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2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을


step 1-1

4. 수업의 흐름 차시 창의 인성 수업모형에 따른 단계 수업단계 활동내용 창의 요소 인성 요소 관찰 사전학습: 날짜와 힌트를 보고 기념일 맞춰보기 호기심 논리/ 분석적 사고 유추 5 차시 분석 핵심학습 그림속의 인물이나 사물의 감정을 생각해보고 써보기 타인의 입장 감정


Find and circle the words. 1 : 머리 : 눈 : 코 : 입 : 이 : 목 : 어깨 : 귀 : 팔 : 손 : 다리 : 발 She shakes her head. Close your eyes. We smell with our nose. Open you


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FAQ. 리스트 구분 No. Questions Possible Responses* Greetings Daily life How are you? 어떻게 지내니? 11 I am great. Thank you. 좋아요. 감사합니다 No

istening L T est

I m really into taking pictures. It seems that the little girl is angry with us. Forms Women from East Asia also have been wearing makeup since ancien


Book 3 Study Planner 교재명 학습 목표 be동사의 쓰임을 익히고, 체계적인 글쓰기 실력을 다진다. 날짜 Unit Title Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한 내용 (단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리 등을 자유롭게 쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매

LESSON 1 1 (1) How have you been? (2) I have been ~. (3) How often ~? 2 (1) Long time no see. (2) How often ~? (3) (almost every day) (1) (2) (3) 3 Ho

2011´ëÇпø2µµ 24p_0628




Lesson 8 Break a Leg! I don t think so. What does that mean? I hope so. The play was a big hit. You re not serious, are you? Lesson 8 81 Words actually brave break broke catch caught cheap expensive chicken close open cold contest competition crowd example ex. Do you know any other interesting examples? expression free guess handsome ugly hard heart heavy light hit hope language last maybe mean cf. meaning miss nervous ex. He was very nervous. performance play 82 problem pumpkin serious ex. You re not serious, are you? speech stone think thought understand understood wave win won lose wrong right Phrases a lot of lots of ex. The festival was a lot of fun. break a leg for example ex. For example, Break a leg! means Good luck. for nothing for free ex. I got it almost for nothing. long face ex. Why do you have such a long face? look like ex. John looks like a brave man. Lost and Found ex. Why don t you go to Lost and Found? on cloud nine ex. I am on cloud nine these days. on the house ex. On the house means free or for nothing. take a rest ex. I d like to take a rest for a while. think about

Words 01 win 02 catch 03 wave 04 cheap 05 wrong 06 speech 07 chicken 08 stone 09 contest 10 guess 11 crowd 12 example 13 free 14 close 15 handsome 16 cold 17 expression 18 hard 19 understand 20 play 21 language 22 brave 23 last 24 heart 25 maybe 26 problem 27 heavy 28 nervous 29 hit 30 serious 31 pumpkin 32 miss 33 hope 34 performance 35 mean 36 think 37 actually 38 break Phrases 39 look like 40 think about 41 Lost and Found 42 on the house 43 for example 44 break a leg 45 take a rest 46 long face 47 for nothing 48 a lot of 49 on cloud nine p.180 Lesson 8 83 Words 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 84 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Phrases 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 p.180

1 2 3 4 5 6 Mina decided to study English (hard / heart). Jennifer has a heart of (stone / story). It was very (cold / close), but I couldn t win. For some people, this is a (serious / crowd) problem. Our family always eats a (bump / pumpkin) pie for Thanksgiving. People often say Break a leg! before a (problem / performance). He at the height of the tree. 8 The tour is, with lunch provided. 9 We are hoping to get a part in our class. 10 I m having fun here. on cloud nine long face for nothing take a rest 11 She looks very tired. She has to. 12 What s wrong? Why the? 13 On the house means free or. 14 When my first baby was born, I was. 15 16 17 18 win cheap wrong handsome right expensive ugly lose p.180 decide Thanksgiving (Day) height tour provide fun wrong mean be born Lesson 8 85 Is this your new camera? It s really nice. I don t think so. I don t think so. I disagree. / I disagree with you. I don t agree. / I don t agree with you. I m not with you. I think so. / I think so, too. I agree. / I agree with you. I m with you. You can say that again. / Same here. 1 a really good MP3 player. MP3 I don t. 2 I have a tomorrow. Do you think you will win the contest? I. 3 Peter is a chicken. Peter I. This radio is a lemon, actually. What does that mean? I mean, it doesn t work well. What does that mean? What do you mean? What do you mean by that? 86 7

p.180 4 Sally is on these days. Sally that? I mean, she is really now. She the piano contest. Really? That s great. 5 John is like a different person these days. John What do you? He was really, but these days he is a bee. Don t worry. It will be fine tomorrow. I hope so. I hope so. Good luck! / I wish you good luck. / Break a leg! I ll have my fingers crossed. I ll keep my fingers crossed for you. / I will cross my fingers for you. Cross your fingers for me! Wish me luck! 6 I have a speech tomorrow. I ll have crossed. 7 Susan very nice, but I often don t her body language. Susan Well, that s going to be a big.. Lesson 8 87 p.180 1. Semin, you re these days. 2.? does, Emily? Emily I mean, you 3. so happy. Can you? Yeah. Now I m 4. a famous B-boy group, so I m. Wow! Then maybe some day I ll 5. TV. TV I 6.. Can you 7. now? Can you the wave? I 8.. Not yet. (A) (B) (C) (D) Don t be nervous. You re a good singer. You ll be fine. Yeah. But I have butterflies in my stomach. I hope so. It s your turn. Are you ready? 88

(1~3) 1 He is a. = He s not brave. 2 Sally is on cloud these days. = Sally is really happy now. 3 He is just a face in the crowd. = There is nothing about him. 4 This book is really interesting. Well,. It s boring. I think so I agree Gook luck I don t think so I agree with you 5 How was the tennis game? It was very close, but I can t win. This dog is really cute. Well, I don t think so. It s ugly. You re really good at painting. You can be a great painter. Thank you. I hope so. This math problem is really difficult. Well, I don t think so. It s really easy. This camera is a lemon. What does that mean? I mean, it doesn t work well. brave these days happy crowd nothing Lesson 8 89 [6~7] Boy: Do you know Susan? Girl: She is Jina s American friend, isn t she? Boy: Right. She is very nice, but I often don t understand her body language. Girl: Well, that s not going to be a big problem. Boy: 6 (1) Susan is American and very nice. (2) The boy often doesn t understand Susan s body language. 7 Good luck! Wish me luck! I hope so. I agree with you. I ll have my fingers crossed. [8~9] Man: Is that your new bag? Woman: Yeah, my new tennis bag. I got it almost for nothing. Man: Woman: I mean, it was really cheap, just 15 dollars. Man: Well, I don t think so. My brother got the same bag for only 10 dollars. 8 What do you get? What does that mean? What did you buy? What do you mean? Did you buy a new tennis bag? 9 It was cheap. It was heavy. Many people liked it. It was expensive. It looked like a school bag. 90 p.180 understand language problem luck hope agree finger cross tennis bag almost for nothing cheap same

The play was a big hit. Yesterday Semin was at a singing contest. Tim and Jane were very happy. be was were be be 1 I am was we 2 you are were you are were 3 he / she / it is was they be was notwasn t~. were notweren t~. I was not in London last year. He wasn t kind then. They weren t soccer players. There was not a cloud in the sky. be WasWere Yeswaswere Nowasn tweren t Was it warm yesterday? Yes, it was. No, it wasn t. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 He (is / was) a pilot ten years ago. The singer (was / were) very famous then. They (was / were) late for school today. She (was not / not was) sick yesterday. You (was not / were not) here last Sunday. (Was / Were) the play a big hit? The weather (was / were) nice last week. (Was / Were) Amy and Max at the party? Last year I (am / was) thirteen. (Was / Were) there many people in the contest? Lesson 8 91 p.181 You re not serious, are you? Jane is a singer, isn t she? Bill is not kind, is he? Susan can t swim well, can she? (A) (B) (C) be be do, does, did Yes, No Mike likes to play soccer, doesn t he? Yes, he does. No, he doesn t. 11 You re 14 years old,? 12 You aren t sad,? 13 Mina listens to music,? 14 It is a good film,? 15 Jane was a tennis player,? 16 Tom plays the piano,? 17 You like movies,? 18 Ms. Kim doesn t like sports,? 19 Your sister can t skate,? 20 That bag isn t very nice,? 21 They have lunch at 12,? 22 Betty isn t happy today,? 23 Paul was tired yesterday,? 24 Nancy won the contest,? 92

1 busy basketball player (1) She (was / were) busy yesterday. ten years ago (2) Mr. Smith (is / was) a basketball player ten years ago. be on vacation (3) They (are / were) on vacation last month. (4) My uncle (was not / were not) in Seoul last week. [2~3] 2 You re tired,? tired 3 It was a great party,? 4 math Ann likes math, doesn t she? Yes, she is. No, she isn t. Yes, she does. No, she didn t. Yes, she doesn t. 5 You were very nervous, weren t you? He isn t your English teacher, doesn t he? Jane is your friend, isn t she? Semin is in a famous B-boy group, isn t he? You cannot speak Chinese, can you? nervous famous Chinese 6 Yesterday Semin and Emily was at a singing contest. Lesson 8 93 [7~8] 7 My brother was in London last year. 8 It was cold yesterday. 9 He doesn t like to dance,? do he does he did he don t he doesn t he 10 I got a new tennis bag almost for nothing. I mean, it really cheap. 11 The singers were very famous then. He were not my English teacher. The play were a big hit. I am tired last night. There are a big tree on the hill. 94 p.181 London cold dance cf. dancer almost mean cheap singer hit hill

Break a Leg! Yesterday Semin was at a singing contest. He was very nervous. Emily was with him. Emily: Break a leg! Good luck! Semin: Break my leg? You re not serious, are you? Emily: You don t understand. Break a leg! means Good luck. There is a story about this expression. Once an actor broke his leg before a play. But the play was a big hit. So people often say Break a leg! before a performance. be is / am don t 3 doesn t There isthere s break There are many interesting English expressions, and Koreans often don t There arethere re understand them. Think about pumpkin. It often means ugly girl English expressions Pumpkin in Korean. However, pumpkin can actually be good in English. It can mean cute person. And how about on the house? It means free or for nothing. But you cannot guess that easily. Do you know any other interesting examples? what about ~? cannotcan t can Do 3 Does 1 2 3 4 Break a leg! : on the house : a big cheese : a white lie : p.181 contest serious expression actor hit performance pumpkin ugly however free guess easily example a white lie a big cheese an early bird Lesson 8 95 Listen & Speak 1 Who s that handsome man over there? Who is ugly Handsome? I don t think so. He s just a face in the crowd. What does that mean? What do you mean? There is nothing special about him. Listen & Speak 2 What s wrong with you? Why the long face? What s the matter? I left my bag in the subway. leave Oh, that s too bad. What can I do now? Well, why don t you go to Lost and Found? Maybe you can find it there. Yeah. I hope so. Thanks. Think & Write Step 1 W: Nancy was in a speech contest on July 8. There were many people in the be is on be are contest. She was nervous. But her speech was great. Finally, she won the be is contest. She was on cloud nine. win Read & Do There are many interesting English expressions. For example, Break a leg! There arethere re means Good luck. In Korean, pumpkin means ugly girl, but it can mean cute person in English. And on the house means for nothing. But most Koreans cannot guess those meanings. for free can t 96 Listen & Speak 1 handsome face crowd Listen & Speak 2 subway find Think & Write speech Read & Do expression guess meaning

1. Semin at a. 2. He very. 3. Emily him. Emily: Break a leg! Semin: 4. my? 5. You re not serious,? Emily: You don t understand. 6. Break a leg! Good. 7. a story this. 8. Once an actor his a play. 9. But the play a big. 10. So people say! a. 11. There many interesting, and Koreans often don t them. 12. pumpkin. 13. It often ugly girl. 14. However, pumpkin can actually good. 15. It can mean. 16. And how on the house? 17. It free or for. 18. But you cannot that. 19. Do you interesting examples? p.181 1. 2. 3. Emily Emily: 4. 5. Emily: 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. on the house 17. 18. 19. Lesson 8 97 Emily 98 p.181

Listen & Speak 1 that handsome man? Handsome? I. He s just a face What does? There is about him. Listen & Speak 2 What s you? Why the? I left my bag. Oh, that s. What can I now? Well, why to Lost and Found? Maybe you can it. Yeah. I. Thanks. Think & Write Step 1 W: Nancy was in a July 8. There people in the contest. She. But her great. Finally, she won the contest. She. Read & Do There are many interesting. For, Break a leg! means. In Korean, pumpkin means girl, but it can mean cute person English. And on the house means. But most cannot those. p.181 Listen & Speak 1 A Listen & Speak 2 A Think & Write Nancy 7 8 Read & Do on the house Lesson 8 99 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Yesterday Semin was at a singing (A) contest /compete. He was very nervous. Emily was with him. Emily: Break a leg! Semin: Break my leg? You re not (B) series / serious, are you? Emily: You don t understand. Break a leg! means Good luck. There is a story about this (C) express / expression. Once an actor broke his leg before a play. But the play was a big hit. So people often say Break a leg! before a performance. (A) contest series expression contest serious expression contest serious express compete serious expression compete series express (C) 100. Words + Reading wrong : not right; bad : : a large, round, orange vegetable with a thick skin : : a large number of people, animals, or things together : : to strike someone or something : : having or showing courage in facing danger or pain : : a bird which is kept on a farm for its eggs and for its meat : : worried or afraid about something : : a formal talk about a subject : : to be victorious or come first in a contest, race or bet, etc. : : to divide or become divided into two or more parts as a result of a blow : : to make an estimate or form an opinion about something, based on little or no information : chicken brave win speech nervous hit wrong crowd guess break pumpkin (B)

p.182 Grammar + Reading 1 You re not serious, aren t you? 2 Why don t you going to Lost and Found? 3 Once an actor breaked his leg before a play. 4 People say often Break a leg! before a performance. 5 Nancy was in a speech contest in July 8. 6 Koreans often doesn t understand them. 7 It often means ugly girl at Korean. 8 However, pumpkin can actually is good in English. 9 On the house means free but for nothing. 10 Minsu and Lisa was in a dance contest yesterday. 11 Nancy was in cloud nine yesterday. There are many interesting English expressions. For example, Break a leg! means Good luck. In Korean, pumpkin means ugly girl, but it can mean cute person in English. And on the house means for nothing. But most Korean cannot guess those meanings. Lesson 8 101 1 lost - found hard - easy wrong - right nervous - upset cheap - expensive 2 the front part of the head, from forehead to chin face cheek neck crowd mouth 3 My uncle works a busy bee. John looks a brave man. for like as around against 4 (1) They want to take a for a while. (2) I am on cloud these days. (3) he will visit our house. 102 5 Mr. White always keeps his words. I don t think so. Same here. I agree with you. I think so, too. I don t agree with you. You can say that again. 6 Why do you have such a long face? What do you mean? = What that? (7~8) 7 I hope so. I m on a diet again. I ll be late for school. What do you mean? You ll have a great time. I have a math test tomorrow. 8 Here you are. Thank you, but what s this? It s a special salad. It s. Is it free? Thank you. a big cheese over the moon on the house off the record under the table

9 I got this T-shirt almost for nothing. = This T-shirt was very. 10 What s wrong? Why the long face? I lost my bag. My mom is sick. I was late for school. I missed the last bus to Seoul. Our team won the soccer game. 11 You seem to be on cloud nine. What does that mean? I mean, you look really happy now. 12 What does that mean? I mean, it doesn t work well. You have a really good MP3 player. I don t think so. It s a lemon, actually. 13 Good luck on your test. Thanks. It will be fine this afternoon. I think so, too. There is not any cloud. Kate is really pretty. I don t think so. Her sister is pretty, too. He is your uncle, isn t he? Yes, he is. That s not going to be a big problem. I hope so. 14 (1) His hobby is not cooking,? (2) Mr. and Mrs. Brown like going to the mountain,? 15 you busy last week? It rainy yesterday, but it is sunny now. Are - is Were - is Are - was Were - was Be - was 16 I very nervous before the test, but I OK now. Lesson 8 103 17 There were at the party. a few children many people many flowers a lot of juice lots of chairs 18 The dog is cute, isn t it? Jack is not angry, isn t he? You are tired, aren t you? Mina can t play the flute, can she? Sora likes listening to music, doesn t she? 19 Betty was very happy yesterday, was she? 20 It can be possible. It can be good in English. It can mean cute person. It can be very dangerous. This expression can be good in Korean. He can speak French a little. 104 21 It was very cold. He was angry. My dog isn t sick. James was at home. Robert was tired. 22 There is many trees in the park. There is a man next to the boy. There are two birds in the tree. There isn t a girl beside the tree. There is a girl next to the ladder. (23~25) This afternoon, I was in Central Park with my little brother. There was a big robot festival in the park. It was really great. Some robots looked just like people, and my brother said, The festival was a lot of fun. Now my brother and I are home. It was a long day, and I am a little tired. 23

24 That is a real man, is it? That isn t a real man, is it? That isn t a real man, isn t it? Isn t that a real man? Isn t that a real man, is it? 25 The writer thought the robot was a real man. A big song festival was in Central Park. The festival was a lot of fun. Some people looked just like robots. There were a lot of children in the robot festival. (26~28) Emily: Semin, you re on cloud nine these days. Semin: On cloud nine? What does that mean, Emily? Emily: I mean, you look so happy. Can you tell me? Semin: Yeah. Now I m in a famous B-boy group, so I m very happy. Emily: Wow! Then maybe some day I ll see you on TV. Semin: I hope so. Emily: Can you dance for me now? Can you do the wave? Semin: I don t think so. 26 how why what who when 27 Break a leg! Good luck! Wish me luck! I ll have my fingers crossed. I ll cross my fingers for you. 28 (29~30) Listen carefully and the expression. I didn t do well on the test and I feel unhappy. I meet my friend. He looks at me and says this. The answer is why the long face,? Correct. 29 to make an estimate or form an opinion about something, based on little or no information guess express write mean understand 30 is it was it isn t it wasn t it isn t he Lesson 8 105 31 Nancy in a speech contest on July 8. There were many people in the contest. She nervous. But her speech great. Finally, she won the contest. She on cloud nine. (32~34) Hi Jaemin, Last weekend I at Kevin s birthday party. Many other friends there, too. The food really great. The music wonderful and Kevin a great singer. We were all very happy. (A) Next time why don t you join us? Best, Lisa 32 essay diary article letter advertisement 33 106 p.182 34 to complain to advise to advertise to introduce to suggest (35~36) There are lots of interesting English expressions. For example, Break a leg! means Good luck. In Korean, pumpkin means ugly girl, but it can mean person in English. And on the house means for nothing. But most Koreans cannot guess those meanings. 35 many much some a few a little 36 dirty poor serious cute kind

1 short - tall heavy - large close - far easy - hard ugly - handsome 2 hit: to strike someone or something nervous: worried or afraid about something brave: having or showing courage in facing danger or pain, etc. speech: a formal talk about a subject lose: to be victorious or come first in a contest, race or bet, etc. 3 The math test was really difficult. easy hard right wrong heavy 4 She gave a bag to me. (5~6) 5 Peter is a baseball player, isn t he? Yes,. 6 Judy is on these days. What does that mean? I mean, she is really happy now. 7 I thirteen years old now. I twelve years old last year. 8 He is very busy now. We aren t hungry now. My mom is sick last night. My parents were not home yesterday. I was nervous before the contest. 9 you sick last Friday? Yes, I. Were - was Do - do Are - am Was - was Did - did 10 Who s that handsome man over there? Handsome? I don t think so. He s just a face in the crowd. What does that mean? There s something special about him. Lesson 8 107 11 How was the tennis game? Yeah, but I m OK. I hope so. That s too bad. Next time, you ll win. It was very close, but I couldn t win. 12 Is this your new camera? It s really nice. It s a lemon, actually. I think so, too. I agree with you. I don t think so. I hope so. Cross your fingers for me! (13~15) Yesterday Semin was at a singing contest. He was very nervous. Emily was with him. Emily: Break a leg! Semin: Break my leg? You re not serious, are you? Emily: You don t understand. Break a leg! means There is a story about this expression. Once an actor broke his leg before a play. the play was a big hit. people often say Break a leg! before a performance. 108 p.183 13 Don t worry. Good luck. That s too bad. You did a good job! Next time, you ll do better. 14 However - But And - But So - Because But - So Because - Then 15 Emily Break a leg! Break a leg! Break a leg! 16 There are many interesting English expressions. For example, Break a leg! means Good luck. In Korean, pumpkin means ugly girl, but it can mean cute person in English. And on the house means for nothing. So most Koreans can guess those meanings.

1 crowd speech contest understand performance 5 Alice sings very well. I can t stand her songs. 2 He got a concert ticket for nothing. I think so, too. I don t think so. I agree with you. It is bad for her. Don t make any noise. in need almost at last for free for a moment 3 (1) Tom has a big mouth. = Tom talks too. 6 I think science is too hard. It rained hard yesterday. I decided to study English hard. Jake is working hard, isn t he? He studied very hard, but he failed on the test. (2) Mr. Baker is a busy bee. = Mr. Baker is a hard. (3) John is a chicken. = John is not. 4 7 Wish me luck! Good luck! Break a leg! I ll cross my fingers for you. I ll have my fingers crossed. It is a set of sounds and written symbols. People use it when they talk to each other. Language(language) Problem(problem) Meaning(meaning) Letter(letter) Example(example) 8 (1) David is going to buy a new computer,? (2) They can t speak Chinese,? Lesson 8 109 9 Tim is a singer. Before the performance, he is very nervous. In this situation, Tim s friend says this expression to him. Pardon me? Break a leg! Good job! What s wrong? You know what? 10 The artist very famous then. Ellen very poor in 2007. They at the party last night. is - was - are was - were - was was - was - were were - was - were were - is - was (11~12) What s wrong with you? I left my bag in the subway. What can I do now? Well, why don t you go to Lost and Found? Maybe you can find it there. Yeah. I hope so. Thanks. 11 the face? 110 12 No problem. Oh, that s too bad. Good luck to you! What s the matter? What do you mean? 13 I was a little tired then. There are many people in the park. Yesterday I was at a singing contest. Was your sister sick last week? My uncle is a pilot five years ago. 14 (night / not / last / home / was) She. 15 Sumi is angry, doesn t she? You love Inho, don t you? Jina doesn t have money, does she? Ben and Jisu are good friends, aren t they? Lisa and Mary went to the library, didn t they?

16 You can see Ms. Song in her office. You can do it better. It can be possible. He can cook all kinds of food. Can you play the cello? Can I turn off the computer? (17~18) Sally is on cloud nine these days. What does that mean? I mean, she is really happy now. She won the piano contest last week. Really? That s too bad. Is she going for another contest? Well, I don t think so. She is a little tired, so she s taking a rest. 17 18 She is very happy now. She is taking a rest. She is very tired now. She won the piano contest last week. She is good at playing the piano. (19~21) There are many interesting English expressions, and Koreans often don t understand them. Think about pumpkin. It often means ugly girl in Korean. It can mean cute person. And how about on the house? It means free or for nothing. But you cannot guess that easily. Do you know any other interesting examples? 19 However, pumpkin can actually be good in English. 20 21 pumpkin pumpkin on the house for nothing free Lesson 8 111 (22~23) Emily: Semin, you re cloud nine these days. Semin: cloud nine? What does that mean, Emily? Emily: I mean, you look so happy. Can you tell me why? Semin: Yeah. Now I m in a famous B-boy group, so I m very happy. Emily: Wow! Then maybe some day I ll see you Semin: I hope so. TV. Emily: Can you dance for me now? Can you do the wave? Semin: I don t think so. Not yet. 22 In (in) Of (of) At (at) On (on) Over (over) 23 TV Emily 112 p.183 (24~25) Yesterday Semin was at a singing contest. He was very nervous. Emily was with him. Emily was bored. Emily: Break a leg! Semin: Break my leg? You re not serious, are you? Emily: You don t understand. Break a leg! means Good luck. There is a story about this expression. Once (A) broke his leg before a play. But the play was a big hit. So people often say Break a leg! before a performance. 24 25 an actor a pianist a singer a dancer a magician

1 mean : meaning = express : 2 a large number of people gathered together speech crowd station actor contest 3 Robert is a cold person. = Robert has a heart of. angel evil stone child parent 4 I d like to a rest for a while. It s already 9 o clock. We d better a taxi. have turn make become take 5 There no water in the bottle. there many pencils in your pencil case? is - Is is - Are are - Are are - Was were - Is 6 This comic book is funny. Same here. It s too boring. Good luck! Thank you. You re really good at drawing. You can be a great artist. Thank you. I hope so. He is a chicken. What do you mean? I mean, he is not brave. Don t worry. You ll do better next time. I hope so. 7 Mr. Baker is a busy bee. I think so, too. Why not? I m not with you. I agree with you. I don t think so. I have no idea. Lesson 8 113 8 (1) Your sister is 7 years old,? (2) You late for school last Thursday, you? 9 a white lie: a big cheese: an early bird: on the house: a face in the crowd: 10 There are many interesting English expressions. In Korean, pumpkin means ugly girl, it can mean cute person in English. And on the house means for nothing. most Koreans cannot guess those meanings. so (So) and (And) but (But) for (For) therefore (Therefore) 11 I bored at the party last night. Judy and Bora friends then. Mike s parents very kind then. They in London last year. We middle school students then. 114 (12~13) Yesterday Semin was at a singing contest. He was very nervous. Emily was with him. Emily: Break a leg! Semin: Break my leg? You re not serious, are you? Emily: You don t understand. Break a leg! means Good luck. There is a story about this expression. Once an actor broke his leg before a play. So people often say Break a leg! before a performance. 12 But the play was a big hit. 13 14 He loves you, isn t he? It s Friday today, isn t it? Jim is working hard, is he? They are not Japanese, aren t you? My brother wasn t home, was she?

(15~16) Sally is on cloud nine these days. What does that mean? I mean, she is really happy now. She won the piano contest last week. Really? That s great. Is she going for another contest? Well, I don t think so. She is a little tired, so she s taking a rest. 15 16 (1) Sally is going for another contest. (2) Sally was in a piano contest last week. (17~18) This afternoon, I was in Central Park with my little brother. It was really great. Some robots looked just like people, and my brother said, That isn t a real man, isn t it? The festival was a lot of fun. Now my brother and I are home. It was a long day, and I am a little tired. 17 A Big Robot Central Park A Long Day My Little Brother A Big Robot Festival 18 There is a big robot festival in the park. There was a big robot festival in the park. There were a big robot festival in the park. There was big robot festivals in the park. There are big robot festivals in the park. (19~20) Hi Jaemin, Last weekend I was at Kevin s birthday party. Many other friends there, too. The food was really great. The music was wonderful and Kevin was a great singer. We all very happy. Next time why don t you join us? Best, Lisa 19 is am are were was 20 There were few friends at the party. Kevin wasn t good at singing. Lisa wrote this letter to Jaemin. The writer went to the party with Jaemin. Jaemin was at Kevin s birthday party, too. Lesson 8 115 21 Nancy was in a speech contest on July 8. There were many people in the contest. She was nervous. But her speech was great. Finally, she won the contest. She was on cloud nine. (1) Q: How was Nancy before the contest? She. (2) Q: How did Nancy feel after the contest? She was. (22~23) Emily: Semin, you re on cloud nine these days. Semin: On cloud nine? What does that mean, Emily? Emily: I mean, you look so happy. Can you tell me why? Semin: Yeah. Now I m in a famous B-boy group, so I m very happy. Emily: Wow! Then maybe some day I ll see you in TV. Semin: I hope so. Emily: Can you dance for me now? Can you do the wave? Semin: (A) Not yet. 22 23 I don t. 116 p.184 (24~25) It s your turn. Are you ready, Kevin? Yeah. But Don t be nervous. I ll have my fingers crossed. Thanks. 24 I have a big mouth. I am a chicken. I am a busy bee. I have a heart of stone. I have butterflies in my stomach. 25 Take care of you. Good luck! Wish me luck! I can understand. Cross your fingers for me.

1 (1) He is a chicken. = He is. (2) She has a heart of stone. = She is a. (3) This computer is a lemon. = This computer well. 2 (1) Jane and Beth are at the library. (2) I was tired yesterday. (3) She was a nurse ten years ago. 3 Alice s new bag is very nice. 4 This afternoon, I was in Central Park with my little brother. There were a big robot festival in the park. It was really great. (5~6) Yesterday (in / Minsu and Lisa / a / contest / dance / were). Minsu: Wow! There are many people in the contest. Lisa, I have butterflies in my stomach. That boy is really good,? Lisa: Yes, but we re good, too. Don t worry. 5 6 That boy is really good,? (7~9) How is John doing? Well, he is like a different person these days. He was really lazy, wasn t he? But these days he is a busy bee. Well,. He is still late for school every day. 7 (mean) 8 9 (think) Lesson 8 117 10 It rainy all day long last Sunday. I couldn t go out. I played video games with my little brother. It really fun. We so happy. 11 Yesterday Today Ann was happy yesterday, wasn t she? Yes, she was. (1) Ann isn t happy today,? No,. (2) Tom was sick yesterday,? Yes,. (12~13) What s wrong? Why the long face? I just missed the last bus to Seoul. Why don t you go to the train station? Maybe you can catch the last train. Yeah, I hope so. 12 13 118 p.184 14 Q: Where were you last night? 15-1 Kelly is tired yesterday, isn t she? Yes, she was. (1) (2) 15-2 You re tired, aren t you? (1) (2) 15-3 (1) This is Sam s bike,? Yes,. (2) They aren t good friends,? No,. (3) Paul was at the party,? No,. (4) Helen cannot ride a horse,? Yes,.

Lesson 8 Break a Leg! p.83 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 p.84 1 pumpkin 2 heart 3 mean 4 speech 5 handsome 6 stone 7 problem 8 crowd 9 brave 10 serious 11 wrong 12 think 13 nervous 14 close 15 guess 16 break 17 language 18 maybe 19 miss 20 win 21 actually 22 wave 23 hope 24 last 25 cheap 26 performance 27 chicken 28 example 29 contest 30 free 31 cold 32 catch 33 hit 34 hard 35 heavy 36 understand 37 play 38 expression 39 long face 40 on cloud nine 41 look like 42 think about 43 for nothing 44 for example 45 a lot of 46 take a rest 47 on the house 48 break a leg 49 Lost and Found p.85 1 hard 2 stone 3 close 4 serious 5 pumpkin 6 performance 7 guessed 8 free 9 play 10 a lot of 11 take a rest 12 long face 13 for nothing 14 on cloud nine 15 lose 16 expensive 17 right 18 ugly 180 p.86 1 You have, think so 2 speech contest, don t think so 3 agree 4 cloud nine, What does, mean, happy, won, last week 5 mean, lazy, busy 6 contest, my fingers 7 is, understand, not, problem, I hope so p.88 1 on cloud nine 2 On cloud nine, What, that mean 3 look, tell me why 4 in, very happy 5 see you on 6 hope so 7 dance for me, do 8 don t think so (D) - (B) - (A) - (C) p.89 1 chicken 2 nine 3 special 4 5 6 (1) T (2) T 7 8 9 1 chicken 2 on cloud nine: 3 a face in the crowd 4 I don t think so. I don t agree (with you). 5 B It was very close, but I couldn t win. 6~7 Susan 8~9 15 10 p.91 1 was 2 was 3 were 4 was not 5 were not 6 Was 7 was 8 Were 9 was 10 Were 11 aren t you 12 are you 13 doesn t she 14 isn t it 15 wasn t she 16 doesn t he 17 don t you 18 does she 19 can she 20 is it 21 don t they 22 is she 23 wasn t he 24 didn t she p.93 1 (1) was (2) was (3) were (4) was not 2 aren t you 3 wasn t it 4 5 6 was were 7 My brother was notwasn tin London last year. 8 Was it cold yesterday? 9 10 was 11 1 Smith (last month were ) 2 3 4 doesn t she? Yes, she does. No, she doesn t. 5 be be 6 were 7 be was notwasn t~. were notweren t~. 8 be WasWere ~? 10 it 3 was 11 3 was last night was a big tree be is (are is) p.95 1 2 3 4 p.97 1 Yesterday, was, singing contest 2 was, nervous 3 was with 4 Break, leg 5 are you 6 means, luck 7 There is, about, expression 8 broke, leg before 9 was, hit 10 often, Break a leg, before, performance 11 are, English expressions, understand 12 Think about 13 means, in Korean 14 be, in English 15 cute person 16 about 17 means, nothing 18 guess, easily 19 know any other p.98 1 Yesterday Semin was at a singing contest. 2 He was very nervous. 3 Emily was with him. 4 You reyou arenot serious, are you? 5 There isthere sa story about this expression. 6 Once an actor broke his leg before a play. 7 The play was a big hit. 8 People often say Break a leg!before a performance. 9 There arethere remanya lot of / lots of interesting English expressions. 10 Koreans often don t understand them. 11Pumpkincan actually be good in English. 12 Do you know any other interesting examples? p.99 Listen & Speak 1 A Who s, over there, don t think so, in the crowd, that mean, nothing special Listen & Speak 2 A wrong with, long face, in the subway, too bad, do, don t you go, find, there, hope so Think & Write speech contest on, were many, was nervous, speech was, was on cloud nine Read & Do English expressions, example, Good luck, ugly, in, for nothing, Koreans, guess, meanings 181

p.100 Words + Reading 2 pumpkin / 3 crowd / 4 hit / 5 brave / 6 chicken / 7 nervous / 8 speech / 9 win / 10 break / 11 guess / Grammar + Reading 1 You re not serious, are you?you re serious, aren t you? 2 Why don t you go to Lost and Found? 3 Once an actor broke his leg before a play. 4 People often say Break a leg!before a performance. 5 Nancy was in a speech contest on July 8. 6 Koreans often don t understand them. 7 It often means ugly girlin Korean. 8 However, pumpkincan actually be good in English. 9 On the housemeans freeor for nothing. 10 Minsu and Lisa were in a dance contest yesterday. 11 Nancy was on cloud nine yesterday. p.102 1 2 3 4 (1) rest (2) nine (3) Maybe 5 6 does, mean 7 8 9 cheap 10 11 12 13 14 (1) is it (2) don t they 15 16 was, am 17 18 19 wasn t she 20 21 22 23 a big robot festival 24 25 26 27 28 Not yet. 29 30 31 was 32 33 34 35 36 1 2 (face) 3 work like look like 4 take a rest: on cloud nine: 182 maybe: 5 I don t think so. 6 What do you mean? What does that mean? 8 on the house: a big cheese: 9 got bought for nothing: 10 long face 11 What does that mean?: 12 MP3 14 be is it His hobby it Mr. and Mrs. Brown they don t they 15 17 juice was 18 isn t he is he Jack 19 be was wasn t she Betty she 20 can 21 yesterday 22 be are 23~25 26 why 28 yet not 29~30 32~34 Kevin Kevin Lisa 34 Why don t you ~?: 35 lots of expressions many 36 but ugly p.107 1 2 3 4 for nothingfree 5 he is 6 cloud nine 7 am, was 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 heavy light 2 win lose: 3 difficult: hard 4 for nothing: for free 5 Yes No isn t he? Yes, he is. 7 I am I am was 10 a face in the crowd something nothing 11 12 I don t think so. I don t agree with you. It s a lemon, actually.: 13 Break a leg! Good luck. 14 Break a leg! 16 But most Koreans cannot guess those meanings. p.109 1 2 3 (1) much (2) worker (3) brave 4 5 6 7 8 (1) isn t he (2) can they 9 10 11 Why, long 12 13 14 was not home last night 15 16 17 18 19 20 many interesting English expressions 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 for nothing: for free 4 (language) 5 B stand: 183

6 7 8 is going to buy isn t David he can t can 10 was I 3 were you 11 Why the long face? Why do you have such a long face? 15 isn t she 16 22 on cloud nine: on TV: TV p.113 1 expression 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (1) isn t she (2) were, weren t 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 really happy 16 (1) F (2) T 17 18 19 20 21 (1) was nervous (2) on cloud nine 22 23 think so 24 25 1 express expression 2 (crowd) 3 a cold person 4 take a rest: take a taxi: 6 A (Same here.) 8 9 on the house 16 Sally 18 a robot festival There was a big robot festival ~. 19 be were 184 24 I have butterflies in my stomach.: 25 I ll have my fingers crossed. Good luck! p.117 1 (1) not brave (2) cold person (3) doesn t work 2 (1) Jane and Beth were at the library. (2) I wasn t was nottired yesterday. (3) Was she a nurse ten years ago? 3 Alice s new bag is very nice, isn t it? 4 There was a big robot festival in the park. 5 Minsu and Lisa were in a dance contest 6 isn t he 7 What do you mean? / What does that mean? 8 Yes, he was. 9 I don t think so 10 was, was, were 11 (1) is she, she isn t (2) wasn t he, he was 12 13 14 I was at the library. / I was (at) home. / I was at a birthday party. 15-1 (1) is was (2) isn t she wasn t she 15-2 (1) Yes, I am. (2) No, I m not. 15-3 (1) isn t it, it is (2) are they, they aren t (3) wasn t he, he wasn t (4) can she, she can 1 2 be are were be waswerenot wasn t weren t be was were Was Were ~? 4 There isare~. is is was 6 10 11 Ann Tom 12 long face 15-1 yesterday