(JBE Vol. 23, No. 1, January 2018) (Special Paper) 23 1, 2018 1 (JBE Vol. 23, No. 1, January 2018) https://doi.org/10.5909/jbe.2018.23.1.26 ISSN 2287-9137 (Online) ISSN 1226-7953 (Print) - a), a) A Scheme of Efficient Contents Service and Sharing By Associating Media Server with Location-Aware Overlay Network Won-Ho Chung a) and Seung Yeon Lee a).,.,.,,. -,.. ABSTRACT The recent development of overlay network technology enables distributed sharing of various types of contents. Although overlay network has great advantages as a huge content repository, it is practically difficult to directly provide such Internet service as streaming of contents. On the other hand, the media server, which is specialized in content services, has excellent service capabilities, but it suffers from the huge contents that are constantly created and requires large expansion of severs and storages, and thus requires much effort for efficient management of the huge repository. Hence, the association of an overlay network of huge storage with a media server of high performance content service will show a great synergy effect. In this paper, a location-aware scheme of constructing overlay networks and associating it with media server is proposed, and then cache-based contents management and service policy are proposed for efficient content service. The performance is analysed for one of the content services, streaming service. Keywords : Location-Awareness, Media server, Ordinary-Peer, Overlay Network, Super-Peer Copyright 2017 Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers. All rights reserved. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and not altered.
1: - (Won-Ho Chung et al.: A Scheme of Efficient Contents Service and Sharing By Associating Media Server with Location-Aware Overlay Network) I.,, [1,2]. [3-5].. [6,7]....,.,., a) (Dept. of Digital Media, Duksung Women s University) Corresponding Author : (Won-Ho Chung) E-mail: whchung@duksung.ac.kr Tel: +82-2-901-8343 ORCID:https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7157-9935 * 2017. Manuscript received November 10, 2017; Revised November 23, 2017; Accepted November 23, 2017..,.. -,., JiTUL(Justin-Time UpLoad)., MLRU(Modified Least Recently Used).. II..,., API, [4,5,8].
(JBE Vol. 23, No. 1, January 2018),. IoT IoT [7].,.,. 2, (Ordinary-Peer, OP), (Super-Peer, SP).. trade-off [9], Gossip [10-12]. [13]. [14],,., SP, OP,. III. - OP SP SP. SP OP OP.. 1. - SP OP, OP. OP SP. SP SP.. ID. - SP OP - 4. [-1] 3-, { }., 1),, 2) &,, 3) & &,. 4). [-1] 3- [15]. [-1]
1: - (Won-Ho Chung et al.: A Scheme of Efficient Contents Service and Sharing By Associating Media Server with Location-Aware Overlay Network).. 3, 2 1,, 4. 2. [-1] OP SP Algorithm SPSelect. OP SP SP., S = {(82,51,7574), (1,221,2754), (82,2,5280), (1,421,213), (1,907,432), (82,2,573), (61, 7, 453), (82, 2, 548)}. OP, = (82, 2, 5280), classify_sp() max = {(82, 2, 5280)}, = {(82, 2, 573), (82, 2, 548)}, min = {(82, 51, 7574)} = {(1,221,2754), (1,421,213), (1,907,432), (61, 7, 453)}. SP = (82, 2, 5280). max, SP, min SP. [ 1]. For and, classify_sp(s, p) ; if( max ) return ( any max ) ; if( ) return ( any ) ; if( min ) return ( any min ) ; return ( any ) ; classify_sp(s, p) { for(i=0; i<k ; i++) { // Find a set of SP s in min, med and max proximity if ( == ) // p and are in the minimum-proximity relation if ( == ) // p and are in the medium-proximity relation if ( == ) // p and are in the maximum-proximity relation append( max, p) ; // closest proximity neighborhood relation else append(, p) ; // closer proximity neighborhood relation else append( min, p) ; // close proximity neighborhood relation else append(, p) ; // no neighborhood relation } }
(JBE Vol. 23, No. 1, January 2018) 1. OP SP Fig. 1. Association an OP with the SP of maximum proximity in given example 3. SP SP, SP. SP SP SP SP. SP. [-1] SP Algorithm SPSelect. Algorithm SPOrganize. SP, SP SP. max SP, SP, min SP. OP SP 2. () () Fig. 2. Association with SP s of either maximum proximity(bold line) or minimum proximity(dotted line) For and, classify_sp(s, p) ; if (( max ) & (MinConnect == TRUE)) return max ; if (( ) & (MedConnect == TRUE)) return ; if (( min ) & (MaxConnect == TRUE)) return min ; return ;
1: - (Won-Ho Chung et al.: A Scheme of Efficient Contents Service and Sharing By Associating Media Server with Location-Aware Overlay Network) SP SP. [ 2] SP, () (). IV. [ 3], OP, SP, (Gate-Peer, GP), 3,. [ 3] SP. 1. SP SP-(SPB) OP-(OPB). OPB IP, - OP, SP OP 3. Fig. 3. Architecture of the proposed overlay network 4. 2 OPB Fig. 4. OPB structure with 2D linked-list
(JBE Vol. 23, No. 1, January 2018), [ 4] OP, OP 2. OP SP OPB OP, OP. SP SPSelect,, IP,, id, SP SP OP OPB, OP. OPB. SPB IP,, SP, OPB, 1., SP SPB GP, GP SPB. 2. GP 2. SP SPB, GP.,,.. ( ), ( ) ( ). GP MLRU(Modified Least Recently Used). MLRU.,.,,.,.. MLRU JiTUL...., JiTUL. URL OP OP, SP OP OP SP. SP OP, URL OP. V. OP SP, SP. h, (1-h)..,
1: - (Won-Ho Chung et al.: A Scheme of Efficient Contents Service and Sharing By Associating Media Server with Location-Aware Overlay Network)., (effective service time),,,,. (service efficiency), (1) (2). (service time ratio). ( ),. 100% ( ).,.., 10 0.8.. [ 5]., JiTUL., OP,,., (upload time ratio), (4).,, 5. 0.9, 0.8, 05 FIg. 5. Service Efficiency() vs. Service Time Ratio() for h=0.9, 0.8, 0.5
(JBE Vol. 23, No. 1, January 2018) 6. 0.9, 0.8, 0.5 Fig. 6. Service Efficiency() vs. Upload Time Ratio() for h=0.9, 0.8, 0.5.. birth-death M/M/1 [16].,.. 3, [ 6]. =0.8,..,., OP. OP. OP -,. VI.,,. -,.. 3-, 4-.. (References) [1] S. J. Koh, J. Y. Park, E. S. Kim and S. G. Kang, Overview of Multicasting for Internet Broadcasting, Electronics and Telecommunications Trends, Vol.17, No.3, pp.1-14, 2002 [2] W.-H. Chung, Design of Component Based Web-casting System for Real-Time Internet Broadcasting, J. of Korea Multimedia Society, Vol.12 No.1, pp.69-84, Jan. 2009 [3] W.-H. Chung and Y.-M. Lim, Movie Contents Design of One-Person
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