ICEPIPE Street light LED BULB 세계최초 100W 급가로등용초경량고출력벌브! 가로등전통조명, 아이스파이프 OB230 으로완벽대체가능 CONTENTS P. 04-09 아이스파이프소개 04 05 연혁 06 07 공인인증현황 08 09 특징 P. 10-11 전제품소개 P. 12-27 고천장등 HIGH BAY HB2000 실내용 HB2200 실내용 UR2050 CR2000 P. 28-55 투광등 FLOOD LIGHT HB2000 실외용 HB2200 실외용 CD4000 CD3000 CD1500 CT8000 CT8010 CTC8010 P. 56 P. 58-71 벌브 BULB OBA2 OBB OB150 OB230 POP117 POP200 P. 72-75 평판등 FLAT PANEL LIGHT PGM100 PJM100 PGT100 PJT100 OB230-100W 2 3
아이스파이프소개 연혁 History 아이스파이프 ( 주 ) 는 ICEPIPE 히트싱크를이용하여고효율 고출력 초경량의 LED Lamp 개발및미래환경의차세대제품에대한연구개발에매진하고있습니다. 2019 2018 2017 2016 01월스마트조명 HB2000 (80W, 100W) 출시 04월스마트조명 HB2200 (130W, 150W) 출시 06월고출력투광등 CTC8010 (800W) 출시 01 월고효율, 고출력 LED 벌브 OB150 / OB230 시리즈출시 04 월초고출력외장형 LED 투광등 CD4010 (400W) 출시 06월산업통상자원부장관상수상 Minister's award from South Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy(MOTIE) 고출력 LED 벌브 High Output LED bulb OB230c 07 월 e-biz 시스템런칭 02 월유럽연락사무소개소 ( 독일 ) 2016 년 12 월개소준비 2017 년 02 월개소 05 월고출력 LED 벌브각형 OBB 60W L+, 80W L+ 출시 08 월초고출력외장형 LED 투광등 CT8010 (600W, 700W) 출시 11 월모듈형 LED 가로등 DR2000, 터널등 DT2000 출시 03 월조달청 G-PASS 기업으로선정 06월대한무역투자진흥공사 (KOTRA) 사장상수상 Kotra Award by Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency(KOTRA) 고출력 LED 벌브 High Output LED bulb OBB 80W L+ 06 월한국산업단지공단 (KIKOX) 글로벌선도기업으로선정 Selected as the Global Leading Company by Korea Industrial Complex Corporation (KIKOX) 08 월초고출력 LED 투광등 CT8000 (700W) 출시 2012 2013 2014 2015 02 월 NEP 신제품인증 ( 지식경제부주관 ) New Excellent Product Certificate *LED 램프용히트파이프형방열장치 - 세계최초로 FDP(Fluid Dynamic Pressures) 기술을적용한히트싱크 - 열전달속도가알루미늄보다 200 배빠르고, 무게도기존히트싱크의 25% 밖에안되지만방열효과는 120% 이상우수함 - 가격은기존알루미늄방열제의 20 ~ 30% 수준에불과할정도로저렴함 04 월조달청우수제품지정 *LED 투광등 100W, 150W, 200W 06 월 KS 인증취득 *LED 터널등, LED 가로등 09 월조달청의무구매대상품목지정 (5 종 ) *LED 투광등 100W, 150W LED 가로등 150W, 200W LED 터널등 80W 03 월조달청우수제품지정 *LED 투광등 400W, 700W 04 월고효율에너지기자재인증 *LED 가로등 120W LED 보안등 60W 05 월 Omni LED 벌브출시 07 월 CR2000 150W LED 조명출시 08 월대구 ( 한국 ) 지사 10 월한국전자전최우수신제품상 ( 大賞 ) 수상 Won 2013 KES Award for the Best New Product 11 월천안 ( 한국 ) 공장설립 02 월매입형 LED 전구 POP LED 출시 03 월 Omni LED Reddot Design Award 2014 Winner 수상 (3 대디자인어워드 Reddot, if, IDEA) Omni LED 벌브 OBA2 7W/9W 06 월 CH2000, CT2000, CT2500 LED 조명출시 11 월 LED 벌브 OBA2 / 고출력 LED CD800, CD1500 출시 12월 2014 세계일류상품선정 ( 지식경제부주관 ) Products consecutively selected as World-class Products 고출력 Omni LED 벌브 High Output LED bulb OBB 초경량고출력 LED 투광등 CT2050 CT2550 CT5000 CT8000 Ultralight High Output LED Flood light 03 월 LED 벌브 OBB (18W, 25W) 출시 05 월 UR2000, CD4000 LED 조명출시 07 월고출력 LED 벌브 OBB (60W, 80W), OBM 출시 09 월 KS 인증취득 *LED 투광등 CT3000, CH2500 LED 조명 / 매입형 LED 전구 POP200 출시 12 월미주법인설립 / ICEPIPE Corp.USA 2011 2010 2009 2008 10 월 LED 조명장치특허등록 12월세계일류상품선정 ( 지식경제부주관 ) Products consecutively Selected as World-class Products LED 고천장등 CR2000 CH2000 CD4000 - 유체동압히트싱크적용하여방열성능및열전도가탁월 - 제품의무게및부피가기존제품에비해 1/4 줄어듬 - 무게가기존제품보다가벼워서제품의안전성이높음 12 월고효율에너지기자재인증취득 * 매입형및고정형 LED 등기구 100W, 150W, 200W 08 월아이스파이프 ( 주 ) 설립 ICEPIPE Corporation founded 09 월 NET 신기술인증획득 ( 지식경제부주관 ) Acquired NET(New Excellent Technology Certification Administered by Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy, Republic of Korea(MKE)) 11 월기업부설연구소설립품질경영시스템 (ISO 9001:2008) 취득 04 월히트파이프형방열장치특허출원 08 월아이스파이프를이용한조명장치특허등록 08 월아이스파이프방열기디자인특허등록 2007 01 월아이스파이프 히트싱크연구개발시작 4 5
PSE Circle Declaration of Conformity According to PSE Safety and EMC STANDARDS Applicant's Name: ICEPIPE Corporation Applicant's Address: #1312 Byucksan 6-cha, Gasan-dong, 481-4,Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, 153-767, Korea Manufacturer Name: Same as applicant Manufacturer Address: Same as applicant Declares that the product: Product Name: LED Lamp Base Model: CR2000-HP1-150LEA Variant Model: CR2000-HP1-abcd a=70, 80, 100, 120, 130 or 150; stands for rated wattage b=l, C or P; stands for LED manufacture c=a, B, C, D, E, F or G; stands for color temperature d=a, B, C or D; stands for LED pakage To which this declaration relates is in conformity with the following standard(s) or other normative document(s); Applicable Regulation: 電気用品の技術上の基準を定める省令 (Japan's technical standards prescribed electrical appliances ordinance.) 昭和 37 年経済産業省令第 85 号平成 24 年経済産業省令第 5 号 ( 最終改正 ) 第 1 節別表第入 1 級の2(86の7の2) Also, the following device were connected for operating. Applied Certificate Type Model Standards Holder CISPR 15:2005+A1+A2:2008 ICEPIPE LEA IEC 60968:88 (1st Edition) + A1:91 + A2:99 Corporation I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the equipment specified above conforms to the above Standard(s) as described in the attached test report. Point of contact Eric, Song Tel: 82-2-3667-3986 FAX: 82-2-3667-3987 (Name, telephone and E-mail) Republic of KOREA, G. Manager, 10 October, 2013 (Place, date of issue) (Title and signature) Registration Number: 201612532 The Registrar of Designs has registered the design, the representation(s) attached, and certifies that the following particulars have been entered in the Register of Designs Name and Address of Owner(s): ICEPIPE Corporation Rm. 1309, 219 Gasan digital 1-ro Geumcheon-gu Seoul 08501 Korea (the Republic of) Name of Designer(s): Sang Cheol LEE Product in respect of which the design is registered: Lamp Date on which Application for Registration of the Design was filed: 11 May 2016 Date of Registration: 3 June 2016 Term of Initial Registration: Five years commencing on 11 May 2016 Statement of Newness and Distinctiveness: Newness and distinctiveness reside in the features of shape and configuration of the design as shown in the representations. Convention Details: Number Date Country 30-2015-0063967 15 December 2015 KR According to FCC Part 15 Applicant Name : ICEPIPE Corporation Address : #1309 Byucksan 6-cha, Gasan Digital 1-ro 219, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Korea, 153-704 Telephone : +82-2-2084-0944 Declares that Product : Self Ballasted Lamp Model Name : CR2000-P130W L+-HPE-5700K Multiple Model : CR2000-P130W L+-HPE-3000K Report Number Applied standard CR2000-P100W-HPE-5700K CR2000-P100W-HPE-3000K CR2000-P80W-HPE-5700K CR2000-P80W-HPE-3000K : CTK-2014-00890 : FCC Part 15 Subpart B This device complies with Part 15 of FCC rules. Operations is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation Test Laboratory: Responsible Party: CTK Co., Ltd. Company Name : (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea Designation Number : 805871 Tel : +82-31-339-9927 Fax : +82-31-624-9501 ICEPIPE Corporation Company Address : #1309 Byucksan 6-cha, Gasan Digital 1-ro, 219, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Korea, 153-704 Phone : +82-2-2084-0944 Fax : +82-2-2084-0999 Name : Signature : Lee, Suk Ho 아이스파이프소개 특허권 Patent 한국 인도네시아 미국 뉴질랜드 중국 태국 일본 Korea Indonesia USA New Zealand China Thailand Japan 필리핀 유럽 베트남 캐나다 멕시코 대만 유라시아 호주 러시아 브라질 인도 The Philippines Europe Vietnam Canada Mexico Taiwan Eurasia Australia Russia Brazil India ICEPIPE 공인인증현황 Patent&Certification 디자인권 Design Right 세계 1 등기술로만든제품입니다 Designed by world s best technology 한국 인도 미국 인도네시아 중국 태국 일본 Korea India USA Indonesia China Thailand Japan 필리핀 유럽 베트남 캐나다 멕시코 호주 러시아 브라질 The Philippines Europe Vietnam Canada Mexico Australia Russia Brazil 모든제품국내생산 All products are manufactured in Seoul 아이스파이프히트싱크기술적용 With ICEPIPE technology 국제표준규격적합 Based on Global standard 인증서 Certificates & Documents 기업부설연구소인정서 벤처기업확인서 Enterprise Institute Certificate Venture Business Confirmation 전자파적합등록필증 KC인증서 고효율기자재인증서 EMC Certificate KC Electrical Appliances Safety Certificate High Efficiency Energy Certificate 품질경영시스템인증서 환경경영시스템인증서 우수제품지정증 KS제품인증서 ISO 9001 Certificate ISO 14001 Certificate Excellent Product Cetificate KS Certificate FCC 인증서 UL 인증서 ELT 인증서 DLC 인증서 PSE 인증서 CE 인증서 CB 인증서 방수등급 (IP67) FCC Certificate UL Certificate ETL Certificate DLC Certificate PSE Certificate CE Certificate CB Certificate Water dust proof test(ip67) FCC Verification LED Lamp CR2000-HP1-150 6 7
아이스파이프소개 특징 Features 02 눈부심방지 Glare Prevention 01 아이스파이프히트싱크 ICEPIPE Heat Sink FDP 기술 Fluid Dynamic Technology 커버옵션과액세서리로눈부심방지효과및다양한광각구현가능 Glare prevention and various beam angle by cover options and accessories 클리어 (90 ), 확산판 (97 ), 돔디퓨저 (130 ), 리플렉터 (65 ) Clear(90 ), Diffuser(97 ), Dome Diffuser(130 ), Reflector(65 ) 별도렌즈옵션선택가능 (15, 20, 30, 45, 60 ) Optional lens available(15, 20, 30, 45, 60 ) 돔디퓨저 리플렉터 확산판 Dome Diffuser Reflector Diffuser Plate LED 열전달속도비교 Heat Transfer Rate Comparison PCB Working Fluid 알루미늄에비해아이스파이프히트싱크의열전달속도가약 200 배빠릅니다. Heat transfer rate of ICEPIPE heat sink is 200 times higher than the one of aluminum. 아이스파이프 ICEPIPE 38,600 뛰어난공기흐름으로인한우수한열전달률 The fastest heat transfer rate by excellent air flow 방열면적극대화 Sufficient heat dissipation area 아이스파이프열전도율 = 40,000 W/m K ICEPIPE s thermal conductivity = 40,000 W/m K 원자재절감으로무게및가격감소 Less raw materials used reducing the weight and production cost 온도비교 Temperature Comparison 세계최초의방열기술로 LED 온도를대폭낮추었습니다. ICEPIPE s world-class technology dramatically reduces LED temperature. 03 초경량 & 초소형 Light & Compact 04 타사대비 1/5 수준의가벼운무게와컴팩트한사이즈 Compact size with 1/5 weight of conventional LED lamp 초소형 초경량램프로쉽고편리한설치가능 Ultralight and compact lamp which enables easy and convenient installation 유지보수시간및비용절감가능 Maintenance time and cost saving 고효율 High Efficiency 최대 160 lm/w 까지구현하는고효율 LED 제품 High Efficiency LED lamp with ultra-high luminous efficacy up to 160 lm/w 최대 75% 전기료절감가능 Electricity cost saving up to maximum 75% 최소한의조명으로더욱밝은최적의환경제공 Provides optimal lighting conditions with minimum illumination 구리 Copper 386 알루미늄 Aluminum 204-2,500 5,000 7,500 35,000 37,500 40,000 열전도율 [W/(m k)] Thermal conductivity [W/(m k)] 수렴온도 Temperature 70 60 50 일반히트싱크 Regular Heatsink 아이스파이프히트싱크 ICEPIPE Heatsink 70 53 05 친환경 Eco-Friendly 06 고품질 High Quality 40 히트싱크의열저항중량승수값 VTWM(Value of Thermal resistance Weight Multiplier) 같은용량의 LED 등에서열저항중량승수값 1 미만이면고효율히트싱크라고할수있으며, 중량을최소화하고온도를크게낮추었다는뜻입니다. LED lighting with VTWM below 1 signifies minimization of weight and temperature. 30 20 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 시간 (Min.) Time(Min.) Tm ( ) x Hw (kgf) VTWM = < 1 P (W) Tm( ) : LED PCB 온도 LED PCE Temp Hw(kgf) : 히트싱크의중량 Weight of Heat Sink P(W) : LED 등기구에인가되는총소비전략 LED luminaire s total power consumption 주변온도 : 24 Ambient Temperature : 24 테스트시료 : ICEPIPE 히트싱크와동일부피의일반히트싱크 Test Samples : Same volume heat sinks of ICEPIPE and its competitors RoHS 규격을준수한친환경조명 Eco-friendly lamp based on RoHS standard 자외선, 수은및납성분이없어인체무해 Harmless-Mercury, lead, and UV free 국제기준준수 (KC, KS, 고효율, 환경표지, UL, DLC, ETL, CE, CB, PSE 등다수인증보유 ) Based on Global Standard. Various certifications acquired such as KC, KS, High-efficiency Appliance certification, eco-label, UL, DLC, ETL, CE, CB, PSE 50 여가지의자체품질검사시스템보유 More than 50 quality inspection systems 8 9
LED HIGH BAY LED FLOOD LIGHT LED BULB FLAT PANEL LIGHT NEW NEW HB2000 P. 12 80W 100W UR2050 P. 20 60W 100W 110W HB2000 P. 28 80W 100W CD4000 P. 36 300W 400W CT8000 P. 48 600W 700W OBA2 P. 58 3W 5W OB150S 35W P. 64 OB230 100W P. 66 PGM100 P. 72 PGT100 P. 74 40W 40W HB2200 P. 16 130W 150W CR2000 P. 24 80W 100W 130W HB2200 P. 32 130W 150W CD3000 P. 40 150W 200W CT8010 P. 50 700W OBA2 P. 60 7W 9W OB150Sc 35W P. 64 OB230c 100W P. 66 NEW NEW NEW PJM100 40W P. 72 PJT100 40W P. 74 CD1500 P. 44 80W 100W CTC8010 P. 52 800W OBB P. 62 36W 40W 60W 80W OB150L P. 64 35W POP117 P. 68 13W 16W 20W OBBc P. 62 40W 80W OB150Lc P. 64 35W POP200 P. 70 18W 25W 10 11
조사각도 BEAM ANGLE LED HIGH BAY HB2000 기본클리어 Standard Clear 90 옵션커버렌즈 Option Cover lens 45 60 110 설치사례 APPLICATION LED HIGH BAY 특장점 HIGH PERFORMANCE 150 lm/w 의초고효율 Super-high luminous efficacy (150 lm/w) MH 250~400W 대체로 68~75% 전기료절감가능 MH 250~400W replaceable. Energy cost saving up to 68~75% 분리형외장파워로설치및유지보수의편의성증대 Convenient maintenance with external driver 옵션돔디퓨저 Option Dome Diffuser 130 옵션리플렉터 Option Reflector 65 체육관 Gymnasium 공장 Factory 다양한커버렌즈와설치옵션 Various cover lens and mounting options 3 in 1 디밍제어 (0/1-10V PWM Resistance) 3-in-1 Dimming 80W 100W 규격 DIMENSIONS 옵션브라켓 Option 기본 Standard 150 101 146 Φ 276 Φ 276 옵션돔디퓨저 옵션리플렉터 Option Dome diffuser Option Reflector 152 277 80 W 100 W 250 W 350 W 2.1 kg 4.6 lbs 파워포함 Incl.Driver 창고 Warehouse 물류센터 Logistics 146 97 243 Φ 261 101 146 114 Product Wattage Total Lumen Efficacy CCT CRI Voltage Frequency Type Installation HB2000-80G 80 W 12,000 lm HB2000-100G 100 W 15,000 lm 150 lm/w 5700 K 80 Ra AC 120-277 V 50 / 60 Hz Hook 360 사양 SPECIFICATION 고조파함유율 (THD) : < 15% 서지보호 Surge Protection : 4kV 하우징소재 Housing : 폴리카보네이트 PC 작동온도 Operating Temp. : -30 ~50 (-22 ~122 ) 히트싱크 Heatsink : 구리, 아이스파이프히트싱크 Copper, ICEPIPE Heatsink 색온도 (CCT) : 기본 std. - 3000K/5700K, 옵션 opt. - 2700K/4000K/5000K 옵션디밍 Option Dimming : 0/1-10V PWM Resistance Dimming - 동작 / 조도센서 Motion / Daylight sensor - 무선 / 유선제어 Wireless / Wired control ** 제어방식이 3-in-1 (0/1~10V, PWM, Resistance) 가아닌경우, 인터페이스컨트롤러추가필요예 ) DALI/DMX 연결시 3-in-1 변환모듈 (DALI-PWM 변환기 ) 필요 ** If it's not 3-in-1 dimming (0/1~10V, PWM, Resistance), interface controller is required. e.g.) If it's connected with DALI/DMX, 3-in-1 switching module(dali-pwm converter) is needed. 12 13
설치옵션 HB2000 Installation Type HB2000 고천장등 High Bay 캐노피 Canopy 벽부등 Wall Light 01 고천장등 High Bay 06 체인 Chain 캐노피 Canopy 벽부등 Wall Light 힌지 90도 브라켓 90D Hinge A.25 A.16 Screw TH (M4 x 10) Bolt (M8 x 16) 02 FMB 파이프 브라켓 FMB 03 07 GS브라켓 GS Nut Washer (M8) 회전 브라켓 Rotationl (M14 X 45) Screw TH A.12 (Tap 4 X 10) Screw TH A.19 Hex Wrench Bolt A.14 Hex Nut (M14 X 45) (Tap 4 X 10) A.5 Nut (M8) Screw TH (M4 x 10) Bolt Washer (M8) (M8 x 16) 5 Hinge 14 11 Flange Mount 12 A.13 05 힌지 브라켓 Hinge A.31 힌지 60도 브라켓 60D Hinge Nut Screw TH GS 60D 25 Chain 리플렉터 Reflector (M4 x 10) A.6 Dome Diffuser Holder Screw PH (Tap 3 X 8) (M8) Screw PH (Tap 3 X 16) Washer (M8 x 16) (M8) 15 A.6 돔디퓨저 1 Dome Diffuser 1 A.31 A.15 Bolt 14 (M8) AC Cable 04 LED HIGH BAY HB2000 설치옵션 HB2000 Installation Type HB2000 6 Reflector 13 FMB Plate 16 90D 19 Rotational 31 Dome Diffuser 1 15
조사각도 BEAM ANGLE LED HIGH BAY HB2200 기본클리어 Standard Clear 90 옵션커버렌즈 Option Cover lens 45 60 110 설치사례 APPLICATION LED HIGH BAY 특장점 HIGH PERFORMANCE 고효율제품으로동일출력대비더욱밝은빛구현가능 High efficiency gives more brightness compared to other products in same wattage 전기료절감과빠른투자비용회수가능 Electricity cost saving and quick return on investment 분리형외장파워로설치및유지보수의편의성증대 Convenient maintanance with external driver 옵션돔디퓨저 Option Dome Diffuser 130 옵션리플렉터 Option Reflector 65 체육관 Gymnasium 창고 Warehouse 다양한커버렌즈와설치옵션 Various cover lens and mounting options 3 in 1 디밍제어 (0/1-10V PWM Resistance) 3-in-1 Dimming 130W 150W 규격 DIMENSION 옵션브라켓 Option 기본 Standard 150 136 199 Φ 276 Φ 276 옵션돔디퓨저 Option Dome diffuser 옵션리플렉터 Option Reflector 152 277 199 130 W 150 W 400 W 500 W 2.6 kg 5.7 lbs 파워포함 Incl.Driver 매장 Store 물류센터 Logistics 199 293 104 Φ 261 136 199 114 Product Wattage Total Lumen Efficacy CCT CRI Voltage Frequency Type HB2200-130G 130 W 19,500 lm HB2200-150G 150 W 22,500 lm Installation 150 lm/w 5700 K 80 Ra AC 120-277 V 50 / 60 Hz Hook 360 사양 SPECIFICATION 고조파함유율 (THD) : < 15% 서지보호 Surge Protection : 4kV 하우징소재 Housing : 폴리카보네이트 PC 작동온도 Operating Temp. : -30 ~50 (-22 ~122 ) 히트싱크 Heatsink : 구리, 아이스파이프히트싱크 Copper, ICEPIPE Heatsink 색온도 (CCT) : 기본 std. - 3000K/5700K, 옵션 opt. - 2700K/4000K/5000K 옵션디밍 Option Dimming : 0/1-10V PWM Resistance Dimming - 동작 / 조도센서 Motion / Daylight sensor - 무선 / 유선제어 Wireless / Wired control ** 제어방식이 3-in-1 (0/1~10V, PWM, Resistance) 가아닌경우, 인터페이스컨트롤러추가필요예 ) DALI/DMX 연결시 3-in-1 변환모듈 (DALI-PWM 변환기 ) 필요 ** If it's not 3-in-1 dimming (0/1~10V, PWM, Resistance), interface controller is required. e.g.) If it's connected with DALI/DMX, 3-in-1 switching module(dali-pwm converter) is needed. 16 17
설치옵션 HB2200 Installation Type HB2200 고천장등 High Bay 캐노피 Canopy 벽부등 Wall Light 01 HB2200 설치옵션 HB2200 Installation Type HB2200 고천장등 High Bay 06 체인 Chain 캐노피 Canopy 벽부등 Wall Light 힌지 90도 브라켓 90D Hinge LED HIGH BAY A.25 A.16 Screw TH (M4 x 10) Bolt (M8 x 16) 02 FMB 파이프 브라켓 FMB 03 07 GS브라켓 GS 05 (M8) (M4 x 10) Bolt Washer (M8) (M8 x 16) 5 Hinge 18 11 Flange Mount 12 GS 60D 25 Chain A.13 A.6 돔디퓨저 1 Dome Diffuser 1 리플렉터 Reflector A.31 A.15 Nut Screw TH (M4 x 10) Washer A.6 Dome Diffuser Holder Screw PH (Tap 3 X 8) (M8) (M8 x 16) (M8) 15 (M14 X 45) A.31 힌지 60도 브라켓 60D Hinge Bolt 14 Hex Nut (Tap 4 X 10) (Tap 4 X 10) Screw TH A.19 (M14 X 45) Screw TH Screw TH Nut (M8) Hex Wrench Bolt A.14 A.12 A.5 Washer (M8) AC Cable 힌지 브라켓 Hinge Nut 회전 브라켓 Rotationl 04 Screw PH (Tap 3 X 16) 6 Reflector 13 FMB Plate 16 90D 19 Rotational 31 Dome Diffuser 1 19
조사각도 BEAM ANGLE LED HIGH BAY UR2050 기본클리어 옵션확산판 1 Standard Clear Option Diffuser Plate 1 106 97 설치사례 APPLICATION LED HIGH BAY 특장점 HIGH PERFORMANCE MH 200 ~ 400 W 대체로최대 73 % 전기료절감가능 MH 250~400W replaceable. Energy cost saving up to 73% 옵션돔디퓨저 Option Dome Diffuser 134 옵션리플렉터 Option Reflector 65 창고 Warehouse 공장 Factory E39/40 소켓적용으로간편하게설치가능 Easy and convenient to install with E39/E40 socket base 플리커프리및우수한균제도 Flicker-free with high uniformity illuminance 서지보호기내장으로전기적안정성우수 Ensured safety with a durable surge protector RoHS 규격을준수한자외선, 수은및납성분이없는친환경조명 Ultraviolet free, no mercury and lead-free RoHS compliance 60W 100W 110W 옵션렌즈 옵션렌즈 Option Lens Option Lens 30, 45, 60 30, 45, 60 규격 DIMENSION Φ 196 Φ 276 169 276 강당 Auditorium 매장 Store Φ 196 Φ 276 149 276 276 149 옵션연장소켓 Option Extension Socket L2+ 60 W 100 W L2+ 110 W 200 W 250 W 400 W 1.3 kg 2.9 lbs Product Wattage Efficacy Total Lumen CCT CRI Voltage Frequency Base UR2050 60W L2+ 134 lm/w 8,040 lm 100 W 120 lm/w 12,000 lm 110W L2+ 136 lm/w 14,960 lm Installation 5700 K 82 Ra AC 100-277 V 50 / 60 Hz E39/40 0 사양 SPECIFICATION 고조파함유율 (THD) : < 15% 히트싱크 Heatsink : 구리, 아이스파이프히트싱크 Copper, ICEPIPE Heatsink 색온도 (CCT) : 기본 std. - 3000K/5700K, 옵션 opt. - 2700K/4000K/5000K 작동온도 Operating Temp. : -30 ~50 (-22 ~122 ) 하우징소재 Housing : ABS 20 21
설치옵션 UR2050 Installation Type UR2050 고천장등 High Bay 캐노피 Canopy 레이스웨이 고천장등 High Bay 01 체인 Chain A.24 05 캐노피 Canopy 레이스웨이 레이스웨이 A.25 파이프 03 투명갓 Clear Shade A.24 A.25 A.24 07 A.1 (A.2 / A.3 ) Taping A.1 (A.2 / A.3 ) A.6 리플렉터 Reflector A.4 A.34 A.35 A.35 레이스웨이 A.34 A.1 (A.2 / A.3 ) A.38 Taping A.25 06 레이스웨이 A.1 (A.2 / A.3 ) 02 LED HIGH BAY UR2050 설치옵션 UR2050 Installation Type UR2050 A.35 Taping A.1 (A.2 / A.3 ) A.2 (A.3) A.6 A6.Screw (3 20) 04 투명갓 Clear Shade A.39 A.17 전기배선함 Junction Box A.3 소켓홀더 3 Socket Holder 3 A.38 A.4 A.3 IP66 Taping Housing (M4 12) Waterproof seal A.2 (A.3) A.17 A.17 Bolt A.17 Screw (4.2 25) A.17 Cover 1 Socket Holder 1 22 2 Socket Holder 2 3 Socket Holder 3 4 Clear Shade 11 Flange Mount 24 Multi Hanger 25 Chain 28 Waterproof Connector 29 Diffuser Plate 1 31 36 Self-drilling Dome Screw Diffuser 1 (4.2 x 25) 38 Tapping Screw (4 x 12) 39 Tapping Screw (5 x 16) 1 Socket Holder 1 2 Socket Holder 2 3 Socket Holder 3 6 Reflector 17 Junction Box 24 Multi Hanger Chain 25 Chain 28 Waterproof Connector 29 Diffuser Plate 1 31 Dome Diffuser 1 34 Union Coupling 35 Nut Union Coupling 23
조사각도 BEAM ANGLE LED HIGH BAY CR2000 기본클리어 옵션확산판 1 Standard Clear Option Diffuser Plate 1 106 97 설치사례 APPLICATION LED HIGH BAY 옵션돔디퓨저 Option Dome Diffuser 134 옵션리플렉터 Option Reflector 65 특장점 HIGH PERFORMANCE MH 250 ~ 400 W 대체로최대 68 % 전기료절감가능 MH 250~400W replaceable. Energy cost saving up to 68% 강당 Auditorium 창고 Warehouse E39/40 소켓적용으로간편하게설치가능 Easy and convenient to install with E39/E40 socket base 투명갓옵션으로눈부심절감효과와인테리어효과동시제공 Glare prevention and beautiful interior decoration with clear shade 서지보호기내장으로전기적안정성우수 Ensured safety with a durable surge protector RoHS 규격을준수한자외선, 수은및납성분이없는친환경조명 Ultraviolet free, no mercury and lead-free RoHS compliance 80W 100W 130W 옵션렌즈 옵션렌즈 Option Lens Option Lens 30, 45, 60 30, 45, 60 규격 DIMENSION Φ 226 Φ 276 공장 Factory 매장 Store 170 80 W 100 W 130 W 250 W 250 W 400 W 1.8 kg 3.9 lbs Model Wattage Efficacy Total Lumen CCT CRI Voltage Frequency Base CR2000-80W 80 W 121 lm/w 9,680 lm CR2000-100W 100 W 124 lm/w 12,400 lm CR2000-130W L+ 130 W 120 lm/w 15,600 lm Installation 5700 K 82 Ra AC 100-277 V 50 / 60 Hz E39/40 0 사양 SPECIFICATION 고조파함유율 (THD) : < 15% 히트싱크 Heatsink : 구리, 아이스파이프히트싱크 Copper, ICEPIPE Heatsink 색온도 (CCT) : 기본 std. - 3000K/5700K, 옵션 opt. - 2700K/4000K/5000K 작동온도 Operating Temp. : -30 ~50 (-22 ~122 ) 하우징소재 Housing : ABS 24 25
설치옵션 CR2000 Installation Type CR2000 고천장등 High Bay 캐노피 Canopy 레이스웨이 고천장등 High Bay 01 체인 Chain A.24 06 캐노피 Canopy 레이스웨이 07 소켓홀더 Socket Holder 2 A.25 파이프 03 투명갓 Clear Shade A.38 A.24 A.25 04 투명갓 Clear Shade 05 매입등기구 Guide Frame 1 A.39 레이스웨이 A.39 A.38 A.4 A.7 Taping A.34 1 Socket Holder 1 26 2 Socket Holder 2 3 Socket Holder 3 4 Clear Shade 7 Guide Frame1 11 Flange Mount 24 Multi Hanger 25 Chain 28 Waterproof Connector 29 Diffuser Plate 1 31 A.39 38 Tapping Screw (4 x 12) 39 Tapping Screw (5 x 16) Taping A.2 (A.3 ) A.3 소켓홀더 Socket Holder 3 IP66 A.6 A.2 (A.3 ) A.17 전기배선함 Junction Box 리플렉터 Reflector A.17 Housing A.17 Bolt A.3 (M4 12) A.17 Screw Waterproof seal (4.2 25) A.6 A.17 Cover (3 20) 36 A.35 A.39 A6.Screw Self-drilling Dome Screw Diffuser 1 (4.2 x 25) A.34 Φ 345~360 A.2 (A.3 ) A.2 (A.3 ) A.2 (A.3 ) A.13 09 레이스웨이 A.2 (A.3 ) 08 A.4 A.2 (A.3 ) A.38 Taping A.24 A.3 레이스웨이 A.2 (A.1 / A.3 ) 02 2 Socket Holder 2 3 Socket Holder 3 6 Reflector LED HIGH BAY CR2000 설치옵션 CR2000 Installation Type CR2000 17 Junction Box 11 Flange Mount 24 Multi Hanger 25 Chain 28 Waterproof Connector 29 Diffuser Plate 1 31 Dome Diffuser 1 34 Union Coupling 35 Nut Union Coupling Chain 39 Tapping Screw (5 x 16) 27
조사각도 BEAM ANGLE LED FLOOD LIGHT HB2000 기본클리어 Standard Clear 90 옵션커버렌즈 Option Cover lens 45 60 110 설치사례 APPLICATION LED FLOOD LIGHT 특장점 HIGH PERFORMANCE 150 lm/w 의초고효율 Super-high luminous efficacy (150 lm/w) MH 250~400W 대체로 68~75% 전기료절감가능 MH 250~400W replaceable. Energy cost saving up to 68~75% 실내외겸용사용으로다양한용도활용가능 Various applications and multi usage for both indoor/outdoor 옵션돔디퓨저 Option Dome Diffuser 130 옵션리플렉터 Option Reflector 65 경기장 Stadium 특수경계지역 Military border 다양한커버렌즈와설치옵션 Various cover lens and mounting options 3 in 1 디밍제어 (0/1-10V PWM Resistance) 3-in-1 Dimming 80W 100W 규격 DIMENSION 기본브라켓 Standard 150 옵션돔디퓨저 Option Dome diffuser Φ 276 152 277 옵션리플렉터 Option Reflector 80 W 100 W 250 W 350 W 2.7 kg 5.9 lbs 파워포함 Incl.Driver 옥외건물 Building exterior 주유소 Gas station 146 97 243 101 146 114 사양 SPECIFICATION Φ 261 Product Wattage Total Lumen Efficacy CCT CRI Voltage Frequency Type HB2000-80G 80 W 12,000 lm HB2000-100G 100 W 15,000 lm Installation 150 lm/w 5700 K 80 Ra AC 120-277 V 50 / 60 Hz 360 고조파함유율 (THD) : < 15% 서지보호 Surge Protection : 4kV 하우징소재 Housing : 폴리카보네이트 PC IP 등급 IP rating : IP66 ( 실외용 ) 작동온도 Operating Temp. : -30 ~50 (-22 ~122 ) 히트싱크 Heatsink : 구리, 아이스파이프히트싱크 Copper, ICEPIPE Heatsink 색온도 (CCT) : 기본 std. - 3000K/5700K, 옵션 opt. - 2700K/4000K/5000K 옵션디밍 Option Dimming : 0/1-10V PWM Resistance Dimming - 동작 / 조도센서 Motion / Daylight sensor - 무선 / 유선제어 Wireless / Wired control ** 제어방식이 3-in-1 (0/1~10V, PWM, Resistance) 가아닌경우, 인터페이스컨트롤러추가필요예 ) DALI/DMX 연결시 3-in-1 변환모듈 (DALI-PWM 변환기 ) 필요 ** If it's not 3-in-1 dimming (0/1~10V, PWM, Resistance), interface controller is required. e.g.) If it's connected with DALI/DMX, 3-in-1 switching module(dali-pwm converter) is needed. 28 29
설치옵션 HB2000 Installation Type HB2000 고천장등 High Bay 캐노피 Canopy 투광등 Flood Light 01 HB2000 설치옵션 HB2000 Installation Type HB2000 고천장등 High Bay 06 체인 Chain 캐노피 Canopy 투광등 Flood Light 힌지 90도 브라켓 90D Hinge A.16 Screw TH (M4 x 10) Bolt (M8 x 16) FMB 파이프 브라켓 FMB 03 07 GS브라켓 GS A.12 05 (M8) Screw TH (M4 x 10) Bolt Washer (M8) (M8 x 16) 11 Flange Mount 30 12 14 GS 25 Chain Hex Nut (M14 X 45) A.13 A.6 돔디퓨저 1 Dome Diffuser 1 리플렉터 Reflector A.31 A.15 A.6 Dome Diffuser Holder Screw PH (Tap 3 X 8) Nut Screw TH (M8) (M4 x 10) Washer (M8 x 16) (M8) 60D A.19 (M14 X 45) A.31 힌지 60도 브라켓 60D Hinge Bolt 15 (M8) (Tap 4 X 10) (Tap 4 X 10) Nut Washer Hex Wrench Bolt Screw TH Screw TH Hinge (M8) 회전 브라켓 Rotationl A.14 힌지 브라켓 Hinge Nut AC Cable 04 LED FLOOD LIGHT A.25 02 Screw PH (Tap 3 X 16) 6 Reflector 13 FMB Plate 16 90D 19 Rotational 31 Dome Diffuser 1 31
조사각도 BEAM ANGLE LED FLOOD LIGHT HB2200 기본클리어 Standard Clear 90 옵션커버렌즈 Option Cover lens 45 60 110 설치사례 APPLICATION LED FLOOD LIGHT 특장점 HIGH PERFORMANCE 고효율제품으로동일출력대비더욱밝은빛구현가능 High efficiency gives more brightness compared to other products in same wattage 야외체육시설 Outdoor sports facilities 야외주차장 Outdoor parking lot 전기료절감과빠른투자비용회수가능 Electricity cost saving and quick return on investment 실내외겸용사용으로다양한용도활용가능 Various applications and multi usage for both indoor/outdoor 옵션돔디퓨저 Option Dome Diffuser 130 옵션리플렉터 Option Reflector 65 다양한커버렌즈와설치옵션 Various cover lens and mounting options 3 in 1 디밍제어 (0/1-10V PWM Resistance) 3-in-1 Dimming 130W 150W 규격 DIMENSION 기본브라켓 Standard 150 옵션돔디퓨저 Option Dome diffuser Φ 276 152 277 옵션리플렉터 Option Reflector 130 W 150 W 400 W 500 W 3.3 kg 7.2 lbs 파워포함 Incl.Driver 옥외건물 Building exterior 수영장 Swimming pool 199 293 104 Φ 261 136 199 114 Product Wattage Total Lumen Efficacy CCT CRI Voltage Frequency Type HB2200-130G 130 W 19,500 lm HB2200-150G 150 W 22,500 lm Installation 150 lm/w 5700 K 80 Ra AC 120-277 V 50 / 60 Hz 360 사양 SPECIFICATION 고조파함유율 (THD) : < 15% 서지보호 Surge Protection : 4kV 하우징소재 Housing : 폴리카보네이트 PC IP 등급 IP rating : IP66 ( 실외용 ) 작동온도 Operating Temp. : -30 ~50 (-22 ~122 ) 히트싱크 Heatsink : 구리, 아이스파이프히트싱크 Copper, ICEPIPE Heatsink 색온도 (CCT) : 기본 std. - 3000K/5700K, 옵션 opt. - 2700K/4000K/5000K 옵션디밍 Option Dimming : 0/1-10V PWM Resistance Dimming - 동작 / 조도센서 Motion / Daylight sensor - 무선 / 유선제어 Wireless / Wired control ** 제어방식이 3-in-1 (0/1~10V, PWM, Resistance) 가아닌경우, 인터페이스컨트롤러추가필요예 ) DALI/DMX 연결시 3-in-1 변환모듈 (DALI-PWM 변환기 ) 필요 ** If it's not 3-in-1 dimming (0/1~10V, PWM, Resistance), interface controller is required. e.g.) If it's connected with DALI/DMX, 3-in-1 switching module(dali-pwm converter) is needed. 32 33
설치옵션 HB2200 Installation Type HB2200 고천장등 High Bay 캐노피 Canopy 투광등 Flood Light 01 HB2200 설치옵션 HB2200 Installation Type HB2200 고천장등 High Bay 06 체인 Chain 캐노피 Canopy 투광등 Flood Light 힌지 90도 브라켓 90D Hinge A.16 Screw TH (M4 x 10) Bolt (M8 x 16) FMB 파이프 브라켓 FMB 03 05 (M8) (M4 x 10) Bolt Washer (M8) (M8 x 16) 11 Flange Mount 34 12 14 GS 60D Chain A.13 A.31 돔디퓨저 1 Dome Diffuser 1 A.31 A.15 Nut Screw TH (M4 x 10) Washer A.6 리플렉터 Reflector A.6 Dome Diffuser Holder Screw PH (Tap 3 X 8) (M8) (M8 x 16) (M8) 25 (M14 X 45) 힌지 60도 브라켓 60D Hinge Bolt 15 Hex Nut (Tap 4 X 10) (Tap 4 X 10) Screw TH A.19 (M14 X 45) Screw TH Screw TH Nut (M8) Hex Wrench Bolt A.14 A.12 Hinge Washer (M8) AC Cable 힌지 브라켓 Hinge Nut 07 회전 브라켓 Rotationl GS브라켓 GS 04 LED FLOOD LIGHT A.25 02 Screw PH (Tap 3 X 16) 6 Reflector 13 FMB Plate 16 90D 19 Rotational 31 Dome Diffuser 1 35
조사각도 BEAM ANGLE LED FLOOD LIGHT CD4000 기본클리어 Standard Clear 100 옵션렌즈 Option Lens 15, 20, 30, 45, 60 설치사례 APPLICATION LED FLOOD LIGHT 특장점 HIGH PERFORMANCE 실내외겸용으로사용가능한다용도 LED 투광등 Multi usage LED floodlight for both indoor and outdoor 골프장 Golf course 옥외건물 Building exterior 초슬림형구조로완성된초경량투광등 Ultralight Floodlight designed by slim structure 원형배광설계로우수한균제도구현 Rounded light distribution ensures excellent uniformity 옵션돔디퓨저 2 옵션확산유리 2 Option Dome Diffuser 2 Option Diffuser Glass 2 130 110 IP67 방수등급으로실외사용에최적화 IP67 available for outdoor waterproof usage 다양한렌즈옵션으로설치환경에최적화된조도제공 Various lens options to achieve the optimal ilumination 300W 400W 360 각도조절방식으로설치용이 360 angle adjustment ensures convenient installation 규격 DIMENSION Φ 500 300 W 600 W 야외주차장 Outdoor parking lot 야외체육시설 Outdoor sports facilities 400 W 1 kw 8 kg 17.6 lbs Φ 500 132 사양 SPECIFICATION Product Wattage Efficacy Total Lumen CCT CRI Voltage Frequency Type Installation 고조파함유율 (THD) : < 15% 작동온도 Operating Temp. : -30 ~50 (-22 ~122 ) IP 등급 IP rating : IP67 CD4000-300W 300 W 120 lm/w 36,000 lm CD4000-400W 400 W 120 lm/w 48,000 lm 5700 K 82 Ra AC 200-277 V 50 / 60 Hz All-in -one 360 하우징소재 Housing : 폴리카보네이트 PC 히트싱크 Heatsink : 구리, 아이스파이프히트싱크 Copper, ICEPIPE Heatsink 색온도 (CCT) : 기본 std. - 3000K/5700K, 옵션 opt. - 2700K/4000K/5000K 36 37
설치옵션 CD4000 Installation Type CD4000 고천장등 High Bay 투광등 Flood Light 레이스웨이 CD4000 01 설치옵션 CD4000 Installation Type CD4000 고천장등 High Bay 체인 Chain 08 A.24 A.25 투광등 Flood Light 회전 브라켓 (M12 X 30) Rotational A.20 레이스웨이 A.23 Hexagon Nut (M10) R-힌지 1 / R-힌지 L R-Hinge 1 / R-Hinge L 파이프 03 220 11 U 브라켓 U A.25 A.21 A.9 Wall A.24 A.35 A.34 레이스웨이 Taping A.35 A.34 R-Hinge 1 Taping 10 R-힌지 1 A.9 90 (M10 X 25) 02 A.10 LED FLOOD LIGHT A.24 09 220 170 A.19 A.24 (M18) 04 05 R-힌지 1 R-Hinge 1 Wall Celling A.9 (M8 X 12) 12 R-힌지 L R-Hinge L 레이스웨이 Taping Bolt 07 회전 브라켓 Rotational Wall (M12 X 30) A.19 (M12 X 30) A.20 9 R-Hinge 1 38 10 R-Hinge L 11 Flange Mount A.20 A.22 Hexagon Nut (M10) (M10 X 25) 19 Rotational 20 Wall 22 Pillar 1 A.17 A.17 Screw (4.2 25) 24 Multi Hanger 25 Chain 28 Waterproof Connector 30 Diffuser Glass 2 32 Dome Diffuser 2 34 Union Coupling 35 36 Nut Union Self-drilling Screw Coupling (4.2 x 25) 9 R-Hinge 1 11 Flange Mount 17 Junction Box Housing (M4 12) (M10 X 25) A.9 A.17 Bolt 전기배선함 Junction Box A.19 A.17 회전 브라켓 Rotational 레이스웨이 A.34 A.35 A.34 (M4 X 12) 06 A.34 A.35 A.10 (M8 X 12) 13 Chain A.17 Cover 19 Rotational 20 Wall 21 U 23 Pillar 2 24 Multi Hanger 25 Chain 28 Waterproof Connector 30 Diffuser Glass 2 32 Dome Diffuser 2 34 Union Coupling 35 Nut Union Coupling 39
조사각도 BEAM ANGLE LED FLOOD LIGHT CD3000 기본클리어 Standard Clear 100 옵션렌즈 Option Lens 15, 20, 30, 45, 60 설치사례 APPLICATION LED FLOOD LIGHT 특장점 HIGH PERFORMANCE 실내외겸용으로사용가능한다용도 LED 투광등 Multi usage LED floodlight for both indoor and outdoor 테니스장 Tennis court 야외주차장 Outdoor parking lot 공기역학적설계로방열성능최적화 Optimal Heat dissipation with aerodynamic design 원형배광설계로우수한균제도구현 Rounded light distribution ensures excellent uniformity 옵션돔디퓨저 2 옵션확산유리 2 Option Dome Diffuser 2 Option Diffuser Glass 2 130 110 IP67 방수등급으로실외사용에최적화 IP67 available for outdoor waterproof usage 안정기내장형으로설치용이 Easy installation with self-ballasted internal driver 150W 200W 360 각도조절방식으로편리한설치 360 angle adjustment ensures convenient installation 규격 DIMENSION 터널 Tunnel 공항 Airport Φ 500 150 W 200 W 400 W 500 W 6 kg 13.2 lbs Φ 500 90 사양 SPECIFICATION Product Wattage Efficacy Total Lumen CCT CRI Voltage Frequency Type Installation 고조파함유율 (THD) : < 15% 작동온도 Operating Temp. : -30 ~50 (-22 ~122 ) IP 등급 IP rating : IP67 CD3000-150W 150 W 120 lm/w 18,000 lm CD3000-200W 200 W 120 lm/w 24,000 lm 5700 K 82 Ra AC 100-277 V 50 / 60 Hz All-in -one 360 하우징소재 Housing : 폴리카보네이트 PC 히트싱크 Heatsink : 구리, 아이스파이프히트싱크 Copper, ICEPIPE Heatsink 색온도 (CCT) : 기본 std. - 3000K/5700K, 옵션 opt. - 2700K/4000K/5000K 40 41
설치옵션 CD3000 Installation Type CD3000 고천장등 High Bay 투광등 Flood Light 레이스웨이 CD3000 01 고천장등 High Bay 체인 Chain A.25 03 04 05 A.9 10 07 Wall Wall 12 레이스웨이 A.19 (M12 X 30) A.20 9 R-Hinge 1 42 10 R-Hinge L 11 Flange Mount Hexagon Nut (M10) (M10 X 25) A.20 Rotational 20 Wall 22 A.17 Screw Pillar 1 (4.2 25) 24 Multi Hanger 25 Chain 28 Waterproof Connector 30 Diffuser Glass 2 32 Dome Diffuser 2 34 Union Coupling 35 36 Nut Union Self-drilling Screw Coupling (4.2 x 25) 9 R-Hinge 1 A.9 11 Flange Mount 17 Junction Box A.17 Cover 19 Rotational Housing (M4 12) (M10 X 25) 19 A.17 A.17 Bolt 레이스웨이 전기배선함 Junction Box A.19 A.17 A.24 A.34 A.35 A.34 회전 브라켓 Rotational (M12 X 30) A.34 A.35 Taping 13 A.25 레이스웨이 A.24 (M18) A.10 A.22 A.9 220 A.21 Wall A.9 R-Hinge 1 / R-Hinge L 90 11 (M4 X 12) 회전 브라켓 Rotational 220 R-힌지 1 / R-힌지 L 170 U 브라켓 U A.35 A.34 (M8 X 12) 09 A.10 (M10 X 25) Bolt 06 A.20 (M10) (M8 X 12) (M12 X 30) R-힌지 L R-Hinge L Celling Rotational Hexagon Nut R-힌지 1 R-Hinge 1 A.23 A.19 R-Hinge 1 레이스웨이 A.24 Taping A.35 A.34 회전 브라켓 A.25 R-힌지 1 Taping 투광등 Flood Light LED FLOOD LIGHT 파이프 08 A.24 02 설치옵션 CD3000 Installation Type CD3000 20 Wall 21 U Chain 23 Pillar 2 24 Multi Hanger 25 Chain 28 Waterproof Connector 30 Diffuser Glass 2 32 Dome Diffuser 2 34 Union Coupling 35 Nut Union Coupling 43
조사각도 BEAM ANGLE LED FLOOD LIGHT CD1500 기본클리어 Standard Clear 100 설치사례 APPLICATION LED FLOOD LIGHT 특장점 HIGH PERFORMANCE 실내외겸용으로사용가능한다용도 LED 투광등 Multi usage LED floodlight for both indoor and outdoor 공기역학적설계로방열성능최적화 Optimal Heat dissipation with aerodynamic design 원형배광설계로우수한균제도구현 Rounded light distribution ensures excellent uniformity 옵션돔디퓨저 2 옵션확산유리 2 Option Dome Diffuser 2 Option Diffuser Glass 2 130 110 체육관 Gymnasium 야외주차장 Outdoor parking lot IP67 방수등급으로실외사용에최적화 IP67 available for outdoor waterproof usage 80W 100W 서지보호회로내장으로전기적안전성증대 Embedded fire protection system and surge protector 360 각도조절방식으로편리한설치 360 angle adjustment ensures convenient installation 규격 DIMENSION Φ 408 80 W 250 W 야외체육시설 Outdoor sports facilities 터널 Tunnel 100 W 250 W 5.3 kg 11.7 lbs Φ 408 85 사양 SPECIFICATION Product Wattage Efficacy Total Lumen CCT CRI Voltage Frequency Type Installation 고조파함유율 (THD) : < 15% 작동온도 Operating Temp. : -30 ~50 (-22 ~122 ) IP 등급 IP rating : IP67 CD1500-80W 80 W 120 lm/w 9,600 lm CD1500-100W 100 W 120 lm/w 12,000 lm 5700 K 82 Ra AC 100-277 V 50 / 60 Hz All-in -one 360 하우징소재 Housing : 폴리카보네이트 PC 히트싱크 Heatsink : 구리, 아이스파이프히트싱크 Copper, ICEPIPE Heatsink 색온도 (CCT) : 기본 std. - 3000K/5700K, 옵션 opt. - 2700K/4000K/5000K 44 45
설치옵션 CD1500 Installation Type CD1500 고천장등 High Bay 투광등 Flood Light 레이스웨이 CD1500 01 설치옵션 CD1500 Installation Type CD1500 고천장등 High Bay 체인 Chain 08 A.24 A.25 회전 브라켓 Rotational (M12 X 30) A.20 레이스웨이 Hexagon Nut A.23 (M10) 09 R-힌지 1 / R-힌지 L R-Hinge 1 / R-Hinge L 120 Pillar 260 (M10 X 25) 02 파이프 03 R-힌지 1 A.35 A.34 04 05 Celling A.9 Wall 12 R-힌지 L R-Hinge L (M8 X 12) A.10 (M8 X 12) (M4 X 12) 06 07 회전 브라켓 Rotational 회전 브라켓 Rotational Wall (M12 X 30) (M12 X 30) 9 R-Hinge 1 46 10 R-Hinge L 11 Flange Mount A.20 (M10 X 25) Rotational 20 A.17 Screw Wall Pillar 1 24 Multi Hanger 25 Chain (4.2 25) (M10 X 25) 28 Waterproof Connector 30 Diffuser Glass 2 32 Dome Diffuse 2 34 Union Coupling 35 36 Nut Union Self-drilling Screw Coupling (4.2 x 25) 9 R-Hinge 1 레이스웨이 A.9 11 Flange Mount 17 Junction Box A.17 Cover 19 Rotational Housing (M4 12) 22 A.17 A.17 Bolt A.24 (M10) A.19 19 Hexagon Nut 전기배선함 Junction Box A.20 A.19 A.22 A.17 A.34 A.35 A.34 Bolt 13 A.34 A.35 Taping A.25 (M18) 레이스웨이 레이스웨이 A.24 Wall A.21 A.35 A.34 R-힌지 1 R-Hinge 1 A.9 11 U 브라켓 U Taping Taping 10 R-Hinge 1 A.9 LED FLOOD LIGHT A.10 221 A.19 A.24 투광등 Flood Light 20 Wall 21 U Chain 23 Pillar 2 24 Multi Hanger 25 Chain 28 Waterproof Connector 30 Diffuser Glass 2 32 Dome Diffuser 2 34 Union Coupling 35 Nut Union Coupling 47
LED FLOOD LIGHT CT8000 조사각도 BEAM ANGLE 옵션렌즈 Option Lens 15, 20, 30, 45, 60 설치사례 APPLICATION LED FLOOD LIGHT 특장점 HIGH PERFORMANCE 파워일체형초고출력 LED 투광등 Driver embedded High output LED Floodlight 골프장 Golf course 경기장 Stadium IP67 방수등급으로실외사용에최적화 IP67 rated for outdoor waterproof usage 서지보호회로내장으로탁월한전기적안정성 Superior electrical stability with embedded surge protector 옵션돔디퓨저 2 옵션확산유리 2 Option Dome Diffuser 2 Option Diffuser Glass 2 134 120 360 각도조절방식과초경량의유려한디자인으로편리한설치 Compact & smooth design with 360 installation angle 메탈할라이드 1.5~2 kw 대체로최대 65% 전기료절감가능 LED replacement for 1.5~2 kw MH with 65% electricity saving 600W 700W 다양한렌즈옵션으로설치환경에최적화된조도제공 Various lens options to achieve the optimal illumination 규격 DIMENSION Ø 408 551 600 W 700 W 1.5 kw 2 kw 20 kg 44.1 lbs 항구 Port 공항 Airport 472 110 485 사양 SPECIFICATION Product Wattage Efficacy Total Lumen CCT CRI Voltage Frequency Type Installation 고조파함유율 (THD) : < 15% 작동온도 Operating Temp. : -30 ~50 (-22 ~122 ) IP 등급 IP rating : IP67 CT8000-600W 600 W 115 lm/w 69,000 lm CT8000-700W 700 W 115 lm/w 80,500 lm 5700 K 75 Ra AC 200-277 V 50 / 60 Hz 360 하우징소재 Housing : 폴리카보네이트 PC 히트싱크 Heatsink : 구리, 아이스파이프히트싱크 Copper, ICEPIPE Heatsink 색온도 (CCT) : 기본 std. - 3000K/5700K, 옵션 opt. - 2700K/4000K/5000K 48 49
LED FLOOD LIGHT CT8010 조사각도 BEAM ANGLE 옵션렌즈 Option Lens 15, 20, 30, 45, 60 설치사례 APPLICATION LED FLOOD LIGHT 특장점 HIGH PERFORMANCE 외장파워적용으로유지보수용이 Simple and convenient maintenance with external driver 경기장 Stadium 골프장 Golf course 최적의배광설계로우수한직하조도구현 Excellent illumination intensity with optimal light distribution design 다양한렌즈옵션으로설치환경에최적화된조도제공 Various lens options to achieve the optimal illumination 옵션돔디퓨저 2 옵션확산유리 2 Option Dome Diffuser 2 Option Diffuser Glass 2 134 120 IP67 방수등급으로실외사용에최적화 (SMPS : IP65) IP67 available for outdoor waterproof usage 메탈할라이드 2kW 대체로최대 65% 전기료절감가능 LED replacement for 2kW MH with 65% electricity saving 700W 360 각도조절방식으로편리한설치 360 angle adjustment ensures convenient installation 규격 DIMENSION Ø 408 551 항구 Port 옥외건물 Building Exterior 700 W 2 kw 16.4 kg 36.2 lbs 파워미포함 Driver not Incl. 472 110 450 (ELG240 X 3) 사양 SPECIFICATION Product Wattage CCT Efficacy Total Lumen CRI Voltage Frequency Type Installation CT8010-700W 700 W 5700 K 115 lm/w 80,500 lm 75 Ra AC 200-277 V5 50 / 60 Hz 360 고조파함유율 (THD) : < 15% 하우징소재 Housing : 폴리카보네이트 PC 히트싱크 Heatsink : 구리, 아이스파이프히트싱크 Copper, ICEPIPE Heatsink 색온도 (CCT) : 기본 std. - 3000K/5700K, 옵션 opt. - 2700K/4000K/5000K 파워 Power : 외장 SMPS 적용 (IP65), 파워함필히사용 External SMPS (IP65) with Power Box 작동온도 Operating Temp. : -30 ~50 (-22 ~122 ) IP 등급 IP rating : IP67 50 51
LED FLOOD LIGHT CTC8010 조사각도 BEAM ANGLE 옵션렌즈 Option Lens 15, 20, 30, 45, 60 설치사례 APPLICATION LED FLOOD LIGHT 특장점 HIGH PERFORMANCE 클램프강화공법이적용된파워외장형초고출력 LED 투광등 Clamping Technology applied LED floodlight with external driver 공항 Airport 골프장 Golf course 외장파워적용으로유지보수용이 Simple and convenient maintenance with external driver 원형배광설계로우수한균제도구현 Rounded light distribution ensures excellent uniformity 옵션돔디퓨저 2 옵션확산유리 2 Option Dome Diffuser 2 Option Diffuser Glass 2 134 120 IP67 방수등급으로실외사용에최적화 (SMPS : IP65) IP67 available for outdoor waterproof usage 메탈할라이드 2.4kW 대체로최대 67% 전기료절감가능 LED replacement for 2.4kW MH lamp with 67% electricity saving 800W 360 회전가능, 다양한조사각도구현가능 360 rotatable, various beam angle available 규격 DIMENSION Ø 408 551 옥외건물 Building Exterior 항구 Port 800 W 2.4 kw 16.4 kg 36.2lbs 파워미포함 Driver not Incl. 472 110 450 Product Wattage CCT Efficacy Total Lumen CRI Voltage Frequency Type (ELG200 X 4) Installation CTC8010-800W 800 W 5700 K 115 lm/w 92,000 lm 75 Ra AC 200-277 V 50 / 60 Hz 360 사양 SPECIFICATION 고조파함유율 (THD) : < 15% 하우징소재 Housing : 폴리카보네이트 PC 히트싱크 Heatsink : 구리, 아이스파이프히트싱크 Copper, ICEPIPE Heatsink 색온도 (CCT) : 기본 std. - 3000K/5700K, 옵션 opt. - 2700K/4000K/5000K 파워 Power : 외장 SMPS 적용 (IP65), 파워함필히사용 External SMPS (IP65) with Power Box 작동온도 Operating Temp. : -30 ~50 (-22 ~122 ) IP 등급 IP rating : IP67 52 53
설치옵션 CT8000 / CT8010 / CTC8010 고천장등 High Bay 투광등 Flood Light Installation Type CT8000 / CT8010 / CTC8010 서치라이트 Searchlight CT8000 CT8010 설치옵션 CT8000 / CT8010 / CTC8010 고천장등 High Bay CTC8010 02 투광등 Flood Light Installation Type CT8000 / CT8010 / CTC8010 서치라이트 Searchlight 기둥 브라켓 Pillar 2 LED FLOOD LIGHT 01 Pillar 힌지 브라켓 Hinge A.23 Nut (M20) (M20X 20) Hinge Hinge 28 Waterproof Connector 54 30 Diffuser Glass 2 32 Dome Diffuser 2 41 Hinge for GC 23 28 Pillar Waterproof 2 Connector 30 Diffuser Glass 2 32 Dome Diffuser 2 41 Hinge for GC 55
메모 MEMO High Bay HB2000 HB2200 CR2000 UR2050 Flood Light HB2000 HB2200 CD4000 CD3000 CD1500 CT8000 CT8010 CTC8010 1 2 3 4 5 소켓홀더 1 Socket Holder 1 소켓홀더 2 소켓홀더 3 투명갓힌지브라켓 Socket Holder 2 Socket Holder 3 Clear Shade Hinge 6 7 8 9 10 리플렉터 Reflector 매입등기구 1 매입등기구 2 R- 힌지 1 R- 힌지 L Guide Frame1 Guide Frame2 R-Hinge 1 R-Hinge L 11 플렌지마운트브라켓 Flange Mount 12 13 14 파이프브라켓 FMB 브라켓 GS 브라켓 60 도브라켓 FMB Plate GS 15 60D 16 17 18 19 20 90도브라켓 전기배선함 삼각브라켓 회전브라켓 벽브라켓 90D Junction Triangle Rotational Wall Box 21 22 23 24 25 U 브라켓 U 기둥브라켓 1 Pillar 1 기둥브라켓 2 Pillar 2 멀티행거 Multi Hanger 체인 Chain 26 27 28 29 30 플레이트브라켓 Plate 안전고리 Safety Wire 방수커넥터 Waterproof Connector 확산판 1 Diffuser Plate 1 확산유리 2 Diffuser Glass 2 31 32 33 34 35 돔디퓨저 1 Dome Diffuser 1 돔디퓨저 2 스탠드오프유니온커플링너트유니온커플링 Dome Stand Off Union Diffuser 2 Coupling Nut Union Coupling 36 37 38 39 40 41 스크류스크류스크류스크류볼트 Self-drilling Screw (4.2 x 25) Tapping Screw (3 x 20) Tapping Screw (4 x 12) Tapping Screw (5 x 16) Bolt (M4 x 12) 골프장용힌지브라켓 Hinge for GC 56 57
등기구 LIGHTING FIXTURE LED BULB OBA2 추천등기구 Recommended 다운라이트 Downlight 벽등형 Wall type 등주형 Fully shielded type 설치사례 APPLICATION 레일형 Rail type 실내조명 Interior Lighting 하면개방형 Open-bottom type LED BULB 특장점 HIGH PERFORMANCE 전통조명과동일한광각을구현하는옴니벌브 Omni bulb which has same beam angle with conventional bulb 등주형 Fully shielded type 수평점등형 Horizontal lighting 직하형 Downward type 전시관 Museum 주거단지 Residential area 레드닷어워드수상을받은차별화된벌브 Red Dot Desgin Award Winner 270 넓은조사각도와우수한균제도 270 wide beam angle with excellent uniformity 하면개방형 Open-bottom type 초경량초소형벌브로설치편리성과안전성증대 Super light and compact design for easy installation and safety 눈부심과플리커가없는편안하고밝은빛 Comfortable and bright light without glare and flicker 3W 5W 부적합등기구 Unsuitable 실내등, 천장등용으로최적화된벌브 Ideal for indoor light and down light 램프노출갓 Unshielded shade 램프노출형 Open luminaire 조사각도 & 규격 BEAM ANGLE & DIMENSION 다운라이트 Downlight 침실 Bedroom 99 3 W 5 W 10 W 15 W 64 g 0.14 lbs 270 Φ 64 사양 SPECIFICATION Product Wattage Efficacy Total Lumen CCT CRI Voltage Frequency Type OBA2-3W 3 W 96 lm/w 288 lm OBA2-5W 5 W 93 lm/w 465 lm Installation 5700 K 83 Ra AC 100-240 V 50 / 60 Hz Bulb 360 고조파함유율 (THD) : < 15% 하우징소재 Housing : 폴리카보네이트 PC 작동온도 Operating Temp. : -20 ~50 (-4 ~122 ) 색온도 (CCT) : 기본 std. - 3000K/5700K, 옵션 opt. - 2700K/4000K/5000K 소켓 Socket : E26/27 58 59
등기구 LIGHTING FIXTURE LED BULB OBA2 추천등기구 Recommended 다운라이트 Downlight 벽등형 Wall type 등주형 Fully shielded type 설치사례 APPLICATION 레일형 Rail type 실내조명 Interior Lighting 하면개방형 Open-bottom type LED BULB 특장점 HIGH PERFORMANCE 전통조명과동일한광각을구현하는옴니벌브 Omni bulb which has same beam angle with conventional bulb 등주형 Fully shielded type 수평점등형 Horizontal lighting 직하형 Downward type 주거단지 Residential area 거실 Living room 레드닷어워드수상을받은차별화된벌브 Red Dot Desgin Award Winner 실내등, 천장등용으로최적화된벌브 Ideal for indoor light and downlight 하면개방형 Open-bottom type 초경량초소형벌브로설치편리성과안전성증대 Super light and compact design for easy installation and safety 눈부심과플리커가없는편안하고밝은빛 Comfortable and bright light without glare and flicker 7W 9W 9W C+ 부적합등기구 Unsuitable 270 넓은조사각도와우수한균제도 270 wide beam angle with excellent uniformity 램프노출갓 Unshielded shade 램프노출형 Open luminaire 조사각도 & 규격 BEAM ANGLE & DIMENSION 욕실 Living room 현관 Front door 123 7 W 9 W 9 W C+ 20 W 25 W 20 W 90 g 0.20 lbs 270 Φ 64 사양 SPECIFICATION Product Wattage Efficacy Total Lumen CCT CRI Voltage Frequency Type OBA2-7W 7 W 95 lm/w 665 lm OBA2-9W 9 W 90 lm/w 810 lm OBA2-9W C+ 9 W 80 lm/w 765 lm Installation 5700 K 83 Ra AC 100-240 V 50 / 60 Hz Bulb 360 고조파함유율 (THD) : < 15% 하우징소재 Housing : 폴리카보네이트 PC 작동온도 Operating Temp. : -20 ~50 (-4 ~122 ) 색온도 (CCT) : 기본 std. - 3000K/5700K, 옵션 opt. - 2700K/4000K/5000K 소켓 Socket : E26/27 60 61
LED BULB OBB 등기구 LIGHTING FIXTURE 추천등기구 Recommended 컷오프가로등 Cutoff streetlight 등주형 Fully shielded type 등주형 Fully shielded type 설치사례 APPLICATION 직하형 Downward type 하면개방형 Open-bottom type 하면개방형 Open-bottom type LED BULB 등주형 Fully shielded type 수평점등형 Horizontal lighting 특장점 HIGH PERFORMANCE 가로등, 보안등용으로최적화된벌브 Ideal for outdoor streetlight and security light 부적합등기구 Unsuitable 가로등 Street light 주거단지 Residential area 불투명, 투명커버옵션적용으로밝기극대화및눈부심절감효과 Glare prevention by milky cover / Maximized brightness by clear cover 소형밀폐등기구 Small fixture 램프노출형 Open luminaire 벌레등의외부물질차단에탁월한메쉬구조적용 Mesh application to prevent the inflow of foreign substances FAN 순환방식으로방열최적화 Optimized heat dissipation with Fan circulation system 뛰어난방열구조로밀폐등기구에사용가능 Installable in airtight fixture due to outstanding heat dissipation system 대한무역투자진흥공사사장상수상으로인정받은차별화된벌브 KOTRA (Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency) President s awarded bulb 36W L+ c40w L+ 60W L+ 80W L+ c80w L+ 램프노출갓 Unshielded shade 다운라이트및승강장치 Downlight 구조 STRUCTURE 망 Mesh 조사각도 & 규격 BEAM ANGLE & DIMENSION OBB OBBc 237 로비 Lobby 공원 Park 불투명커버 Milky cover 330 투명커버 Clear cover 330 Product Wattage Efficacy Total Lumen CCT CRI Voltage Frequency Type OBB-36W L+ 36 W 140 lm/w 5,040 lm OBBc-40W L+ 40 W 152 lm/w 6,080 lm OBB-60W L+ 60 W 135 lm/w 8,100 lm OBB-80W L+ 80 W 125 lm/w 9,980 lm OBBc-80W L+ 80 W 143 lm/w 11,440 lm Φ 110 OBBc / OBB Installation 5700 K 83 Ra AC 100-277 V 50 / 60 Hz Bulb 360 36 W c 40 W 60 W 80 W c 80 W 사양 70 W ~ 100 W 100 W ~ 175 W 100 W ~ 175 W 175 W ~ 250 W 175 W ~ 250 W SPECIFICATION 고조파함유율 (THD) : < 15% 하우징소재 Housing : 폴리카보네이트 PC 410 g 0.90 lbs 작동온도 Operating Temp. : -20 ~50 (-4 ~122 ) 색온도 (CCT) : 기본 std. - 3000K/5700K, 옵션 opt. - 2700K/4000K/5000K 소켓 Socket : E39/40 62 63
등기구 LIGHTING FIXTURE LED BULB OB150 추천등기구 Recommended 컷오프가로등 Cutoff streetlight 등주형 Fully shielded type 등주형 Fully shielded type 설치사례 APPLICATION 직하형 Downward type 하면개방형 Open-bottom type 하면개방형 Open-bottom type LED BULB 등주형 Fully shielded type 수평점등형 Horizontal lighting 특장점 HIGH PERFORMANCE 초경량초소형벌브로설치편리성과안전성증대 Super light and compact design for easy installation and safety 부적합등기구 Unsuitable 보안등 Security light 주거단지 Residential area 불투명, 투명커버옵션적용으로밝기극대화및눈부심절감효과 Glare prevention by milky cover / Maximized brightness by clear cover 벌레등의외부물질차단에탁월한메쉬구조적용 Mesh application to prevent the inflow of foreign substances 소형밀폐등기구 Small fixture 램프노출형 Open luminaire 보안등용으로최적화 Ideal for outdoor security light 35W c35w 140 lm/w 의높은광효율 Ultra-high efficacy of 140 lm/w 소켓베이스선택가능 (E26/27, E39/40) Selectable socket base 램프노출갓 Unshielded shade 다운라이트및승강장치 Downlight 구조 STRUCTURE 망 Mesh 조사각도 & 규격 BEAM ANGLE & DIMENSION OB150 OB150c 공원 Park 야외주차장 Outdoor parking lot 150 불투명커버 Milky cover 330 투명커버 Clear cover 330 Φ 64 35 W c 35 W 70 W~100 W 70 W~100 W 143 g 0.32 lbs Product Wattage Efficacy Total Lumen CCT CRI Voltage Frequency Type OB150-35W 35 W 130 lm/w 4,550 lm OB150c-35W 35 W 140 lm/w 4,900 lm OB150Sc / OB150S OB150Lc / OB150L Installation 5700 K 83 Ra AC 120-277 V 50 / 60 Hz Bulb 360 사양 SPECIFICATION 고조파함유율 (THD) : < 15% 하우징소재 Housing : 폴리카보네이트 PC 작동온도 Operating Temp. : -20 ~50 (-4 ~122 ) 색온도 (CCT) : 기본 std. - 3000K/5700K, 옵션 opt. - 2700K/4000K/5000K 소켓 Socket : E26/27, E39/40 64 65
등기구 LIGHTING FIXTURE LED BULB OB230 추천등기구 Recommended 컷오프가로등 Cutoff streetlight 등주형 Fully shielded type 등주형 Fully shielded type 설치사례 APPLICATION 직하형 Downward type 하면개방형 Open-bottom type 하면개방형 Open-bottom type LED BULB 등주형 Fully shielded type 수평점등형 Horizontal lighting 특장점 HIGH PERFORMANCE 도로조명에최적화되어전통가로등조명을대체가능 Optimized for street light and replaceable conventional light 부적합등기구 Unsuitable 보안등 Security light 공원 Park 불투명, 투명커버옵션적용으로밝기극대화및눈부심절감효과 Glare prevention by milky cover / Maximized brightness by clear cover 초경량초소형벌브로설치편리성과안전성증대 Super light and compact design for easy installation and safety 소형밀폐등기구 Small fixture 램프노출형 Open luminaire 벌레등의외부물질차단에탁월한메쉬구조적용 Mesh application to prevent the inflow of foreign substances 100W c100w 산업통상자원부장관상수상에빛나는가로등용고출력벌브 High wattage street light bulb which nobly awarded by Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy 램프노출갓 Unshielded shade 다운라이트및승강장치 Downlight 구조 STRUCTURE 망 Mesh 조사각도 & 규격 BEAM ANGLE & DIMENSION OB230 OB230c 가로등 Street light 주거단지 Residential area 227 불투명커버 Milky cover 330 투명커버 Clear cover 330 Φ 99 100 W c 100 W 250 W~350 W 250 W~350 W 417 g 0.92 lbs Product Wattage Efficacy Total Lumen CCT CRI Voltage Frequency Type OB230-100W 100 W 135 lm/w 13,500 lm OB230c-100W 100 W 145 lm/w 14,500 lm OB230c / OB230 Installation 5700 K 83 Ra AC 120-277 V 50 / 60 Hz Bulb 360 사양 SPECIFICATION 고조파함유율 (THD) : < 15% 하우징소재 Housing : 폴리카보네이트 PC 작동온도 Operating Temp. : -20 ~50 (-4 ~122 ) 색온도 (CCT) : 기본 std. - 3000K/5700K, 옵션 opt. - 2700K/4000K/5000K 소켓 Socket : E39/40 66 67
LED BULB POP117 설치사례 APPLICATION LED BULB 매장 Store 사무실 Office 특장점 HIGH PERFORMANCE 돌출형와이드앵글로더욱밝게사용가능 Protruding type wide angle makes brighter usage available 독특한디자인으로인테리어효과와조명을동시제공 Unique design gives beautiful decoration and comfortable lights E26/27 소켓을적용한초경량초소형다운라이트 Ultra light ultra-small down light with E26 / 27 socket 플리커프리로눈의피로도경감및안전성증대 Flicker-free for eye comfort 서지보호회로내장으로전기적안정성우수 Embedded fire protection system and surge protector 13W 16W 20W 조사각도 & 규격 BEAM ANGLE & DIMENSION 식당 Restaurant 회의실 Meeting room 212 156 56 사양 SPECIFICATION 150 Φ 117 고조파함유율 (THD) : < 15% Product Wattage Efficacy Total Lumen CCT CRI Voltage Frequency Type POP117-13W 13 W 106 lm/w 1,378 lm POP117-16W 16 W 101 lm/w 1,616 lm POP117-20W 20 W 98 lm/w 1,960 lm Installation 5700 K 83 Ra AC 100-277 V 50 / 60 Hz Bulb 360 하우징소재 Housing : 폴리카보네이트 PC 소켓 Socket : E26/27 작동온도 Operating Temp. : -20 ~50 (-4 ~122 ) 색온도 (CCT) : 기본 std. - 3000K/5700K, 옵션 opt. - 2700K/4000K/5000K 13 W 16 W 20 W 33 W 40 W 50 W 160 g 0.35 lbs 68 69
LED BULB POP200 설치사례 APPLICATION LED BULB HIGH PERFORMANCE 넓은광각구현으로시각효과극대화 Maximize visual effect with wide angle implementation 주차장, 사무실, 매장, 카페에최적화 Ideal for cafe, store, office, parking lot light E26/27 소켓을적용한초경량초소형다운라이트 Ultra light ultra-small down light with E26 / 27 socket 플리커프리로눈의피로도경감및안전성증대 Flicker-free for eye comfort 서지보호회로내장으로전기적안정성우수 Embedded fire protection system and surge protector 18W 25W 주차장 Parking lot 로비 Lobby 조사각도 & 규격 BEAM ANGLE & DIMENSION 29 카페 Cafe 회의실 Meeting room 45 74 Φ 200 113 사양 SPECIFICATION Product Wattage Efficacy Total Lumen CCT CRI Voltage Frequency Type POP200-18W 18 W 106 lm/w 1,908 lm POP200-25W 25 W 104 lm/w 2,600 lm Installation 5700 K 80 Ra AC 100-277 V 50 / 60 Hz Bulb 360 고조파함유율 (THD) : < 15% 하우징소재 Housing : 폴리카보네이트 PC 소켓 Socket : E26/27 작동온도 Operating Temp. : -20 ~50 (-4 ~122 ) 색온도 (CCT) : 기본 std. - 3000K/5700K, 옵션 opt. - 2700K/4000K/5000K 18 W 25 W 45 W 63 W 320 g 0.70 lbs 70 71
조사각도 BEAM ANGLE LIGHT FLAT PANEL PGM/PJM100 설치사례 APPLICATION 110 경제성분석 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS 적용기준 : 100 원 /kw, 1 일 365 일, 12 시간 / 일사용 형광등 (FPL)36W 3 개 아이스파이프 LED 평판등 40W 소비전력 (W) 약 63% 절약 108 40 광효율 (lm/w) 약 56% 절약 80 125 연간전기료 ( 원 ) 약 29,784 원절감 47,304 17,520 FLAT PANEL LIGHT 특장점 HIGH PERFORMANCE 베젤두께최소화로발광면적최대화 Narrow bezel maximizes light-emitting area 슬림한두께와경량화로설치및유지보수용이 Slim thickness and ultralight weight enables easy installation and maintenance 설치타입 M Bar INSTALLATION TYPE 천장타공 사무실 Office 회의실 Meeting room FPL 36W 3 개를대체하여전기료최대 60% 이상절약 (PGM100) LED replacement for 36W x 3 with up to 60% energy saving(pgm100) 플리커없는엣지타입투광방식으로눈부심없어눈의피로를줄여줌 Comfortable light without glare and flicker 40W 피스고정 피스고정 M BAR : 천장을타공후 BODY 를매입하여구조물밖에서볼트로체결하는타입 신축및리모델링모두적합한사이즈 Suitable size for both new construction and replacement 벌레등의이물이침투할수없는밀폐형구조 Airtight structure to prevent the inflow of foreign substances LED 엣지타입 LED EDGE TYPE 규격 DIMENSION 직하형 (Direct) 방식 엣지형 (Edge) 방식 330 1300 22 36x2 40 W 70 W 거실 Living room 주방 Kitchen 640 PJM100 36x3 PGM 3.3 kg 7.3 lbs 640 40 W 100 W PJM 3.5 kg 7.7 lbs 22 PGM100 Product Efficacy Total Lumen Wattage CCT CRI Voltage Frequency Type Installation 사양 SPECIFICATION PGM100-40 125 lm/w 5,000 lm PJM100-40 115 lm/w 4,600 lm 40 W 5700 K 80 Ra AC 220 V 60 Hz M bar 0 고조파함유율 (THD) : < 20% 입력전류 (A) : 0.18A LED 패키지 LED Package : LG 5630 G5 작동온도 Operating Temp. : -20 ~40 (-4 ~104 ) 72 73
조사각도 BEAM ANGLE FLAT PANEL LIGHT PGT/PJT100 설치사례 APPLICATION 110 경제성분석 적용기준 : 100 원 /kw, 1 일 365 일, 12 시간 / 일사용 형광등 (FPL)36W 3 개 아이스파이프 LED 평판등 40W 소비전력 (W) 약 63% 절약 108 40 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS 광효율 (lm/w) 약 56% 절약 80 125 연간전기료 ( 원 ) 약 29,784 원절감 47,304 17,520 FLAT PANEL LIGHT 특장점 HIGH PERFORMANCE 베젤두께최소화로발광면적최대화 Narrow bezel maximizes light-emitting area 슬림한두께와경량화로설치및유지보수용이 Slim thickness and ultralight weight enables easy installation and maintenance 설치타입 T Bar T 바구조물 INSTALLATION TYPE T 바구조물 복도 Hallway 사무실 Office 플리커없는엣지타입투광방식으로눈부심없어눈의피로를줄여줌 Comfortable light without glare and flicker 신축뿐만아니라리모델링에도적합한사이즈 Suitable size for both new construction and replacement 40W T BAR : T 자형구조물위에올려설치하는타입 벌레등의이물이침투할수없는밀폐형구조 Airtight structure to prevent the inflow of foreign substances LED 엣지타입 LED EDGE TYPE 규격 DIMENSION 298 직하형 (Direct) 방식 엣지형 (Edge) 방식 1215 28 16 40 W 36x2 70 W 식당 Restaurant 매장 Store 603 PJT100 36x3 PGT 3.3 kg 7.3 lbs 603 28 40 W 100 W PJT 3.1 kg 6.8 lbs 16 PGT100 Product Efficacy Total Lumen Wattage CCT CRI Voltage Frequency Type PGT100-40 125 lm/w 5,000 lm PJT100-40 115 lm/w 4,600 lm Installation 40 W 5700 K 80 Ra AC 220 V 60 Hz T bar 0 사양 SPECIFICATION 고조파함유율 (THD) : < 20% 입력전류 (A) : 0.18A LED 패키지 LED Package : LG 5630 G5 작동온도 Operating Temp : -20 ~40 (-4 ~104 ) 74 75