1-2016 년제 3 회무역영어 3 급시험문제 제 1 과목명 : 영문해석제 2 과목명 : 영작문제 3 과목명 : 무역실무 < 응시자유의사항 >
1. 다음대화에서빈칸에들어갈것으로알맞은것은? A : Hello, Sales Office here. B : Hello, my name is Yuhan Lee from Sunrise Company. A : How can I help you, Mr. Lee? B : The problem concerns a monitor order. We ordered two dozen monitors but the problem is that only 20 have arrived. A : Oh, really? I am so sorry to hear that. B : Well, I m afraid it s the second time we ve received and nobody told us there would only be 20. A : Probably our shipping department made a mistake. I do apologize for it. 1 delayed payment 3 incomplete delivery 2 damaged goods 4 inferior goods 2. 다음은 Incoterms 2010 의가격조건중무엇에대한설명인가? The seller delivers when the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer on the arriving means of transport ready for unloading at the named place of destination. The seller bears all risks involved in bringing the goods to the named place. 1 DAT 2 FCA 3 CFR 4 DAP 3. 다음문장의해석으로옳은것은? We will take charge of any expenses you may incur in connection with this inquiry. 1 이조회와관련하여얻은모든정보는극비로취급하겠습니다. 2 이조회로인한모든책임은당사가처리하겠습니다. 3 이조회로인해생기는모든경비는당사가부담하겠습니다. 4 귀사께이조회로인해생기는모든경비를청구하겠습니다. [4~7] 밑줄친부분의해석으로옳은것을고르시오. 4. We would like to ask you if you are willing to supply us in future on 60 d/s, D/A terms. 1 선적후 60 일에지급하는인수도조건으로 2 일람후 60 일에지급하는인수도조건으로 3 선적후 60 일에지급하는지급도조건으로 4 일람후 60 일에지급하는지급도조건으로 5. We will effect insurance against all risks charging premium to the consignees. 1 송화인에게보험금을지급하며 2 수화인에게보험료를청구하며 3 송화인에게보험료를견적하며 4 수화인에게보험금을부담하며 6. We offer these goods subject to their being unsold on receipt of your order. 1 귀사의주문을접수시재고가잔류하는것을조건으로 2 귀사가주문하는즉시선착순판매조건으로 3 귀사의주문발송시재고를인수하는조건으로 4 귀사의청약접수시선착순인도조건으로 7. Owing to the slump in commodity prices, we can offer you these goods at less than cost. 1 상품가의상승에도불구하고 2 시장의잦은가격변동때문에 3 상품가격의하락으로인하여 4 상품시장이침체되어있지만 [8~9] 밑줄친부분과바꾸어쓸수있는것을고르시오. 8. Referring to your advice of August 16, we now have a pleasure in enclosing the shipping documents as called for in your letter. 1 as regards 2 as per 3 as of 4 as requested 9. The quality should be equal to that of the samples on which an order is given. 1 be up to 2 go through 3 exceed 4 contain 10. 다음서한에서밑줄친부분의해석으로옳은것은? Dear Mr. Smith We delivered USD200.00 worth of our 1 samples of commercial value to you in May, and sent you three 2 reminders later. Are you still carrying your cheque for USD200.00 around in your pocket? Please send us the cheque 3 ASAP. Otherwise, we shall have to settle the matter by 4 arbitration. 1 무상견품 3 가능한한서두르지않고 Yours faithfully, 2 독촉장 4 소송 2 -
[11~12] 다음서한을읽고물음에답하시오. We saw from the Camera Review that you are the exporter of digital cameras. We are long-established importers of electronic products in China. Would you please send me price lists and catalogs for all your latest products you stock, as well as details of discounts and terms of payment? Are you prepared to ( A ) special discount for annual orders totalling $500,000 in value? We look forward to your reply. 11. 수입업자가요청한것이아닌것은? 1 가격표 2 결제조건 3 견본 4 상품목록 12. 빈칸 (A) 에들어갈단어로적합하지않은것은? 1 allow 2 receive 3 grant 4 accord 13. 다음중해석이잘못된것은? 1 As this is our first business with you, 2 we would like to ask you to open an irrevocable credit, against which 3 we may draw on you at sight 4 attaching your specified documents. 1 이번은귀사와첫번째거래이므로 2 취소불능신용장을개설해주기를바라고 3 귀사를수익자로일람불환어음을발행하겠습니다. 4 귀사가명시한서류를첨부하여 14. 다음은확정청약서한이다. 밑줄친부분에대한해석으로옳은것은? Thank you for your inquiry of June 7, against which we give you a firm offer subject to your reply reaching us by June 15 as follows: Article : Laptop Computer LT-05 Quantity : 2,000 sets 1 Packing : corrugated cardboard boxes per set 2 Price : @US$300.00 per set CIF Nagoya Shipment : Within 4 weeks after receipt of L/C 3 Insurance : ICC(C) 4 Payment : Draft at 30 d/s based on Irrevocable L/C 1 포장 2 가격 3 보험 4 결제 : 골판지상자에개별포장 : 나고야항출발운임보험료포함가격조건 : 국제상업회의소 C조건 : 취소불능신용장에의거한일람출급어음 [15~16] 다음무역서한을읽고물음에답하시오. We appreciate your letter of May 24. We have ( 가 ) issued with the Hong Kong Bank for an ( 나 ) irrevocable L/C ( 다 ) in your favor for HK$40,000.00 covering the amount of our order No. 777. You may have the L/C through Seoul Bank, being ( 라 ) advising bank in a few days. After shipment, you may present relevant documents to ( 마 ) your bankers for negotiation. Your prompt attention to this matter would be highly appreciated. 15. 밑줄친 ( 가 ) 부분과의미가다른것은? 1 amended 2 established 3 opened 4 arranged 16. 밑줄친 ( 나 )~( 마 ) 에대한설명으로옳은것은? 1 ( 나 ) - 신용장관계당사자전원의합의가있어도취소가불가능한신용장이다. 2 ( 다 ) - 귀사를지급인으로한다는의미이다. 3 ( 라 ) - remitting bank 라고도한다. 4 ( 마 ) - 매입은행을의미한다. 17. 다음은서신 (letter) 의구성요소중무엇에해당하는가? Messrs. Hamilton and Smith 253 Highland Street Lancashire WC2 7GT 1 letterhead 3 inside address 2 salutation 4 particular address [18~19] 다음문장의해석이옳은것을고르시오. 18. 1 We are well-established exporters of garments. 당사는기반이확실한도자기류수출상입니다. 2 We are interested in knowing whether you have considered the possibilities of this market. 시장의가능성에대해고려한적이있는지에대해알고자합니다. 3 We thank you for your trouble in advance and earnestly await your reply. 귀사께서수고해주시면감사하겠으며미리회신해주시기바랍니다. 4 We advise you to write directly to them, who will give you their references. 귀사께서직접서한을보내시면동상사가귀사를참고하게될것입니다. 3 -
19. 1 The captioned products by S/S "TIGER" leaving Busan on the 10th of last month reached London yesterday. 지난달 10 일부산항을출항한선박 타이거 호에선적하신위의상품이어제런던에도착하였습니다. 2 This offer is to remain in force by the end of February. 이주문은 2 월말까지효력이있습니다. 3 Both Sellers and Buyers shall act as Principals to Principals. 매도인과매수인은대리인대대리인으로서거래를하기로한다. 4 For your reference, we are enclosing cutting sample from your shipment. 귀사의신용조회처로서귀사의선적품중무상견품일부를동봉하여보내드립니다. [20~21] 다음문장을읽고물음에답하시오. ( 가 ) In reply to your mail of June 5, we are glad to recommend you the following house. The XYZ Co., Inc. http://www.xyz.com 33 West 55th Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017 The above ( 나 ) concern is interested in importing shoes products, and enjoy a good reputation here. But we assume no responsibility for that. We hope this information is helpful to you. 20. 밑줄친 ( 가 ) 의해석으로옳은것은? 1 6 월 5 일자귀서한에대한주문으로, 다음의상사를기꺼이추천합니다. 2 6 월 5 일자귀서한에대한청약으로, 다음의주택을기꺼이추천합니다. 3 6 월 5 일자귀서한에대한회답으로, 다음의상사를기꺼이추천합니다. 4 6 월 5 일자귀서한에대한청약으로, 다음의상사를기꺼이추천합니다. 21. 밑줄친 ( 나 ) 의의미와다른것은? 1 enterprise 2 firm 3 company 4 credit 22. 다음은신용장의종류를나타내는명칭이다. 용어의해석이옳지않은것은? 1 Usance Credit : 기한부신용장 2 Restricted Credit : 매입제한신용장 3 Acceptance Credit : 인수신용장 4 Deferred Payment Credit : 지급신용장 [23~24] 다음두문장이같은의미가되도록괄호안에 적합한단어를고르시오. 23. 24. We will ship the goods on the s/s "Samho" sailing for Los Angeles on May 2. = We will ( ) the goods on the s/s "Samho" ( ) for Los Angeles on May 2. 1 carry - covering 3 send - heading 2 upload - arriving 4 transfer - leading We give you an order for the following goods. = We ( ) an order ( ) you for the following goods. 1 send - for 3 place - with 25. 밑줄친부분과의미가다른것은? 2 deliver - to 4 accept - into According to your letter dated the 2nd of June, we are glad to recommend you the following traders. 1 are happy to 3 are willing to 2 are pleased to 4 are trying to [26~31] 다음을영작하고자할때 ( ) 안에적합한것 을고르시오. 26. 첨부된지시서대로신용장을 5,500 불로증액해주시겠습니까? Will you please ( ) the credit to $5,500 in accordance with attached instructions? 1 withdraw 2 increase 3 extend 4 deduct 27. 당사의의견으로는분손부담보대신전위험담보조건으로 부보하는것이귀사에게유리할것입니다. We are of the opinion that it would be your advantage to have ( ) cover instead of ( ). 1 W.A - A.R 2 A.R W.A 3 A.R F.P.A. 4 F.P.A W.A 4 -
28. 선적은 5월 5일부터 15일사이에이루어져야한다. Shipment shall be made ( ). 1 during May 2 not later than May 5 3 on or before May 15 4 on or about May 10 29. 이상품에대한수요가많으니, 즉시주문하시는것을권합니다. In view of the heavy demand for this line, we advise you to order ( ). 1 without delay 2 with hesitation 3 upon request 4 for the time being 30. 물품의하자로인해 20% 감액한금액을수락하길바랍니다. ( ) discrepancies in the goods, we ask you to accept 20% decrease of amount. 1 Wrong 2 Since 3 Because 4 Due to 31. 귀사의어음과선화증권두통을별편으로보내주시기바랍니다. Kindly send us two bills of lading ( ) together with your draft. 1 by surface mail 2 by another post 3 by return 4 by parcel post 32. 다음서한이의도하는것은? Dear Mr. Hamilton May we remind you that January statement for HK$1,000.00 is overdue? Perhaps you overlooked it. Attachment file is our Debit Note No. 1234, which we hope you will settle soon. Your prompt remittance of the above amount will be appreciated. Yours faithfully, 1 Circular Letter 2 Remittance of foregoing amount 3 Payment Chase 4 Replying to Remittance in Advance [33~36] 다음우리말을영작할때옳은것을고르시오. 33. 모든비용은지급인이부담합니다. 1 The drawer shall settle all the charges. 2 The drawee is on account of all the charges. 3 All the charges are born by the drawer. 4 All the charges are for the account of the drawee. 34. 제시는신용장에의한서류를개설은행에인도하는것을의미한다. 1 Delivery means the negotiation of documents under a credit to the opening bank. 2 Presentation means the delivery of documents under a credit to the issuing bank. 3 Delivery means the presentation of documents under a credit to the issuing bank. 4 Presentation means the negotiation of documents under a credit to the opening bank. 35. 약정한날짜까지귀사의주문을이행하는데어려움이없습니다. 1 You can place your orders without difficulty by the date stipulated. 2 It will not be difficult unless you fill your order by the date stipulated. 3 We will have no difficulty in executing your order by the date stipulated. 4 Your order will carry out easily in no time by the date stipulated. 36. 본사는모든주문에대하여대리점에 10% 의수수료를지급한다. 1 The Agents will receive 10% allowance for the Principal for all orders. 2 The Principal will pay the Agents 10% commission for all orders. 3 The Agents will claim 10% guarantee for the Principal for all orders. 4 The Principal will charge the Agents of 10% commission for all orders. 37. 다음을영작하고자할때 ( ) 안에들어갈어구로옳지않은것은? 3 월 1 일에뉴욕을향해출항하는 호돌 호편으로상품을선적해주십시오. Please ship our goods by the S/S "Hodol" ( ) on March 1. 1 bound for New York 2 departing New York 3 sailing for New York 4 leaving for New York 38. 다음중밑줄친대상과같은것은? We instructed our bank to open a credit in your favor. 1 confirming bank 3 issuing bank 2 negotiating bank 4 advising bank 5 -
[39~41] 다음우리말을영어로옮길때옳지않은것을 고르시오. 39. 40. 41. 1 환어음은매입은행을수취인으로발행되어야합니다. Draft is to be drawn on negotiating bank. 2 가격은뉴욕항까지운임 보험료포함조건에의하여미화로견적합니다. Prices are to be quoted in US Dollars on CIF New York. 3 계약서제 10 호를별도로첨부합니다. We are attaching our Contract No. 10 separately. 4 7 월말에부산항을출항할예정인선박이없음을유감으로생각합니다. We are sorry that there is no vessel sailing from Busan at the end of July. 1 이일에대해서귀사의협조를부탁드립니다. We solicit you for your cooperation in this matter. 2 대금결제에관해서는, 당사는귀사의조건에동의합니다. As to the settlement of account, we are agreeable to your terms. 3 당사는귀사의주문품이잘팔리기를바라고있습니다. We hope that your orders will have a ready sale. 4 어떠한주문도판매자가확인할때까지구속력이없습니다. All orders are binding until acknowledged by buyer. 1 귀사의신용장에는무게가 40kg 대신 30kg 으로표시되어있습니다. Your credit has indicated the weight as 40kg instead of 30kg. 2 늦어도 3 월 31 일까지선적해야합니다. Shipment must be effected by March 31 at the latest. 3 당사는상품이양호한상태로도착될것으로믿습니다. We trust that the goods will reach you in good condition. 4 기꺼이귀사를도와드리겠습니다. We shall be glad to be of service to you. [42~44] 다음용어를영어로옮길때옳지않은것을고르시오. 42. 43. 44. 1 양륙항 : Port of Discharge 2 총중량 : Freight Amount 3 착화통지처 : Notify Party 4 수화인 : Consignee 1 현물환율 : Forward Exchange Rate 2 검사보고서 : Surveyor's Report 3 가격변동조항 : Escalation Clause 4 환거래계약 : Correspondent Agreement 1 관세지급인도조건 : Delivered Duty Paid 2 운송인인도조건 : Free Carriage 3 운임포함인도조건 : Cost and Freight 4 선측인도조건 : Free Alongside Ship [45~46] 다음문장의밑줄친부분과바꾸어쓸수없는것을고르시오. 45. We can supply you with high quality goods at competitive prices. 1 furnish 2 favor 3 provide 4 receive 46. We want to enter into business relations with traders of your city. 1 company 2 area 3 district 4 country [47~48] 다음문장의밑줄친부분과의미가다른것을고르시오. 47. In compliance with your request of April 12, we are pleased to say that the firm in question started business in Singapore in February, 1990 as General Trading Company, and have been enjoying the highest credit. 1 According to your request 2 As requested in your letter 3 With regard to your request 4 On the contrary to your request 6 -
48. Thank you very much for your inquiry of April, 2016 1 We are obliged for 2 You shall be grateful for 3 Many thanks for 4 We have received with thanks [49~50] 다음용어를영어로옮길때옳은것을고르시 오. 49. 50. 1 전신 : Telephone Transfer 2 항공우편 : Air Mail 3 전자우편 : Electric Mail 4 국제특급우편 : International Special Mail 1 파손화물보상장 : L/I 2 수입화물선취보증서 : T/R 3 평방미터 : CBM 4 20 피트컨테이너 : FEU 51. 시황이불황일때사소한트집을잡는마켓클레임 (Market Claim) 을방지하기위해철저하게조사해야할신용조회항목에해당하는것은? 1 Character 2 Condition 3 Capital 4 Capacity 52. 연계무역 (Counter Trade) 에해당하지않는것은? 1 구상무역 (Compensation Trade) 2 물물교환 (Barter Trade) 3 제품환매 (Buy Back) 4 중계무역 (Intermediate Trade) 53. 다음은 Incoterms 2010 의어떤가격조건에해당하는가? ᄀ실무적으로많이쓰이는조건중하나이다. ᄂ지정선적항에서매수인이지정한선박의갑판상 (on board) 에물품을인도할때매도인의물품에대한위험과비용의무가종료된다. ᄃ선박의지정과운송계약체결권은매수인에게있다. ᄅ매수인이목적항까지운임과보험료등모든비용을부담한다. 1 FAS 2 FOB 3 CFR 4 CIF 54. Offer 의비고란 (remarks) 에 This offer is subject to change without notice 라는문구가들어있는경우의 Offer 를무엇이라고하는가? 1 Firm Offer 2 Counter Offer 3 Free Offer 4 Buying Offer 55. 추심결제는대금지급시기에따라두가지로구분하는데이에속하는결제방식은? 1 O/A, D/A 2 CWO, CAD 3 O/A, D/P 4 D/P, D/A 56. 송금방식에대한설명으로옳은것은? 1 선적서류가수입상에게바로전달된다. 2 환어음을발행하여사용한다. 3 은행의지급확약이있다. 4 적용되는국제규칙이있다. 57. 신용장상에서지시식선화증권 (order B/L) 에표기하는내용으로옳지않은것은? 1 to order 2 to order of shipper 3 to order of ship owner 4 to order of issuing bank 58. 상공기업이수출대금을결제받기위해거래은행에제시해야하는서류로가능한것은? 상공기업은 FOB Incheon 조건으로미국의아메리카상사에휴대폰 1 만대를수출하였다. 수출대금회수를위해주요선적서류를첨부한화환어음을거래은행에매입의뢰하였다. 1 선화증권, 상업송장, 포장명세서 2 상업송장, 보험증권, 선적지시서 3 선화증권, 상업송장, 보험증권 4 상업송장, 보험증권, 선적요청서 59. 다음에서제시하고있는선적방법의명칭으로옳은것은? Shipment : During May/June, 2016 1 특정일자선적 3 연월선적 2 특정월선적 4 특정기간선적 60. 일반적으로보험자가인수하지않는부담보위험중추가보험료를지급하면인수가가능한위험은? 1 피보험자의고의적인화물파손 2 물품고유의하자 3 포장의불완전 4 전쟁에의한손상위험 7 -
61. 거래제의서신의내용으로옳지않은것은? 1 상대방을알게된동기또는경로 2 거래개시의희망 3 자사의업종, 취급품목, 영업상태 4 신용조회처요청 62. 다음표에서중계무역과중개무역의차이를올바르게나타내고있는것은? 항목중계무역중개무역 A 무역주체대리인수출업자 B 수익매매차익수수료 C 물품구매물품구매없음구매후수출 D 수출실적수출실적불인정수출실적인정 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 D 63. usance L/C 방식과같은추심결제방식에해당하는것은? 1 COD 2 CAD 3 D/P 4 D/A 64. 신용장상에금지되어있어도컨테이너운송이되는경우에허용하는선적방법은? 1 환적 2 분할선적 3 할부선적 4 지연선적 65. 다음에서설명하고있는무역서류로옳은것은? 매매계약에관한서류중최근 FTA (Free Trade Agreement) 가확대됨에따라관세와관련하여생산국가의증명이더욱중요해지고있는가운데그비중이커지고있다. 1 invoice 2 packing list 3 certificate of origin 4 certificate of inspection 66. 신용장거래에서선적 (shipment) 의의미에해당되지않는것은? 1 date of discharge 2 taking in charge 3 loading on board 4 dispatch 67. 신용장거래는매매계약과독립된별개의거래로존재한다는원칙은? 1 독립성의원칙 2 추상성의원칙 3 엄밀일치의원칙 4 상당일치의원칙 69. 중재제도의장점으로옳지않은것은? 1 저렴한중재비용 2 신속한해결방식 3 절차의공개 4 중재판정효력의국제성 70. 무역의발생조건은자연적조건, 사회적조건, 기술적조건의차이라고말할수있다. 다음중사회적조건의차이로볼수있는것은? 1 임금수준 2 기후 3 자원 4 생산설비 71. EDI 에의한무역자동화의효과로옳지않은것은? 1 무역부대비용의절감 2 기업의지방분산이가능 3 정보산업의수요감소 4 기업의경쟁력강화 72. OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturing) 방식의수출은? 1 연불수출 2 플랜트수출 3 녹다운수출 4 주문자상표부착방식의수출 73. 매수인에게가장유리한대금결제방식은? 1 CAD 2 L/C 3 D/P 4 O/A 74. 다음의특성을가지고있는상품을수출하는데있어서품질결정방법으로옳은것은? 상품내부의부패나흠을외관상구별할수없다. 수입지에서상품에문제가있을때, 매수인이매도인에게배상을요구할수있다. 가구생산에투입될목재류에적용되는조건이다. 1 FAQ 2 GMQ 3 USQ 4 BSS 75. 승낙 (acceptance) 의특성에대한설명으로옳지않은것은? 1 승낙은항상특별한양식을요한다. 2 승낙은유효기간내에행해져야한다. 3 승낙은청약의조건과일치하여야한다. 4 승낙은절대적이고무조건적이어야한다. 68. ICC 에서제정한규칙이아닌것은? 1 신용장통일규칙 2 해상화물운송에관한협약 3 추심에관한통일규칙 4 Incoterms 2010 8 -