ABSTRACT The new cultivar of Echeveria spp. 'Canoa', 'Chubby', 'Neonia', 'Maroon Peak', and 'Vein', and Graptoveria spp. 'Nova' were developed at Cactus & Succulent Research Institute, Gyeonggi-do A.R.E.S. in 2016. 'Canoa' was crossed between E. Dick s Pink and E. nayaritensis and we got 2 seedlings in 2011. After pedigree selection in 2012, 'Canoa' was finally selected through the test of specific characters in 2016. It has 20.8 spatulate leaves with strong yellow green(143c) base color and moderate red(182a) tinged around margins. 'Chubby' was crossed between E. 'Derosa' and E. 'Etna' and 39 seedlings were gained in 2011. After pedigree selection in 2012 and through the test of specific characters from 2014 to 2016, one cultivar was finally selected and named as 'Chubby'. It has moderate yellow green(138b) leaves covered with dark red(187b) bloom near the margins and has 20.4 obovate and apiculate end leaves. 'Neonia' was crossed between E. fulgens and GE080011, selected line after crossing between E. pallida and E. setosa in 2008, and we got 40 seedlings in 2011. After pedigree selection from 2012 to 2013, one cultivar was finally selected through the test of specific characters in 2016 and named as 'Neonia'. It has 15.6 strong yellow green (144A) obovate leaves with moderate red (N34A) tints around the apiculate end and margin. 'Maroon Peak' was crossed between Echeveria laui and Echeveria moranii and we got 42 seedlings in 2011. After pedigree selection from 2012 to 2013, one cultivar was finally selected through the test of specific characters in 2016 and named as 'Maroon Peak'. It has 30.2 grayed-green(189c) obovate leaves with greyed-purple(59a) tinged broadly. 'Vane' was crossed between E. moranii and E. runyonii and we got 20 seedlings from this combination in 2012. After pedigree selection in 2013, one cultivar was finally selected through the test of specific characters in 2016 and named as 'Vane'. It has pale green(138c) tinged moderate reddish brown(176b) and produces 33.6 spatulate leaves per plant. Graptoveria 'Nova' was crossed 664 2016 년도시험연구보고서
between GE080051 and Graptopetalum bellum in 2012 and we got 14 seedlings from this combination. After pedigree selection in 2013, one cultivar was finally selected through the test of specific characters from 2014 to 2016 and named as 'Nova'. 'Nova' has moderate yellowish green(139b) leaves with edges grayed-red(183b) and it produces 38.7 spatulate leaves per plant. Key words : Succulents, Echeveria spp., Graptoveria spp., Variety, Cultivar 연구목표 Ⅵ. 선인장다육식물연구 665
육성품종 Dick s Pink 카노아 육성계통수 비고 개체선발 계통선발및양성 특성검정 특성검정 특성검정 그림 카노아 666 2016 년도시험연구보고서
Ⅵ. 선인장다육식물연구 667
챠비 육성계통수 비고개체선발계통선발및양성특성검정특성검정특성검정 668 2016 년도시험연구보고서
네오니아 육성계통수 비고개체선발계통선발및양성특성검정특성검정특성검정 Ⅵ. 선인장다육식물연구 669
670 2016 년도시험연구보고서
마룬피크 육성계통수 비고개체선발계통선발및양성특성검정특성검정특성검정 Ⅵ. 선인장다육식물연구 671
672 2016 년도시험연구보고서
년도 세대 2012 2013 인공교배 실생묘 교배후대 F1,V0 2014 V1 2015 V2 1 GE121922 GE121922 GE121922 2 GE121926 GE121926 GE1219215 3 GE1219215 GE1219215 Echeveria moranii Echeveria runyonii 2016 V3 GE1219215 베인 20 육성계통수 비 고 20 3 개체선발 계통선발 및 양성 그림 9. 베인 육성경과(육성계통도) 3 2 1 특성검정 특성검정 특성검정 2) 주요특성 베인 은 줄기에 잎이 밀생하여 로제트를 강하게 형성하며 줄기신장이 느린 중형종이다(그림 10). 엽색은 R HS color chart 분석결과 바탕색은 138C인 황녹색이나 무늬색이 176B인 자갈색이 잎 전반에 균일하게 착색되어 대조품종 E. Ruby Lips 의 바탕색인 녹색(137B)과 무늬색 진적색(46A)과 구별되었다. 베인 은 백분이 소량 발생하는 주걱 형태의 잎으로 대조품종의 편마름모 형태의 주름진 잎과 차별성이 있고 기호도는 4.2로 우수하였다(표 9). 초 폭, 엽장과 엽폭 및 엽두께가 각각 7.4, 3.4와 2.3cm 및 4.7 mm로 대조품종 5.4, 2.7과 1.8cm 및 4.4mm에 비해 컸고 주당 엽수는 33.6개로 대조 16.1개에 비해 많았다(표 10). 표 9. 베인의 고유특성 엽색 (색, 색도) 품종명 주요색 무늬색 잎 모양 잎끝 모양 베인 황녹색, 138C 자갈색, 176B 주걱 뾰급히 족한 대조 길게 급히 (E. Ruby Lips ) 녹색, 137B 진적색, 46A 편마름모 뾰족한 엽색 : RHS Color chart, 기호도 : 매우 불량(1) 매우 우수(5) 그림 10. 베인 백분 잎 가장자리 기호도 발생 주름모양 적음 매끈한 4.2 없음 울퉁불퉁한 3.3 Ⅵ. 선인장다육식물연구 673
육성계통수 노바 비고개체선발계통선발및양성특성검정특성검정특성검정 674 2016 년도시험연구보고서
재배시유의점 Ⅵ. 선인장다육식물연구 675
적요 676 2016 년도시험연구보고서
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