한수지 48(6), 9-928, Original Article Korean J Fish Aquat Sci 48(6),9-928, 가막만과여자만의잘피밭에서식하는농어 (Lateolabrax japonicus) 유어의성장및환경과의관계 김진구 * 유정화 1 김정배 2 이원찬 2 김형철 2 문성용 3 김희용 4 부경대학교자원생물학과, 1 유정화해양연구소, 2 국립수산과학원어장환경과, 3 국립수산과학원남동해수산연구소, 4 국립수산과학원남서해수산연구소 Growth of Young Sea Bass Lateolabrax japonicus in the Eelgrass Beds of Gamak and Yeoja Bays in Relation to Environmental Variables Jin-Koo Kim*, Jung-Hwa Ryu 1, Jeong Bae Kim 2, Won-Chan Lee 2, Hyung Chul Kim 2, Seong Yong Moon 3 and Hee Yong Kim 4 Department of Marine Biology, Pukyong National University, Busan, 4813, Korea 1 Ryujunghwa Marine Research Institute, Busan 47173, Korea 2 National Institute of Fisheries Science, Busan, 4683, Korea 3 Southeast Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Tongyeong 38, Korea 4 South Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Yeosu 978, Korea This study aims to reveal the relationship between growth of young sea bass and environmental variables in two adjacent eelgrass beds. Fishes were collected from Gamak Bay (GB) and Yeoja Bay (YB) on the southern coast of Korea from February 6 to February 7 using a dragnet ( m in length and 3 m in width). During the study period, a total of 367 individuals of young sea bass Lateolabrax japonicus were collected from GB (171 inds.) and YB (196 inds.). Significant differences were observed in the occurrence periods and growth patterns of young sea bass, as well as in environmental variables between GB and YB. Young sea bass were collected from April to December in GB, but from April to July in YB. These differences may be associated with differences in eelgrass density, leaf width, and zooplankton density between GB and YB. Key words: Growth, Lateolabrax japonicus, Eelgrass beds, Environmental variable 서론 (Blaxter, 1984). (Russell, 1976; Okiyama, 1988; Richards, 6; Kim et al., 11), (Choi et al., 1998), (Kim and Jeong, 7). (RN8, ), (, ). (Lateolabrax japonicus) (Perciformes), (Moronidae Lateolabracidae) (Kim et al., ; Froese and Pauly, ),., (Lateolabrax maculatus), (Lateolabrax latus) 3 (Kang, ; Kim et al., ). (Hatooka, 13) (Froese and Pauly, ). (Okamura and Amaoka, http://dx.doi.org/.67/kfas..9 Korean J Fish Aquat Sci 48(6) 9-928, December This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Licens (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3./) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Received 2 August ; Revised October ; Accepted 16 Decemebr *Corresponding author: Tel: +82. 1. 629. 927 Fax: +82. 1. 629. 931 E-mail address: taengko@hanmail.net Copyright The Korean Society of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 9 pissn:374-8111, eissn:2287-88
농어유어의성장 921 4), (Shoji et al., 6), (Hibino et al., 6), (Shoji and Tanaka, 7), (Islam et al., 11), (Fuji et al., 14). (Choi et al., 1998), (Kang et al., 2), (Han et al., 3), (Kang et al., 4), (Huh et al., 9). Choi et al. (1998), 11 4 (Choi et al., 1998), (Kang et al., 2; Kim et al., 1)., (Kang, ). m, (KORDI, 199; MOMAF, 1). (Deegan et al., 2; Kwak et al., 6; Kim et al., 9; Ryu et al., 11). Kim et al. (9)...,,,,. 채집 재료및방법 6 2 7 2 1 (-7 2 ) 2 ( ) (Fig. 1) ( m, 3 m, m) 3. % 7%. 분류 (Kang, ) 36, 3. 11 (PKU1226-1227) 34 43' '' 34 4' '' 34 37' '' (SOFTEX HA-, Softex, Tokyo, Japan) 36. 성장 127 24' '',. 4-7 4 (6 ). 해양환경 (,,, ) (,, DO,, +,, ) 1. SPSS ver. 12. Mann-Whitney U test. 해양환경특성 수온, 염분, 용존산소 (Fig. 2) 127 28' '' 127 32' '' 127 36' '' 127 4' '' Fig. 1. Map showing the studying area of Yeoja and Gamak bays in the southern coast of Korea. 결과 6 4 12 9.3 (12 )-27.9 (8 ) ( 19. 6.3 ), 8.3 (12 )-26.3 (8 ) (18.7 6.1 ). 2.7 (7 )-33.4 psu (4 ) (3.6 2.8 psu), 27.7 (7 )-33.6 psu (4 ) (31.4 2. psu). 6.2 (6 )-11.7 mg/l (12 ) (8.2 1.7 mg/l),.9 (6 )-12.2 mg/l (7 ) (8.7 2.4 mg/l)., 4-7,
922 김진구ㆍ유정화ㆍ김정배ㆍ이원찬ㆍ김형철ㆍ문성용ㆍ김희용 Fig. 2. Monthly variation in the sea water temperature (A), salinity (B) and dissolved oxygen (C) from Yeoja and Gamak bays between April and December, 6., (U=6.,.,., P>.). 영양염류 (Fig. 3) 6 4 12.2 (4 )-1.6 M (11 ) (.7. M),.2 (4 )-1.1 M ( ) (.6.3 M)..8 (9 )-2.1 M (11 ) (7.2 7.8 M),. (4 )-14.2 M (8 ) (6.2.6 M)..6 (4 )-.2 M (6 ) (2. 1.6 M),. (4 )-.3 M (8 ) (2.4 1. M). 7.1 (12 )-68.1 M (6 ) (3.9 19. M), 4.3 (12 )-71.7 M (7 ) (3.9 19.6 M)., 4-7, +,,, (U=6., 4., 7., 6., P>.). 잘피의밀도, 생체량 (Fig. 4) 및생물특성 (Fig. ) 6 4 12 2.4 ( )-3.2 shoot m -2 (4 ) ( 223.1 61.8 shoot m -2 ), 9.2 ( )-266.7 shoot m -2 (4 ) (174.8 62.2 shoot m -2 )., 4-7 (U=1., P=.43)., 87.2 (12 )-72.6 g DW m -2 (6 ) (21.6 9.3 g DW m -2 ), 181.3 (12 )-471.6 g DW m -2 (4 ) (3.1 2.6 g DW m -2 ). 6 4 12 4.6 (11 )-.9 (12 ) (.1. ), 4.8 (9 )-6.3 (4 ) (.3. ). 66.8 (9 )- 137.3 cm ( ) (97.3 28.3 cm), 7.2 (9 )-143 cm (6 ) (96.7 27.1 cm). 7. ( )-. mm (6 ) (8. 1.1 mm), 9.8 ( )-12. mm (8 ) (.9 1. mm). 48.9 (9 )-113.8 cm ( ) (77.7 23.4 cm),.8 (9 )-113.2 cm (6 ) (76. 21.9 cm)., 6 4-7 (U=., P=.28). 동물플랑크톤 (Fig. 6) 6 4 12 1,27 (12 )-22,1 /m 2 ( ) (,86 6,363 / m 2 ), 947 (12 )-18,279 /m 2 (7 ) (,96,763 /m 2 )., (22,1 /m 2 ) (3,1 /m 2 ), 7 (18,279 /m 2 ) (3,28 /m 2 ). 농어유어의특성 전장변동
농어유어의성장 923 Fig. 3. Monthly variation in the phosphate (A), nitrite+nitrate (B), ammonium (C) and silicate (D) from Yeoja and Gamak bays between April and December, 6. Circles and vertical bars indicate means and standard deviations. Fig. 4. Monthly variation in the density (A) and biomass (B) of Zastera marina from Yeoja and Gamak bays between April and December, 6. Circles and vertical bars indicate means and standard deviations. (Fig. 7) ( ). 4 28 2.2 cm 2 3.8 cm, 6 8 7. cm
924 김진구ㆍ유정화ㆍ김정배ㆍ이원찬ㆍ김형철ㆍ문성용ㆍ김희용 Fig.. Monthly variation in the number leaf (A), shoot length (B), width of leaf (C) and length of leaf (D) of Zastera marina from Yeoja and Gamak bays between April and December, 6. Circles and vertical bars indicate means and standard deviations. Fig. 6. Variation in the number of zooplankton from Yeoja and Gamak bays between April and December, 6. 6 22 11.4 cm 7 13 13. cm (Fig. 7)., 4 28 2.1 cm 2 Fig. 7. Variation in the total length of young sea bass Lateolabrax japonicus from Yeoja and Gamak bays between April and July, 6. Circles and vertical bars indicate means and standard deviations. 3.4 cm, 6 8 3.9 cm 7 13 7.2 cm 7 27.4 cm
농어유어의성장 92 Table 1. Collection data of young Lateolabrax japonicus collected from Yeoja and Gamak Bays, Korea in 6 Date Month/day April/28 33 May/12 8 May/2 31 June/8 16 June/22 July/13 19, 8 31 12.2 cm, 9 28.1 cm (Fig. 7). 개체수변동 Yeoja Bay Gamak Bay No. of Total length No. of Total length specimens (cm) specimens (cm) 1.8-2. (2.2) 1.-3.3 (1.) 3.1-. (3.8).-8. (7.).3-12.6 (11.4).9-14.8 (13.) 4 28 7 13 (Table 1; Fig. 8A), 4 28 12 21 (Table 1; Fig. 8B). 4 33, 9 3.7, 8 ( 34 ), 6 13 ( 9 ) 4. 7, 22, 8. 9 18 7 121 27 July/27 16 August/31 1 19.2 8 September/28 October/24 1 16.3 4 November/27 4 December/21 2 1.8-2.4 (2.1) 1.6-2.8 (2.2) 2.7-.1 (3.4) 3.2-4.4 (3.9) 4.2-6.3 (.1) 6.-8.8 (7.2) 8.9-12. (.4) 8.2-. (12.2) 13.9-17.1 (.1).-16.8 (16.).9-19.2 (17.1) 14.8-17. (.9) 고찰 ( ) 4-7 (4 ), 4-12 (9 ). 8 8,. 8 (27.9 ) 8 (26.3 ) 1.6. 17-27, (Kang et al., 4).,.,, (Okamura and Amaoka, 4). 8., Han et al. (3) psu., (7-8 26 psu, see Fig. 2B), 12.., 2,, 2 (Kang et al., 2), (Fig. 8)., 6. 1), 2). 12 2 (Fig. 4A),. (Fig. 4B), (Fig. C).,., (,
926 김진구ㆍ유정화ㆍ김정배ㆍ이원찬ㆍ김형철ㆍ문성용ㆍ김희용 A Frequency 28, Apr. 12, May 2, May 8, Jun. 22, Jun. 13, Jul. 27, Jul. 31, Aug. 28, Sep. 24, Oct 27, Nov. 21, Dec. B Frequency 28, Apr. 12, May 2, May 8, Jun. 22, Jun. 13, Jul. 27, Jul. 31, Aug. 28, Sep. 24, Oct 27, Nov. 21, Dec. Total length (cm) Total length (cm) Fig. 8. Length frequency distribution of young sea bass Lateolabrax japonicus from Yeoja bay (A) and Gamak bay (B) between April and December, 6.,,, ).,,., 7 (Fig. 6) 6 ( ) 7 ( ). (Fig. 2), (Fig. 3),,,. (Lee and Youn, ), a,.,,. Shoji et al. (6) 1, 2.
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