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3. 수업의 개요 현 수업 개요 창의수업모형 1 차시 읽기, 말하기 쓰기, 1 차시 현수업 모형 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기 2 차시 듣기, 말하기 2 차시 현수업 모형: 듣기, 말하기 3 차시 읽기, 말하기 3 차시 핵심, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기: 시를 읽고 상상력과 시각적


1 번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: This is usually long and soft. You can use this when you feel cold in winter. You can put this around your neck

How to use this book Preparation My family I have a big family. I have grandparents, parents. I m the oldest in my family. My father is strict. 다양한 생활

#1_초급 본문

1번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: Many people use this every day. You can do many things with this. You can watch video clips, take pictures, and


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Unit Five: Conversation Three.



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1. 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을 고르시오. W: Dad, look at this. I made a birthday card for Grandma. M: Wow, you decorated it with dried flowers. W: Yes


Lesson 12 Your Dream, Your Future A: What do you want to be when you grow up? B: I want to be a famous basketball player. I think you should practice more. When I grow up, I want to work for UNICEF. I want to make people beautiful. Words about amusement park animal doctor anxiety child deliver ex. Can you deliver this to my house? design dream drink each engineer every exciting ex. It was an exciting game. exhausted famous fight flight attendant flood forget future hairstylist interesting memorize ex. You should memorize every new word. million over passenger photographer 120 point practice problem rainforest rest result ex. I m satisfied with the result. ride safe save smooth something ex. I want to drink something cold. thinking waterfall website writer Phrases around the world ex. I want to travel around the world. cut down ex. He cut down a small tree in his garden. grow up ex. He grew up in Paris. in danger ex. Elephants are in danger there. in need ex. A friend in need is a friend indeed. work for ex. My dad works for a bank.

Words 01 drink 02 forget 03 interesting 04 future 05 save 06 hairstylist 07 memorize 08 something 09 thinking 10 exciting 11 about 12 engineer 13 exhausted 14 famous 15 over 16 rainforest 17 sure 18 writer 19 smooth 20 ride 21 waterfall 22 website 23 amusement park 24 design 25 deliver 26 problem 27 rest 28 result 29 point 30 practice 31 every 32 fight 33 safe 34 passenger 35 million 36 photographer 37 anxiety 38 flight attendant 39 flood 40 animal doctor Phrases 41 work for 42 around the world 43 in need 44 cut down p.185 Lesson 12 121 Words 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 122 p.185 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Phrases 41 42 43 44

1 This lotion will make your skin (exhausted / smooth). 2 The (rest / ride) is really exciting and thrilling. 3 I like his poem, so I (practiced / memorized) it. 4 She s looking for (thinking / something) to read. 5 Luckily, all were safe. 6 We cancelled our trip because of. 7 You look worried. Any? 8 I want to my room myself. work for around the world grow up in danger 9 Many people knows Michael Jackson. 10 Human rights are in her country. 11 My friend Jane UN. 12 These days kids so quickly. 13 When I arrived, the meeting was. Who is the woman sitting there? 14 Tell me the story the accident. I m ready. What you? p.185 A: What do you want to be when you grow up? B: I want to be an animal doctor. A: Sounds great! Why do you want to be an animal doctor? B: Because I love taking care of animals. What do you want to What do you want to do today? What do you want to eat for lunch? What do you want to do in the future? How many books do you want to buy? I want to play basketball. I want to eat bibimbap for lunch. I want to write story books for children. I want to be able to play the piano. 1 A: do you want to be you? B: I a famous baseball player. A: Wow, that great. But it be easy. B: Yeah, I know. So I. A: Good luck. 2 A: What do you want to be? B: I want to be an. A: Sounds great! do you to be an animal doctor? B: Because I. I want to sick animals. A: you ll be a good animal doctor. Lesson 12 123 124

p.185 A: What s the matter? B: I have a cold. A: I think you should drink some orange juice. I think you should ~. Why don t you I think you should study harder. Why don t you go to bed early? HowWhatabout going to the dentist? You d better eat more vegetables and less sweets. What s the matter (with you)? What s wrong (with you)? 3 A: What s the? You don t well. B: I don t know. I. A: Maybe you go home and. B: But I don t want to go home. A: Well, you really look sick. you should go home. 4 A: Hey, is? You look worried. B: Well, I had a with my friend. A: Oh, I m sorry to. B: She is my best friend. I do? A: you should in a letter. 5 A: I want to be a. B:? That sounds great. A: Yeah. But I know it won t be easy. B: You may be. you read a lot. A: You re right. is. Lesson 12 125 p.185 A: What do you want to be 1.? B: I want 2. a basketball player. A: You re 3. basketball. B: I want to be 4.. A: Then, I think you 5. more. B: Well, what 6.? A: I want to 7.. B: 8. are you that? A: Well, I m 9.. Do you have 10.? B: You can get some ideas 11.. (A) I think you should do it right now. (B) Hey, what s wrong? (C) I forgot my homework. (D) I think I will. Thanks. 126

1 I want to eat chicken. I want to buy a toy car. I want to go shopping to buy a coat. I want to work for City Hall. (1) What do you want to be in the future? ( ) (2) What do you want to eat for dinner? ( ) (3) What do you want to do on the weekend? ( ) (4) What do you want to buy for Jim s birthday present? ( ) 2 A: What s wrong? B: I have a toothache. What s the matter? What do you have? What are you doing? What are you going to do? Why don t you see a doctor? 3 You d better do it now. What about doing it now? Why don t you do it now? How are you doing it now? I think you should do it now. 4 A: What s wrong? B: I had a fight with my friend. A: I think you should. get some rest do it right now exercise every day study harder next time say sorry to your friend first toy City Hall toothache fight rest first Lesson 12 127 p.185 5 grow up An engineer? Sounds interesting. Yeah. I want to make thinking robots. I want to be an engineer. What do you want to be when you grow up? 6 take pictures taking pictures helping people working with computers (1) I want to be a photographer. I m good at. (2) I want to be a web designer. I m good at. (3) I want to be a nurse. I m good at. [7~8] point Subin: What do you want to be when you grow up? Brian: I want to be a famous basketball player. Subin: That s great! You re good at basketball. Brian: Thanks. I want to be the best. Subin: Then, I think you should practice more. Brian: Maybe you re right. Well, what about you? Subin: I want to help the poor. Brian: How are you going to do that? Subin: Well, I m not sure. Do you have any ideas? Brian: You can get some ideas on the Internet. Subin: Good point. Thanks. 7 why don t you practice more? practicing more is important. why aren t you practicing more? do you think you need more practice? what do you think of practicing more? 8 128

p.185 When I grow up, I want to help the poor. When I went out, it was raining. You must see the waterfall when you visit the country. She wants to make every child happy. I want to make people beautiful. That work makes me so tired. when When were you born? make I felt disappointed when the show was over. She made her husband President. President after, before, as, while, tilluntil, as soon as My computer makes me patient. After I come back home, I will help you a lot. patient While he was studying for tests, his mother read a book beside him. Ben always makes us laugh. Please call me as soon as you know the result. laugh When I will get 100 points, my parents will buy me a new computer. When I get 100 points, my parents will buy me a new computer. I want to make my parents happily. I want to make my parents happy. When it snows tomorrow, we ll take pictures. Make the floor smoothly. Make the floor smooth. My teacher makes us memorize 10 English words every day. us memorize He made his car fixed within a week. his car fixed 1 I was very surprised I heard the news. 2 Come back home it gets dark. 3 It started to rain he arrived. 4 I was exhausted I walked for 2 hours. 5 Can t you wait we get home? 6 You can go shopping I m having lunch. 7 The news made him very happily. 8 The truth will make you freely. 9 Anxiety makes her awake all night. 10 Reading the book makes me sadly. 11 A sad movie always makes me cry. Lesson 12 129 130

1 (1) When the rain (stop), we will leave home. (2) Until she (come) back, I will wait here. (3) The news made us (shock). (4) I will make the pizza (deliver) to your office. 2 (1) Sally Sally always makes our meeting (bright / brightly). (2) I want to make my bag (lightly / lighter). (3) His story made the patients (hopeful / hopefully). 3 I was here when he came back. I don t know when she was born. Turn off the light when you leave. When they are ready, I will take them out. He wants to be a web designer when he grows up. 4 Please make my hair. short prettily lovely cute beautiful 5 (1) (up, you, when, grow), I hope you will remember me., I hope you will remember me. (2) (she, when, got, the letter), she jumped with joy., she jumped with joy. (3) (fall, you, in love, when), everything in the world looks beautiful., everything in the world looks beautiful. leave until shocked deliver office meeting bright patient hopeful turn off ready with joy Lesson 12 131 6 special feel comfortable laugh (1) I want to be a comedian. I want to make people. (2) I want to be a wedding planner. I want to make wedding ceremonies (3) I want to be a flight attendant. I want to make passengers on the plane. 7 My father made me a lawyer. I made my brother a thinking robot. I want to make people beautiful. She wants to make her family happy. He will make me angry. 8 I go to bed early I am very tired. She was sleeping he came in the room. why after when where before 9 Hana has a dream. She wants to make every child happily. So, she looked on the Internet to get some ideas. There was an interesting website about dreams. Teenagers around the world wrote about their dreams. 10 Dan is good at science. John likes making things. Camilla wants to being a hairstylist. He always makes his children happy. Sue helps students with their homework. 132 p.185 special comfortable comedian wedding planner wedding ceremony flight attendant passenger lawyer thinking robot go to bed.

Your Dream, Your Future Hana has a dream. She wants to make every child happy. So, she looked on the Internet to get some ideas. There was an interesting website about dreams. to Teenagers around the world wrote about their dreams. My Future Dream is... to happily cf. interested make every child happy John from Australia : I love amusement parks. I want to design the most exciting ride in the world. Suri from India: I want to make a thinking robot. It can help students with their homework. Mario from Brazil: I want to save the rainforest in the Amazon. People cut down millions of trees each year. Many animals are in danger. Camilla from Denmark: I want to be a famous hairstylist when I grow up. I want to make people beautiful. After reading about their dreams, Hana wrote : Hana from Korea: I want to do something for children in need. When I grow up, I want to work for UNICEF. In Ghana, children need clean water. In Bangladesh, children often cannot go to school because of floods. Every child should be safe and happy. Lesson 12 133 amuse help A with B AB to beautifully something something anything = can t = due to every future look on around the world amusement park design exciting ride help A with B save rainforest cut down million each in danger famous hairstylist in need work for ~ UNICEF because of flood safe Listen & Speak Plus Yellow 1 B: What do you want to be when you grow up? G: I want to be a computer engineer. B: Sounds great. want to 2 G: What do you want to be when you grow up? B: I want to be a police officer. = in the future G: Really? Sounds exciting! 3 B: What do you want to be when you grow up? G: I want to be a dentist. B: Really? Me, too. Listen & Speak Plus Green 1 B: What s the matter? G: I didn t do well on the English speaking test. B: I m sorry to hear that. = What s wrong? / Is something wrong? / Are you okay? G: I want to speak English better. B: I think you should watch TV in English. 2 B: What s wrong? You don t look well today. G: I have a bad cold. B: That s too bad. Why don t you go see a doctor? G: But school isn t over yet. = HowWhatabout going B: Still, I think you should see a doctor. 3 G: What s wrong? B: I forgot my best friend s birthday. G: That s too bad. Is he angry? B: I think so. Any good ideas? G: Maybe you should give him a call. give ~ a call Listen & Speak Plus Purple 1 G: What do you want to be when you grow up? B: I want to be a famous actor. G: An actor? Sounds great. 134 B: But it won t be easy. G: Still, you re a great actor. B: Thanks, but I want to be the best actor. G: Then, you should take acting lessons. good better best 2 B: Jenny, what do you want to do when you grow up? G: I want to work with computers. Maybe... a computer engineer. B: Really? That s great. G: Yeah, I know it won t be easy. B: Don t worry. You re good at working with computers. be good at G: Thanks, but I still want to learn more. B: Then, you should study computer science. 3 G: Mike, what do you want to be when you grow up? B: I want to be a famous tennis player. G: That s great! You re so good at tennis. B: Thanks. But I want to be the best in the world. G: Then, I think you should practice hard every day. = Maybe you should practice B: Maybe you re right. that G: I m sure you ll be a wonderful tennis player. that 1 I want to design cars. 2 I want to make a robot. 3 I want to save the rainforest in the Amazon. 4 I want to be a food stylist. 1 Are you good at science? 2 Do you like making things? like-ing 3 Do you like helping other people? 4 Do you want to be a hairstylist? 5 Are you from Australia? Are you from ~?

Your Dream, Your Future Hana has a dream. 1. She wants to every child. 2. So, she the Internet to get some ideas. 3. There was an interesting website. 4. around the world about their dreams. My Future Dream is... John from Australia : I love amusement parks. 5. I want to the most in the world. Suri from India: 6. I want to make a. It can help students with their homework. Mario from Brazil: 7. I want to the in the Amazon. 8. People millions of trees each year. 9. Many animals are. Camilla from Denmark : 10. I want to be a when I grow up. 11. I want to make people 12. about their dreams, Hana wrote : Hana from Korea : 13. I want to do something for children. 14. When I, I want to work for UNICEF. 15. In Ghana, children need. 16. In Bangladesh, children often cannot go to school. 17. Every child should be and happy. p.186 1. 2. 3. 4. John 5. Suri6. Mario7. 8. 9. Camilla10. 11. 12. 13. 14. UNICEF 15. 16. 17. Lesson 12 135 136 p.186.

Listen & Speak Plus Yellow 1 B: What do you want to be when you 1.? G: I want to be a computer 2.. B: Sounds great. 2 G: What do you want to be 3.? B: I want to be a police officer. G: Really? Sounds exciting! 3 B: What do you want to be when you grow up? G: I want to 4.. B: Really? Me, too. Listen & Speak Plus Green 1 B: What s the 5.? G: I didn t 6. the English speaking test. B: I m sorry to hear that. G: I want to speak English 7.. B: I think you should watch TV 8. 2 B: What s wrong? You don t look well today. G: I 9. a. B: That s too bad. Why don t you go see a doctor? G: But school isn t 10. yet. B: Still, I think you should see a doctor. 3 G: What s wrong? B: I 11. my best friend s birthday. G: That s too bad. Is he angry? B: I think so. Any good ideas? G: Maybe you should 12. Listen & Speak Plus Purple 1 G: 13. when you grow up? p.186 B: I want to be a famous actor. G: An actor? Sounds great. B: But it 14. be easy. G: Still, you re a great actor. B: Thanks, but I want to be the best actor. G: Then, you should 15. acting 2 B: Jenny, what do you want to do when you grow up? G: I want to 16. computers. Maybe... a computer engineer. B: Really? That s great. G: Yeah, I know it won t be easy. B: Don t worry. You re 17. working with computers. G: Thanks, but I still want to 18. B: Then, you should study computer science. 3 G: Mike, what do you want to be when you grow up? B: I want to be a famous tennis player. G: That s great! You re so good at tennis. B: Thanks. But I want to be 19. in the world. G: Then, I think you should 20. every day. B: Maybe you re right. G: 21. you ll be a wonderful tennis player. 1 I want to 22. cars. 2 I want to make a robot. 3 I want to 23. the rainforest in the Amazon. 4 I want to be a food stylist. 1 Are you 24.? 2 Do you like making things? 3 Do you like helping other people? 4 Do you want to be a hairstylist? 5 Are you 25. Australia? Lesson 12 137 A: What do you want to be when you grow (A) up / on? B: I want to be a famous actor. A: That s great! You re (B) good / right at acting. B: Thanks. I want to be the best actor. A: Then, I think you (C) would / should take acting lessons. (A) (B) (C) on good should up right would on right should up good would up good should 138.... Words + Reading forget rainforest passenger photographer hairstylist famous save dream memorize future writer deliver hairstylist 1 : someone who makes people s hair beautiful : 2 : to keep them safe from death, harm, loss, etc. : 3 : very well-known : 4 : a thick forest of tall trees in hot and wet countries : 5 : a series of images, events, and feelings that happen in your mind while you are asleep : 6 : a person who is travelling in a bus, boat, or plane : 7 : the time that will come after the present : 8 : someone who takes photographs as a job or hobby : 9 : to take something somewhere : 10 : cannot think of something or think how to do it : 11 : a person who writes books, stories, or articles as a job : 12 : to learn something so that you can remember it exactly :

p.186 Grammar + Reading 1 She wants to make every child happily. 2 So, she looked on the Internet get some ideas. 3 There was an interested website about dreams. 4 I want to design most exciting ride in the world. 5 I want to make a think robot. 6 It can help students their homework. 7 People cut down millions of trees each years. 8 I want to be a famous hairstylist when I will grow up. 9 I want to make people beautifully. 10 I want to do something for children need. 11 In Bangladesh, children often cannot go to school because floods. 12 Every children should be safe and happy. Merry Christmas! I m sending you a sweater. I hope you like it. You are going to be fourteen soon. Isn t it great? I ll give you some advice. First, try to drink more milk. It will make you strongly. Second, exercise every day. It will make you healthy. Also, try to read many books. It will make you wise and it will help you with your study. I love you so much. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Lesson 12 139 1 safety safe fame famous beauty beautiful danger dangerous amusement amuse 2 This This is a thick forest of tall trees in hot and wet countries. 3 pilot driver cooker engineer soccer player 4 (1) A friend is a friend indeed. (2) I have plans to take a trip in the future. (3) Today, children with many problems. (4) He felt that his life was 140 5 Let s travel by. Then we don t have to worry about a traffic jam. Cathy s job is to dolphins. She teaches them skills like jumping or playing with balls. 6 writer writing stories gym teacher playing sports singer singing in front of people web designer working with computer animal doctor taking care of sick people 7 What do you want to be when you grow up? when you are tired when you have free time when you are young in the future when you are alone 8 Sure. I m the best player in my school. Really? Are you good at basketball? I want to be a basketball player. What do you want to be in the future?.

9 A: I have a headache. B: I think you should get some rest. Why don t you get some rest? Getting some rest is important. Why aren t you getting some rest? Do you think you need some rest? What do you think of getting some rest? (10~12) Subin: What do you want to be you grow up? Brian: Subin: That s great! You re good at basketball. Brian: Thanks. I want to be the best. Subin: Then, I think you should practice more. Brian: Maybe you re right. Well, what about you? Subin: I want to help the poor. Brian: How are you going to do that? Subin: Well, I m not sure. Do you have any ideas? Brian: You can get some ideas on the Internet. Subin: Good point. Thanks. 10 if until when while even if 11 (famous / want / I / be / to / a / basketball player) 12 Subin and Brian are talking about their jobs dreams hobbies schools favorite sports 13 A: What s the matter? B: I can t sleep well. A: What do you want to be in the future? B: I want to be a car engineer. A: What do you do when you are angry? B: I listen to music. A: Why don t you get some rest? B: Because I am very busy. A: I think you should read more books. B: Maybe you re right. 14 headache you should matter A: What s the? B: I have a. A: I think see the school nurse. 15 I ll make you happy. You made me angry! I ll make you smile! This music makes me sad. I want to make a thinking robot. Lesson 12 141 16 (21-22) The song makes people. 21 sad glad upset easily bored (alone / when / listen to / I / music / am / I) 17 (1) Sally always makes me so (angry / angrily). (2) His present makes his mom (surprise / surprised). 22 (clean / your face / make / this cream / will) (3) Jane s letter made her classmates (happy / happily). 23 18 I have headache. I teach how exercise. I want to play piano in front of many people. I m best player in my school. I m good at basketball. When he here, we will start practicing arrive will arrive is going to arrive arrives arrived (24~25) 19 I was very pleased when I met Julie. Let me know when he comes. She was very cute when she was young. He loved history when he was at school. I was confused when my girl friend was angry. After reading about their dreams, Hana wrote: Hana from Korea: I want to do something for children in need. When I grow up, I want to work for UNICEF. In Ghana, children need clean water. In Bangladesh, children often cannot go to school because of floods. Every child should be safe and happy. 24 20 She is good at solve math problems. UNICEF 142.

25 Hana is Korean. Hana wants to help children in need. Hana works for UNICEF. Children in Ghana don t have clean water. Children in Bangladesh often cannot go to school. (26~28) Hana has a dream. She wants to make every child happy., she looked on the Internet. There was an interesting website about dreams. Teenagers around the world wrote about their dreams. She could get good ideas. 26 So But And Also Because 27 to get some ideas to find children in need to write about her dream to know about teenagers to look for a website about dreams 28 (29~30) (A) My name is Jessica Lynch. I am from the UK. I am a teacher. I like. I also want to build a school for children. (B) My name is David Wilson. I am from Italy. I am a doctor. I like helping people in need. I want to take care of sick people in other countries when I have more time. 29 making her school bigger helping people in danger writing music for the sick helping the old in need making children happy 30 Jessica is an American. Jessica likes children. David is an Italian. David is a doctor. David wants to help sick people abroad. Lesson 12 143 (31~33) There was an interesting website about dreams. Teenagers around the world wrote about their dreams. My Future Dream is... John from Australia: I love amusement parks. I want to design the most exciting ride in the world. Suri from India: I want to make a thinking robot. It can help students with their homework. Mario from Brazil: I want to save the rainforest in the Amazon. People cut down millions of trees each year. Many animals are in danger. Camilla from Denmark: I want to be a famous hairstylist when I grow up. I want to make people beautiful. After reading about their dreams, Hana wrote: Hana from Korea: I want to do something for children in need. When I grow up, I want to work for. In Ghana, children need clean water. In Bangladesh, children often cannot go to school because of floods. Every child should be safe and happy. 31 WTO OECD OPEC IMF UNICEF 32 Suri Suri Mario 144 p.186 33 If these teenagers dreams come true, who can work for children in need? (34~35) Dear Lisa, Merry Christmas! I m sending you a sweater. I hope you like it. You are going to be fourteen soon. Isn t it great? I ll give you some advice. First, try to drink more milk. It will make you stronger. Second, exercise every day. It will make you healthy. Also, try to read many books. It will make you wise and it will help you with your study. I love you so much. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Love, Your grandma 34 Lisa Lisa Lisa Lisa 35 Lisa

1 d a series of images, events, and feelings that happen in your mind while you are asleep 2 I will help children need. There are many animals danger. at in on for with 3 My name is Jessica Lynch. I am a. I teach children in the elementary school. I like making children happy. 4 A: I have a bad cold. B: Why don t you see a doctor? You d better see a doctor. How about seeing a doctor? What about seeing a doctor? Why are you seeing a doctor? I think you should see a doctor. 5 A : B = C : D A B C D music : musician = photograph : 6 A: What s the matter? B: I didn t do well on the English speaking test. A: I m sorry to hear that. B: I want to speak English better. A: Maybe you should give him a call. Still, I think you should see a doctor. I think you should watch TV in English. Great. I think you should follow your dream. I think you should make model airplanes first. 7 I couldn t sleep last night because the noise. 8 Tim wants to get some ideas. Tim He wants to make every animal safe. She couldn t come due to heavy rain. There are millions of books in the library. This robot can help old people with their exercise. 9 Mina did many things us. My father works a foreign bank. Lesson 12 145 (10~12) Subin: What do you want to be when you grow up? Brian: I want to be a famous basketball player. Subin: That s great! You re good at basketball. Brian: Thanks. I want to be the best. Subin: Then, I think you should practice more. Brian: Maybe you re right. Well, what about you? Subin: I want to help the poor. Brian: How are you going to do that? Subin: Well, I m not sure. Do you have any ideas? Brian: You can get some ideas on the Internet. Subin: Good point. Thanks. 10 You practice every day. You could practice more. You practiced more before. You want to practice more. You d better practice more. 11 what is it how are you how about you what do you do what are you doing 12 Brian is good at basketball. Subin wants to be a doctor. Subin wants to help the poor. Brian wants to be the best player. Subin doesn t know how to help the poor yet. 146 p.187 (13~15) John from Australia: I love amusement parks. I want to design the most exciting ride in the world. Suri from India: I want to make a thinking robot. Mario from Brazil: I want to save the rainforest in the Amazon. People cut down millions of trees each year. Many animals are in danger. Camilla from Denmark: I want to be a famous hairstylist when I grow up. I want to make people beautiful. 13 How old is John? Where is Suri from? What does John want to do? What does Mario want to save? Why does Camilla want to be a hairstylist? 14 I can help you with your exercise. 15 John Suri Mario Camilla Mario

1 My name is Andre Blanc. I am a. I like making new hair styles. I want to make people beautiful. 2 headache: a pain inside your head famous: known by many people future: the time that will come after the present grow: to increase in size, number, strength, or quality amusement: the feeling that you have when something is sad 3 Ben is good numbers. Are you good dancing? I want to work a computer company. at at on in at for in with in with at for with at with 4 Minho likes helping people need. My sister and I saved a cat danger. 5 What are the following advice for? You should study hard. You shouldn t talk in class. You shouldn t watch TV a lot. You should listen to teachers carefully. how to be healthy how to lose weight how to make friends how to get a good grade how to speak English well (6~7) A: What do you want to be when you will grow up? B: I want to be a famous baseball player. A: Wow, that sounds great. B: Yeah, I know. So I practice every day. A: Good luck. 6 But it won t be easy. 7 Lesson 12 147 (8~10) John from Australia: I love amusement parks. I want to design the most excited ride in the world. Suri from India: I want to make a thinking robot. Maybe it can help students with their homework. Mario from Brazil: I want to save the rainforest in the Amazon. People cut down millions of trees each years. Many animals are in danger. Camilla from Denmark: I want to be a famous hairstylist when I grow on. I want to make people beautifully. 8 Suri is an Indian. Suri helps students with their homework. Mario is worried about the rainforest in the Amazon. Mario thinks many animals in the Amazon are in danger. John wants to design rides. 9 10 save Let s save energy! I save money to buy an MP3 player. Scan it and save it as a computer file. We can save time by wearing a uniform. The doctor did everything to save her life. 148 11 A: What do you want to be in the future? B: I want to be an animal doctor. What do you want to be up? when grow you grow and you grow when you grow when you will grow 12 Hana from Korea: I want to do something for children in need. I want to work for UNICEF. In Ghana, children need clean water. In Bangladesh, children often cannot go to school because of floods. All children should be safe and happy. Where is Hana from? Who does Hana want to do anything for? Where does Hana want to work? Why can t children in Ghana get clean water? Who does Hana think should be safe and happy? 13 This animation makes me. tired sleepy excited feel happy sadly

14 A: I have a cold. B: Why don t you go see a doctor? I think you should take some rest. How about going to the dentist? That s too bad. Did you take some medicine? I hope you get well soon. (15~17) Hana: Hi, Mario. I m Hana from Korea. Mario: Hi, Hana. I m from Brazil. Hana: What do you want to do in the future? Mario: I want to save the rainforest in the Amazon. Hana: What s the problem in the Amazon? Mario: People cut down millions of trees each year. Many animals are in danger. Hana: That s too bad. Do you have any good ideas? Mario: Yes, I do. I think we should 15 What s the matter? What s your name? How old are you? Where are you from? Where do you live? 16 help I m glad you like it. help I m sorry to hear that. collect I m sorry to hear that. collect That s not important. put That s not nice. 17 use many paper bags recycle paper use less paper not use paper cups use the back of the paper 18 When it, I will close the window in my room. rain will rain will be raining rains is going to rain 19 What is Subin going to do to get ideas? Subin: I want to help the poor. Brian: How are you going to do that? Subin: Well, I m not sure. Do you have any ideas? Brian: You can get some ideas on the Internet. Subin: Good point. Thanks. 20 make He makes me upset. This drama makes her cry. We will make you happy! This movie makes me laugh. I want to make a dress for her. Lesson 12 149 (21~22) Hana has a dream. She wants to make every child happy. So, she looked on the Internet to get some ideas. There was an interesting website about dreams. Having a dream is very difficult. Teenagers around the world wrote about their dreams. 21 22 What was the website about? The website was about. 23 Brian Subin Brian: What do you want to be in the future? Subin: I want to help the poor. Brian: How are you going to do that? Subin: Well, I m not sure. Do you have any ideas? You can raise some money for them. You can do volunteer work for them. You can write to the poor for help. You can ask people to sponsor for the poor. You can get some information on the Internet. 150 p.188 24 when When and where will you go? When I grow up, I want to be a vet. He was doing his homework when I came in. I give candies when my little sister cries. When you open your book, you will be surprised. 25 I want to be a famous hairstylist. My invention can help students with their homework. People cut down millions of trees each year. I want to design the most exciting ride in the world. (1) I love amusement parks. ( ) (2) I want to save the rainforest. ( ) (3) I want to make a thinking robot. ( ) (4) I want to make people beautiful. ( ).

1 a large park which has a lot of things that you can ride and play on and many different activities to enjoy gym pool playground national park amusement park 2 poor in need neat dirty beautiful pretty angry upset help take care of 3 She is danger now. The people are need. Children Ghana need clean water. This robot can help me my homework. I will make the biggest cake the world. 4 A photographer takes pictures. A police officer catches bad people. An animal doctor helps sick animals. A musician sells musical instruments. A hairstylist makes people s hair beautiful. 5 My father made me a doctor. I made my brother a toy car. I want to make people surprised. She wants to make every child happy. He often makes me angry. 6 There are many children in need. I want to save the rainforest. People cut down millions of trees. I want to design a homework website. Students have many problems with their studying. I want to be a great doctor. Children like amusement parks. I want to design the most exciting ride. There are not many doctors in poor countries. I want to make thinking robots. 7 A: Do you have uniforms at your school? B: No. They are very pretty. I like them. A: How about this one? B: Oh, I don t like the color. How much is it? A: What s the matter? B: I m worried about the history test. A: Can you help me make the poster? B: Sorry, I can t. What is it? A: I forgot my best friend s birthday. B: That sounds good. Is he angry? 8 Sunshine makes me happy. This music makes me sad. Rock music makes me excitedly. Driving a car makes me tired. Books make me sleepy. Lesson 12 151 (9~10) After reading about their dreams, Hana wrote: Hana from Korea: I want to do something for children in need. When I grow up, I want to work for UNICEF. In Ghana, children need clean water. In Bangladesh, children often cannot go to school because of floods. Every children should be safe and happy. 9 What is the best title for the passage? Children in Need My Future Dream What UNICEF Does How to Help Poor People Children around the World 10 11 My name is David Wilson. I am from Italy. I am a doctor. I like helping people in need. I want to do something for children around the world. I want to work for UNICEF. In Ghana, children need clean water. In Bangladesh, children often cannot go to school because of floods. Everyone should be safe and happy. I want to take care of sick people in other countries when I have more time. 152 12 He made me. upset happily study angry a doll (13~15) Subin: What do you want to be when you grow up? Brian: I want to be a famous basketball player. Subin: That s great! You re good at basketball. Brian: Thanks. I want to be the best. Subin: Then, I think you should practice more. Brian: Maybe you re right. Well, what about you? Subin: I want to help the poor. Brian: How are you going to do that? Subin: Well, I m not sure. Do you have any ideas? Brian: You can get some ideas on the Internet. Subin: Good point. Thanks. 13 Brian wants to be a, but he should practice more to be the best. soccer player baseball player basketball player volleyball player programmer 14 What does Brian advise Subin to do? to help the poor to practice basketball more to get some ideas on the Internet to be the best to be a famous basketball player

15 Future dreams Helping the poor The importance of practice Where can you get good ideas? How to become a basketball player 16 Teenagers the world wrote their dreams. around in in around around about about around about about 17 Dear Lisa, Merry Christmas! I m sending you a sweater. I hope you like it. You are going to be fourteen soon. Isn t it great? I ll give you some advice. First, try to drink more milk. It will make you stronger. Second, exercise every day. It will make you healthily. Also, try to read many books. It will make you wise and it will help you with your study. I love you so much. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Love, Your grandma 18 What do you want to be you grow up? I got home, there was nobody. (19~20) Jessica: My name is Jessica Lynch. I am from the UK. I am a teacher. I like making children happy. I also want to build a school for children. David: My name is David Wilson. I am from Italy. I am a doctor. I like helping people in need. I want to take care of sick people in other countries when I have more time. Andre: My name is Andre Blanc. I am from France. I am. I like making new hairstyles. I want to make people beautiful. 19 Jessica David Andre Jessica 20 a nurse an actor a hairstylist a photographer a designer Lesson 12 153 p.188 21 when 24 When he comes home, I ll call you. What shall I wear when I go hiking? When I go to school, I have to wear a school uniform. When is Mother s day in Korea? You make me happy when skies are gray. B: What s the matter? You don t look well. G: I don t know. I feel sick. B: Maybe you should go home and get some rest. G: But I don t want to go home. B: Well, you really look sick. I think you should go home. (22~23) John from Australia: I love amusement parks. I want to design the most exciting ride in the world. Suri from India: I want to make a thinking robot. It can help students their homework. Mario from Brazil: I want to save the rainforest in the Amazon. People cut millions of trees each year. Many animals are in danger. Camilla from Denmark: I want to be a famous hairstylist when I grow up. I want to make people beautiful. 22 with up to with with down of off in down Is something wrong? Are you alright? What s the problem? Is it OK with you? Are you OK? 25 Hana from Korea: I want to do something for children in need. In the future, I would like to work for UNICEF. In Ghana, children need clean water. In Bangladesh, children often cannot go to school because of floods. All the children should be safe and happy. 23 ride Can you ride a bicycle? Can you give me a ride? This car ride s very smoothly. Roller coaster was the best ride I ve ever been on. I went for a ride yesterday. Hana is a Korean. She wants to help children. Everyone is safe and happy. Children in Ghana don t have clean water. Her future dream is working for UNICEF. 154

1 Why don t you get some sleep? You d better say sorry to him. I think you should study harder next time. (1) A: What s the matter? B: I had a fight with my friend. A: (2) A: Why are you so sad? B: I didn t do well on my math test. A: (3) A: What s wrong? B: I have a bad headache. A: 2 A: What do you want to be when you grow up? B: I want to be an animal doctor. A: Sounds great!? (an animal doctor / want / why / you / be / to / do) B: Because I love animals. I want to help sick animals. 3 A: Hey, what s wrong? B: I have a stomachache. A: I think you should get some rest. 4 John from Australia: I love amusement parks. I want to design the most exciting ride in the world. Suri from India: I want to make a thinking robot. It can help students with their homework. Mario from Brazil: I want to save the rainforest in the Amazon. People cut down millions of trees each year. Many animals are in danger. Camilla from Denmark: I want to be a famous hairstylist when I grow up. I want to make people beautiful. John Suri Mario Camilla 5 Junho Kim My is Junho Kim. I m from. I grow up, I want an animal doctor. I m good at sick animals. I want to animals. Lesson 12 155 6 Jane: My name is Jane Lynch. I am from the UK. I want to be a teacher. I like making children happy. I also want to build a school for children. Danny: My name is Danny Wilson. I am from Italy. I want to be a doctor. I like helping people in need. I want to take care of sick people. Danny: What do you want to be when you grow up? Jane:. Danny: Sounds interesting! Jane: Yeah. I like making children happy. What about you? Danny: I like helping people in need, so. I want to be a doctor. Jane: That s great! 7 I... when... (1) a test (2) sick (3) busy (1) When I have, I very hard. (2) When I, I. (3) When, I to work. 156 p.189 8-1 B A: in the future? B: I want to be a famous basketball player. 8-2 I Amy I want to be an animal doctor because I like taking care of animals. Amy 8-3 he My name is Minho Kim. I am from Korea. I am a doctor. I like helping people in need. I want to take care of sick people in other countries when I have more time..

Lesson 12 Your Dream, Your Future p.121 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 p.122 1 hairstylist 2 amusement park 3 deliver 4 child 5 dream 6 writer 7 safe 8 ride 9 waterfall 10 something 11 website 12 about 13 design 14 each 15 problem 16 flight attendant 17 memorize 18 point 19 practice 20 smooth 21 thinking 22 sure 23 exciting 24 fight 25 animal doctor 26 anxiety 27 engineer 28 every 29 photographer 30 famous 31 flood 32 rest 33 exhausted 34 future 35 over 36 million 37 save 38 result 39 rainforest 40 passenger 41 grow up 42 in danger 43 in need 44 work for p.123 1 smooth 2 ride 3 memorized 4 something 5 passengers 6 flood 7 problem 8 design 9 around the world 10 in danger 11 works for 12 grow up 13 over 14 about p.124 1 What, when, grow up, want to be, sounds, won't, practice every day 2 in the future, animal doctor, Why, want, love animals, help, I m sure 3 matter, look, feel sick, should, get some rest, I think 4 something wrong, fight, hear that, What should, Maybe, say sorry 5 writer, Really, right, I think, should, Reading, important p.126 1 when you grow up 2 to be, famous 3 good at 4 the best 5 should practice 6 about you 7 help the poor 8 How, going to do 9 not sure 10 any ideas 11 on the Internet (B) (C) (A) (D) p.127 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) 2 3 4 5 6 (1) taking pictures (2) working with computers (3) helping people 7 8 1 What do you want to I want to 3 4 6 photographer work with 7 8 Brian p.129 1 when 2 before 3 as soon as 4 after 5 tilluntil 6 while 7 happily happy 8 freely free 9 10 sadly sad 11 p.131 1 (1) stops (2) comes (3) shocked (4) delivered 2 (1) bright (2) lighter (3) hopeful 3 4 5 (1) When you grow up (2) When she got the letter (3) When you fall in love 6 (1) laugh (2) special (3) feel comfortable 7 8 9 happily happy 10 185 1 make pizza 2 make 3 when know 4 make 7 8 when 10 want to to being to be p.135 1 make, happy 2 looked on 3 about dreams 4 Teenagers, wrote 5 design, exciting ride 6 thinking robot 7 save, rainforest 8 cut down 9 in danger 10 famous hairstylist 11 beautiful 12 After reading 13 in need 14 grow up 15 clean water 16 because of floods 17 safe p.136 1 Hana has a dream. 2 She wants to make every child happy. 3 So, she looked on the Internet to get some ideas. 4 There was an interesting website about dreams. 5 Teenagers around the world wrote about their dreams. 6 I want to design the most exciting ride in the world. 7 It can help students with their homework. 8 People cut down millions of trees each year. 9 Many animals are in danger. 10 I want to be a famous hairstylist when I grow up. 11 I want to do something for children in need. 12 In Bangladesh, children often cannot go to school because of floods. p.137 1 grow up 2 engineer 3 when you grow up 186 4 bebecomea dentist 5 matter 6 do well on 7 better 8 in English 9 have, bad cold 10 over 11 forgot 12 give him a call 13 What do you want to be 14 won t 15 take, lessons 16 work with 17 good at 18 learn more 19 the best 20 practice hard 21 I m sure 22 design 23 save 24 good at science 25 from p.138 Words + Reading 1 hairstylist, 2 save, 3 famous, 4 rainforest, 5 dream, 6 passenger, 7 future, 8 photographer, 9 deliver, 10 forget, 11 writer, 12 memorize, Grammar + Reading 1 She wants to make every child happy. 2 So, she looked on the Internet to get some ideas. 3 There was an interesting website about dreams. 4 I want to design the most exciting ride in the world. 5 I want to make a thinking robot. 6 It can help students with their homework. 7 People cut down millions of trees each year. 8 I want to be a famous hairstylist when I grow up. 9 I want to make people beautiful. 10 I want to do something for children in need. 11 In Bangladesh, children often cannot go to school because of floods. 12 Every child should be safe and happy. make strongly p.140 1 2 rainforest 3 4 (1) in need (2) around the world (3) grow up (4) in danger 5 train 6 7 8 9 10 11 I want to be a famous basketball player. 12 13 14 matter, headache, you should 15 16 17 (1) angry (2) surprised (3) happy 18 19 20 solve solving 21 When I am alone, I listen to music.i

listen to music when I am alone. 22 This cream will make your face clean. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Hana (can work for children in need). 34 35 1 2 3 1 2 3 cook 5 Cathy 6 7 in the future 9 10 11 want to 12 13 Why don t you ~? B Because ~ A Why ~? 14 A B B A should 15 16 make 18 headache a headache how exercise how to exercise piano the piano best the best 19 when 20 be good at at 21 when 22 make 23 when 24 Hana from Korea 25 UNICEF 26 So 27 28 29 30 Jessica English 31 UNICEF UNICEF: United Nations International Children s Emergency Fund 34 Lisa p.145 1 dream 2 3 teacher 4 5 photographer 6 7 because because of 8 9 for 10 11 12 13 14 It can help students with their homework. 15 1 2 in need in danger 3 teach, elementary school teacher 4 5 187 6 A B 7 because of because 8 millions of ~ 9 for us work for 10 had better 11 What about you? = How about you? 12 how to 13 14 help A with B A B 15 Mario p.147 1 hairstylist 2 3 4 in 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 dreams 23 24 25 (1) (2) (3) (4) 1 new hair styles, make people beautiful hairstylist 3 be good with be good at work for ~ 5 6 B 7 when you grow up 8 Suri 9 excited exciting years 188 year each grow on grow up beautifully beautiful make 10 save 11 when 12 13 sadly sad 15 Mario Where are you from? 16 save That s too bad. I m sorry to hear that. 17 18 20 make 21 22 23 24 when p.151 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 help 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 whenwhen 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

1 2 3 in with 5 6 7 What s the matter? 8 make excited 9 10 every children child 11 take care of help 12 happily 13 Brian 15 Brian 17 healthy 18 when 19 Jessica 20 21 when 22 help A with BA B cut down 23 ride 24 25 p.155 1 (1) You d better say sorry to him. (2) I think you should study harder next time. (3) Why don t you get some sleep? 2 Why do you want to be an animal doctor? 3 WhatHowabout getting some rest? / Why don t you get some rest? / You d better get some rest. 4 5 name, Korea, When, to be, taking care of, make, healthy 6 I want to be a teacher., I want to take care of sick people. 7 (1) a test, study (2) am sick, go to the hospitalgo see a doctor(3) I am busy, take a taxi 8-1 What do you want to be 8-2 wants to be a shoe designer because she wants to make people comfortable 8-3 What is his name? / Where is he from? / What does he do? / What is his job? / Why did he become a doctor? / What does he like to do? / What does he want to do in the future? / What does he want to do when he has more time? 1 You d better I think you should ~. Why don t you ~? say sorry to headache 3 I think your should ~. 7 8-1 B A 8-2 want to ~, makewhen 8-3 189