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Page 2 of 5 아니다 means to not be, and is therefore the opposite of 이다. While English simply turns words like to be or to exist negative by adding not,

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Vol.259 C O N T E N T S M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M

Going Home - Korean

03 Contents May LOTTE Focus 04 클로즈업 02 포커스 롯데 HR 포럼 기획 06 롯데월드몰을 가다 마케팅 어워드 시리즈 5 10 롯데백화점 06 인사이드 롯데 12 롯데멤버스 특집 14 롯데월드타워 첨단 기술 현장스케치







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KIM Sook Young : Lee Jungsook, a Korean Independence Activist and a Nurse during the 이며 나름 의식이 깨어있던 지식인들이라 할 수 있을 것이다. 교육을 받은 간 호부들은 환자를 돌보는 그들의 직업적 소

사용시 기본적인 주의사항 경고 : 전기 기구를 사용할 때는 다음의 기본적인 주의 사항을 반드시 유의하여야 합니다..제품을 사용하기 전에 반드시 사용법을 정독하십시오. 2.물과 가까운 곳, 욕실이나 부엌 그리고 수영장 같은 곳에서 제품을 사용하지 마십시오. 3.이 제품은




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MEDICAL GUIDE BOOK Gyeonggi Province in my hand

I want to go to [ ] Main Facilities Shopping Place / Facility Police Station Embassy Subway Station Lost and Found Department Store Shopping Mall Convenient Store Traditional Market Medical Service Airport Tourism Drug Store Hospital Baggages Transfer Gate Claim Tourist Information Night Market Tourist Attraction Amusement Park Transportation Amenity Bus Train Subway Station Transfer Hotel Restaurant Cafe Restroom Taxi Transportation Card Airport Limousine Wheelchair Rental Wi-Fi/Internet PC Room Elevator Escalator Money Bank ATM Money Exchange Tax Refund Telephone Vending Machine Coin Lockers Smoking Area

I want to buy [ ]. Purchasing daily necessities Soap Face Cleanser Shampoo Mouthwash Toothpaste/ Toothbrush Lotion Razor Sunscreen Wear Size Men's Wear XS S M L XL Korea 85 90 95 100 105 U.S.A - 34-36 38-40 42-44 46-48 Women's Wear XS S M L XL Korea Daily Necessity Purchase / Wear Size Towel Underwear Stockings Socks U.S.A 0-2 4-6 8-10 12-14 16-18 Shoes Korea 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 Tissue Wet Tissue Tampon Sanitary Napkin U.S.A 5 6.5 7.5 9 10 11 12 U.S.A 6 7.5 8.5 10 11 12 13 Cotton Swab Comb Umbrella Lighter Big Size Small Size Eye Solution Sewing Kit Bottled Water Mask Different Color Refund/ Exchange

I want to go to [ ] Attractions Jonghyeon Fishing Village Experience Accommodations Hotel Inter-Burgo ansan.inter-burgo.com 031-490-2000 A ttraction / Shopping Grand Coteau Winery Hivice Hotel www.hivicehotel.com 031-410-6350 Lake Shihwa Tidal Power Plant Paper Art Museum 032-887-0606 Daebu Island s Glass Island Aura Hotel www.hotelaura.co.kr 031-415-0060 Rio Tourism Hotel www.riohotel.co.kr 031-417-4100 Byeolbit Maeul(Starry Village) 031-484-5050 Daebudo Pension Town 1588-1934

I want to go to [ ] Shopping& Beauty & Kids Food and Restaurants Food / Festival Lotte Department Store 10:30~20:00 031-412-2500 NC Department Store (Gojan Branch) 10:30~10:00 031-405-2001 E-Mart (Gojan Branch) 10:00~24:00 031-599-1234 Lotte Mart(Ansan branch) 10:00~24:00 031-508-2500 Home plus (Ansan branch) 00:00~24:00 (Closes at 24.00~10.00 031-412-8000 Banga Meori Food Culture Street Tando Direct Outlet of Marine Products sashimi Banga Meori Direct Outlet for Marine Products Daengigol Traditional Food Street 031-501-0301 Beet Party 1899-2255 Multicultural Food Street 031-481-2232 The Foot Shop 11:00~03:00 031-486-0808 Vietnamese Hometown Restaurant 10:00~22:00 031-492-0865

I want to go to [ ] Festival Ansan M Valley Rock Festival Venue: Ansan International Street Play Festival Daebu Grape Festival violet T-money Single Journey Ticket How to use How to refund the deposit About fare of transportation card Bus and subway : Hotel / Travel Information Standard taxi :Deluxe Taxi : Danwon Art Festival Songkran Festival About Airport Limousine Ansan Terminal Gimpo AirportBus: 7002 Division Ansan Terminal Gimpo Airport Intervals The First Bus 04:50 06:15 50~60 The Last Bus 21:00 22:35 min Fare : 6,000 for adults / 4,500 for children Ansan Terminal Incheon Int'l Airport(Bus:7000) Division Ansan Terminal Incheon Int'l Airport Intervals The First Bus 04:50 06:10 30 The Last Bus 20:50 22:40 min Fare : 12,000 for adults / 9,000 for children

U U125 Tapseok U124 Songsan U123 U121 Hyoja U120 U119 Northern Gyeonggi Sae-mal -do Government K319 905 Magongnaru Gangmae U122 Eoryong Gonjae 지하철노선도 위치문 의 map Subway (Uncheon) Cheongna Int l A071 City Station Dalwol U118 U117 U115 Heungseon Dong-o Uijeongbu Jung-ang Uijeongbu City Hall U114 U U113 U112 Beomgol Hoeryong U U110 Balgok Lrt Uijeongbu Euljiro Euljiro 1(il)ga 3(sam)ga Euljiro 4(sa)ga Jiseok Eojeong E Y112 e rad ul) d T eo orl r S (W ente C Y117 Samga City Hall Yongin Univ. Y116 (Seongdong-gu Office) Y111 Kangnam Univ. Y115 Dongbaek Chodang Y113 Y114 Sa m se on g Y118 Y119 Myongji Univ. Gimnyangjang (Seoul National Univ. of Science & Technology) Y120 Stadium Songdam College Gachon Univ. Y125 Bopyeong Dunjeon Y121 Y123 Gojin Y126 Jeondae Everland E

Call me an ambulance! 119

I have a [ ] pain Basic Medical Background Clinic / Pain Location Age Nationallity Blood Type Medical History Stroke Cancer Woman Pregnant Are you taking any medications? Allergies Where is you pain? Forehead Eyebrow Eye Ear Nose Mouth Chin Neck Stomach Wrist Hand Thigh Knee Shin Ankle Back of head Shoulder Back of neck Chest Upper arm Back Waist Solar Plexus Elbow Hip Calf Forearm Foot

Tell me your pain level. Tell me your pain level Symptom No pain Slight Pain Moderate Pain Severe Pain Very Severe Pain Excuciating Pain Other symptoms Describe Your Pain Runny Nose Cough Sore Throat Fever Dull Pain Burning Pain Indigestion Heartburn Dizziness Vomit Sharp Pain Throbing Pain When did you first pain? Headache Toothache Stomachache Chest Pain 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ( ) Hours ago 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ( ) Days ago Diarrhea Constipation Dyspnea Beating Heart Occasionally Continuously

Beef Chicken I don't eat [ ]. Ingredient Information Pork Eggs Duck Milk Lamb Onion Food Allergens / Restaurant Info Questionnaire for food materials I am allergic to [ ] Does this food contain [ ]? If you are allergic to any other foods listed to the left here, please make sure to conduct a search for it, before using the restaurant. Food Allergy / Restaurant Shrimp Shellfish Crab Fish Order Food What do you recommend? Walnut Peanut Bean Wheat I would like to order a dish which uses the left sided, good materials as follows. Tomato Apple Banana Peach Spicy Not Spicy Porridge Low Sodium Take-out Avocado Pear Apricot Kiwi Stir-fried Roasted Fried Steamed Raw Strawberry Watermelon Cucumber Japanese Yam Tip! Water and side dishes are served FREE at almost every restraurant in Korea!!

Please help me. Daily Useful Terms Daily Conversation Hello Thank you. Yes/ No Excuse me I am sorry Please help me Asking for help Please guide me to an international medical center? I need a wheelchair. Can you get me a coordinator who can speak in English? I am a tourist from [ ] Life Term Shopping How much does it cost? Can I try this? I would like to take this. Can I pay by (credit) card? Can I try it on? Restaurant Can I get the menu first? What foods are delicious here? Please not too spicy Can I get some water? It is delicous. Can you give me the medication prescribed? Can you tell me where I can get on the elevator? Can you tell me where is convenient store? Can you call me an ambulance? Accommodation Can I get a room? I would like to stay one more night. Can you make a morning call at [ ]? Can you clean my room? Transportation I would like to take a taxi. Can you call a taxi? Where is the nearest subway station? Where can I get an airport limousine? Can anyone speak English? I cannot speak in Korean. I need to make a phone call. Can you call the plice? Please call the [ ] Embassy.

Please call [ ] Anyangsi Info Memo Introduction Shihwa. Weather & Temperature Weather : Raining season : Temperature : Emergency Contact US Embassy in Korea : Singapore Embassy in Korea : UAE Embassy in Korea : Korea Immigration Service/ Report to stay : 1345 BBB KOREA / Interpreting Service : Tourism Information : 1330 Emergency CALL : PoliceFireAmbulance : 119 Other major contacts Gyeonggi International Medical Association : Gyeonggi Medical Tourism Center : Coordinator Name : Coordinator Office Phone : Office of hospital : Coordinator Mobile : I would like to go to [ ]. Hospital Name & Address : Accommodation Name & Address : Telephone No. : Seongnamsi Info / Memo