LUNCH Yu Yuan takes its name and inspiration from the famed Shanghai Rock Garden. A poetic reinterpretation of the Artistic Garden, we hope Yu Yuan in

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FROM OUR SIGNATURE DUCK OVEN Crafted by the court kitchens since the Imperial times of The Ming Dynasty and reserved solely for the Emperor, the legen


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APPETIZERS A1. Edamame 에다마메日本毛豆 $ 4.00 Lightly salted boiled soybeans A2. Dumpling 튀김만두饺子 $4.00 Six deep-fried beef or vegetable dumplings served with


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Sommelier s Recommendations 3 Glasses Jermann Pinot Grigio, Venezia Giulia, Italy 2014 (100ml) \ 67,000 4 Glasses Jermann Pinot Grigio, Venezia Giulia

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애피타이저前菜 Appetizer 101 매콤한실치튀김椒盐白饭鱼 Crispy White Bait with Salt and Pepper 10, 매콤한가지튀김鸡崧茄子 Deep-fried Eggplant with Salt and Pepper 10,000 Appet



LUNCH Yu Yuan takes its name and inspiration from the famed Shanghai Rock Garden. A poetic reinterpretation of the Artistic Garden, we hope Yu Yuan inspires the exquisiteness of the scenery and elements classically found in nature including our Bronze relief sculpture by Korean artist Lee Gil Rae on display in the main dining area. Much like the auspicious knot symbol that surrounds, we hope that your experience with us enables everlasting connections and encounters that define a lifetime.

FROM OUR SIGNATURE DUCK OVEN Crafted by the court kitchens since the Imperial times of The Ming Dynasty and reserved solely for the Emperor, the legendary Beijing duck has become a highlight of Chinese cuisine. With over 45 years of combined experience working in some of the most illustrious kitchens in Beijing and elsewhere, Chef Simon Wu and his BBQ Chef Jason Wei are the creative force behind our meticulously prepared signature dish. The Beijing Duck is a culinary triumph that honors the tradition and will delight your senses. 예원북경식오리 北京烧烤 YU YUAN BEIJING DUCK 북경오리北京烤鸭 W80.000 HALF Traditional Roasted Beijing Duck with Condiments W150.000 WHOLE 오리볶음양상추쌈生菜冬笋炒鸭崧 W20.000 Wok-Fried Minced Beijing Duck, Bamboo Shoot and Lettuce Cups 일품오리수프浓豆腐鸭汤 W15.000 Double-Boiled Soup with Beijing Duck and Bean Curd 예원광동식바베큐 广东烧烤 CANTONESE BARBECUE 광동식돼지바베큐脆皮乳猪 ( 돼지 : 스페인산 ) W55.000 Ru Zhu Roasted Suckling Pig Cantonese Style 허니소스돼지고기바베큐炭烧蜜味叉烧肉 W52.000 Char Siu Barbecued Pork with Honey TRADITIONAL BEIJING DUCK TASTING MENU 허니소스돼지고기바베큐炭烧蜜味叉烧肉 Char Siu Barbecued Pork with Honey 매콤한줄기콩냉채辣拌四角豆 Marinated Green Beans with Chili Sauce 북경오리北京烤鸭 ( 一只 ) Traditional Roasted Whole Beijing Duck with Condiments 오리볶음양상추쌈生菜冬笋炒鸭崧 Wok-Fried Minced Beijing Duck, Bamboo Shoots and Lettuce Cups 초이삼볶음香蒜生炒菜心 Sautéed Choy Sum with Soya Sauce 오리고기새우볶음밥香菇鸭肉鲜虾炒饭 Fried Rice with Duck Meat, Shrimps and Shiitake Mushrooms or 오리고기관자콘지生滚瑶柱鸭肉粥 Congee with Duck Meat and Conpoy 광동식에그타르트와제철과일广东迷你蛋挞, 合时水果 Cantonese Egg Tarts and Seasonal Fruits W220.000 FOR 2 머스터드소스를곁들인구운삼겹살五香脆烧腩 W52.000 Siu Yuk Roasted Pork Belly with Mustard Sauce 광동식바베큐모둠샘플러广东烧味拼盘 W50.000 Pin Pan Barbecue Sampler Cantonese Style 자두소스를곁들인구운오리梅汁脆皮烧鸭 W40.000 Siu Ya Crispy Roasted Duck with Sour Plum Sauce

SET LUNCH MENU SET LUNCH MENU SET LUNCH A SET LUNCH B 예원딤섬특선 豫园精美点心拼 Deluxe Dim Sum Platter 수정새우하가우冬笋虾饺皇 Har Gow Crystal Shrimp Dumpling with Bamboo Shoot 부추군만두韭菜肉末煎饺 Pan-Fried Pork Dumpling with Chive Green 찹쌀피튀김만두安虾咸水角 Fried Sticky Rice Dumpling with Chicken and Mushrooms 게살호박수프鲜蟹肉南瓜汤 Braised Pumpkin Soup with Crab Meat 예원전채특선 和味小吃三拼 Appetizer Combination 게알새우튀김石榴蟹粉虾丸 Deep-Fried Shrimp Dumpling with Crab Roe 매콤한목이버섯냉채天椒拌木耳 Marinated Black Fungus with Baby Chili 마리네이드삼겹살조림潮州卤水五花肉 Lu Shui Marinated Sliced Pork Belly 해산물수프竹笙碧绿烩海皇羹 Braised Assorted Seafood Soup with Bamboo, Fungus and Vegetables 유유안시그니처북경오리로식사의즐거움을더하세요. Enhance your dining experience with Yu Yuan s Signature Beijing Duck 북경오리北京烤鸭 W30.000 5 Pieces of Traditional Roasted Beijing Duck with Condiments PER 유유안시그니처북경오리로식사의즐거움을더하세요. Enhance your dining experience with Yu Yuan s Signature Beijing Duck 북경오리北京烤鸭 W30.000 5 Pieces of Traditional Roasted Beijing Duck with Condiments PER 갈릭버터소스은대구구이香蒜黄油茄子焗鳕鱼柳 Baked Cod Fish with Eggplant and Garlic Butter Sauce 연잎새우관자버섯볶음밥海鲜荷叶饭 Fried Rice with Shrimps, Scallops, Conpoy, Shiitake Mushrooms Wrapped in Lotus Leaves or 광동식새우완탕면鲜虾云吞面 Cantonese Shrimp Wonton Noodle Soup 광동식에그타르트와제철과일广东迷你蛋挞, 合时水果 Cantonese Egg Tarts and Seasonal Fruits W120.000 흑후추새우볶음香芹胡椒凤尾虾 Sautéed Black Tiger Prawns with Celery and Black Pepper Sauce 청고추감자쇠고기볶음尖椒土豆炒韩牛肉 ( 쇠고기 : 국내산한우 ) Sautéed Hanwoo Beef with Green Chili and Potatoes 연잎새우관자버섯볶음밥海鲜荷叶饭 Fried Rice with Shrimps, Scallops, Conpoy, Shiitake Mushrooms Wrapped in Lotus Leaves or 광동식새우완탕면鲜虾云吞面 Cantonese Shrimp Wonton Noodle Soup 호두크림경단과제철과일核桃露糖丸, 合时水果 Walnut Cream with Sesame Dumplings and Seasonal Fruits W140.000 * Set menus are available for parties of TWO or more people. 세트메뉴는 2 인이상시주문가능합니다. * Set menus are available for parties of TWO or more people. 세트메뉴는 2 인이상시주문가능합니다.

SET LUNCH MENU SET LUNCH MENU SET LUNCH C SET LUNCH D 예원딤섬특선 豫园精美点心拼 Deluxe Dim Sum Platter 게알샤오마이蟹籽烧卖皇 Siu Mai Shrimp and Pork Dumpling with Crab Seed 상해식샤오롱바오上海小笼包 Xiao Long Bao Pork Dumplings Shanghai Style 닭고기버섯춘권香菇鸡丝春卷 Spring Roll with Shredded Chicken and Black Mushrooms 바닷가재산라탕龙虾酸辣羹 Braised Hot and Sour Soup with Lobster Meat and Assorted Vegetables 예원전채특선 和味小吃三拼 Appetizer Combination 구운오리梅汁脆皮烧鸭 Siu Ya Crispy Roasted Duck with Sour Plum Sauce 콩소스관자냉채面酱青瓜小元贝 Marinated Baby Scallops with Cucumber and Black Bean Sauce 참깨드레싱해파리냉채香麻老醋海蜇头 Marinated Red Jelly Fish Head Tossed with Sesame Dressing 닭고기해삼수프淮杞海参响螺炖鸡 Double-Boiled Chicken Soup with Sea Cucumber 유유안시그니처북경오리로식사의즐거움을더하세요. Enhance your dining experience with Yu Yuan s Signature Beijing Duck 북경오리北京烤鸭 W30.000 5 Pieces of Traditional Roasted Beijing Duck with Condiments PER 유유안시그니처북경오리로식사의즐거움을더하세요. Enhance your dining experience with Yu Yuan s Signature Beijing Duck 북경오리北京烤鸭 W30.000 5 Pieces of Traditional Roasted Beijing Duck with Condiments PER 흑후추쇠고기볶음肋葱爆极品牛粒 ( 쇠고기 : 국내산한우 ) Wok-Fried Diced Korean Hanwoo with Black Pepper Sauce and Basil 마늘소스전복찜香蒜粉丝蒸活鲍鱼 Steamed Live Abalone with Glass Noodle and Garlic Sauce 연잎새우관자버섯볶음밥海鲜荷叶饭 Fried Rice with Shrimps, Scallops, Conpoy, Shiitake Mushrooms Wrapped in Lotus Leaves or 광동식새우완탕면鲜虾云吞面 Cantonese Shrimp Wonton Noodle Soup 인삼대추차와제철과일花旗参红枣炖雪梨, 合时水果 Red Dates Soup with Ginseng, Pear and Seasonal Fruits W160.000 바닷가재마늘간장조림姜葱蒜子龙虾 Braised Lobster with Ginger, Leek, Garlic and Soy Sauce 흑후추쇠고기볶음肋葱爆极品牛粒 ( 쇠고기 : 국내산한우 ) Wok-Fried Diced Korean Hanwoo with Black Pepper Sauce and Basil 연잎새우관자버섯볶음밥海鲜荷叶饭 Fried Rice with Shrimps, Scallops, Conpoy, Shiitake Mushrooms Wrapped in Lotus Leaves or 광동식새우완탕면鲜虾云吞面 Cantonese Shrimp Wonton Noodle Soup 커스터드번과제철과일奶黄流沙寿桃, 合时水果 Steamed Buns with Egg Custard and Seasonal Fruits W180.000 * Set menus are available for parties of TWO or more people. 세트메뉴는 2 인이상시주문가능합니다. * Set menus are available for parties of TWO or more people. 세트메뉴는 2 인이상시주문가능합니다.

일품수프 炖汤 DOUBLE-BOILED SOUP 동충하초수프冬虫草南北杏炖猪展 W150.000 Double-Boiled Cordyceps Soup with Almonds and Pork Shank 전채 头盘小食 APPETIZERS 마리네이드삼겹살조림潮州卤水五花肉 W29.000 Lu Shui Marinated Sliced Pork Belly 게알새우튀김石榴蟹粉虾丸 W24.000 Deep-Fried Shrimp Dumplings with Crab Roe 콩소스관자냉채面酱青瓜小元贝 W22.000 Marinated Baby Scallops with Cucumber and Bean Sauce 쪽파생강오일닭고기냉채姜蓉白切鸡 W20.000 Marinated Chicken with Spring Onion and Ginger Oil 참깨드레싱해파리냉채香麻老醋海蜇头 W20.000 Marinated Red Jelly Fish Head Tossed with Sesame Dressing 참깨소스닭고기오이냉채芝麻汁鸡丝小黄瓜 W20.000 Marinated Shredded Chicken with Cucumber and Sesame Sauce 매콤한목이버섯냉채天椒拌木耳 W16.000 Marinated Black Fungus with Baby Chili 마리네이드호두오이백합구근냉채小青瓜百合拌桃仁 W15.000 Marinated Walnuts with Cucumber and Lily Bulbs 불도장海味佛跳墙 W120.000 Buddha Jumps Over The Wall Double-Boiled Baby Abalone Soup with Conpoy, Sea Cucumber, Black Mushroom, Fish Maw, Chicken and Tendon 건관자쇠고기버섯수프珍菌牛腩炖瑶柱 ( 쇠고기 : 국내산한우 ) W50.000 Double-Boiled Beef Brisket with Dried Scallops and Mushrooms 닭고기해삼수프淮杞海参响螺炖鸡 W40.000 Double-Boiled Chicken Soup with Sea Cucumber 죽순목이버섯배추수프素汤竹笙炖津菜胆 W30.000 Double-Boiled Cabbage and Bamboo, Fungus with Vegetable Broth 수프 汤羹 BRAISED SOUP 바닷가재산라탕龙虾酸辣羹 W45.000 Braised Hot and Sour Soup with Lobster Meat and Assorted Vegetables 게살호박수프鲜蟹肉南瓜汤 W38.000 Braised Pumpkin Soup with Crab Meat 해산물수프竹笙碧绿烩海皇羹 W35.000 Braised Assorted Seafood Soup with Bamboo, Fungus and Vegetables 새우닭고기시금치수프菠菜鲜虾鸡茸羹 W35.000 Diced Shrimp and Chicken with Spinach Broth

건해산물 海味干货 DRIED SEAFOOD 최상급홍소제비집수프腿茸红烧官燕 W200.000 Braised Superior Bird s Nest with Supreme Soup 관동식굴소스해삼鲍汁葱烧关东辽参 (1 条 ) W120.000 Braised Sea Cucumber with Spring Onion and Abalone Sauce 활어 生猛海鮮 LIVE SEAFOOD 건관자제철채소조림碧绿金蒜瑶柱脯 W120.000 Braised Conpoy with Deep-Fried Garlic and Seasonal Vegetables 해산물 海鮮 SEAFOOD 바닷가재 波士顿龙虾 Lobster ( 바닷가재 : 캐나다산 ) 牛油焗 Braised with Butter 避风塘 Bi Feng Tang with Garlic and Chili MARKETPRICE 다금바리 石班魚 Black Grouper ( 다금바리 : 중국산 ) MARKETPRICE 清蒸 Steamed with Soya Sauce 红烧 Braised with Assorted Meat and Bean Sauce 바닷가재마늘간장조림姜葱蒜子龙虾 W150.000 Braised Lobster with Ginger, Leek, Garlic and Soy Sauce 마늘소스전복찜香蒜粉丝蒸活鲍鱼 (4 只 ) W120.000 Steamed Live Abalone with Glass Noodle and Garlic Sauce (4 Pieces) 콩소스킹크랩面酱香芹鳕场蟹腿 W100.000 Braised King Crab Legs with Assorted Vegetables and Black Bean Sauce 우럭 黑鱸 Grouper ( 우럭 : 국내산 ) 清蒸 Steamed with Soya Sauce 油浸 Deep Fried with Soya Sauce 도미 紅魚 Sea Bream ( 도미 : 국내산 ) 清蒸 Steamed with Soya Sauce 剁椒蒸 Steamed with Red Chili 광어 比目鱼 Halibut ( 광어 : 국내산 ) 清蒸 Steamed with Soya Sauce 红烧 Braised with Assorted Meat and Bean Sauce MARKETPRICE MARKETPRICE MARKETPRICE 흑후추전복볶음黑椒姜葱煲活鲍鱼 (4 只 ) W100.000 Wok-Fried Baby Abalone with Ginger, Leek and Black Pepper Sauce (4 Pieces) 흑후추새우볶음香芹胡椒凤尾虾 (4 只 ) W100.000 Sautéed Black Tiger Prawns with Celery and Pepper Sauce (4 Pieces) 관자버섯볶음碧绿菌片炒带子 W80.000 Sautéed Scallops with Sliced Mushroom and Asian Greens 광동식해산물순무조림鲍汁金环海味 W80.000 Braised Turnip Ring Stuffed with Shrimps and Scallops in Abalone Sauce 마늘소스셀러리새우볶음金蒜西芹虾球 W62.000 Wok-Fried Shrimps with Celery and Garlic 갈릭버터소스은대구구이香蒜黄油茄子焗鳕鱼柳 W60.000 Baked Cod Fish with Eggplant and Garlic Butter Sauce 계란대게살볶음金腿西施炒蟹肉 W40.000 Wok-Fried Crab Meat with Egg White and Minced Ham

가금류 禽类 POULTRY 중국지방요리 中国省份菜 CHINESE REGIONAL DISHES 산동식대하볶음中国白火爆大虾 W60.000 Shan Dong Sautéed King Prawn with Bamboo Shoots and Chinese Wine Sauce 화양식가자미찜酒糟蒸多宝鱼柳 W58.000 Huai Yang Steamed Turbot with Shiitake Mushroom and Rice Wine 사천식새우볶음四川果仁宫爆虾球 W55.000 Kung Pao Wok-Fried Prawn Sichuan Style with Assorted Nuts and Dried Chili 후난식돼지고기볶음湘潭小炒肉 W55.000 Hu-Nan Wok-Fried Sliced Pork with Red Chili and Black Bean Sauce 텐진식생선요리家烧周山带鱼 ( 갈치 : 세네갈산 ) W50.000 Tianjin Homemade Braised Hairtail Fish with Soya Sauce 텐진식돼지고기등심구이京酱炒肉丝 W40.000 Tianjin Wok-Fried Shredded Pork Loin 차오주식양배추줄기콩볶음欖菜肉末四季豆 W30.000 Chao Zhou Stir-Fried Green Beans with Preserved Cabbage 사천식목이버섯조림葱烧黑木耳 W30.000 Shan Dong Braised Black Fungus with Leek and Sichuan Pepper Oil 사천식돼지고기마파두부四川麻婆豆腐 W28.000 Mapo Tofu Sichuan Style with Minced Pork and Chili Oil 크리스피치킨金牌炸子鸡 ( 一只 / 半只 ) W32.000 HALF Zha Ji Shallow-Fried Crispy Chicken W60.000 WHOLE 오리고기볶음碧绿鲜淮山炒鸭片 W45.000 Mi Zhi Wok-Fried Sliced Duck Breast with Chinese Yam and Garlic Sprouts 산베이치킨香叶三杯鸡 W42.000 San Bei Braised Chicken with Basil, Garlic and Chinese Wine Sauce 굴소스표고버섯닭고기찜翡翠北姑麒麟鸡 W30.000 Qi Lin Steamed Chicken with Black Mushroom, Green Vegetables and Oyster Sauce 사천식궁보계정四川宫爆鸡丁 W30.000 Kung Pao Wok-Fried Diced Chicken Sichuan Style with Chili and Cashew Nuts 육류 肉类 MEAT 흑후추쇠고기볶음肋葱爆极品牛粒 ( 쇠고기 : 국내산한우 ) W68.000 Wok-Fried Diced Korean Hanwoo with Black Pepper Sauce and Basil 청고추감자쇠고기볶음尖椒土豆炒韩牛肉 ( 쇠고기 : 국내산한우 ) W58.000 Sautéed Hanwoo Beef with Green Chili and Potatoes 콩소스쇠고기순무조림柱侯萝卜牛腩 ( 쇠고기 : 호주산 ) W48.000 Braised Australian Beef with Turnip and Black Bean Sauce 돼지갈비찜과튀김번巧手镇江骨配炸馒头 W40.000 Braised Pork Spare Ribs in Dark Vinegar with Deep-Fried Buns

DIM SUM MENU 찜 蒸点 STEAM ITEMS 채소류 蔬菜 VEGETABLES 초이삼볶음香蒜生炒菜心 W28.000 Sautéed Choy Sum with Soya Sauce 광동소스제철채소조림鲍汁银杏四宝蔬 W28.000 Braised Assorted Vegetables with Gingko and Abalone Sauce 제철야채볶음清炒時蔬 W28.000 Wok-Fried Seasonal Market Greens 바질향두부조림九层塔干葱豆腐 W28.000 Braised Bean Curd with Onion, Shallot and Basil Leaves 모둠야채볶음露笋伴水芹香 W25.000 Wok-Fried Assorted Market Vegetables 인삼소스호박죽순조림花旗参汤竹笙烩小金瓜 W25.000 Stewed Jade Melons with Bamboo Fungus and Korean Ginseng Sauce 식사류 饭面主食 RICE & NOODLES 광동소스닭고기문어볶음밥鲍汁章鱼鸡粒炒饭 W32.000 Fried Rice with Dried Octopus, Diced Chicken and Abalone Sauce 해산물쌀국수볶음干炒海皇河粉 W32.000 Fried Rice Noodles with Assorted Seafood and Soya Sauce 연잎새우관자버섯볶음밥海鲜荷叶饭 W30.000 Fried Rice with Shrimps, Scallops, Conpoy, Shiitake Mushrooms Wrapped in Lotus Leaves 게살볶음밥瑶柱蛋白炒饭 W30.000 Fried Rice with Crab Meat and Egg Whites 건관자돼지고기계란면볶음豉油皇金瑶肉藻炒面 W30.000 Fried Noodles with Conpoy, Minced Pork and Assorted Vegetables 후난식쇠고기탕면湖南牛肉汤面 ( 쇠고기 : 호주산 ) W20.000 Hu-Nan Spicy Australian Beef Noodle Soup 광동식새우완탕면鲜虾云吞面 W18.000 Cantonese Shrimp Wonton Noodle Soup 수정게살덤플링蟹肉白兔餃 W22.000 Rabbit Crystal Shrimp Dumplings with Crab Meat 수정새우하가우冬笋虾饺皇 W20.000 Har Gow Crystal Shrimp Dumplings with Bamboo Shoot 게알샤오마이蟹籽烧卖皇 W20.000 Siu Mai Shrimp and Pork Dumplings with Crab Seed 상해식샤오롱바오上海小笼包 W21.000 Xiao Long Bao Pork Dumplings Shanghai Style 송로야생버섯만두松露野菌饺 W22.000 Steamed Dumplings Filled with Wild Mushrooms and Black Truffle 차슈바오蜜汁叉烧包饺 W16.000 Char Siu Bao Steamed Barbecued Pork Buns 구이와튀김 煎焗炸点 BAKED AND FRIED ITEMS 부추군만두韭菜肉末煎饺 W18.000 Pan-Fried Pork Dumplings with Chive Green 닭고기버섯춘권香菇鸡丝春卷 W18.000 Spring Rolls Filled with Shredded Chicken and Black Mushrooms 찹쌀피튀김만두安虾咸水角饺 W16.000 Fried Sticky Rice Dumplings with Chicken and Mushrooms 청판 即拉肠粉 RICE FLOUR CREPE 새우청판韭黄鲜虾蒸肠粉 W24.000 Rice Flour Crepe with Shrimps and Chive Yellow 돼지고기청판叉烧蒸肠粉 W22.000 Rice Flour Crepe with Barbecued Pork 콘지 靓粥 CONGEE 닭고기콘지北姑滑鸡粥 W16.000 Congee with Chicken and Black Mushrooms 돼지고기피단콘지皮蛋瘦肉粥 W16.000 Congee with Shredded Pork and Preserved Duck Egg


DESSERT MENU DESSERT MENU MODERN CREATIONS CLASSICS 5 가지망고디저트芒果五吃 Mango 5 Ways Mango Coconut Sago Mango Mille-Feuille Mango Passionfruit Mousse Mango Sorbet and Mango Cheesecake 커스터드번奶黄流沙寿桃 Steamed Buns with Egg Custard W12.000 W20.000 코코넛파르페椰香冻糕配菠萝酱 Coconut Parfait 흑임자지마구酥皮焗黑芝麻汤丸 Baked Black Sesame Dumplings with Crumbly Crust W15.000 Jasmine Tea Anglaise, Coconut Tuile, Pomegranate and Pineapple Compote W18.000 망고푸딩香芒冻布丁 Chilled Fresh Mango Pudding W9.000 인삼대추차花旗参红枣炖雪梨 Red Dates Soup with Ginseng and Pear W10.000