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Copyright 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,...,. U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS. Oracle programs, including any oper

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P/N: 5615 1451 0014 (Dec. 2003)

iii 1... 1...1...1...2...3...4...4...5...6...6...7...8...8...8...9...11...11...11 2... 13...13...14...14...15...16...17...18

... 19... 20... 20... 22... 22... 24 3 Pocket PC...27... 27... 27... 28... 29... 30... 30... 30... 31... 32... 33... 34... 35... 35... 37 4...39... 39... 40... 42... 42... 43... 43... 44... 45... 46... 47... 48... 49... 49... 51 iv

v...51...52...53...55...56 5... 59...59...60...60...63...63...66...67...67...68...70...70...71...72...73...74...75 ebackup...75 eviewer...77 6... 79...79...79 (Ethernet)...80...82...82...83...83...84...85...85

7...87... 87... 88... 90... 90... 92... 93... 93... 94... 94... 95... 96... 96... 97 A...99 A.1 Regulations Statements... 99 B... 99... 100 A.2... 101... 101 AC... 101... 101 LED... 102... 102 vi



Pocket PC Quick Start Guide Pocket PC On-Line Pocket PC Companion CD Pocket PC CD-ROM Desktop PC,, Synchronization 6 Desktop PC ActiveSync 7 Pocket PC On-Line Desktop PC Microsoft ActiveSync Read Me Pocket PC Companion CD. Windows Powered Pocket PC www.pocketpc.com ix

1 1

Pocket PC,. 4.,,...,,,....,. 2

GPS GPS GPS... Pocket PC.. 3

. SD/MMC SD (Secure Digital) MMC (MultiMedia Card)... ActiveSync USB ActiveSync. 4

Pocket PC. Pocket PC.. Pocket PC Pocket PC. Pocket PC.. CAUTION:... 32 113.. ( )..( anti-jam design.) 5

.. ON. ON ( ). CAUTION: ON.. Pocket PC.. Microsoft Windows Pocket PC,. 6

Pocket PC. AC. AC. ActiveSync Pocket PC. AC ActiveSync. AC.. Pocket PC. 2. Pocket PC AC. 7



Pocket PCDesktop PC. ActiveSync Pocket PC USB USB. 10

NOTE: SD/MMC. Pocket PC Pocket PC. NOTE:... 11

2 13

Tap to switch to a program. Tap to connect. Tap to change volume or mute all sounds. Tap to change date and time. Your day at a glance. Tap an item to access associated program so that you can view or change information. Tap to create a new item. Tap to view connection status. 14

NOTE: 15


Tap to quickly select a program you have recently used. Tap to select a program. Tap to see additional programs. Tap to customize the Pocket PC. New button. Input panel button. Menu names. Buttons. 17

ActiveSync 18

Tap and hold to display the pop-up menu. Lift the stylus and tap the action you want. Tap outside the menu to close it without performing an action. 19

Select an input method. Input panel button. Tap to see your choices. 20

,. 21

.. Tap the Pen button and use your stylus like a pen. 22

NOTE: Indicates an embedded recording. Tap to begin recording. Tap to show or hide the Recording toolbar. 23


Tap to select a prewritten message. NOTE: 25


Pocket PC Mitac Utility.. [Utility].. System.. Smart Battery. Auto Low Performance CPU. High Performance CPU. Superior Performance CPU. Wake up. 28

SD Pocket PC SD/MMC. (.) Pocket PC.. (.) SD/MMC / USB / 29


NOTE: 31

Pocket PC Pocket PC Backlight, SD/MMC Power,, Pocket PCRAM ClearType ( 6.2 ) ( 6.1 ) 32


Tap to change folders. Select the sort order for the list. Tap the folder name to open it. Tap and hold to create a new folder. NOTE: Pocket PC. Pocket PC. Microsoft ActiveSync ActiveSync Desktop PC. Pocket PC PIM (, ). ActiveSyncDesktop PCPocket PC. Desktop PC ActiveSync. 34

ebackup Pocket PC ebackup. (5.8 ) 35

NOTE: 36


4 39

Tap to go to today. Tap to display or edit the appointment details. Tap to create a new appointment. NOTE: 40

Tap to return to the calendar (the appointment is saved automatically). Tap to choose from predefined text. Tap to choose from previously entered locations. Tap to select a time. Tap to select a date. Notes is a good place for maps and directions. 41

View appointment details. View notes. Tap to change appointment. 42

Select the category of contacts you want displayed in the list. Tap and enter part of a name to quickly find it in the list. Tap to see additional phone numbers and e-mail addresses. Tap to display or edit the contact details. Tap and hold to display a pop-up menu of actions. Tap to create a new contact. NOTE: 43

Tap to return to the contact list (the contact is saved automatically). Scroll to see more fields. Notes is a good place for maps and directions. 44

View contact details. Tap to change contact information. Tap to view notes. 45

Select the category of tasks you want displayed in the list. Select the sort order of the list. Inidcates high priority. Tap to display or edit the task details. Tap and hold to display a pop-up menu of actions. Tap to create a new task. NOTE: 46

Tap to return to the task list (the task is saved automatically). Tap to choose from predefined subjects. Notes is a good place for maps and directions. 47

View task details. Tap to show and hide additional summary information. View notes. Tap to change task information. 48

Tap to change the sort order of the list. Tap to open a note or play a recording. Tap and hold to display a pop-up menu of actions. Tap to record. Tap to create a new note. Tap to show or hide the Recording toolbar. NOTE: 49

Tap to return to the note list (the note is saved automatically) Tap to show or hide the input panel. Tap to write on the screen. Tap to add a recording to the note. 50

NOTE: 51


Select the service and folder you want to display. Select the sort order for messages. Tap to open a message. Tap and hold to display a pop-up menu of actions. Tap to connect and to send and receive e-mail. Tap to connect to the selected service. 53

Tap to return to the message list. Tap to view the previous or next message. Tap to reply to or forward this message. Tap to delete this message. 54

Tap to send the message. Tap to show or hide the complete header. Tap to show or hide the recording toolbar. Tap to display the contact list. Tap to insert common messages. NOTE: 55



5 Pocket PC.,,.. NOTE: ActiveSync Pocket PC. Desktop PC. (ActiveSync 1.4 ) Pocket PCDesktop PC,.. ActiveSync 59

CAUTION: Pocket PC Desktop PC. Desktop PC Pocket PC. Pocket PCDesktop PC : Pocket PC. 60

View connection status. Tap to connect and synchronize. Tap to stop synchronization. View synchronization status. Tap to synchronize via IR or change synchronization settings.. PIM 61

. Pocket PCDesktop PC. Pocket PC, Desktop PCPocket PC USB. Pocket PC 6.1.. Pocket PCDesktop PC. Pocket PC, Desktop PCPocket PC USB. Pocket PC 6.1. Desktop PC : 62

Select the type of folder you want displayed in the list. Tap to change the sort order of the list. Tap to open a document. Tap and hold an item to see a pop-up menu of actions. Tap to create a new document. NOTE: 63

NOTE: Tap to return to the document list (changes are saved automatically). Tap and hold to see a pop-up menu of actions. Tap to change formatting options. Tap to format text. Tap to show or hide the tool bar. 64

With Space button selected, drag to insert space. An arrow appears showing the space direction and size. Pen button. Tap to select formatting options, such as pen weight and line color. Space button. Tap to highlight selected text. Select Shape on the pop-up menu to convert objects to proper shapes. Resize an object by dragging the selection handles. Pen button. Tap an arrow to see your choices. Tap to select formatting options, such as line weight, fill color and line color. 65

NOTE: 66

NOTE: 67

Cell contents appear here as you enter them. Format button. Auto Sum button. Zoom button. 68


NOTE: 70

NOTE: Tap a contact to start a chat. Tap and hold to display a pop-up menu of actions. NOTE: 71

NOTE: 72

Tap to play or pause. Tap to skip to the next file. Tap to stop. Tap to play a previous file. Tap to adjust the playback progress. Tap to adjust volume. 73

Tap to change the sort order. Tap to view a picture in full screen. 74

Pocket PCMicrosoft,. ebackup EBackupPocket PCRAM. CAUTION:. Pocket PC.,. 1. Desktop PCPocket PC. 3. 75

9. CAUTION: Pocket PC Desktop PC., Pocket PC. 1. Desktop PCPocket PC. 2. 3. SD MMC 10. 76

eviewer -> [ ] [eviewer]. JPG BMP. eviewer.. 77

6 Pocket PCDesktop PC,,. Pocket PC ActiveSync. Pocket PC..., ActiveSync., ISP.:.(IR SD IO). (.) ISP.:,,, TCP/IP. 79

1. [ [ [ 2. [ [. 3... NOTE: [ [, [. [.. Pocket PC. (Ethernet) (Ethernet). Pocket PC...:. (SD IO). (.),,.. 2.. 80

[ [ [ [ ] [ ]. 3. 4.. NOTE: VPN... Pocket PC. 81

CAUTION:. NOTE:. [. 82


Favorites button. Home button. Refresh button. Tap the favorite you want to view. Tap to add or delete a folder or favorite link. 84




Pocket PC. CAUTION: 88

OFF ( ). 1 ON ( ). Wait for 1 minute. NOTE: 89









A NOTE: A.1 Regulations Statements B 99

EN301489-1: Electronic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM), ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 1: Common technical requirements EN301489-3: Electronic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM), ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 3: Specific conditions for Short-Range Devices (SRD) operating on frequencies between 9 khz and 40 GHz EN55022: Radio disturbance characteristics EN55024: Immunity characteristics EN6100-3-2: Limits for harmonic current emissions EN6100-3-3: Limitation of voltage fluctuation and flicker in low-voltage supply system EN60950 / IEC 60950: Product Safety 100

A.2 (PHIHONG, PSC05R-050) AC 101

Caution:...... LED CLASS 1 LED PRODUCT 102