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소금 섭취에 기여하는 음식군 Korean J Community Nutr 16(4):473-487, 2011

성별, 연령층별, 음식군 별 소금섭취 기여 비율

소금 섭취량의 주요 급원음식


Salt and BP Salt and sodium - The terms salt and sodium are often used synonymously. - Salt = 40% sodium, 60% chloride - 1g sodium = 2.5g salt; 1mmol sodium=23mg sodium; 1g salt = 0.4g sodium; 1g salt = 17mmol sodium - Salt is the major source of sodium in the diet(90%) Salt and BP - Salt is a major factor for increased BP. - Raised BP is major cause of CVD, responsible for 62% of stroke and 49% of coronary heart disease.

Salt and BP Epidemiological Studies 대규모 다국적연구(INTERSALT)에서 소변내 소금배설량이 증가할수록 수축기혈압이 상승함 BMJ 297(30): 319-328, 1988

Salt and BP Treatment Trials 고혈압 대상자 연구 17개(734명), 비고혈압 대상자 연구 11개 (2,220명)를 메타분석한 결과, 중정도의 소금 섭취(5-6g/d)감소 를 4주이상 유지시 고혈압, 비고 혈압 대상자 모두에서 혈압에 유 의한 영향을 미침 J Hum Hypertens 16:761-770, 2002

Salt and HTN prevention Intervention Studies 대규모 무작위 연구(TOHP I, TOHP II, N=2415)에서 소금 섭취 25-30% 감소시 CVD 위험을 25% 감소시켰음

Salt and Mortality Mortality Studies Prospective cohort study(finnish, N= 2436)에서, 소 금 6g 증가시 CHD death 56%, CVD death 36%, all death 22% 증가하였음 Lancet 17;357(9259):848-51, 2001


Salt Sensitivity Variations in BP response to salt reduction. Tendency for BP to fall during salt reduction and rise during salt repletion/supplementation. Salt sensitivity and resistance genetic factors, race/ethnicity, age, body mass, diet, disease states (HTN, DM and renal dysfunction) Prevalence 51% of hypertensives, 26% of normotensives (Franco et al, 2006) Salt sensitivity is a risk factor for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. (Morimoto et al1997)

Salt Sensitive Am J Kidney Dis 45(1):176-188, 2005

Salt Sensitivity- long term consequences Treatment Trials 고혈압군(N=278), 정상군(N=430) 을 27년 추적한 결과, 소금 민감성과 사망률은 관련성이 있으며, BP 상승의 독립적인 인자 임. Hypertension 37:429-432, 2001

Salt Sensitivity- long term consequences Mortality studies N= 350 Japanese with HTN, Sodium sensitivity군에서 CVD event가 높았음. Sodium sensitivity는 CVD risk factor 예측하는 독립적 인 인자임. Lancet 350:1734-1737, 2001


Hypertension with Diabetes HTN is a Major risk factor for CVD and microvascular complications. HTN is an extremely common comorbidity of diabetes. Diabetes is at increased risk for vascular disease. Diabetes makes it more likely to develop high BP, which increases the risk of strokes, heart attacks and speeds up the progression of diabetic kidney disease. Can Fam Physician 57:997-1002, 2011

Prevalence Diabetic population is 3 times higher than that of nondiabetic age-matched group. Timing and presentation of HTN differs between T1DM and T2DM. - T1DM: after several yrs of the disease - T2DM: at the time of diagnosis or even before Approximately 20-60% of patients with T2DM will develop HTN, depending on age, ethnicity, and obesity Diabetic individuals with hypertension have greatly increased risks of cardiovascular disease, renal insulfficiency, and diabetic retinopathy. Relationship between diabetic neuropathy and arterial hypertension is less clear. Diabetes Care 25(1)134-147, 2002

Diabetes and CVD 제 2형 당뇨병환자의 사망원인에 대한 10년간의 추세변화 - 부산시내 6개 종합병원을 중심으로- 당뇨병 환자 사망원인의 30.6% CVD에 의함 Korean Diabetes J 33:65-72, 2009

Salt, BP and Diabetes Meta-analysis, 13 studies (254 with T1DM and T2DM) Meta-analysis결과, 소 금섭취량을 8.5g/d 감 소시 T1DM, T2DM 모두 혈압 7/3mmHg 강하되었음 Cochrane Database Syst Rev 8(12)1-68 2010

DASH diet in T2DM Cross sectional study, N=225(T2DM) - 24UNa과 혈압과는 관련 이 없었음 - 24UNa과 채소, 과일 섭 취와는 상관관계가 있음 Br J Nutr 6: 1-8, 2011

24UNa and mortality (T2DM) Prospective cohort study, 11yr f/u, n= 638 T2DM, 24hUNa 24hUna에서 100mml(NaCl 5.8g)상승시, all-cause mortality가 28%감소함(p=.02). Diabetes Care 34:703-709, 2011

Diabetes Care 34:703-709, 2011

24UNa and mortality (T1DM) Nationwide multicenter study, T1DM without ESRD (n=2,807) Urinary sodium excretion was inversely associated with the cumulative incidence of ESRD, such that individuals with the lowest sodium excretion had the highest cumulative incidence of ESRD. Diabetes Care 34:861-866, 2011

Salt and kidney disease Treatment Trials Randomized double-blind trial (N= 40, hypertensive blacks)에서, 소금섭취를 10g 5g으로 줄였을때 24hr U protein 19%(P<.01)감소함 Hypertension 46:308-312, 2005

Salt and kidney disease Treatment Trials Randomized double-blind crossover trial(6wks, 71 whites, 69 blacks, 29 asians with hypertensive)에서, 소금섭취감소는 모든군에서 24hr urinary albumin 배설 량을 평균 9.7 6.5g 감소시 켰다. Hypertension 54:482-488, 2009

Effect of sodium intake on BP and albuminuria in T2DM T2DM, 21명(+미세알부민뇨), 21(-미세알 부민뇨), 고염식(250mmol) vs 저염식 (20mmol) 고염식은 미세알부민뇨가 있는 당뇨병환 자에서 혈압과 단백뇨를 증가시킴 Diabetologia 47:300-303, 2004

BP and diabetic nephropathy Results From the RENALL Study RCT, N=1,513 SBP 상승시 사망률과 관련있음 특히, SBP 140이상인 경우 신장질환의 위험 증가 Arch Intern Med 163:1555-1565, 2003

Salt and retinopathy (T1DM) High caloric and sodium intakes as risk factors for progression of retinopathy in type 1 diabetes mellitus T1DM=469, FFQ, 6yr f/u, progression of diabetic retinopathy T1DM환자에서 소금 섭취는 DR와 유의적이며, DR진행에 독립 적인 위험인자임 Arch ophthalmol 128(1) : 33-39, 2010


Behavioral treatments of HTN Dietary management with moderate sodium restriction has been effective in reducing BP in HTN patients. Relationship between wt. loss and BP reduction. - Wt. reduction BP, improve blood glucose and lipid levels - 1kg/Bwt 1mmHg Moderate intense physical activity, smoking cessation and moderate of alcohol have been shown to lower BP (JNC VI) Micronutrients - Calcium, magnesium, potassium Diabetes Care 25(1)134-147, 2002

Hypertension 42:1206-1252, 2003

WHO/FAO recommendation Public Health Nutr. 2004 Feb;7(1A):245-50

각 국의 권고기준 국 가 권 고 량 출 처 미 국 Sodium 2300mg/day(소금 약 6g) 심부전 동반시 <2000mg/day(소금 <5g) ADA, Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2008 캐나다 Little or no added fat, sugar or salt CDA, 2008 Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Prevention and Management of Diabetes in Canada 일 본 소금 <10g/day 고혈압이나 단백뇨 동반시 <7g/day JDS, Treatment Guide for Diabetes, 2007 유 럽 소금 <6g/day EASD, Evidence-based nutritional approaches to the treatment and prevention of diabetes mellitus

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결론 및 제언 소금섭취는 혈압 상승 및 심혈관질환의 위험도와 연관성이 높으므로 섭취 제한이 필요하다. 고혈압이나 신장합병증, 심혈관계질환의 합병증을 동반한 경우에는 좀 더 엄격하게 제한한다. 국내 근거자료가 부족하므로 당뇨병 환자의 소금 섭취량 추정하기 위한 대단위 규모의 조사가 필요하다. 당뇨병 환자의 소금섭취량과 관련된 음식의 종류, 식생활 특성 등을 분석하여 구체적이고 실질적인 식사지침을 제시하는 것이 필요하다.