1st WEEK 1 주차에풀어볼문제들 공부습관을만드는첫째주! 1주차는워밍업단계로매일매일꾸준히문제를푸는습관을들여나가는데중점을둔다. 틀린문제외에도대화 ( 담화 ) 의내용을제대로이해하지 못했다면반드시체크해두고복습한다. 시작이반이라는말이있듯이첫째주문제풀이를밀리지않는다면남은 5

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2 소식나누기 대구시 경북도 영남대의료원 다문화가족 건강 위해 손 맞잡다 다문화가정 행복지킴이 치료비 지원 업무협약 개인당 200만원 한도 지원 대구서구센터-서부소방서 여성의용소방대, 업무협약 대구서구다문화가족지원센터는 지난 4월 2일 다문화가족의 지역사회 적응 지원을

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1. 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을 고르시오. W: Hello, Frank. Are you busy this weekend? M: No, I m free. W: Why don t you go to the concert with me? M: 2








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[ 교과서예문으로보는주요어법포인트 ] Given the enormous size of the box, I didn t think it could possibly be the cellphone case I had recently bought online. Given: ~

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1. 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을 고르시오. W: Excuse me. Do you have Gilbert Norton s new novel, Space War? M: Yes, we do. It just came in yesterday. W:


274 한국문화 73


1 주차 1st WEEK 마 / 음 / 가 / 짐꿈이있는자는지치지않는다! 작지만명확한당장의목표를정해보자. 당장한주동안공부를밀리지않는다면 무엇이든할수있다. 시 / 간 / 활 / 용고작 10 분? 무려 10 분!! 쉬는시간에집중해서문제풀이에도전해보자. 시끄러운쉬는시간에풀이에열중하다보면 집중력은좋아질수밖에없다. 인 / 간 / 관 / 계배워서남주자! 친구들이물어보면귀찮아하지말고, 어떻게해서든알아내서가르쳐주자. 배워서남을주면나는더많이배울수있다. 체 / 력 / 관 / 리일정한수면패턴유지하기! 무리해서늦은시간까지공부하려하지말고, 일정한수면패턴을유지해보자. 정해진시간에자고일찍일어나서뇌를부팅시키자. 이주의목표 수능듣기, 유형감각 16%

1st WEEK 1 주차에풀어볼문제들 공부습관을만드는첫째주! 1주차는워밍업단계로매일매일꾸준히문제를푸는습관을들여나가는데중점을둔다. 틀린문제외에도대화 ( 담화 ) 의내용을제대로이해하지 못했다면반드시체크해두고복습한다. 시작이반이라는말이있듯이첫째주문제풀이를밀리지않는다면남은 5 주도문제없다는것을명심하자. 1 일듣기의기본잡기 01 2014학년도 6월평가원 6번 대화의주제 02 2014학년도예비평가 8번 관계추론 03 2014학년도 9월평가원 12번 이유고르기 04 2014학년도 9월평가원 10번 할일고르기 05 2012학년도수능 11번 도표 2 일담화문완전정복 01 2013학년도 9월평가원 6번 담화의목적 02 2014학년도 6월평가원 4번 담화의목적 03 2014학년도 9월평가원 5번 담화의주제 04 2013학년도수능 12번 불일치 ( 담화 ) 05 2014학년도예비평가 (A형) 1번 짧은대화의응답 3 일말하기집중공략 01 2014학년도예비평가 (A형) 2번 짧은대화의응답 02 2013학년도수능 15번 긴대화의응답 03 2012학년도수능 15번 긴대화의응답 04 2013학년도 6월평가원 14번 긴대화의응답 05 2014학년도 6월평가원 20번 상황에알맞은말 4 일 3 개년오답베스트 01 2014학년도 9월평가원 2번 짧은대화의응답 02 2014학년도 6월평가원 8번 관계추론 03 2013학년도 9월평가원 7번 부탁한일 ( 영어 ) 04 2012학년도 6월평가원 5번 수치정보파악 05 2012학년도 9월평가원 16번 긴대화의응답 5 일실전미니모의고사 01 2014학년도 9월평가원 9번 그림보고불일치하는것고르기 02 2012학년도수능 9번 관계추론 03 2014학년도 6월평가원 10번 할일고르기 04 2012학년도수능 4번 할일고르기 05 2014학년도수능 10번 할일고르기 06 2014학년도수능 15번 불일치 ( 담화 ) 07 2014학년도 9월평가원 17번 도표 08 2014학년도예비평가 (A형) 19번 긴대화의응답 09 2014학년도예비평가 (A형) 21번 세트형 _ 담화의목적 10 2014학년도예비평가 (A형) 22번 세트형 _ 언급된것 006 영어듣기 180 제

1 st WEEK DAY 1 실전처럼초집중! 듣기의기본잡기 정답및해설 2 쪽 1번부터 5번까지는듣고답하는문제입니다. 녹음내용을잘듣고답을하기바랍니다. 듣는내용은한번만들려줍니다. 01 대화를듣고, 두사람이하는말의주제로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 양초를만드는절차 2 등산시유의할사항 3 적절한휴식의필요성 4 취미생활을하는이유 5 스트레스의다양한요인 04 대화를듣고, 남자가여자를위해할일로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 점심사다주기 2 식당함께가기 3 사진찍어주기 4 잡지구매하기 5 기사작성하기 02 대화를듣고, 두사람의관계를가장잘나타낸것을고르시오. 1 editor news reporter 2 customer salesclerk 3 advertiser copywriter 4 photographer fashion model 5 movie director movie actress 05 다음표를보면서대화를듣고, 두사람이선택할정수기모델을고르시오. 03 대화를듣고, 남자가카메라를싸게구입한이유를고르시오. 1 공동으로구매해서 2 쿠폰이있어서 3 할인기간이어서 4 반품된상품이어서 5 진열상품이어서 1 2 3 4 5 Feature Model Ice maker Hot water Double filter Rental fee per month A $45 B $35 C $30 D $25 E $20 1st Week Day 1 007

Dictation Test 녹음내용을다시들으면서대본의빈칸을채워보세요. 01 W What did you do last Saturday, Steve? M I hiked up a mountain. How about you, Brenda? W I made some candles for my mom and sister. Actually, candle making is my hobby. M Is there a you make candles? W I like doing it because it relaxes me. M Oh, that s good. W I also do it because a candle can be a good present. Do you have a hobby? M Sure. I like. W Interesting hobby! But it sounds difficult. Why did you choose it? M It s fun. Whenever I find a new coin, I feel so excited. W Yeah. Hobbies are a great way to. 02 [Knock on the door.] M Come in. W Mr. James, I heard you wanted to see me. M Ah, Sarah. Have a seat here, please. W Sure. M I double-checked your article with my staff in the. W You mean my article with the interview with the movie director? Is there anything wrong with it? M It s well-written, but the photo wouldn t look good in the newspaper. W Well, then, I can change the picture. M Okay. The director s face should be enlarged and more natural. W I got it. I ll find a as soon as possible. M Alright, Sarah. We re running out of time. is waiting. W Don t worry. I ll take care of it. 03 W Hey, Daniel. Did you buy that digital camera recently? M Yes. I bought it at Star Mall yesterday. W Wow! It looks great. Is it the latest model? M Yes, it is. You ll be surprised when I tell you how much it cost. W How much was it? M The was $500, but I paid only $300. W Great! How did you get such a big discount? M Actually, this camera was a. W Really? It doesn t look like one. Does it still take nice pictures? M Of course. It works well. The sales clerk said the price of the display items is usually reduced. W Anyway, I think you got a on a great camera. M Same here. I don t care if other customers touched it before I bought it. 9 쪽정답 04. starving / match with / I m afraid / buy lunch 05. a lot of ice / hot tea / our budget 008 영어듣기 180 제

1 st WEEK DAY 1 04 M Katelyn, let s go for lunch. I m. W Philip, come over here. I need you to look at these pictures first. M Are these the photos for the cover of our magazine? They look great. W Thanks. I need to choose a couple of pictures that our main theme right away. M Let s see. I think these two fit perfectly with our theme. W I agree. M Now just leave them on the desk, and let s go have lunch. W Well, sorry, but I don t have time for lunch. I have to finish the layout and hand it over to the editor in an hour. M Oh, dear. Then, I ll for you. You can eat it while you re working. W Thanks a million. I m so lucky to have you as a coworker. 05 M Honey, what are you doing? W I m looking at water coolers on the web. I think we need to rent one. M Right. Did you find any model you like? W No, not yet. I m still looking for one. M Hmm... Do we need an ice maker feature? W I think so. We use in the summer. M How about hot water? W I think we need it too because you enjoy drinking. M Right. How do you like this model? It has a double filter. W Well, but we have to consider. I don t want to pay more than 40 dollars a month. M You re right. Then we have only one choice. W Okay. Let s go with that model. + Words & Idioms + 01 hike up a mountain 등산을하다 candle 양초 relax 긴장을풀어주다 relieve ( 긴장따위를 ) 해소하다, 풀어주다 02 double-check 두번확인하다, 거듭확인하다 article 기사 editing department 편집부 director 감독 enlarge 확대하다 run out of time 시간이다되다 press 출판부 03 latest 최신의 display model 진열상품 sales clerk 점원 deal 거래 04 match 어울리다, 맞다 theme 주제, 테마 layout 레이아웃, 배치 hand over 넘기다, 건네주다 editor 편집자 co-worker 동료 05 water cooler 음료수냉각기 feature 특징 filter 여과기, 필터 8쪽정답 01. special reason / collecting coins / relieve our stress 02. editing department / proper one / The press 03. original price / display model / great deal 1st Week Day 1 009

1 st WEEK WRAP-UP For 1st day 주요표현반복청취하기 다음표현들을듣고, 입에붙을때까지따라말해보세요. ( 최소 3 번이상반복 ) Listen & Repeat! 1. Hobbies are a great way to relieve our stress. 1 2 3 2. I double-checked your article with my staff in the editing department. 1 2 3 3. I think you got a great deal on a great camera. 1 2 3 4. I ll buy lunch for you. You can eat it while you re working. 1 2 3 5. I m looking at water coolers on the web. I think we need to rent one. 1 2 3 표현해석 1. 취미는우리의스트레스를완화시켜주는좋은방법입니다. 2. 저는저의편집부직원들과함께당신의기사를확인했어요. 3. 제생각에당신은좋은카메라를잘산것같군요. 4. 당신을위해점심을사다줄게요. 일하면서먹을수있을겁니다. 5. 인터넷으로냉수기를찾아보고있어요. 하나대여해야할것같아요. 010 영어듣기 180 제

1 st WEEK DAY 2 실전처럼초집중! 담화문완전정복 정답및해설 3 쪽 1번부터 5번까지는듣고답하는문제입니다. 녹음내용을잘듣고답을하기바랍니다. 듣는내용은한번만들려줍니다. 04 Lovely Cover 에관한다음내용을듣고, 일치하지않는것을고르시오. 01 다음을듣고, 남자가하는말의목적으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 미술과제물제출방법을안내하려고 2 국제기구주관의전시회를홍보하려고 3 금연의날지정의필요성을설명하려고 4 금연포스터공모전참여를독려하려고 5 병원설립을위한모금행사를소개하려고 1 시에서가장인기있는독서클럽이다. 2 30개의그룹으로나눠진다. 3 한달에두번회원집에서모인다. 4 때때로유명한작가들을토론에초대한다. 5 헌책을병원에기부하는행사를개최한다. 02 다음을듣고, 남자가하는말의목적으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 제철과일소비를권장하려고 2 과일보관용기를광고하려고 3 얼룩제거용품을홍보하려고 4 과일껍질활용법을소개하려고 5 과일껍질의영양소를설명하려고 03 다음을듣고, 여자가하는말의주제로가장적절한것을고르시오. 05 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 사과가건강에좋은이유 2 규칙적인식습관의중요성 3 과일을통한노화예방책 4 신선한사과선별기준 5 효과적인사과보관법 1 Taking the subway isn t a good idea. 2 I d rather go there by bus. 3 Sorry, I don t like soccer. 4 It ll take about 30 minutes. 5 Take number 22 heading south. 1st Week Day 2 011

Dictation Test 녹음내용을다시들으면서대본의빈칸을채워보세요. 01 M Hello, everyone! Do you know May 31st is World Day? It was designated by the World Health Organization with the aim of forming an anti-smoking culture. Green Hospital has been hosting an art contest since 1999 to support World No Tobacco Day. We encourage everyone to this contest by creating posters to show the dangers of smoking. The deadline for submissions is April 10th. Please in person or by mail. Three winners will receive a certificate and $500 in prize money. Visit our website for more information. Thank you. 03 W Do you have any special foods that you eat for your health on a regular basis? If you don t have one, I d like to recommend a healthy food for you. If you want to stay healthy, try to eat an apple a day. Apples are in many ways. First, the pectin in apples lowers the risk of developing heart disease. Second, the nutrients in apples your immune system, prevent cancer, and reduce cell damage in the body. Third, apples are rich in fiber. Foods high in fiber like apples fill you up without too many calories. So, why don t you in your meals every day? 02 M Hello. I m James Nelson, host of Hello, Earth. As we all know, fruit is a healthy snack, but that s not all it s good for. We can also use for everyday purposes. For example, if you mix an orange peel with salt, you can easily clean the dirt from your pots and pans. And if you have stains on your shoes, try wiping them with a banana peel. The stains will disappear. It really works! is using grape skins to remove the smell of garlic from kitchen containers. So the next time you eat fruit, think about fruit peels in everyday life! 13 쪽정답 04. thirty groups / twice a month / authors / donate 05. how can I / Which bus 012 영어듣기 180 제

1 st WEEK DAY 2 04 W Do you like reading books? Our club, Lovely Cover, is the most popular book club in our city. Anyone over eighteen years of age can join it. Our club is divided into and each group has six members. Each month, we choose two books and read them. We gather and discuss books at our member s homes. Sometimes, we invite famous to join our discussions. We also hold a special event every year to collect used books to to schools. If you love reading and want to make new friends, Lovely Cover is the club for you. 01 with the aim of ~ 을목표로 submission 제출 in person 직접, 몸소 certificate 증서, 증명서 02 snack 가벼운식사, 간식 peel 껍질 purpose 용도 mix 섞다 stain 얼룩 wipe 닦다 remove 제거하다, 없애다 garlic 마늘 container 용기, 그릇 + Words & Idioms + 05 W Excuse me, the World Cup Stadium? M I think you d better take a bus. W should I take, then? get to 03 on a regular basis 규칙적으로 stay healthy 건강을유지하다 in many ways 여러모로 develop ( 병에 ) 걸리다 strengthen 강화하다 immune system 면역체계 prevent 예방하다 cell 세포 rich in ~ 이풍부한 fiber 섬유질 04 divide 나누다 gather 모이다 hold 열다, 개최하다 05 get to ~ 에도착하다 take a bus 버스를타다 12쪽정답 01. No Tobacco / participate in / submit your posters 02. fruit peels / Another great trick / how to use 03. good for your health / help you strengthen / include apples 1st Week Day 2 013

1 st WEEK WRAP-UP For 2nd day 주요표현반복청취하기 다음표현들을듣고, 입에붙을때까지따라말해보세요. ( 최소 3 번이상반복 ) Listen & Repeat! 1. Green Hospital has been hosting an art contest since 1999. 1 2 3 2. The next time you eat fruit, think about how to use fruit peels in everyday life! 1 2 3 3. If you want to stay healthy, try to eat an apple a day. 1 2 3 4. We gather and discuss books at our member s homes twice a month. 1 2 3 5. Excuse me, how can I get to the World Cup Stadium? 1 2 3 표현해석 1. Green 병원은 1999 년이래로미술대회를열고있습니다. 2. 다음에과일을드실때는, 일상에서과일껍질을활용하는방법에대해생각해보세요! 3. 건강하고싶으시다면, 하루에사과한개를드셔보세요. 4. 우리는회원의집에서두달에한번모여서책에대해이야기합니다. 5. 실례지만, 월드컵경기장에어떻게갈수있을까요? 014 영어듣기 180 제

1 st WEEK DAY 3 실전처럼초집중! 말하기집중공략 정답및해설 4 쪽 1번부터 5번까지는듣고답하는문제입니다. 녹음내용을잘듣고답을하기바랍니다. 듣는내용은한번만들려줍니다. 04 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 01 02 대화를듣고, 남자의마지막말에대한여자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 Yes. I got here first. 2 No problem. Here you are. 3 Sure. I ll return the book soon. 4 Okay. You may go to the library. 5 Alright. I ll give you my password. 대화를듣고, 남자의마지막말에대한여자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. Man: 1 That s the main reason I bought it. 2 I think that I shouldn t have bought it online. 3 It s because I need to register for a language program. 4 I wish I could speak as many different languages as you. 5 I also want to be a reporter for Internet-based newspapers. Woman: 1 Then, how about meeting up after class? 2 Well, can you redesign my blog by next Friday? 3 No. You may ruin your project if you don t do it. 4 Of course! You can rent the DVD from the library. 5 Exactly! Everyone should have an equal opportunity. 03 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. Man: 1 I agree with you. Practice makes perfect. 2 You re right. I ll go see a doctor right away. 3 But it s the only way you can keep playing the piano. 4 Congratulations! You won first place in the competition! 5 I m delighted you re fully recovered from your illness. 05 다음상황설명을듣고, Julia 가 Samuel 에게할말로가장적절한것을고르시오. Julia: Samuel, 1 could you give me a ride home? 2 would you teach me how to park? 3 when did you get your driver s license? 4 what happened after you parked your car? 5 how many times did you take the road test? 1st Week Day 3 015

Dictation Test 녹음내용을다시들으면서대본의빈칸을채워보세요. 01 M Can I help you? W I d like to a library card. What do I have to do? M your ID first? 02 M Hey, look at this poster! W What is it? M They re holding a video contest to encourage citizens to ride bicycles. W It looks pretty interesting. I think we should, too. M Are you good at making videos? W You know the videos on my blog? I made them all myself. M You did? That s awesome! Actually, I have some great ideas for the contest, but I m not very good at making videos. W Then, create a video and enter the contest together? M That sounds perfect! I m sure we can win first prize. W Me, too. We need to submit it by next Friday, so we should hurry. M? I can t wait to start working on this together! 03 M Have a seat, Sophia. W Thanks, Dr. Smith. Did the X-ray result come out? M Yes. The muscles of your right wrist are a bit swollen, but the bone is okay. W Thank goodness! But it s so painful when I move my wrist. M I think it s because you use it too much. If you for several days and take some medicine, it ll get better. W For several days? But I every day for the piano competition next week. M I know, Sophia. But it can if you don t give it some rest. W Oh, no! I can t stop practicing. The competition is very important for my future career. 17 쪽정답 04. electronic dictionary / five different languages / connect to the Internet 05. but she failed / great driver / help her practice parking 016 영어듣기 180 제

1 st WEEK DAY 3 04 M Deborah, let me show you something. W Sure, what is it? M It s my brand-new. W Cool! I saw a commercial for this on television. Where did you get it? M At Central Shopping Mall on 7th Avenue. I bought it yesterday. W I heard that this dictionary supports. M It s true. It supports English, French, Spanish, German, and Chinese. W Does it have any other special functions? M You can play video and audio files on it as well. W Awesome! I heard that you can also with this. Is that true? 01 ID 신원, 신분증 (= identification) + Words & Idioms + 02 encourage 장려하다 be good at ~ 에능숙하다, 잘하다 awesome 최고의, 멋진 submit 제출하다 can t wait to ~ 하는것을기다릴수없다, 어서 ~ 하고싶다 03 muscle 근육 wrist 손목 swollen 부풀어오른 competition ( 경연 ) 대회, 시합 04 brand-new 아주새로운, 신제품의 support 지원하다, 지탱하다 05 driver s license 운전면허 written test 필기시험 road test 도로주행시험 properly 제대로 05 M Julia wants to get her driver s license. She took the driving test last month. She passed the written test, the road test because she couldn t get the car into the parking space properly. Now, she has to take the road test again. So she decides to ask her brother Samuel for help since he s a. Samuel is 10 years older than she is and has a lot of driving experience. She wants to ask Samuel to. In this situation, what would Julia most likely say to Samuel? 16 쪽정답 01. get / May I see 02. enter the contest / why don t we / Can we start today 03. rest it / have to practice / get worse 1st Week Day 3 017

1 st WEEK WRAP-UP For 3rd day 주요표현반복청취하기 다음표현들을듣고, 입에붙을때까지따라말해보세요. ( 최소 3 번이상반복 ) Listen & Repeat! 1. May I see your ID? 1 2 3 2. Why don t we create a video and enter a video contest together? 1 2 3 3. I have to practice every day for the piano competition next week. 1 2 3 4. I heard that this electronic dictionary supports five different languages. 1 2 3 5. Julia wants to ask her brother to help her practice parking. 1 2 3 표현해석 1. 신분증을볼수있을까요? 2. 우리함께비디오를만들어서비디오경연대회에출품하면어떨까요? 3. 다음주에있는피아노대회를위해매일연습해야해요. 4. 이전자사전은 5 개국어를지원한다고들었어요. 5. Julia 는그녀의오빠에게그녀가주차연습하는것을도와달라고부탁하고싶습니다. 018 영어듣기 180 제

1 st WEEK DAY 4 실전처럼초집중! 3 개년오답베스트 정답및해설 5 쪽 1번부터 5번까지는듣고답하는문제입니다. 녹음내용을잘듣고답을하기바랍니다. 듣는내용은한번만들려줍니다. 01 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 04 대화를듣고, 여자가지불할총금액을고르시오. 1 $144 2 $148 3 $150 4 $154 5 $160 1 That was the best coffee I ve ever tasted. 2 I ve been standing in line for 20 minutes. 3 No wonder this place is crowded with people. 4 That s because I already bought a coffee maker. 5 Be careful not to burn your mouth with the coffee. 02 대화를듣고, 두사람의관계를가장잘나타낸것을고르시오. 1 상담교사 - 학생 2 여행사직원 - 여행객 3 수의사 - 애완동물주인 4 동물원사육사 - 관람객 5 국립공원직원 - 탐방객 03 대화를듣고, 남자가여자에게부탁한일로가장적절한것을고르시오. 05 Woman: 대화를듣고, 남자의마지막말에대한여자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 to subscribe to his magazine 2 to write a response to the article 3 to perform plastic surgery on him 4 to shorten her article for the magazine 5 to email her hospital information to him 1 I think the newspaper is more interesting. 2 I know exactly what he s going to order. 3 Let s cancel their reservation tomorrow. 4 I can t wait to taste his dishes. 5 Let s keep our fingers crossed. 1st Week Day 4 019

Dictation Test 녹음내용을다시들으면서대본의빈칸을채워보세요. 01 W Michael, let s have a coffee here. M How come are standing in line? Is the coffee that good? W Absolutely. And today they re offering coffee. 02 M Good morning. W Good morning. M Oh! Sorry, ma am. You can t bring pets into this national park. your dog to enter. W Really? Why? M It s national park policy because they can harm small animals. W Oh, I should ve thought about that. M were also made to protect your pet. W What do you mean? M In some cases, pets have been injured or killed by wild animals. W I see. I guess I ll just. M Sorry for the inconvenience. W No problem. You re just doing your job. 03 [Cell phone rings.] W Hello? M Hello, Dr. Brown. My name is Ross Baker and I m the editor for World Today magazine. W Oh, hi! Is this about the article I on plastic surgery? M Yes, I think it s very good, so we are running your article in our next edition. W That s great! M The only thing is, could you make your article? W Sure. How long do you want it to be? M Could you about 200 words? W No problem. When do you need it by? M We need it by this Thursday. W Okay. I ll email you the by then. M Thanks. 21 쪽정답 04. 100 dollars($100) / special promotion / cheaper / forms 05. food critic / rating / in order / at least four 020 영어듣기 180 제

1 st WEEK DAY 4 04 W Hi, I d like to put my kids into your sports programs. M Which sports are your children interested in? W Well, my son wants to join your football program and my daughter wants to swim. M For the football program, the monthly fee is and for the swimming program, it s $60. W Hmm... It s a little more expensive than I thought. M Then you might be interested in the we are running this month. W What kind of promotion is it? M If you register for both programs today, we can give a 10% discount to the program. In your case, that would be the swimming program. W That sounds good. I d like to register them for the programs for a month. M Great. Please fill out these. 05 W Simon Nolan is visiting us tomorrow. M Really? The famous who writes the newspaper food column? W Yeah, he s really tough. As for the, he rarely gives more than three stars. M I m really nervous. What do we need to do for tomorrow? W First, we have to get things organized in the kitchen. We have to make sure everything is. M Okay. Let me start with the cupboard on the right. W All right. I ll check if all the cooking utensils and seasonings are in place. M Do you happen to know what he s going to order? W I don t have a clue. That s why we have to be prepared to cook any dish on the menu. M I ll do the best I can. I don t expect to receive five stars from him, but I want 01 How come ~? 어째서 ~? stand in line 줄을서다. absolutely 그럼, 물론이지 + Words & Idioms + no wonder ~ ~ 하는것도당연하다 02 national park 국립공원 policy 방침 protect 보호하다 injure 부상을입히다 inconvenience 불편 03 editor 편집자 submit 제출하다, 제시하다 plastic surgery 성형수술 edition ( 책, 시리즈간행물등의 ) 판, 호, 회 revised 수정필의, 변경한 04 fee 요금 promotion 판촉행사 register 등록하다 fill out ( 서식 문서등의 ) 빈곳을채우다 05 critic 비평가 rating 등급, 평가 utensil 기구 seasoning 양념 20쪽정답 01. so many people / at half price 02. I can t allow / Our park rules / come back another day 03. submitted / a bit shorter / cut / revised version 1st Week Day 4 021

1 st WEEK WRAP-UP For 4th day 주요표현반복청취하기 다음표현들을듣고, 입에붙을때까지따라말해보세요. ( 최소 3 번이상반복 ) Listen & Repeat! 1. How come so many people are standing in line? 1 2 3 2. You can t bring pets into this national park. 1 2 3 3. Could you make your article a bit shorter? 1 2 3 4. You might be interested in the special promotion we are running this month. 1 2 3 5. We have to make sure everything is in order. 1 2 3 표현해석 1. 어째서이렇게많은사람들이줄을서있는거죠? 2. 이국립공원에는애완동물을데려오실수없습니다. 3. 당신의기사를조금더짧게해주실수있을까요? 4. 우리가이번달에하고있는특별판촉행사에관심이가실겁니다. 5. 우리는반드시모든것을제대로되어있도록해야합니다. 022 영어듣기 180 제

1 st WEEK DAY 5 MINI TEST 실전미니모의고사 정답및해설 6 쪽 1번부터 10번까지는듣고답하는문제입니다. 1번부터 8번까지는한번만들려주고, 9번부터 10번까지는두번들려줍니다. 녹음내용을잘듣고답을하기바랍니다. 04 대화를듣고, 남자가할일로가장적절한것을고르시오. 01 대화를듣고, 그림에서대화의내용과일치하지않는것을고르시오. 1 to buy basketball tickets 2 to analyze the test results 3 to check the gym schedule 4 to bring a referee for the game 5 to prepare snacks and beverages 02 대화를듣고, 두사람의관계를가장잘나타낸것을고르시오. 1 신문기자 - 소설가 2 서점직원 - 고객 3 도서관사서 - 학생 4 택배기사 - 경비원 5 여행사직원 - 손님 03 대화를듣고, 남자가여자를위해할일로가장적절한것을고르시오. 05 대화를듣고, 여자가남자를위해할일로가장적절한것을고르시오. 1 마중나가기 2 쿠키사다주기 3 도시락주문하기 4 교통사고신고하기 5 사무실에데려다주기 1 수업참관하기 2 만화그려주기 3 팸플릿복사하기 4 읽기자료찾아주기 5 현장학습일정표만들기 1st Week Day 5 023

정답및해설 8 쪽 DAY 5 06 Amazing Art Lovers 에관한다음내용을듣고, 일치하지않는것을고르시오. 1 43년의역사를가진동아리이다. 2 지난 10년동안지역사회에서자원봉사를해왔다. 3 일주일전에, 공장벽에그림을그려달라고요청받았다. 4 전공에관계없이신입회원을찾고있다. 5 전화번호가웹사이트에게시되어있다. [09~10] 다음을듣고, 물음에답하시오. 09 남자가하는말의목적으로가장적절한것은? 1 보수공사를안내하려고 2 소방시설점검을공지하려고 3 건물안전진단결과를알리려고 4 행사일정변경을통보하려고 5 대피훈련을설명하려고 07 다음표를보면서대화를듣고, 두사람이선택한여행상품을고르시오. Summer Packages at S-Resort Water Park Accommodation Rafting Trip Horseback Riding 1 Package 1 hotel 2 Package 2 camping 3 Package 3 camping 4 Package 4 hotel 5 Package 5 camping 08 대화를듣고, 여자의마지막말에대한남자의응답으로가장적절한것을고르시오. Man: 1 No problem. Let s see a movie. 2 I agree. New York is a big city. 3 Hurry up. We re behind schedule. 4 Don t worry. Your brother will be alright. 5 It s okay. Let s have dinner some other time. 10 다음중사용가능한장소로언급된것은? 1 식당 2 승강기 3 도서관 4 화장실 5 주출입구 024 영어듣기 180 제

Dictation Test 녹음내용을다시들으면서대본의빈칸을채워보세요. 01 M Oh, Sally. You rearranged your desk. It looks a lot better than before. W Thank you. I just wanted to make some changes. M You put the printer to the left side of the monitor. It looks new to me. W Right. I bought it last week. M Nice. And the fan the printer looks useful. W Yeah, especially during the summer. M Oh, look! There s a cute octopus on the front right corner of your desk. W It s a tissue box. M I like it. And you put the calendar to the of the monitor. W Yeah. Nowadays I often look at it because I have a lot of appointments. M By the way, where s the lamp that you promised to give me? W It s. Don t forget to take it with you. 02 W Good morning. What can I do for you? M I m about traveling in South America. But I don t remember the title. W Do you know the writer s name, then? M It was written by a woman who traveled to South America. W Well, I m not sure which book you mean. Let me ask. M Ah, I remember! She s from Canada and famous for her breathtaking pictures during her trips. W Now, I see. Walking Through South America by Alice Kingston. M Yeah, that s it! Do you have a copy here now? W Let me check. [Typing sound] I m sorry, but. Do you want to place an order for it? M Yes, please. When will it be available? W Probably by tomorrow afternoon. But you can use the delivery service. M No, thanks. I ll come back tomorrow. 03 [Cell phone rings.] M Hello? Are you almost home, honey? W Unfortunately, no. I ve been for half an hour. M Why is traffic so heavy? W I have no idea. Go ahead and have dinner if you re hungry. M No, I can wait. When do you think you ll be home? W I m not sure. Maybe in 30 minutes. M Okay, then I ll run to the to pick up some dessert. You need anything? W Yeah, I need a snack for the office tomorrow. Can you for me? M Okay, I will. W Thanks, honey. I ll be home as soon as possible. M No rush. Safety first! 27 쪽정답 08. have dinner together / got a text / can t make it 09~10. some repair work / closed / available during construction 1st Week Day 5 025

Dictation Test 04 M Mrs. Anderson, our students look exhausted today. Don t you think so? W Right. Just one day has passed since they finished their midterm exams. M Why don t we? W That sounds good! Do you have any ideas? M Umm... How about a basketball game between your class and mine? W Oh, that ll be interesting. Let s have the game tomorrow afternoon. M All right. What do we need to do to? W Well, you go to the gym and see what time we can use it, and I ll go buy some snacks and beverages. M No problem. I ll go to the gym and. Do you think we need a referee? W Well, I don t think so. M Okay. See you later. 05 W Mr. Parker, what are you doing? M Hi, Ms. Brown. I m looking through some pamphlets from the zoo. W Wow! That s a lot of pamphlets. What are you going to do with them? M I m making some for our field trip to the zoo. I want my students to learn about the animals before our trip. W Sounds interesting. That ll make them more excited. M But I m afraid the materials might still be. W Why don t you add a cartoon to the materials then? M That s a good idea. But I m not good at. W No problem. Just choose a theme, and I ll do it for you. M Thank you so much. W Don t mention it. I think your students will be happy to see the materials. 06 M Good afternoon, everyone. I m Mike Howard, the head of the university painting club, Amazing Art Lovers. I m very proud to represent this amazing club, which has of history. For the last 10 years, we have been volunteering in the community. A week ago, we were asked by the city council to paint pictures on some of the factory walls. However, we don t have enough club members to do the job at the moment. We need more students to join the club. We re looking for new members who are and are enthusiastic about improving the environment of our city. If that sounds like you, please give us a call. Our phone number is posted. Please call soon. 07 W What are you doing, honey? M I m looking at summer vacation packages at S-Resort. But it s hard to choose one. They all look so great! W Let me see. I think we should go to the water park. It ll be fun for our whole family. M I d love to. I hear the at S-Resort has lots of exciting rides. W Good! What about the accommodations? I d like to. It ll really make me feel 01. in front of / left side / behind the monitor 02. looking for a book / another clerk / it s sold out 03. stuck in traffic / bakery / buy some cookies 25 쪽정답 026 영어듣기 180 제

1 st WEEK DAY 5 like I m on holiday. M You re right. Look! They have a rafting trip, too. W That sounds interesting. But it might be dangerous for our kids because they re so young. M I agree with you. Why don t we instead? W Great idea. Then we have only one choice left. M Okay. Let s go with it. 08 M The movie was great. I was so thrilled throughout the film. W I was, too! I couldn t take my eyes off of the screen. M Scarlet, I m a little hungry. Why don t we at the Italian restaurant again? W I d love to, but I can t. I ve got to go home now. M It s only 7 p.m. Why do you have to go home so early? I really want to treat you to dinner. W That s sweet! But I just from my mom. M What does it say? W My brother unexpectedly came home from New York. It s been two years. M Okay. I understand that. W I m really sorry I this time. 09~10 M Attention, please. This is your vice principal Mr. Adams. There s going to be at our school. As you know, there were serious floods last month. So, our school is going to fix the water damage on the first floor due to these floods. The construction is scheduled to start on September 1st and it ll take a month to complete. We expect the + Words & Idioms + 01 rearrange 재배치하다 octopus 문어 nowadays 요즈음 appointment 약속 02 breathtaking ( 너무아름답거나놀라서 ) 숨이멎는듯한 copy 사본, 책 sold out 매진된 place an order 주문하다 available 이용할수있는 03 stuck in traffic 교통체증으로꼼짝못하는 bakery 제과점, 빵집 rush 서두름, 분주 04 beverage 음료 referee 심판 05 look through 검토하다 be good at ~ 에능숙하다 cartoon 만화 theme 주제, 테마 06 community 공동체 city council 시의회 join 가입하다, 함께하다 major in ~ 을전공하다 enthusiastic 열정적인 post 게시 [ 공고 ] 하다 07 accommodation 숙박, 숙소 go with ~ 을받아들이다 08 take one s eyes off ~ 에서눈을떼다 treat 대접하다 text 문자메시지 09 ~ 10 site to be quite dangerous and inconvenient. For your safety, the main entrance will be during construction. The elevator will also be closed for maintenance. As the cafeteria and the restrooms are partly damaged, these facilities will be shut down. However, the library will be. Thank you for your cooperation. vice principal 부교장, 교감 repair 수리 [ 보수 ] 하다 be scheduled to ~ 할예정이다 maintenance 정비 water damage 수해 due to ~ 때문에 construction 공사 facilities 시설 26쪽정답 04. cheer them up / prepare for the game / check the schedule 05. reading materials / boring / drawing cartoons 06. 43 years / majoring in art / on our website 07. water park / go camping / try horseback riding 1st Week Day 5 027

1 st WEEK 스스로점검하기! 1ST WEEK INSPECT 이번주의학습내용을점검해보고, 보다나은다음주를준비해보자. 다음점검표에해당하는점수를쓰면서 1 주학습을점검해보자. 점검항목 매일매일꾸준히문제를풀었다. Dictation 과표현복습을미루지않았다. 대화 ( 담화 ) 의핵심을정확히파악했다. 문제의의도를정확하게이해하고문제를풀었다. 몰랐던어휘는대화 ( 담화 ) 속의쓰임을확인하며확실히숙지했다. 이번주에풀어본내용이다시나온다면틀리지않을것이다. 매우그렇다 [5 점 ] 수능듣기는무조건만점을목표로! 그렇다 [4 점 ] 보통이다 [3 점 ] 그렇지않다 [2 점 ] 제점수는요... 해당하는칸을선택해주세요 전혀그렇지않다 [1 점 ] 6점 ~ 12점 : 아직은첫주라그런거죠? 13점 ~ 18점 : 더노력합시다! 파이팅 (^0^)~3 19점 ~ 24점 : 산뜻한출발 ~ 좋습니다!!^-^ 25점 ~ 30점 : 아주좋아요. 남은 5주간도지금처럼! 수능영어듣기영역은총 17문항으로독해와많은차이가나지않는다. 그런데많은수험생들이독해와문법에는시간을투자하면서도듣기는쉽게생각하고시간을들이기아까워하는경향이있다. 독해보다더쉽게점수를확보할수있는영역이므로반드시만점을받도록하 점 028 영어듣기 180 제