Migrating to Multi Cloud Securely with Confidence Think Korea Douglass Wilson Distinguished Engineer, IBM Security Connect June 2019 IBM Securit

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Migrating to Multi Cloud Securely with Confidence Think2019 - Korea Douglass Wilson Distinguished Engineer, IBM Security Connect June 2019 IBM Security / 2019 IBM Corporation

사이버보안은모두의직면과제입니다. 보안위협의증가 200 억개이상의정보보호대상 (Things) 50 억건개인정보유출 6000 조원비용이향후 2 년간사이버범죄로손실 직면과제 규제의진화 전문기술의부족 너무많은툴 GDPR 벌금으로수천억원대형글로벌기업에부과가능 2022 년까지 CISO 들은 180 만명의사이버보안전문가부족에직면 기업평균, 다양한벤더의 80 여종보안솔루션을사용 Source: 2018 Asia Pacific Security Capabilities Benchmark Study IBM Security / 2019 IBM Corporation 2

클라우드는비즈니스혁신을가속화하기위해진화하고있습니다. 비용 1.0 효율적인인프라환경 Public Cloud IaaS and SaaS Low-Cost IT Early Adopters 속도 2.0 애플리케이션현대화 Hybrid Cloud PaaS and Data Engagement Apps Enterprise 트랜스포메이션 3.0 프로세스재고 Multicloud App Modernization Self-Healing AI and Blockchain 그러나 의기업이여전히클라우드보안에대해우려하고있습니다. IBM Security / 2019 IBM Corporation Source: Crowd Research Partners, 2018 3

보안은반드시하이브리드멀티클라우드환경을실현가능하도록해야합니다. 오늘날기업의클라우드적용현황 94% 의기업이여러클라우드를활용 73% 가클라우드간의이동이가장큰우려라고언급 67% 가한가지이상의퍼블릭클라우드를사용 하이브리드클라우드및코그니티브여정을위한 IT 리더들의준비필수항목 보안의역할및시작점을이해하기 기존의보안투자를최대한활용하여클라우드보안에적용 변화하는규제요구사항준수 클라우드워크로드및데이터에대한안전한접근 디지털애플리케이션의보안내제화 (Secure by design) 신규고객및파트너의프라이버시관리 분산된환경을포괄하는정책관리 제한된리소스를이용한위협탐지및대응 IBM Security / 2019 IBM Corporation Source: Cloud adoption to accelerate IT modernization article, McKinsey & Company, April 2018 4

What does it take to be successful in Cloud? 클라우드를성공으로이끄는동인은무엇일까요? IBM Security / 2019 IBM Corporation 5

보안에대한반복적인접근방식으로안전하게클라우드를적용해야하이브리드합니다. 멀티클라우드전반을통합하는보안통제영역통합및강화 클라우드서비스사파트너십및연계를통한보안오픈에코시스템구현 Public Clouds Private Cloud On-Premises 계정및네트워크보호 데이터및워크로드보호 위협및컴플라이언스관리 7

클라우드보안, 계획 - 구현 - 관리단계의반복 3. MANAGE 관리위협, 리스크, 컴플라이언스관리및통합대응 1. PLAN 계획클라우드보안전략및적용로드맵수립 IBM Cloud Public Clouds Private Cloud On-Premises 2. BUILD 엔터프라이즈보안통제와연계되도록구현 클라우드기본제공보안을최대활용하여안전한애플리케이션구현및워크로드이관 IBM Security / 2019 IBM Corporation 8

What does the future of security look like? 보안의미래는어떤모습일까요? IBM Security / 2019 IBM Corporation 9

기업내보안적용의변천사 Before 2011 IT 프로젝트를위한보안의적용 2011-2018 엔터프라이즈통합보안인텔리전스 2019+ 클라우드환경보안효과의극대화를위한모든것의연결 Speed of Cloud Beyond AI, quantum, blockchain,iot security DATA APPS IDENTITY & ACCESS MOBILE SECURITY INTELLIGENCE ADVANCED FRAUD ENDPOINT NETWORK THREAT INTEL IBM Security / 2019 IBM Corporation 10

Security Connect: 보안플랫폼의미래 카탈로그 Applications Solutions Services from IBM, Partners, Customers 클라우드플랫폼 IBM Security Connect AppDev 프레임워크 AI 및애널리틱스 오픈위협인텔리전스및데이터연동 기존인프라환경 온프레미스보안툴및인프라환경 퍼블릭 / 프라이빗클라우드 모바일기기및엔드포인트 IBM Security / 2019 IBM Corporation 11

Security Connect Platform: OPEN 기술통합, 다양한표준, 오픈소스 STIX 2 and TAXII 2 를포함한개방형데이터및기술표준을기반으로함 Kubernetes, IBM Cloud 기능및 IBM Cloud Object Storage 와같은퍼블릭클라우드고유기술활용 API 를통해 IBM Security Connect 의핵심서비스를활용하여조직에맞는맞춤형애플리케이션구축 STIX Shifter 등의오픈소스프로젝트및 AppExchange 카탈로그의솔루션을통한다양한보안솔루션통합

Security Connect Platform: Seamless 솔루션및서비스의통합 보안솔루션및서비스를통합설계하여직관적이고일관된사용자경험제공 SOC(Security Operation Center) 의프로세스를간소화하고사이버위협식별, 조사및대응프로세스를통합된클라우드기반솔루션으로제공 Security Connect 는기존 SOC 상단에위치하여보안분석가이위협을관리하고함께작업할수있는통합플랫폼제공

Security Connect Platform: Evolutionary 기존보안에대한투자활용극대화 기존에투자하여구축된보안시스템을통합하여가시성을확보하고활용도를증대시킴 플러그인커넥터를사용하여모든보안데이터소스로부터나오는데이터를통합가능 클라우드및온프레미스등데이터가존재하는플랫폼에관계없이모든데이터에대해통합적으로보안위협및사고분석, 조사가능 고도화된분석기술및인공지능을활용한보안분석 IBM Security Connect 플랫폼내의보안인사이트통합하여활용

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Security Connect: 초기제공범위 심리스한위협관리통합솔루션 + + Threat Intelligence Insights 위협동향에대한인사이트 Data Explorer 사내보안데이터분석 Orchestrated Response 위협및사고대응프로세스 Threat Intelligence Insights 연관된위협인텔리전스를연계하여기업내의보안위협식별및우선순위화 Powered by: IBM X-Force Data Explorer 통합된데이터소스 (SIEM, 엔트포인트, 데이터레이크등 ) 에서쿼리를통해손쉽게추적및보안사고분석 Orchestrated Response 보안사고대응프로세스프로세스를일부자동화하고분석팀간의업무효율제고 Powered by: IBM Resilient IBM Security / 2019 IBM Corporation 16

Where are you on your journey to the future? 귀사의보안수준은어느정도성숙되어있습니까? IBM Security / 2019 IBM Corporation 17

귀사는아래여정중어느단계에해당되나요? 1 Ad-hoc Process is ad-hoc, chaotic, and poorly defined; success depends on individual effort and heroics 2 Repeatable Basic project management and discipline established to repeat earlier success 3 Defined Processes are documented, standardized, and integrated across the organization 4 Managed Detailed process metrics are collected, quantitatively understood and controlled 5 Optimized Continuous process improvement is enabled by quantitative feedback IBM Security / 2019 IBM Corporation 18

모든기업고객은보안여정을걷고있습니다. 고객의요구사항 Guidance & Wisdom Tools & Resources Clarity & Action IBM 의차별화된보안역량 글로벌보안위협에대한가시성및산업별전문성 통합보안솔루션및서비스제공 분석, AI, 오케스트레이션분야의리더십 IBM Security / 2019 IBM Corporation 19

IBM Security 는기업보안프로그램의혁신을지원합니다. 전략및리스크관리 보안리스크관리를통한비즈니스라인과의통합 위협관리 위협을빠르고정확하게식별및대응 디지털신뢰 비즈니스, 데이터, 사용자및자산에대한관리및보호 IBM Security / 2019 IBM Corporation 20

Who is IBM Security 글로벌최대사이버보안업체 12 개보안솔루션 / 서비스부문마켓리더 8,000+ 보안전문가보유 20+ 보안기업인수 700 억 + 보안이벤트모니터링 - Daily IBM Security / 2019 IBM Corporation 21

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Take your next steps with us 안전한디지털혁신여정을 IBM 이함께하겠습니다. 저장하기 IBM Security 번호를저장하세요. 02-3781-7332 일정잡기가입하기방문하기 보안전문가상담혹은데모세션을신청하세요. IBM X-Force Exchange 에가입하고실시간위협을확인하세요. exchange.xforce.ibmcloud.com IBM Client Center 를방문해서솔루션을직접확인하세요. IBM Security / 2019 IBM Corporation 23

Secure identity and networks Seamless and secure access for the right people across your hybrid multicloud Design a single identity strategy across clouds Develop a network maturity roadmap Powered by IBM and third-party solutions IBM Security Integrate identity and access tools Strategic assessment IBM Cloud Identity and Access Management Services Identity and Access Management IBM Cloud with App ID and IAM IBM Cloud Identity Network security Managed SD-WAN IBM Security / 2019 IBM Corporation 24

Protect data and workloads Critical data prioritization, encryption and key management for your hybrid multicloud Discovery and classification of critical data across clouds Granular data control for privacy and security Consistent policy enforcement for workloads, containers Encryption and key management Powered by IBM and third-party solutions IBM Security Data discovery and classification IBM Security Guardium Analyzer Data protection for multicloud IBM Security Guardium Multi-Cloud Data Protection IBM Managed Cloud Data Protection Services Privacy controls and encryption IBM Security Guardium IBM Multi-Cloud Data Encryption IBM Security / 2019 IBM Corporation 25

Manage threats and compliance One view to stay resilient in the face of risks across your hybrid multicloud Detect and investigate threats Build and test resilient processes Gain complete visibility into cloud activity Manage a compliant hybrid multicloud program Powered by IBM and third-party solutions IBM Security Security analytics IBM QRadar IBM X-Force Threat Management Services Incident response orchestration IBM Resilient IBM X-Force Incident Response Intelligence Services (IRIS) Security compliance IBM Security Strategy Risk and Compliance Services IBM Security / 2019 IBM Corporation 26

Client success All England Lawn Tennis Club protects the oldest brand in tennis - Wimbledon Client engaged IBM Cloud and IBM Security to support and secure its digital transformation and grow Wimbledon s viewership Results threat investigations with IBM QRadar with Watson compared to manual analysis in volume of events analyzed during the tournament by IBM QRadar breaches that impacted the client s website and the Wimbledon brand IBM Security / 2019 IBM Corporation 27

Who depends on IBM Security? 98% of the top global financial services and banking companies 95% of the top U.S. healthcare companies 94% of the top global pharmaceutical and biotech companies 50 state governments and all 5 branches of the US military 70 of the top US colleges and universities 12 of the top US aerospace and defense companies 27 of the top global energy and utilities companies 22 of the top U.S. retail and consumer goods companies 10 of the largest telecom companies in the world 8 of the top airlines in the world 19 of the top global motor vehicle and parts companies 43 of the top US industrial companies We are invested to be the best 12 Market segments where analysts ranked IBM Security as Leader Security Analytics Endpoint: Client Management Tools Identity Governance Access Management Identity as a Service Identity Management Database Security Application Security Enterprise Mobility Management Web Fraud Detection Managed Security Information Security Consulting Services IBM Security / 2019 IBM Corporation 28

IBM Security and native to cloud security solutions Secure identity and networks Protect data and workloads Manage threats and compliance IBM Security Services add-ons IBM Cloud Identity and Access Management Services IBM Managed SD-WAN IBM X-Force Cloud Security Services IBM Managed Cloud Data Protection Services IBM X-Force Threat Management Services IBM X-Force Incident Response Intelligence Services (IRIS) IBM Security Strategy Risk and Compliance Services Product add-ons IBM Cloud Identity IBM Security Guardium Analyzer IBM Security Guardium Multi-Cloud Data Protection IBM QRadar IBM Resilient IBM Multi-Cloud Encryption Native to Cloud IBM App ID IBM Key Protect IBM Security Advisor AWS IAM AWS Macie AWS Guard Duty Azure AD Identity Protection Azure Key Vaults Azure Sentinel IBM Security / 2019 IBM Corporation 29