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브랜드명성에따른윤리적제품의구매태도와 구매의도연구 대학생소비자를중심으로 - i -
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Abstract A Study on Undergraduate s Ethical Attitude and Purchase Intention Based on Brand Reputation Joo, Hana Dept. of Consumer Studies The Graduate School Seoul National University Ethical consumption refers to the behavior that accompanies consumers social responsibility that factored in the environment and social issue going beyond the personal utility optimization. This study sought to find out whether there is a difference between the ethical product with high brand reputation and ethical product - 95 -
with low brand reputation when it comes to the undergraduate attitude towards purchase and will to purchase or not. If there is a difference, this study seeks to identify which of the altruistic motive and egoistic motive selected by this study is affected extensively by consumption value. To this, four products were selected according to the brand reputation through preliminary study from the type of ethical product that stands for fair trade, donation and sharing when it comes to identifying the consumption value of the undergraduate s ethical product attitude towards purchase and will to purchase. Later on, numerous previous studies compared the difference between the altruistic motive (good deed, universality, altruism) that was pointed out as the factor that affects ethical purchase behavior and attitude towards purchase and will to purchase pertaining to the egoistic motive (conformity group s effect, symbolic consumption) that this study adds on in order to draw out the most influential variable when it comes to the attitude towards purchase and will to purchase by the brand reputation of the ethical product. The results are as follows. First, consumption attitude was higher when the egoistic motive was higher in case of the product with high brand reputation for each type of ethical product. Consumption attitude was higher when the altruistic motive was higher in case of the product with low brand reputation for each type of ethical product. Second, will to purchase product with high brand reputation when it comes to donation and sharing was the highest in case of the will to - 96 -
purchase ethical product and influencing factors, followed by product with high brand reputation traded fairly and product with low brand reputation for each type of ethical product in the order mentioned. Third, from the consumption value aspect, four ethical products attitude towards purchase and will to purchase exerted significant effect on the egoistic motive when it comes to the product with high brand reputation for each type of ethical product, and on the altruistic motive when it comes to the product with low brand reputation for each type of ethical product. The fact that the common influencing factors act according to the brand reputation in case of the attitude towards purchase and will to purchase of the four ethical products presented above means that the brand acts as an important factor when it comes to the ethical consumption. To this, it would be necessary to make an effort to expand the ethical consumption market based on the consumers understanding of diverse consumption values when it comes to the ethical consumption going forth from the above mentioned research results. Keywords: ethical consumption, altruistic motive, egoistic motive, undergraduate, brand reputation Student Number: 2014-23436 - 97 -