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UW MEDICINE PATIENT EDUCATION SCREENING MAMMOGRAMS KOREAN 유방촬영상선별검사 유방암을발견하기위한영상검사 이배포자료는유방촬영상선별검사를설명하는자료입니다. 이배포자료에는왜그검사를사용하는지, 언제그검사를실시해야하는지, 그리고어떻게그검사를준비해야하는지가포함되어있습니다. 유방촬영상선별검사란무엇입니까? 유방촬영상검사는유방암을발견하기위한영상초안검사입니다. 그검사는 X-선을사용하여유방을촬영합니다. 다음과같은 2 가지유형의유방촬영상검사가있습니다. 유방촬영상선별검사는유방증상이나호소증상이없는여성에서유방암을발견하기위해사용합니다. 진단유방촬영상검사는유방에있는덩이와같은, 증상의원인을찾기위해사용합니다. 왜유방촬영상선별검사를받아야합니까? 전문교육을받은여성기사가귀하의유방을촬영하기위해귀하가올바른위치에자리잡도록도움을줄것입니다. 유방촬영상선별검사는귀하또는귀하의담당의사가귀하의유방에서어떠한변화이든그것을감지할수있기전에, 유방암을조기에발견하는데도움이됩니다. 이것은암이더작고더쉽게치료될수있을때암을발견한다는것을의미합니다. 이를통해여성의생명을구할수있습니다. 암이조기에발견되는경우, 치유가능성이더높습니다. 언제유방촬영상선별검사를받아야합니까? American Cancer Society (ACS: 미국암협회 ), United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF: 미국예방서비스대책위원회 ) 및 National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN: 전국종합암네트워크 ) 를비롯하여, 여러단체가유방촬영상선별검사에대한지침을갖추고있습니다. 이단체들각각은다른검사일정표를제시합니다. 모든단체는 40 세에 1 년에 1 회의유방촬영상선별검사를시작하면대다수의생명을구한다는것에동의합니다. Page 1 of 4 Screening Mammograms

그래서 ACS( 미국암협회 ) 와 NCCN( 전국종합암네트워크 ), 두단체모두는유방암에걸릴위험이평균수준인여성은 40 세에 1 년에 1 회의유방촬영상선별검사를시작하기로선택해야한다는것에동의합니다. 상기단체들모두가각각의여성은언제또는얼마나자주선별검사를받아야하는지에대해다른결정을할수도있다는것을인정합니다. 일부여성은선별검사를 40 세이후에시작하기로선택할수도있습니다. 그들은또한선별검사를덜자주받기로도, 예를들면격년으로받기로선택할수있습니다. 유방암에걸릴위험이더높은여성은 40 세전에선별검사를시작해야합니다. 유방촬영상선별검사는다른심각한건강문제가있는여성에게는좋은생각이아닐수도있습니다. 귀하가유방암에걸릴위험, 귀하의가치관및귀하의요망에대해담당의사와상담하십시오. 종합적으로고려하여, 귀하는귀하에게가장좋은선택을할수있습니다. 초안유방촬영상검사에대한상세정보 유방촬영상검사중에찍힌 X- 선은 2D( 종래기술 ) 및 3D( 단층영상합성법 ) 영상을만드는데사용됩니다. 두가지유형의영상은모두유방암을발견하는데도움이됩니다. 2D 유방촬영상검사의경우, 각유방의영상은 2 가지보임새로촬영됩니다. 즉, 상부에서하부까지의보임새와측면보임새. 3D 유방촬영상검사는동일한 2 가지보임새로많은영상을촬영합니다. 이렇게하여슬라이스라고하는매우얇은영상들의적층을만듭니다. 3D 유방촬영상은담당방사선과전문의가건강하지못한조직을더선명하게보도록도움을줍니다. 이에의해 2D 유방촬영상에서비정상으로나타날수있는조직에대해후속검사를실시해야할필요성이감소될수있습니다. 그래서 University of Washington Medical Center(UWMC: 워싱턴대학의료원 ) 과 Seattle Cancer Care Alliance(SCCA: 시애틀암가료연합 ) 은이제대부분 3D 유방촬영상검사를사용합니다. 2018 년 6 월부로, 워싱턴주의건강보험사는유방촬영상선별검사를보장하는것과동일한조건으로단층영상합성법을보장해야합니다. 유방촬영상검사를하는데수반되는위험은무엇입니까? 대다수여성의경우, 유방촬영상검사를하는이익이그검사를하는데수반되는위험보다더큽니다. 그러나, 모든검사와마찬가지로, 유방촬영상검사는몇가지위험을수반합니다. 대다수유방암은유방촬영상에서보일수있지만, 일부유방암은보이지않을수있습니다. 유방관련우려사항이있는경우, 귀하의증상에대해 Page 2 of 4 Screening Mammograms

담당의사나유방전문의와상담하십시오. 문제가나타나지않은유방촬영상만있는경우에도이렇게하는것이중요합니다. 유방촬영상은 허위경보 를초래할수있습니다. 허위경보는더많은검사를실시한후암이아닌것으로드러나는잠재적문제를유방촬영상이보여주는경우입니다. 이들검사에는더많은영상검사나검사실검사를위해작은조직시료 ( 생검 ) 를채취하게하는것이포함될수있습니다. UWMC( 워싱턴대학의료원 ) 과 SCCA ( 시애틀암가료연합 ) 에서, 허위경보는여성의 10% 미만 (100 명의여성중에서 10 명미만 ) 에대해발생합니다. 이것은미국의의료시설에대한평균비율보다더낮은것입니다. 유방촬영상은안전합니까? 귀하가유방촬영상검사를받는경우, 귀하는저준위방사선에노출됩니다. 우리의일상생활에서, 우리모두는자연에서발견되는 배경방사선 에노출됩니다. 귀하가유방촬영상검사로부터받는방사선은미국에서사는사람이 2 개월동안자연으로부터받는방사선과거의같은양입니다. 초안유방촬영상검사를위해어떻게준비합니까? 이러한저선량의방사선은매우안전하고귀하의건강을해칠가능성은거의없습니다. 방사선에대한질문이있는경우에는, 검사당일에담당기사 ( 귀하의유방영상을촬영하는사람 ) 나의사와상담하십시오. 검사당일에 : 겨드랑이또는유방에탈취제, 탤컴파우더또는로션을바르지마십시오. 이렇게하면영상이최고품질이되도록만전을기하는데도움이될것입니다. ( 과거에검사한유방촬영상이있으면 ) 가지고오십시오. 과거의유방촬영상은귀하의영상을살펴볼의사 ( 방사선과전문의 ) 에도움이됩니다. 검사전에, 담당의사또는기사에게다음과같은지의여부를알려주십시오. 유방에새로운문제가있는지 유방수술, 생검또는삽입물의이력이있는지 호르몬을함유하거나몸에서호르몬수치에영향을미치는약을복용하고있는지 유방암의가족력또는개인이력이있는지 임신상태인지, 또는임신상태일수도있는가능성이있는지 Page 3 of 4 Screening Mammograms

유방촬영상검사를하는동안에무엇을예상해야합니까? 첫째, 전문교육을받은여성기사가귀하가올바른위치에자리잡도록도움을줄것입니다. 귀하의유방은특수플랫폼에놓여지고패들로잠깐눌려질것입니다. 한번에한쪽유방을촬영합니다. 전체검사는약 15 분이소요됩니다. 각영상을위해패들로유방이눌려질때유방에압박감이있는것은정상입니다. 통증을느끼면기사에게알려주십시오. 저희기사는귀하를가능한한편안히해주기위해자신이할수있는모든노력을다할것입니다. 누가검사결과를해석합니까? 유방조영에대한교육을받은전문가가귀하의영상을판독하고해석할것입니다. 유방촬영상을판독하는 UWMC( 워싱턴대학의료원 ) 과 SCCA ( 시애틀암가료연합 ) 방사선과전문의는 American Board of Radiology( 미국방사선과학학회 ) 의인증을받았으며유방영상에대한특별교육을받았습니다. 저희방사선과전문의는국가우수기준을능가합니다. 초안저는검사결과를어떻게받습니까? 귀하는 7 내지 10 근무일뒤에우편으로검사결과와함께편지를받을것입니다. 담당의료인은보고서도받을것이고귀하의질문에답변해줄수있습니다. 유방촬영상검사후 10 일이지났고검사결과를알리는편지를받지않았다면, 206.606.7800 번으로전화하십시오. 질문이있으세요? 귀하의질문은중요합니다. 질문이나염려사항이있는경우, 담당의사또는의료인에게전화하십시오. 유방촬영상검사일정을잡으려면, 206.606.7800 번으로전화하십시오. 검사결과를알리는편지에서저에게더많은검사를위해다시내원하도록요청하는하는경우어떻게합니까? 귀하가받는편지를통해귀하에게추가유방촬영상검사를위해, 또는초음파검사를위해다시내원하도록요청할수있습니다. 이런일이일어나는경우걱정하지마십시오. 이런경우는꽤흔히있습니다. 그것은단지담당방사선과전문의가귀하의유방부위를더잘살펴보고자하는것을의미합니다. 아니면, 귀하의최초유방촬영상에기술적문제가있기때문에일부영상을다시촬영해야할수도있는것입니다. 귀하가이러한추가조영을위해다시내원하는것이중요합니다. 저희는매우선명한영상을얻도록만전을기하기위해다른방법과장비를사용할수있습니다. 추가조영일정을잡으려면, 206.606.7800 번으로전화하십시오. University of Washington Medical Center Published PFES: 2005, 2005, 2012, 2016, 2017, 2018 Clinician Review: 08/2018 Korean translation by SCCA Interpreter Services Reprints on Health Online: https://healthonline.washington.edu 페이지 4 / 4 유방촬영상선별검사

UW MEDICINE PATIENT EDUCATION Screening Mammograms An imaging test to find breast cancer This handout explains screening mammograms. It includes why they are used, when they should be done, and how to prepare for the test. What is a screening mammogram? A mammogram is an imaging test to find breast DRAFT cancer. It uses X-rays to take images of the breasts. There are 2 types of mammograms: Screening mammograms are used to find breast cancer in women who do not have breast symptoms or complaints. Diagnostic mammograms are used to look for the cause of a symptom, such as a lump in the breast. A specially trained female technologist will help you get in the right position to take images of your breasts. Why should I have a screening mammogram? Screening mammograms help find breast cancers early, before you or your doctor can feel any changes in your breasts. This means we find the cancer when it is smaller and can be treated more easily. This can save a woman s life. When cancer is found early, the chance of cure is higher. When should I get a screening mammogram? Several groups have guidelines about screening mammograms, including the American Cancer Society (ACS), the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), and the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN). Each of these groups suggests a different timeline for testing. All groups agree that starting yearly screening mammography at age 40 saves the most lives. That s why both the ACS and the NCCN agree that women with an average risk for breast cancer should have the choice to start yearly screening mammograms at age 40. All of the groups recognize that each woman Page 1 of 4 Screening Mammograms

might make a different decision about when and how often to have screening. Some women might choose to start screening later than age 40. They may also choose to have screening less often, such as every other year. Women with higher risk for breast cancer should start screening earlier than age 40. Screening mammograms may not be a good idea for women who have other serious health problems. Please talk with your doctor about your breast cancer risk, your values, and your desires. Together, you can make the choice that is best for you. More About Mammograms DRAFT X-rays taken during a mammogram are used to make 2D (conventional) and 3D (tomosynthesis) images. Both types of images help find breast cancer. For 2D mammograms, an image of each breast is taken in 2 views: a top-to-bottom view and a side view. 3D mammograms take many images in the same 2 views. This creates a stack of very thin images called slices. 3D mammograms help your radiologist see any unhealthy tissue more clearly. This may lessen the need for follow-up tests of tissue that may appear abnormal on 2D mammograms. That s why the University of Washington Medical Center (UWMC) and Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (SCCA) now use 3D mammograms most of the time. As of June 2018, health insurance providers in Washington state are required to cover tomosynthesis under the same terms and conditions as they cover screening mammography. What are the risks of getting a mammogram? For most women, the benefits of getting a mammogram outweigh the risks. But, like all tests, mammograms have some risks: Most breast cancers can be seen on mammograms, but some cannot. If you have breast concerns, talk with your doctor or breast health specialist about your symptoms. It is important to do this even if you just had a mammogram that did not show any problems. A mammogram can result in a false alarm. A false alarm is when a mammogram shows a possible problem that turns out to not be cancer after more tests are done. These tests may include more imaging exams or having a small tissue sample (biopsy) taken for testing in the lab. Page 2 of 4 Screening Mammograms

At UWMC and SCCA, false alarms occur for less than 10% of women (fewer than 10 out of 100 women). This is better than the average rate for healthcare facilities in the U.S. Are mammograms safe? When you have a mammogram, you are exposed to a low level of radiation. In our daily lives, we are all exposed to the background radiation that is found in nature. The radiation you receive from a mammogram is about the same that someone living in the U.S. picks up from nature over a 2- month period. This low dose of radiation is very safe and is not likely to harm your health. If you have any questions about radiation, please talk with your technologist (the person who takes the images of your breasts) or doctor on the day of your exam. DRAFT How do I prepare for a mammogram? On the day of your exam: Do not put deodorant, talcum powder, or lotion under your arms or on your breasts. This will help ensure that your images are the best quality. Bring any past mammograms (if you have them) with you. These are helpful to the doctor (radiologist) who will look at your images. Before your exam, tell your doctor or technologist if you: Have any new problems in your breasts Have a history of breast surgeries, biopsies, or implants Are taking medicine that contains hormones or affects the hormone levels in your body Have a family or personal history of breast cancer Are pregnant, or if there is any chance you might be pregnant What should I expect during the mammogram? First, a specially trained female technologist will help you get in the right position. Your breast will be placed on a special platform and briefly compressed with a paddle. Images are taken of one breast at a time. The entire exam takes about 15 minutes. It is normal to feel pressure on your breast when it is compressed by the paddle for each image. Tell the technologist if you feel pain. Our technologists will do all they can to make you as comfortable as possible. Page 3 of 4 Screening Mammograms

Who interprets the results? An expert trained in breast imaging will read and interpret your images. The UWMC and SCCA radiologists who read mammograms are certified by the American Board of Radiology and have received extra training in breast imaging. Our radiologists exceed the national criteria for excellence. How do I get the results? You will receive a letter with your results in the mail in 7 to 10 working days. Your healthcare provider will also receive a report and can answer any questions you have. If it has been 10 days since your mammogram and you have DRAFT not received your results letter, please call 206.606.7800. What if my results letter asks me to return for more tests? Your letter may ask you to return for more mammogram images or for an ultrasound. Please do not worry if this happens. This is fairly common. It only means that the radiologist would like a better look at areas of your breast. Or, some images may need to be done again because of technical problems with your first mammogram. It is important that you return for this extra imaging. We may use different methods and equipment to make sure we get very clear images. To schedule extra imaging, please call 206.606.7800. Questions? Your questions are important. Call your doctor or healthcare provider if you have questions or concerns To schedule a mammogram, call 206.606.7800. University of Washington Medical Center Published PFES: 03//2005, 05/2005, 01/2012, 07/2016, 12/2017, 08/2018 Clinician Review: 08/2018 Reprints on Health Online: https://healthonline.washington.edu Page 4 of 4 Screening Mammograms