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The histologic study of the effect of enamel matrix protein and -tricalcium phosphate in gap defect model in dogs : pilot study Lim Hyun-Chang 1, Yang Jin-Hyuk 1, Chae Gyoung-Joon 1, Kim Sung-Tae 1, Jung Ui-Won 1, Kim Chang-Sung 1, Lee Yong-Keun 2, Choi Seong-Ho 1 1 Department of Periodontology, Oral Science Research Center, College of Dentistry, Yonsei University 2 Department and Research Institute of Dental Biomaterials and Bioengineering, College of Dentistry, Yonsei University Abstract The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of enamel matrix protein and -tricalcium phosphate(-tcp) which was applied into the surgically created gap defect around implants in mongrel dogs. Method and material: Two mongrel dogs were used. All mandibular premolars and first mandibular molar were extracted. After 8weeks, 3 implant osteotomies were prepared in each side of the mandible, gap defects were prepared by 4.8/6.5 profile drill. Standard plus implants(rt. side) and TE implants(lt. side) of SLA surface were installed. The width of gap defect was 1.25mm in Standard plus group and 0.5mm in TE group. Both groups were divided into three subgroups according to graft materials ; 1. No materials(control), 2. enamel matrix protein, 3. enamel matrix protein +-TCP. The dogs were sacrificed following an 8-week healing period. Specimens were analyzed histologically. Result: The primary stability of implants was mostly insufficient, due to removal of most of crestal cortical bone and implant design without self-cutting edge. Histologically, in subgroup 1 with no graft procedure, the gap defect was barely filled with new bone and remained as a wedge shaped defect. In subgroup 2 with enamel matrix protein graft, healing in the gap defect occurred up to the upper portion of rough surface. The healing of subgroup 3 with enamel matrix protein and - TCP graft, was relatively inferior to subgroup 2. Conclusion: In spite of limits of this study, it is suggested that the application of enamel matrix protein has favorable effects on the healing of peri-implant gap defect in dog. Further studies would be needed. Keyword : gap defect, enamel matrix protein, -tricalcium phosphate, primary stabilty 36 Implantology Vol. 12, No. 3 2008


original article Lim Hyun-Chang et al; The histologic study of the effect of enamel matrix protein and -tricalcium phosphate in gap defect model in dogs : pilot study. Implantology 2008 Lim Hyun-Chang et al; The histologic study of the effect of enamel matrix protein and -tricalcium phosphate in gap defect model in dogs : pilot study. Implantology 2008 38 Implantology Vol. 12, No. 3 2008

Lim Hyun-Chang et al; The histologic study of the effect of enamel matrix protein and -tricalcium phosphate in gap defect model in dogs : pilot study. Implantology 2008 39

original article Lim Hyun-Chang et al; The histologic study of the effect of enamel matrix protein and -tricalcium phosphate in gap defect model in dogs : pilot study. Implantology 2008 40 Implantology Vol. 12, No. 3 2008

Lim Hyun-Chang et al; The histologic study of the effect of enamel matrix protein and -tricalcium phosphate in gap defect model in dogs : pilot study. Implantology 2008 Lim Hyun-Chang et al; The histologic study of the effect of enamel matrix protein and -tricalcium phosphate in gap defect model in dogs : pilot study. Implantology 2008 41

original article Lim Hyun-Chang et al; The histologic study of the effect of enamel matrix protein and -tricalcium phosphate in gap defect model in dogs : pilot study. Implantology 2008 Lim Hyun-Chang et al; The histologic study of the effect of enamel matrix protein and -tricalcium phosphate in gap defect model in dogs : pilot study. Implantology 2008 Lim Hyun-Chang et al; The histologic study of the effect of enamel matrix protein and -tricalcium phosphate in gap defect model in dogs : pilot study. Implantology 2008 42 Implantology Vol. 12, No. 3 2008


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