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15 1 -

16 2 -

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21 7 -

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25 11 -

26 12 -

27 13 -

28 14 - 청정가스 흡착부 오염공기 씰링부 반송파이프 농축용 가열스팀 재생부 반송부 탈착가스 반송노즐에어챔버 반송가스 스팀 청정가스 흡착부 씰링부 오염공기 질소 반송파이프 제 2 흡착부 질소 농축 가열스팀 응 재생부 용제탱 반송부 make-up N2 반송노즐에어챔버 반송가스 스팀

29 15 -

30 16 - MICRO BALANCE Adsorbent PG PG 흡착셀 Thermocouple Loading Chamber2 Loading Chamber1 액체유기용매 항온조 Sand Vacuum Pump

31 17 -

32 18 -

33 19 -

34 2 - Loading amount (wt.%) Pressure (mmhg) 4 oc q_lang q_freu-lang q_toth q_freu 6 oc q_lang q_freu-lang q_toth q_freu 8 oc q_lang q_freu-lang q_toth q_freu 12 oc q_lang q_freu-lang q_toth q_freu 25oC q_lang Freun

35 21 - Loading amount (wt.%) Pressure (mmhg) 2 oc q_lang q_freu-lang q_toth q_freu 4 oc q_lang q_freu-lang q_toth q_freu 7 oc q_lang q_freu-lang q_toth q_freu 12 oc q_lang q_freu-lang q_toth q_freu

36 22-2 Loading amount (wt.%) oc 6 oc Pressure (mmhg)

37 Loading amount (wt.%) Adsorption Desorption 2 oc_7 T = 35.5oC T = 2oC Pw/Ps (-)

38 24 - Loading amount (wt.%) oc 4 oc 62 oc 83 oc 92 oc 21 oc Pressure (mmhg)

39 25-6 Loading amount (wt.%) oc 42 oc 65 oc 81 oc 121 oc Pressure (mmhg)

40 oc Loading amount (wt.%) oc 9 oc Pressure (mmhg) 4 21 oc Loading amount (wt.%) p/po (-)

41 27 -

42 28 -

43 29 -

44 3 -

45 31 -

46 32 -

47 33 -

48 34 - Adsorption Isotherms of MEK on G-BAC 2 3 oc Amount Adsorbed (g / 5 oc 6oC 1oC 15oC Concentration (ppmv) Adsorption Isotherms of MEK on G-BAC 2 3 oc Amount Adsorbed (g / 5 oc 6oC 1oC 15oC Concentration (ppmv)

49 35 - Adsorption Isotherms of Toluene on G-BAC (DA).5.4 Amount Adsorbed (g / g-bac) oC oc 15oC Concentration (ppmv).5 Adsorption Isotherms of Toluene on G-BAC (Toth) Amount Adsorbed (g / g-gbac) oC oc 15oC Concentration (ppmv)

50 36 - Adsorption Isotherms of MeOH on G-BAC.2 w = v pore * d(t) *exp[ -RT/E * ln(p s /p) ] r = : E= oc Amount Adsorbed (g / g-bac) o C 8 o C Concentration (ppmv) Adsorption Isotherms of MeOH on G-BAC.2 w = v pore * d(t) *exp[ -RT/E * ln(p s /p) ] r = 1 : E = oc Amount adsorbed, w (g/g-gbac) o C 8 o C Concentration, c (ppmv)

51 37 -

52 38 -

53 39 -

54 4 - BINARY ADSORPTION EQUILIBRIUM C ALC ULATED BY IAST (@ 2 oc).12 amount adsorbed of MeOH (g/g-gbac) pure MEK=1 MEK=4 MEK=1 ppmv partial pressure of MeOH (mmhg)

55 41 - BINARY ADSORPTION EQUILIBRIUM CALCULATED BY IAST (@ 2 o C, C MEK = 1 ppmv).3 amount adsorbed (g/g-gbac).2.1 MEK(Toth) MeOH(DA r=1) mole fraction of MeOH, y (-) BINARY ADSORPTION EQUILIBRIUM CALCULATED BY IAST (@ 2 o C, C MEK = 4 ppmv).3 amount adsorbed (g/g-gbac).2.1 MEK(Toth) MeOH(DA r=1) mole fraction of MeOH, y (-) BINARY ADSORPTION EQUILIBRIUM CALCULATED BY IAST (@ 2 o C, C MEK = 1 ppmv).3 amount adsorbed (g/g-gbac).2.1 MEK(Toth) MeOH(DA r=1) mole fraction of MeOH, y (-)

56 42 - BINARY ADSORPTION EQUILIBRIUM CALCULATED BY IAST (@ 2 oc) amount adsorbed of MEK (g/g-gbac) pure toluene=1 toluene=4 toluene=1 ppmv partial pressure of MEK (mmhg)

57 43 - BINARY ADSORPTION EQUILIBRIUM CALCULATED BY IAST (@ 2 o C, Ctoluene = 1 ppmv).5 amount adsorbed (g/g-gbac) toluene mole fraction of MEK, y (-) MEK BINARY ADSORPTION EQUILIBRIUM CALCULATED BY IAST (@ 2 o C, C toluene = 4 ppmv).5 amount adsorbed (g/g-gbac) toluene MEK mole fraction of MEK, y (-) BINARY ADSORPTION EQUILIBRIUM CALCULATED BY IAST (@ 2 o C, C toluene = 1 ppmv).5 amount adsorbed (g/g-gbac) toluene MEK mole fraction of MEK, y (-)

58 44 -

59 45 - H M T. 9 5 Effluent Concentrati. 5 t tb t t time Saturated Zone with Influent Mass Transfer Zone

60 46 - υ Δ ρ

61 47 -

62 48 - concentration. 9 5 C o Q, C o t F t B t E. 5 ρδ ρδ Z= Z=L Z-HMTZ HMTZ C o Δ t F t B t S t E time υ Δ ρ

63 49 - TC TC TC TC TC 흡착Column V ent Axial flow T4 T3 T2 T5 Radial flow T4 T3 T2 T5 T1 Hot air TC PG Heater T1 Hot air Blower Diaphram V acuum Pump Water Injection Pump THC TC V OC 발포조 Pump GC

64 5 -

65 51 -

66 HMTZ (cm) Intacted WX Working Capacity (wt.%) Superficial velocity (m/s) 5 Working Capacity (wt.%) Intacted WX Relative Humidity (%)

67 53 -

68 ADSORPTION DESORPTION Concentration of Toluene, C (ppmv) 농도 : 767ppmv 상대습도 : 7% 흡착시공탑속도 :.54m/s HMTZ : 21.9cm 흡착량 : 193g 흡착 wt% : 18% 탈착량 : 17g 재생온도 : 65/8/95oC 재생가스유속 : 12Nl/min SLA T5 T5 T4 T4 T3 T2 흡착 T3 T2 재생 T1 T1 T4 T5 T1 T2 T Temperature(oC) 흡착배가스 탈착배가스 Time(min) [ 그림 24] WX4/ 톨루엔의흡 탈착거동 (RUN7) Concentration of Toluene, C (ppmv) ADSORPTIO N 농도 : 3ppmv 상대습도 : 9% 흡착시공탑속도 : 1.16m/s 흡착량 : 97.4g 흡착 wt% : 9.3% 탈착량 : 11g 재생온도 : 65/8/95oC 배가스의농도가 4ppmv 까지흡착 SLA T5 T5 흡착배가스 T4 T4 T3 흡착 T3 재생 T2 T2 T1 T1 4ppmv T2 Time(min) DESORPTION T3 T1 탈착배가스 [ 그림 25] WX4/ 톨루엔의흡 탈착거동 (RUN9) T5 T Temperature(oC)

69 55-3 Working Capacity (wt.%) Relative Humidity (%) 2 Working Capacity (wt.%) Toluene Concentration (ppmv)

70 56-14 오염공기처리량 (m3_sla/kg_wx4) Toluene Concentration (ppmv)

71 57-3 Working Capacity (wt.%) Relative humidity (%)

72 HMTZ (cm) Superficial velocity (m/s)

73 재생에너지 (kcal/kg_ 흡착제 ) kg_steam/kg_ 탈착 MEK Relative Humidity (%)

74 ADSORPTION DESORPTION Concentration of MEK, C (ppmv) T5 T5 T4 T3 흡착 T4 T3 재생 SLA T2 T2 T1 T1 T1 T2 T5 T3 T Temperature (oc) 흡착배가스 탈착배가스 Time (min) [ 그림 32] WX4/MEK 흡 탈착거동 ( 상대습도 99%) 7 ADSORPTION 탈착배가스 DESORPTION 14 Concentration of MEK, C (ppmv) T4 T5 T4 T5 SLA T3 T2 흡착 T3 T2 재생 T1 T1 T4 T2 T3 T5 T Temperature (oc) 흡착배가스 Time (min) [ 그림 33] WX4/MEK 흡 탈착거동 ( 상대습도 54%)

75 61-2 Working capacity (wt.%) MEK concentration (ppmv) 1 오염공기처리량 (m3_sla/kg_wx4) MEK Concentration(ppmv)

76 62 -

77 63 -

78 64-4 ADSORPTION DESORPTION 28 Concentration of CYC, C (ppmv) T5 T5 T4 T3 T2 흡착 T4 T3 T2 재생 T1 재생온도조건 85/8/9/65/8/95oC 탈착배가스 T3 T5 T Temperature (oc) Concentration of CYC, C (ppmv) 흡착배가스 SLA Time (min) [ 그림 36] WX4/Cyclohexanone 의흡 탈착거동실험 (Ⅰ) ADSORPTION T5 T5 흡착배가스 T4 T4 T3 흡착 T3 T2 T2 재생 T1 DESORPTION Time (min) T2 T5 재생온도조건 65/8/95/25/8/85/9oC T3 탈착배가스 [ 그림 37] WX4/Cyclohexanone 의흡 탈착거동실험 (Ⅱ) T2 T Temperature (oc)

79 65 - Concentration of TCE, C (ppmv) ADSORPTION T5 T5 T4 T4 흡착배가스 T3 흡착 T3 재생 SLA T2 T2 T1 T Time (min) T5 T3 재생시온도조건 85/1/115/13oC 탈착배가스 [ 그림 38] WX4/TCE 의흡 탈착거동실험 DESORPTION T2 T Temperature (oc)

80 66 -

81 67 - π π π

82 68 - Δ Δ Δ

83 69 -

84 7 - 건조배가스 Clena air Adsorber 1 Adsorber 2 Adsorber 3 분석기 Steam Generator Ambient air Heat Exchanger Decanter 가열기 Buffer Tank VOC 발포조 SLA 용 Blower Drying 용 Blower

85 71 -

86 72 -

87 73 -

88 74 -

89 75 - Clean Air Drying Steam Clean Air Drying Steam Clean Air Drying Steam Clean Air Drying Steam FV -12/1 FV -13/1 FV -15/1 FV -12/1 FV -13/1 FV -15/1 FV -12/1 FV -13/1 FV -15/1 FV -12/1 FV -13/1 F V - Bed-1 흡착 Bed-1 흡착 Bed-1 탈착 Bed-1 건조 FV -11/1 FV -14/1 FV -16/1 FV -11/1 FV -14/1 FV -16/1 FV -11/1 FV -14/1 FV -16/1 FV -11/1 FV -14/1 FV 오염공기 Drying Steam 오염공기 Drying Steam 오염공기 Drying Steam 오염공기 Drying Steam Clean Air Drying Steam Clean Air Drying Steam Clean Air Drying Steam Clean Air Drying Steam FV -12/2 FV -13/2 FV -15/2 FV -12/2 FV -13/2 FV -15/2 FV -12/2 FV -13/2 FV -15/2 FV -12/2 FV -13/2 FV - Bed-2 탈착 Bed-2 건조 Bed-2 흡착 Bed-2 흡착 FV -11/2 FV -14/2 FV -16/2 FV -11/2 FV -14/2 FV -16/2 FV -11/2 FV -14/2 FV -16/2 FV -11/2 FV -14/2 FV - 오염공기 Drying Steam 오염공기 Drying Steam 오염공기 Drying Steam 오염공기 Drying Steam Operating Cycle Time Start 6 분 15 분 21 분 3 Bed-1 흡착 Bed-1 흡착 Bed-1 탈착 Bed-1 건조 Bed-2 탈착 Bed-2 건조 Bed-2 흡착 Bed-2 흡착

90 76 -

91 77 -

92 78 -

93 79 -

94 8 -

95 81 -

96 82 -

97 83 - [

98 84 - μ

99 85 -

100 86 -

101 87 -

102 88 - [ 그림 51] 유동층식흡착공정개념도

103 89 - z=l Adsorption (j = 1) z+dz z ( i) y k, j,y g. k, j, U k, j Q o ( i) k + 1, j, y s. k+ 1, j, W z z= Solvent Laden Air Concentrated VOC ( i) o y k-1, j, y g. k-1, j, U k-1, j ( i) Qk, j, y s. k, j, W Saturated Adsorbent o W Regenerated Adsorbent Regeneration (j = 2) z=l z+dz ( i) y k, j,y g. k, j, U k, j Q o ( i) k + 1, j, y s. k+ 1, j, W z z z= ( i) y k-1, j, y g. k-1, j, U k-1, j Q o ( i) k, j, y s. k, j, W Hot Air or Inert Gas

104 9 -

105 흡착부배출 VOC 농도 (ppmv) 흡착제순환주기의영향재생공기온도 =15 oc QR/QA=.1 오염공기공급유속 UA=1.5 Nm/s 오염공기의 toluene 농도 =2, 3 ppmv 재생탑배출 VOC 농도 (ppmv) 흡착제순환주기, tmoving (hr) 흡착제순환주기의영향 (Tads=2oC; Treg=15oC; vnads=1.5nm/s; 흡착탑 - 12 단, 3cm/ 단,.2m x.2m; 재생탑 - 3" x.6m; QR/QA=.1) 흡착탑배출 toluene 농도 (ppmv) hr 3.7hr 4 hr 4 hr 3.7hr 3.3 hr 재생탑배출 toluene 농도 (ppmv) 오염공기의 toluene 농도 (ppmv)

106 흡착탑배출 VOC 농도 (ppmv) 오염공기공급유속의영향흡착제이동주기 = 3, 3.3, 3.5 h 재생공기온도 =15 oc QR/QA=.1 오염공기의 toluene 농도 = 3 ppmv 재생탑배출 VOC 농도 (ppmv) 오염공기공급유속, UA (Nm/sec) 5 2 흡착탑배출 VOC 농도 (ppmv) 오염공기공급유속의영향흡착제이동주기 = 3, 3.3, 3.5 h 재생공기온도 =15 oc QR/QA=.1 오염공기의 toluene 농도 = 2 ppmv 재생탑배출 VOC 농도 (ppmv) 오염공기공급유속, UA (Nm/sec)

107 93 - 흡착탑배출 toluene 농도 (ppmv) Tads=2oC (Treg=15oC; 순환주기 3.5 hr; 흡착탑 - 12 단, 3cm/ 단,.2m x.2m; 재생탑 - 3" x m; QR/QA=.1) 오염공기의 toluene 농도 (ppmv) 재생탑배출 toluene 농도 (ppmv)

108 94 - 흡착탑배출 VOC 농도 (ppmv) 재생공기 /SLA 유속비의영향재생공기온도 =15 o C 오염공기공급유속 UA=1.5 Nm/s toluene 농도 3 ppmv : 순환주기 3.3 h toluene 농도 2 ppmv : 순환주기 3.5 h 재생탑배출 VOC 농도 (ppmv) 재생공기 /SLA 비 (-) QR/QA 비의영향 (Tads=2oC; Treg=15oC; 순환주기 = 3.5 h; 흡착탑 - 12 단, 3cm/ 단,.2m x.2m; 재생탑 - 3" x.6m; vnfg.ads=1.5nm/s) 흡착탑배출 toluene 농도 (ppmv) 재생탑배출 toluene 농도 (ppmv) 오염공기의 toluene 농도 (ppmv)

109 95-6 toluene 2 흡착탑배출 VOC 농도 (ppmv) 오염공기공급유속의영향흡착제순환주기 = 3 h 재생공기온도 =15 oc QR/QA=.1 오염공기의 VOC 농도 toluene : MEK=2 : 1 ppmv MEK toluene 15 1 재생탑배출 VOC 농도 (ppmv) 1 MEK 오염공기공급유속, UA (Nm/sec)

110 96-1 흡착제순환주기의영향재생공기온도 =15 oc QR/QA=.1 오염공기공급유속 UA=1 Nm/s 오염공기의 VOC 농도 toluene : MEK=2 : 1 ppmv 25 흡착부배출 VOC 농도 (ppmv) MEK toluene MEK 재생탑배출 VOC 농도 (ppmv) toluene 흡착제순환주기 tmoving (hr)

111 97-25 재생공기 /SLA 유속비의영향흡착제순환주기 = 3 h 5 재생공기온도 =15 o C 오염공기공급유속 UA=1 Nm/s 오염공기의농도 toluene : MEK=2 : 1 ppmv 흡착탑배출 VOC 농도 (ppmv) toluene MEK 재생탑배출 VOC 농도 (ppmv) 재생공기 /SLA 비 (-)

112 흡착탑배출 VOC 농도 (ppmv) 2 2 toluene toluene MEK 1 1 흡착탑 tray의활성탄충진높이의영향 MEK 흡착제이동속도 Ws = 2.4 kg/h 5 5 재생공기온도 = 15 o C 오염공기공급유속 : UA = 1 Nm/s 2 o C & 1atm =.1 오염공기의 VOC 농도 toluene:mek = 2:1 ppmv 흡착탑 tray의활성탄충진높이 (m) 재생탑배출 VOC 농도 (ppmv)

113 흡착탑배출 VOC 농도 (ppmv) toluene 흡착제이동속도 Ws = 2.4 kg/hr 재생공기온도 = 15 oc 오염공기공급유속 : UA = 1 Nm/s 2oC & 1atm =.1 오염공기 : toluene : MEK = 2 :1 ppmv MEK MEK 재생탑배출 VOC 농도 (ppmv) toluene 재생탑외경, OD (m)

114 1-2 재생부 흡착부 흡착제의 MEK 흡착량 (wt.%) cm 7cm 12.5cm 2cm 축방향거리 (m) 8 재생부 흡착부 흡착제의톨루엔흡착량 (wt.%) cm 7cm 12.5cm 2cm 축방향거리 (m)

115 11 -

116 12 -

117 13 - Effect of Ws [v ADS =1.Nm/s, Qr/Qa=.25, C MeOH =2, C TOL =2ppmv, Wa=9.396kg, ADS=.3mx.3mx3cmx6tray, OD reg =.3m,T reg =16 o C] 8 Concentration from desorption column (ppmv) MEK Hreg=23cm 74 MeOH Hreg=15.3cm 72 Hreg=9.8cm Ws (kg/hr) 3 Concentration from adsorption column (ppmv) 25 Hreg=9.8cm 2 Hreg=15.3cm 15 MeOH Hreg=23cm 1 5 MEK Ws (kg/hr) Temperature of desorption effluent ( o C) Ws (kg/hr)

118 14 - Effect of Hreg [v ADS =1.Nm/s, Qr/Qa=.25, Ws=34.8kg/hr, C MeOH =2, C TOL =2ppmv, W a =9.396kg, ADS=.3mx.3mx3cmx6tray, OD reg =.3m,T reg =16 o C] 8 Concentration from desorption column (ppmv) MEK 75 MeOH Hreg (m) 3 Concentration from adsorption column (ppmv) MeOH 1 5 MEK Hreg (m) 5.5 concentration of MEK in adsorbent (wt%) MEK: Hreg increasing(.5->.2->.6m) MeOH: Hreg increasing (.5->.2->.6m) concentration of MeOH in adsorbent (wt%) dimensionless distance of desorption column (-)

119 15 - Effect of Qr/Qa [v ADS =1.Nm/s, Ws=34.8kg/hr, C MeOH =2, C TOL =2ppmv, W a =9.396kg, Wa/Wr=.6, ADS=.3mx.3mx3cmx6tray, OD reg =.3m, H reg =15.3cm, T reg =16 o C] 12 Concentration from desorption column (ppmv) 1 MEK 8 MeOH Qr/Qa (-) 4 Concentration from adsorption column (ppmv) 3 MeOH 2 1 MEK Qr/Qa (-) Temperature of desorption effluent ( o C) Qr/Qa (-)

120 16 - Effect of Tr [v ADS =1.Nm/s, Ws=34.8kg/hr, C MeOH =2, C TOL =2ppmv, W a =9.396kg, Qr/Qa=.25, Wa/Wr=.6, ADS=.3mx.3mx3cmx6tray, OD reg =.3m, H reg =15.3cm] Concentration from desorption column (ppmv) 8 MEK MeOH Tr ( o C) 2 Concentration from adsorption column (ppmv) 15 MeOH 1 5 MEK Tr ( o C)

121 17-8 Effect of Ntray [v ADS =1.Nm/s, Ws=34.8kg/hr, C MeOH =2, C TOL =2ppmv, Qr/Qa=.25, ADS=.3mx.3mx3cmxNtray, Wr=6.3kg, OD reg =.3m, H reg =15.3cm] Concentration from desorption column (ppmv) MEK 75 MeOH N.tray (-) 3 Concentration from adsorption column (ppmv) 2 MeOH 1 MEK N.tray (-)

122 18 -

123 19 -

124 11 - Effect of Ws [v ADS =1.Nm/s, Qr/Qa=.1, Wa=6.264kg, Wa/Wt=.6, ADS=.3mx.3mx3cmx4tray, Hreg=.119m, OD reg =.3m,T reg =15 o C] 25 Concentration from desorption column (ppmv) MEK(2) 2 toluene(2) 15 MEK(1) 1 toluene(1) Ws (kg/hr) Concentration from adsorption column (ppmv) Temperature of desorption effluent ( C) 3 MEK(1) 25 2 MEK(2) 15 toluene(2) 1 5 toluene(1) Ws (kg/hr) MEK:toluene=1:1 8 MEK:toluene=2: Ws (kg/hr)

125 111 - Effect of tmoving [v ADS =1.Nm/s, Qr/Qa=.1, Wa=6.264kg, Wa/Wt=.6, ADS=.3mx.3mx3cmx4tray, Hreg=.119m, OD reg =.3m,T reg =15 o C] 25 Concentration from desorption column (ppmv) toluene(2) 2 MEK(2) 15 toluene(1) 1 5 MEK(1) tmoving (hr) 3 Concentration from adsorption column (ppmv) Temperature of desorption effluent ( C) 25 MEK(2) MEK(1) 2 toluene(2) 15 1 toluene(1) tmoving (hr) 16 MEK:toluene=1:1 12 MEK:toluene=2: tmoving (hr)

126 112 - concentration of MEK in adsorbent phase (wt%) 25 desorption column adsorption column Ws from 2.9->3.48->.95kg/hr dimensionless axial distance (-) 3 desorption column adsorption column Concentration of toluene in adsorbent phase (wt%) Ws from.95->3.48->2.9kg/hr dimensionless axial distance (-)

127 113 - [vads=1.nm/s, CMEK=1, CTOL=1ppmv,ADS: LxDx3cmx4tray, Qr/Qa=.1, Wa/Wt=.6, Hreg=.1m, Treg=15 o C] Ws.max 1 1 Arbitrary (Kg or Kg/hr) H.Reg L.Ads=D.Ads W.Ads W.Reg Dimension (m) 2 Ws.min Flow rate of SLA (Nm3/hr)

128 114 - Effect of Hreg [v ADS =1.Nm/s, Qr/Qa=.1, Ws=3.48kg/hr, C MEK =2, C TOL =2ppmv, W a =6.264kg, ADS=.3mx.3mx3cmx4tray, OD reg =.3m,T reg =15 o C] Concentration from desorption column (ppmv) toluene MEK Hreg (cm) Concentration from adsorption column (ppmv) toluene MEK Hreg (cm)

129 115 - Effect of QR/QA [v ADS =1.Nm/s, Ws=3.48kg/hr, C MEK =2, C TOL =2ppmv, W a =6.264kg, ADS=.3mx.3mx3cmx4tray, Wa/Wt=.6, OD reg =.3m, H reg =.1m, T reg =15 o C] 8 Concentration from desorption column (ppmv) MEK toluene Qr/Qa (-) 1 Concentration from adsorption column (ppmv) toluene 2 MEK Qr/Qa (-)

130 116 - Effect of T r [v a =1.Nm/s, W s =3.48kg/hr, Q r /Q a =.1, C MEK =2, C TOL =2ppmv, W a =6.264kg, ADS=.3mx.3mx3cmx4tray, W a /W t =.6, OD r =.3m, H r =.1m] 2 Concentration from desorption column (ppmv) MEK toluene T r ( o C) 25 Concentration from adsorption column (ppmv) 2 MEK toluene T r ( o C)

131 117 -

132 118 - (a) [vads=.6nm/s, vreg=.12nm/s, Qr/Qa=.1, Wa=.928kg, ADS=.2mx.2mx1cmx4tray, ODreg=.16m,Treg=15 o C] 1 25 Concentration from desorpriton column (ppmv) toluene Circle (H REG =5.35cm, W REG =.62kg) Triangle (H REG =18.7cm, W REG =2.16kg) MEK(blank), toluene(filled) MEK Concentration from adsorption column (ppmv) tmoving.ads (hr) (b) [vads=.6nm/s, vreg=.12nm/s, Qr/Qa=.1, Wa=2.784kg, ADS=.2mx.2mx3cmx4tray, ODreg=.16m,Treg=15 o C] 1 25 Concentration from desorpriton column (ppmv) toluene Circle (H REG =16.4cm, W REG =1.856kg) Triangle (H REG =56.12cm, W REG =6.496kg) MEK(blank), toluene(filled) MEK Concentration from adsorption column (ppmv) tmoving.ads (hr) (c) 1 1 recovery Concentration (ppmv) or Recovery (%) mass flow rate of adsorbent toluene concentration from adsorber MEK concentration from adsorber Ws (kg/hr) n.cpair/(ws.cps)

133 119 - [vads=.6nm/s, vreg=.12nm/s, Qr/Qa=.1, Wa=.928kg, ADS=.2mx.2mx1cmx4tray, ODreg=.16m,Treg=15 o C] 2 4 Concentration from desorption column (ppmv) MEK/toluene:2/2ppmv MEK/toluene:15/15ppmv MEK/toluene:1/1ppmv 흡착탑체류시간범위 MEK - blank toluene - filled Concentration from adsorption column (ppmv) tmoving.ads (hr) 4 3 limit for toluene recovery higher than 99% Ws (kg/hr) 2 Range of Ws for obtaining recovery higher than 99% 1 limit for MEK recovery higher than 99% Concentration (ppmv)

134 12 - μ

135 121 -

136 122 - cyclone 흡착제이송관 흡착부 (2cm x 2cm, 12 단 ) 분전함 Heater (5kW) 흡착제이송용 ejector 재생부 (3 x 5cm) vibrator 재생공기송풍기 오염공기송풍기

137 123 -

138 124 -

139 125 -

140 126 -

141 127 -

142 입구및배출농도 (ppmv) 입구농도 배출농도 농축농도 농축농도 (ppmv) 흡착제순환질량속도 (kg/hr) 1 95 제거율 (%) 9 제거율 (%) 흡착제순환질량속도 (kg/hr)

143 129 -

144 입구및배출농도 (ppmv) 입구농도 배출농도 농축농도 농축농도 (ppmv) 오염공기유량속도 (Nm 3 /hr) 제거율 (%) 제거율 (%) 오염공기유량속도 (Nm 3 /hr)

145 오염공기 오염공기 4 35 오염공기및배출농도 (ppmv) 배출 농축 가열재생농축농도 (ppmv) 오염공기및배출농도 (ppmv) 농축 배출 가열재생농축농도 (ppmv) 시간 ( 분 ) 시간 ( 분 )

146 132 -

147 MEK 출구농도 (ppmv) RUN 흡착시간 ( 분 ) MEK 탈착농도 (ppmv) 재생시간 ( 분 ) RUN1

148 134 - MEK 농도 (ppmv) 입구농도 배출농도 농축농도제거율 제거율 (%) 흡착제순환양 (kg/hr)

149 135 -

150 136 -

151 137 - effect of the moving flow rate of G-BAC for the concentration of toluene toluene concentration (ppmv) 오염공기 흡착탑배출가스 흡착제순환유속, W s (kg/h) 3 toluene concentration (ppmv) 재생탑농축가스 흡착제순환유속, W s (kg/h)

152 138 - effect of the moving flow rate of G-BAC for the concentration of MEK MEK concentration (ppmv) 오염공기흡착탑배출가스 흡착제순환유속, W s (kg/h) 16 MEK concentration (ppmv) 재생탑농축가스 흡착제순환유속, W s (kg/h)

153 139-3 effect of regeneration temperature for the concenration of MEK MEK concentration (ppmv) 오염공기 흡착탑배출가스 재생온도 ( o C) 2 재생탑농축가스 MEK concentration (ppmv) 재생온도 ( o C)

154 14 - effect of MEK's concentration in SLA for the concentration of MEK 12 6 재생탑농축가스농도 (ppmv) 흡착탑배출가스농도 (ppmv) 오염공기의 MEK 농도 (ppmv)

155 141 -

156 142 - φ φ

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175 14 - Absorber Glycol Separator Gasoline tank Diaphragm pump 수봉식진공펌프

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186 25 - φ

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1 n dn dt = f v = 4 π m 2kT 3/ 2 v 2 mv exp 2kT 2 f v dfv = 0 v = 0, v = /// fv = max = 0 dv 2kT v p = m 1/ 2 vfvdv 0 2 2kT = = vav = v f dv π m n dn dt f v 4 π m kt 3/ v mv exp kt f v dfv 0 v 0, v /// fv max 0 dv kt v p m / vfvdv 0 kt vav. 8v f dv π m k m 0 v / R0 4 T vav.45 0 cm / sec M M p v v fvdv 0 3 fvdv 0 kt m / 3kT v v. 5 m rms v p n dn

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