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1 (Clidoderm sperrimum) 임한규 정민환 도용현 손맹현 ( 국립수산과학원양식관리과 ) Sexul Mturity nd Reproductive Cycle of Roughscle Sole Clidoderm sperrimum Cultured in Indoor Tnk Astrct The gondosomtic index (GSI), sex steroid hormones nd gondl development of roughscle sole Clidoderm sperrimum cultured in indoor tnk were investigted to evlute its sexul mturtion nd reproductive cycle. The highest GSI vlues of femle nd mle were 6.91±4.3 (My) nd.16±.8 (August), respectively. The reproductive cycle would e clssified into four successive developmentl stges: growing stge (Decemer to Ferury), mturtion stge (Mrch to April), ripe nd spwning stge (My to June), recovery nd resting stge (July to Novemer). The highest plsm testosterone (T) nd estrdiol-17β (E 2) levels of femle were 259.4±76.8 nd 633.3±182.5 pg/ml, respectively in My. Also 17α, 2β-dihydroxy-4-pregen-3-one (17α, 2β-OHP) levels of femle peked in April efore spwning seson (244.2±42.5 pg/ml). The highest plsm testosterone (T) nd 11-ketotestosterone levels of mle were 231.±46. nd 273.9±54.5 pg/ml, respectively in April. But there ws no significnt difference in 17α, 2β-OHP. Key words: Clidoderm sperrimum, Sexul mturity, Reproductive cycle, Sex steroid hormones Ⅰ

2 ~ Ⅱ..1 cm,.1 g,.1 g. (gondosomtic index: GSI), (heptosomtic index: HSI) (condition fctor: CF). Bouin,, 4~6 μm. hemtoxyline-eosin (H-E). Chng et l. (24),,

3 (Clidoderm sperrimum) 4. (4, 12, rpm, 1 ) -8. diethyl ether 2 Aid et l. (1984) (rdioimmunossy). testosterone (T), 17α, 2β -dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17α, 2β-OHP) estrdiol-17β (E 2), T, 17α, 2β-OHP 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT). Cosmo-Bio Co. Ltd. (Tokyo, Jpn), Sterloids Inc. (Wilton, NH, USA). [2,4,6,7-3 H]-E 2, [2,4,6,7-3 H]-T [2,4,6,7-3 H]-11-KT Amershm Life Science (Englnd), 17α, 2 β-ohp Young et l. (1983) [1,2,6,7-3 H]-17α-hydroxypro-gesterone TLC. E 2, T, 17α, 2β-OHP 11-KT RIA 12.5 pg/ml, 1 pg/ml, 1 pg/ml 16 pg/ml. RIA intr interssy 5%, E 2 3.4% (n=3), 11.5% (n=6), T 2.3% (n=3), 12.5% (n=6), 17α, 2β-OHP 3.2% (n=4), 9.5% (n=8) 11-KT 3.9% (n=4), 7.3% (n=8). ±, SPSS- (version 12.) One-wy ANOVA-test (Duncn's multiple rnge test) (P<.1) GSI, HSI CF [Fig. 1] Dec. Fe. Apr. My Jun. Jul. Aug. c c c c Dec. Fe. Apr. My Jun. Jul. Aug. c c c c c c c Dec. Fe. Apr. My Jun. Jul. Aug. Femle Months c c Mle [Fig. 1]. Monthly chnges in gondosomtic index (GSI), heptosomtic index (HSI) nd condition fctor (CF) of roughscle sole Clidoderm sperrimum. Different letters indicte significnt difference mong months in femle or mle (P<.1) Ⅲ. GSI 12 4 (P<.1), ± ±.92,

4 . GSI 12.4±.1 4.9±.1 5.5±.1, 8.16±.8. HSI ± ±.51, 7.75±.6, ±.48. HSI ±.25, HSI ±.48. CF 12 (14.8±.39) 6 (14.61±12.6), ± ±.87. CF ± ±.26, [Fig. 2]. Photogrphs of histologiclly oserved ovry sections nd different mturity stges of roughscle sole Clidoderm sperrimum., growing stge;, mturtion stge; c, ripe nd spwning stge; d, recovery nd resting stge. pn: peri-nucleus, yv: yolk vesicle, o: tretic oocyte. Scle rs: 2 μm

5 (Clidoderm sperrimum) μm 5~1 μm. hemtoxylin, [Fig. 2]. 3 4, (yolk gloule stge) [Fig. 2]. 3) (ripe nd spwning stge) 5 6,. [Fig. 2c]. 4) (recovery nd resting stge) 7 [Fig. 3]. Photogrphs of histologiclly oserved testes sections nd different mturity stges of roughscle sole Clidoderm sperrimum., growing stge;, mturtion stge; c, ripe nd spent stge; d, recovery nd resting stge. ss: secondry spermtogonium, sc: spermtocytes, sz: spermtozo, sg: spermtogoni, rs: residul spermtozo. Scle rs: 2 μm

6 , [Fig. 2d]. 1) (growing stge) (primry spermtogonium) (spermtogenesis) 2 (secondry spermtogonium) [Fig. 3]. 2) (mturtion stge) 3 4 [Fig. 3]. 3) (ripe nd spent stge) 5 6 (spermiogenesis),. [Fig. 3c]. 4) (recovery nd resting stge) 7, [Fig. 3d]. 3. T 12 4, ±76.8 pg/ml 6. 17α, 2 β-ohp 12 2, ±42.5 pg/ml ±31.5 pg/ml ±41.4 pg/ml ±52.6 pg/ml. E ±4. pg/ml ±17., 248.3±39.5 pg/ml, ±182.5 pg/ml. 6 [Fig. 4] Dec. Fe. Apr. My Jun. Jul. Aug. Dec. Fe. Apr. My Jun. Jul. Aug. Dec. Fe. Apr. My Jun. Jul. Aug. Months [Fig. 4]. Monthly chnges in plsm levels of testosterone (T), 17α, 2β-dihydroxy- 4-pregen-3-one (17α, 2β-OHP) nd estrdiol-17β (E2) of femle roughscle sole Clidoderm sperrimum. Different letters indicte significnt difference (P <.1) T ±9.8 pg/ml ±57.2, 254.7±44.8 pg/ml

7 (Clidoderm sperrimum) ±18. pg/ml ±46. pg/ml. 17α, 2β-OHP (P<.1). 11-KT ±14.1 pg/ml ±54.5 pg/ml ±42.3 pg/ml ±73.8 pg/ml, T [Fig. 5] Dec. Fe. Apr. My Jun. Jul. Aug. Ⅳ. 1, (synchronous), (group-synchronous) (synchronous) 3 (Wllce nd Selmn, 1981).,., (Kim et l., 1998), (Jun et l., 23) (Lim et l., 27),. GSI, Chromis nottus (Lee nd Lee, 1987) Rudrius ercodes (Lee et l., 1984) GSI 6.1, 6.9,. Pmpus echinogster Pmpus rgenteus (Lee nd Jin, 1989) GSI Dec. Fe. Apr. My Jun. Jul. Aug. Dec. Fe. Apr. My Jun. Jul. Aug. Months [Fig. 5]. Monthly chnges in plsm levels of testosterone (T), 17α, 2β-dihydroxy -4-pregen-3-one (17α, 2β-OHP) nd 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT) of mle roughscle sole Clidoderm sperrimum. Different letters indicte significnt difference (P<.1) 1.98,.96, Pseudolrus jponicus (Lee et l., 1992).38, Boleophthlmus pectinirostris (Chung et l., 1991).48. GSI (Billrd, 1986)., GSI,

8 GSI (Suquet et l., 1994). (Kng et l., 29). 2-3 GSI,. HSI CF 7 GSI. (Lee et l., 1985), (Jun et l., 23) (Lim et l., 27) GSI HSI, E 2 vitellogenin, (Aid et l., 1973). Lteolrx jponicus (Kng et l., 21), Sgmi geneionem (Hur et l., 26). 2 Tkifugu ruripes GSI HSI (Yng et l., 1994). GSI, HSI CF.. (Strssmnn et l., 1996), E 2 GSI (Kim et l., 1999). T GTH (gondotropin hormone), E 2. E 2 vitellogenin (Aid et l., 1973). progestin steroid (mturtion-inducing hormone, MIS), 17α, 2β-OHP MIS (Aid, 1988). T E 2 GSI 5. 5 T E 2. 17α, 2β-OHP 4 6 7, 17α, 2β-OHP. T, 11-KT, 2,,. roch Rutilus rutilus 11-KT GSI (Gerudie et l., 21), Srdinops melnostictus T GSI (Mtsuym et l., 1991). T 11-KT GSI 8, 4. GSI 5 T 11-KT,. 8 GSI T 11-KT,

9 (Clidoderm sperrimum),. Ⅴ. Clidoderm sperrimum,. (gondosomtic index: GSI) ±4.3, GSI 8.16± (growing stge), 3 4 (mturtion stge), 5 6 (ripe nd spwning stge), 7 (recovery nd resting stge). testosterone (T) estrdiol-17 β (E 2) ±76.8, 633.3±182.5 pg/ml, 17α, 2β -dihydroxy-4-pregen-3-one (17α, 2β-OHP) ±42.5 pg/ml. T ±46. pg/ml, 11-ketotestosterone ±54.5 pg/ml. 17α, 2β -OHP (P<.1)

10 α β


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