R R+OF I abcd abcd abcde abc abc abcd 0.87 ab abcd abcd abcde abc abc abcd 0.85 ab abcd cd bcde bc bc cd 0.98 ab ab ab ab ab a ab 1.05 a abc abc abcd bc abc abcd 0.83 ab abcd cd bcde bc bc bcd 0.86 ab cd cd de bc bc cd 0.90 ab bcd cd cde bc bc bcd 0.93 ab abcd abcd abcde abc abc abcd 0.97 ab d d e c c d 0.76 b R+OF II a a a a a a 0.90 ab bcd bcd bcde bc bc bcd 0.99 ab F-value 82.38** 82.81** 82.69** 82.12* 82.49** 82.42** ns 1) Con : conventional cultivation, NF : non fertilization, OF I : Organic fertilizer I, OF II : Organic fertilizer II, H : Hairy vetch, H + OF I : Hairy vetch + Organic fertilizer I, H + OF II : Hairy vetch + Organic fertilizer II, R : Rye, R + OF I : Rye + Organic fertilizer I, R + OF II : Rye + Organic fertilizer II 2) Same letters in a column are not significantly different at 5% level by DMRT. NS : Non-significance, * : significance at P 0.05, ** : significance at P 0.01 Fig. 4. Yields of Astragalus membranaceus Bunge cultivated with treating two different organic fertilizers and two green manure crops for two years, 2008 and The bars represent the standard deviation. w ùkû,» I» II j š,» I» ƒw w ù» II w w» ùkþ y» y x e w», y 87
6 xá Á»Á½ Á k Á Á Fig. 5. Correlationship between the yields and four growth characters; number of branches (A), stem length (B), stem diameter (C), and shoot weight (D) of Astragalus membranaceus Bunge., w, x e +» I» y +» II» w ù kûš,» j w w. y» x e w (Ryoo, 2003) w w w, x e y x e 7% y 20% (Song et al., 2010) w y w» y» w y» z w ƒ w q. y» w Fig. 5. w y»,,, š ù w, w y» ƒ j w w ùkù j w š q. w w œ w š š, y»» mw y w w š, y y w, ƒw (Lee et al., 2002) tg y w x,, x w ƒw y ƒ (Lee and Kim, 2008) w y» œ w ƒ š q.» w w. LITERATURE CITED Goh EJ, Seong ES, Lee JG, Na JK, Lim JD, Kim MJ, Kim NY, Lee KH, Seo JS, Choi DS, Chung IM and Yu CY. (2009). Antioxidant activities according to peeling and cultivated years of Astragalus membranaceus roots. Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science. 17:
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