IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere Version 10 Release 4.1 Installing a development environment
Note Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Notices on page 9. This edition applies to version 10, release 4, modification 1 of IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. Copyright IBM Corporation 2014. US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
Contents Chapter 1. Setting up a build server... 1 Installing the Android development tools..... 1 Installing the ios development tools...... 3 Trademarks.............. 11 Chapter 2. Installing an integrated development environment....... 5 Chapter 3. Deploying apps by using Worklight Studio........... 7 Notices............... 9 Privacy Policy Considerations........ 10 Copyright IBM Corp. 2014 iii
iv Installing a development environment
Chapter 1. Setting up a build server A build server is the computer on which the IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere mobile app build and deployment process is run. If you are not installing an integrated development environment, the build and deployment process is run by using commands. Before you begin On the computer where IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform version 3.4.1 is installed, apply fix pack About this task To build and deploy the apps to ios mobile devices, your build server must be a Mac OS X computer. Restriction: Worklight Server is not supported on Mac OS X systems. Procedure 1. Prepare the build server for building the mobile apps: Android ios Install the Android development tools. Install the ios development tools. 2. Optional: Install an integrated development environment. 3. Install IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere. Option Windows, Linux, or UNIX Mac OS X Description Install IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere. Do not install Worklight Server. The launchpad program is not supported on Mac OS X. Install IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere: 1. From the IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere installation image, open the Install > IM folder and expand the installer.macos compressed file. 2. Ensure that the path to the Userinst executable file does not contain any spaces or parentheses. Double-click the Userinst executable file. 3. Complete the installation wizard. Installing the Android development tools Oracle JDK and Android SDK are required to build Android mobile apps. Procedure 1. Install Oracle JDK version 7.0. a. From the Oracle Java SE downloads page, download the Java SE Development Kit for your operating system. Copyright IBM Corp. 2014 1
b. Run the executable file and proceed through the installation program. c. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable and specify the path to the directory where the JDK was installed: Windows 1. Go to your computer's Advanced System Settings. 2. On the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables. 3. Under System Variables, click New. 4. Specify JAVA_HOME as the variable name and enter the path to the JDK installation directory as the variable value. Environment variable values cannot be separated by a space. If the Java installation directory contains a space in the path name, specify the shortened path name. For example, on Windows operating systems, enter C:\Progra~1\Java\jdk1.7.0_55 5. Close all open windows. 6. Verify that the JAVA_HOME system environment variable is defined by opening a new command prompt and running the following command: SET JAVA_HOME A value is returned such as: JAVA_HOME=C:\Progra~1\Java\jdk1.7.x Linux or UNIX 1. At a command line, run the following command: vi ~/.bash_profile 2. Set the variables by running the following command and replacing the java_path variable with the Java path that you specified: export JAVA_HOME=java_path export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH 3. Save and close the.bash profile, and run the following command to apply the changes: source ~/.bash_profile 4. Verify that the JAVA_HOME system environment variable is defined by opening a new command line and running the following command: echo $JAVA_HOME 2. Install the Android SDK: a. Go to the Android developers' website and click Download for other platforms. 2 Installing a development environment
b. In the SDK Tools Only section, download the SDK for your operating system and extract the compressed file on your computer. c. From the extracted directory, run the SDK Manager.exe file. d. Under Tools, select Android SDK Tools Revision 22 or later and the latest Android SDK build tools. Also select an Android package with an API of 18 or 19 and click Install Packages. 3. Optional: Install an integrated development environment. 4. If you installed Eclipse in step 3, install the Android Development Tools (ADT) plug-in: a. In Eclipse, select Help > Install New Software > Add. b. In the Add Repository window, specify the following URL in the Location field: c. In the Name field, specify Android Development Tools and click OK. d. On the Available Software pane, click Select All > Next > Next > Finish. e. Restart Eclipse and specify a workspace directory. f. Open the Eclipse Preferences window and specify the Android SDK path. Click Apply > OK to apply the changes. g. On the Welcome to Android Development pane, select Use existing SDKs and browse to the SDK directory. Click OK > Next > Finish. Installing the ios development tools For ios app development, you use your Apple ID to enroll in a developer program. About this task You can enroll in the ios Developer Program as an individual or a company where an individual is considered a one-person team. You can also enroll in the ios Developer Enterprise Program as a company, which authorizes you to create proprietary in-house ios apps. The procedure for setting up the ios Developer Enterprise account might include extra steps. For more information, see the installation release notes. The person who creates the team becomes the team agent; the legal contact and administrator of the team who has all privileges and full access to Member Center and itunes Connect. The team agent is required to complete steps 6-8. ios developers might require the assistance of the team agent to complete the procedure. Procedure 1. Create an Apple ID by registering as an Apple developer in the Apple Registration Center. 2. Download and install Xcode IDE, including the ios SDK and Simulator, from the Mac App Store. 3. Add your Apple ID to Xcode. 4. In Xcode, create a Developer Certificate. 5. Download the Developer Certificate and add it to the Keychain application. 6. Register the App IDs. Chapter 1. Setting up a build server 3
You must register the App IDs as wildcards. When you create the App IDs, select Wildcard App ID and enter the bundle ID. The bundle ID for WorkTaskManagement is com.worktaskmanagement*. 7. Register the Device IDs in Member Center. You can locate the unique device identifier (UDID) by connecting your device to the Mac OS X computer while Xcode or itunes are running. 8. Create the provisioning profiles for each app using Member Center. The provisioning profiles for the apps must contain the IDs of the devices on which the app is installed. You can register more ios devices and add them to the provisioning profiles. You must download the provisioning profile to the build server every time the profile is updated. 9. As the developer, generate the provisioning profiles and then download the profiles to your Mac OS X computer. Open each provisioning profile in XCode. The provisioning profiles are added to the system library at the following location: ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles". When you run the app build and deployment process, the provisioning profiles are collected and stored in the ios application archive file (IPA). 4 Installing a development environment
Chapter 2. Installing an integrated development environment To create a development environment, install a set of development tools on the build server. You can use an integrated development environment to test and configure mobile apps before you deploy them to mobile devices. Before you begin v Set up a build server for your build environment. v Install the development tools for the Android or ios mobile platform. A provisioning profile is required to install IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere on Mac OS X computers. v To preview the apps in the Worklight Studio mobile browser simulator, install Google Chrome. About this task Worklight Studio is an Eclipse-based development environment that can be used to configure the IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere apps. You install Worklight Studio from the Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE) workbench. A set of platform development tools are also required to build and deploy the mobile apps. You can use the mobile browser simulator, the Android Emulator, or the ios Simulator to view and test the mobile apps. You can customize the mobile apps when they are deployed. For more information, see Configuring IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere mobile apps. Procedure 1. Install Eclipse IDE: a. Go to and download Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers version 4.3.2 (Kepler) for your operating system. b. Extract the compressed folder and run the Eclipse application to install the software. 2. Set up your Eclipse development environment: a. Check whether the Eclipse JSDT plug-in is installed. The JavaScript Development Tool (JSDT) plug-in helps you navigate through the Java Script code in Eclipse. 1) Select Help > About Eclipse and click Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) 2) Browse for Eclipse JavaScript Development Tools in the About Eclipse Features window. b. If the JavaScript Development Tools plug-in is not already installed, complete the following steps: 1) Select Help > Install New Software > Add. 2) In the Add Repository window, specify the following URL in the Location field: kepler. 3) In the Name field, specify Eclipse WTP. Copyright IBM Corp. 2014 5
4) Select Web Tools Platform (WTP) 3.5.1 (or later) > JavaScript Development Tools and install the plug-in. c. Set Google Chrome as the default web browser by selecting Window > Preferences > General > Web Browser > Use external web browser. Select the Chrome check box and click OK to apply your changes. 3. Install Worklight Studio Consumer Edition: a. In Eclipse, select Help > Install New Software > Add. b. In the Add Repository window, click Archive. c. Browse to the location of the file in the IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere installation image and click Open > OK. d. On the Available Software pane, select IBM Worklight Studio Development Tools and click Next > Next > Finish. e. Restart Eclipse to apply the changes. 4. Import the TRIRIGAAnywhere project into Worklight Studio. a. In Eclipse, click File > Import > General, select Existing Projects into Workspace and click Next. b. Click Select root directory and specify the path to \ibm\tririgaanywhere. c. Select the TRIRIGAAnywhere project and click Copy projects into workspace. Click Finish. d. In the Project Explorer pane, expand all nodes. Right-click the OSLCGenericAdapter folder and select Run As > Deploy Worklight Adapter. e. Right-click the application folder and click Run As > Run on Worklight Development Server. f. To preview the app, right-click the application folder and click Run As > Preview. What to do next Deploy a mobile app from the development environment to a test or production environment. Related information: Installing the Android ADT plugin 6 Installing a development environment
Chapter 3. Deploying apps by using Worklight Studio Worklight Studio includes an embedded instance of Worklight Server, which means that you do not need to deploy the WAR file. Worklight Studio also includes the Mobile Browser Simulator for testing your apps. Before you begin v If you plan to preview the deployed apps in the Mobile Browser Simulator, Google Chrome must be installed in the development environment. The preview function for deployed apps does not support other web browsers. Procedure 1. In Worklight Studio, import the IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere project. a. Right-click inside the Project Explorer, and select Import. From the Import window, select Existing Projects into Workspace and click Next. b. Browse to the tririgaanywhere_home folder, select the TRIRIGAAnywhere folder, select Copy projects into workspace, and click Finish. 2. Set the Ant file path. a. From the Window menu, select Preferences. Expand Ant and then select Runtime. b. Select Ant Home Entry and click Ant Home. c. In the Browse for Folder window, expand tririgaanywhere_home > AnywhereWorkTaskManagement > build > tools > ant and click OK. 3. Add the build.xml file to the Ant view. Select the build.xml file from AnywhereWorkTaskManagement and drag the build.xml file to the Ant view. 4. From the Project Explorer, deploy the adapter. a. Select AnywhereWorkTaskManagement > Adapters and right-click OSLCGenericAdapter. b. Select Run As > Deploy Worklight Adapter. 5. Build and deploy the IBM TRIRIGA Anywhere Work Task Management app. a. Under AnywhereWorkTaskManagement > apps, right-click WorkTaskManagement. b. Select Run As > Run on Worklight Development Server. 6. Verify the application deployment in Worklight Console by right-clicking the app and selecting Run As > Preview. 7. Test your app on your mobile device, Android emulator, or ios Simulator. To test the app on the Android emulator, you must first set up the emulator. To test the app on a mobile device, connect that device to your computer. Device type Android Steps 1. In the Project Explorer, select the Android project that is under the app that you are testing and select Run as > Android Application. 2. Select Launch a new Android Virtual Device for the Android emulator or Launch a new Android Device for an Android mobile device. The.apk artifact file is generated in the bin folder. Copyright IBM Corp. 2014 7
Device type ios Steps 1. Under AnywhereWorkTaskManagement > apps > app_name > iphone, select Run as > Xcode project. 2. From the Xcode window, choose the simulated device or mobile device on which you want to test the app, and click the Play icon. The.ipa artifact file is generated in the bin folder. 8 Installing a development environment
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12 Installing a development environment
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