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18 # Old State Mew State Trigger Actions 1 - TCP/IP NOT CONNECTED Initialization 2 TCP/IP NOT HSMS NOT TCP/IP Connect Succeeds: CONNECTED SELECTED 1. TCP/IP "accecpt" succeeds. Start T7 timeout 1. Cancel T7 timeout; 3 HSMS NOT HSMS HSMS Select Succeeds : and SELECTED SELECTED 1. Receive Select.req and decide to allow it. 2. Send Select.rsp with zero Select Starus HSMS Select Fails: 1. Close TCP/IP 1. T7 Timeout waiting for Select.req:or connection 2. Receive select.req and decide to reject it and send Select.rsp with non-zero Select Status ; or 3. Receive any HSMS message other 4 HSMS NOT TCP/IP NOT than Select.req; or SELECTED CONNECTED 4. Receive HSMS message length not equal to 10; or 5. Receive bad HSMS message header; or 6. T8 timeout waiting for TCP/IP; or 7. Other unrecoverable TCP/IP ERROR (entity-specific)

19 HSMS Connection Terminates: 1.Decide to terminate and send 1. Close TCP/IP Separate.req; or connection 2. Receive Separate.req; or 3. T6 timeout waiting for Linktest.rsp; or 5 HSMS SELECTED TCP/IP NOT CONNECTED 4. Receive HSMS message <10; or 5. Receive HSMS message length > maximum supported by entity; or 6. Receive bad HSMS message header; or 7. T8 timeout waiting for TCP/IP; or 8. Other uncorrectable TCP/IP Error (entity-sepcific) T3 Timeout waiting for Data Reply Message 1. Cancel the Data Transaction as appropriate (entity-specific)but do not 6 HSMS SELECTED HSMS SELECTED terminate the TCP/IP connection; and 2. If entity is EQUIPMENT send SECS-II S9F9 # Old State Mew State Trigger Actions TCP/IP NOT 1 - Initialization CONNECTED 1.TCP/IP onnect; and 2.Send elect.req; TCP/IP NOT HSMS NOT TCP/IP Connect Succeeds: 2 and CONNECTED SELECTED 1. Decides to connect 3. Start T6 timeout 3 HSMS NOT SELECTED HSMS SELECTED HSMS Select Succeeds : 1. Receive Select.rsp with zero SelecStatus 1. Cancel T6 timeout

20 1. Close TCP/IP HSMS Select Fails: connection; and 1. T6 Timeout waiting for Select.rsp:or 2. Start T5 2. Receive select.rsp with non-zero Timeout Select.Status; or 3. Receive any HSMS message other 4 HSMS NOT SELECTED TCP/IP NOT CONNECTED than Select.rspor 4. Receive HSMS message length not equal to 10; or 5. Receive bad HSMS message header; or 6. T8 timeout waiting for TCP/IP; or 7. Other unrecoverable TCP/IP ERROR (entity-specific) HSMS Connection Terminates: 1.Decide to terminate and send Separate.req; or 2. Receive Separate.req; or 1. Close TCP/IP connection 3. T6 timeout waiting for Linktest.rsp; or 4. Receive HSMS message length <10; 5 HSMS SELECTED TCP/IP NOT CONNECTED or 5. Receive HSMS message length > maximum supported by entity; or 6. Receive bad HSMS message header; or 7. T8 timeout waiting for TCP/IP; or 8. Other uncorrectable TCP/IP Error (entity-sepcific) T3 Timeout waiting for Data Reply 1. Cancel the Message Data Transaction as appropriate (entity-specific)but 6 HSMS SELECTED HSMS SELECTED do not terminate the TCP/IP connection; and 2. If entity is EQUIPMENT send SECS-II S9F9

21 HSMS Transition Allowed in State(s) Who Initiates Transaction? Select HSMS Not Selected Active Entity Link Test HSMS Selected Either Entity Data HSMS Selected Either Entity Separate HSMS Selected Either Entity







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