Caffa 커피의힘 Espresso 에스프레소 7,000 Coffee made with Espresso Americano 아메리카노 7,000 Coffee made with Espresso and hot water Cappuccino 카푸치노 8,000 Espresso with extra milk foam Café Latte 라떼 8,000 Coffee with hot milk Cafe Mocha 까페모카 9,000 Espresso with chocolate syrup Iced Americano 아이스아메리카노 7,000 Iced Latte 아이스라떼 8,000 Iced Mocha 아이스모카 9,000
Variation Coffee 커피의기교 Snack Menu Connexion 스낵메뉴 Con Panna 콘파나 8,000 -Espresso, Whipping cream Vienna Coffee 비엔나커피 12,000 -Espresso, Hot water, Whipping cream Coconut Latte 코코넛라떼 12,000 -Espresso, Coconut Syrup, Coconut Milk, Milk foam Dolce Latte 돌체라떼 12,000 -Espresso, Condensed milk, Milk foam Greentea Latte 말차라떼 12,000 -Espresso, Greentea powder, Milk foam Caramel Macchiato 카라멜마끼야또 12,000 -Espresso, Caramel and Vanilla syrup, Milk foam Vanilla Latte 바닐라라떼 12,000 -Espresso, Vanilla syrup, Milk foam TOASTED PANINI 피자샌드위치 19,000 Italian style bread, gruyere and emmental cheese, dried tomato, arugula leaves,and steak fries 그뤼에르치즈와에멘탈치즈, 말린토마토, 아루굴라로속을채운피자샌드위치와스테이크프라이 CLUB SANDWICH 클럽샌드위치 21,000 Layers of crispy bacon, grilled chicken breast, fried egg, tomato, iceberg lettuce with mayonnaise and steak fries 그릴에구운닭가슴살과베이컨, 계란프라이, 토마토, 양상추를곁들인샌드위치와스테이크프라이 ( 닭고기 : 국내산 / 베이컨 ( 돼지고기 ) : 미국산 ) (Chicken : Domestic / Bacon(Pork) : U.S) TUNA SANDWICH 참치샌드위치 21,000 Seared tuna, flour tortilla, spinach, tomato and avocado with soya bean aioli and Mesclun salad 또띨라, 시금치, 토마토, 아보카도와모듬야채샐러드 SHERATON BEEF BURGER 쉐라톤소고기버거 25,000 Char-grilled beef patty with onion, iceberg lettuce, ripe tomato on a toasted sesame bun, dill pickles and steak fries 그릴에구운소고기햄버거와양파, 양상추, 토마토와스테이크프라이 ( 소고기 : 호주산 ) (Beef : Australia) Vegetarian 채식주의자 If you have allergic intolerance or dietary requirements, please inform our order taker 알러지나식이요법이있으신분은직원에게알려주세요.
Snack Menu Connexion 스낵메뉴 Herbal & Fruit Teas 향긋함 GARDEN SALAD 가든샐러드 15,000 Mesclun greens, olives, celery leaf, sun-dried tomato, cucumber, lemon vinaigrette 올리브, 연한샐러리, 말린토마토, 오이, 레몬드레싱을곁들인야채샐러드 CHICKEN CAESAR SALAD 치킨시저샐러드 21,000 Crispy romaine lettuce, bacon, shaved parmesan tossed with creamy anchovy dressing, eggs and garlic crackers, grilled Cajun spiced chicken 케이준닭고기를곁들인시저샐러드 ( 닭고기 : 국내산 / 베이컨 ( 돼지고기 ) : 미국산 ) (Chicken : Domestic / Bacon(Pork) : U.S) TOMATO AND BUFFALO MOZZARELLA CAPRESE 카프리제샐러드 19,000 Basil pesto, olive oil and aged balsamic vinegar 바질과올리브오일, 발사믹식초를곁들인토마토모짜렐라샐러드 YAKI SKEWER 구운꼬치요리 33,000 Half dozen grilled skewers with soy bean and teriyaki dipping served with a green salad Choice of Beef and shallots or Chicken and leek 소고기또는닭고기구이중선택, 데리야끼와된장소스로만든일식야채샐러드 ( 소고기 : 호주산 / 닭고기 : 국내산 ) (Beef : Australia / Chicken : Domestic) English breakfast 잉글리시블렉퍼스트 8,000 Full bodied and strong tea with fruit and herbs Earl Grey 얼그레이 8,000 This floral and fruity flavour balances the strenth of the tea Ginger & Honey 진져 & 허니 8,000 Sweet taste of ginger and honey Camomile (Decaffeinated Tea) 카모마일 8,000 Camomile flavour has an uplifting aroma reminiscent of apples Peppermint (Decaffeinated Tea) 페퍼민트 8,000 Peppermint tea combined with a bright and aromatic mint flavour Rosehip & Hibiscus (Decaffeinated Tea) 로즈힙 & 히비스커스 8,000 Inspiringly aromatic with a medium bodied tea Vegetarian 채식주의자 If you have allergic intolerance or dietary requirements, please inform our order taker 알러지나식이요법이있으신분은직원에게알려주세요.
Vitalism 순수함 Sparkling / Still Water 상쾌함 Fragrance 과일의향기 Orange 오렌지 13,000 Apple 사과 13,000 Carrot 당근 13,000 Banana 바나나 13,000 Kiwi 키위 13,000 Evian 에비앙 5,000 Perrier 페리에 5,000 Acqua Panna 아쿠아파나 (500ml ) 5,000 Acqua Panna 아쿠아파나 (1l ) 7,000 San Pellegrino 산펠레그리노 (500ml ) 5,000 San Pellegrino 산펠레그리노 (1l ) 7,000 Tomato 토마토 13,000 Savoury Teas 전통의운치 Ginseng 인삼 12,000 Citron 유자 12,000 Raspberry 복분자 12,000 Soft Drinks 청량음료 Pepsi Cola 펩시콜라 5,000 Ginger Ale 진저엘 5,000 Jujube 대추 12,000 Vegetarian 채식주의자 If you have allergic intolerance or dietary requirements, please inform our order taker 알러지나식이요법이있으신분은직원에게알려주세요.