KISEP Otology Korean J Otolaryngol 2000;43:482-7 수직반고리관기능짝에대한회전검사 한규철 Analysis of Vertical Semicircular Canal Rotational Test in Healthy Adults Gyu Ch

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KISEP Otology Korean J Otolaryngol 2000;43:482-7 수직반고리관기능짝에대한회전검사 한규철 Analysis of Vertical Semicircular Canal Rotational Test in Healthy Adults Gyu Cheol Han, MD Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Gil Hospital, Gachon Medical School, Inchon, Korea ABSTRACT Background and ObjectivesVestibular function tests of the semicircular canal SCC are limited to horizontal SCC since stimulating a vertical SCC is difficult. The purpose of this study is to develop a vestibular function test of vertical SCC and analyze its function in healthy adults. Material and MethodsThirty healthy adults were placed down in supine position on a rotating table with their heads turned 45 degrees to left or 45 degrees to right side. The table was rotated in a sinusoidal rotational mode at 0.05 Hz and 0.1 Hz frequency. Nystagmus was observed through a videooculographic device or Frenzel glasses and recorded with a computerized electronystagmography. An analysis was made on the vertical nystagmus. ResultsRotatory nystagmus was observedthe slow component of eye velocity and the gain were increased at a higher frequency while the phase was decreased at higher frequency p0.05. Gain, phase and directional preponderance did not show any significant difference at each head position. ConclusionResulting nystagmus from the rotating chair stimulation on a vertical SCC has been analyzed. The test can be utilized to analyze the function of a vertical SCC as a positional positioning test, a head impulse or self rotation test. Korean J Otolaryngol 2000;43:482-7 KEY WORDSVertical semicircular canal Rotational test. 482

B C Fig. 1. ADesigned videooculographic device infrared camera for analysis of eyeball rotatory nystagmus. BVideooculographic device. CVideooculographic device is applied on right eye. *IRinfrared 483

A B Fig. 2. Body and head position for vertical semicircular canal testing. ASupine position on rotation chair. BPelvis was tied to axis of rotation chair for fixation. CHead turned to right or left side 45 degrees. C Fig. 3. Slow component eye velocity SCEVmean on vertical nystagmus induced by rotational test in right and left head turn position at 0.05 Hz and 0.1 HzThere was no statistical significance between right and left head position at each frequency, but the increase from 0.05 Hz to 0.1 Hz was statistically significant at both left and right head position p0.05. Rhead turn to right side 45 degrees, Lhead turn to left side 45 degrees, r-nys.up beating nystamus, l-nys.down beating nystamus 484 Korean J Otolaryngol 2000;43:482-7

Fig. 4. Gain mean induced by torsion swing test in right and left head position at 0.05 Hz, 0.1 HzThere was no statistical significance between right and left head position at 0.05 Hz and 0.1 Hz. Rhead turn to right side 45 degrees. Lhead turn to left side 45 degrees. Fig. 5. Absolute value of Phase mean which is induced by rotational testing in right and left head position at 0.05 Hz and 0.1 HzThere was no statistical significance between right and left head position, but the difference between 0.05 Hz and 0.1 Hz at both head right and head left position was significant p0.05. Rhead turn to right side 45 degrees. Lhead turn to left side 45 degrees. Fig. 6. Directional preponderance mean induced by torsion swing test in right and left head position at 0.05 Hz, 0.1 HzThe standard deviation was so big 20.6431.09. Rhead turn to right side 45 degrees. Lhead turn to left side 45 degrees. 485

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