BAO restaurant 우크라이나키예프에위치한 YOD 스튜디오는다수의프로젝트를이어온유능한디자인팀으로건축과디자인에재능이넘치는디자이너들이한데모여있다. 모던한스타일부터각나라의문화적특색이담긴스타일까지다채로운컨셉을모두완벽히소화하는이들은호텔, 레스토랑, 카페, 바등의상업공간에특화된디자인을선보인다. 미니멀리즘과색다른자재의활용, 강렬하게기억에남는인상적인인테리어디자인으로유명하며, 가구디 자인부터장식품디자인, 그래픽디자인까지다양한분야를아우르고있다. 성은주기자 Design Studio: YOD studio of commercial design Email: Contact: +380975386205 Design studio: YOD Design Lab Studio's founder: Volodymyr Nepyivoda Art director: Dmytro Bonesko Graphic designer: PRAVDA design Location: 14, Mechnikova St., Kyiv, Ukraine Function: restaurant Area: 600m 2 Photographer: Andrey Avdeenko 116 International BAO RESTAURANT International BAO RESTAURANT 117
세계 3대대도시로불리는싱가포르, 홍콩, 뉴욕의세련된분위기와넘치는에너지를그대로구현한 Bao Restaurant은우크라이나키예프에위치하고있는현대적스타일의중식레스토랑이다. 동서양의입맛, 취향등의차이를넘어서고자한 Bao Restaurant은붉은빛조명과웅장한공간감, 빈티지한느낌을주는파벽돌, 인더스트리얼천장구조, 다채로운동선, 전체분위기를압도하는화려한조형물등으로일반레스토랑과는전혀다른, 강렬한인상과이색적인분위기를풍긴다. 118 International BAO RESTAURANT International BAO RESTAURANT 119
전통과새로움이절묘하게조화를이루고있는 Bao Restaurant에들어서면독특한아시아의분위기를느낄수있다. 도자기와붉은빛, 물, 불등중국을대표하는전통요소들을공간곳곳에자연스럽게녹여냈다. 붉은색이중국에서행복, 부와번영등을의미하는만큼, 조명과테이블등에붉은컬러를활용해레스토랑에긍정적인분위기를더하고자했다. 천장에서쏟아지듯내려오는조형물로장엄함까지느껴지는메인바 (Bar) 공간에는다양한주류를오픈선반에진열해자유로운 Bar의분위기를구현했으며, 다양한간접조명을활용해몽환적인느낌을주었다. 120 International BAO RESTAURANT International BAO RESTAURANT 121
레스토랑내가장독특하고아름다운공간을손꼽자면, 긴커뮤니케이션테이블이마련된메인식사공간이다. 약 50명의손님이나란히앉아식사를즐길수있는이곳은소규모로식사하는우크라이나사람들과다르게화합하고소통하는아시아사람들의특징을고스란히담고있다. 탁자위천장은천개의도기타일로꾸며져화려함의진수를보여주는데, 이는한마리의용을떠오르게하며, 영롱한빛을내는각각의도기타일은동양에서고귀한생명체를뜻하는잉어를상징한다. 122 International BAO RESTAURANT International BAO RESTAURANT 123
내부는메인식사공간과다수의작은테이블, 벤치식소파, 오픈키친, 화장실등으로구성되어있다. 식사공간에는황동테이블을사용해차갑지만고급스러운분위기를더했으며, 기다란테이블과작고아늑한테이블을모두배치해원하는식사분위기에어울리는테이블을선택할수있도록했다. 또한, 중앙에위치한오픈키친은유리창으로둘러싸여있어투명한요리과정을보여준다. 높은천장은중국의대나무숲에서영감을받았는데, 대나무대신금속스틱을설치해기하학적이면서도유니크하고, 공간감과함께웅장한분위기를조성한다. 124 International BAO RESTAURANT International BAO RESTAURANT 125
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SPACE STORY BAO is a modern Chinese restaurant that embodies the atmosphere and energy of three megalopolises Singapore, Hong Kong and New York. We used Asia and US Chinese restaurants as a guide for the new place. Thus, the idea of cosmopolitanism and cultural migration between the East and the West was represented. As far as our client designed this restaurant for Kyiv citizens, Chinese cuisine has been adapted to the food excesses of the Europeans. BAO, we find ancient traditions closely intertwined with innovations. When the customer comes in, he feels Asian atmosphere, where everything is linked, integral and as consistent with Feng Shui. Using distinctive details, such as ceramics, red spotlights, water and open fire, we showed Chin from its traditional side. Before going to table, the guests pass through specific carved portal leading to the restroom zone. Crossing the threshold of the portal, they purge themselves of a negative energy. In addition, while entering they hear mysterious whisper in Chinese. Pronounce words mean happiness, wealth and prosperity. Such an approach is now possible thanks to the directional sound system. On the ceiling above the table, one can see the main decorative element of the space 0 the scale of the Dragon diving into water. The installation consists of the thousand ceramic tiles, each of which symbolizes Koi fish. As Chinese legend has it, any fish that gains the Dragon Gateway up the river turns into dragon. Waterfall at the end of the room embodies such a gateway. Surely, one of the main points of interest is a kitchen. It is fully open, placed straight on centerand surrounded by glass windows only. Thanks to this approach, guests can oversee the kitchen teamwork, notwithstanding where they sit. Not accounting for technical light, all the lighting and many pieces of furniture were developed individually and manufactured in Ukraine. They were done in minimalist style, thus placing greater focus on the complicated morphology of installations. 128 International BAO RESTAURANT International BAO RESTAURANT 129