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Facial Asymmetry Controversy in Surgical Timing For the future of reconstruction of oral and maxillofacial deformities and orthognathic surgery ; Surgery first leading for new paradigm of the correction of jaw deformities
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A. Simple procedure & improved cost-effectiveness B. Good initial stability & immediate loading C. Good preservation of hard and soft tissue (profile) D. No joint, no joint complications No joint, no complication No screw loosening No bacterial infiltration Less soft tissue infection Joint 02 Implant CSR FPD CSR No Compli- cation Biologic Compli- cation Implant fracture Screw loosening fracture Veneer/ Framework fracture De- Cementa- tion 7% 5 years 95.4 95.0 61.3 8.6 0.4 7.3 14.0 2.9 10 years 92.8 86.7 1.8 16.2 (Lang NP, Berglundh T 2004) 01 03 04 onebody onebody biologic onebody screw loosening veneer number period surviva rate complication fracture fracture fracture 24 1 year 100% 0 0 0 0
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[Multi-factorial Mode of Action] Ref. 1) Data on Dongkook 2) Linformation Dentaire, 23: 2148-2153, 1964 3) Jour.Biol.Bucalle, 5:77, 1977 4) Suisse Odontu-Stomataol.,84: 145-154, 1974 5) J.Periodontal., 46:27-32, 1975 6) La Vie Medicale, 60: 1335-1363, 1979 7)Quintessence International, 8:1-7, 1982 8), 24(3): 1994 9), 21(2):225-28, 1991 10) Fogorv Sz. 1988 11)Clinical Preventive Dentistry, Vol 10. No5, Sep-Oct 1988
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