Understanding Society through Social Media Analysis () 2F Seokgwang Bldg., 168-21, Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 135-090, Korea / tel +82 2 565 0531 fax +82 2 5650532 No part of this publication may be circulated, quoted, or reproduced for distribution outside the client organization without prior written approval. [1/23]
전국시대, 위나라최고의소잡이포정의소를잡는솜씨가신의경지에다다름,. " ()., 3... (),. 1.,. 19..,. 19. < > 2
Πάντα ῥεῖ Panta rhei, "everything flows" - Heraclitus - 3
Entity 5
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WHAT IS TREND? Trend (plural trends) 1. An inclination in a particular direction The trend of stock-market prices is generally upwards. 2. A tendency There is a trend, these days, for people in films not to smoke. 10
WHAT IS TREND? (Firminger. L., Trend Analysis: a collection of submethodologies, Swinburne University of Technology, 2003.) (2010 ),,,, (, 2005.03.10) - A New Paradigm of Trend Watching & Feeding System 11
WHAT IS DAUMSOFT S TREND? N - DAUMSOFT, Nov. 2010 - DAUMSOFT TRACKING TREND, 01., 02., 03., 04.. - A New Paradigm of Trend Watching & Feeding System 12
WHY TREND?,.. - Charles Dawin - T R E N D.??? - A New Paradigm of Trend Watching & Feeding System 13
HOW TREND TRACKING? (BEFORE) 1 ( ) ( ) 2 (Interview) (In-depth Interview) (Focus Group Interview) (Observation) (Expert Interview) ( Delphi) (Town Watching) (Trend Hunters) (Questionnaire Survey) ( Delphi) ( ) ( ) * - A New Paradigm of Trend Watching & Feeding System 14
1.? 1, GAP. 2 3 ( ) step-by-step proces s. GAP.. 4.. 5. - A New Paradigm of Trend Watching & Feeding System 15
2.? Coverage. - Edward Wilson - Megatrend Fad.. Trend Microtrend Fad Fad Trend. : 2009 1 2 3.,. coverage,.,. - A New Paradigm of Trend Watching & Feeding System 16
3.? (Diversity Trumps Ability Theorem) By Page, s. (2007). Making the Difference: Applying a Logic of Diversity. Academy of Management Perspectives, 12(4), 6-20. - -,, : SERI REPORT,, 2010.11. 1 2 3 ( ),..,. Blogosphere Collective Intelligence, Trend Watching & Feeding. - A New Paradigm of Trend Watching & Feeding System 17
4.?. -. -,. -. * :, WeeKlyBIZ (Patchwork ). -,,,. - - (ex.,,, ). * : Brandreport() -,,,.. - Profile, dimensio n. - A New Paradigm of Trend Watching & Feeding System 18
MEGA TREND & TREND MEGA TREND TREND.. /.., - A New Paradigm of Trend Watching & Feeding System 19
TREND MEGA TREND.. - A New Paradigm of Trend Watching & Feeding System 20
TREND, - A New Paradigm of Trend Watching & Feeding System 21
TRENDMETRICS INSIGHT... A sight or view of the interior of anything; a deep inspection or view; intros pection; frequently used with into. FORESIGHT The ability to foresee or prepare wisely for the future. Having the foresight to prepare an evacuation plan may have saved their li ves. - A New Paradigm of Trend Watching & Feeding System 22
(Strategy Planning) Benefit (Decision Making) (Problem Solving) (Idea Creation) (Brand Valuation) (Understanding of Product Portfolio) (Product Development Department) (Marketing Department) (Customer Support Department) (New Product Deve lopment) (Collaboration) -. -. (Market Prediction) (ROI: Marketing Ef fectiveness) (Campaign Evaluation) -. -. (Risk Management) -. -. *SERI,, - A New Paradigm of Trend Watching & Feeding System 23
CONCLUSION for mega-micro trend analysis /.,. - A New Paradigm of Trend Watching & Feeding System 24
CASE STUDY 2010 8 19~20 - A New Paradigm of Trend Watching & Feeding System 25
중앙일보 - 2010년 8월 19일(1면) 탐사기획 네티즌 세상 대해부 다음소프트의 텍스트마이닝 기술을 이용, 최근 2년 3개월간의 블로그데이터 분석 120만 블로그 6500만건 대상 - A New Paradigm of Trend Watching & Feeding System 26
중앙일보 - 2010년 8월 19일(1면) 탐사기획 네티즌 세상 대해부 -(1) 사회, 문화 이슈 분석 - A New Paradigm of Trend Watching & Feeding System 27
중앙일보 - 2010년 8월 20일(20-21면) 탐사기획 네티즌 세상 대해부 -(2) 정치, 경제 트랜드 및 이슈 분석 - A New Paradigm of Trend Watching & Feeding System 28