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Application 'OZ Application Designer', 'OZ Application Designer' 'OZ Application Designer', OZC, OZS, OZF.. OZ Application Designer OZ Application Designer. OZ Application Designer,,, OZ Application Designer. OZ Application Designer Document, Board OZ Application Designer. 6

OZ Application Designer,, OZC, EventHook.,,,. OZ Application Designer. OZ Function Editor OZF, OZ Function Editor, OZF. OZ Style Editor OZS, OZ Style Editor, OZS. OZ Application Designer. 7

OZ Application Designer. Manual Getting Started Description.....,,.. 8


OZ Application Designer. OS Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 2003 JRE 1.3 Windows 95/98/ME Unicode. CPU Pentium 500MHz Main Memory 256MB (512MB ) HDD 100MB XGA (1024 x 768 ) 10

OZ Application Designer. Folder File Name Description %OZA_HOME% %OZA_HOME% bin Console.txt dbconfig.xml dbconfig.xsd msado15.dll OZApplicationDesigner.exe OZApplicationFunctionEditor. exe OZApplicationStyleEditor.exe ozatransparent.dll OZAViewer.exe OZAViewerDll.dll OZAViewerOCX.ocx ozxlswriter.dll OZForVista.dll OZLabelPtnWiz_vc71.dll OZOptWiz_vc71.dll OZRepositoryManager.ini OZUSLClientDes128.dll OZUSLClientSession.dll ScriptDebugger.dll unicows.dll user.cif OZ Application Designer DB ADORecordSet OZ Application Designer OZ Function Edtior OZ Style Editor Board OZ Application Viewer OZ Application Viewer OZ Application Viewer ActiveX United Control Excel Export Windows Vista OZ Report Viewer USL Microsoft Layer of Unicode 11

%OZA_HOME% bin/res %OZA_HOME% config ad.dll ad_error_msg.xml af.dll af_error_msg. xml as.dll as_error_msg.xml av_error_msg.xml chartres.xml label_pattern. xml MultiLanguageList.xml rm.dll rm_error_msg.xml sd.dll server_error_msg.xml viewer_parameter.xml assembly.properties launch.cfg OZApplicationDesigner.ini OZ Application Designer ) ad_ko_kr.dll OZ Application Designer ) ad_error_msg_ko_kr.xml Function Editor ) af_ko_kr.dll Function Editor ) af_error_msg_ko_kr.xml Style Editor ) as_ko_kr.dll Style Editor ) as_error_msg_ko_kr.xml OZ Application Viewer ) av_error_msg_ko_kr.xml Label ) label_pattern_ko_kr.xml ) rm_ko_kr.dll ) rm_error_msg_ko_kr.xml ex)sd_ko_kr.dll ) server_error_msg_ko_kr.xml OZ Report Viewer ) viewer_parameter_ko_kr.xml OZ Application Designer OZ Application Designer 12

%OZA_HOME% doc OZApplicationDesignerLayou t.xml OZApplicationFucntionEditor. ini OZApplicationFunctionEditor Layout.xml OZApplicationStyleEditor.ini OZApplicationStyleEditorLay out.xml OZOpenHistory.xml OZServerList.xml xml.properties CFFunc_5.0.xml codehelp_5.0.xml comphelp_5.0.xml OZAPPAPI.ch m OZAPPCHILD. chm OZ Application Designer Layout OZ Application Fucntion Editor OZ Application Fucntion Editor Layout OZ Application Style Editor OZ Application Style Editor Layout OZ Repository Server XML OZ Application Designer API OZ Application Designer API ( ) %OZA_HOME% images OZ Application Designer %OZA_HOME% lib activation.jar mail.jar dtdparser120.jar jcert.jar jnet.jar jsee.jar jsr173_api.jar stax-1.2.0.jar log4j.jar ozsfw50.jar parser.jar xerces.jar DTD J2EE (HTTPS/SSL ) JRE 1.3.X /HTTP XML Log XML 13

dom4j-1.6.1.jar jaxen-1.1.6.jar xalan.jar xercesimpl.jar XML XPath xml-apis.jar %OZA_HOME% license %OZA_HOME% UniversalDriver soap2_3_1.jar jazzlib.jar js.jar ozlicense.xml classes12.jar classes12.zip db2java.jar db2java.zip db2jcc.jar db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar db2jcc_license_cu.jar ifxjdbc.jar ijava.jar jconn2.jar jkjdbc.jar jt400.jar msbase.jar mssqlserver.jar msutil.jar mysql5.1.5.jar sqljdbc.jar unisqljdbc10.jar unsqljdbc205.zip SOAP Java Script Oracle 8i, 9i JDBC Driver IBM DB2 JDBC IBM DB2 JDBC Type 8 (DB2 8 ) Infomix JDBC Oracle 7i JDBC Sybase ASE JDBC MSSQL 97 JDBC IBM JT400 JDBC MSSQL 2000 JDBC Mysql JDBC MSSQL 2008 JDBC UniSQL JDBC : 'UniversalDriver' JDBC, RDB JDBC. RDB JDBC. 14

OZ Application Designer. [] [OZ XStudio 5.0] [OZ Application Designer 5.0] 'OZ Application Designer 5.0'. OZ Application Designer. 15



,,,, OZ Application Designer. OZ Application Designer,. / Board 18

Window / Board Description OZ Application Designer,. OZ Application Designer (pull down),,,,,,,. OZ Application Designer,,,,., ' ',,, ' ', Button, Label, Table ' ', ' ',, ' ', ' ', ActiveX 'ActiveX '. OZ Application Designer, ODI, OZF, OZS. Document, Board, Board,, - ' ', ODI,,, ' ', Invisibles, OZF, OZS, EventHook 'Invisibles ', ''.. '', ''. Board. Board Board,. Document, Board,. 19

OZ Application Designer,.. // //. // New Project. Board. - /Project TitleBar.oza "MainBoard". - "Board1". 20

OZ Application Designer (pull down),,,,,,,. (File) [File]. New (Ctrl+N). Board. Open (Ctrl+O). Close. 21

Save (Ctrl+S). OZ Application Designer oza. Save As. Add New Board Board. Remove Board Board. Board Board. Insert New ODI ODI. ODI. Insert New Style OZ Style (OZS). OZS Invisibles. Insert New Function OZ Function (OZF). OZF Invisibles. Preview (Ctrl+P).. : SDM "SDM " SDM. 22

- <Shift> <Ctrl + Shift> [Preview] "SDM ". - <Shift> ODI SDM. SDM ODI SDM. - <Ctrl + Shift> ODI SDM. : SDM - "SDM " ODI. - SDM SDM. - SDM ODI FetchUnit DM_PER_DATAMODULE. - SDM SDM SDM ODI. "A.odi B.odi C.odi", SDM "C.sdm B.sdm A.sdm". Start Debug (Ctrl+F5). [Start Debug], ". OZ Application Designer ". Recent Project (OZA). OZA 4. Exit OZ Application Designer. 23

(Edit) [Edit]. Undo (Ctrl+Z). Board [Undo] Board, [Undo]. 256. Redo (Ctrl+Y),. Cut (Ctrl+X) Board. Board Board Board, ' '. Copy (Ctrl+C). Board 24

Board Board. Paste (Ctrl+V). Delete (Delete). [Undo]. Copy Property. Paste Property.,. Select All (Ctrl+A) Board Board,. Find (Ctrl+F). Board, ODI, OZS, ODI, OZS ' ', ' '. - 25

'Find What', 'Find Form'. [Find Next]... 'Find From', 'Find From' (,) Property List ( ) Properyt List. (,). 26

, "Type" "Name" "Text" 'Button' [Find Next].. Option Find From Script Match Case Match Whole Word Search Up Show All Include All Groups Set Search Group Description. /...., ODI, OZS.. Control Controls, Container Controls, Complex Controls, Drawings 27

Invisibles DataAccesses Styles Invisibles ODI OZS - [Find Next].. Option Match Whole World Only Match Case Direction Description..,. Relpace (Ctrl+H). Board, ODI, OZS ' ', ' '. - 'Find What' 'Replace To', 'Find Form'. [Find Next], [Replace] [Replace All]. 28

- [Find Next], [Replace] [Replace All]. Go To (Ctrl+G).. [Ok]. Export Script. Import Script. 29

Preview Script. [Preview Script] ' ', ' ',,. ' ' [File] [Edit], [Move To ScriptEditor]. - File Menu Save Script Export Script Import Script Exit Description.... 30

- Edit Menu Undo (Ctrl+Z) Redo (Ctrl+Y) Cut (Ctrl+X) Copy (Ctrl+C) Paste (Ctrl+V) Delete (Del) Select All (Ctrl+A) Find (Ctrl+F) Replace (Ctrl+H) Go to Description........ [Go to Line] [Go to Event]. [Go to] [Go to Line]. 31

. [Ok]. [Go to] [Go to Event] ' '. 'Board1' [Go to Event]. ' '., 'Board1' Board, Board 'Button1', 'Button2' Button 'TextBox1', 'TextBox2' TextBox [Go to Event] ' '. 32

'Button1' 'OnClick', 'Button1' ' '. 'OnClick' ( ),. 'OnClick' [OK] 'Button1' 'OnClick'. 33

- Menu Move To ScriptEditor Description. [Move To ScriptEditor]. [Move To ScriptEditor] ' '. ' ' ' '. 34

[] ' '. (View) [View],,,. Component Explorer Board, Controls, Container Controls, Complex Controls, Drawings,, - OZ Application Designer. 35

Invisible Explorer Invisibles OZFunction, OZStyle, EventHook Invisibles OZ Application Designer. DataInfo Explorer ODI,,, OZ Application Designer. Repository Explorer OZ Application Designer. Property Grid OZ Application Designer. Event Grid OZ Application Designer. Script Editor OZ Application Designer. (Insert) [Insert]. 36

Controls Controls Button 25. Controls. Component Button CheckBox RadioButton ReportButton Description,,, OZ Report Designer Export ComboBox, [ ] DropDown 37

ListBox CheckListBox TreeView ListView TextBox NumericUpDown MaskTextBox RichTextBox Label PictureBox ProgressBar HTML View ActiveX Control Custom Control Report Control DateTimePicker MonthCalendar Splitter Horizontal Navigator Vertical Navigator TextBox Up/Down, Up/Down Bar ActiveX Custom OZ Report Designer Table Table Row, /// Button TextBox Table Table Row, /// Button / VScrollBar Invisibles Invisibles Timer 6. 38

Invisibles. Component Timer ContextMenu MainMenu TrayContextMenu Tooltip Image List TitleBar Description Context Menu, MainMenu, TreeView, Container Controls Container Controls Panel 6. 39

Container Controls. Component Panel VBox HBox GroupBox TabControl BoardView Description, TabPanel, Board Complex Controls Complex Controls Table 4. Complex Controls. Component Table Grid CrossTab Description 40

Chart 2 3 Drawings Drawings Line 7. Drawings. Component Line ArrowLine Ellipse Rectangle Parallelogram Diamond Triangle Description,, (Layout) [Layout]. 41

Style [Style] 4. [Style]. Menu Bold Italic Underline StrikeOut Description.... Align [Align] 4, 2. [Align]. Menu Description 42

Left Center Right Top Middle Bottom...... Make Size Equal [Make Size Equal] 2, 2. [Make Size Equal]. Menu Width Height Description.. Distribute Spacing Evenly [Distribute Spacing Evenly] 2, 3. 43

[Distribute Spacing Evenly]. Menu Horizontal Vertical Description.. Order [Order] 4. [Order]. Menu Bring to Front Send to Back Bring Up Send Down Description,.,., '1'., '1'. 44

(Tools) [Tools]. Default Value Editor ' '. Board [Default Value Editor]. 45

' '., Board, Button, Table, TextBox [Default Value Editor] ' '. [Ok].. [Ok], [Apply to create new file]. OZ Application Designer [Restore] [Ok] [Apply to create new file]. Style Editor OZS OZ Style Editor. OZS OZ Style Editor.. 46

Function Editor OZF OZ Function Editor. OZF OZ Function Editor.. Customize. - Toolbars. : OZ Application Designer,. - Commands. 47

"Categories" "Commands" &. &. Options,,,, OZ Application Designer,. [Ok] OZ Application Designer [Restore]. - Option General,,. 48

Show Tooltip(Component) OZ Application Designer Board. Apply style in design time OZ Style OZS. Docking help OZ Application Designer. When select the component, the ScriptEditor synchronize,. When create a new file or open a file, execute as a new designer OZ Application Designer. Show Tracker. 49

Use Clipboard for Component Copy_Paste OZ Application Designer. Highlight properties which is applied style in property grid (OZS ). OZS. Highlight properties which is different with default values. Use Window Theme CheckBox, CheckListBox, ComboBox, DateTimePicker, ListBox, ListView, MonthCalendar, NumericUpDown, ProgressBar, RadioButton, TabControl, TextBox, TreeView XP. PC OS XP. TabControl TabAligment "Top" XP, TabPanel TabTitleBackColor TabTitleBackColor. Layout OZ Application Designer. 50

Save layout when exit OZ Application Designer,,,,,, OZ Application Designer. OZ Application Designer [Reset window layout] [Save current layout]. International Setting. Preview. 51

OZ Application Viewer Path. [ ]. Save. Encrypt the file while saving. OZA 52

.,. Verify form when saving.. Document ODI ODIKey, DataSet, Field, ValueField ODI Document Style OZS Document ContextMenu, MainMenu, ToolTip, ImageList ContextMenu, MainMenu, ToolTip, ImageList Document Navigator LinkComponentName Document Server Setting OZ Application Designer. Local Server Type. 53

. - Editor Environment : Script Editor / Preview Script / Calculated Field Editor,,,,,. : OZ Application Designer... : [Edit] [Preview Script],. [Edit]. : [Insert New CalculatedField]... Font and Color : Script Editor / Preview Script / Calculated Field Editor,, 54

,,,. (Help) [Help]. Help OZ Application Designer,, General Script,. 55

. Drag & Drop. - (Script Help ) Drag & Drop. 56

-.. [Index].. 57

[Search]. [List Topics] [Enter]. [Display]. About OZ Application OZ Application Designer PC. 58

: PC Information [Information] "PC Information" PC IP Address, Mac Address, HDD Serial. [Copy] PC. 59

OZ Application Designer,,,,,,, ActiveX. (Standard),. Icon Description,,,,,, OZ Application Designer (Format),,,,. Icon Description 60

,,,,,,,,, (Component) Controls, Invisibles, Container Controls, Complex Controls, Drawings. Icon Description Button, CheckBox, RadioButton, ReportButton ComboBox, ListBox, CheckListBox TreeView, ListView TextBox, NumericUpDown, MaskTextBox, RichText Box Label, Picture, ProgressBar HTMLView, ActiveXControl, CustomControl, Report Control DateTimePicker, MonthCalendar Splitter, HorizontalNavigator, VerticalNavigator 61

Timer, ContextMenu, MainMenu, TrayContextMenu, Tooltip, ImageList, TitleBar Panel, VBox, HBox, GroupBox, TabControl, BoardView Table, Grid, CrossTab, Chart Line, ArrowLine, Ellipse, Rectangle, Parallelogram, Diamond, Triangle (Layout),,,. Icon Description,,,,,,,, (View),. Icon Description 62

Invisibles (Repository). Icon Description,,,,,, ActiveX (ActiveX Controls) ActiveX. ActiveX OZ Application Designer, ActiveX. 63

ActiveX. ActiveX [Add or remove components]. [Add or remove components] PC ActiveX. ActiveX [Ok] ActiveX OZ Applicaton Designer, ActiveX ActiveX. 64

ActiveX ActiveX, 10 ActiveX. :.,. [Customize]. 65

, ODI, Invisibles,,,, Invisibles,.,, -.. Board, Board Button, CheckBox, RadioButton, TextBox, Label, ComboBox. Button1, CheckBox1, RadioButton1, TextBox1, Label1, ComboBox1, Button1 TextBox1 Lable1 Manage Type Auto Manual. 66

: Manage Type None Auto Manual "i"( ).. :,. Document Edit Script Preview Script Show Property Show Event Add New Board Paste Insert Import Component Document,,. Document Document Document, Document. Document, Document. Document Board. Board. Invisible, ODI, OZS, OZF. OZC. 67

Expand All Collapse All Show Only Board... Board Copy Property Paste Property Open Board Close Board Set As Startup Board Edit TabIndex..,. Board. Board. Board Board. Board. 68

Align Order Wizard, 2. OZ Application Designer [] [].. OZ Application Designer [] []... ODI FXData,,,. 69

sample.odi FXData. ODI "sample", "Customer", "customer_id", "lname",..., "birthdate", "MemberCard", "Gender". FXData "_OZGlabl_" "Product", "ProductName", "Price", "_OZData_" "Foodmart" "Region","TotalAmout". : FXData OZA (_OZGlobal_) OZA (_OZData_). FXData ". - FXData ".. :,. 70

Document Expand All Collapse All.. Data Accesses Insert New ODI ODI. ODI 71

Edit ODI Save As SDM ODI. [Edit ODI] ODI. : [Edit ODI] ODI. ODI SDM. Insert New CalculatedField. _OZGlobal_ Insert New FXDataSet _OZGlobal_. 72

Insert Schema Insert Schema(Prefix) Save to XML _OZGlobal_ ODI, SDM, XML, Framework., ODI, SDM, XML, Framework. _OZGlobal_ ODI, SDM, XML, Framework.. _OZGlobal_ XML. FX DataSet Insert New Detail DataSet Field Setting Insert Data... FX ParameterSet 73

Parameter Setting _OZGlobal_. Invisibles Invisibles OZF, OZS, EventHook. Invisibles ContextMenu1, MainMenu1, ToolTip1, ImageList1, Timer1, OZ Style Sample.ozs, OZ Function Main.ozf. EventHook Document,. EventHook. Invisbles. :, 74

. Styles Insert New Style Document. OZS Edit StyleList OZS. [Edit StyleList] OZS. Functions Insert New Function Document. OZF 75

Edit Function OZF. [Edit Function] OZF... 76

:,. RepositoryServer Open Repository Close Repository ServerList. OZ Repository Manager User's Guide " ".. Repository New Category Download Check In Check Out Undo Check Out..... 77

Refresh. Delete Rename /. /. Working Folder Upload to Repository New Folder... 78

Set Working Folder. 79

,., Invisibles. ( ). 80

, Invisibles OnClick. ( ). 81

,, OZ Application Designer. Board Drag & Drop. ( ) [Tools] [Options] [Reset Window Layout]. 82

Board Board Board, Board,. Board Board Board [Close Board] Board [. ] Board Board Board [Close All Board], Board Board [Close All BoardExcept Current Board)] Board. 83

Board, Board Board [Open Board] Board. [ ] Board Board Board. Board, "", "".. Document, Board,... 84


Document, Board OZ Application Designer. Document Document, ODI, OZF, OZS OZ Application Designer, Document. OZ Application Designer Timer, Context Menu, Main Menu, Tooptip, Image List Invisibles Board Document. Board Board User Interface, Button, TextBox, Table OZ Application Designer OZC OZC Document. OZ Application Designer Controls, Container Controls, Complex Controls, Drawings Board. 86

ODI, OZC, OZF, OZS. ODI, OZC, OZF, OZS.. OZ Application Designer OZ Application Designer Repository. Repository OZ Application Designer., OZ Application Designer, C:\Program Files\FORCS\OZ Xstudio 5.0\OZ Application Designer 5.0. C:\Program Files\FORCS\OZ Xstudio 5.0\Repository. 'C:\Repository'. [Set Working Folder]. 87

"Working Folder [ ]".. "C:/Repository" "Working folder1" 88

. OZA, ODI OZF ODI OZF. OZA. Button Description 89

. " ".... [ ]. 90

' '. Button Import Export Add Category Add Working Folder Delete Save OK Cancel Description XML. XML... [ ]..... Option Description 91

Name Working Folder.. : (.). : []. Select.. [OK] " ( ) [ ]". 92

Board Board, Board. Board Board Board [Set As Startup Board] Board Board. Document Board Document StartupBoard Board Board. 93

Document Board. Document Board Invisibles Document. Board [File] [Add New Board] Document Board. Board Board. 94

Invisibles [Insert] [Invisibles] Document Invisibles. 'Invisibles ' 'Invisibles' Invisibles. 95

Board Controls, Container Controls, Complex Controls, Drawings Board. [Insert] Board Drag & Drop. TextBox. TextBox TextBox Board OZ Application Designer Board [Insert] -> [Controls] -> [TextBox] TextBox ( ) TextBox. Board Drag & Drop. 96

' ' 'Board1' 'TextBox1'. <Shift> Drag & Drop. 97

.... 98

..,,, 8. <Shift> <Ctrl>. <Esc>., Table1 "GridCellTitle1". <Esc> "Table1 Baord1". 99

,.. "Label1".. <Shift> + & <Ctrl> + & <Shift> + <Ctrl> +, 100

,.. 'OZ Application Designer',,.. 'FrameLineSize'. OZURL HTTP. : OZURL OZURL, OZ Application. 101

ozp:/// ozp:/// ex) ozp:///main.jpg ex) ozp://images/main.jpg file:/// ex) file://c:/title.gif. 'BackgroundImageAlign'. ( ). Alignment, 'TextAlign', 'CheckAlign'. 102

,. - Label TextAlign 'MiddleLeft' () TextAlign = TopLeft () TextAlign = MiddleLeft Anchor,,,, 'Anchor'. Top, Bottom, Left, Right 4,. 'Anchor' Anchor. - Panel Button Anchor 'Top, Left' (Panel ) (Panel ) 103

- Panel Button Anchor 'Bottom, Right' (Panel ) (Panel ) Color -,,, 'TextColor', 'BackColor', 'LineColor'. [Define Custom Colors]. [Add to Custom Colors]. - "ChartColors" "ChartGridLineColors", "RowColors". 104

[More Colors] "Colors". Standard Custom. Date MonthCalendar, DateTimePicker 'TodayDate', 'MinDate', 'MaxDate'. 105

. Dock Docking, 'Dock'. Docking [NONE], Docking,,,,. File 'BackgroundImage', 'ImageListUrl'. 106

[OK]. Font,,.,, [OK]. Pattern, 'Pattern'. 'Category' [OK] 'Pattern'. Shortcut, 'Shortcut'. 107

- ' '. 'Ctrl + C' [Ctrl]. 'None' 'Ctrl + ', [C] 'Ctrl + C'. [OK] 'Ctrl + C'. - ' ' [Delete]. Text. 108

'Multiline' 'True'. TextDirection, 'TextDirection'. (LeftToRight, RightToLeft) (TopToBottom, BottomToTop). 'LeftToRight, TopToBottom', [OK]. 'RightToLeft, BottomToTop'. TextStretch, 'TextStretch'.. No Option Description 109

Horizontal CountClockWise Vertical Vertical2 1Byte ClockWise Horizontal2 2Byte 110

,,,,,. Board. Board, - Board Board 'Ctrl' 'Shift'. 111

- 'Ctrl' 'Shift'. Board Board. Drag & Drop. 'SnapToGrid' 'True', 'GridSize'. ( ). 'SnapToGrid' 'True', 'GridSize'. 112

Drag. 'SnapToGrid' 'True', 'GridSize'. 'Shift'. 'SnapToGrid' 'True', 'GridSize'. Key Description Shift + Shift + Shift + Shift +.... 'Ctrl + C'. 'Ctrl + X'. 'Ctrl + V'. 113

'Delete'. 'Ctrl + Z'. 'Ctrl + Y'. [Layout] [Align],,,. - ( ). 'Button1'. ( ) ( ) - ( ). 'Button1'. 114

- ( ). 'Button1'. ( ) ( ) - ( ). 'Button1'. ( ) ( ) - ( ). 'Button1'. 115

( ) ( ) - ( ). 'Button1'. ( ) ( ). - ( ). 'Button1'. ( ) ( ) 116

- ( ). 'Button1'. ( ) ( ) [Layout] [Distribute Spacing Evenly],. - ( ). ( ) ( ) - ( ). 117

( ) ( ) 118

,. Board [Edit Script],,.. 119

. "Board1" "btninsertnewrow" "OnClick"...,...,. 120

. :,,, [Tool] [Option]. 121

Board [Preview Script]., [Edit] [Preview Script]. [Preview Script] [Edit] [Preview Script]., 122

. GroupBox1 [Preview Script] GroupBox1 GroupBox1 RadioButton1, RadioButton2, RadioButton3. 123

[Edit] [Preview Script]. Document, Document 124

[Preview Script] [Edit] [Preview Script]. :,,, [Tool] [Option].. 125

. Menu Mone To ScriptEditor Description.. - '//', '//'. 126

- '/*' '*/'. 'Ctrl + K + C', 'Ctrl + K + U'. [Ctrl +K + C] [Ctrl +K + U] 127

OZ Application Designer,,,,. 'Ctrl + Space'. OZ Application Designer,,,.,,,, 'Tab'... 128

Icon Description Document Board, '.',. '.'. 129

,,.,,. <Ctrl + Space>,,. "" <Ctrl + Space> "." <Ctrl + Space> "." <Ctrl + Space> "." <Ctrl + Space> "." <Ctrl + Space>,,...,...,.. 130

. Menu Undo(Ctrl+Z) Redo(Ctrl+Y) Cut(Ctrl+X) Copy(Ctrl+C) Paste(Ctrl+V) Delete(Delete) Select All(Ctrl+A) Description....... 131

BreakPoint. OZA [File] [Start Debug] (. ) OZ Application,. Auto Watch Out CallStack 132

Icon Menu Description Continue Stop Debugging Step Into Step Over Step Out Function Resume BreakPoint Resume Auto Watch Out,..... "Step Over"...., BreakPoint. BreakPoint. BreakPoint, BreakPoint,., BreakPoint. Auto. Auto. Watch. Watch. Out. Out. Trace, Out. 133

CallStack CallStack. CallStack., ( )., ( ), Out. 134

.. Step Into.., OZF,. 135

. Auto Auto. Watch Watch. Watch Name. 136

<Enter>. Out Out. Out User. 137

_Trace() _TraceLn() Trace Trace, Out User. Out Info, Debug, Error OZ Application,. CallStack CallStack. CallStack.,. 138

CallStack ( )., CallStack. BreakPoint OZ Application BreakPoint. BreakPoint <F9> BreakPoint, BrerakPoint <F9> BreakPoint. BreakPoint OZ Application Designer, 139

. BreakPoint, BreakPoint,. BreakPoint. BreakPoint,. : BreakPoint BreakPoint 140

Function Resume, BreakPoint Resume ( ). Document "GlobalFunctionOnceInit" "False",., "GlobalFunctionOnceInit" "True", OZF. 141

OZA, OZF, OZC. OZA, OZF, OZC [Script Difference]. [Script Difference] (Compare) (To) 'Difference Option '. 142

(Compare), (To). [Script Difference], [Script Difference].. [...],. [].,,. ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ).. 143

OZA, OZF, OZC [Show History]. 144

[Show History]. ( ). 145

.. 146

( ).,,,,.. OZA Auto Manual Include OZA OZC, OZC.,. 147

.,., OZ Application Designer. Document._SetGlobal("", ); //Document Document. _SetGlobal("", ); var myvar = _GetGlobal("");,., 'Document' 'GlobalFunction'. 148

function (Argument1, Argument2,... ) { //Script...... // return ; }. // (Argument1, Argument2,... ); // var result = (Argument1, Argument2,... ); Example. 149

[Change Backcolor] Label. RadioButton. [Change Backcolor].. 150

Step 1, Board Label, RadioButton, Button,. Step 2 Label., RGB. 'Document' 'GlobalFunction'. function changebackcolor(compname) { var Comp = _GetCurrentBoard().GetChild(CompName); Comp.BackColor = _GetGlobal("Color"); } 'RadioButton1', RGB '255, 0, 0'. 'RadioButton1' 'OnClick'. _SetGlobal("Color", "255, 0, 0"); 'RadioButton1' 'RadioButton2', ''RadioButton3', 'RadioButton4' 'OnClick',, RGB. RadioButton2 OnClick _SetGlobal("Color", "0, 255, 0"); 151

RadioButton3 OnClick _SetGlobal("Color", "0, 0, 255"); RadioButton4 OnClick _SetGlobal("Color", "0, 0, 0"); 'Button1', Label. 'Button1' 'OnClick'. changebackcolor("label1"); Step 3 [File] [Preview] (. ) 152


OZ Application Designer,, OZC, EventHook. :,,, "_",.. Button,. Property Button. Property Text FlatStyle Description Button Button Standard : 3 Flat : Example - 3 [OK]. - Board Button. Property Value Property Value Text OK FlatStyle Standard 154

- Label. Property Label. Property Text TextAlign Pattern Description Label Example -. - Board Label. Property Value Property Value Text 1234567890 TextAlign MiddleRight Pattern #,###;-#,### - - - 155

: Pattern STRING,,,,,,,. Pattern,. Pattern Data Display Text STRING 123.45 123.45 Sample Sample STRING. Pattern Data Display Text date_yyyy/mm/dd 2008-07-25 2008/07/25 date_yyyy MM dd 2008-07-25 2008 07 25 "yyyy-mm-dd". Pattern Data Display Text 156

###,###.# 1234 1,234 000,000.0 1234 001,234.0 #.0#.567.57 0.0#.567 0.57 #,### 1234 1,234 #,### -1234-1,234 #,###;#,### 1234 1,234-1234 1,234 #, 0, (,), (.),. # # 0, 0 0. #, 0,. TextBox. Property TextBox. Property BorderStyle Description Fixed3D : 3 FixedSingle : None : 157

ScrollBars Multiline PasswordChar WordWrap Horizontal :, 'Multiline' 'True' 'WordWrap' 'False' Vertical : 'Multiline' 'True' 'WordWrap' 'False' Both :,, 'Multiline' 'True' 'WordWrap' 'False' None :, '*' TextBox 'AAA' '***' Example -, TextBox. - Board TextBox. Property Value Property Value ScrollBars Both Multiline True WordWrap False - - - 158

CheckBox. Property CheckBox. Property Checked CheckState Appearance ThreeState Description True :, CheckState 'Checked' False :, CheckState 'Unchecked' CheckBox Checked : Appearance 'Normal', 'Button', Checked 'True' Unchecked : Appearance 'Normal', 'Button', Checked 'False' Indeterminate : Appearance 'Normal', 'Button' CheckBox Normal : Button : CheckState Check, Uncheck, Indeterminate Example - CheckBox Checked, Check, Uncheck CheckBox CheckBox Indeterminate, Check, Uncheck, Indeterminate CheckBox. - 159

Board CheckBox. Property Value Property Value Checked True CheckState Checked ThreeState False - - Board CheckBox. Property Value Property Value Checked True CheckState Indeterminate ThreeState True - - - RadioButton. Property RadioButton. Property Description Checked Example - 160

Board RadioButton 2 RadioButton. - Board RadioButton. - ComboBox,. ComboBox, ComboBoxItem,. Property ComboBox. Property DropDownStyle AutoSelect SelectedIndex Description DropDown DropDown : TextBox DropDownList : ComboBox. DropDownStyle 'DropDown'. 0 161

SelectedText. DropDownStyle DropDownList Method ComboBox. - AddItem ComboBox,. Format object AddItem(string ItemText); ItemText : Example var objitem = ComboBox1.AddItem("a new item label"); - InsertItem ComboBox,. Format object InsertItem(integer ItemIndex, string ItemText); ItemIndex : ItemText : Example var objitem = ComboBox1.InsertItem(5, "a new item label"); - RemoveItem. Format void RemoveItem(integer ItemIndex); ItemIndex : Example ComboBox1.RemoveItem(5); - GetItemObject 162

ComboBox. Format object GetItemObject(integer ItemIndex); ItemIndex : Example var objitem = ComboBox1.GetItemObject(5); objitem.itemvalue = "CODE0123"; Example - ComboBox. - Board ComboBox. Property Value Property Value DropDownSty le DropDown AutoSelect True ComboBox(Name=ComboBox1) 'OnInitialize'. var objitem; objitem = ComboBox1.AddItem("Golden"); objitem.itemvalue = 1; objitem = ComboBox1.AddItem("Silver"); objitem.itemvalue = 2; objitem = ComboBox1.AddItem("Bronze"); objitem.itemvalue = 3; ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0; Button 'Text' 'Get ComboBoxItem' Button 'OnClick'. var objitem = ComboBox1.GetItemObject(ComboBox1.SelectedIndex); _MessageBox(objItem.Text + " " + objitem.itemvalue); 163

- ComboBox [Get ComboBoxItem] (Text) (ItemValue). ListBox. ListBox, ListBoxItem,. Property ListBox. Property ItemSelectionMode FocusedIndex FocusedText Description One : MultiSimple : MultiExtended : Shift, Ctrl None: Method ListBox. 164

- AddItem ListBox,. Format object AddItem(string ItemText); ItemText : Example var objitem = ListBox1.AddItem("a new item label"); - InsertItem ListBox,. Format object InsertItem(integer ItemIndex, string ItemText); ItemIndex : ItemText : Example var objitem = ListBox1.InsertItem(5, "a new item label"); - RemoveItem. Format void RemoveItem(integer ItemIndex); ItemIndex : Example ListBox1.RemoveItem(5); - GetItemObject ListBox. Format object GetItemObject(integer ItemIndex); ItemIndex : 165

Example var objitem = ListBox1.GetItemObject(5); objitem.itemvalue = "CODE0123"; - GetSelectedIndexes ListBox. Format void GetSelectedIndexes(Array SelectedIndexArray); SelectedIndexArray : Example var SelectedIndexs = new Array(); ListBox1.GetSelectedIndexes(SelectedIndexs); Example - ListBox. - Board ListBox. Property Value Property Value ItemSelectio nmode MultiExtended - - ListBox(Name=ListBox1) 'OnInitialize'. ListBox1.AddItem("Golden"); ListBox1.AddItem("Silver"); ListBox1.AddItem("Bronze"); ListBox1.AddItem("Normal"); Button 'Text' 'Get SelectedItem' Button 'OnClick'. var SelectedIndexs = new Array(); 166

ListBox1.GetSelectedIndexes(SelectedIndexs); for(i=0;i<selectedindexs.length;i++) { _MessageBox(ListBox1.GetItemObject(SelectedIndexs[i]).Text) ; } - ListBox Shift, Ctrl [Get SelectedItem] (Text). CheckListBox. CheckListBox, CheckListBoxItem,. Property CheckListBox. Property ItemSelectionMode Description One : MultiSimple : MultiExtended : Shift, Ctrl None: 167

FocusedIndex FocusedText Method CheckListBox. - AddItem CheckListBox,. Format object AddItem(string ItemText); ItemText : Example var objitem = CheckListBox1.AddItem("a new item label"); - InsertItem CheckListBox,. Format object InsertItem(integer ItemIndex, string ItemText); ItemIndex : ItemText : Example var objitem = CheckListBox1.InsertItem(5, "a new item label"); - GetItemObject CheckListBox. Format object GetItemObject(integer ItemIndex); ItemIndex : Example var objitem = CheckListBox1.GetItemObject(5); objitem.itemvalue = "CODE0123"; 168

- AddCheck Checked. Format void AddCheck(integer ItemIndex); ItemIndex : Example CheckListBox1.AddCheck(5); - RemoveCheck Unchecked. Format void RemoveCheck(integer ItemIndex); ItemIndex : Example CheckListBox1.RemoveCheck(5); - GetCheckedIndexes CheckListBox Checked. Format void GetCheckedIndexes(Array CheckedIndexArray); CheckedIndexArray : Checked Example var CheckedIndexs = new Array(); CheckListBox1.GetCheckedIndexes(CheckedIndexs); Example - CheckListBox. - Board CheckListBox(Name=CheckListBox1), 169

CheckListBox 'OnInitialize'. CheckListBox1.AddItem("Golden"); CheckListBox1.AddItem("Silver"); CheckListBox1.AddItem("Bronze"); CheckListBox1.AddItem("Normal"); Button 'Text' 'Get CheckedItem' Button 'OnClick'. var CheckedIndexs = new Array(); CheckListBox1.GetCheckedIndexes(CheckedIndexs); for(i=0;i<checkedindexs.length;i++) { _MessageBox(CheckListBox1.GetItemObject(CheckedIndexs[i]).T ext); } - CheckListBox [Get CheckedItem] Checked (Text). PictureBox BMP, JPG, GIF. Property 170

PictureBox. Property Image ImageAlign SizeToImage Description PictureBox None : Fit : PictureBox Tile : TopLeft/TopCenter/TopRight : // MiddleLeft/MiddleCenter/MiddleRight : / / BottomLeft/BottomCenter/BottomRight : // PictureBox Example PictureBox. - PictureBox 'Image1.gif'. - Board PictureBox. Property Value Property Value Image ozp:///image1.gif ImageAlign None - 171

NumericUpDown TextBox Up/Down, TextBox Up/Down. Property NumericUpDown. Property DecimalPlaces Hexadecimal Increment MaxVal MinVal ThousandsSeparator Value Description 16 Up/Down Example NumericUpDown. 172

-,,, 5. - Board NumericUpDown. Property Value Property Value Increment 1000 MaxVal 10000000 MinVal 10000 ThousandsSe parator True Value 50000 - - - MaskTextBox. Property MaskTextBox. Property Description 173

CharacterCasing Mask Literal Default PromptChar Normal: Upper: Lower: Method MaskTextBox. - SetEditMask MaskTextBox,,. Format void SetEditMask(string Mask, string Literal, string Default); Mask :. Mask Description #, Space, +, - L?, Space A a & H X,,, Space, Space > ( ) < ( ) Literal : PromptChar Default : Example 174

MaskTextBox1.SetEditMask("####/##/##", " / / ", "2005/01/01"); MaskTextBox1.SetEditMask(">>.##:##", ". : ", "AM.09:00"); MaskTextBox1.SetEditMask("######-#######", " - ", "800101-1234567") MaskTextBox1.SetEditMask("###)####-####", " ) - ", "010)2222-3333"); Example MaskTextBox. - '--'. - Board MaskTextBox. Property Value Property Value Mask >>>-####-### Literal - - Default ABC-0504-001 PromptChar _ - 175

RichTextBox. RichTextBox,. Property RichTextBox. Property RichEditText Description,, GetSel() GetSelText() Method RichTextBox. - GetDefCharFormat RichTextBox. Format object GetDefCharFormat(); - GetSelectCharFormat RichTextBox. Format object GetSelectCharFormat([integer StartIndex, integer EndIndex]); StartIndex : EndIndex : - SetDefCharFormat RichTextBox. Format void SetDefCharFormat(object RichCharFormat); 176

- SetSelectCharFormat. Format void SetSelectCharFormat(object RichCharFormat, [integer StartIndex, integer EndIndex]); StartIndex : EndIndex : Example RichTextBox1 RichTextBox2. - RichTextBox1 RichTextBox2. RichTextBox1 RichTextBox1 RichTextBox2. - Board RichTextBox. Board Button, Button 'OnClick'. var SelText = RichTextBox1.GetSelText(); if(seltext == "") { RichTextBox2.RichEditText = RichTextBox1.RichEditText; } else { var Pos = RichTextBox1.GetSel(); var objcharformat = RichTextBox1.GetSelectCharFormat(Pos.x, Pos.x + SelText.length); RichTextBox2.SetDefCharFormat(objCharFormat); } 177

- RichTextBox1 "GOOD" [Ok]. TreeView. TreeView, TreeNode,. Property TreeView. Property CheckBoxes ShowPlusMinus ShowRootLines Description TreeNode PlusMinus Method TreeView, TreeNode. - AddRootString (TreeView ) RootNode RootNode. Format object AddRootString(string NodeText, [string NodeID,] [integer ImageIndex,] [integer SelectedImageIndex]); NodeText : RootNode 178

NodeID : RootNode ID ImageIndex : RootNode TreeView ImageList. SelectedImageIndex : RootNode TreeView ImageList Example var objroot1 = TreeView1.AddRootString("Root1", "Node1", 1, 2); var objroot2 = TreeView1.AddRootString("Root2"); - AddNodeString (TreeNode ) Node Node. Node RootNode RootNode. Format object AddNodeString(string NodeText, [string NodeID,] [integer ImageIndex,] [integer SelectedImageIndex]); NodeText : Node NodeID : Node ID ImageIndex : Node TreeView ImageList. SelectedImageIndex : Node TreeView ImageList Example var objroot = TreeView1.AddRootString("Root", "Node1", 1, 2); var objnode = objroot.addnodestring("node"); - ExpandAll (TreeView, TreeNode ) Node. Format void ExpandAll(bool ExpandFlag); ExpandFlag : Node 179

Example TreeView1.ExpandAll(true); Example - TreeView. - Board TreeView(Name=TreeView1), TreeView 'OnInitialize'. var objroot; var objnode; objroot = TreeView1.AddRootString("A"); objnode = objroot.addnodestring("a01"); objnode.addnodestring("a01-001"); objnode.addnodestring("a01-002"); objnode = objroot.addnodestring("a02"); objnode.addnodestring("a02-001"); objnode.addnodestring("a02-002"); objroot = TreeView1.AddRootString("B"); objroot.addnodestring("b01"); objroot.addnodestring("b02"); TreeView1.ExpandAll(true); - 180

ListView. ListView (ListViewItem), (ListViewColumnItem), (ListViewSubItem),. Property ListView. Property FullRowSelect AllowColumnReorder HeaderStyle Description Drag & Drop None : Clickable : Method ListView. - AddItem (ListView ). Format object AddItem(string ItemText, [integer ImageListIndex]); ItemText : ImageListIndex : - InsertItem (ListView ). Format object InsertItem(integer ItemIndex, string ItemText, [integer ImageListIndex]); ItemIndex : ItemText : ImageListIndex : 181

- InsertColumn (ListView ). Format object InsertColumn(integer ColumnIndex, [string ColumnText], [string ColumnAlignment], [integer ColumnWidth]); ColumnIndex : ColumnText : ColumnAlignment : ColumnWidth : - AddSubItem (ListViewItem ). Format object AddSubItem(string SubItemText); SubItemText : Example - ListView. - Board ListView(Name=ListView1), ListView 'OnInitialize'. var objcolumn; objcolumn = ListView1.InsertColumn(1, "Column1"); objcolumn = ListView1.InsertColumn(2, "Column2"); objcolumn = ListView1.InsertColumn(3, "Column3"); var objitem; objitem = ListView1.AddItem("Item1"); objitem.addsubitem("subitem1"); objitem.addsubitem("subitem2"); for(i=2;i<11;i++) { ListView1.InsertItem(i, "Item" + i); } 182

- ProgressBar Bar. Property ProgressBar. Property BarColor Pos Maximum Minimum Step Text Description ProgressBar Bar Bar Bar Bar ProgressBar Method ProgressBar. - IsFullPos Bar Maximum. Format bool IsFullPos(); 183

Example if( ProgressBar1.IsFullPos() ) { return; } - OffsetPos Bar Bar. Format void OffsetPos(OffsetValue); OffsetValue : Example // Bar 50. ProgressBar1.OffsetPos(50); // Bar 20 Bar 70. - StepIt Bar Step. Format void StepIt(); Example // ProgressBar if(!progressbar1.isfullpos() ) { ProgressBar1.StepIt(); } Example ProgressBar Bar. - ProgressBar,, ProgressBar. 184

- Board ProgressBar Property Value Property Value TextColor 255, 255, 255 Font Arial, 14pt, Bold TextAlign MiddleCenter Pos 0 Maximum 100 Minimum 0 Step 20 - - Board Button 'Text' '>>', Button 'OnClick'. if(!progressbar1.isfullpos() ) { ProgressBar1.StepIt(); } else { ProgressBar1.Pos = ProgressBar1.Minimum; } ProgressBar1.Text = ProgressBar1.Pos; - MonthCalendar. Property MonthCalendar. Property Description 185

SelectionStart SelectionEnd MaxSelectionCount ShowToday ShowTodayCircle ShowWeekNumbers TodayDate (Week) Example MonthCalendar. - MonthCalendar. - Board MonthCalendar Property Value Property Value ShowWeekNu mbers True - - MonthCalendar MonthCalendar 'OnPostInitialize'. var systime = _GetSystemTime(); var date = systime.getdate(); MonthCalendar1.TodayDate = date; MonthCalendar1.SelectionStart = date; MonthCalendar1.SelectionEnd = date; - 186

DateTimePicker ComboBox MonthCalender,. Property DataTimePicker. Property Description BackColor Format Long : Window Long (32Bit Integer) Short : Window Short (16Bit Integer) Time : Window Time Custom : DataTimePicker 'CustomFormat' 187

'Format' 'Custom' CustomFormat h(12), H(24), m(), s(), t(,), y(), M(), d(), dddd(), 'hh, mm, ss' 0 'h, m, s' 0 ValueDate Method DataTimePicker. - GetCurDateTime DateTime. DateTime OZ Application Designer 'General Script' 'DateTime'. Format object GetCurDateTime(); Example var SelectedDateTime = DateTimePicker1.GetCurDateTime(); _MessageBox(SelectedDateTime.GetYear()); // _MessageBox(SelectedDateTime.GetMonth()); // _MessageBox(SelectedDateTime.GetDay()); // _MessageBox(SelectedDateTime.GetHour()); // _MessageBox(SelectedDateTime.GetMinute()); // _MessageBox(SelectedDateTime.GetSecond()); // Example DataTimePicker. - DataTimePicker. - Board DataTimePicker. Property Value Property Value 188

Format Custom CustomForma t yyyy'/'mm'/'dd hh':'mm tt dddd BackColor 223, 223, 223 - - - HTML View. Property HTML View. Property URL URL Description Example HTML View. - HTML View. - Board HTML View. 189

Property Value Property Value URL http://www.forcs.com /index.asp - - - Splitter. Example Splitter. - Splitter Docking Panel. - Board Panel. 190

Property Value Property Value BackColor 128, 128, 255 Dock Left Board Splitter. Property Value Property Value BackColor 128, 128, 128 Cursor HSplit Dock Left - - Board Panel. Property Value Property Value BackColor 128, 255, 128 Dock Fill - Splitter.. Horizontal Navigator 191

Table Table Row, /// Button TextBox. Property Horizontal Navigator. Property LinkComponentName Description Horizontal Navigato Table Example Horizontal Navigator Table. - Horizontal Navigator Table 10 Row. - 'Foodmart.odi' Board Table Table 'ODIKey' ''Foodmart' 'DataSet' 'ProductSales' Table. Board Table(Name=Table1). Property Value Property Value RowAutosize FixCount RowCount 10 Board Horizontal Navigator. Property Value Property Value LinkCompone ntname Table1 - - - 192

Vertical Navigator Table Table Row, /// Button / VScrollBar. Property Vertical Navigator. Property LinkComponentName Description Horizontal Navigato Table Example Vertical Navigator Table. - Vertical Navigator Table 10 Row. - 193

'Foodmart.odi' Board Table Table 'ODIKey' ''Foodmart' 'DataSet' 'ProductSales' Table. Board Table(Name=Table1). Property Value Property Value RowAutosize FixCount RowCount 10 Board Vertical Navigator. Property Value Property Value LinkCompone ntname Table1 - - - ActiveX Control OZ Application Designer 194

. Board ActiveX, 'ActiveXControl'. Method ActiveX Control. - GetOCX ActiveX Control OCX. Format object GetOCX(); Example var objocx = ActiveXControl1.GetOCX(); Example ActiveX Control ActiveX. - ActiveX Control Microsoft Office Spreedsheet. - Board ActiveX Control ActiveX. 195

License Key : ActiveX, ClassID ActiveX. ActiveX 'Microsoft Office Spreedsheet 10.0', License Key [Ok]. 196

'ActiveXControl' 'Microsoft Office Spreedsheet 10.0'. Board Button, Button 'OnClick'. var activex_excel = ActiveXControl1.GetOCX(); activex_excel.cells(1,2).value = "1"; activex_excel.cells(2,2).value = "2"; activex_excel.cells(3,2).value = "3"; activex_excel.cells(4,1).value = "Sum"; activex_excel.cells(4,2).value = "=SUM(B1:B3)"; - 'Microsoft Office Spreedsheet',. 197

Custom Control OZ Application Designer., 'CustomDll' pdf417.dll Drawing Dll. Drawing Drawing Dll Custom Control. Custom Control CustomDll 'ozc_', Custom Control CustomDll 'API Developer's Guide'. Custom Control CustomDll OZ Application Designer. Custom Control 'CustomControl'. Method Custom Control. - GetCustomProperty CustomDll. Format string GetCustomProperty(string PropertyName); - SetCustomProperty CustomDll. Format void SetCustomProperty(string PropertyName, string PropertyValue); Example Custom Control CustomDll. - TIFF. Custom Control TIFF (.tif ), Custom Control. 'ozc_tiff.dll' CustomDll, 'ozc_tiff.dll'. 198

- Board Custom Control(Name=CustomControl1) CustomDll. ozc_tiff.dll [Ok], 'CustomControl'. Board Button, Text 'Select File'. Board CheckBox(Name=CheckBox1), 'Text' 'Fit To Size' Custom Control 199

CheckBox 'OnClick'. if(checkbox1.checked == true) { CustomControl1.SetCustomProperty("TIFF_FITTOSIZE", "true"); } else { CustomControl1.SetCustomProperty("TIFF_FITTOSIZE", "false"); } [Select File] TIFF Button 'OnClick'. var SelectedFile = _FileDialog(true, "", "", "","TIF Files (*.tif) *.tif"); if(checkbox1.checked == true) { CustomControl1.SetCustomProperty("TIFF_FITTOSIZE", "true"); } else { CustomControl1.SetCustomProperty("TIFF_FITTOSIZE", "false"); } CustomControl1.Value = SelectedFile; - [Select File] TIFF, 'Fit To Size'. 200

Report Control Report Control OZ Report Designer (.ozr). 'ReportViewerOption' Report Control 'OnPreApplyReport' 'ApplyReport', 'OZ Report Viewer Guide'. Report Control, 'OZ Report Viewer Guide'. Property Property ReportViewerOption Description, Method Report Control. - AddReportParameter Report Control, Parameter. Format void AddReportParameter(string ParameterName, string ParameterValue); ParameterName : ParameterValue : Example // ReportControl1.AddReportParameter("toolbar.all","false"); // ProgressBar ReportControl1.AddReportParameter("print.mode","showprogress"); - InitUserParameter, AddReportParameter(). 201

Format void InitUserParameter(); Example ReportControl1.InitUserParameter(); - ApplyReport Report Control 'OnPreApplyReport'. Format bool ApplyReport(bool RecreateReportFlag); RecreateReportFlag :, Parameter User Interface RecreateReportFlag true. Example ReportControl1.ApplyReport(); Example Report Control. - Report Control. - Board Report Control 'OnPreApplyReport'. ReportControl1.InitUserParameter(); ReportControl1.AddReportParameter("connection.servlet", ""); ReportControl1.AddReportParameter("connection.reportname", "/ozdemo/kr/a/08note.ozr"); Board Report Control Board 'OnAttached'. ReportControl1.ApplyReport(); 202

- ReportButton ReportButton OZ Report Designer (.ozr) Export. 'ReportViewerOption' Export ReportButtonl 'OnPreApplyReport' 'ApplyReport', 'OZ Report Viewer Guide'. ReportButton, 'OZ Report Viewer Guide'. Property Property ReportViewerOption Description Export, Export 203

ReportViewerMode (Print) Export Method ReportButton. - AddReportParameter ReportButton, Parameter. 'OZ Report Viewer Guide'. Format void AddReportParameter(string ParameterName, string ParameterValue); ParameterName : ParameterValue : Example // ProgressBar ReportButton1.AddReportParameter("print.mode","showprogress"); - InitUserParameter, AddReportParameter(). Format void InitUserParameter(); Example ReportButton1.InitUserParameter(); - ApplyReport ReportButton 'OnPreApplyReport'. Format bool ApplyReport(); Example ReportButton1.ApplyReport(); 204

Example ReportButton Export. - ReportButton Export. - Board ReportButton 'Text' 'Export' 'ReportViewerMode' 'Export'. ReportButton 'OnPreApplyReport'. ReportButton1.InitUserParameter(); ReportButton1.AddReportParameter("connection.servlet", ""); ReportButton1.AddReportParameter("connection.reportname", "/ozdemo30/kr/a/08note.ozr"); - Export Export Export. 205

Timer. Timer Timer 'OnTimer'. Property Timer. Property Description Enabled Interval Timer Timer (ms), 3 3000 Method Timer. - Start Timer. Timer 'Enabled' 'True'. Format void Start(); Example Timer1.Start(); - Stop Timer. Timer 'Enabled' 'False'. Format void Stop(); Example Timer1.Stop(); Example 206

Timer ProgressBar. - Timer 0.5 ProgressBar. - Document Timer 'Interval' '500'. Board Button, 'Text' 'Start' 'OnClick'. Timer1.Start(); Board Button, 'Text' 'Stop' 'OnClick'. Timer1.Stop(); Board ProgressBar. Timer 'OnTimer'. var objprogressbar=_getcurrentboard().getchild("progressbar1"); if(!objprogressbar.isfullpos() ) { objprogressbar.stepit(); } else { objprogressbar.pos = objprogressbar.minimum; } - [Start], [Stop] Timer. 207

ContextMenu.,.. ContextMenu, 'ContextMenu' ContextMenu. ContextMenu 'OnCommand'. Example ContextMenu Board. - ContextMenu Board. - Document ContextMenu(Name=ContextMenu1). Board 'ContextMenu' 'ContextMenu1'. - Board. 208

MainMenu Board.,.. MainMenu Board 'MainMenu' MainMenu. MainMenu 'OnCommand'. Example MainMenu Board. - MainMenu Board. - Document MainMenu(Name=MainMenu1). 209

Board 'MainMenu' 'MainMenu1'. - TrayContextMenu.,.. Document 'TrayContextMenu' TrayContextMenu, TrayContextMenu, 'ozadoc.use_tray' true. 210

Example TrayContextMenu. param.oz EXE. - TrayContextMenu. - Document TrayContextMenu(Name=TrayContextMenu1). : 'IsSeparator' 'True'. TrayContextMenu1 'ToolTipText' 'G ' 'TrayAction' 'HideAtClose'. TrayContextMenu MenuItem1 OnCommand. // _ShowOZAViewerFromTray(); TrayContextMenu MenuItem3 OnCommand. // 211

_ExitOZAViewer(false); Document 'TrayContextMenu' 'TrayContextMenu1'. 'c:\sample.oza'. EXE (OZAViewer.exe) param.oz. repository_agent.local.root_path=c:/ ozadoc.path=sample.oza ozadoc.use_tray=true EXE (OZAViewer.exe), [ ]. Tooltip,. 'ToolTip' Tooltip, 'ToolTipText'. Example Tooltip Button. 212

- Tooltip Button. - Document Tooltip(Name=ToolTip1). Board Button 'ToolTip' 'ToolTip1' 'ToolTipText' '_MessageBox("Hello","Title");'. - ImageList ContextMenu, MainMenu, TreeView, CheckBox. 'ImageSize'. ImageList 'ImageList' ImageList, 'MenuIconImageIndex' 'MenuIconDisableImageIndex'. Property ImageList. Property Description 213

ImageSize ImageListUrl Example ImageList MainMenu. - ImageList MainMenu. - Document ImageList(Name=ImageList1) 'ImageSize' '20, 20', 'ImageListUrl' 'ozp:///complexcontrols.gif'. Document MainMenu(Name=MainMenu2). MainMenu2 'ImageList' 'ImageList1'. Invisibles MainMenu2 Table 'MenuIconImageIndex' '0'. 214

Grid 'MenuIconImageIndex' '1', CrossTab 'MenuIconImageIndex' '2', Chart 'MenuIconImageIndex' '3'. Board 'MainMenu' 'MainMenu2'. - 215

TitleBar Board, Panel, HBox, VBox, GroupBox, BoardView,.,.. Example TitleBar Panel Table. - TitleBar Panel Table. - Document TitleBar(Name=TitleBar1) (Name=TitleBarItem1). Board Panel(Name=Panel1) Panel Table(Name=Table1). 216

Panel 'TitielBar' 'TitleBar1'. TitleBarItem1 'OnClick'. var tlb = Board1.GetChild("Table1"); tlb.selectcellrange(-1,-1,-1,-1); tlb.saveexceltofilepathinrange("c:/temp/sample.xls"); - TatleBar ( ) Table. 217


Panel, GroupBox. Board Panel Panel Panel. GroupBox Panel, Panel. Method Panel. - DeleteAllChild Panel. Format void DeleteAllChild(); Example Panel1.DeleteAllChild(); - GetChild. Format object GetChild(string ComponentName); Example var objlabel = Panel1.GetChild("Label1"); - GetChildAt. Format object GetChildAt(integer ComponentIndex); Example 219

var objcomp = Panel1.GetChildAt(5); - GetChildCount Panel. Format integer GetChildCount(); Example var ChildCount = Panel1.GetChildCount(); Example - Panel Label, CheckBox, RadioButton, Button Panel (Name) (Text). - Board Panel, Panel Label, CheckBox, RadioButton. Board Button, 'Text' 'Get ChildComponent' 'OnClick'. var objcomp; var ChildCount = Panel1.GetChildCount(); for(i=0;i<childcount;i++) { objcomp = Panel1.GetChildAt(i); _MessageBox("Name: "+ objcomp.name + " Text: " + objcomp.text); } - 220

VBox, HBox. Board VBox VBox. HBox, VBox. Property VBox. Property VerticalGap Description VBox HBox. Property HorizontalGap Description HBox Example - VBox TextBox, Button, VBox. 221

- Board VBox 'VerticalGap' '20'. VBox TextBox, Button. - TabControl Panel, Panel. Board TabControl TabPanel TabControl TabPanel,. Property 222

TabControl. Property SelectedIndex Description Tab, 0 Example - 4 TabPanel TabControl Tab. - Board TabControl(Name=TabControl1), TabControl TabPanel 4. Board 'OnPostInitialize'. TabControl1.SelectedIndex = 1; - BoardView Board. OZA Board OZA Board, BoardView Board BoardView. 223

Property BoardView. Property Description BoardName Board OZA Board BoardName, OZA Board "//OZA/". - OZA Board BoardView1.BoardName = "Board2"; - OZA Board BoardView1.BoardName = "/oza/test.oza/board1"; Example - TextBox Board Button BoardView Board. - Board Board TextBox(Name=TextBox1), Button(Name=Button1), BoardView(Name=BoardView1). Button 'OnClick'. BoardView1.BoardName = TextBox1.Text; - 224

Table. Table.,.. Grid. Grid.. CrossTab. CrossTab.. Chart 2 3. Chart.. 225

Line,. Property Line. Property LineDash LineGap Description 0. LineType PenThickness Horizontal : Vertical : Slash : BackSlash : : Line LineType Line LineType. LineType Horizontal Vertical Slash BackSlash 226

Example - Line. - Board Line. Property Value Property Value LineDash 10 LineGap 5 LineType Horizontal PenThickness 2 - ArrowLine. Property ArrowLine. Property Description 227

ArrowShape ArrowSize ArrowType LineType Circle : Diamond : OpenTriangle : SemiCircle : SharpTriangle : Triangle : Normal : Reverse : Both : Horizontal : Vertical : Slash : BackSlash : : ArrowLine LineType ArrowLine LineType, LineType Line. : ArrowLine ArrowType ArrowLine ArrowType. ArrowType Normal Reverse Example - ArrowLine. 228

- Board ArrowLine. Property Value Property Value ArrowShape Triangle ArrowSize 10 ArrowType Normal LineType Horizontal - Ellipse,. Property Ellipse. Property BrushStyle Description Solid : Hatch : 229

PatternStyle PenThickness, BrushStyle Hatch Horizontal : Vertical : FDiagonal : BDiagonal : Cross : Horizontal Vertical Diacross : FDiagonal BDiagonal Example - Ellipse. - Board Ellipse. Property Value Property Value BrushStyle Hatch PatternStyle Diacross - 230

Rectangle. Property Rectangle. Property BrushStyle PatternStyle PenThickness Description Solid : Hatch :, BrushStyle Hatch Horizontal : Vertical : FDiagonal : BDiagonal : Cross : Horizontal Vertical Diacross : FDiagonal BDiagonal Example - Rectangle. - Board Rectangle. Property Value Property Value BrushStyle Hatch PatternStyle Horizontal - 231

Parallelogram. Property Parallelogram. Property Description ( : 75) Slope : Slope 0 100. VSlash ParallelogramType HBackSlash VBackSlash HSlash ( ) 232

Example - Parallelogram 60. - Board Parallelogram. Property Value Property Value Slope 60 ParallelogramType VBackSlash - Diamond. Property Diamond. Property BrushStyle Description Solid : Hatch : 233

PatternStyle PenThickness, BrushStyle Hatch Horizontal : Vertical : FDiagonal : BDiagonal : Cross : Horizontal Vertical Diacross : FDiagonal BDiagonal Example - Diamond. - Board Diamond. Property Value Property Value BrushStyle Hatch PatternStyle Cross - Triangle. 234

Property Triangle. Property Description ( : 50) Slope : Slope 0 50. HNormal( ) TriangleType HReverse VNormal VReverse Example - Triangle 90. - Board Triangle. Property Value Property Value Slope 90 TriangleType VReverse 235

- 236

OZC OZ Application Designer OZ Component. Label, TextBox OZ Application Designer OZC Container Controls Board OZC. OZC [Export Component], [Import Component]. Container Controls Board OZC. Container Controls Container Controls GroupBox GroupBox OZC. OZC 237

Step 1 OZC OZC OZC. Board GroupBox, RadioButton. GroupBox RadioButton 'Name' 'gbcolor', 'rbred', 'rbgreen', 'rbblue', 'rbblack', GroupBox 'Text' 'Select Color', RadioButton 4 'Text' 'Red', 'Green', 'Blue', 'Black'. OZC Board OZC, '' + ''. OZC, 'Name'. RadioButton, RadioButton1, RadioButton2,... rbred, rbgreen,.... GroupBox [Export Component]. 238

' ' 'OZC_GroupBox.ozc'. 'C:\Repository'. Step 2 OZC OZC., OZC Board Label, Button. 239

Board [Import Component]. [Import Component],. Menu None Auto Include Manual Include Description OZC. OZC. "SaveType" OZC OZC. 'Auto Include' OZC OZC. 'Auto Include' OZC, 'Manual Include' OZC OZC ImportNewChild() OZC. 240

[Manual Include] OZC. [Import Component] [Manual Include] OZC Board. [Auto Include] [Manual Include] OZC "i"(. ) OZC, 'Manage Type'. 241

'Manage Type'. Property Type SaveType Category Item Description OZC. OZC. OZC. OZC. Step 3 'Manual Include' OZC Board Board Label. 'Manual Include' OZC Board. 'Board1' 'OnPostInitialize'. Board1.ImportNewChild("ozp:///OZC_GroupBox.ozc"); Label. 'Document' GlobalFunction'. function changebackcolor(color) { var mylabel = _GetBoard("Board1").GetChild("Label1"); switch(color) { case "Red": mylabel.backcolor = "255, 0, 0"; break; case "Green": mylabel.backcolor = "0, 255, 0"; break; case "Blue": mylabel.backcolor = "0, 0, 255"; break; case "Black": mylabel.backcolor = "0, 0, 0"; break; default: break; } } 242

[Change the Backcolor of the Label] Label. 'Button1' 'OnClick'. if(gbcolor.getcheckedradio()!= null) { var selectedcolor = gbcolor.getcheckedradio().text; changebackcolor(selectedcolor); } else { _MessageBox("Select Color", "Error"); } Step 4 [File] [Preview] (. ) [Change the Backcolor of the Label] Label. Board Board OZC. 243

OZC Step 1 OZC OZC Board OZC. Board Button, GroupBox, RadioButton. Button, GroupBox RadioButton 'Name', 'Text'. Label. 'btnchangebackcolor' 'OnClick' 244

. if(gbcolor.getcheckedradio()!= null) { var selectedcolor = gbcolor.getcheckedradio().text; changebackcolor(selectedcolor); } else { _MessageBox("Select Color", "Error"); } Board [Export Component]. ' ' 'OZC_Board.ozc'. 'C:\Repository'. Step 2 Board Board, Board OZC Label., Board. 245

[Show Color Dialog] Board OZC. 'Button1' 'OnClick'. var objboard = _ImportNewBoard("ozp:///OZC_Board.ozc"); Board1.ShowDialog(objBoard.Name, "Change BackColor", true, 300, 0); Label. 'Document' GlobalFunction'. function changebackcolor(color) { var mylabel = _GetBoard("Board1").GetChild("Label1"); switch(color) { case "Red": mylabel.backcolor = "255, 0, 0"; break; case "Green": mylabel.backcolor = "0, 255, 0"; break; case "Blue": mylabel.backcolor = "0, 0, 255"; break; case "Black": mylabel.backcolor = "0, 0, 0"; break; default: break; } } 246

Step 3 [File] [Preview] (. ) [Show Color Dialog] ' ' [Change the Backcolor of the Label] Label. 247

EventHook Document, PreEventHook PostEventHook. EventHook 'EnableEventHook' 'True',., 'EnableEventHook' 'True' Button1 'OnClick'. PreEventHook 'OnClick' Button1 'OnClick' PostEventHook 'OnClick' EventHook 'EnableEventHook' ( :True) 'False'. PreEventHook PostEventHook PreEventHook PostEventHook. PreEventHook 248

(OnClick ) Example EventHook Board Button Label 'EnableEventHook' PreEventHook PostEventHook. PreEventHook PostEventHook 'OnClick'. Board Button, Label 'EnableEventHook', Button Label 'OnClick' 'EnableEventHook' EventHook. - PreEventHook 'OnClick'. _MessageBox("PreEventHook_OnClick"); - PostEventHook OnClick. _MessageBox("PostEventHook_OnClick"); - Board Button(Name=Button1), 'EnableEventHook' 'True' Button 'OnClick'. _MessageBox("Button1_OnClick"); 249

- Board Button(Name=Button2), 'EnableEventHook' 'False' Button 'OnClick'. _MessageBox("Button2_OnClick"); - Board Label(Name=Label1), 'EnableEventHook' 'True' Label 'OnClick'. _MessageBox("Label1_OnClick"); - Board Label(Name=Label2), 'EnableEventHook' 'False' Label 'OnClick'. _MessageBox("Label2_OnClick"); - [File] [Preview] ( ). - 'EnableEventHook' 'True' [Button1] PreEventHook OnClick -> Button1 OnClick -> PostEventHook OnClick. 250

- 'EnableEventHook' 'False' [Button2] PreEventHook PostEventHook Button2 OnClick. - 'EnableEventHook' 'True' [Label1] [Button1] PreEventHook OnClick -> Label1 OnClick -> PostEventHook OnClick. - 'EnableEventHook' 'False' [Label2] [Button2] PreEventHook PostEventHook Label2 OnClick. 251



,,,. Controls Controls ODIKey, DataSet, Field DataSource. ODIKey, DataSet, Field. Component CheckBox RadioButton ComboBox ListBox CheckListBox TextBox NumericUpDown MaskTextBox RichTextBox Label PictureBox ProgressBar HTML View ActiveX Control Custom Control Description,, DropDown Bar ActiveX Custom 254

DateTimePicker MonthCalendar Complex Controls Complex Controls Table, Chart, CrossTab. Component Table CrossTab Chart Description 2 3 ODIKey, DataSet,. 255

ODI. ODI OZ Application Designer Database Foodmart.mdb ODBC. OZ Query Designer ODI. OZ Query Designer 'OZ Query Designer User's Guide'. Step 1 ODBC OZ Application Designer Database Foodmart.mdb ODBC. [] [ ] [ (ODBC)] ODBC. [System DSN] [Add] ' ' 'Microsoft Access Driver(*.mdb)' [Finish]. 256

'Foodmart'. [Select] Database 'Foodmart.mdb' [OK], Database. 257

[OK] ODBC. Step 2 ODI OZ Query Designer ODI. Database ODI. Database 'Foodmart'. OZ Query Designer 'OZ Data Tree' 'DATABASE' [Add Database Info]. Database [OK]. 258

. 'OZ Data Tree' 'Foodmart' [Add Query Dataset]. ' ' 'ProductSales' [OK]. [Query] [Change Design Mode] 259

[Manual Mode],. 'OZ Data Tree' 'ProductSales'. select product.brand_name, store.store_name, sales_fact.store_sales, sales_fact.store_cost from sales_fact, product, store where sales_fact.product_id = product.product_id and sales_fact.store_id = store.store_id ( ).. [File] [Save] ( ) 'Foodmart.odi'. 260

'C:\Repository'. Step 3 ODI ODI. [File] [Insert New ODI] ODI [OK]. ODI. 261

Table. ComboBox, Table.. - Table. 262

ODI Database ODBC 'Foodmart', 'MemberGrade', 'Customer'. 'Customer' 'Master Dataset' 'MemberGrade' -. 263

Step 1 ODI ODI. ODI 'ODI, '. OZ Query Designer 'OZ Data Tree' 'DATABASE' [Add Database Info]. Database 'Foodmart'. 'Foodmart' [Add Query Dataset], 'MemberGrade'. ( ). select distinct member_card from customer 'Foodmart' [Add Query Dataset], 'Customer'., ( ). select customer.customer_id, 264

customer.fname, customer.lname, customer.gender, customer.phone1, customer.phone2, customer.birthdate, customer.occupation, customer.city, customer.country from customer where customer.member_card = '#MemberGrade.member_card#' 'Customer' 'Master Dataset' 'MemberGrade' -. ODI ODI, 'Table.odi'. 'C:\Repository'. Step 2 ODI OZ Application Designer ODI. OZ Application Designer [File] [New] ( ). [File] [Insert New ODI] ODI 'Table.odi'. ODI 265

. Step 3,, Board Label, ComboBox, Table,. Label, Label. Property Value Property Value BackColor 212, 208, 200 TextColor 0, 0, 160 LineColor 212, 208, 200 Font Arial, 14pt, Bold Text > Customer Grade : Location 16, 18 Size 136, 16 - - ComboBox,, ComboBox, ComboBox. Property Value Property Value Font Arial, 12pt DropDownSty le DropDownList Location 160,16 Size 168, 24 ODIKey Table DataSet MemberGrade Field member_card FireRowCurs orchange True 266

Table,, Table, Table. Property Value Property Value IndicatorStar tindex 1 Location 16, 48 Size 776, 536 ODIKey Table DataSet Customer - - Table [Wizard]. 'SortType' 'Numeric' 'Text' [Ok]. Table CellHeader, CellIndicator. Property Value Property Value BackColor 128, 128, 255 TextColor 255, 255, 255 Font Arial, 12pt, Bold TextAlign MiddleRight 267

CellFrameCol or 192, 192, 192 Size 40, 24 Table CellTitle1,..., CellTitle10. Property Value Property Value BackColor 128, 128, 255 TextColor 255, 255, 255 Font Arial, 12pt, Bold TextAlign MiddleCenter CellFrameCol or 192, 192, 192 - - Table CellTitle1,..., CellTitle10 'Text' 'Customer ID, First Name, Last Name, Gender, Phone1, Phone2, Birthdate, Occupation, City, Country'. Table CellLabel1,..., CellLabel10. Property Value Property Value Font Arial, 12pt InternalMargi n 4, 4, 4, 4 Table CellLabel4 'TextAlign' 'MiddleCenter', CellLabel7 'TextAlign' 'MiddleCenter' 'Pattern' 'date_mm-dd-yyyy', CellLabel 'TextAlign' 'MiddleLeft'. Step 4 [File] [Preview] (. ) ComboBox. 268


Grid. ComboBox, Grid. 270

ODI Database ODBC 'Foodmart', 'ProductDepartment', 'Product'. 'ProductDept'. 271

Step 1 ODI ODI. OZ Query Designer Database 'Foodmart'. [Add Query Dataset]. 'ProductDepartment', ( ). select distinct product_department from product_class. 'OZ Data Window' 'USER PARAMETER' [Add Parameter Field]. ' ' 'ProductDept' 'VARCHAR'. 272

[OK], 'OZ Data Window'. [Add Query Dataset]. 'Product', ( ). select product.product_id, product.brand_name, product.product_name, product.gross_weight, product.net_weight, product.low_fat, product.units_per_case, product.cases_per_pallet 273

from product, product_class where product.product_class_id = product_class.product_class_id and product_class.product_department ='#OZParam.ProductDept#' order by brand_name, product_name, product_id ODI ODI, 'Grid.odi'. 'C:\Repository'. Step 2 ODI OZ Application Designer ODI. OZ Application Designer [File] [Create New Project] ( ). [File] [Insert New ODI] ODI 'Grid.odi'. ODI. Step 3,, Board Label, ComboBox, Grid,. 274

Label, Label, (Font), (TextColor), (Location), (Size), (Text). ComboBox,, ComboBox, (TextColor), (Location), (Size). Property Value Property Value DropDownStyle DropDownList ODIKey Grid DataSet ProductDepartment Field product_department Grid, Grid, (Location), (Size). Property Value Property Value IndicatorStar tindex 1 FixedColCount 3 Grid CellHeader, CellIndicator, CellTitle, (BackColor), (CellFrameColor), (Font), (TextColor), (Size). Grid CellHeader, CellIndicator, (TextAlign = MiddleRight), CellTitle (TextAlign=MiddleCenter). Grid CellLabel, (Font) (InternalMargin = '4,4,4,4'). Step 4 ComboBox Grid 275

. Grid Grid Title, Label. 'Document' 'GlobalFunction'. function displayproduct(productdeptvalue) { //ODI, DataSet var DataManager = _GetDataManager(); var DataModule = DataManager.GetDataModule("Grid"); DataModule.UpdateOZParam("ProductDept", ProductDeptValue); var DataSet = DataModule.GetDataSet("Product", null, true); var DataCount = DataSet.GetRowCount(); var grdproduct = _GetBoard("Board1").GetChild("Grid1"); //Reset Grid if(grdproduct.getrowcount() > 0) { grdproduct.selectcellrange(-1, -1, -1, -1); grdproduct.deletecellinrange(); } grdproduct.addcolumn(8); grdproduct.addrow(datacount); grdproduct.selectcellrange(0, 5, DataCount, 5); if(datacount < 1) { return; } grdproduct.changecelltypeinrange( CellComponentTypeConst.CheckBox); //Display Data for(i=0; i<datacount; i++) { grdproduct.getcell(i,0).text = DataSet.GetStringData(i, "product_id"); grdproduct.getcell(i,1).text = DataSet.GetStringData(i, "brand_name"); grdproduct.getcell(i,2).text = DataSet.GetStringData(i, "product_name"); grdproduct.getcell(i,3).text = DataSet.GetStringData(i, "gross_weight"); grdproduct.getcell(i,4).text = DataSet.GetStringData(i, "net_weight"); grdproduct.getcell(i,5).checked = DataSet.GetStringData(i, "low_fat"); grdproduct.getcell(i,6).text = DataSet.GetStringData(i, "units_per_case"); grdproduct.getcell(i,7).text = DataSet.GetStringData(i, "cases_per_pallet"); } 276

} function formatgrid(gridrowcount) { var grdproduct = _GetBoard("Board1").GetChild("Grid1"); //Grid Title grdproduct.gettitle(0).text = "Product ID"; grdproduct.gettitle(1).text = "Brand Name"; grdproduct.gettitle(2).text = "Product Name"; grdproduct.gettitle(3).text = "Gross Weight"; grdproduct.gettitle(4).text = "Net Weight"; grdproduct.gettitle(5).text = "Low Fat"; grdproduct.gettitle(6).text = "Units Per Case"; grdproduct.gettitle(7).text = "Cases Per Pallet"; grdproduct.gettitle(0).setsize(80,24); grdproduct.gettitle(1).setsize(80,24); grdproduct.gettitle(2).setsize(160,24); grdproduct.gettitle(3).setsize(80,24); grdproduct.gettitle(4).setsize(80,24); grdproduct.gettitle(5).setsize(60,24); grdproduct.gettitle(6).setsize(100,24); grdproduct.gettitle(7).setsize(100,24); //Grid Label for(i=0; i<gridrowcount; i++) { grdproduct.getcell(i,0).textalign = AlignmentConst.MiddleLeft; grdproduct.getcell(i,1).textalign = AlignmentConst.MiddleLeft; grdproduct.getcell(i,2).textalign = AlignmentConst.MiddleLeft; grdproduct.getcell(i,3).textalign = AlignmentConst.BottomRight; grdproduct.getcell(i,4).textalign = AlignmentConst.BottomRight; grdproduct.getcell(i,5).checkalign = AlignmentConst.BottomCenter; grdproduct.getcell(i,6).textalign = AlignmentConst.BottomRight; grdproduct.getcell(i,7).textalign = AlignmentConst.BottomRight; } //Refresh ScrollBars grdproduct.refreshscrollbars(); } ComboBox Grid Grid. ComboBox 'OnSelectedIndexChanged'. displayproduct(combobox1.value); 277

formatgrid(grid1.getrowcount()); Step 5 [File] [Preview] (. ) ComboBox. 278

,,. Table. [Insert] Table. [Update]. Table [Delete]. 279

ODI Database ODBC 'Foodmart', 'Customer2'.,, 'Customer2',,. Step 1 ODI,, ODI.,, 'OZ Query Designer User's Guide'. OZ Query Designer Database 'Foodmart'. [Add Query Dataset]. 'Customer2', 280

( ). select customer_id, fname, lname, member_card, gender, phone1, city, country from customer2,, 'Customer2',,. 'OZ Data Tree' 'Customer2' [Insert Query]. [OK]. INSERT INTO customer2 (#@ARG_SF1#,#@ARG_SF2#,#@ARG_SF3#,#@ARG_SF4#,#@ARG_SF5#,#@ARG_SF6#, #@ARG_SF7#,#@ARG_SF8#) VALUES ('#@ARG_SV1#','#@ARG_SV2#','#@ARG_SV3#','#@ARG_SV4#','#@ARG_SV5#',' #@ARG_SV6#','#@ARG_SV7#','#@ARG_SV8#') 'OZ Data Tree' 'Customer2' [Delete Query]. [OK]. DELETE FROM customer2 WHERE #@ARG_DF1# = '#@ARG_DV1#' 'OZ Data Tree' 'Customer2' [Update Query]. [OK]. UPDATE customer2 SET #@ARG_SF1# = '#@ARG_SV1#', #@ARG_SF2# = '#@ARG_SV2#', #@ARG_SF3# = '#@ARG_SV3#', #@ARG_SF4# = '#@ARG_SV4#', #@ARG_SF5# = '#@ARG_SV5#', #@ARG_SF6# = '#@ARG_SV6#', 281

#@ARG_SF7# = '#@ARG_SV7#', #@ARG_SF8# = '#@ARG_SV8#' WHERE #@ARG_DF1# = '#@ARG_DV1#' ODI ODI, 'DataAction.odi'. 'C:\Repository'. Step 2 ODI OZ Application Designer ODI. OZ Application Designer [File] [Create New Project] ( ). [File] [Insert New ODI] ODI 'DataAction.odi'. ODI. Step 3,, Board Label, Panel, TextBox, Button, Table,. 282

Label, Label, (Font), (TextColor), (Location), (Size), (Text). Panel, Panel, (Location), (Size). Button, Button 3, (Font), (Location), (Size), (Text). TextBox,, TextBox, (Location), (Size) TextBox. Property Value Property Value ODIKey DataAction DataSet Customer2 Field customer_id, fname,lname, member_card, gender, phone1, city, county - - Table,, Table, (Location), (Size) Table. Property Value Property Value IndicatorStar tindex 1 ODIKey DataAction DataSet Customer2 FireRowCurs orchange True Table [Wizard] 283

. 'SortType' 'Text' [Ok] Table CellHeader, CellIndicator, CellTitle, CellLabel (BackColor), (CellFrameColor), (Font), (TextColor), (Size), (Text), (TextAlign). Step 4,,. [Insert] 'OnClick'. //Create DataSet Object var DataModule = _GetDataManager().GetDataModule("DataAction"); var DataSet = DataModule.GetDataSet("Customer2"); var DataAction = new Array(); DataAction[0] = DataSet.MakeDefaultDataAction(); //Create Insert Action DataAction[0].DataActionType = DataActionTypeConst.Insert; DataModule.CleanUpQueuedActions(); var arrfield = new Array(); var arrvalue = new Array(); 284

arrfield[0] = "customer_id"; arrvalue[0] = TextBox_ID.Text; arrfield[1] = "fname"; arrvalue[1] = TextBox_FirstName.Text; arrfield[2] = "lname"; arrvalue[2] = TextBox_LastName.Text; arrfield[3] = "member_card"; arrvalue[3] = TextBox_MemberCard.Text; arrfield[4] = "gender"; arrvalue[4] = TextBox_Gender.Text; arrfield[5] = "phone1"; arrvalue[5] = TextBox_Phone.Text; arrfield[6] = "city"; arrvalue[6] = TextBox_City.Text; arrfield[7] = "country"; arrvalue[7] = TextBox_Country.Text; //Create & Commit Queue DataAction DataAction[0].SetSourceNames(arrField); DataAction[0].SetSourceValues(arrValue); DataSet.QueueActionObjects(DataAction); var Result = DataModule.CommitQueuedActions();//Commit if(result == "") { DataSet = DataModule.GetDataSet("Customer2", null, true); Table1.RefreshDataSet(); } else { _MessageBox(Result, "DataActionError"); } [Update] 'OnClick'. //Create DataSet Object var DataModule = _GetDataManager().GetDataModule("DataAction"); var DataSet = DataModule.GetDataSet("Customer2"); var DataAction = new Array(); DataAction[0] = DataSet.MakeDefaultDataAction(); //Create Update Action DataAction[0].DataActionType = DataActionTypeConst.RowUpdate; var arrfield = new Array(); var arrvalue = new Array(); arrfield[0] = "customer_id"; arrvalue[0] = TextBox_ID.Text; arrfield[1] = "fname"; arrvalue[1] = TextBox_FirstName.Text; arrfield[2] = "lname"; arrvalue[2] = TextBox_LastName.Text; arrfield[3] = "member_card"; arrvalue[3] = TextBox_MemberCard.Text; arrfield[4] = "gender"; arrvalue[4] = TextBox_Gender.Text; arrfield[5] = "phone1"; arrvalue[5] = TextBox_Phone.Text; arrfield[6] = "city"; arrvalue[6] = TextBox_City.Text; arrfield[7] = "country"; arrvalue[7] = TextBox_Country.Text; //Create & Commit Queue DataAction 285

DataAction[0].SetSourceNames(arrField); DataAction[0].SetSourceValues(arrValue); DataAction[0].SetTargetValue("customer_id", Table1.GetCellInPage(Table1.GetFocusRowIndex,0).Value); DataSet.QueueActionObjects(DataAction); var Result = DataModule.CommitQueuedActions();//Commit if(result == "") { DataSet = DataModule.GetDataSet("Customer2", null, true); Table1.RefreshDataSet(); } else { _MessageBox(Result, "DataActionError"); } [Delete] 'OnClick' Table. //Create DataSet Object var DataModule = _GetDataManager().GetDataModule("DataAction"); var DataSet = DataModule.GetDataSet("Customer2"); var DataAction = new Array(); DataAction[0] = DataSet.MakeDefaultDataAction(); //Create Update Action DataAction[0].DataActionType = DataActionTypeConst.Delete; //Create & Commit Queue DataAction DataAction[0].SetTargetValue("customer_id", Table1.GetCellInPage(Table1.GetFocusRowIndex,0).Value); DataSet.QueueActionObjects(DataAction); var Result = DataModule.CommitQueuedActions();//Commit if(result == "") { DataSet = DataModule.GetDataSet("Customer2", null, true); Table1.RefreshDataSet(); } else { _MessageBox(Result, "DataActionError"); } Step 5 [File] [Preview] (. ). 286

(ID:AA113). 287

(ID:AA113). (ID:AA113). 288

. DataBase. 'OZ Script Guide'. ODI. 'Grid.odi'. -, 'Grid.odi'. - ' ' 'Grid.odi' 'Product' [Insert New CalculatedField]. - [Insert New CalculatedField] ' '. 289

'' '' ''.. 290

Database,. 'Grid.odi' 'Product' 'ProductDepartment' [Database], 'Product'. 291

[Product] [#Product.product_id#]. Parameter ODI Parameter. 'Grid.odi' Parameter 'ProductDept'. 292

Functions (Mathematics), (Sting Opr.), (Database I/O), (Date Opr.), (Miscellaneous). 'OZ Script Guide'.,. 'substr'. 293

- [Ok].. -. - [Edit CalculatedField] ' ' [Ok]. 294

Example. Step 1 'Foodmart.odi'. ' ' 'Foodmart.odi' 'ProductSales' [Insert New CalculatedField]. [Ok]. 'store_cost' '3.0' 'Bad', '3.0' 'Good'. 295

' ' 'Foodmart.odi' 'ProductSales'. Step 2 Table. Board Table 'ODIKey' 'Foodmart' 'DataSet' 'ProductSales' Table [Ok]. CellTitle, CellLabel,. 'Remark' 'store_cost' 'Good' 'Bad'. 296


FXData - Table. Step 1 FX Data Accesses "_OZGlobal_" [Insert New FXDataSet]. [Ok]. [Insert New Field]. 298

[Ok]. 299

Step 2 [Insert New Detail DataSet]. [Ok]. [Insert New Field]. 300

[Ok]. 301

Step 3,.. [Insert Data].. 302

. "M" [DetailSet] ["Detail"]. [Ok]. 303

. 304

[Ok]. Step 4 FXData ComboBox Table. Board ComboBox ComboBox. Property Value Property Value ODIKey _OZGlobal_ DataSet Master Field Gender FireRowCurs orchange True Board Table Table. Property Value Property Value ODIKey _OZGlobal_ DataSet Detail Table [Wizard]. 305

[Ok].,.. 306


OZ Application Designer. Chart Chart. Chart Board Chart, Chart ODI. Chart Chart.. 'Foodmart.odi' Chart, Chart 'ODIKey' 'Foodmart' 'DataSet' 'ProductSales'. Chart [Wizard] Chart.. [Apply]. 308

Type Chart. OZ Application Designer,,,,,,,,,,, Chart, Chart Chart. Data Chart X, Y. 309

'Selectable Field' Chart DataSet. X, Y, Y, ' ' Drag & Drop. / ( ). ' ' Drag & Drop [Delete]. 310

Option [Option]. - Dimension Option [Dimension Option] X., /. : Chart "ChartExpansionType" "Tree Type". - Level Option [Level Option] X Y. 311

Default, Sum, Max, Min, Avg, Cnt, Default Chart "DefaultSummaryType". X Axis X,,,. Show Axis X,. Major Gridlines X, [Line Style],. [Line Style] 'Gridline Style Dialog'. Minor Gridlines X, [Line Style],. [Line Style] 'Gridline Style Dialog'. 312

Show Label X, X, [Format]. [Format] 'Format Dialog'. Label Word Wrap X. Reverse Order X.. Show Oppposite XAxis X. Label Interval X. '1', '2',,,.... Minor Gridline Unit X.. Advanced X,,. 313

. Option Description. Major/Minor Gridlines None. Outside. Inside 314

. Cross Tick Length. : " " 2, 1. Gap Between Bars Gap Between Bars In X Axis Gap Between Collected Bars X.. Default ( "Ok" "Canel".) Y X. Value(Y) axis crosses between category(x) Ok Y X. Cancel 315

Y Axis Y, Y,,,,,. Show Axis Y,. Major Gridlines Y, [Line Style],. [Line Style] 'Gridline Style Dialog'. Minor Gridlines Y, [Line Style],. [Line Style] 'Gridline Style Dialog'. Show Label(Left) Y, Y, [Format]. [Format] 'Format Dialog'. 316

Show Label(Right) Y, Y, [Format]. [Format] 'Format Dialog'. Draw Label On Origin X. X X. - Draw Label On Origin X - Draw Label On Origin Reverse Order(Left) Y. Y. Reverse Order(Right) Y. Y. 317

- "Reverse Order(Right)". - "Reverse Order(Left)". Show Oppposite YAxis Y. Label Interval Y. '1', '2',,,.... Minor Gridline Unit Y. Advanced Y Y, Y,,,,,,. Tick Length. : " " 2, 1. 318

. Option Description Major/Minor Gridlines # of Ticks Unit of Ticks Origin Base Line None Outside Inside Cross Tick Length..... : " " 2, 1. Y, Y. Auto.. Y, Y. X Y. Y (MIN) (MAX). Y. 319

Line Style Min Round Off Max Round Up [Line Style],. [Line Style] 'Gridline Style Dialog'. Y. Auto... Y. Auto... /, / /. Y 1276 2 1200-1276 2-1300 12.76-2 12.7-12.76-2 -12.8 Y 1216 2 1300-1216 2-1200 12.16-2 12.2-12.16-2 -12.1 320

Z Axis Z,,,. Show Axis Z,. Major Gridlines Z, [Line Style],. [Line Style] 'Gridline Style Dialog'. Minor Gridlines Z, [Line Style],. [Line Style] 'Gridline Style Dialog'. Show Label Z, Z, [Format]. [Format] 'Format Dialog'. 321

Label Word Wrap Z. Label Interval Z. '1', '2',,,.... Minor Gridline Unit Z. Advanced Z. : X. Legend Chart,,,,. 322

Show. [By Series], [Format]. [Format] 'Format Dialog'. [By Series]. ' ' 'Visible' 'Invisible' ' ' Drag & Drop (,,, ). 323

/ ( ). 'Visible',., 10, 'Invisible',,, 'Visible',,. 'Visible'. :. 'Visible', 'Invisible'. Chart '', ''. Chart X 'Month' Y 'Sales' 'Department' 'Origin'. 324

'Origin' [By Series]., Chart. 325

Title,. [Format], [Format] 'Format Dialog'. Frame, [Style]. [Style] 'Rectangle Style Dialog'.. Option Color Fill Thickness Round Description.. 'None'... Reverse.,. Gap from chart to legend. Position Chart (Top), (Bottom), (Left), (Rignt). 326

Title Chart. Chart,, X, Y [Format]. [Format] 'Format Dialog'. Chart Title Chart. X Axis Title X 'End of Axis', X 'Next of Axis'. Y Axis Title Y 'End of Axis' Y Axis Left( ) Y, Y Axis Right( ) Y. Y 'Next of Axis' Y Axis Left( ) Y, Y Axis Right( ) Y. 327

Bottom Title Chart. Display Chart,,. BackGround - Chart. Fill. Chart Chart,,, [Margin]. [Margin] 'Margin Dialog'. 328

3D Thickness 3D Chart. 3D Rotational Axis Thickness Chart. Show Series Line. Show Series Line.,,, [Line Style]. [Line Style] 'Line Style Dialog'. : /, /,. 329

Fill Type. No Fill.. Frame. Frame Brightness. Brightness,. Gradient. Gradient Gradient Style, Brightness. Data Label. 330

Data Label,,,. 'Show'. [By Series], 'Position'. [Format], [Format] 'Format Dialog'. [By Series]. Legend 'By Series'. Tooltip. 'Show' 331

, 'Boundary Radius'.,. Color. ' ' ' ' Drag & Drop (,,, ). / ( ). [User Defined]. 332

Misc,,,. Pie Type Chart Chart,, 'Vertical Interval' 'Horizontal Interval'. User-Defined Chart Option Chart 2, 'Clustered Bar' 2 'Stacked Bar'. Internal Interval Chart,. Spot Size. Line Thickness. 333

Bar Max Thickness. Apply Pattern,,. 'Apply Pattern',, Chart,, 'Mark Pattern', 'Fill Pattern', 'Line Pattern' 3. - Mark Pattern Chart. 334

' ' ' ' Drag & Drop (,,, ). / ( ). - Fill Pattern 335

' ' ' ' Drag & Drop (,,, ). / ( ). 'Color'. - Line Pattern. ' ' ' ' Drag & Drop (,,, ). / ( ). [User Defined], [User Defined]. 336

'Dash Line' 'Gap Size' [OK]. 'Gap Size' '0', 'Gap Size' '0'. Smoth Line Chart 2D. Stair Label At Horizontal Axis 2. Gauge Chart,,,. 337

Start Angle. Length Angle Chart. Axis Thick Y. Bar Thick Chart. Legend Label Pos X. DataLabel Position. Axis Label Y. 338

Bar Pos. Arrange Chart Chart. Reverse Chart. 'Reverse'. Radiant Chart X, Y,. X Axis Direction X. Y Axis Max Value Y.. 339

Radiant Axis Label Position,,. Pie Chart,,,. Start Angle. Length Angle Chart. Axis Thick.. Pie XY Ratio Chart. 340

Split Percent. Legend Label. Axis Label Z Z. Arrange Chart Chart. Reverse Chart. 'Reverse'. Format Dialog,,. Format. 341

,,,,,.. : Mask. Mask_[PromptChar]_[User define mask] PromptChar. Mask. ) mask_#_(###)####-#### -> : 01122221234 : (011)2222-1234 1) : 123 : ()-123 2) : 123456789123456 : (1234567)8912-3456 Paragraph,,,. 342

Font,,,,. Line Color. 343

Gridline Style Dialog. Color. Use Dashes. 'Use Dashes', 'Dash Length', 'Gap Length', 'Dash Length' 'Gap Length'. Thickness. 344

CheckListBox CheckListBox. CheckListBox Board CheckListBox, CheckListBox [Wizard] CheckListBox. CheckListBox CheckListBox 'Member' ''. Member CheckListBox,. Property, CheckListBoxItem. 345

Property Type Text Selected Checked CheckState ItemValue Enabled Description. CheckListBox CheckListBoxItem. CheckListBoxItem. CheckListBoxItem. 'True' CheckListBoxItem. CheckListBox. CheckListBoxItem. CheckListBoxItem. CheckListBoxItem. CheckListBoxItem. 'False'. 346

ComboBox ComboBox. ComboBox Board ComboBox, ComboBox [Wizard] ComboBox. ComboBox ComboBox 'Member' ''. Member ComboBox,. 347

Property, ComboBoxItem. Property Type Text ItemValue ImageIndex SelectedImageInd ex ItemIndent Description. ComboBox ComboBoxItem. ComboBoxItem. ComboBoxItem.. ComboBox ImageList.. ComboBox ImageList. ComboBoxItem. 1 10. 348

ContextMenu MainMenu, TrayContextMenu ContextMenu. ContextMenu ContextMenu. ContextMenu Document ContextMenu, 'Invisibles ' ContextMenu [Wizard] ContextMenu. ContextMenu ContextMenu 'Member' ''. Member ContextMenu,. [Tab]. 349

Property, MenuItem. Property Type Name Text Enabled Visible Checked MenuIconImage MenuIconDisableImage MenuIconImageIndex MenuIconDisableImageIndex IsSeparator Description. ContextMenu MenuItem. MenuItem. MenuItem. MenuItem. 'False'. MenuItem. MenuItem. MenuItem MenuItem. MenuItem MenuItem. MenuItem MenuItem ImageList. ContextMenu ImageList, 'MenuIconImage'. MenuItem MenuItem ImageList. ContextMenu ImageList, 'MenuIconImage'. MenuItem. 'True'. 350

Style Shortcut EnableEventHook MenuItem OZ Style. MenuItem. EventHook. 351

CrossTab CrossTab. CrossTab Board CrossTab, CrossTab ODI.. 'Foodmart.odi' CrossTab CrossTab 'ODIKey' 'Foodmart' 'DataSet' 'ProductSales'. CrossTab [Wizard] CrossTab. CrossTab CrossTab DataSet ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '.,, ' ' Drag & Drop, Drag & Drop [Delete]. 352

Option [Option ] CrossTab,. - Dimension Option [Dimension Option] CrossTab,,.. Option Expansion Level Description CrossTab. Expansion Level. 3 Expansion Level 3, 2 CrossTab 2. 353

Fixed Level Drill Show [+/-] Show Pivot Show Sum.. Fixed Level. 3 Fixed Level 3, 2 CrossTab 2... (+) (-)... - Level Option [Level Option] ' ',.. Option Description 354

SortState SortType Summary Type SummaryPosition Pivot. None(), Ascending(), Descending(), "None". Pivot. None(), Text(), Numeric(). "None". Pivot. Default(), Sum(), Max(), Min(), Avg(), Cnt(). "Default ". Pivot. Default(), Before( ), After( ), Hide() "Default". : Default " ".,. - Common Option [Common Option] ' '. 355

Option Show Title Value Pivot Description ' ',., 'Add Previous', 'Add Next'. 356

ListBox ListBox. ListBox Board ListBox, ListBox [Wizard] ListBox. ListBox ListBox 'Member' ''. Member ListBox,. Property, ListBoxItem. 357

Property Type Text Selected ItemValue Description. ListBox ListBoxItem. ListBoxItem. ListBoxItem. 'True' ListBoxItem. ListBox. ListBoxItem. 358

ListView,, ListView. ListView Board ListView, ListView [Wizard] ListView. ListView ListView 'Member' ''. [Add] ListView, [Columns] ListView. [Remove]. [SubItems]. Member ListView. 359

Property. Property Type Text Selected Checked ItemValue ImageIndex ItemIndent Description. ListView ListViewItem... 'True'. ListView 'HideSelection' 'False'.. ListView, ListView 'CheckBoxes' 'True'... ListView ImageList.. 1 10. [Columns] ListView. 360

Member ListView. Property. Property Type Text TextHAlign ColumnWidth Description. ListViewColumnItem.... [SubItems] ListView. Member ListView.. 361

Property. Property Type Text ItemValue Description. ListViewSubItem... 362

RichTextBox RichTextBox. RichTextBox Board RichTextBox, RichTextBox [Wizard] RichTextBox. RichTextBox '' ''.,,,,,. Icon Description,.,,,.,,..,.,. 363

TabControl TabPanel TabControl. TabControl Board TabControl, TabControl [Wizard] TabControl. TabControl TabPanel 'Member' TabPanel ''. TabControl 4. Button Description Add Remove TabPanel. TabPanel. TabPanel. TabPanel. 364

Table Table. Table Board Table, Table ODI.. 'Foodmart.odi' Table Table 'ODIKey' 'Foodmart' 'DataSet' 'ProductSales'. Table [Wizard] Table. Table Table "Select Field" Table "Design". Select Field Table DataSet,. Select Field Table DataSet '' '', Table " ", ''. 365

' '' '#OZDeleteFlag#' Table DataSet Table, Row. Table 6. Button Description ' ' ' ' Table. ' ' ' ' Table. ' '., Table. ' '., Table. ' '., Table. ' '., Table. Table ' ' Drag & Drop. ' ' ''. 366

. Property Type ColumnType ColumnName SortType TableSortMode ColumnEditable ColumnMerge Description. Table TableItem., Label, PictureBox, Button, CheckBox, RadioButton, ComboBox,... 'None', 'Text' 'Numeric'.. 'CellData' Table Cell Page, 'DataSet' Table DataSet. : 'DataSet' Table 'ApplyToDataSet' 'SynchronizeToDataSet' "True"... 367

ColumnAutosize. 'None', 'FixWidth', 'Auto', 'FixWidthNotShrink'. Design /, /. Design Select Field '' '', Table. ' ' Drag & Drop / / 368

. Split Cells [Split Cells].. [Split Cells]. [OK]. Merge Cells [Merge Cells].. Insert [Insert] ///. 369

Delete [Delete]. 370

TitleBar TitleBar. TitleBar Document TitleBar, 'Invisibles ' TitleBar [Wizard] TitleBar. TitleBar TitleBar 'Member' ''. Member TitleBar,. Property, TitleBarItem. 371

Property TitleBarIconImage TitleBarIconDisableImage TitleBarIconHoverImage TitleBarIconClickImage Description. Enabled false... 372

TreeView TreeView. TreeView Board TreeView, TreeView [Wizard] TreeView. TreeView TreeView 'Member' ''. Member TreeView,. [Tab] l Property, TreeNode. 373

Property Type Text Description. TreeView TreeNode. TreeNode. Checked Bold ImageIndex SelectedImageIndex LabelEditable NodeID TreeNode. TreeView, TreeView 'CheckBoxes' 'True'. TreeNode. TreeNode. TreeView ImageList. TreeNode. TreeView ImageList. TreeNode. TreeView 'LabelEdit' 'True'. TreeNode ID. 374


OZF, OZ Function Editor, OZF. OZF OZ Function. OZF OZ Application Designer, OZF OZ Application Designer. OZF 'OZ Function Editor'. : OZF OZF. 376

OZ Function Editor OZ Application Designer. OZ Application Designer 'OZ Application Designer' [Tools] -> [Function Editor] 'OZ Function Editor'. 377

OZ Function Editor,. Window Description OZ Function Editor (pull down),,,,,. OZ Function Editor,,,,,,,. 378

. OZF... 379

OZ Function Editor (pull down),,,,,. (File) [File]. New Function (Ctrl+N) OZF. [New Function]. Open Function (Ctrl+O) OZF. Close Function OZF.. Save Function (Ctrl+S) OZF. XML 380

XML. OZF XML. : OZ Function Editor. XML OZ Function Editor "(XML type)", "(Text type)". Save Function (XML Type) OZF XML. Save Function (Text Type) OZF OZF. XML. Save Function As OZF. XML XML. OZF XML. Save Functin As (XML Type) OZF XML. Save Functin As (Text Type) OZF. XML. Recent Function OZF. OZF 4 OZF. 381

Exit OZ Function Editor. (Edit) [Edit]. Undo (Ctrl+Z). Redo (Ctrl+Y),. Cut (Ctrl+X). Copy (Ctrl+C). Paste (Ctrl+V). Delete (Delete) 382

. [Undo]. Find (Ctrl+F). [Find Next].. Option Match Whole World Only Match Case Direction Description..,. Relpace (Ctrl+H). [Find Next] [Replace] [Replace All]. Go To (Ctrl+G).. [Ok]. 383

(View) [View]. Repository Explorer OZ Function Editor. (Tools) [Tools]. XML OZ Function Editor. Options ' ' OZ Function Editor,,,. 384

[Ok] OZ Function Editor [Restore]. - Option General OZ Function Editor. Layout OZ Function Editor. 385

Save layout when exit OZ Function Editor OZ Function Editor. OZ Function Editor [Reset window layout] [Save current layout]. International Setting. Save OZF. 386

- Editor Environment : Function Editor,,. Font and Color : Function Editor,,,. 387

Options OZ Function Editor. - SharedLevel Default OZ Function Editor. "Default" OZ Function Editor "SharedFunction" "False",. ( ) Nothing OZ Function Editor. "Nothing" OZ Function Editor "SharedFunction" "False",. Recopmmend OZ Function Editor. "Recommend" OZ Function Editor "SharedFunction" "True",. Always OZ Function Editor. "Always" OZ Function Editor 388

"SharedFunction" "True",. (Help) [Help]. About OZ Application Function Editor OZ Function Editor. 389

OZ Function Editor,,,,,,,,. (Standard),. Icon Description New Function, Open Function, Save Function Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste About OZ Application Function Editor (View). Icon Description View Repository 390

OZ Function Editor [File] [New Function] (. ) OZF,,. function (Argument1, Argument2,... ) { //Script...... // return ; } OZF.. function changebackcolor(componentname, RGBColor) { //Script...... } function changetextcolor(componentname, RGBColor) { //Script...... } 391

OZ Function Editor OZF OZ Application Designer. Step 1 OZF 'OZ Function Editor' RGB OZF. 'OZ Function Editor' [File] [New Function] ( ).. function changebackcolor(componentname, RGBColor) { var objcomp = _GetCurrentBoard().GetChild(ComponentName); objcomp.backcolor = RGBColor; } [File] [Save Function] ( ) 392

OZF. ' ' 'OZF_ChangeBackColor.ozf'. 'C:\Repository'. Step 2 OZF OZF. Board Label, GroupBox, RadioButton. [File] [Insert New Function] OZF. OZF Invisibles. 393

, OZF OZF. OZF Invisibles OZF [Show Script]. OZF Invisibles OZF [Edit Function] 'OZ Function Editor'.. 394

OZF Invisibles OZF [Delete Function] [Delete] OZF. Step 3 RadioButton Label OZF. 'Red', 'Green', 'Blue', 'Black' RadioButton 'OnClick' OZF. rbred OnClick changebackcolor("label1", "255, 0, 0"); rbgreen OnClick changebackcolor("label1", "0, 255, 0"); rbblue OnClick changebackcolor("label1", "0, 0, 255"); rbblack OnClick changebackcolor("label1", "0, 0, 0"); Step 4 [File] [Preview] (. ) RadioButton Label. 395



OZS, OZ Style Editor, OZS. OZS OZ Style, OZS,.,,, OZS,. OZS 'OZ Style Editor'. 398

OZ Style Editor OZ Application Designer. OZ Application Designer 'OZ Application Designer' [Tools] [Style Editor] 'OZ Style Editor'. 399

OZ Style Editor,. Window Description OZ Style Editor (pull down),,,,,,. OZ Style Editor,,,,. 400

. OZS.... 401

OZ Style Editor (pull down),,,,,,. (File) [File]. New Stylelist (Ctrl+N) OZS. [New Stylelist], OZS. Open Stylelist (Ctrl+O) OZS. Close Stylelist OZS.. Save Stylelist (Ctrl+S) OZS. Save Stylelist As 402

OZS. Recent Stylelist OZS. OZS 4 OZS. Exit OZ Style Editor. (Edit) [Edit]. Undo (Ctrl+Z). Redo (Ctrl+Y),. Cut (Ctrl+X). Copy (Ctrl+C). 403

Paste (Ctrl+V). Delete (Delete). [Undo]. (Style) [Style]. Insert New Style. [Insert New Style]. [OK]. Remove Style. Insert New Properties. [Insert New Properties]. 404

Component Type [Insert]. Component Type "All". Remove Properties. [Remove Properties]. 'BackColor', 'Multiline', 'TextAlign', 'TextColor', 'WordWrap' 'Style1'. 405

[Remove]. (View) [View]. Repository OZ Style Editor. 406

Properties OZ Style Editor. Icons OZS. List OZS. Details OZS. 407

(Tools) [Tools]. Options ' ' OZ Style Editor,,. [Ok] OZ Style Editor [Restore]. - Option General OZ Style Editor. 408

When create a new file or open a file, execute as a new style editor OZ Style Editor. Highlight properties which is different with default values. Layout OZ Style Editor. Save layout when exit OZ Style Editor OZ Style Editor. OZ Style Editor [Reset 409

window layout] [Save current layout]. International Setting. Save OZS. 410

(Help) [Help]. About OZ Application Style Editor OZ Style Editor. 411

OZ Style Editor,,,,,,,,,,,,,. (Standard),. Icon Description New Stylelist, Open Stylelist, Save Stylelist Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste Insert New Style, Remove Style Insert New Propeties, Remove Properties About OZ Application Style Editor (View). Icon Description View Repository, View Properties 412

OZ Style Editor [File] [New Stylelist] ( ), OZS. [File] [New Stylelist] (. ) - [Style] [Insert New Style] ( ). - [OK]. 'Name'. 'Style2' 'TextBox_Single'. 413

. - [Insert New Properties] ( ). -. [Insert]. 414

-. 'TextBox_Single' 'BackColor', 'TextAlign', 'Multiline', 'WordWrap'. -. 'BackColor' '255,255,255', 'TextAlign' 'MiddleCenter', 'Multiline' 'True', 'WordWrap' 'False'. 415

. - [Remove Properties] (. ) -. [Remove]. 416

. [ ] [] []. [ ] [] []. 417

. OZS [File] [Save Stylelist] ( ) OZS. 418

OZ Style Editor OZF OZ Application Designer. 419

Step 1 OZS OZ Style Editor Label, TextBox, MaskTextBox OZS. Label,,,,. OZ Style Editor [File] [New Stylelist] OZS. 'Style1' 'Label'. Label [Insert New Properties]. ' ' BackColor, TextColor, LineColor, Font, TextAlign,. TextBox 'Customer Name' TextBox. [Style] [Insert New Style] 420

( ). 'TextBox_Single' [OK]. 'TextBox_Single' 'Font', 'BoardStyle'. TextBox 'Customer Info.' TextBox,,,. [Style] [Insert New Style] ( ), 'TextBox_Multi' [OK]. 'TextBox_Multi' 'Font', 'BoardStyle', 'Multiline', 'ScrollBars', 'WordWrap'. 421

MaskTextBox,,,,. [Style] [Insert New Style] ( ), 'MaskTextBox_Date' [OK]. 'MaskTextBox_Date' 'Font', 'BoardStyle', 'Mask', 'Literal', 'Default'. [File] [Save Stylelist] ( ) OZS. ' ' 'OZS.ozs'. 'C:\Repository'. 422

Step 2 OZS Board OZS. Board 'OZ Application Designer', Board Label, TextBox, MaskTextBox. OZS [File] [Insert New Style] OZS. OZS Invisibles. 423

Step 3. Label1, Label2, Label3 'Style' 'OZS.Label'. TextBox1 'Style' 'OZS.TextBox_Single'. TextBox2 'Style' 'OZS.TextBox_Multi'. MaskTextBox1 'Style' 'OZS.MaskTextBox_Date'. Step 4 [File] [Preview] (. ) 424


OZ Application Designer. OZA, OZC, OZF, OZS, ODI,,,.. OZ Application Designer. OZ Application Designer. Step 1 OZ Application Designer 'RepositoryServer' [Open Repository]. Step 2 ' '. 426

' '. Button Import Export Add Category Add Server Delete Description XML. XML... [ ].. " ". Save Connect after save Exit... 427

Option Server name Type IP Port URL Name Password Connect working folder name Working folder name Save Password Max history count Description. OZ Server. Daemon TCP, Servlet HTTP. Daemon OZ Server IP. Daemon OZ Server Port. Servlet OZ Server URL.... : " ".... Step 3. Daemon OZ Server [Connect after save]. 428

'admin'. :,. 1) " ".,.. 429

[], (,.) [], []. 2) " ". : [ ] " ",,. [], []. Step 4 OZ Application Designer. 430

(, ) (, ),,,. (/) "conf\repository.properties", " ". OZ Application Designer. OZ Application Designer [Close Repository]. 431

, OZC, OZF, OZS. [File] [Open] ( ). [File] [Open] (. ) Button Description... 432

Option Description.. "ozp://", "ozpserver://". / 10, 20. :. "Max history count". 10 10 20. conf/ozserverlist.xml. "MaxHistoryCount", "<SERVER Name=..." " MaxHistoryCount", "<LOCAL MaxHistoryCount="... [File] [Save Project] ( ) 433

.. 434

. OZ Application Designer Drag & Drop [Upload to Repository] ' '. [Upload]. 435

[Download]. ' ' [Download]. :. 436

,,. Admin 'None',, BuiltIn RDB. 'OZ Enterprise Server Administrator's Guide'..,.,.. [Check In]. 437

' ' [Check In]. 'Keep checked out' [Check In].. : Admin 'None' Admin,. 438

. [Check Out], ' ' [Check Out].. [Undo Check Out], ' ' [Undo Check Out]. 'Download the items and update the local files'. 439

. [Show History]. [Show History]. 440

,.,,,,. ". OZ Application Designer ". 441

. [Find Items]. [Find Items] " ",.,, [Find]. 442

,,. 443