Kor J Fish Aquat Sci 44(6), DOI : 44(6), , 2011 순치기간에따른육봉형산천어 (Oncorhynchus masou masou) 의해수적

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1 Kor J Fish Aqut Sci 44(6), DOI : 44(6), , 211 순치기간에따른육봉형산천어 (Oncorhynchus msou msou) 의해수적응능력 김병기ㆍ김재원 ㆍ박정환 1 ㆍ성기백 2 ㆍ김현주 3 강원도립대학해양생명과학과, 1 노스캐롤라이나주립대학생물학과, 2 국립수산과학원내수면양식연구센터, 3 한국해양연구원 Sewter Adptility of Lnd-locked Msu Slmon Oncorhynchus msou msou y Acclimtion Pyong Kih Kim, Je Won Kim, Jeonghwn Prk 1, Ki Bik Seong 2 nd Hyeon-Ju Kim 3 Deprtment of Mrine Bio-Science, Gngwon Provincil College, Gngneung 2-84, Kore 1 Deprtment of Biology, NC Stte University, Cmpus Box 7617, Rleigh, NC , USA 2 Inlnd Aquculture Reserch Center, NFRDI, Chngwon , Kore 3 Mritime nd Ocen Engineering Reserch Institute, KORDI, Dejeon , Kore The sewter dptility of lnd-locked msu slmon Oncorhynchus msou msou vi cclimtion ws exmined for quculture purposes. The survivl, lood chemistry, nd histologicl chnges of msu slmon (15 g) were mesured fter 7-, 15-, nd 3-dy cclimtion periods. After totl of 6 dys in sewter cultures tht incorported the vrious cclimtion periods, survivl ws 83.5, 87.2, nd 91.% for the 7-, 15-, nd 3-dy periods, respectively; thus, survivl incresed with longer periods of cclimtion. Feeding efficiencies were 32.1, 52., nd 4.6% for the 7-, 15-, nd 3-dy periods, nd specific growth rtes were.14,.26, nd.23%, respectively. Generlly, msu slmon ppered to exhiit etter growth performnce fter n cclimtion period of 15 dys. Cortisol concentrtions [men SD] for 7, 15, nd 3 dys of cclimtion were , , nd µg/dl, with the lowest vlues occurring with 15 dys of cclimtion. Osmolrities were , , nd mosm/kg, nd glucose concentrtions were , , nd mg/dl for the 7-, 15-, nd 3-dy cclimtion periods, respectively (P <.5). The histologicl study reveled tht oth gills nd oth kidneys of the msu slmon exhiited middle- to end-stge nd middle-stge lesions in the 7- nd 15-dy groups, respectively, wheres these orgns only hd erly-stge lesions in the 3-dy group in the finl experiment. Therefore, the sewter cclimtion of msu slmon should involve more thn 3 dys in sewter. Keywords: Msu slmon, Sewter dptility, Survivl rte, Blood chemistry, Histologicl chnge 서 론 (Oncorhynchus msou msou), ( ) (Seong, 1999).,., *Corresponding uthor: kjw1@hnmil.net,., KORDI (1986, 1992, 1996) (, ),,., (KORDI, 1996; Kim et l., 25).,, 753

2 754 김병기 김재원 박정환 성기백 김현주 6. ( : 43.%, : 13.% ) 2 (9:, 17:), Fig. 1. 혈액분석및조직관찰 Fig. 1. Blooding smpling of msu slmon for sewter cclimtion test. Survivl rte (%) , (KORDI, 1986)., (Bth nd Eddy 1979; Kim et l., 25).. 실험어류및실험장치 Dys 재료및방법 7 dys cclimtion 3 dys cclimtion Fig. 2. Survivl rte of msu the cclimtion periods. ( 15 g ). FRP 3 (2. m (L) 2. m (W) 1.2 m (H)) 133, , mg/l, ph ( % ) 7 (5 psu/dy), 15 (2 psu/dy), 3 (1 psu/dy),, 7, 15, 3 45, 6. 24,. micro-hemtocrit method (Brown, 198) hemtocrit, cortisol Jeon et l. (2). Glucose, GOT, GPT, (sodium, N + ; chloride, Cl - ) (KODAK EKTACHEM DTII SYSTEM, USA), (osmollity) micro osmometer (µ Osmtte TM, Precision System, USA). (7, 15 3 ), (, ) Bouin s solution 24, prplst 4-6 µm. Myer`s hemtoxylin 4,.5% eosin 1, (BA 4-Motic). 통계처리 men S.D., SPSS ver.. ANOVA, P<.5 Duncn s multiple rnge test. 결 과, 7 97.%, (6 ) 83.5% % (Fig. 2). Tle , , % ,.26.23%/ dy ( ) Fig. 3. glucose mg/dl 7, 15 3

3 755 Tle 1. Growth performnce of msu slmon during the sewter cclimtion for 6 dys Exp. group 7 dys cclimtion 15 dys cclimtion 3 dys cclimtion Initil men weight (g) Survivl (%) Men weight gin (g/fish) Feed efficiency (%) Specific growth rte (%/dy) Dily Feed intke (%/dy) Fish wet weight gin /feed intke (dry mtter). 2 (Ln finl weight - Ln initil weight) /dys. 3 Feed intke (dy mtter) /[(initil fish weight+finl fish weight+ded fish weight) dys fed/2] , mg/dl, 7 (P<.5). cortisol µg/dl, 7, , µg/dl 15 (P<.5). GPT IU/L , IU/L, 15 (P<.5). hemtocrit % Glucose (mg/dl) GPT (IU/L) Initil 7 dys 15 dys 3 dys, , % 7 (P<.5). GOT,, N +, Cl - Fig. 4. GOT IU/L, 7 7, , Cortisol (ug/dl) Initil 7 dys 15 dys 3 dys Fig. 3. Concentrtions of mjor serum components of msu slmon y cclimtion period. Different superscripts express P vlue (P<.5), which men the dte re significntly different etween experimentl groups. Hemrocrit (%) GOT (IU/L) dy cclimtion 3 dys cclimtion Osmorlity (mosm/l) dy cclimtion 3 dys cclimtion N + (meq/l) dy cclimtion 3 dys cclimtion Cl - (meq/l) dy cclimtion 3 dys cclimtion Dys Dys Fig. 4. Fluctutions of mjor serum concentrtion in msu slmon (efore nd fter cclimtion to sewter).

4 756 김병기 김재원 박정환 성기백 김현주 Fig. 5. Histologicl chnge of gill of msu slmon y cclimtion period. A, fter cclimtion; B, finl- 7 dys cclimtion group; C, fter cclimtion; D, finl- group; E, fter cclimtion; F, finl- 3 dys cclimtion group. Gf: gill filment, Gl: gill lmelle, Hc: hemocyte, Ec: Epitheril cell, C: cluing, Er: The epithelil cell lifting IU/L , IU/L, , IU/L. GOT 7, , IU/L (P>.5) mosm/ 7 7, , mosm/, , mosm/, , mosm/ , mosm/ (P>.5). GOT. N + Cl -. N meq/l, 7, , , meq/l Fig. 6. Histologicl chnge of kidney of msu slmon y cclimtion period. A, fter cclimtion; B, finl- 7 dys cclimtion group; C, fter cclimtion; D, finl- group; E, fter cclimtion; F, finl- 3 dys cclimtion group. Gl: glomerulus, Rt: renl tuule, It: interstil cell.. Cl meq/ L, 7 7, , meq/l 7, , meq/l, , meq/l. 7,, ( 5%) (Fig. 5A)., (Fig. 5B). 15,, 7 (Fig. 5C). (Fig. 5D). 3

5 757 (Fig. 5E). (Fig. 5F) %, (Fig. 6A). 5%, (Fig. 6B) %, 7 (Fig. 6C). 3-4%, 7 (Fig. 6D). 3 %,, (Fig. 6E). -2%, (Fig. 6F). 고 찰, 2-3, (KORDI, 1992)., 7-9 (KORDI, 1992)., 1-2 g,.,.,., %, 3, (KORDI, 1996)., 15 g 7-9%, (KORDI, 1992). Kim et l. (25) %. (7-3 ) %., ( ), 9-18% ( ).,., cortisol, 2 glucose (GOT, GPT) (N +, Cl - ) (Jeon et l., 2; Kim et l., 25). Fig (glucose ), 15, (KORDI, 1992)., (GOT) (P>.5),. GOT 15, 15 3, (Osmollity) (Kim et l., 25). N + Cl -,., (Lee et l., 1997). 1, 2 (edem), (Lee et l., 1997). psu 33 psu,, 2 (gill lmell) (Hur et l., 21). 7

6 758 김병기 김재원 박정환 성기백 김현주 -., Oreochromis niloticus (Yoon et l., 1993) Cutthrot trout, Slmo clrki henshwi (Glt et l., 1985).,, (Yoon et l., 1993). 3,..,.,.,. 사 사 (, ) (RP- 211-AQ-5).. 참고문헌 Bth NR nd Eddy FB Slt nd wter lnce in rinow trout (Slmo girdneri) rpidly trnsferred from freshwter to sewter. J Exp Biol 83, Brown BA. 21. Routine hemtology procedures. (in) Hm- tology: Principles nd Producer. Le nd Feviger. Phildelphi. Bull. Freshwter Fish Res Le 12, 1-4. Glt DL, Post G, Keefe TJ nd Bouck GR Histologicl chnges in the gill, kidney nd liver of Lhontn cutthrout trout, Slmo clrki henshwi, living in lkes of different slinity-lklinity. J Fish Biol 27, Hur JW, Chng YJ, Kng DY nd Lee BK. 21. Chnges of gill tissue nd ody composition of juvenile grey mullet (Mugil cephlus) nd nile tilpi (Oreochromis niloticus) to the shrp slinity chnge in recircultion rering system. Kor J Fish Aqut Sci 34, Jeon JK, Kim PK, Myoung JG nd Kim JM. 2. Chnges of serum cortisol concentrtion nd stress responses in coho slmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) to netting. J Kor Fish Soc 33, Kim PK, Kim Y. nd Jeon JK. 25. Use of Dietry Slt to Rinow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) for Incresing Sewter Adptility. J Aqucult 18, KORDI Study for the Development of Technics for High-vlued Fish Culture ( ). BSPG Seoul, Kore, 318. KORDI Development of Se Cge Culture Technics for Trouts. BSPG Seoul, Kore, 73. KORDI A Study for the Mrine Rnching Progrm in Kore (Industriliztion Project). BSPN Seoul, Kore, 437. Lee YC, Chng YJ nd Lee BK Osmoregultion cpility of juvenile grey mullets (Mugil cephlus) with the different slinities. Kor J Fish Aqut Sci 3, Seong KB Biologicl chrcteristics nd popultion genetics of slmonid species from Kore. Ph. D. Thesis, Pukyong Ntionl University, Pusn, Kore. Yoon JM, Kng YC nd Hong YP Light nd electron microscopy of gill nd kidney on dpttion of Tilpi (Oreochromis niloticus) in the vrious slinities. Kor J Electron Microscopy 23,

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Korean Journal of Ichthyology, Vol. 28, No. 1, 1-8, March 2016 ISSN: (Print), (Online) Received: February 29, 2016 Revised: March Koren Journl of Ihthyology, Vol. 28, No. 1, 1-8, Mrh 216 ISSN: 1225-8598 (Print), 2288-3371 (Online) Reeive: Ferury 29, 216 Revise: Mrh 15, 216 Aepte: Mrh 18, 216 저수온스트레스에따른능성어 (Epinephelus septemfsitus)

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