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A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution FORCS Co., LTD 1

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A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution FORCS Co., LTD 3

OZ Application Getting Started (ver 5.1) 'OZ Application'. Features Overview Quick Tour,. Features Overview,,. Quick Tour. 4 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution OZ Application OZ. Manual Description, OZC, OZS, OZF....,. FORCS Co., LTD 5

OZ Application Getting Started (ver 5.1). DB (JDBC/ODBC, SQL ) WAS(Web Application Server) (HTML, JavaScript ),... (Intranet) (B2B) B2C, / (G2B, G2C) ASP/MSP 6 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution FORCS Co., LTD 7

OZ Application Getting Started (ver 5.1),,,,,,. 8 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution C/S. Built-in.. (ODI:OZ Data Info). DB,. Drag & Drop.. Non-Stop.., ODI,. FORCS Co., LTD 9

OZ Application Getting Started (ver 5.1)..NET Framework, JRE.NET Framework. /. DB Pooling,,,, /. (Concurrent Mode),.. User Interface,,. Full ActiveX,. 10 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution. Drag & Drop,.,,,. (TextBox, RichTextBox, MaskTextBox, ComboBox), (NumericUpDown), (RadioButton, CheckBox, CheckListBox), (DateTimePicker, MonthCalendar), (// ) (Button). (Label), (ListBox, CheckListBox, TreeView), (PictureBox), (ProgressBar), (HTMLView). ActiveXControl, CustomControl.,,,. FORCS Co., LTD 11

OZ Application Getting Started (ver 5.1) 2D/3D Chart,,,, 2D/3D Chart, Chart,,,. Table, (Horizontal Navigator, Vertical Navigator),. CrossTab,,. Grid,,,,,.. Export. GroupBox, Panel, TabControl. Invisibles ContextMenu, 12 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution MainMenu, ImageList, Timer, ToolTip.,,, JScript,,,, JScript.,., XML, EJB Non-DB UDS(User Data Store). DBMS, DBMS.,. OZC(OZComponent) ComboBox, ListBox, Chart OZC. OZF(OZFunction) OZF. FORCS Co., LTD 13

OZ Application Getting Started (ver 5.1) OZS(OZStyle),, OZS.,, /.,... 14 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution. ODI, ODI.. FORCS Co., LTD 15

OZ Application Getting Started (ver 5.1) / Windows 2000 Windows OS JRE 1.3 CPU : Pentium 500MHz RAM : 256MB(512MB ) : XGA(1024 x 768 ) / MS Windows (Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 ) CPU : Pentium III 500MHz RAM : 128MB(256MB ) : XGA(1024*768 ), MS Windows Internet Explorer 5.0, Firefox 3.0.1, Safari 5, Google Chrome 6.0, Opera 10 16 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution : JRE(Java Runtime Environment) 1.3.X (Windows NT/2000/XP/2003, Linux, HP-UX, Solaris, AIX, Unixware ) :.NET Framework 1.1 (Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Microsoft Windows Server 2008 ) Internet Information Server(IIS), Netscape Enterprise Server, Apache, NCSE, CERN HTTP (Web Application Server) : WebLogic, WebSphere, Jeus, Tomcat, JRun, iplanet, SilverStream, NetAction, EAServer, ias, AppServer, NEC WebOTX, Fujitsu Interstage Oracle, MS SQL Server, DB2(UDB), Informix, Sybase, IngresII JDBC ODBC DBMS FORCS Co., LTD 17

OZ Application Getting Started (ver 5.1) 18 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution FORCS Co., LTD 19

OZ Application Getting Started (ver 5.1) (Windows 2000 ) (IIS). ( ),. MS Access DB MS Access ODBC Driver. IIS,. Step 1 ODI Step 1 ODBC Step 2 ODI UI Step 2 Step 3 Step 3 Step 4 20 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution..,.. Step 1 ODI ODBC DB ODBC ODBC. Microsoft Access DB AppSample.mdb, DB FORCS Co., LTD 21

OZ Application Getting Started (ver 5.1). AppSample.mdb ODBC (DSN) 'AppSample'. 1) [] [ ] [ (ODBC)] ODBC. 2) [ DSN] [] Microsoft Access Driver(*.mdb) []. 3) 'AppSample', [] 'AppSample.mdb'. 22 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution 4) []. 5) 'AppSample'. (OZ Query Designer). FORCS Co., LTD 23

OZ Application Getting Started (ver 5.1) 1) [] [ ]. 2) [ ]. 'AppSample' [ ] 'ODBC' [ ] ODBC 'AppSample'. 3). 24 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution. 1) [AppSample] [ ]. 2) [ ] 'SaleResult' []. 3). [ ] [ ]. '', '' []. FORCS Co., LTD 25

OZ Application Getting Started (ver 5.1) [ ]. 4). 'SaleResult' [] - [ ] - []. " ". 26 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution 5).. SELECT * FROM SaleResult WHERE = '#OZParam.#' AND = '#OZParam.#' 6) ( ) <F5> 'OZParam.' '2002' 'OZParam.' '1' []. 'SaleResult',. FORCS Co., LTD 27

OZ Application Getting Started (ver 5.1) 7). ''. 'AppSample' [ ]. ' ' '' ( 4), 5) ) ( ).. SELECT Distinct SaleResult. FROM SaleResult ''. 'AppSample' [ ]. ' ' '' ( ). 28 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution. SELECT Distinct SaleResult. FROM SaleResult 8) ODI. [] - [] 'AppSample.odi'. 'C:\Repository'. Step 2. 1) [] - [ ] ( ). 2) [] [ ] FORCS Co., LTD 29

OZ Application Getting Started (ver 5.1). C:\Repository. ODI ODI (AppSample.odi). 1) ODI. [] - [ODI ] 'AppSample.odi' [] [] 'AppSample.odi'. 2) [ ] ODI. 30 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution. 1). [] [Board1] 'BackColor' [ ]. 2). [] - [] - [] FORCS Co., LTD 31

OZ Application Getting Started (ver 5.1) ( ) Drag & Drop. 3),,. 'Label1'. 'BackColor' 'LineColor', 'Font' ', 20pt, Bold', 'TextAlign' 'MiddleCenter', 'Text' ' '. 4). [] - [ ] - [] 32 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution ( ) Drag & Drop. 'Line1' 'LineColor' 'PenThickness'. UI,,. 1). FORCS Co., LTD 33

OZ Application Getting Started (ver 5.1) 2) 2. 3) ODI.. 'ComboBox1' 'ODIKey' 'AppSample', 'DataSet' '', 'Field' ''.. 'ComboBox2' 'ODIKey' 'AppSample', 'DataSet' '', 'Field' ''. 34 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution 4). Text '' ' '. ODI. 1). [] - [ ] - [] ( ) Drag & Drop 2) ODI. 'Chart1' 'ODIKey' 'AppSample' 'DataSet' 'SaleResult'. FORCS Co., LTD 35

OZ Application Getting Started (ver 5.1) 3). [ ]. [ ] ' '. 4) [] X, Y, Drag & Drop. 36 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution 5),, X, Y /. [X] [] X. [Y] [] Y, [ ] Y /. FORCS Co., LTD 37

OZ Application Getting Started (ver 5.1) [] ''. []. 38 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution []. 6) []. ODI. 1). FORCS Co., LTD 39

OZ Application Getting Started (ver 5.1) [] - [ ] - [] ( ) Drag & Drop. 2) ODI. 'Table1' 'ODIKey' 'AppSample', 'DataSet' 'SaleResult'. 3). []. [. ] '' '' '' '' 'ColumnMerge' 'True'. 40 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution []. 4). 'Table1' 'ShowIndicator' 'False'. 'GridCellHeader1', 'GridCellTitle1' ~ 'GridCellTitle5', 'GridCellIndicator1' 'BackColor' '204, 226, 236', 'CellFrameColor' '192, 192, 192', 'Font' ', 12pt, Bold', 'TextAlign' 'MiddleCenter'. FORCS Co., LTD 41

OZ Application Getting Started (ver 5.1). 'Table1' 'GridCellLabel',, 'Font' ', 12pt', 'TextAlign' 'MiddleCenter'. 'Table1' 'GridCellLabel', 'Font' ', 12pt', 'TextAlign' 'MiddleRight', 'Pattern' [. ] '', "#,###;-#,###" 42 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution. 1) []. 'Text' '' [ ] OnClick.. // var DataManager = _GetDataManager(); // var DataModule = DataManager.GetDataModule("AppSample"); //, DataModule.UpdateOZParam("", ComboBox1.Value); DataModule.UpdateOZParam("", ComboBox2.Value); var DataSet = DataModule.GetDataSet("SalesResult", null, true); 2) [ ]. 'Text' ' ' FORCS Co., LTD 43

OZ Application Getting Started (ver 5.1) [ ] OnClick.. // Table1.SelectCellRange(-1, -1, -1, -1); // Table1.SaveExcelInRange(); 3). [ ] OnAttached. 44 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution. // OnClick Button1.TriggerEvent(EventNameConst.OnClick); Step 3 [] - [] ( ). FORCS Co., LTD 45

OZ Application Getting Started (ver 5.1) 'AppSample.oza'. 46 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution Step 1 conf db.properties ODBC. AppSample.vendor = odbc AppSample.dsn = AppSample AppSample.user = AppSample.password = AppSample.maxconns = 5 AppSample.initconns = 2 AppSample.timeout = 5 bin ozstart.bat.( " ".) FORCS Co., LTD 47

OZ Application Getting Started (ver 5.1) Step 2 ODI. 1) [] ' ' [ ]. 2) ' ' [ ] [ ]. ( 'admin'.) ' ' " ". 3). 48 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution 4) ' ' Drag & Drop [ ]. 'AppSample.oza' ODI 'AppSample.odi'. 5). FORCS Co., LTD 49

OZ Application Getting Started (ver 5.1) Step 3. <html> <body> <div id = "InstallOZViewer"> <object ID = "ZTransferX" classid = "CLSID:C7C7225A-9476-47AC- B0B0-FF3B79D55E67" width = "0" height = "0" codebase = ",2,1,9.cab#version=2, 2,1,9"> <param name = "download.server" value = ""> <param name = "download.port" value = "80"> <param name = "download.instruction" value = "ozaviewer.idf"> <param name = "install.base" value = "<PROGRAMS>/Forcs"> <param name = "install.namespace" value = "custom_namespace"> </object> </div> <div id = "RunOZViewer"> <object ID = "OZApplicationViewer" CLASSID = "CLSID:907A00F3-7390-4EF2-931B-360546587804" width = "100%" height = "100%"> <param name = "repository_agent.type" value = "from_ozserver"> <param name="repository_agent.ozserver.server" value=""> <param name="repository_agent.ozserver.port" value="8003"> <param name = "ozadoc.path" value = "AppSample.oza"> </object> </div> </body> </html> : download.server. IIS 'OZApplicationViewer'. 50 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution Step 4 1). 2) HTML (appsample.html). 3) Ztransfer Control 4) [] ZtransferX Control. ZtransferX Control. 'install.base' 'install.namespace'. 5). FORCS Co., LTD 51

OZ Application Getting Started (ver 5.1) 52 FORCS Co., LTD

A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution FORCS Co., LTD 53

OZ Application Getting Started (ver 5.1),. Overview, Quick Tour. Getting Started. http://www.forcs.com 49-6 12 (156-754) : 02-828-1400 e-mail : oz@forcs.com 54 FORCS Co., LTD