KISEP Information Korean J Otolaryngol 2004;47: 양성돌발성체위변환성어지러움 단국대학교의과대학이비인후 - 두경부외과교실 이정구 Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Chung Ku Rhee,

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1 KISEP Information Korean J Otolaryngol 2004;47: 단국대학교의과대학이비인후 - 두경부외과교실 이정구 Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Chung Ku Rhee, MD Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, College of Medicine, Dankook University, Cheonan, Korea

2 - - Table 1-1. Incidence of BPPV by age Age yrs Katsarkas n171 No of patients % Nunez n168 Table 1-2. Incidence of BPPV by canal % Korea n1455 DKU n Katsarkas1978 n 171 Nunez n168 DKU Dankook university n400 Korea n1455 DKU Marciano Korres Sex FM P SCC canalolithiasis cupulolithiasis L SCC canalolithiasis cupulithiasis S SCC canalolithiasis cupuloithiasis Mixed type PcanalLcanal PcanalLcupul PcanalScanal LcanalScanal LcupulScupul Bilateral 00.5 Korea n1455 Korres n122 Marciano n810 DKU Dankook university Pposterior, Llateral, Ssuperior, SCCsemicircular canal, canalcanalolithiasis, cupulcupulolithiasis 492 Korean J Otolaryngol 2004;47:

3 이정구 - Table 2. The etiologic or associated diseases of BPPV number of patients Etilology Baloh 1987 Blessing 1986 Hughes 1997 Karlberg 2000 O Reilly 2000 Idiopathic Post-TA V.N Cervical-basilar a. insufficiency Meniere s D Post general op Post COM op Ototoxicity Syphillis Labyrithitis 002 COM Bilateral vestibulopathy 0021 SNHL Sudden HL Etc v20 Total TAtraffic accident, VNvestibular neuronitis, COMchronic otitis media, aartery, opoperation, Ddisease, SNHLsensoryneural hearing loss, HLhearing loss, DKUDankook university DKU 2003 Korea

4 Korean J Otolaryngol 2004;47:

5 이정구

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7 이정구 - - Table 3. Various diagnostic maneuver of BPPV Posterior canal canalolithiasis Dix-Hallpike maneuver & cupulolithiasis Lateral canal canalolithiasis Lateral head positioning & cupulolithiasis Superior canal canalolithiasis Dix-Hallpike or sidelying & cupulolithiasis maneuver Involvement of more than 2 Dix-Hallpike & lateral head canals positioning Diagnostic criteria of cupulolithiasis Nystagmus Short or no latency, lasting longer Vertigo Less responsive to treatment Vibrator or tapping If cupulolithiasis is converted to canalolithiasis by vibrator or tapping Lateral cupulolithiasis Ageotropic nystagmus Diagnostic criteria of superior canal BPPV Dix-Hallpike test Opposite side canal involvement when down beat nystagmus is seen Rahko maneuver Body moves to lesionside 497

8 498 Fig. 1. Brandt-Daroff habituation exercise. Patient is moved quickly into the position that provokes the vertigo and remains in that position until vertigo clears up and remains in that position for another 30 seconds. The patient is then turned rapidly to the opposite side, and repeats this same exercise several times daily. Fig. 2. Semont maneuver. The patient is moved quickly into the position that provokes the vertigo and remains in that position for 4 minutes. The patient is then turned rapidly to the opposite side ear down, and remains in this second position before slowly siting up. Korean J Otolaryngol 2004;47:

9 이정구 Fig. 3. Modified epley maneuver of right posterior SCC BPPV. The patient is in sitting position. The head is lowed into the right Dix-Hallpike position. The head is moved about 90 into the left Dix-Hallpike position. The head is moved another 90 so that the patient s nose is pointing downward toward the floor. The patient is returned to the upright position. The patient s chin is lowered slightly

10 Korean J Otolaryngol 2004;47:

11 이정구 Fig. 4. Modified rahko maneuver 4 5 Modified from Rahko 2002 The 45 patient lies on healthy side with head turned 45to left side. The head is lowed 45into the left Dix- Hallpike position. The head is raised horizontally upward 45for 30 seconds The head is moved another 45for another 30 seconds. The patient is returned to the upright position and stays up for at least 3 minutes. 501

12 - Table 4. Therapeutic maneuver of BPPV in Korea Epley maneuver, Semont maneuver Epley Brandt-Daroff Vibrator tapping Epley Epley Brandt-Daroff Barbecue Rotation, FPP, Barbecue FPP Head shaking, vibrator, finger tapping Barbecue FPP Brandt-Daroff maneuver Head shaking, vibrator Head shaking, vibrator Barbecue FPP Modified Semont maneuver Casani type FPP vibratorbarbecue Head shaking Brandt-Daroff Dix-Hallpike Barbecue Reversed epley maneuver / Rahko maneuver vibrator Brandt- Daroff maneuver Modified Dix-Hallpike maneuverdix-hallpike maneuver 30. FPPforced prolonged position 502 Korean J Otolaryngol 2004;47:

13 이정구 Probability of No recurrence Follow-up months Fig. 5. Kaplan-Meier estimation of recurrence rate From Nunez The recurrence rate is approximately 15% per year, with approximately 50% recurrence by 40 months. 503

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