고등학교 1 학년 기초영어 늘품이 영어

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2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을






#1_초급 본문

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4. 수업의 흐름 차시 수업모형에 따른 단계 단계 활동내용 요소 요소 유추 사전 인터뷰의 형식 소개하고 대상 짐작해 보기 Ex. My Mom 호기심, 몰입, 5 차시 관찰 핵심 가상의 인터뷰 꾸며보기 - 알고 있는 대상을 정하고 그 사람의 하루 생활 인터뷰로 만들어 보

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3항사가 되기 위해 매일매일이 시험일인 듯 싶다. 방선객으로 와서 배에서 하루 남짓 지내며 지내며 답답함에 몸서리쳤던 내가 이제는 8개월간의 승선기간도 8시간같이 느낄 수 있을 만큼 항해사로써 체질마저 변해가는 듯해 신기하기도 하고 한편으론 내가 생각했던 목표를 향해

Look and Listen 다음을 듣고, 각 대화의 상황에 알맞은 그림을 골라 번호를 써 봅시다. 3 Listen and Do 다음을 듣고, Emily와 Richard가 가고 싶어하는 곳에 표를 해 봅시다. 3 Korean Folk Museum Listen and T

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step 1-1

Book 3 Study Planner 교재명 학습 목표 be동사의 쓰임을 익히고, 체계적인 글쓰기 실력을 다진다. 날짜 Unit Title Page 학습 시작시간 학습 종료시간 학습한 내용 (단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리 등을 자유롭게 쓰세요.) 체크리스트 평가 1. 매

3. 수업의 개요 현 수업 개요 창의수업모형 1 차시 읽기, 말하기 쓰기, 1 차시 현수업 모형 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기 2 차시 듣기, 말하기 2 차시 현수업 모형: 듣기, 말하기 3 차시 읽기, 말하기 3 차시 핵심, 읽기, 쓰기, 말하기: 시를 읽고 상상력과 시각적



Testimonial 처음 있었던 주말의 Business English과정을 듣다.



< C1DFC7D0B1B35F31C7D0B3E25F3132BFF95FBFB5BEEE2E687770>

Being friends with the face in the mirror



Unit 의문문 I

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고등학교 1 학년 기초영어 늘품이 영어

이렇게활용하세요 본자료는고등학교기초학력진단검사의교과별평가요소지도를위한것으로활용방법은다음과같습니다. 1 2 고등학교기초학력진단검사개인별결과통지표에서교과별평가요소의정 오답여부를확인합니다. 오답처리된평가요소의문항번호를확인합니다. 예를들어, 영어과진단가형검사지의 4 번을틀린경우, 영어과늘품이의목차에서관련문항번호 진단가형 (4) 를찾습니다. 3 2 와같이, 재학습해야할평가요소에대한해당쪽수를찾아학습하도록합니다. 과목별늘품이는기초학력진단검사 ( 진단가형, 진단나형 ) 의동일한평가요소및관련평가요소를묶어서핵심내용정리와문제풀이를통한학습으로구성되어있습니다. 늘품 이란 늘품 이란, 앞으로좋게발전할품성을뜻하는것으로, 본자료를통하여학생들의학습능력이향상되는데도움이되기를바라는마음이담겨있습니다. 자료문의 : 충남대학교응용교육측정ㆍ평가연구소 Tel : 042-821-8586 E-mail : amec@cnu.ac.kr, amec8586@hanmail.net 오탈자, 수정및제안사항이있으시면연락주시기바랍니다.

contents 고등학교 1 학년용영어과늘품이 학습내용관련문항번호쪽수 1. 대상묘사하기 진단가형 (1), 진단나형 (1) 6 2. 주문하기, 물건사고팔기 연계학습 11 3. 원인 ( 이유 ) 묻고답하기 진단가형 (6), 진단나형 (6) 16 4. 제안 ( 조언 ) 하기 진단가형 (4) 20 5. 관계파악하기 연계학습 30 6. 장소유추하기 진단가형 (7), 진단나형 (7) 35 7. 수락 거절하기 연계학습 41 8. 글의핵심내용파악하기 ( 글의목적, 요지, 종류, 주제, 제목, 핵심어 ) 진단가형 (2, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23, 24), 진단나형 (2, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23, 24) 45 9. 도표이해하기 ( 원급, 비교급, 최상급 ) 진단가형 (17), 진단나형 (17) 57 10. 글의흐름파악하기 ( 연결어, 이어질내용추측, 관련문장삽입, 글의순서, 글의흐름과관계없는문장찾기 ) 진단가형 (10, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29), 진단나형 (10, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29) 63 11. 세부내용파악하기 진단가형 (3, 5, 8, 18, 19, 20, 21), 진단나형 (3, 4, 5, 8, 18, 19, 20, 21) 78 12. 분위기파악하기 연계학습 91 13. 지칭추론하기 진단가형 (22), 진단나형 (22) 95 14. 요약문완성하기 진단가형 (30), 진단나형 (30) 100 15. 심정파악하기 진단가형 (12), 진단나형 (12) 105

chapter 01 대상묘사하기 관련문항 진단가형 1 진단나형 1 어휘콕콕 1. 어휘를알아볼까요? 순영어뜻예문 1 brown 갈색 Some people have brown hair. 2 heavy 무거운, 심한 He moved a heavy box. 단어 3 purple 보라색, 자주색 Look at the purple flowers! 4 forehead 이마 I had a scar on my forehead. 5 necklace 목걸이 I like your necklace. 6 shoulder 어깨 She touched me on the shoulder. 2. 연습해볼까요? 밑줄친부분에들어갈말을 < 보기 > 에서골라쓰시오. < 보기 > brown heavy purple forehead necklace shoulder 1) His hair is. ( 그의머리카락은갈색이다.) 2) My sister has a gold. ( 나의여동생은금목걸이를가지고있다.) 3) Her lips turned with cold. ( 그녀의입술이추위로자주색이되었다.) 4) The box was very. ( 그상자는너무무거웠다.) 5) He hugged my. ( 그는내어깨를안았다.) 6) I wiped my with my hand. ( 나는손으로이마를닦았다.) 6 대상묘사하기

1. 대화를볼까요? 핵심콕콕 A B What does he look like? He has black hair and big eyes. He is wearing a blue T-shirt. 2. 사람의외모나사물을묘사하는표현을볼까요? 사람의외모묘사 사물묘사 big 덩치가큰 light 가벼운 tall 키가큰 heavy 무거운 short 키가작은 long 긴 small 덩치가작은 short 짧은 thin 날씬한 big 큰 cute 귀여운 soft 부드러운 beautiful 아름다운 hard 딱딱한 3. 신체부위를나타내는표현을볼까요? head 머리 hair 머리카락 shoulder 어깨 forehead 이마 neck 목 eye 눈 hand 손 mouth 입 finger 손가락 ear 귀 leg 다리 nose 코 4. 색깔을나타내는표현을볼까요? red 빨간색 yellow 노란색 purple 보라색 green 초록색 pink 분홍색 blue 파란색 orange 주황색 black 검정색 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 7

핵심콕콕 5. 대상을묘사해볼까요? 사람 + be 동사 + 외모를묘사하는말 / 사물 + be 동사 + 사물을묘사하는말 He is tall. / It is heavy 사람 + be동사 + wearing + 옷, 안경, 액세서리등 She is wearing a pink dress. 사람 + have(has) + 신체부위 He has blue eyes. There + is(are) + 단수 ( 복수 ) 명사 There is a desk in my room. There are many flowers in my house. 대상묘사하기 1. 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? ( ) 나의여동생은키가작다. My sister is. 1 big 2 cute 3 tall 4 short 5 beautiful 2. 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? ( ) 나는모자를쓰고있다. I am wearing a. 1 hat 2 skirt 3 T-shirt 4 uniform 5 necklace 8 대상묘사하기

3. 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? ( ) 그치마는짧다. The skirt is. 1 big 2 long 3 light 4 heavy 5 short 4. 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? ( ) 그는큰코를가지고있다. He has a big. 1 hair 2 neck 3 nose 4 mouth 5 forehead 5. 다음중외모를묘사한표현이아닌것은? ( ) 1 I am tall. 2 She is beautiful. 3 He is wearing a cap. 4 They have computers. 5 My brother has brown eyes. 6. 괄호안에서알맞은것을골라밑줄을그으시오. 1) There (is, are) a school in my town. 2) There (is, are) ten students in the classroom. 3) (Is, Are) there three books on the table? 4) (Is, Are) there a bookstore in this building? 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 9

대상묘사하기 7. 빈칸에공통으로들어갈말은? ( ) is a bank in my town. are twelve months in a year. 1 That 2 This 3 These 4 Those 5 There 8. 주어진우리말과일치하도록빈칸에알맞은말을 < 보기 > 에서찾아쓰시오. < 보기 > big black hair cute pants wearing 1) 나는안경을끼고있다. I am glasses. 2) 그녀는검은머리카락을가지고있다. She has. 3) 그는큰눈을가지고있다. He has eyes. 4) 나의남동생은귀엽다. My little brother is. 5) 그소년은바지를입고있다. The boy is wearing. 10 대상묘사하기

chapter 02 주문하기, 물건사고팔기 관련문항 진단가형 진단나형 어휘콕콕 1. 어휘를알아볼까요? 순영어뜻예문 1 meal 식사 Try not to eat between meals. 단어 2 rare 드문, 살짝익힌 That s a rare sight these days. I'd like my stake rare. 3 order 순서, 주문 The girl takes an order. 4 earring 귀걸이 The woman is wearing earrings. 5 delicious 아주맛있는 The food was delicious. 6 expensive 비싼 This looks like a very expensive house. 2. 연습해볼까요? 밑줄친부분에들어갈말을 < 보기 > 에서골라쓰시오. < 보기 > meal rare order earrings delicious expensive 1) That meal looks. ( 식사가맛있어보인다.) 2) I ordered a steak. ( 나는살짝익힌스테이크를주문했다.) 3) Let s a pizza. ( 피자를주문하자.) 4) I hope you enjoyed your. ( 식사맛있게드셨기를바랍니다.) 5) I want to change my now. ( 나는이제귀걸이를바꾸고싶어요.) 6) A new computer is very. ( 새컴퓨터는값이매우비싸다.) 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 11

chapter 핵심콕콕 1. 대화를볼까요? A B A B A B May I take your order? A large hamburger, please. Anything to drink? Coke, please. Okay. It s 10 dollars. For here or to go? To go, please. 2. 음식을주문하는표현을볼까요? 종업원이손님에게 손님이종업원에게 < 주문을받을때 > May I take your order? < 주문을할때 > I would like(i d like)/ I ll have + 음식. Anything else? Anything to drink? That s all. Orange juice/coke, please For here or to go? For here/to go, please. How would you like your steak? Well done/medium/rare, please. How was your meal? It was delicious. 12 주문하기, 물건사고팔기

3. 대화를볼까요? A B A B A B May I help you? I m looking for shoes. How about these shoes? I like them. How much are they? They are 30 dollars. Okay, I ll take them. 4. 물건을사고파는표현을볼까요? 점원이손님에게 손님이점원에게 < 도움이필요한지물을때 > What can I do for you? May(Can) I help you? How may(can) I help you? < 찾는물건을말할때 > I want I would like + 물건. I am looking for < 물건을추천할때 > How about this/these ~? < 물건의구입의사를말할때 > I ll take it/them. Oh, it s too expensive. < 원하는색상을물어볼때 > What color do you want? < 원하는색상을말할때 > I want 색상 (, please). < 원하는크기를물어볼때 > What size do you want? < 원하는크기를말할때 > I want a small/medium/large one (, please). < 가격을말할때 > It s 7 dollars. < 가격을물어볼때 > How much is it?/ What s the price? 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 13

주문하기, 물건사고팔기 1. 자연스러운대화가되도록어울리는것끼리연결하시오. 1) May I take your order? a) For here, please. 2) Anything to drink? b) Orange juice, please. 3) For here or to go? c) It was delicious. 4) How would you like your steak? d) Yes, I d like a steak. 5) How was your meal? e) Medium. please. 2. 주어진우리말과일치하도록빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오. 1) 저는티셔츠를찾고있어요. I m a T-shirt. 2) 이청바지는어때요? these jeans? 3) 저가방은얼마인가요? that bag? 4) 제가그거살게요. I ll it. 5) 도와드릴까요? I you? 6) 너무비싸요. It s too. 3. 다음대화가이루어지는장소로가장적절한것은? ( ) A: May I help you? B: I would like to buy a skirt. A: How about this one? B: I like it. How much is this? A: It s 25 dollars. B: Okay, I ll take it. 1 병원 2 서점 3 식당 4 옷가게 5 우체국 14 주문하기, 물건사고팔기

4. 다음대화가자연스럽지않은것은? ( ) 1 A: Can I help you? B: I want a skirt. 2 A: How was your meal? B: It was delicious. 3 A: May I take your order? B: I played soccer yesterday. 4 A: What color do you want? B: Pink, please. 5 A: How would you like your steak? B: Well done, please. 5. 다음대화의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? ( ) A: May I take your order? B: I ll have a pizza. A:? B: Coke, please. 1 Anything to drink 2 For here or to go 3 How was your meal 4 What size do you want 5 What color do you want 6. 자연스러운대화가되도록 (B)~(D) 문장의순서를알맞게배열하시오. A: May I help you? (B) How about these ones? (C) Oh, they are pretty. I ll take them. (D) Yes, I m looking for earrings. ( ) - ( ) - ( ) 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 15

chapter 03 원인 ( 이유 ) 묻고답하기 관련문항 진단가형 6 진단나형 6 어휘콕콕 1. 어휘를알아볼까요? 순영어뜻예문 1 soon 곧, 머지않아 See you soon. 단어 2 wrong 틀린, 잘못된 What s wrong with you? 3 matter 문제, 일 It s a private matter. 4 favorite 가장좋아하는 Spring is my favorite season. 5 expensive 비싼 His car is very expensive. 2. 연습해볼까요? 다음영어와우리말뜻을연결하시오. 1) favorite 2) wrong 3) soon 4) matter 5) expensive a) 곧 b) 문제 c) 비싼 d) 잘못된 e) 가장좋아하는 밑줄친부분에들어갈말을 < 보기 > 에서골라쓰시오. < 보기 > soon wrong matter favorite expensive 1) You are. ( 네가틀렸어.) 2) It s too. ( 그것은너무비싸다.) 3) It s a of time. ( 그것은시간문제야.) 4) What is your sport? ( 네가가장좋아하는스포츠는뭐야?) 5) I hope we ll meet again. ( 우리가곧다시만나기를바라.) 16 원인 ( 이유 ) 묻고답하기

1. 대화를볼까요? 핵심콕콕 A B Why are you late for school? Because I got up too late. A B A B What is your favorite color? My favorite color is blue. Why do you like blue? Because it makes me calm. 2. 원인 ( 이유 ) 을물어볼까요? Why are you ~? Why do you + 동사원형 ~? Why didn t you + 동사원형 ~? Can you tell me why you are ~? Can you tell me why you + 동사원형 ~? 왜 ~ 인가요? 왜 ~ 하나요? 왜 ~ 하지않았나요? 왜 ~ 인지말해줄수있나요? 왜 ~ 한지말해줄수있나요? 3. 원인 ( 이유 ) 을대답해볼까요? Because ~ It s because ~ ~ 때문입니다. 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 17

원인 ( 이유 ) 묻고답하기 1. 괄호안에서알맞은것을골라밑줄을그으시오. A: (Why, What) do you go to Busan? B: (But, Because) I have to visit my uncle. 2. 주어진우리말과일치하도록빈칸을채우시오. A: do you go to school so early? ( 너는왜학교에일찍가니?) B: I want to practice running every morning. ( 매일아침달리기연습을하고싶기때문이야.) 3. 자연스러운대화가되도록 (B) ~ (D) 문장의순서를알맞게배열하시오. A: You were late for school today. (B) Yes. It s because I took the wrong bus. (C) I am sorry, Ms. Kim. (D) Can you tell me why you were late? ( ) - ( ) - ( ) 18 원인 ( 이유 ) 묻고답하기

4. 다음대화의목적으로가장적절한것은? ( ) A: Oranges are very expensive this year. B: Why are they expensive this year? A: Because more people want oranges than before. 1 부탁하기위해 2 조언하기위해 3 주문하기위해 4 길을묻기위해 5 이유를알기위해 5. 다음대화의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한말은? ( ) A: I think it may snow soon. B:? A: Because it s too cold. 1 What s the matter 3 How about going skiing 5 Do you think it will snow tomorrow 2 How s the weather 4 Can you tell me why you say so 6. 자연스러운대화가되도록어울리는것끼리연결하시오. 1) Why didn t you play soccer? a) Because I wanted to get a haircut. 2) Why didn t you go to school? b) Because I was sick. 3) Why did you go to a hair shop? c) Because it rained. 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 19

chapter 04 제안 ( 조언 ) 하기 관련문항 진단가형 4 진단나형 어휘콕콕 1. 어휘를알아볼까요? 순영어뜻예문 1 design 디자인 I like the design of the new phone. 2 snack 간식 Let's eat some snacks. 3 rest 휴식 You should get enough rest. 4 exhibition 전시회 There's a photo exhibition in our town. 5 Olympics 올림픽 People watch the Olympics on TV. 단어 6 worried 걱정스러운 I'm worried about the math test. 7 more 더, 더많은 I have more books than you. 8 mistake 실수 I'm sorry. I made a mistake. 9 stare 10 muffin 응시하다, 노려보다 머핀 ( 빵의한종류 ) She stares at him. She had a muffin for breakfast. 11 advice 조언 She always gives me useful advice. 12 should ~ 해야만한다 We should go to school tomorrow. 표현 13 not anymore 더이상 않다 I don't want to talk about it anymore. 20 제안 ( 조언 ) 하기

2. 연습해볼까요? 주어진단어의뜻을쓰고, 표에서찾아 표하시오. 1) rest 2) snack 3) design 4) Olympics 5) exhibition 6) not ~ anymore 다음철자를바르게배열하여단어를완성한후우리말뜻을쓰시오. 1) fifnmu 2) ersat 3) rierdow 4) erom 5) keismat 6) iedcva 7) dlohus 밑줄친부분에들어갈말을 < 보기 > 에서골라쓰시오. < 보기 > mistake should anymore advice 1) I don t like it. ( 나는그것을더이상좋아하지않아.) 2) He made a big. ( 그는큰실수를저질렀다.) 3) We save money. ( 우리는돈을절약해야한다.) 4) His helped me a lot. ( 그의조언은나에게많은도움을주었다.) 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 21

핵심콕콕 1. 대화를볼까요? A B A B What s wrong? You look worried. Well, Jina is angry with me. She doesn t talk to me anymore. Why don't you write her a letter? That s a good idea. A B A B Sandy, shall we go to the exhibition at City Hall? Umm, what kind of exhibition is it? It s an art exhibition. Sounds interesting. 2. 조언을요청해볼까요? What should I do? Can you give me some advice? Would you give me some advice? How can I ~? I need your(some) advice. 어떻게해야할까? 나한테충고해줄수있니? 저에게조언한마디해주실수있나요? ~ 하려면어떻게해야할까? 나는너의조언이필요해. 3. 조언이나제안을해볼까요? Why don't you + 동사원형? Let s+ 동사원형! How[What] about + 동사 + ing? Shall we + 동사원형? I think you should + 동사원형. You had better. 하는게어때? 하자! 은어때? 할까? 네가 ~ 해야한다고생각해. 하는게낫다. 22 제안 ( 조언 ) 하기

제안 ( 조언 ) 하기 1. 괄호안에주어진단어를알맞은형태로바꿔쓰시오. A: Brian, shall we (go) to the Robot Olympics? B: The Robot Olympics? What is it? A: We can see lots of robots playing soccer. B: Sounds good. How about (go) this weekend? A: That'll be great! 1) 2) 2. 괄호안에주어진단어를알맞은형태로바꿔쓰고우리말뜻을쓰시오. 1) Why don t you this hat? (buy) 2) Shall we? (dance) 3) How about some snacks? (eat) 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 23

제안 ( 조언 ) 하기 3. 다음밑줄친말의의도로가장적절한것은? ( ) A: Can you tell me how to get to the Art Center? B: The Art Center? In fact I m going that way. Why don't you come with me? A: Thanks a lot. B: You re welcome. 1 가격묻기 2 거절하기 3 이유묻기 4 제안하기 5 축하하기 4. 다음두사람이방과후에할일은? ( ) A: Hi, Yubin. What are you going to do after school? B: I m thinking of watching Ice Age. Let's watch together! A: I saw the movie last week. How about going shopping? B: OK. That sounds great. 1 산책하기 2 숙제하기 3 쇼핑하기 4 영화보기 5 봉사활동하기 24 제안 ( 조언 ) 하기

5. 다음대화의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? ( ) Dad: Yujin: Hmm, that sounds good. I love flowers. Dad: All right. Let s go tomorrow. Yujin: I can t wait. 1 Do you like it? 2 How are you doing? 3 Can I ask you a favor? 4 Where did you buy the flowers? 5 How about going to the Flower Festival? 6. 다음대화의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? ( ) A: What's wrong? You look worried. B: I have a toothache. What should I do? A: You should. 1 play soccer 3 wash your hands 5 go see a dentist 2 eat more candy 4 drink a lot of water 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 25

제안 ( 조언 ) 하기 7. 다음괄호안에주어진단어를바르게배열하시오. A: What s wrong? You don't look good. B: Well, I'm very tired. A: Why? B: I played soccer all afternoon. A: ( you, don't, why, get ) some rest? B: OK. I will. some rest? 8. 두사람이대화하고있는내용으로알맞은것은? ( ) A: What program are you going to watch now? B: How about watching King Sejong? A: I don t enjoy watching history dramas. How about Happy Happy Show? B: Great, that s very interesting. 1 TV 시청 2 역사공부 3 영화관람 4 학예회준비 5 스마트폰게임 26 제안 ( 조언 ) 하기

9. 다음대화의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? ( ) A: Hi. How is your science project going? B: Not very well. My group members never come to the meeting. A: Oh, asking your teacher for help? 1 how about 3 you had better 5 I think you should 2 you should 4 why don t you 10. 다음대화의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? ( ) A: You look worried. What s the problem? B: I have an English speaking test next week. A: Oh, I already took the test. It s not that difficult. Don t worry. B: But I can t speak English well. I m so worried. What should I do? A: Why don t you? 1 play soccer 3 help your mom 5 practice every day 2 walk the dog 4 eat healthy food 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 27

제안 ( 조언 ) 하기 11. 다음글의화자에게해줄조언으로가장적절한것은? ( ) I m reading a book in the library now. A man sitting next to me is sleeping. Suddenly his cell phone rings. Other people in the library are staring at him but he s still asleep. What should I do? 1 You d better sleep too. 2 Why don't you wake him up? 3 How about turning on the radio? 4 Why don't you buy a new phone? 5 I think you should dance to the music. 12. 다음의각고민에어울리는조언을 < 보기 > 에서골라쓰시오. < 보기 > a Why don't you wear a hat? b You should exercise every day. c You'd better go to bed early. 1) I don't like my new hair style. Everyone will make fun of me. ( ) 2) I'm always late for school. I can't get up early in the morning. ( ) 3) I have to lose some weight. I'm getting fat. ( ) 28 제안 ( 조언 ) 하기

13. 다음대화의빈칸에들어갈말로적절하지않은것은? ( ) A: I think English is too difficult. B: Why do you think so? A: English is different from Korean. How can I speak English well? B: 1 How about eating a muffin? 2 You d better read English books. 3 You should use English with friends. 4 Why don t you listen to English songs? 5 I think you should keep a diary in English. 14. 다음대화의빈칸에들어갈말로적절하지않은것은? ( ) A: I need your advice. B: Sure, what is it? A: Tomorrow is my mom's birthday. How can I make my mom happy? B: 1 How about baking a cake? 2 You should write a birthday card. 3 Why don t you drink more water? 4 I think you should make dinner for her. 5 You d better buy some flowers for her. 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 29

chapter 05 관계파악하기 관련문항 진단가형 진단나형 어휘콕콕 1. 어휘를알아볼까요? 순영어뜻예문 1 medicine 약 Take this medicine after a meal. 2 another 또다른하나의 Can you show me another one? 3 order 주문, 순서 Are you ready to order? 단어 4 fix 수리하다 I couldn't fix my watch. 5 City Hall 시청 He works at Daejeon City Hall. 6 recommend 추천하다 7 8 표현 9 dressing room washing machine out of order 탈의실 세탁기 고장난 What kind of book do you recommend? He is entering the dressing room. I put my shirt in the washing machine. The computer is out of order again. 2. 연습해볼까요? 빈칸에공통으로들어갈말을쓰시오. I can't call my mom because my phone is out of. ( 내전화기가고장났기때문에엄마에게전화할수가없다.) May I take your? ( 주문하시겠습니까?) 30 관계파악하기

밑줄친부분에들어갈말을 < 보기 > 에서골라쓰시오. < 보기 > fixed another recommended 1) She me to read this book. ( 그녀는나에게이책을읽을것을권했다.) 2) I don't like this one. Show me one. ( 이것은맘에들지않아요. 다른것을보여주세요.) 3) My dad my bike. ( 나의아빠는나의자전거를수리했다.) 1. 대화하는사람의관계를알아볼까요? 핵심콕콕 손님 - 점원 A 손님 : How much is it? I want a lager/smaller one. Do you have another color? B 점원 : It is 20,000 won. 약사 - 환자 A 약사 : Take the medicine before a meal with water. B 환자 : Okay, I will. 수리점직원 - 손님 식당점원 - 손님 A 식당점원 : May I take your order? B 손님 : I d like a chicken burger. 택시기사 - 승객 A 택시기사 : Where are you going? B 승객 : City Hall, please. How long does it take? A 택시기사 : It only takes 10 minutes. 교사 - 학생 A 손님 : My TV doesn't work. Something is wrong with my cell phone. I can't make calls. The washing machine is out of order. B 수리점직원 : Do you want me to check it? OK. I will fix it. I will call you after I finish fixing it. A 교사 : Is everyone here? Don't be late for the class. It's time to check your homework. You have to do your homework by Monday. B 학생 : Can I have some water? Can I go to the restroom? I forgot to do my homework. 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 31

관계파악하기 1. 다음빈칸에들어갈말은? ( ) A: May I take your? B: Yes, I d like a chicken burger with orange juice. A: OK. For here or to go? B: I ll take it home. 1 bag 2 card 3 name 4 money 5 order 2. 다음대화에나타난두사람의관계는? ( ) A: Mr. Kim Jiseok? B: Yes? A: Here is your medicine. Take the medicine before a meal with water. You should not take it with milk or coffee. B: Okay, I got it. Thanks. 1 기사 - 승객 2 배우 - 관객 3 사장 - 직원 4 약사 - 환자 5 점원 - 손님 32 관계파악하기

3. 다음대화를읽고, 질문에답하시오. A: Hello. May I help you? B: My camera doesn t work. Can you fix it? A: Hmm. Let me see. It will take a few days. B: 010-123-4567. A: I ll call you when it s done. 1) 빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? ( ) 1 Thank you! 2 How much is it? 3 Where do you live? 4 Can I get your number? 5 How about this new model? 2) 위대화에나타난두사람의관계는? ( ) 1 교사 - 학생 2 배우 - 관객 3 변호사 - 의뢰인 4 수리점직원 - 손님 5 영화제작자 - 촬영기사 4. 다음대화에나타난두사람의관계는? ( ) A: I m sorry, Ms. Lee. I couldn't do my homework. B: OK. Then, bring it tomorrow. A: Thank you. 1 교사 - 학생 2 남편 - 아내 3 경찰 - 운전자 4 주민 - 경비원 5 치과의사 - 환자 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 33

관계파악하기 5. 다음대화를읽고, 질문에답하시오. A: Excuse me. I m looking for a bag. B: Anything in mind? A: Not really. What bag do you recommend? B: I recommend this one with a flower. A: That looks great.? B: It s 60 dollars. 1) 빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? ( ) 1 How much is it 2 Where is it from 3 What is this color 4 How about this one 5 Do you have a smaller one 2) 위대화에나타난두사람의관계는? ( ) 1 의사 - 환자 2 점원 - 손님 3 경찰관 - 시민 4 버스기사 - 승객 5 영화감독 - 배우 6. 다음대화에나타난두사람의관계는? ( ) A: May I help you? B: Yes. I am looking for a red skirt. A: Here it is. Is this what you want? B: No. This is too long. I want a shorter one. A: OK. How about this one? B: Oh, it looks pretty. May I try it on? A: Of course. Here is the dressing room. 1 점원 - 손님 2 사장 - 종업원 3 경찰 - 운전자 4 주민 - 경비원 5 치과의사 - 환자 34 관계파악하기

chapter 06 장소유추하기 관련문항 진단가형 7 진단나형 7 어휘콕콕 1. 어휘를알아볼까요? 순영어뜻예문 1 gardening 정원가꾸기 He is reading a book about gardening. 단어 2 section 부분, 구역 You can find sugar in Section A. 3 borrow 빌리다 Can I borrow your English book? 4 laundry 세탁 I help my mom do the laundry. 5 transfer 갈아타다 Transfer to the green line at this station. 6 want hair permed 머리를파마하고싶다 Do you want your hair permed? 7 take off 이륙하다 This plane is taking off soon. 표현 8 wear the seat belt 안전벨트를착용하다 Please wear your seat belt. 9 try on 입어보다, 신어보다 You can try on this dress. 10 get off ( 버스나지하철등에서 ) 내리다 Let's get off at this station. 2. 연습해볼까요? 빈칸에공통으로들어갈말을쓰시오. I'll get at this stop. ( 나는이번정거장에서내릴거야.) The plane couldn't take because of the storm. ( 폭풍때문에비행기가이륙하지못했다.) 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 35

어휘콕콕 2 다음퍼즐을완성하시오. 1 3 4 5 6 Across 2. ( 머리를 ) 파마한 3. 갈아타다 7. 정원가꾸기 8. 입어보다 on Down 7 8 1. 부분 4. 안전벨트 5. 빌리다 6. 세탁 핵심콕콕 1. 대화장소를파악해볼까요? A Excuse me. Where can I find a book about gardening? B You can find a lot of useful books about gardening in Section B. A Section B? Thank you! 대화를보면도서의위치를묻고답하고있으므로대화하는장소는도서관이나서점임을알수있다. 2. 대화장소별로자주쓰이는표현, 단어를통해장소를파악할수있다. 식당 (Restaurant) May I take your order? I d like to have (I ll have) For here or to go? 상점 (Shop) How much is it? It s dollars/won. What size/color do you want? Would you like to try it on? 36 장소유추하기

핵심콕콕 병원 (Hospital) My back hurts. I have a fever/cold/toothache/headache/ stomachache. My leg broke. You d better get enough sleep/rest. 도서관 (Library) 역, 정류장, 공항 (Train/Bus station or Airport) Where are you going? How many tickets do you want to get? For what time? 분실물보관소 (Lost and Found) Where can I find a book about? I'd like to borrow a book about. Return your book in ten days. Were there any bags found today? What does it look like? 미용실 (Beauty shop/hair shop) I want my hair cut/colored/permed. I'd like it cut not too short. Do you have any style in mind? I'll shampoo your hair, first. I'll cut a little. 3. 안내문을발견할수있는곳 영어교실 (English room) 공동주택 (complex, apartment) 1. Come to class on time. 2. Do not eat food during class. 3. Only speak English in class. NOTICE Don t run. Don t play the piano at night. Don t do the laundry at night. 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 37

핵심콕콕 4. 안내방송이나오는곳 지하철안 May I have your attention, please? The Next stop is City Hall. City Hall. You can transfer to the yellow line at this stop. The door is on your right. 기차역 May I have your attention, please? The train for Daegue is coming now. Please make sure you don t step across the yellow line. Wait behind the yellow line. 비행기안 May I have your attention, please? We re taking off soon. Make sure you don t leave your seat and wear your seat belt. 장소유추하기 1. 다음대화가이루어지는장소는? ( ) A: Can I get two tickets for Toy Story? B: For which showing? A: For 3:30. B: OK. Here you are. 1 식당 2 도서관 3 미용실 4 영화관 5 옷가게 38 장소유추하기

2. 다음대화가이루어지는장소는? ( ) A: How may I help you? B: I left my backpack on the train. I m here to find it. A: OK. What color is it? B: It s blue. A: Let me see. Is this yours? B: Yes, that s mine. Thank you very much. 1 병원 2 식당 3 보건실 4 공항검색대 5 분실물보관소 3. 다음대화가이루어지는장소는? ( ) A: Do you have shoes? B: Yes, we do. What color do you want? A: I like the blue ones. B: OK. What size do you wear? A: I wear a size 8. B: Let me see. Would you like to try these on? A: Sure. 1 학교 2 경찰서 3 도서관 4 체육관 5 신발가게 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 39

장소유추하기 4. 다음안내방송을들을수있는곳은? ( ) Your attention, please. We'll soon be arriving at the Central Park Station. The door is on your right. For those who want to transfer to the green or brown line, please get off at this station. Thank you. 1 미술관 2 영화관 3 비행기안 4 지하철안 5 실내수영장 5. 다음안내방송을들을수있는곳은? ( ) May I have your attention, please? We re taking off soon. Make sure you don t leave your seat and wear your seat belt. 1 도서관 2 백화점 3 비행기 4 소방서 5 체육관 6. 다음안내방송을들을수있는곳은? ( ) May I have your attention, please? The train for Seoul is coming into our station now. Please make sure you don t step across the yellow line. Wait behind the yellow line. 1 기차역 2 놀이터 3 미술관 4 백화점 5 해수욕장 40 장소유추하기

chapter 07 수락 거절하기 관련문항 진단가형 진단나형 어휘콕콕 1. 어휘를알아볼까요? 순영어뜻예문 단어 1 return 반납하다 2 favor 부탁, 호의, 친절 You have to return this book by Tuesday. May I ask you a favor? 3 difficult 어려운 Learning Chinese is very difficult. 표현 4 give a hand 도와주다 Do you want me to give a hand? 5 give a ride 태워주다 He gave me a ride to the zoo. 2. 연습해볼까요? 빈칸에공통으로들어갈말을쓰시오. Can you him a hand? ( 너는그를도와줄수있니?) My mother will me a ride to school. ( 엄마가나를학교까지태워다줄것이다.) 밑줄친부분에들어갈말을 < 보기 > 에서골라쓰시오. < 보기 > difficult favor return 1) Will you do me a? ( 제가부탁좀해도될까요?) 2) Being a doctor is very. ( 의사가되는것은매우어렵다.) 3) I will your notebook next week. ( 다음주에너의공책을돌려줄게.) 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 41

chapter 핵심콕콕 1. 대화를볼까요? A B A Hi, Suho. Where are you going? I m going to go to the library. Do you want to come with me? I m afraid I can t. I have to go home. 2. 부탁하는표현을알아볼까요? Will/Can/Would you do me a favor? = May I ask you a favor? Will/Can you help me? = Would you help me, please? Can you give me a hand? 부탁좀해도될까요? 저좀도와주시겠어요? 저좀도와주시겠어요? 3. 좀더공손하게부탁하는표현으로이렇게도말할수있어요. I was wondering if you could + 동사원형 ~. 당신이 해주실수있는지궁금해요. 4. 부탁을받아들이거나거절하는표현을알아볼까요? Sure./ Okay./ Of course./ No problem. 물론이야./ 문제없어. I m sorry, but I can t./ I m afraid I can t. 미안하지만안될것같아. 수락 거절하기 1. 다음주어진우리말과일치하도록괄호안의단어를바르게배열하시오. 저좀도와주시겠어요? ( help, me, you, will ), please?, please? 42 수락 거절하기

2. 다음부탁에대한응답을쓰시오. Could you return my book to the library? 수락 거절., but. 3. 다음대화를읽고, 질문에답하시오. A: Math is so difficult for me. B: I'm sorry, but I can't. I m going to visit my grandmother in the hospital. A: Oh, I m sorry to hear that. B: Maybe I'll help you next weekend. A: Thank you. See you later. 1) 빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? ( ) 1 Do you like math? 2 What is your favorite subject? 3 Did you finish your homework? 4 What are you going to do on Sunday? 5 Can you help me study math on Sunday? 2) B가 A의부탁을거절한이유는? ( ) 1 다리를다쳐서 2 수학을잘하지못해서 3 할머니를방문해야해서 4 부모님이허락하지않아서 5 다른친구와약속이있어서 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 43

수락 거절하기 4. 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? ( ) A: Excuse me, Ms. Lee. May I ask you a favor? B: Sure, what is it? A: Well, can I hand in homework tomorrow? B:. But only this time. 1 Okay 2 You're right 3 I see, thanks 4 That sounds great 5 I'm sorry, but I can't 5. 다음상황에서할수있는말로가장적절한것은? ( ) You're late for school, so you want your mother to give you a ride to school. What will you say to your mother? 1 Can I join the book club? 2 I can finish my homework. 3 How about watching a movie tonight? 4 I'm going to go to school early in the morning. 5 I was wondering if you could give me a ride to school. 44 수락 거절하기

chapter 08 글의핵심내용파악하기 ( 글의목적, 요지, 종류, 주제, 제목, 핵심어 ) 관련문항 진단가형 2, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23, 24 진단나형 2, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23, 24 어휘콕콕 1. 어휘를알아볼까요? 순영어뜻예문 1 suddenly 갑자기 Suddenly, I slipped and fell down. 2 language 언어 He is good at language. 3 properly 적절히, 잘 The machine didn't work properly. 4 environment 환경 People don t care about the environment. 5 recycle 재활용하다 We need to recycle trash. 단어 6 graduation 졸업 Today is my graduation day. 7 comfortable 편안한 This chair is very comfortable. 8 empty 텅빈 It s an empty bottle. 9 consider 고려하다 Consider what you like to do. 10 realize 실현하다 I ll do my best to realize my dream. 11 breathe 숨쉬다 I can t breathe well. 12 genre 장르 The genre of this song is rock. 13 classical 클래식의 I like classical music. 14 break up 헤어지다 John and Mary broke up. 표현 15 16 look forward to ~ing as ~ as possible ~ 을기대하다 I look forward to seeing you. 가능한 ~ 한 Take as many pictures as possible. 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 45

어휘콕콕 2. 연습해볼까요? 다음빈칸에들어갈알맞은말을쓰시오. 1) 환경 6) 재활용하다 2) 헤어지다 7) graduation 3) properly 8) 실현하다 4) 편안한 9) consider 5) breathe 10) 언어 다음각번호위의철자를순서대로배열하여아래의빈칸을채우시오. NYDDEUSL s 8 ANGUGLEA l LRORPEPY p 3 OTEMINNERVN e 4 CECLEYR r 5 RONTUGIADA g 7 RELBOAFOCMT c 2 PYMET e 6 SCNIORED c 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. 46 글의핵심내용파악하기

핵심콕콕 1. 글의핵심내용과글의종류를파악해볼까요? 글의목적및요지, 주제파악 글이나대화에서글쓴이나화자가말하고자하는것또는주장하는중요한내용이나글의중심생각을찾아내는것 글또는대화에나타난목적이나요지및주제를묻는유형으로 다음글의목적으로가장적절한것은?, 다음글의요지로가장적절한것은? 등과같은유형 글의제목및종류파악 글의내용을대표하기위하여붙이는제목을찾는것 글을일정한특징에따라광고문, 일기, 편지, 영화감상문등으로분류하는것 글의제목및종류를질문하는유형으로 ~ 글의제목으로가장적절한것은?, 다음글의종류로가장적절한것은? 등과같은유형 빈칸추론하기 글의흐름을파악하여빈칸에들어갈표현을찾는것 주로글의핵심내용이나소재를나타내는명사나형용사를파악하는유형으로 다음글의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? 등과같은유형 2. 문제를풀어볼까요? 다음대화에서 Amy 가전화를건목적으로가장적절한것은? ( ) Amy: Hi, Tom. Tom: Hi, Amy. What s up? Amy: What are you planning to do tomorrow? Tom: I was planning to play soccer, but I can t. It s raining outside. Amy: Then, do you want to go watch a movie with me? Tom: Sure. Sounds fun. 1 숙제를물어보려고 3 봉사활동을같이하려고 5 축구경기를같이하려고 2 영화를같이보려고 4 시험공부를같이하려고 대화의내용을보면 Tom이축구를할계획이었으나, 비가와서못한다고하자 Amy가영화를함께보러가자고제안하고있으므로 2번이답임을알수있다. 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 47

글의핵심내용파악하기 1. 다음글의목적으로가장적절한것은? ( ) Dear, Abbey Our basketball team was losing by one point in the final game. I had the ball and was about to score the game. Then suddenly, I slipped and fell down. We lost the game. I felt very sorry to my friends. What should I do? 1 고민을상담하려고 3 배드민턴을함께치려고 5 동아리가입을권유하려고 2 여행을같이하려고 4 수행평가를함께하려고 2. 다음글의목적으로가장적절한것은? ( ) Dad, can I get a pet? I want to have a dog that I can play with. Having a dog means a lot of work. But I ll take good care of it. I ll feed it and clean it every day. 1 강아지를찾으려고 3 애견카페에함께가려고 5 개를기르게해달라고부탁하려고 2 낚시를같이가려고 4 욕실청소를함께하려고 48 글의핵심내용파악하기

3. 다음글의목적으로가장적절한것은? ( ) I want to introduce my friend, Jihoon. He is really good at language. He can speak many languages. He taught me how to say I love you. in Spanish. Also, he is good at sports. He plays tennis and golf very well. 1 물건을교환하려고 3 외국어를배우려고 5 환불을요청하려고 2 분실물을찾으려고 4 친구를소개하려고 4. 다음글의요지로가장적절한것은? ( ) Riding a bike can be a lot of fun. But you have to choose the right size of the bike. This is very important for you. If you ride too heavy, too big, or even too small bikes, you lose control. So make sure that your bike fits properly. 1 자전거도로를이용하여야한다. 2 자전거를배우는시기가중요하다. 3 밤에자전거를타는것은위험하다. 4 자전거타기는건강에도움이된다. 5 자신에게맞는크기의자전거를타야한다. 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 49

글의핵심내용파악하기 5. 다음글의요지로가장적절한것은? ( ) The color of Earth has been green, but it is changing these days. It s because people don t care about the environment. People cut down trees and throw trash everywhere. So the color of the Earth is getting darker. It means that the Earth is sick now. We should plant some trees and recycle trash. It will help the Earth green again. 1 해양생태계를보호해야한다. 2 지구의아름다운색을즐기자. 3 토양오염의심각성을깨달아야한다. 4 산사태를막기위해나무를심어야한다. 5 지구의색을되찾기위해환경을보호해야한다. 6. 다음글의종류로가장적절한것은? ( ) Come and Get Your Clothes Here s a tip for this winter s fashion. Black will be the most popular color for the winter. We have many kinds of jeans and shirts in black. Why don t you visit us today? 1 시 2 일기 3 편지 4 광고문 5 영화감상문 50 글의핵심내용파악하기

7. 다음글의종류로가장적절한것은? ( ) March 18, Sunday Today, David brought a picture. He took it on the graduation day. In the picture, there was a girl in an orange shirt. Justin and I didn t know who she was. David said that she was Julia. We talked about our friends in the picture. We had a great time with the picture. 1 시 2 일기 3 편지 4 광고문 5 신문기사 8. 다음글의종류로가장적절한것은? ( ) Dear, Kevin, How have you been? It s been four years since I saw you last. I m interested in a few things these days. First, I m learning how to play badminton. It looks easy, but it isn t. Second, I m doing volunteer work at the school library. How about you? I m looking forward to hearing back from you. Best wishes, Allan 1 시 2 소설 3 편지 4 광고문 5 연극대본 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 51

글의핵심내용파악하기 9. 다음글의주제로가장적절한것은? ( ) The internet is very useful. We use it in many good ways. But if you use it too much, it can harm your life. Do you feel more comfortable with your online friends than your real ones? Can you stop using the internet for yourself? If not, you may use the internet too much. 1 인터넷사용의유용성 2 SNS를통한소통방법 3 건전한댓글문화의필요성 4 과도한인터넷사용에대한경고 5 적정한인터넷요금책정의필요성 10. 다음글의주제로가장적절한것은? ( ) Today, I want to talk about recycling trash. We throw out many things every day. But among them, there are useful things that we can recycle. If you make a pot with an empty bottle, that s recycling. We can save the earth by recycling. Let s start recycling today! 1 빈병활용방법 2 공기오염의원인 3 신기술개발의중요성 4 지구온난화의심각성 5 쓰레기재활용을통한환경보존 52 글의핵심내용파악하기

11. 다음글의제목으로가장적절한것은? ( ) Anna is a good friend of mine. She always helps me when I m in trouble. This month, I couldn t go to school for a week because I had an eye problem. While I was absent from school, Anna came to my house every day. She taught me that day s lesson. I like her so much. 1 My Homework 3 My School Life 5 My Homeroom Teacher 2 My Best Friend 4 My Favorite Month 12. 다음글의제목으로가장적절한것은? ( ) My dream is to become a cook. I like to cook and want to cook healthy food for people. These days, there are so much unhealthy food. It is important to cook healthy food for people. I ll do my best to reach my dream. 1 My Dream Job 2 How to Be a Cook 3 Lots of Unhealthy Food 4 How to Cook Healthy Food 5 The Importance of Healthy Food 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 53

글의핵심내용파악하기 13. 다음글의제목으로가장적절한것은? ( ) Have you tried flower tea? It is made with dried flowers. Dried flowers smell good. Also, dried flowers taste good in hot water for a long time. When you wait for the tea, you can look at the beautiful flowers in hot water. Your eyes and mouth will be happy when you drink it. 1 The Kinds of Flower Tea 2 How to Make Flower Tea 3 Good Things of Flower Tea 4 Flower Tea for Your Health 5 What You Need to Make Flower Tea 14. 다음글의제목으로가장적절한것은? ( ) Mike s family was having steak for lunch at his grandma s house. Suddenly Mike s grandma held her neck and fell down. Her face was turning blue. She couldn t breathe. Mike s family was shocked. Mike hit his grandma hard on her back. Then a large piece of steak came out of her mouth. She started to breathe again. 1 Mike s Family Picnic 2 The Ways to Be Healthy 3 The Most Delicious Steak 4 Why Mike Doesn t Like Steak 5 How Mike Saved His Grandma 54 글의핵심내용파악하기

15. 다음빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? ( ) How to Clean the classroom twice a week. Pick up any trash as soon as you see it. Empty the trash can as often as possible. 1 Recycle Trash 2 Enjoy Learning 3 Make Trash Can 4 Keep the Classroom Clean 5 Use the Classroom on Sunday 16. 다음글의제목으로가장적절한것은? ( ) Yesterday is my favorite song. The genre is rock. This song is about breaking up with a loved one. Paul McCartney sang the song. I like this song because it is easy to understand. 1 My Favorite Song 2 My Favorite Singer 3 How to Sing a Song 4 How to Make a Song 5 The Genre of the Song 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 55

글의핵심내용파악하기 17. 다음글의빈칸에들어갈말을쓰시오. ( d ) My d is to become a singer. I am good at singing. I am happy when I sing. It is not easy to be a singer. I will study music and practice singing. I ll do my best to be a singer. 18. 다음글의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? ( ) This morning, I met Suho. He looked at my umbrella and asked me, It s not rainy. Why do you carry an umbrella? I told him that it would be rainy soon because birds flew low. So, he took his umbrella to school. After school, he thanked me because it was. 1 low 2 rainy 3 heavy 4 cloudy 5 sunny 19. 다음글의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? ( ) Movies take us to another time and place. We can even find out about other countries without going there. Watching Hollywood movies, we can find out about American life. It is the same for Asian movies. They can take us into the lives of. 1 Asians 2 movies 3 countries 4 Americans 5 Hollywood 56 글의핵심내용파악하기

chapter 09 도표이해하기 ( 원급, 비교급, 최상급 ) 관련문항 진단가형 17 진단나형 17 어휘콕콕 1. 어휘를알아볼까요? 순영어뜻예문 1 popular 인기있는 She is a popular singer. 2 wise 현명한 She is wise. 3 pretty 예쁜 I have a pretty daughter. 4 heavy 무거운 This box is too heavy. 5 fat 뚱뚱한 He is really fat. 6 thin 날씬한, 마른 My sister is thin. 단어 7 important 중요한 English is important. 8 famous 유명한 He is a very famous actor. 9 worse 더나쁜 She sings worse than me. 10 worst 가장나쁜 This movie is the worst. 11 more 더많은 He eats more than me. 12 most 가장많은 She has the most friends of all. 13 little 작은, 적은 She is my little sister. 14 less 15 least 더작은, 더적은 가장작은, 가장적은 Eat less than usual. He drank the least milk. 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 57

어휘콕콕 2. 연습해볼까요? 다음빈칸에들어갈알맞은말을쓰시오. 1) wise 2) 인기있는 6) pretty 7) less 3) famous 8) 중요한 4) 무거운 9) thin 5) least 10) 더나쁜 핵심콕콕 1. 형용사와부사의비교급과최상급규칙을알아볼까요? 대상 규칙비교급최상급 원급 비교급 ( 더 ~ 한 ) 최상급 ( 가장 ~ 한 ) 대부분의형용사 / 부사 -e로끝나는단어 + er + est + r + st kind kinder kindest smart smarter smartest wise wiser wisest large larger largest easy easier easiest 규칙변화 자음 + y 단모음 + 단자음 y i +er 자음 + er y i +est 자음 + est pretty prettier prettiest heavy heavier heaviest hot hotter hottest fat fatter fattest thin thinner thinnest important more important most important 3 음절이상 more + the most + beautiful more beautiful most beautiful famous more famous most famous good/well better best 불규칙변화 bad/ill worse worst many/much more most little less least 58 도표이해하기

2. 비교급과최상급을이용한표현을알아볼까요? 비교급과최상급을이용한표현 A is 비교급 than B. I am stronger than my brother. A is the 최상급. He is the fastest. Minju is the best student in my class. 도표이해하기 1. 다음주어진단어들의비교급을쓰시오. 1) 2) 3) 6) 4) 5) Across( ) 1. fat 3. wise 6. famous 7. good 8. pretty 7) 8) Down( ) 2. thin 4. heavy 5. little 6. many 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 59

도표이해하기 2. 다음단어들의비교급과최상급을완성하시오. 원급 비교급 최상급 warm cheap nice large big early difficult many good bad 3. 다음도표를보고, long 과 short 을활용하여빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오. A B C 1) A is than B. 2) B is than C. 3) A is the among them. 4) B is than A. 5) C is than B. 6) C is the among them. 60 도표이해하기

4. 다음표를보고주어진단어를활용하여빈칸을완성하시오. A B 1) A is than B. (light) 50kg 100kg 2) B is than A. (heavy) 5. 다음그림을보고주어진단어를활용하여빈칸을채우시오. Cindy Mark 나이 : 16 키 : 165cm 몸무게 : 50kg 팬클럽회원 : 175,000명 나이 : 17 키 : 180cm 몸무게 : 70kg 팬클럽회원 : 281,000명 1) Cindy is than Mark. (young) 2) Cindy is than Mark. (short) 3) Mark is than Cindy. (heavy) 4) Mark is than Cindy. (popular) 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 61

도표이해하기 6. 다음그래프의내용과일치하도록빈칸에알맞은말을쓰시오. Boys Dream Jobs Artist,6 Doctor,13 Cook,2 Teacher,9 The most popular job is doctor. Thirteen boys want to be doctors. 1) is the second most popular job. 2) boys want to become teachers. The third most popular job is 3). 4) boys want to become cooks. 1) 2) 3) 4) 7. 통학수단에관한다음도표의내용과일치하지않는것은? ( ) (The number of students) 20 15 10 5 < How Do Students Come to school > 20 15 10 5 Bus Car Subway Bike (Transportation) 1 Ten students come to school by bus. 2 Fifteen students come to school by subway. 3 The most students use bikes. 4 Students use buses more than cars. 5 Students use cars more than subways. 62 도표이해하기

chapter 10 글의흐름파악하기 (( 연결어, 이어질내용추측, 관련문장삽입, 글의순서, 글의흐름과관계없는문장찾기 ) 관련문항 진단가형 10, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 진단나형 10, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 어휘콕콕 1. 어휘를알아볼까요? 순영어뜻예문 1 foreigner 외국인 We interviewed some foreigners. 2 information 정보 It s useful information. 3 uncomfortable 불편한 I felt very uncomfortable. 4 differently 다르게 You can think differently. 5 fashionable 유행의, 멋있는 We have many fashionable clothes. 6 accident 사고 She had a car accident yesterday. 단어 7 impossible 불가능한 I think it s impossible. 8 sciencefiction 공상과학 I like science-fiction movies. 9 enjoyable 즐거운 The story will be enjoyable to you. 10 following 다음의 Let s read the following stories. 11 country 나라, 시골 He traveled many countries. 12 expensive 값비싼 They are too expensive. 13 finally 마침내 Finally, he found his bag. 14 happen 발생하다 That will happen in the future. 15 field trip 소풍 I went to Busan on a field trip. 표현 16 look around 둘러보다 I look around the store. 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 63

어휘콕콕 2. 연습해볼까요? 다음영어와우리말뜻을연결하시오. 1) following a) 불편한 2) finally b) 다음의 3) happen c) 불가능한 4) information d) 마침내 5) uncomfortable e) 외국인 6) differently f) 정보 7) accident g) 발생하다 8) impossible h) 둘러보다 9) foreigner i) 다르게 10) look around j) 사고 다음각숫자위의알파벳을배열하여아래빈칸에숨겨진문장을찾으시오. REOREGFIN f 1 NIOTOMRAINF i 8 MOTFOUNRLACBE u 2 TEELINDYRFF d BAIHEANOFSL f 3 SOIMISBEPL i 11 NECEICS-FONTIIC s - NAOEELYJB e 5 GOLLWFION f 9 COYRUTN c 6 FEILD TIRP f 4 10 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 k u. 64 글의흐름파악하기

핵심콕콕 1. 글의흐름을파악해볼까요? 연결어란? 연결어 는단어와단어, 문장과문장을연결해주는말로, 적절한연결어나연결어구의 선택은생각이나주장의흐름을유지시켜줄뿐만아니라앞뒤내용의관계를명확히해줌으로써읽는사람으로하여금글쓴이의논지를정확히파악할수있도록도와준다. 연결어의종류 and 그리고 however 그렇지만 but 그러나 / 하지만 therefore 그러므로 or 또는 for example 예를들어 so 그래서 / 그러므로 moreover before ~ 전에 besides 게다가, 또한 after ~ 후에 in addition if 만약 ~ 라면 surprisingly 놀랍게도 when ~ 할때 unfortunately 불행하게도 while ~ 동안 suddenly 갑자기 because 왜냐하면 /~ 때문에 in short 요약하면 글의흐름파악하기의유형 유형 질문 이어질내용추측 다음글에이어질내용으로가장적절한것은? 관련문장삽입 글의흐름으로보아, 주어진문장이들어가기에가장적절한곳은? 글의순서 주어진문장다음에이어질글의순서로가장적절한것은? 글의흐름과관계없는문장찾기 다음글에서전체의흐름과관계없는문장은? 2. 문제를풀어볼까요? 다음글의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? ( ) We all know the importance of saving money and want to save more., it isn t easy to save money. Lots of people fail to save money because they spend more money than they make. * importance 중요성 1 So 2 Luckly 3 However 4 Suddenly 5 For example 빈칸앞에서절약의중요성을알고있다고말하고뒤에서는절약이쉽지않다고하고있으므로 내용이배치되므로 3 However로연결할수있다. 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 65

글의흐름파악하기 1. 빈칸에들어갈말을 < 보기 > 에서찾아쓰시오. because < 보기 > but 1) Jack likes apples, Jane doesn t like them. 2) I got angry my brother broke my robot. 2. 다음우리말뜻과영어를연결하시오. 1) 또한, 게다가 a) surprisingly 2) 그렇지만 b) however 3) 놀랍게도 c) moreover, in addition 3. 빈칸에들어갈말을 < 보기 > 에서찾아쓰시오.. < 보기 > because suddenly however 1) He was riding a bike., a dog showed up in front of him. 2) he woke up late, he couldn t take the bus. 3) He was not rich., he tried to help the poor. 66 글의흐름파악하기

4. 다음글의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? ( ) Have you ever swum in a cave? It was amazing. When I was swimming in the cave, my brother shouted, Watch out! There is a snake right above you! I couldn t move at all I was so scared. Luckily, it was a joke. 1 so 2 also 3 but 4 before 5 because 5. 다음글의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? ( ) Have you thought about your future job? It is not easy to get a good job. A good job is one that you like to do and makes you happy., think about what you like to do and look for a job like that. 1 So 2 But 3 Suddenly 4 Surprisingly 5 For example 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 67

글의흐름파악하기 6. 다음글의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? ( ) Father Lee Taeseok helped lots of people in Sudan. He built a school for them. He also helped sick people. He worked hard to help them for many years., he died from cancer in 2010. He was only 48 years old. 1 So 2 Therefore 3 Moreover 4 Unfortunately 5 For example 7. 다음글의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? ( ) It s 6 a.m., and the alarm goes off. I really want to sleep more because I went to bed at 2 a.m. It must be my sister again. She always sets her alarm clock early in the morning. I don t like to wake up early in the morning. We are twins, we are really different. * twins 쌍둥이 * goes off ( 알람이 ) 울리다 1 or 2 so 3 but 4 for 5 when 68 글의흐름파악하기

8. 다음글의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? ( ) In China, clocks are not good gifts. In the Chinese language the word to give a clock is like the words to die. people think giving a clock as a gift is bad luck. 1 So 2 But 3 After 4 Before 5 Because 9. 다음글의빈칸에들어갈말로가장적절한것은? ( ) We think a smart phone is the most important thing these days because we can do many things with it., we can search on the internet and take photos. We can get information from it. Also, we can listen to the songs with it. So, if we don t have a smart phone, we feel very uncomfortable. 1 Or 2 So 3 Finally 4 However 5 For example 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 69

글의흐름파악하기 10. 다음글에이어질내용으로가장적절한것은? ( ) When you think about your future job, what first comes to mind? Do you think of a teacher, a scientist, or maybe a singer? These are all great jobs, but if you think differently, there are many fun and interesting jobs. Let s find out about some of them. 1 직업과보수의관계 2 가장인기있는직업 3 미래의직업전문학교 4 직업선택시유의사항 5 재미있고흥미로운직업의예 11. 다음글에이어질내용으로가장적절한것은? ( ) If you look around, fashion is all around us. Every day, we see people wearing fashionable clothes, beautiful makeup, and so on. Fashion is an important part of our lives. Fashion has a history and it is filled with many interesting stories. Let s take a look at some of them. 1 유행하는패션의특징 3 아름답게화장하는방법 5 패션역사의흥미로운이야기들 2 옷을멋있게입는방법 4 일상생활에서패션의중요성 70 글의흐름파악하기

12. 다음글에이어질내용으로가장적절한것은? ( ) It would be great if I could fly on my bike. In reality, it s impossible. However, anything is possible in science-fiction movies. Now, let s look at some differences between fiction and science. * science-fiction 공상과학 1 허구와과학의차이점 2 유명한과학자들의업적 3 공상과학영화제작방법 4 영화속에숨어있는과학원리 5 공상과학영화가인기있는이유 13. 다음글에이어질내용으로가장적절한것은? ( ) The new school year has begun. It's time to make new friends. Luckily, I met very special friends in my school. They are Susan and Megan. Their stories will be interesting and enjoyable to you. Let me tell you about them. 1 자기소개 2 신학기교실풍경 3 진로선택시고려사항 4 특별한친구들에대한이야기 5 간단히즐길수있는놀이의예 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 71

글의흐름파악하기 14. 다음글에이어질내용으로가장적절한것은? ( ) On a clear night, you can see lots of stars. What do they look like? Do you know an interesting story about them? The following stories are about star groups from different countries. 1 날씨를예측하는방법 2 밤과낮의일교차계산법 3 별자리에따른심리테스트 4 계절에따른별자리의이동 5 다른나라들의별자리이야기들 15. 글의흐름으로보아, 주어진문장이들어가기에가장적절한곳은? ( ) He dances at the back of the classroom. Hi! I m Mina. ( 1 ) Some of my friends are very interesting. ( 2 ) Sally thinks she is very pretty. ( 3 ) She is always looking in the mirror. ( 4 ) Kevin wants to be a dancer. ( 5 ) My friends are all very interesting. 72 글의흐름파악하기

16. 글의흐름으로보아, 주어진문장이들어가기에가장적절한곳은? ( ) Because, His computer was broken. Our group s topic is What do you wish to have? ( 1 ) Jane wishes to have a puppy. ( 2 ) She wants to play with it at home. ( 3 ) Tom wishes to have a new computer. ( 4 ) And I wish to have a piano. ( 5 ) I like to play the piano. 17. 글의흐름으로보아, 주어진문장이들어가기에가장적절한곳은? ( ) However, they were too expensive. I went shopping to buy shoes. ( 1 ) There were so many shoes in the store. ( 2 ) I looked around the store to find my favorite shoes. ( 3 ) Finally, I found a pair of shoes that I wanted. ( 4 ) So, I had to buy cheaper ones. ( 5 ) 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 73

글의흐름파악하기 18. 글의흐름으로보아, 주어진문장이들어가기에가장적절한곳은? ( ) But nobody was there. Alexander Graham Bell played the piano one day and heard the same piano sounds from the next room. So he went to the room. ( 1 ) He wondered how the sounds could be repeated. ( 2 ) He thought and shouted, The piano sounds traveled through the air! ( 3 ) He wondered whether speech sounds could travel, too. ( 4 ) He tried to find a way to send speech sounds. ( 5 ) Finally, he invented the telephone. 19. 글의흐름으로보아, 주어진문장이들어가기에가장적절한곳은? ( ) They had bought it at my favorite cake shop. Lots of things happened today. ( 1 ) I had to take care of my brother because my parents went out for the evening. ( 2 ) I had to play with him for 3 hours before they got back. ( 3 ) When they finally came back, they gave us a delicious cake. ( 4 ) I like all kinds of cakes from that shop. ( 5 ) 74 글의흐름파악하기

20. 글의흐름으로보아, 주어진문장이들어가기에가장적절한곳은? ( ) I couldn't understand him at all. I went on a field trip to Gyeongbokgung palace. ( 1 ) There were lots of foreigners. ( 2 ) A foreigner came up to me and said something in English. ( 3 ) But, my friend Hemin understood him, and answered him. ( 4 ) I was surprised at her good English. ( 5 ) 21. 주어진문장다음에이어질글의순서로가장적절한것은? ( ) Tom is not the person that he used to be. (A) So he is healthier than before. (B) But now, he doesn't eat fast food. (C) In the past, he ate a lot of fast food. 1 (A)-(B)-(C) 2 (A)-(C)-(B) 3 (B)-(A)-(C) 4 (C)-(A)-(B) 5 (C)-(B)-(A) 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 75

글의흐름파악하기 22. 주어진문장다음에이어질글의순서로가장적절한것은? ( ) I had two K-pop concert tickets. (A) During the concert, we sang along and danced to the songs. (B) My friend and I went to the concert together. (C) After the concert, we took pictures with the singers. 1 (A)-(B)-(C) 2 (A)-(C)-(B) 3 (B)-(A)-(C) 4 (B)-(C)-(A) 5 (C)-(A)-(B) 23. 주어진문장다음에이어질글의순서로가장적절한것은? ( ) While my sister was driving her car, she had a car accident. (A) My family said We love you. to her for ten months. (B) After the car accident, she got hurt and didn't wake up. (C) Finally she woke up from her long sleep. 1 (A)-(B)-(C) 2 (A)-(C)-(B) 3 (B)-(A)-(C) 4 (B)-(C)-(A) 5 (C)-(A)-(B) 76 글의흐름파악하기

24. 다음글에서전체의흐름과관계없는문장은? ( ) When I feel sleepy, I take a nap. Let me tell you why. 1 First, it helps me relax. 2 Second, it makes me feel refreshed. 3 Third, I can concentrate on studying better. 4 Also, I like taking pictures. 5 So, I feel better after taking a nap. 25. 다음글에서전체의흐름과관계없는문장은? ( ) I saw Kung Fu Panda last weekend. 1 The movie is about a kung fu fighter who saves the world. 2 The main characters in the movie are Po, a kung fu fighter, and his friends. 3 I liked Po most. 4 I will buy two train tickets. 5 The movie was very funny and full of action scenes. 26. 다음글에서전체의흐름과관계없는문장은? ( ) I want to be a good singer. But I didn t know how. So, I told my friends about it and asked them to give some ideas to me. 1 Inho told me to listen to many songs. 2 Bora suggested I learn to play the guitar. 3 Sumi wanted to be a writer. 4 David told me to get vocal training. 5 I think all of them are great ideas. *suggest 제안하다 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 77

chapter 11 세부내용파악하기 관련문항 진단가형 3, 5, 8, 18, 19, 20, 21 진단나형 3, 4, 5, 8, 18, 19, 20, 21 어휘콕콕 1. 어휘를알아볼까요? 순영어뜻예문 1 culture 문화 It is a part of Asian culture. 2 introduce 소개하다 Let me introduce myself. 3 pleasure 기쁨 I read books for pleasure. 단어 4 own 자신의 She bought her own car. 5 traditional 전통적인 This is a Korean traditional house. 6 traffic light 신호등 The car is waiting at the traffic light. 7 weekday 평일 I ride a bike on weekdays. 8 wonder 궁금하다 She wonders who the man is. 표현 9 be held ( 행사 ) 가개최되다 The festival will be held in Busan. 10 be good at ~ 을잘하다 He is good at playing the piano. 11 be interested in ~ 에흥미가있다 keep in 연락하고 12 touch 지내다 (with someone) I am interested in traveling. Do you keep in touch with her? 2. 연습해볼까요? 다음단어의뜻을쓰시오. 1) culture 2) wonder 3) traffic light 4) traditional 5) own 6) introduce 7) weekday 8) pleasure 78 세부내용파악하기

밑줄친부분에들어갈말을 < 보기 > 에서골라쓰시오. < 보기 > culture weekdays introduce wonder own pleasure traditional 1) I m going to my teacher. ( 나는나의선생님을소개하려고합니다.) 2) He wants his room. ( 그는그자신만의방을원한다.) 3) It is open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on. ( 그곳은평일에오전10시에서오후7시까지연다.) 4) Halloween is a part of Western. ( 할로윈은서양의문화이다.) 5) It s my. ( 제가좋아서한겁니다.) 6) I who is going to win. ( 누가이길지궁금하다.) 7) They are Korean clothes. ( 그것들은한국의전통의상이다.) 밑줄친부분에들어갈말을 < 보기 > 에서골라쓰시오. < 보기 > in at with 1) I was interested math. 2) Hojin is good skating. 3) Mina wants to keep in touch Tom. 밑줄친부분을바르게고치시오. 1) The Olympics held in Seoul in 1988. ( 올림픽은 1988년서울에서열렸다.) The Olympics in Seoul in 1988. 2) She is interesting in sports. ( 그녀는스포츠에관심이있다.) She sports. 3) We kept touch with each other. ( 우리는서로연락을하고지냈다.) We with each other. 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 79

핵심콕콕 1. 글의세부내용을파악해볼까요? 세부내용파악하기의유형 대화나글에들어있는구체적인정보에대해질문하는유형 유형 질문 ~ 한 / 하지못한이유를고르시오. ( 이유파악하기 ) ~ 에할일을고르시오. ( 미래계획 ) 구체적정보파악 ~ 에한일을고르시오. ( 과거사건 ) 이외에글의내용중구체적인정보를파악해서풀수있는유형의질문 ( 물건의종류나수, 행사의일정등의세부내용을파악한다.) 일치 ~ 에대한다음글의내용과일치하는 ( 일치하지않는 ) 것은? 언급 ~ 에관해언급되지않은것은?/~ 에대해알수없는것은? 의견 ~ 에찬성 / 반대하는사람끼리짝지어진것은? 세부내용을파악할때의유의점 질문의유형확인하기 ( 부정형질문과긍정형질문에주의하여문제풀기 ) 선택지를먼저읽어보기 글과선택지를하나씩비교하기 글에나와있는정보를꼼꼼하게살펴보기 2. 문제를풀어볼까요? 글쓴이 (I) 에대한다음글의내용과일치하지않는것은? ( ) Hello. I want to introduce myself to you. I m Eunji from Korea. I have two brothers. I m good at painting. I want to become an artist in the future. 1 이름은은지이다. 2 한국출신이다. 3 남자형제가두명있다. 4 노래를잘한다. 5 화가가되고싶어한다. 선택지를보면대화의내용이어떤사람에대한소개글이라는것을알수있다. I 에대한글의내용을선택지와차례로비교한다. I 가잘하는것은그림을그리는것이다. 일치하지않는것을찾는질문이므로 4 번이답이다. 80 세부내용파악하기

세부내용파악하기 1. 지호가방과후에할일로알맞은것은? ( ) Sora: Jiho, why don t we go to a movie after school? Jiho: I m sorry, but I can t. I have to take my dog to the animal doctor. Sora: Oh, what s wrong with her? Jiho: She ate something and got sick. Sora: That s too bad. 1 영화를볼것이다. 2 개를산책시킬것이다. 3 저녁식사를할것이다. 4 친구들과축구를할것이다. 5 개를동물병원에데리고갈것이다. 2. Jack 이방학때한일로알맞은것은? ( ) Hana: How was your vacation? Jack: It was wonderful! I visited Jejudo with my family. Hana: What did you do there? Jack: I went to a beautiful beach. It was really great. Hana: Did you swim there? Jack: Yes, I did. The water was warm and clear. I really loved it. 1 피아노를배웠다. 2 자전거여행을갔다. 3 가족들과낚시를했다. 4 친구들과축구를했다. 5 바닷가에서수영을했다. 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 81

세부내용파악하기 3. Jiwon 이 Red 팀이경기에서이길것이라고생각한이유로알맞은것은? ( ) Minho: The soccer game is in 5 minutes. Jiwon: Look! The players are on the field. Minho: I wonder which team will win. Jiwon: I think Red team will win. Minho: Why do you think so? Jiwon: Eric is in the team. He is the best player. 1 지구력이좋아서 2 팀워크가좋아서 3 감독의전략이좋아서 4 상대팀실력이약해서 5 최고의선수가있어서 4. 수지가유리를생일파티에초대하지못한이유로알맞은것은? ( ) Dear Yuri, I m so sorry that I couldn t invite you to my birthday party. Because I lost your phone number, I couldn t call you. I will invite you to my next birthday party. I m really sorry. See you soon. Bye. With love, Suji 1 사이가나빠서 2 친한친구가아니라서 3 전화번호를잃어버려서 4 초대하는것을잊어버려서 5 유리가전화를받지않아서 82 세부내용파악하기

5. 다음대화에서여자가피자를먹지않으려고하는이유는? ( ) 여자학생 (G): Yubin, let s have Italian food for dinner. 남자학생 (B): Sure. How about pizza? 여자학생 (G): Hmm, I don t want to eat pizza. I ate it yesterday. Is there any other Italian food you like? 남자학생 (B): Then, let s have spaghetti. 여자학생 (G): OK. That sounds good. 1 배가불러서 3 피자를싫어해서 5 스파게티를더좋아해서 2 가격이비싸서 4 어제피자를먹어서 6. 다음대화를읽고물음에답하시오. W: I m looking for a backpack. M: How about this black one? It s our most popular model. W: Do you have it in another size? M: Yes. Would you like a bigger one? W: No. I d like a smaller one. M: Then what about this backpack? W: Great! I ll take it. 1) What is the woman looking for? She is looking for a. 2) What size of backpack does she want to buy? She wants to buy a backpack. 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 83

세부내용파악하기 7. 다음글을읽고학생의이름과장래희망을연결하시오. Today, we talked about our dreams. Minju is good at playing tennis, so she wants to be a tennis player. Mina likes to cook for her friends, so she wants to be a cook. Jisu really likes music class. She wants to be a singer. 1) Minju a) 2) Mina b) 3) Jisu c) 8. 세민에관한다음글의내용과일치하지않는것은? ( ) Semin Wins the Taegwondo Contest A third grade student Semin won the Taegwondo contest. He practiced late at night. He practiced for two hours on weekdays and for four hours on weekends. *concentrate 집중하다 1 3학년학생이다. 2 태권도대회에서우승을했다. 3 아침일찍연습했다. 4 주중에는두시간씩연습을했다. 5 주말에는네시간씩연습을했다. 84 세부내용파악하기

9. TV 시청에찬성하는사람은? ( ) Jack: We should not watch TV if we want a happier and healthier life. Molly: I don t think so. Watching TV can help us to learn many new things. 10. 글쓴이의삼촌에대해언급되지않은것은? ( ) My uncle lives in Japan. He is a car designer. He is 42 years old. He likes traveling. He has been traveling around the world since he was 20 years old. 1 사는곳 2 직업 3 나이 4 가족관계 5 취미 11. 다음글을읽고물음에답하시오. The City Bike Race Place: From Haha Park to the City Hall Date: May 5th Time: 1 p.m. ~ 3 p.m. Entry Fee: 10,000 won Join the race, and help children to have their own bikes! *entry fee 참가비 1) When will the race be held? It will be held on. 2) How much is the entry fee? It is. 고등학교 1 학년늘품이영어 85