레이아웃 1

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레이아웃 1


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01 遺꾨떦?쒖?544.ps, page Normalize


Main Title


SK∞«º≥ ºˆ¡§060323



Contents Promising Youngsan 08 10 36 38 Global Youngsan 44 46 53 Dynamic Youngsan 54 Power Youngsan-in 64 66 68 70 72 Inside Youngsan 74 76 116 Wise You, Wise University


Youngsan University 2015 Message 8 9

Promising Youngsan

Youngsan University 2015 Promising Youngsan BAEK HYE IN HONG MIN JEONG 12 13

Youngsan University 2015 Promising Youngsan KIM JEONG RAE PARK JIN A 14 15

Youngsan University 2015 Promising Youngsan BAE GEON WON KIM MIN GYEONG 16 17

Youngsan University 2015 Promising Youngsan OH YOON HWA LEE DONG EON 18 19

Youngsan University 2015 Promising Youngsan JEONG JI UN LEE JI EUN 20 21

Youngsan University 2015 Promising Youngsan LEE EUN YOUNG JEON MYEONG GWON 22 23

Youngsan University 2015 Promising Youngsan CHOI UN CHEOL LEE MI JIN 24 25

Youngsan University 2015 Promising Youngsan SEO WOO SEONG LEE CHANG JUN 26 27

Youngsan University 2015 Promising Youngsan KIM MYEONG JU GEUM SI HWAN 28 29

Youngsan University 2015 Promising Youngsan KIM CHAN JUN RYU CHAE WON 30 31

Youngsan University 2015 Promising Youngsan PARK SANG YUL KIM SEON HUI 32 33

Youngsan University 2015 Promising Youngsan KIM SU JAE CHOI GI UK 34 35

Youngsan University 2015 Promising Youngsan 36 37

39 Promising Youngsan 38 Youngsan University 2015

41 Promising Youngsan 40 Youngsan University 2015 Reason for Passion

43 Promising Youngsan 42 Youngsan University 2015 Wise University-

Youngsan University 2015 Global Youngsan University of Hawaii, Hilo Kentucky State University The Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology Xiangtan University Linyi University Changchun University of Technology Central South University Zaozhauang University Anshan Normal University Universitas Padjadjaran Universitas Multimedia Nusantara Hue University Kobe Kaisei College Kyushu International University Columban College Nanyang Polytechnic Mongolia International University Nanyang Polytechnic Yeditepe University Instituto Universitario Escuela Argentina De Negocios Universidade Estadual Paulista Karlshochschule International University University of Münster Universidad UNIACC Vytautas Magnus University Universite De Kinshasa Institut Superieur d Informatique Programmation et Analyse Kajaani University of Applied Sciences Central Ostrobothnia University of Applied Sciences 44 45

47 46 Youngsan University 2015 Global Youngsan

49 48 Youngsan University 2015 Global Youngsan

51 50 Youngsan University 2015 Global Youngsan

Youngsan University 2015 Global Youngsan University of Hawaii California State University, Fresno George Mason University American Film Institute State University of New York University of Hawaii, Hilo Kentucky State University University of Nevada, Las Vegas University of North Carolina at Pembroke Florida International University South Baylo University Texas Tech University Texas Chiropractic College Eastern Michigan University Tianjin University of Commerce Beijing Institute of Business Yanbian University Shanghai Teachers University Jinan University China University of Political Science & Law Tianjin Teachers University Harbin University of Commerce Anyang engineering institute Linyi Engineering University Shanghai University of Sport The National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts Changchun University of Technology Xiangtan University Heilongjiang University Cambridge Institute Linyi University Northeast Dianli University Fudan University Shanghai Institute of Visual Art University for Science & Technology, Beijing Beijing Hanlin University Beijing Chinese School Vocational Education Department of Commerce Guangdong Literature & Art Vocational College Beijing Foreign Affairs University of Economy Tianjin Institute of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Shandong United University Yunnan University Hunan Mass Media Vocational and Technical College Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Central South University Zaozhuang University Dalian Vocational College of Translation Tianjin Polytechnic University Anshan Normal University Shenyang Normal University Qilu University of Technology Baotou Light Industry Vocational Technical College Tianjin University of Science & Technology He Zhou University Hanoi Community College Nam Dinh Industrial College Foreign Trade University Hanoi Law UniversityVietnam National University of Socia Sciences & Humanities Ho Chi Minh City University of Foreign Languages & Information Technology Lachong University Hanoi University of Culture Binh Duong University Korea-Vietnam Industrial Technology College Hongbang University University of Dalat Hue University (College of Foreign Languages) State University of Jakarta Universitas Padjadjaran Udayana University Universitas Komputer Indonesia Universitas Multimedia Nusantara Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa Universitas Wanita Internasional STIPAR Paramitha STIE Ekuitas Bandung STMIK Tasikmalaya Indonesia Higher Education Institutions Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies Fukuoka University Kobe Kaisei College Kyushu International University University of East Asia Fukuoka University Kyushu University Kyushu Institute of Technology Fukuoka University of Education Fukuoka University of Economics Fukuoka Woman s University Fukuoka dental college Fukuoka International University The Japanese Red Cross Kyushu International College of Nursing Nakamura Gakuen University Chikushi Jogakuen University Kurume University Seinan Gakuin University SRM Institute of Science and Technology University of Lucknow The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University The West Bengal National Univ. of Juridical Sciences The University of Madras Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce (University of Delhi) S. P. Jain Institute of Management & Research International University Far Eastern Federal University Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas National University of Tainan China Medical University Royal University of Phnom Penh Mirriam College Columban College Virgen Delos Remedios College Lyceum of The Philippines University College of Subic Montessori Singapore Polytechnic Institute Nanyang Polytechnic Stellenbosch University Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology Epitech Mongolia International University GURVAN-ERDENE Pedagogical University Netherlands Shipping and Transport College Korea University of the Sunshine Coast Limkokwing University Multimedia University University of Malaya Yeditepe University Instituto Universitario Escuela Argentina De Negocios Universidade Estadual Paulista Karlshochschule International University University of Münster Vytautas Magnus University Academy of Performing Arts in Prague Universite De Kinshasa Institut Superieur d Informatique Programmation et Analyse Kajaani University of Applied Sciences Centria University of Applied Sciences (Central Ostrobothnia University of Applied Sciences) The Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology 52 53

Dynamic Youngsan

Youngsan University 2015 Dynamic Youngsan 56 57

59 Dynamic Youngsan 58 Youngsan University 2015 Youngsan News

61 Dynamic Youngsan 60 Youngsan University 2015 Youngsan News

63 Dynamic Youngsan 62 Youngsan University 2015 Youngsan News

Youngsan University 2015 Power Youngsan-in JEONG HAE SU 1970 1999 ~ 2000 2001 ~ 2007. 04 2003 2005 2007 2008 2004 2005 2005 Special Interview 64 65

Youngsan University 2015 Power Youngsan-in KANG HYUN WOO 1982.09 2003.11 2006.11 2007.11 Special Interview 66 67

Youngsan University 2015 Power Youngsan-in JO MYUNG RYE 1977 1991 1994 2005 2006 2007 Special Interview 68 69

Youngsan University 2015 Power Youngsan-in KIM JIN SUK 1986 ~ 2000. 5 2002. 9 2004 ~ 1994 ~ 1997 2001. 12 Special Interview 1984 70 71

Youngsan University 2015 Power Youngsan-in JEON YONG BOK 2001 2002 2010 Special Interview 72 73

HAEUNDAE CAMPUS YANGSAN CAMPUS School of Hotel and Tourism Management School of Global Business School of Creative Culture Industry School of Engineering School of Global Business School of Health Science School of Creative Humans School of Creative Humans

Youngsan University 2015 Inside Youngsan 76 77

Inside Youngsan 79 Youngsan University 2015 78

Inside Youngsan 81 Youngsan University 2015 80

Inside Youngsan 83 Youngsan University 2015 82

Youngsan University 2015 Inside Youngsan GROW GLOBALLY WITH ENGLISH 84 85

Inside Youngsan 87 Youngsan University 2015 86

Inside Youngsan 89 Youngsan University 2015 88

Inside Youngsan 91 Youngsan University 2015 90

Inside Youngsan 93 Youngsan University 2015 92

Inside Youngsan 95 Youngsan University 2015 94

Inside Youngsan 97 Youngsan University 2015 96

Inside Youngsan 99 Youngsan University 2015 98

Inside Youngsan 101 Youngsan University 2015 100

Inside Youngsan 103 Youngsan University 2015 102

Inside Youngsan 105 Youngsan University 2015 104

Inside Youngsan 107 Youngsan University 2015 106

Inside Youngsan 109 Youngsan University 2015 108

Youngsan University 2015 Inside Youngsan 110 111

Inside Youngsan 113 Youngsan University 2015 112

Youngsan University 2015 Inside Youngsan 114 115

Youngsan University 2015 Campus MAP 캠퍼스 찾아가기 영산대학교 양산캠퍼스 학과소개 YANGSAN CAMPUS 해운대캠퍼스 학과소개 HAEUNDAE CAMPUS 공과대학 School of Engineering 호텔관광대학 School of Hotel and Tourism Management 컴퓨터공학과, 교통공학과, 사이버경찰학과, 건축플랜트학과, 그린자동차학과, 기계설계학과, 전기전자학과 호텔경영학과, 항공관광학과, 관광컨벤션학과, 해양레저관광학과, 외식경영학과, 한국식품조리학과, 동양조리학과, 서양조리학과 글로벌비즈니스대학 School of Global Business 글로벌비즈니스대학 School of Global Business 경영학과, 부동산 금융학과, 국제무역학과 영어학과, 일본비즈니스학과, 중국비즈니스학과, 아세안비즈니스학과, 인도비즈니스학과, 해운항만경영학과 보건의료대학 School of Health Science 창조문화대학 School of Creative Culture Industry 간호학과, 물리치료학과, 치위생학과, 의료경영학과 미용예술학과, 패션디자인학과, 실내환경디자인학과, 방송연예학부(연기뮤지컬전공/방송전공), 게임 영화학부(게임ㆍ콘텐츠전공/영화영상전공), 시각영상디자인학과, 광고홍보학과 창조인재대학 School of Creative Humans 자유전공학부, 공직인재학부(법률전공/행정전공), 경찰행정학과, 태권도학부(태권도전공/동양무예전공) 창조인재대학 School of Creative Humans 자유전공학부 양산캠퍼스 찾아오시는 길 해운대캠퍼스 찾아오시는 길 자가용 이용 경부고속도로 서울-부산방향 울산I.C 출발 : 울산I.C 부산방향 7번국도 영산대학교(양산캠퍼스) 약25분 소요 노포동지하철역(고속버스종합터미널) 출발 : 노포동지하철역 울산방향 7번국도 영산대학교(양산캠퍼스) 약25분 소요 자가용 이용 부산 구서동 경부고속도로 입구 출발 : 구서동 경부고속도로 입구 도시고속도로 영산대학교(해운대캠퍼스) 약 20분 소요 일반버스 이용 부산 방면 : 59, 301, 1002, 2100, 2300, 1127, 1137 울산 방면 : 2100, 2300, 714, 1127, 1137 양산 방면 : 52, 57 일반버스 이용 부산 방면 : 36, 115-1, 129-1, 189, 189-1, 183 기장 방면 : 183 도시철도 이용 부산 지하철 4호선 : 영산대역(아랫반송)에서 하차 116 반여농산물도매시장 기장방향 117