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Contents 세양기업소개 흡착식 Dryer 의종류 흡착식 Dryer 특장점비교 흡착식 Dryer System Non-Purge Type Dryer 비교 Desiccant Air Dryer Running Cost Adsorption Process Loading According to Mechanism 흡착제의종류및특성 Decline in Properties of Adsorbent Selection Condition of Adsorbent Low Dew Point & Energy Saving System

회사소개 고객을위한신기술개발과서비스창조에앞장선에어클리닝설비의선도기업

주요취급품목및주소 제습 설비 : 냉동식 / 흡착식에어드라이어, 복합식에어드라이어, 에어필터, 드레인트랩 공압자동기기 : 스토퍼실린더, 에어실린더, 솔레노이드밸브, 트윈가이드실린더 주소 : 경기도시흥시정왕동 1243-5 시화공단 1 나 404 호 Tel : 031-498-0121, Fax : 031-498-0172 www.seyangcorp.co.kr

연혁 1980. 1.15. ( 주 ) 세양설립 1989. 3.19. 신한은행유망중소기업으로선정 1991.11. 8. 병역특례업체로선정 1995.12.28. 시화공장으로본사이전및 세양기업으로상호변경 1997. 9.12. EM 마크획득 2000. 3. 11. ISO 9001 인증획득 2000.12.18. 복합식에어드라이어, 에너지관리공단에너지절약우수설비로선정 2004. 4. 7 ASME 인증획득 2004. 9. 6 중국 CSEL 인증획득

특허보유현황 1987. 3.23. Damper Stopper Cylinder 1988. 2.24. 컨베이어시스템의스토퍼장치 1988. 8.16. Shock Absorber 1991. 4. 2. 압력스윙식건조제재생방식제어시스템 1994.12.17. 건조공기제조방법 1996. 7.16. 흡착식건조기용타워의건조 / 재생사이클전환방법및장치

Regenerative ( Cyclic ) Desiccant Dryers Dryer Type Cycle Time Heat Source Regen. Air Source Outlet Air Used for Purge ( % of Inlet ) Pressure Swing ( Heatless ) Conventional Vacuum Assisted 4 & 10 min Heat of Adsorption Outlet Air 15 3 Blower Purge External Heater Ambient & Outlet Air 1 Blower Non-Purge External Heater Ambient & Inlet Air 0 Internally Heated 8~16 hr Single Heater Multiple Heater Outlet Air 5~8 2~4 Thermal Swing ( Heated ) Heated Purge Closed Loop External Heater External Heater Outlet Air 7~10 Ambient & Outlet Air 0 Split Stream External Heater Inlet Air 0 Heat of Compression 1~8 hr Compressor Heat of Compression Inlet Air 0 Combination Type 24 hr External Heater Ambient & Outlet Air 1~3

Advantage Disadvantage / Limitations Pressure Swing - Conventional Constant Outlet Temperature & Dew Point High Purge Loss Simple / Reliable design High Operating Cost Long Desiccant Life Low initial Cost - 70 Dew Point easily obtained Pressure Swing - Vacuum Assisted Constant outlet temperature & Dew Point High Maintenance Cost Long Desiccant Life High initial Cost than Conventional Low Purge Loss - 70 Dew Point easily obtained Blower Purge Dryer Low Purge Loss Not Economical in Small Size Low Operating Cost Outlet Temperature and Dew Point Spike Variety of Operating System ( Blower Truoble, DP Mode ) Blower Non-Purge Dryer No Purge Loss Not Economical in Small Size Low Operating Cost Constant outlet temperature & Dew Point Variety of Operating System ( Blower Truoble, DP Mode )

Advantage Disadvantage / Limitations Internally Heated Dryer Low Purge Loss Short Desiccant Life Low Operating Cost Outlet Temperature and Dew Point Spike Short Heater Life Heated Purge Dryer Constant outlet temperature & Dew Point High Purge Loss Simple Design Requires Low Inlet Temperature - Low Purge Loss Closed Loop Dryer Constant Outlet Temperature & Dew Point Very Complex Design No Purge Loss High initial Cost No Gas Discharged to the Ambient Desiccant Bed & Gas can not be Contaminated - by Ambient Air Split Stream Dryer No Purge Loss Very Complex Design No Gas Discharged to the Ambient High P due to proportioning Valve Desiccant Bed & Gas can not be Contaminated Unstable Dew Point - by Ambient Air Requires full Compressor Flow for Proper - Regeneration on fixed Cycle

Advantage Disadvantage / Limitations Heat of Compression Dryer No Purge Loss Very Complex Design No Gas Discharged to the Ambient High P due to proportioning Valve Desiccant Bed & Gas can not be Contaminated Unstable Dew Point - by Ambient Air Can not be used with oli lubricated - Compressor Ambient Conditions Dramatically Affect - Dew Point Booster Heater Required for Consistent Requires full Compressor Flow for Proper - Regeneration on fixed Cycle Combination Dryer Low Purge Loss Large Install Space Below - 70 Dew Point easily obtained Requires Stable Refrigeration System Constant outlet temperature & Dew Point Requires Hot & Cold Insulation Variety of Operating System ( Blower Truoble, DP Mode ) Large Install Space Very Low Operating Cost Long Cycle Time

Heatless Type Dryer

Heated Dryer ( Blower Purge Type )

Heated Dryer ( Blower Non Purge )

Colsed Loop Dryer

Split Stream Dryer

Non-Purge Dryer # heating : 공급 : 재생 (Heating) 열교환기

Non-Purge Dryer # cooling : 공급 : 재생 (Cooling) 열교환기

Blower Non-Purge Dryer # heating

Blower Non-Purge Dryer #1 Cooling

Blower Non-Purge Dryer #2 Cooling

Closed Loop Dryer # heating

Closed Loop Dryer # cooling

흡착식드라이어의운전비용 흡착식드라이어는흡착제로채워진두개의타워로구성되어, 한쪽타워에서는컴프레서에서토출된포화상태의압축공기가제습이되는흡착과정이이루어지고, 나머지한쪽타워에서는같은시간동안수분을흡습한흡착제를건조시키는재생과정이번갈아가며진행됩니다. 흡착식드라이어의운전비용은바로흡착제를건조 ( 재생 ) 시키는데소요되는에너지비용에의해결정되며, 드라이어의종류에따라많게는약 6 배까지차이가날수도있습니다.

Heat of Adsorption Silica Gel Activated Alumina Molecular Sieve 611 kcal/kg 695 kcal/kg 1,000 kcal/kg

흡착식에어드라이어의운전비용비교 #1-10,000 Nm3/hr 용, 1 일 24 시간, 년간 340 일가동기준 - 입구압력, 입구온도, 외기온도 : 7 Kgf/cm2, 40, 38 조건 - 전력비 : 50 원 /Kw, 압축공기단가 : 9 원 /m3, 알루미나겔단가 : 3,000 원 /Kg 기준 ( 천원 ) Heatless Type Heater 외장식 Heater 내장식 블로워퍼지식 복합식드라이어 BLOWER Non-Purge Non-Purge Type Heater - 126 Kw 114 Kw 138 Kw 25 Kw 120 Kw 141 Kw Blower - - - 30 Hp 10 Hp 30 Hp - 전 냉동 Comp. - - - - 30 Hp - - 력 냉각수 Pump - - - - 5 Hp - 5 Hp 냉각 Fan - - - - 0.5 Hp - 0.5 Hp 평균 Purge Air 량 16 % 12 % 10 % 1.5 % 1 % 흡착제충진량, Kg 3,400 5,000 5,000 5,300 2,200 년간운전비합계 120,904 125,258 107,510 57,244 24,143 년간운전비비교 501 % 519 % 445 % 237 % 100 % 0 % 4,900 41,043 170 % 0 % 5,700 42,707 177 %

흡착식에어드라이어의운전비용비교 #2 600% 500% Heatless 히터외장형 히터내장형 400% 300% 200% 100% 블로워 Purge Blower Non-Purge 복합식 Non-Purge 0%

Adsorption Process 활성알루미나 GEL 은수증기의흡착을위해넓은표면적을갖고있다. 1 AIR FLOW High H 2 O 수증기분자들은 GEL 의표면과접촉하여흡착되어진다. 4 DESICCANT BEAD Low H 2 O AIR FLOW High H 2 O 수증기는습도가높은영역에서낮은영역으로이동하면서흡착된다. Low H 2 O 2 AIR FLOW 흡착이진행되면서 695 Kcal / kg 의흡착열이발생된다. 5 AIR FLOW 수증기는 GEL 에흡착되면서물로변한다. Vapor 3 AIR FLOW GEL 의흡습은포화상태에이를때까지계속되며, 그이상의수증기를흡착하려면, GEL 을교체하거나재생하여야한다. 6

Loading According to Mechanism Water Capacity, wt% 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Capillary Loading Surface Loading 0 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Relative Humidity, wt%

Loading According to Mechanism Water Surface Loading

Loading According to Mechanism Water Capillary Condensation

Silica Gel 입구온도가낮고상대습도가높을경우에수분흡착능력이대단히우수하며, 강도는다소약해잘부서진다. 가열에의한재생시재생소요열량이가장적으며, 요구노점에따라재생온도범위는 150~180 이고, 250 이상가열하면흡착능력을상실하며, 최저평형노점은압력하 -70 정도입니다.

Activated Alumina 다공질의산화알미늄흡착제로서표면적이크고, 충격과마찰에대한기계적강도가높을뿐만아니라수분접촉에도강하기때문에제습제로서는가장많이사용되고있는흡착제입니다. 가열에의한재생시요구노점에따라재생온도범위는 175~250 이며, 최저평형노점은압력하 -76 정도입니다.

Molecular Sieves 상대습도에관계없이비교적높은흡착특성을유지하며, 입구온도에따라흡착율이급격히감소하는실리카겔과알루미나겔과는달리, 흡착율이서서히감소하기때문에, 입구온도가높거나상대습도가낮은경우에주로사용됩니다. 가열에의한재생시요구노점에따라다르지만재생온도범위는 200~300 이며, 최저평형노점은압력하 -80 정도입니다.

저온재생 GEL 입구온도가낮고상대습도가높을경우에수분흡착능력이대단히우수하며, Silca Gel 의단점을 SiO2 와 Al2O3 를합성하여보완. Alumina Gel 에비해분진발생율이낮고 2 배에가까운비표면적을갖고있어수분흡착력이대단이높다. 가열에의한재생시재생소요열량은 Alumina Gel 정도이며, 낮은온도영역 (140 ~150 ) 에서도재생이가능하다. 250 이상가열하면흡착능력을상실하며, 최저평형노점은압력하 -70 정도입니다.

Adsorption Isotherms After Regeneration at 250 o C 45 45 Water Capacity, wt% 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 Silica Alumina Molecular Sieves capi. sur. 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 0 10 20 30 50 65 75 85 95 Relative Humidity, wt%

Desiccant Water Static Adsorption Comparison (Weight basis)

Pressure Drop Air @ 90 degress F & 100 psig Presuure Drop, psi/ft. depth 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 1/8" 3/16" 1/4" PREFERRED 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Superficial Velocity, fpm

Gel Physical Properties 항목 Alumina Gel Silica Gel Molecular Sieves 저온재생 Gel Size 2 ~ 6.4 2 ~ 5 1.5 ~ 5 2.4 ~ 4.75 Al2O3 93 % 0.3 % - 15 % SiO2 0.02 % 99 % - 85 % Surface Area 360 m2/g 750 m2/g - 600 m2/g RH 50% 18 wt% 26 wt% 20 wt% 23 wt% RH 90% 40 wt% 43 wt% 21 wt% 38 wt% Total Pore Volume 0.5 cc/g 0.37 cc/g 0.4 cc/g 0.45 cc/g Bulk Density 769 g/l 750 g/l 700 g/l 760 g/l Crush Strength 25 ~ 32 kg - 20 kg 15 ~ 20 kg Regeneration Temp. 175 ~ 250 150 ~ 180 200 ~ 300 120 ~ 140 Few Dust By Handling Not Crack in Boiled Water 묻어남좋음묻어남좋음 좋음깨짐좋음좋음

Decline in Properties of Adsorbent

Selection Condition of Adsorbent 1. Velocity : 60 ft/min ( 0.3048 m/s ) 2. Contact Time : above 5 sec 3. Inlet Condition : Relative Humidity ( R.H 60 % ) 4. Required Dew Point : - 40, - 70

Low Dew Point & Energy Saving System 1. Gel 혼합식 Molecular Sieves AIR FLOW SYSTEM 변화없이두가지의 GEL을혼합하여사용함으로써낮은노점을비교적쉽게얻을수있으나, 재생열량이증가하는단점이있다. 45 45 40 40 Alumina Gel Water Capacity, wt% 35 30 25 20 15 10 Silica Alumina Molecular Sieves 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 5 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Relative Humidity, wt%

Low Dew Point & Energy Saving System 2. 저온재생 System 저온재생 Gel 을사용하며, Air Compressor 의 2 단 (3 단 ) 압축열을사용함에따라 Heater 전력량을줄일수있는장점이있으나, 저온재생 Gel 의단가가높으며, 왕복동및스크류 Air Compressor 의부하에따른 Unloading 에의한불완전한재생으로인한노점상승이나타날수있는단점이있다.

Low Dew Point & Energy Saving System 3-1. Combination System 1. 예열 교환기 1 2. 본열 교환기 2 3. 흡착식 드라이어 5 4. 예열 교환기 1 40 에서22 로냉각 ( 수분 64% 제거 ) 22 에서4 로냉각 ( 수분 89% 제거 ) 노점 ( 압력하 ) 70 이하로제습 ( 수분 99.98% 제거 ) 4 의공기를 31 로가열

Low Dew Point & Energy Saving System 3-2. Combination System 본열교환기 25% 흡착식드라이어 11% 예열교환기 64% 일반적인냉동식과흡착식드라이어의직결방법이아니라냉동식에서냉각토출되는저온 ( 4 ) 의포화상태공기를흡착식드라이어로흘려줌으로써흡착제의흡습율을 5% 에서 15% 이상으로대폭향상시킨방식으로흡착식 Tower의크기가최소화되고압력하노점 70 이하정도로제습능력이극대화되어최고품질의압축공기를안정적으로공급할수있으며운전비용또한최소화시킬수있는가장진보적인방식의드라이어입니다.