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가정법( 假 定 法 )이란, 실제로 일어나지 않았거나 앞으로도 일어나지 않을 것 같은 일에 대해 자신의 의견을 밝히거나 소망을 표현하는 어법이다. 가정법은 화자의 심적 태도나 확신의 정도를 나타내는 어법이기 때문 에 조동사가 아주 요긴하게 쓰인다. 조동사가 동사 앞에


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< B3E232C8B820C1DFC1B92DB1B9BEEE5F BFC0C8C437BDC3B9DD2E687770>

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1 번다음을듣고, this 가가리키는것으로가장적절한것을고르시오. M: This is usually long and soft. You can use this when you feel cold in winter. You can put this around your neck



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step 1-1

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How to use this book Preparation My family I have a big family. I have grandparents, parents. I m the oldest in my family. My father is strict. 다양한 생활

01 What s up? 안부를 묻는 표현 1 How s it going? 어떻게 지내요? 2 What are you up to? 별 일 없어요? 3 What s new? 별 일 없어요? 4 What have you been up to? 그동안 별 일 없었어요? 5 H

Vol.259 C O N T E N T S M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M


- 2 -

2014 HSC Korean Continuers



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Willstory( ) 71.indd

Something that can be seen, touched or otherwise sensed

When I look in the mirror, it s hard for me to see anything positive in myself. Rather, there are many things [that I don t like about myself]. I m no


<English On The Go> currently 현재, 지금 sightseeing 관광, 구경 tourism 관광 사업 Lucy / UK 여동생이 현재 방문 중인데, 관광 투어는 너무 비싸기 때문에 자신이 직접 구경 시켜 줄 예정이라고 말하고 있습니다. So I

7 1 ( 12 ) ( 1912 ) 4. 3) ( ) 1 3 1, ) ( ), ( ),. 5) ( ) ). ( ). 6). ( ). ( ).

55호 1면


<C0CEBBEA2035BFF92D DB4DCC7C72E706466>

희망사항말하기 Do you think people will use time machines someday? Yes! Then, I wish I could go back to visit my childhood. < 정보 > 정보전달하기 How did Mr. Han bec



13. He quitted his job and became a pro-gamer. 14. His father forced him to be a soldier. 15. By the time we arrived, Jane wasn't there. 16. The momen


21 162 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 426 1. round-neck (= crew neck) V-neck turtleneck pattern check 427 2. depressed surprised nervous pleased indifferent drag ones feet exhausted worn out a rough day be all ears blow ones top useless 428 3. tea acupuncture vaccine massage plastic surgery 2,500 treat insert spot electric current undoubtedly effective MIs there anything I can help you find? WYes, I m looking for a sweater for my sister. MWhat type of sweater do you have in mind? We have several styles: round-neck, V-neck, and turtleneck. How about those V-neck sweaters? WWell, she doesn t like V-neck sweaters. Can I see that one over there? MSure. Here you are. This flower pattern is popular these days. WOh, no. I mean the round-neck one, not the turtleneck sweater. And she doesn t like flower patterns. Can you show me another pattern? MOkay, then, how about this check sweater? WYeah, that looks pretty nice. Can I see it? MSure, here you are. WOh, this is perfect! I ll take this. WWhy are you dragging your feet? You re walking at a snail s pace right now. MI m completely exhausted. WWhy are you so worn out? Did you have a rough day at work? MYes. It was terrible! WDo you want to talk about it? I m all ears. MWell, my computer wasn t working again. WReally? Isn t that the third time this month? MYeah. And I lost two important reports that my boss wanted. WOh, no! Your boss must have blown his top! MYes. He called me useless! And I couldn t say anything about it because that s exactly how I felt. I feel like staying in bed for a month. WThis is a way of treating sick people. The Chinese developed this over 2,500 years ago, and this is still used today. Small metal needles are inserted into spots on the human body. There are 787 of these spots. Each one is connected to a special body part or system. If, um, your ear hurts, for example, the doctor will put needles into all the spots connected with your ear. The needles don t hurt because they don t go in very far. Sometimes the doctor runs an electric current through the needles. We don t understand exactly why this helps people. But this is undoubtedly effective. Mega Expressions Is there anything I can help you find? May/Can I help you? What/How can I help you? Mega Expressions Your boss must have blown his top! My father hit the roof when I wrecked his car. Our teacher lost his temper completely. Im going to go nuts if you dont clean this mess up. 2,500 787 Mega Structure If, um, your ear hurts, for example, the doctor will put needles into all the spots connected with your ear.: 152

429 4. to exercise in the park to take him to the doctor to walk with him every day to register him at the health club to go to the market to buy weights for starters lift weights start out give A some thought A sign up (= register) 430 5. $143 $180 $198 $230 $253 150 15 165 30 3 33 198 brand-new shelf wrap 431 6. Rose be located shopping district honor fine art artistic performance throughout the year WSo what did the doctor say? Did he say you need to exercise? MYes. For starters, he told me to begin walking thirty minutes a day. WDo you mean every day? MYes, every day. And then after three weeks, I should increase the time to one hour. WDid he say anything about lifting weights? MYes. He told me to start out lifting light weights like five pounds. WMaybe you should join a health club. MI gave that some thought, but I haven t had time. Maybe I can join this weekend. WIf you re that busy, I ll visit the health club down the street and sign you up. MReally? Thanks. By the way, why don t you sign up too? WMe? No, I enjoy exercising at the park. WGood afternoon, sir. May I help you? MYes, how much is that black-and-red jacket? WThat one? It s $200. It s a brand-new item made of 100% Gore-Tex. MUm, it seems a little expensive. Do you have anything less expensive? WWell, all of the jackets on the lower shelf are $ 150. MOne hundred and fifty dollars? Is that including tax? WNo, you have to pay 10% tax. But it s still cheaper than our new items. MHmm, you re right. I ll take this blue one. And how much are these gloves? WThey re 30 dollars plus 10% tax. MOkay. I ll take a pair. Would you wrap these with the jacket, please? Here is my Visa. WThank you. Wait a minute, please. MOkay. MGood afternoon, everybody! I m Stephen Jordan, mayor of this city. While visiting our city, we suggest you enjoy Rose Park which is located very near the downtown shopping district and next to City Hall. First opened to the public in 1973, it honors the men who died fighting for freedom in the 1960s. The park includes a fine arts museum, a public hall for concerts and other artistic performances, and a beautiful lake. The lawns and gardens are beautiful throughout the year and provide a lovely location for taking a walk or just sitting in the sun. Thank you. 30 3 5 200 100% 150 150 10% 30 10% Mega Expressions Stephen Jordan Rose 1973 1960 Mega Structure plus 10% tax 10% excluding 10% tax including 10% tax 10% While (you are) visiting our city, we suggest (that) you (should) enjoy Rose Park [which is located very near the downtown shopping district and next to City Hall].: suggest (should) While you are which Rose Park 153

432 7. vending machine (= automat) It really gets me. eat money relentlessly in charge of out of order sign 433 8. report, meeting, project, boss crazy project get in as usual on business 434 9. cabin blanket be out of turbulence seat belt fasten airsick bag MOh, my! I lost another dollar in this stupid vending machine. It really gets me! WI m not surprised. It s always breaking down. It eats money relentlessly. MYeah. Whenever things like this don t work, hit it, and it ll work. WYou mean sometimes. [a sound of hitting the machine hard] MHmm... it usually works, but not this time. WDo you have any other ideas? MWhen all else fails, kick it. WWait! I think that s a bad idea. MYou re probably right. Then, how about contacting the person in charge of this machine? WWell, that may be difficult. Instead, let s put an out-of-order sign on it. MOkay. At least that way other people won t lose their money. WSo you had a crazy day at work yesterday? MYou said it! We had two long meetings, and I had to make a report. And after that, I started two new projects. WYou got in so late last night. MI know. Thanks for waiting up for me. WWhat do you think today will be like? MIt should be a little easier. Most of the hard work was done yesterday. WWill you be home at 6:30 as usual? MOur boss is leaving for New York on business. I ll come home by seven at the latest. WGood. I don t like it when you come home so late. MWhat do you say we go out for dinner tonight? WI always like going out to eat. It reminds me of the time when we started dating. WYes? What can I do for you? MIt s very cold in the cabin. Is it possible to get a blanket? WI m sorry, but we don t have any extra blankets right now. MOkay, thanks anyway. I was asleep during the meal service. Could I get a meal now? WYes, we have pasta and beefsteak. Which do you want? MBeefsteak, please. Could I also get a drink? WWhat would you like? We have several drinks: water, soft drinks and beer. MCan I have wine? WI m sorry, but we re out of wine. MThen, water, please. Uh? Uh? WThat s turbulence. Make sure your seatbelt is fastened. MOh, sorry, but could I get an airsick bag, please? WOkay, just wait for a moment. 1 Mega Expressions It eats money relentlessly. The phones not working. The copy machine is out of order. I think the doorbell is broken. The TV is on the blink again. 630 7 Mega Expressions cabin seatbelt airsick bag turbulence flight attendant pilot/captain life vest carry-on baggage 154

435 10. come to decline personal check debit card charge fee checkbook ATM 436 11. Date(Day) Games Quarterfinals Semi-finals Finals 24 (MON) Women s Singles ABC Open Ticket Office 25 (TUE) Men s Singles 26 (WED) Men s Singles Women s Singles 27 (THUR) Men s Singles 28 (FRI) 29 (SAT) Women s Singles 30 (SUN) Men s Singles 8 26 25 match be sold out semi-final quarter-finals 8 437 12. Auto Museum 10 30 expert demonstrate advance miracle exhibit guided tour hourly preferred WYour total comes to $79.42. MDo you take credit cards? WYes, we take Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. MHere s my Visa. WHmm... I m sorry but your card has been declined. MOh, I can t imagine why. I m sure it s just a mistake. Here, use my MasterCard. WWell, sir, it looks like this one is declined, too. We accept personal checks as well. MLike I said, I think it must be a bank error. I have a debit card, but I think there s a fee for using it, right? WYes, I think the bank charges you a small fee. MIn that case, I ll write a check. Oh, no, I left my checkbook at home. Can you hold these items for me? I ll run to an ATM and get some cash. I ll come right back. WSure. I can hold them for you until the end of the day. MOkay, great. I ll be right back. WHello. How may I help you? MHi. Can I get two tickets? WWhich match do you want to attend? MThe final match of men s singles, please. WSorry, but all the tickets to the final matches have been sold out. MSo soon? Then, how about the semi-final match tickets? WLet me see... The tickets to men s singles have been sold out, too. But we have some women s singles tickets. MWell, I want to see men s singles. WOkay, then, how about the quarter-finals? There are two matches: one is on the 25th, and the other is on the 26th. MHmm, I have to go out of town on Wednesday. WThen you really only have one choice. You can see Roger Federer in that match. MOh, really? Good! Then, I ll take two tickets. Can I pay with my credit card? WSure. WGood morning! Welcome to the Auto Museum. In ten minutes, our experts will demonstrate some recent advances in cars. After the show, you re welcome to take a closer look or even take one of the cars for a test drive. We think you ll be quite surprised at just how wonderful they are. If you are curious to see the very first cars and how they developed into today s miracles of technology, make sure to visit the cars exhibit in the 2nd hall. Guided tours begin hourly and last about 30 minutes. For our international visitors, audio headsets are also available in English, French, Chinese, and Japanese. To borrow a tape in your preferred language, please come to the information desk. 79 42 Culture Box (debit card) (check, cheque) personal check 8 25 26 Roger Federer Culture Box (tournament) singles doubles mixed doubles 10 2 30 155

438 13. palm index finger crack knuckle cast 439 14. Woman : Well, I hope he will recover soon. I get a headache just thinking about it. Here are some aspirin. I hope they work. I heard you moved here from New York. Thanks to the aspirin, the pain decreased. aspirin (pl. aspirin, aspirins) pain reliever going away party hangover splitting headache irresponsible 440 15. Man : I hope you ll get a good grade this time. Just forget I said anything about this at all. I m ashamed to say it, but I also failed the exam. You should have studied hard. Why didn t you study? The professor might catch you cheating during the exam. WYour hands are so big! Show me the lines in the palm of your hand. MOK. Can you read my future? WI ve just cut my index finger on a knife. MOh, how horrible! I ll get a band-aid for you. WYou could turn pages faster if you d wet your index finger like this. MOh, that s a good idea. WStop cracking your knuckles. That sound drives me crazy. MOh, I m sorry. I ll stop it. WI broke my index finger yesterday. MHow long will you have to wear that cast? MBecky, do you have any aspirin or any other kind of pain reliever? WI think so. I ll look in my purse. What s the matter? MI went to a going away party last night, and I drank too much. WNow you ve got a hangover. How do you feel? MI have a splitting headache. WThat s what you get for going out in the middle of the week. MI couldn t help it. A very good friend of mine is moving to London today. WDo you think that s a good reason for being irresponsible? MIt may not be a good reason, but it is a reason. Oh, this headache is killing me. WHere are some aspirin. I hope they work. WWhat are you doing? MI m getting ready for the test. WBy writing the answers on a cheat sheet? You shouldn t do that. MI got a D on the last test, and I have to do better on this one. If I don t get at least a B, I m going to flunk this class. WYou re taking a big risk. You could get suspended... or even expelled! MI know, but my final grade is on the line. Can you let me copy off your test? WCopy off my test? But Mr. McQuillan always keeps a close eye on us during tests. I think you d better reconsider. MIt s not like I have any choice, do I? It s either cheating or going to summer school. WI still think it s a bad idea. MJust forget I said anything about this at all. Mega Expressions cast cast light on cast doubt on cast a look at cast a vote cast Becky D B McQuillan 156

cheat sheet flunk take a big risk suspend expel final grade copy off keep a close eye on summer school Culture Box F 441 16. Woman : There s a conductor. Let s ask him. It s too late. Let s take a taxi over there. You re right. I think I ll go with this one. Oh, I ll just have to fly to New York alone. Well, maybe I ll just cancel my trip to New York. airline flight appointment branch beat go with MHi, Victoria, what are you doing now? WI m looking for airline flights on the Internet. MWhere are you going? WTo New York. My appointment to the New York branch was announced yesterday. MReally? So have you found any cheap flights? WYes. This one here is $342 round trip. MThat s a great price. WBut there s tax and fees on top of that. MBut you can t beat that. You d better book a ticket right away. WYou re right. I think I ll go with this one. Victoria. 342 442 17. Jisu Jisu : Oh no, I missed my station again. Don t push. I m also taking this train. See you later. I ll get off at this station. Does this train go to Chungmuro Station? Step aside, please. I need to get off here. (Don t push.) ad agency commute rush hour at the same time packed stuffy WJisu works downtown at an ad agency near Chungmuro Station. She goes to her office by subway every morning. It is hard to commute in rush hour, because too many people use the subway at the same time. Jisu gets on the train at Anguk Station. The train is already packed. However, many people get on at Jongno 3(sam)- ga Station and even more at Euljiro 3(sam)-ga Station. There are so many people that she feels hot and stuffy. Finally, the train arrives at Chungmuro Station. She wants to get off, but there are too many people in front of her. In this situation, what would Jisu say to the people in front of her? JisuStep aside, please. I need to get off here. 3 3 157

22 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 168 443 1. slanted bushy pointed hooked nose turn up 444 2. upset frightened indifferent embarrassed sympathetic David Wang Wang run into take off pass away to make matters worse 445 3. taxies ambulances patrol cars school buses express buses distinguish A from B A B public transportation be equipped with stop sign flash pull in MOkay, ma am. Can you tell me what shape his face was? WHis face was round, I think. MWhat about his hair? Did he have long or short hair? WOh, very short on the sides, and a little long and curly hair in the middle. MDid he have round or slanted eyes? WWell, I think they were round, and he had bushy eyebrows. He also had a sharp, pointed nose, not a hooked one. MTake a look at this sketch. Is this right so far? WHis nose in the sketch is a little too turned up. It was more straight. MWhat about his ears? Were they big or small? And his mouth? Did he have thin or thick lips? WHis ears were very small. His lips were more thin than thick. MOkay, then. I m done. What do you think? Does this look like the thief? WWow, you ve done a great job. Yeah, that s him all right. That s the guy who stole my wallet. WHi, Jason. I m glad I ran into you. MHi, Liz. Why are you glad you ran into me? WYou re a close friend of David Wang, aren t you? MYes, I am. Why do you ask? WWell, he and I attend the same French conversation class, and he hasn t been in class for several days. It s not like him to cut class. You know, he s such a good student. MOh, I heard he decided to take this term off. WReally? Do you know why? MHe said he had to get a job. WWhy? Oh, I remember hearing his father passed away last summer. Is that why he has to make money? MYes, that s right. And to make matters worse, now his mother is very sick. WWhat a pity! WIn the United States, these are yellow, which distinguishes them from other forms of public transportation. These are for young children. On either side of these are stop signs. When these make a stop, the signs allow other drivers to see these easily and stop to wait until they begin to move again. These are also equipped with flashing red lights. While the stop signs are out and the flashing lights are on, cars are not allowed to pass these on either side. That s the law. All drivers must wait until the lights stop flashing and the stop signs are pulled in. Mega Expressions What do you think of/about? Whats your view/opinion? Do you have any opinion on? Jason Liz David Wang Mega Expressions What a pity/shame! Thats a pity/shame. Thats too bad. Im sorry to hear that. You have our deepest sympathy. Mega Structure In the United States, these are yellow, which distinguishes them from other forms of public transportation.: which and it (these are yellow) 158

446 4. allowance owe pile up saving WDad, today is allowance day. Can I have my allowance? MOh, I forgot about that. WYou ALWAYS forget. MI guess I do. How much do I owe you? WJust $30. MThirty dollars? Why do I owe you that much? It seems like I paid you the other day. WNo. You forget every Saturday, and it has been piling up. MWell, I m not sure if I have that much. WGo to the bank, please. You have lots of money. MLots of money, huh? Money doesn t grow on trees, you know. WDad! Well, what about your secret money jar under your bed? MOh, I guess I could use that. So, what are you going to do with the money? WI m going to put some in savings, give some to the poor, and use the rest to buy books. MWell, that sounds great, Jessie. 30 30 Jessie. Mega Expressions Money doesnt grow on trees. Im not made of money. Im not a millionaire. 447 5. at around 6:40 a.m. at around 7:00 a.m. at around 7:40 a.m. at around 8:00 a.m. at around 8:20 a.m. 7 1 8 get to work WWhat are your mornings like? You seem busy these days. MWell, I usually get up around 6 a.m. WWhy do you get up so early? MWell, I have to leave home at twenty to seven. WSix forty? That early? MYes, otherwise I can t catch the bus at seven o clock. It takes me about twenty minutes to walk to the bus stop. WSounds like the bus stop is far away from your house. MYes, it s a little far, but I enjoy the walk. WThen, what time do you get to work? MUh, my bus takes about an hour to get there, but it stops right in front of my office. WThat s nice. 6 7 20 6 40 7 20 448 6. author sign autograph entrance employee information desk MMay I have your attention, please? Thank you for dropping by and shopping at Green Books. Today, we have a very special guest. Ryan Nolan, the author of a famous children s book series, is having a book signing at two o clock. Pick up his new book for your child and get his autograph! He will be signing books near the front entrance for one hour. If you have any questions about the event, please speak to any of our employees or come to the information desk. Make sure you don t miss this great opportunity. Thank you. Green Books Ryan Nolan 2 Mega Structure Ryan Nolan, the author of a famous childrens book series, is having a book signing at two oclock.: the author ~ series Ryan Nolan is having 159

449 7. to keep everything to himself to turn down Jenny s suggestion to ask Jenny not to reject his offer to tell Jenny his feelings about her to ask why Jenny rejected his offer Jenny Jenny Jenny Jenny Jenny Jenny turn red have a crush on guts turn down reject take a chance 450 8. Judy Ted get dressed get caught up in big deal boss dress up babysit 451 9. at a hotel in a plane at an airport at a parking lot in the shopping center hotel, shopping center, parking lot manage to quite a lot luggage WHey, Ted! Jenny is coming with us. MWhat? Jenny is coming? Why didn t you tell me? WWhy is your face turning all red? Uh-huh, someone has a crush on Jenny, doesn t he? MWhat are you talking about? WCome on, Ted! If you like her, you ve got to tell her. Maybe she likes you, too. MWell, I don t have the guts to ask her out. WWhat re you so afraid of? Just tell her how you feel about her. MI d totally die if she turned me down. WIt d be better to let her know than keep everything to yourself. MBut what if I m rejected? I can t do it. WCome on! You ve got to take a chance! Even if you are rejected, it s not the end of the world! There s really nothing to lose. MI don t know... Well, maybe you re right, but how am I going to tell her? WJust tell her frankly. She might even already know how you feel. WI thought you were getting dressed. MI m sorry. I got caught up in the basketball game. WJordan! This is a big deal for me. Not everyone gets invited to the boss house. MOkay, okay, I got it. When are we supposed to be there? WIn thirty minutes! MThat s plenty of time. WNo, it s not. Come on! Get moving! I don t want to be late. MI think I ll wear my new jeans. WYou can t be serious! MI m just kidding. I ll dress up for your boss. By the way, did you ask Judy to take care of Ted? WSure, I telephoned her. She agreed to babysit, and she s on her way over. WExcuse me. Are you Walter Foster from New York? MYes, I am. How do you do? WHow do you do, Mr. Foster? I m Miao Lin from the Beijing branch office. MOh, pleased to meet you, Ms. Miao. WI know it takes over 13 hours to get here. Did you have a good flight? MWell, not too bad at all. I managed to sleep quite a lot on the plane. WDo you have all of your luggage? MYes, I do. WOh, good. It s 5:30 p.m. now. Would you like to go straight to your hotel and have dinner? Or would you like me to show you our shopping center? MI d really like to see the shopping center. Is it far from here? WNo, it s not that far. Let s go, then. The parking lot is this way. Ted! Jenny Jenny Jenny Ted! Mega Expressions I dont have the guts to ask her out. I dont have the nerve to quit my job. I wanted to ask Dad for the money, but I didnt dare. Jordan! 30 Judy Ted Walter Foster Foster Miao Lin Miao 13 5 30 160

452 10. emergency go over refer to notes assignment assign have trouble -ing lecture record definitely 453 11. USED CAR FOR SALE vehicle make: a 2002 Ford condition: in good condition, but slightly scratched mileage: about 70,000 km transmission: manual with a 4-cylinder engine price: $3,500 Call at 555-0789. (automatic) (manual) advertisement be in good condition repairman mileage manual automatic 4-cylinder engine 4 test drive 454 12. Orlando Florida Manhattan Orlando 25 tourist destination besides numerous boast historic feel preservation restoration carriage throughout the year WGood morning, Dr. McQuillan, I m Julie Taylor. I m in your two o clock class on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. MHi, Julie. Have a seat. What can I do for you? WI missed all your classes last week because of a family emergency. MI m sorry to hear that. We went over a lot of material last week. WOh, then I ll be sure to get the notes from another student. Did you give any assignments? MYes, I assigned an essay on the topics in chapter 3 of your textbook. It s due next Monday. WI see. As a matter of fact, I m having trouble understanding the lectures. Is there anything you would suggest? MUmm... I hear some students record the lectures and listen to them afterwards. That seems to help. WThat s a great idea! I ll definitely try that. Thanks a lot for your time. MNo problem. See you in class. WOkay, Professor McQuillan. [The telephone rings.] WHello? I m calling about your advertisement for the car. I wrote down your number the other day, but now I can t find your ad. MOkay, what would you like to know? WWhat make is it? MIt s a 2002 Ford. WIs it in good condition? MIt s slightly scratched, but it s in good condition. And I had it repaired about a month ago. The repairman said the engine sounds good. WI want a used car with a low mileage. How many miles are on it? MOh, about 70,000 km. WThat sounds good. Is it a manual or an automatic? MIt s an automatic with a 4-cylinder engine. WAnd you are asking $3,000, right? MNo, $3,500. It s a reasonable price. You can take the car for a test drive if you want. WHi, everyone. Do you know which city is the most popular tourist destination in Florida? It s Orlando. Orlando is most famous for Disney World, which is twice the size of Manhattan. Besides amusement parks, there are many other theme parks and numerous water parks. Orlando boasts an active downtown area, which has a historic feel to it because of old building preservation and restoration. You can take a ride in a carriage pulled by horses. One of the reasons Orlando makes such a great place for travel is the warm weather. The average temperature is about 25 degrees Celsius, with very little change throughout the year. McQuillan Julie Taylor 2 Julie 3 McQuillan 2002 7km 4 3,000 3,500 Orlando Orlando Manhattan Orlando Orlando 25 Mega Structure Orlando is most famous for Disney World, which is twice the size of Manhattan.: twice the size of twice as big[large] as 161

455 13. anesthetic numb toothache appointment get ones teeth cleaned fit in MI ve given you some anesthetic. Tell me if you feel any pain. WNo, I can t feel a thing. Everything is numb now. MI still have a terrible toothache. WHaven t you seen a dentist about that yet? MWhat time is your doctor s appointment? WIt s at three. I m going to leave right after I brush my teeth. MWhat can I do to lose weight faster? WYou need to cut down on the amount of sugar you eat. MIs Dr. Scott in? I need to get my teeth cleaned. WYes, but you ll have to wait. I can t fit you in until 3:00. 3 Scott 3 456 14. Woman : You re right. It might even be a curse. Shall we buy some lottery tickets? Don t worry. You still have another chance. I wish you good luck on this drawing. Isn t there anyone who won the lottery? lottery ticket jackpot up to drawing slave away retire now that drive A up the wall A curse WI bought lottery tickets for us during my lunch break. The jackpot is up to $168 million. Imagine if we won. MThanks for getting mine, too. When is the drawing? WSaturday at 6 p.m. It s being televised on channel 4. MWhat would you do if you had $168 million? WThe first thing I would do is quit my job! No more slaving away for me. What would you do? MWell, I would travel around the world. If I were younger, I d learn how to fly a plane. I ve always wanted to do that. WIt s never too late. You could still do that. MYou can t teach an old dog new tricks. I d probably just retire and buy myself a nice new house. WYeah, that sounds nice, too. Hmm... but now that I think about it, I suppose I d have a lot of family and friends asking for money. MI think so, too. They d probably drive me up the wall. Maybe winning the lottery isn t such a good thing. WYou re right. It might even be a curse. 1 6 8 6 4 1 6 8 Mega Expressions You cant teach an old dog new tricks. ex. Thanks for the advice, but you cant teach an old dog new tricks. 457 15. Man : Yes, I m so grateful for your help. Don t worry. I m sure you will do all right. I m surprised you finally completed the course. Yes, you could have. I didn t help you that much. Oh, I m very glad you enjoyed my class so much. WI did it! One whole year and I did it! MCongratulations! You completed your English course. WI m really happy I stuck it out. MDid you ever think about giving it up? WNever. I loved almost every class. It was difficult, but I think I learned a lot. MNo two ways about it. Your English has gotten much better. WIt s been a big part of my life for a year. MWell, your hard work has finally paid off. I m so proud of you. WThanks. I couldn t have done it without your help. MYes, you could have. I didn t help you that much. 1 162

stick it out (there are) no two ways about pay off Mega Expressions Im really happy I stuck it out. The course was hard, but Im going to see it through. For heavens sake do it and have done with it. I will fight this to the bitter end. 458 16. Woman : I heard they declared bankruptcy. Your guess is as good as mine. Is there a parking lot near here? All the parking spaces are taken. Do you want to see me go bankrupt? Macville owner downsize What a shame! profit pack in go out of business property tear down downturn go bankrupt MI m really glad to be back here in Macville. What happened to the shopping center that used to be here? WOh, the owners were forced to downsize. MWhat a shame! There were so many nice stores, and the family who owned it was always so friendly. WYeah, things have changed a lot around here. MWhere is the restaurant that was next to the shopping center? I used to eat lunch there all the time. WThe owner couldn t make any profit. He had to pack it in. MI see. Hey, what s happening here? WThe gift shop is going out of business. The property owners want to tear down the building for a parking lot. MA parking lot? For what? With this economic downturn and all of these businesses going bankrupt, who will want to park here? WYour guess is as good as mine. Macville Mega Expressions Your guess is as good as mine. Who knows? Who can say? Its anybodys guess who will use that. Theres no telling what hell do next. 459 17. Minsu Minsu : You should be more careful next time. Don t worry. I ll find your money for you. You took the words right out of my mouth. Oh, thank you so much. It s very kind of you. I agree with you. The ticket price is too high. fanatic give back MMinsu is a baseball fanatic and goes to the ball park to enjoy baseball games every weekend. He goes to the ticket office as usual and waits in a long line to get tickets. Finally, his turn comes. Minsu takes out his wallet and pays for his tickets. At this moment, a 50,000-won bill falls to the ground. Minsu doesn t know that he has dropped the bill. A girl behind Minsu sees what has happened. She picks up the bill and gives it back to Minsu. In this situation, what would Minsu say to the girl? MinsuOh, thank you so much. It s very kind of you. 5 163

23 174 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 460 1. incredible generous down payment fin option sunroof 461 2. furious surprised relieved indifferent depressed You re kidding!i never would have guessed. comprehensive be responsible for semester make sure straight A student assume bookworm 462 3. (wig) religious observance aristocracy shave off bald elaborate judge law court WGuess what, Tony! My Dad bought me a car as a graduation present! MReally? That s incredible! Your Dad s a pretty generous guy. WActually, he just made a down payment on the car. I ll have to make all the monthly payments myself. MI see. Well, it s still a fantastic gift. What does it look like? WIt s a two-door sports car. MA sports car! I m green with envy. You know I have been dreaming of owning a sports car for years. WPlus, it has a large whale fin on the back. It looks gorgeous. MWonderful. What other options does it have? A sunroof? WOf course, and tinted windows, too. Oh, I can t wait until summer when I can drive around with the sunroof open. MWow! Can I stop by this afternoon to see the car? WSure, no problem. WHey, Justin, is our final exam comprehensive? MYes, I believe we re responsible for all the material covered this semester. WI see. Oh, can I borrow your notes from today s math class? MYeah, sure. Just make sure to give them back before my band plays tonight. I need time to study. WWhat? Did you say your band? MYeah. I m in a band called Rock Hard. I play the drums. WYou re kidding! You play the drums for a rock band? I never would have guessed. MWhy? Because I m a straight A student? WYeah. I mean, you re the one everyone comes to for math help. I just assumed you were a... MA bookworm? Yes, I am. Well, who says bookworms can t play the drums? WYou re right. WThis is used for fashion or various other reasons, including cultural and religious observance. This has been worn for thousands of years. In ancient Egypt, both men and women of the aristocracy used to shave their hair off and wear this. So you can stop wondering how the ancient Egyptians got those strange hairstyles. They were just this. Cleopatra was really bald! This became fashionable in Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries. Some of them were very elaborate and very heavy. Some were so big that mice used to build nests in them. The fashion for wearing this died out at the end of the 18th century, but judges in British law courts have continued wearing this to the present day. Tony! Mega Expressions Im green with envy. I envy you for the way you make friends so easily. Hes jealous because I got the job and he didnt. Justin Rock Hard A 17 18 18 Mega Structure Some were so big that mice used to build nests in them.: so that such that that so such 164

463 4. to lend music CDs to make wine at home to throw a party for her to repair the video camera to bring beer to the party 6 CD repair six-pack 6 464 5. $750 $800 $1,500 $1,600 $2,000 1,000 20% + 5% = 25% 1 250 750 1,500 all-inclusive original additional WRoberto. You know I m having a party this Friday, don t you? MYes, I m looking forward to it. WCould you bring your video camera to the party for me? MI wish I could, but it hasn t been working right recently. I really need to take it to a repair shop. Sorry. WThat s okay. I can ask someone else. MMaybe I could bring something else. How about CDs? WThanks, but Jenny s taking care of that. Oh, can you help me with some drinks for the party? MUh, yeah, I suppose. What do you need? WI ve got some wine, but some beer would be nice. MSure. I ll get a few six-packs. WThanks a million. MHoney, I m home. WYou re a little late. Mike, I have some good news. MWhat is it? WSTA Travel is offering an all-inclusive package tour of Bali at a discounted price. MReally? WYeah, the original price was one thousand dollars per person for four days, but if we make a reservation this month, we can get a 20% discount. MThat s great. You ve always wanted to go to Bali. WAnd there s more! If we join the agency s web site and make an online reservation, we can get an additional 5% discount! MWow! What a great offer! Let s join the site and make a reservation for the two of us. WI can t wait to see the blue sea and white sand! Roberto. CD Jenny Mike STA Travel 4 1 1,000 20% 5% Mega Expressions I cant wait to see the blue sea and white sand! Were really looking forward to meeting you again. I wish I knew what was going to happen. I hope you get the chance to relax while youre away. 465 6. cider vinegar ferment organically be packed with essential amino acid germ soothe dose under control a generous portion of building blocks WDo you like apples? How about apple cider vinegar? Research shows that when fresh apples are allowed to ferment organically, a vinegar that is packed with essential amino acid, helpful vitamins, and minerals results. Besides making your salad tastier, apple cider vinegar helps fight germs, soothes stomach pain and heals cuts quicker. Moreover, it has also been reported that a daily dose of apple cider vinegar in water has high blood pressure under control in two weeks! A teaspoon a day supplies a generous portion of the building blocks needed for a healthy body. Take a step closer to a healthier body by adding a spoonful of apple cider vinegar to your diet today. 2 Mega Expressions ex. organic food, organic farming, organic clothing ex. ferment organically ex. organic waste ex. an organic relationship 165

466 7. CD-ROM 100 customer service retailer urgently extra 467 8. architect assistant real estate agent client house owner tenant neighbor newcomer manager applicant (real estate agent) (client) compared to recommend asking price negotiate 468 9. 200m commentator competition consecutive stroke have a hard time -ing catch up make up for pick up freestyle [The telephone rings.] WHello, Benson Software Customer Services. MHello, this is Mike Williams from Smiths Retailers. I m phoning about the CD-ROMs you sent last week. WIs there a problem with the CD-ROMs? MYes. I m afraid you didn t send us enough. WOh, I m sorry about that. How many did you receive? MWell, we received 50, but I m pretty sure we ordered 150. WJust a moment, I ll check your order... [keyboard sounds] Well, according to our records, you seem to have ordered 50. MOh, really? Oh, perhaps there was a mistake. Well, could you possibly send 100 today? I need them urgently. WDon t worry. I ll get the extra 100 to you right now. MThanks very much. Sorry to trouble you. WIt s no trouble at all. WSo, where will you be moving from? MWe are living in Manhattan now, but we have to move here because my wife and I got jobs here. WThat s good. Houses are much cheaper here compared to Manhattan. MHow about the neighbors? WEveryone is wonderful and friendly. Don t worry about that. MOh, that s great. WSee the blue house over there? That s one I d recommend you look at. MOh, it looks nice, but I think it must be very expensive. WThe asking price is around 300,000, but I can negotiate with the owner. MWe ll start working here at the beginning of next month, so we don t have much time. WI see. I ll let you know as soon as I talk to the owner. MCommentator Katy Smith is with us today. Katy, the stands are full today. WYeah, this is one of the most important events of the day. MThe competitors are on the starting platform. This is a big race for Tina Bobbins. WRight. If she wins, she ll become the first athlete to win gold at three consecutive Olympics. MNow, they re off. Tina takes an early lead, but Jane Fischer is not far behind. WJane is from Canada, and she s famous for her powerful strokes. MOh! Now Jane has the lead. Tina will have a hard time catching up. WI m sure she ll make up for the speed she lost in the turn. MYou re right. She is picking up the pace now... [cheering sound] She did it! Tina Bobbins has won her third Olympic gold in the women s 200 m freestyle! WWow! She s really amazing. Hear the crowd cheering! Benson Software Smiths Retailers Mike Williams CD-ROM CD-ROM 50 150 50 100 100 Manhattan Manhattan 30 Katy Smith Katy Tina Bobbins Tina Jane Fischer Jane Jane Tina Tina Bobbins200m 166

469 10. to confess his love to write a love letter to buy some flowers to join the reading club to reserve concert tickets Alice exactly cant take ones eyes off 470 11. Come to THE Craft Sale of 2009! Hundreds of crafts under a single roof! jewelry, baskets, furniture, etc. Location Green Park, off Highway 57 Hours 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday Admission adults: $8, kids 12 & under: $5 tickets available at the gate only 555-0810. www.craftboston.org craft stand jewelry 471 12. Cross-Cultural Solutions 10 4,000 18 make a difference healthcare community year-round qualification other than fluently minimum degree MKate, I think I m falling in love. WReally? With whom? MAlice. I think you know her. She s a member of my reading club. WYeah, you ve talked about her before. But when did you fall in love with her? MWell, I don t know exactly, but I certainly know I can t take my eyes off her now. WHave you told her? MNo, I don t know how to express my feelings to her. Do you have any good ideas? WWell, girls like romance, so why don t you send flowers with a letter? MIsn t that so old-fashioned? WHmm, maybe. Then, how about asking her out to M.Life s concert? They re having a concert soon. MOh, that s a great idea. She s a big fan of theirs. I ll book the tickets online right away. Thanks, Kate! [The telephone rings.] WGood morning. Rosebank Ticket Agency. How can I help you? MGood morning. I heard there s a craft show this weekend. Can you tell me what kind of crafts will be on sale? WActually, there s going to be more than a hundred stands. Baskets, jewelry, furniture... you name it. MWow, it sounds like it s going to be a big show. Where is it being held? WAt Green Park off Highway 57. MOkay, and what time does it start? WDoors open at ten and the sale ends at four on both Saturday and Sunday. MOkay, thanks. One more thing: how much is the admission fee? WEight dollars for adults and five dollars for children under twelve. MWhere can I buy the tickets? At the gate? WYes, or you can also buy them at any major department store. MGreat. Thanks for your help. MVolunteer abroad for the experience of a lifetime! Experience another culture while making a real difference in people s lives. Cross-Cultural Solutions operates international volunteer programs in 16 regions of the world in 10 countries. Each year, over 4,000 people volunteer with Cross- Cultural Solutions in the areas of teaching, healthcare, and community development. Choose from start dates year-round, and lengths of stay from one to twelve weeks. No qualifications are necessary, other than the ability to speak English fluently and a minimum age of eighteen. While other volunteer programs may require certain skills or degrees, Cross-Cultural Solutions programs are open to everyone. We only ask that volunteers come with a willingness to learn and an open mind. Kate Alice M.Life Kate! Rosebank Ticket Agency 100 57 Green Park 10 4 8 12 5 Mega Expressions Baskets, jewelry, furnitureyou name it. You can have whatever you want. Its easy; any Tom, Dick, or Harry could do it. Cross-Cultural Solutions 10 16 4,000 Cross-Cultural Solutions 1 12 18 Cross-Cultural Solutions 167

472 13. MP3 electronics section disturb 473 14. Woman : Not at all. I hope my checklist will help you. Fairly well. I got a B on the midterm this semester. So am I. You know, these results are really important. That s OK. The reports will be mailed out in late May. I want to pass my exams. Can you help me study math? B 5 submit answer sheet workbook 474 15. Man : What s done is done, so do your best. Will you be on the computer much longer? Right. You can learn to use it in a few hours. Oh, I think I need to sign up for that right away. Actually, I don t want to buy anything on the Internet. WCan you send me the MP3 file? MSure. What is your email address? WI d like you to listen to my new stereo. [music playing] MIt sounds perfect. It sounds better than mine. WDo you know where the electronics section is? MWell, it s on the second floor, next to the men s wear. WHave you been using my MP3 player without asking me again? MOh, sorry. I was going to ask, but you were busy this morning. WCan you hear me? Why are you wearing headphones? MOh, I don t want to disturb anyone in a public place. MHave you got a minute, Caroline? WSure. What s up? MYou always get good grades in math. How do you do it? WWell, since you re my friend, I ll let you in on my secret. MI m all ears. WI make a checklist and go over it before I submit my answer sheet. It s a good way to avoid making careless mistakes. MCan you tell me more about your checklist? WOf course. I always ask myself some questions. First, Did I copy the information correctly? When I solve problems in the workbook, sometimes I copy the wrong information. MI know. I do that, too. WSecond, Did I remember to mark all the answers? And last, Did I mark my answers on the answer sheet correctly? I can avoid a lot of mistakes by checking these things. MThanks. I will follow those steps on the next exam. W Not at all. I hope my checklist will help you. WHey, Fred! Where are you going? MI m going to the bank. I need to transfer some money. WWell, why don t you just use Internet banking? MYou mean doing financial transactions on a web site? WYes. Online banking is one of the main reasons I use the Internet. MIs it easy? WIt might be a bit complicated in the beginning, but you ll soon get used to it. It s much more convenient than having to go to the bank. MWhat about the safety? Isn t it dangerous? WI don t think so. There s a security system. I ve never experienced a single problem while using Internet banking. M Oh, I think I need to sign up for that right away. MP3 2 MP3 Caroline? Mega Expressions Ill let you in on my secret. Between you and me, I think Liz has a crush on Josh. Come on, spill the beans. He revealed that he had a dream to become a lawyer. Fred 168

transfer financial transaction complicated get used to convenient security 475 16. Woman : I know, but I don t want to visit any department stores. How do you know that? You have never been to Britain. Oh, I should study British English if ever I live in London. If we learn a foreign language, we learn a foreign culture, too. Wow, those shoes seem fantastic. Can I take a look at them? section confusing ground floor 1 underground MYujin, how was shopping at London Department Store? WWell, it took a long while for me to find the shoe section. MThat s strange. I told you it s on the first floor. WI didn t know the first floor was the second floor. MWhat? WAs you know, I studied English in the U.S. I guess there are some differences between American English and British English that can be confusing. MYou mean you were looking for the shoe section on the ground floor, right? WYes. Finally I realized the difference and went up one floor, and there were the shoes. MThere are many more differences, like holiday and underground. Holiday is called vacation in the U.S.; the underground is the subway in the U.S. WOh, I should study British English if ever I live in London. 1 1 2 ground holidayunderground Holiday vacation underground subway 476 17. Peter Yuri Peter : Sorry, but I can t. I have a hotel room. OK. If I can make it, I will give you a call. Hurry up. We are already behind our schedule. I m a regular there. That s a hard offer to refuse. If you insist, I ll take you up on your invitation. Thanks. Yuri Peter weird persistent make it behind schedule regular take A up on A WWhen he was traveling in Russia, Peter arrived in Moscow without any hotel reservations. He kept calling hotel after hotel to find a room, but he didn t have any luck. There was a guy in line for the phone who heard what was going on. His name was Yuri, and he said that Peter could stay with his family. To Peter, it seemed kind of weird because Yuri was a total stranger. But Peter didn t have anywhere to go, and Yuri kept saying it was fine. Yuri was so persistent that Peter just couldn t refuse. So Peter decided to accept the offer. In this situation, what would Peter most likely have said to Yuri? PeterIf you insist, I ll take you up on your invitation. Thanks. Peter Yuri Peter Yuri Peter Peter Yuri Yuri Peter Peter Peter Yuri Mega Expressions He was a total[complete/perfect] stranger. I know her by sight. We met once before at Joes party. Shes just an acquaintance. 169

24 180 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 477 1. sweatshirt custom one by one solid color contrasting cuff initial MHey, Linda, what are you looking at on your computer? Sweatshirts? WYes. This Internet mall sells custom sweatshirts. We have to decide on a design for our team. MLet s take a look then. Well, I don t like hooded sweatshirts. WThen, how about this solid color sweatshirt? MWell, that s too simple. What do you think of the two with a contrasting collar and cuffs? WI like them. But which of the two designs do you like better? MI m not sure. How about you? WWell, I want to put our team s initials on the front. MOK, then, let s go with the one with initials on the front. WGreat. I ll go ahead and place an order. Linda 478 2. grateful envious amazed thrilled frustrated Beyoncè (thrilled) company talented songwriter definitely pump MMonica, are you free tonight? WWhy? Are you asking me out? MNo way. Do you want to watch the Grammy Awards on TV tonight with me? It s always better having company. WOh, are they on tonight? What time? MAt 8 p.m. We watched the awards together last year, remember? WYeah, I do. Okay then, I ll go to your house around eight. MGreat. I hope Beyoncè will win again this year. She got five awards last year. WYeah, I know you re a huge fan of hers. I love her voice, too. She s an amazing singer. MAnd so record producer, designer, and actress. WYeah, that s right. talented. She is a singer, songwriter, MShe s definitely my dream girl. Oh, my heart is already. See you tonight! pumping Monica TV 8 8 Beyoncè 5 479 3. (kite) withstand aircraft frame fabric attach geometric three-dimensional 3 WThey can be found everywhere in the world. You may have seen kids running, flying them. They must be made as light as possible for good performance, yet be strong enough to withstand high winds. Like an aircraft, they have a solid frame normally made of wood or plastic, and this frame is covered by paper, plastic, or fabric. To help control them in the air, one or more strings are attached to them. They can be designed in many different shapes, forms, and sizes. They can take the form of flat geometric designs or threedimensional forms. They are usually flown for recreation. 170

480 4. to bring her son home to invite her for a meal to get her van from the shop to go to her friend s wedding to cancel his evening appointment at the moment shop [The telephone rings.] MHello? WHello, Roger, it s Lauren. MLauren! I haven t heard from you in ages! How are you? WFine, thanks. How are things with you and Millie? MGreat, everything s fine. All of Millie s sisters are here for lunch at the moment. WYes, I can hear you re busy! I won t keep you. I was just phoning to ask if you could drive my son home from baseball practice when you go to get your boys. My van is in the shop. MOf course. WThanks, I really appreciate it. Oh, would you like to come over for a meal this evening? MI m afraid we can t. A friend is getting married this afternoon, and we re going to the wedding. WOh, I see. Another time, then. Roger Lauren Lauren! Millie Millie 481 5. $450 $470 $670 $800 $850 400 5% 20 420 50 470 elegant normally retail quilted sales tax shawl in fashion go with MGood afternoon, ma am. How may I help you? WHi. I m looking for a new winter coat. MToday s your lucky day. All coats are half price. WGreat. Can you show me something nice? MHow about this one? It s an elegant coat. It normally retails for $800 before tax. WYou mean the white quilted one? It s only $400, then? MYes, plus the 5% sales tax. WPerfect. I ll take it. And I need a wool shawl, too. MThey are also on sale. Why don t you try on this one? This color will be in fashion this winter. WOh, I like it. I think it goes well with the coat. How much is it? MIt s $ 50, tax included. WOK. I ll take this, too. 800 400 5% 50 Mega Expressions Why dont you try on this one? This color will be in fashion for this winter. Dont you think it looks a bit loud for me? I dont think its my color. 482 6. drought famine crop refugee pour in search for estimate a drop in the ocean appreciate MDrought and famine have hit Africa again this year. In some parts of Africa, it hasn t rained for three years. There have been no crops, and the animals on which many people once depended on died long ago. Refugees are pouring from the countryside into the towns in desperate search for food, and it has been estimated that over 1,000 people are dying a day. We are supplying towns and camps with food and medical supplies, but our efforts are just a drop in the ocean. Your help is needed now before it is too late. Please give all you can. No pound or penny will ever be better spent or more appreciated. 3 Mega Expressions Our efforts are just a drop in the ocean. He spends very little on clothes. It costs next to nothing to call China these days. The cost of maintaining the machine is negligible. 171

483 7. homesick cooking neighbor Thats what friends are for. 484 8. thin out, layered, parted on this side, combed back walk-in take off thin layered cool off part comb 485 9. all year round complain run make a living conductor take out MSanghee, you seem a little depressed these days. Are you homesick again? WI think so. I love it here and everything, but I miss my family, especially my mom. MIt must be hard living overseas on your own. WIt is. I can t tell you how much I miss Mom s cooking. She always prepares all these wonderful dishes at New Year s. MYou know, I have a very friendly Korean neighbor who loves to cook. WReally? I think it would help if I had a Korean friend here. Fred, can you introduce me to her? MSure. I ll call her and ask if we can visit her this weekend. WOh, Fred, thanks a lot. MDon t mention it. That s what friends are for. MDo you take walk-ins? WYes, please take a seat. How much do you want taken off? MAbout half an inch, please. And I d like it thinned out a little on the sides. WWould you like it layered? MYeah, that would be great. Hot today, isn t it? WYes, it is. I wish it would rain and cool off. I don t remember it ever being so hot and dry in March before. Do you think it s short enough? MYes, it s fine. I d like you to use some gel please. WAnd then you want it parted on this side and combed back. Is that right? MYes, that s it. WWell, there you are. Take a look in the mirror. MIt looks great! Thanks a lot. WExcuse me, is this yours? MLet me see. Yes, it is. Thank you. I must have dropped it while I was going to the toilet. WAre you going far? MYeah, all the way to Grand Central. What about you? WI m getting off at Union Square. MOh, do you live there? WActually, no. I work around there, but I live in Soho. MLucky you! I just love shopping there! WYeah, you and thousands of others! I mean, you know, the tourists. There are just so many, all year round. MRight, that s too bad. You don t like tourists, huh? WWell, I shouldn t really complain. I run a travel agency, so I make a living from tourists. MThen, you shouldn t. Oh, here comes the conductor. We d better have our tickets ready to show him. Fred Fred Mega Expressions roast broil boil chop mince slice mash grate pare flavor pickle reduce chill freeze defrost stir whip 3 Grand Central Union Square Soho 172

486 10. be about to waterproof instruction label leak guarantee quality wear out local branch receipt 487 11. Work Experience graphic designer illustrator Education diploma in design classes in graphic design Relevant Interests photography References Tony Martin Linlin Chan Robert Short 1996-present 1993-1994 1996 last year - present manager high school teacher 1993 3 1993-1994 illustrate diploma photography reference be in touch with 488 12. Ivy League 8 5 5 1950 1 specific institution be named after foster intercollegiate be supposed to at least arrangement replace round robin expand athletics [The telephone rings.] WGood morning. Lisa speaking. How can I help you? MOh, hello. At last! I was just about to hang up. WI m sorry to have kept you waiting. What can I do for you, sir? MIt s about a waterproof jacket I bought last year. WWhat about it? MI washed it according to the instructions on the label, and now it s leaking. WHmm. How long have you had it? MI realize it s no longer under guarantee, but I don t think a quality item should wear out so quickly. WWell, we ll need to have a look at it. MI bought the jacket in another city. Can I return it at my local branch? WYes, that s no problem at all as long as you have the receipt. MOK. I ll stop by this morning. Thank you for your help. WOK, Mr. Short, what are you doing at the moment? MWell, I m working as a graphic designer for Parker Industries. I ve worked with this company since 1996. WI see, and before that? MI illustrated children s books for three years. That was from 1993. WOK. And could you tell me about your education? MI received a diploma in design in 1996. I ve also been taking classes in graphic design at a technical school since last year. WOK, now your rèsumè says you re interested in photography. MThat s right. I ve had a few pictures published. WReally? That s good. We sometimes need our designers to take photographs. Can you tell me a bit about your references? MWell, Tony Martin is my manager at work, and Linlin Chan was one of my high school art teachers. WOK. I ll be in touch with you by the end of the week. Thanks for coming for the interview. MHave you heard of the Ivy League? It is a specific group of eight academic institutions including Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, and Yale. These schools are located on the east coast of the U.S. and are named after the ivy plants covering their older buildings. The league was formed in the 1940s by the presidents of the eight schools to foster intercollegiate football competition. At first, each school s football team was supposed to play every other school s team at least once every five years. In the 1950s, this arrangement was replaced by a yearly round robin schedule and expanded to include other sports. Today, the Ivy League is a part of the National Collegiate Athletic Association, competing nationwide in football, baseball, basketball, and other athletics. Lisa Short Parker Industries 1996 3 1993 1996 Tony Martin Linlin Chan Mega Expressions rèsumè CV CV curriculum vitæ vita Columbia, Cornell, Harvard, Yale 8 1940 8 5 1950 1 173

489 13. TV cereal make ones bed 490 14. Woman : No thanks, I m allergic to chocolate. Of course. Count me in, please! I m really sorry, but I m flat broke, too. OK. Let me tell you about the place I saw. It s my pleasure. I m glad you could come. contact for ages be well-known for downtown drop by allergic to 491 15. Man : Sorry, I ve already bought a watch. Well, I think he d like a pen instead. Where is the store? I might try that one. Really? I d better place my order right away. You must call now. There s not much time left. 30 fountain pen For sure. reasonable WAre you ready for breakfast? Dad s making cereal. MNot yet, Mom. I have to make my bed first. WHow was your day at school? MGreat, but I really need to study now. Please turn down the TV. WEnough watching TV! Look at the time. MThe show isn t over yet. Please let me finish watching it. WYou ve been playing that online game for hours. MSorry. I ll turn off the computer at once. WWhere are you going? It s almost time for lunch. MI m going to watch TV at a friend s house. WHey, Nick. What s up? MEmily! Where have you been? I ve been trying to contact you for ages. WDidn t I tell you? I went to Belgium for a month. MBelgium? No, you didn t tell me. How was your trip? WOh, it was great. I stayed at my grandmother s house and had a lot of fun. MPlease show me some pictures when you have time. WSure, I will. My grandmother bought me some Belgian chocolate, and it was the most delicious chocolate I ve ever had. MYeah. Belgium is well-known for its chocolate. There are a few stores near here where you can buy Belgian chocolate. WOh, really? Then, I don t need to go to Belgium again just to buy chocolate. MHa ha. No, you don t. Actually, my sister and I are going downtown tomorrow and plan to drop by the chocolate store. Do you want to go with us? WOf course. Count me in, please! WRichard, when you get a moment, could you check this for me? MSure. I ll get to it in a few minutes. I m doing some online shopping now. Hey, what do you think of this fountain pen? Isn t it nice? WYeah, it looks cool. But, do you really need a fountain pen? MNo, it s not for me. My son Greg is graduating from high school this spring. W Time flies! I can t believe that. MFor sure. It seems like yesterday that Greg started high school. WSo you want to give him a nice present? MRight. And ninety-nine dollars seems pretty reasonable. WYou re such a good father. Oh, look! You get a second pen if you order within thirty minutes. M Really? I d better place my order right away. TV TV TV Culture Box G(General), PG-13(Parental Guidance Suggested Under 13), PG(Parental Guidance Suggested), R(Restricted 17 NC-17(No Children Under 17 X NC-17 Nick. Emily! Mega Expressions Count me in, please! Dont drag me into this. Please count/leave me out. Richard Greg Greg 99 30 174

492 16. Woman : Well, it took me one year to finish the paper. In fact, I m following the story for my employer. Thank you for seeing me on such short notice. That sounds like an interesting topic. Good luck! Fine. I ll read it and get it back to you next week. deliver section entertainment editor latest celebrity gossip release research paper follow story MAnna, do you read the newspaper? WYes, I do. I have The New York Post delivered to my office. MWhich section do you read first? WWell, I usually read the entertainment section first. MIs there any reason for that? WYou know, I m the editor of a fashion magazine, so I need to know the latest celebrity gossip, movie reviews, music releases, and so on. MI think people tend to read only what they think is the most interesting section. WFor sure. My brother only looks at the sports section since he s a sports agent. By the way, why are you asking me this? MOh, I m writing a research paper on people s newspaper reading habits these days. WThat sounds like an interesting topic. Good luck! Anna <The New York Post> Mega Structure I have The New York Post delivered to my office.: have ex. He had his car repaired by the mechanic. Im going to have my hair cut this weekend. 493 17. Lucas Jackie Lucas : Don t worry. I can take care of the kids. You re right. Let s wait just a little longer. Let me go on my own. I m sure I can get some help. That is too far for me to walk. Let s take a taxi. I m scared, Mom. Why not return home before dark? Lucas remote in the middle of nowhere break down stroller pub make up ones mind persuade WJackie and her three children, thirteen-year-old Lucas, and eighteen-month-old twins, were driving to visit a friend on a remote country farm. In the middle of nowhere, Jackie s car broke down. Her cell phone s battery was dead, and she had left the twins stroller at home. She knew that she had passed a pub less than a kilometer before. But she couldn t go to get help because it would be too dangerous to leave the children in the car. They waited half an hour, but nobody went by. Then, her son Lucas made up his mind to run to the pub himself instead of her. He thought he was old enough and should help his mother in times of difficulty. So he wanted to persuade her. In this situation, what would Lucas most likely have said to Jackie? LucasLet me go on my own. I m sure I can get some help. Jackie 13 Lucas 8 Jackie 1 30 Lucas Lucas Jackie Mega Expressions baby carriage pram stroller push chair buggy 175

25 186 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 494 1. leather detachable strap brass exterior 495 2. frightened disappointed delighted proud bored position customer service representative management native speaker have ones heart set on rèsumè 496 3. a cell phone the Internet a car an airplane a robot machinery congestion reliant public transport balance take over MMom, what are you doing? WJust looking through the newspaper. A lot of things we need are on sale this week. Maybe I ll go shopping this afternoon. MCan you buy me the bag I told you about the other day? WOK. What does it look like? MWell, it s a brown leather bag with a long detachable shoulder strap. There is a handle on the top. WWait a minute. I have to write this down. OK, go ahead. MIt has two brass locks, and there are a couple of exterior pockets. WTwo locks and two pockets... OK. Is that all? MLet me think. Oh, yeah. There is a big diamondshaped mark on the front. WOK. I will call you when I find it. [The telephone rings.] WHello? MI m calling for Sumi Yoon. WThis is Sumi. MHi! This is Steve Bates of World Trek travel agency. I m calling with what I hope will be good news. We d like to offer you a position as a customer service representative. WSorry, but did you just say customer service? I interviewed for the management position. MYes, I know. Actually, we ve hired someone else for that position. We re sure your English is great, but we want a native speaker to be the manager. Sorry. WWell, thanks for the offer, but I really had my heart set on the management position. This is not the news I was expecting at all. MI m sorry. Would you like us to keep your rèsumè on file for six months, in case something else opens up? WNo thanks. WIt has been called the symbol of the 20th century. It is more than just a piece of machinery; it is freedom. You can travel whenever you want, and anywhere you want. You just get in and go. However, in the last 20 years of the century, we ve realized it also brings enormous problems such as pollution, congestion, and making people feel too reliant on motor power rather than cycling, walking or even using public transport. The balance between using it properly and letting it take over our lives hasn t been found yet. World Trek Steve Bates 6 Mega Expressions I really had my heart set on the management position. I set my heart/sights on the dress. I would do/give anything for a cold drink now! Im dying to see you again. 20 20 20 176

497 4. to buy his motorcycle to allow him to use her photocopier to put up a flyer in her apartment building to help him put up fliers around the office to take him to a copy shop in her neighborhood flyer photocopy put up neighborhood WWhat s that, Keith? MOh, I m selling my motorcycle, so I made this flyer. I m going to photocopy it and put it up around the office. WGood idea. MYeah. Hey, do you think I could use the photocopier here in the office? WOoh... I m not sure about that. How many copies do you want to make? MOh, I don t know. Around thirty or so? WHmm. That might not be such a good idea. Somebody got in trouble for doing that last week. MOh, really? Well, then I ll just make them at the copy shop in my neighborhood. WYeah, I think that d be better. Hey, give me a copy of it, too. I ll put one up in my apartment building. MReally? Great. Thanks. Keith? 30 498 5. $4,250 $4,260 $4,270 $4,280 $4,290 4,000 5% 200 50 10 4,260 palmtop registration make a purchase warranty automatic exclude approximately stock [The telephone rings.] Wbestcomputers.com, good evening. MHello, I d like to order a palmtop MX-3000 on your web site, but I want to know why I have to pay a registration fee before I can make a purchase. WOur site offers a three-year warranty with automatic software upgrades and updates. You need to register for that. It s just $ 10. MOK, I guess that s not so bad. The palmtop is $ 4,000, right? WYes, but that excludes the 5 % sales tax and shipping costs. MHow much is the shipping? WIt depends on your location. It s $ 50 within the U.S. Where do you want the palmtop delivered? MI live in New York. When can I receive the product? WIt takes approximately 4 to 6 days. Our stock is getting low, as demand is very strong. So you should place your order as soon as possible. MI see. Thanks. bestcomputers.com MX-3000 3 10 4,000 5% 50 4 6 Culture Box (dollar) (cent) 1 100 11 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 151025 1 (penny)5 (nickel)10 (dime)25 (quarter) 499 6. community daunt back-up unlimited access military base privilege MWhat do you think is harder: going into a quiet peaceful community and causing trouble, or going into a troubled fighting community and making peace? As a soldier, making and keeping the peace is what you re paid to do. It s a daunting task, but with training and full military back-up, you can get the job done. Of course, there are a lot of advantages, too. You get unlimited access to military base privileges anywhere you go. If you re between sixteen and twenty-four and would rather be known as a peacemaker than a trouble-maker, visit your local army career s office. 16 24 Culture Box 1972 177

500 7. the thing is rucksack say to 501 8. shop owner salesman bank teller customer hotel receptionist client flight attendant passenger tourist information clerk traveler (tourist information clerk) (traveler) just around the corner travelerscheck brochure found 502 9. son-in-law operation chill ache over-the-counter stomach symptom WDad. You know Becky and I are going to France on Sunday. MYeah. WWell, we need to be at the station at seven in the morning. The thing is, our rucksacks are going to be pretty heavy, and it s going to be impossible to catch a bus at that time on a Sunday morning, so I was just wondering... MYou re not asking me to take you, I hope! WPlease! It would be a real help. MWhat time would I have to get up, about half past five? WOh, please, Dad! MWhy don t you ask your mother? She s always saying she likes getting up early. WI have asked her. She said to ask you! MDid she? Well, I ll think about it, but I m not promising anything. WThanks, Dad. I ll go and call Becky. WGood afternoon. Can I help you? MHello. I ve just arrived here, and I m looking for somewhere to stay. Can you tell me where I can find a cheap hotel? WCertainly. There is a nice one just around the corner. It s called the Euro Hotel. Would you like me to see if they have any rooms? MNo, that s OK. I ll go and check myself. I need to change some travelers checks. What time do the banks close? WThey close at five o clock. MGreat. Can I have a sightseeing brochure? WSure. They are over there. MThanks. This is a very pretty town, and it looks very old. WYes, this town was founded in the thirteenth century. MReally? Wow! Well, I d better get going. WEnjoy your stay. MHow s your son-in-law Timmy doing after his operation? WMuch better, thanks for asking. MThat s great. If it s all right, I ll stop by to see him after he gets out of the hospital. WSure, I ll let you know when he gets out. So can you recommend something for my cold? I have the chills, and I m aching all over. MThere are some good over-the-counter medicines. Do you have a fever, too? WYes, I do. MThen take two of these three times a day after meals. Don t take them on an empty stomach. WHow long do I have to take these? MJust for three days. If your symptoms don t improve, see your doctor. WThank you very much. How much do I owe you? M$10. Don t forget to drink plenty of water. Becky 7 5 Becky Euro Hotel 5 13 Culture Box Timmy 3 10 Mega Expressions travelerschecktravelerscheque dizziness nausea sneeze cough faint stuffed-up-nose swell vomit (= throw up) feel a chill feel stiff in ones shoulders 178

503 10. to confirm the reservation to go to the concert with her to borrow some CDs of Beethoven to return home to listen to classical music to look up information about Beethoven CD CD crazy sweetheart compare A to B A B entrance 504 11. Fame and Fortune Talent Agency Twin Model LIST Name Type Age Height (cm) Hair Color Lily & Jenny Smith Sarah & Carol Bond Betty & Jane Sue Pat & Ann Hilton Linda & Maggie Kim identical identical identical identical fraternal 20 18 17 17 18 170 / 171 166 / 166 167 / 168 157 / 158 165 / 165 blonde dark blonde dark dark 1718 165cm identical brand-new file fraternal blonde 505 12. Amnesty International 6020 5,000 2060 party aim release conscience trial publicize pressure including handle donation MCharlotte, you like classical music, don t you? I ve got two tickets to tomorrow s concert. Would you like to go? WSure! I m crazy about classical music. Who is performing? MLet me check the tickets... Gregory Orchestra is going to play Moonlight Sonata and other music by Beethoven at the Grand Opera House. W Fantastic! I have CDs of Beethoven, but I have never listened to live music. MI don t have any background knowledge of the music. Can you tell me about Moonlight Sonata? WOkay. Beethoven wrote this sonata for his sweetheart, and a poet compared the music to the moon shining, so the sonata came to be called the Moonlight Sonata. MThat s cool. Can you lend me the CDs today? I want to listen to them. WSure. Let s go to my house right now. Anyway, what time is the concert tomorrow? MIt begins at 7:30, so let s meet at the entrance at 7. [The telephone rings.] MFame and Fortune Talent Agency. WCarter? This is Jacky Forbes from Forbes Advertising. Listen, we need a set of female twins those who look like Jessica Alba, if possible. MOh, everyone wants a model who looks like Jessica Alba these days. All right. Do they have to be identical twins? WYes, we need two girls who really look alike. This is for a brand-new jeans advertisement. MWe ve got plenty of models. What age should they be? WThey should be around seventeen or eighteen. MAnything else I should know? WLet s see. Well, tall, nice looking, dark haired kids. You know, good teeth, nice smiles. MAll right. When you say tall, how tall do you mean? WI m talking like, over 165 cm. MOh, we have the perfect set of twins for you. I ll e- mail their files to you right now. WGreat. Thank you. WAmnesty International is a world-wide organization, independent of any government or political party. It is our aim to release prisoners of conscience. There are people who are in prison not because they have broken the law, but because of their beliefs, color, or religion. We try to get fair trials by publicizing their cases and by putting pressure on their governments to practice basic human rights. Amnesty International has been in operation for over 20 years and has helped prisoners in over 60 countries. We have won several peace prizes, including the Nobel Peace Prize in 1978. Each year we handle, on average, nearly 5,000 individual cases. Please help us. We need your donations to make us unnecessary in this world. Charlotte Grand Opera House Gregory CD CD 7 30 7 Fame and Fortune Talent Agency Carter? Forbes Advertising Jacky Forbes Jessica Alba Jessica Alba 17 18 165cm 20 60 1978 5,000 Mega Structure ~ not because they have broken the law, but because of their beliefs, color, or religion.:not A but BA B 179

506 13. rip refund exchange fit 507 14. Man : Sure. British English is much clearer to me. No. Compared to our last teacher, he knows nothing. Oh, it s not so difficult, but there is lots of homework. Okay. Don t be so nervous, though. We ll be just fine. I don t think so. Maybe we need a more interesting class. required anthropology major accent demanding challenge 508 15. Woman : You can say that again. Practice makes perfect. Anyway, I still enjoy bungee jumping recreationally. Calm down. All you have to do is just enjoy the flight. Sounds like it d be fun. Thanks for the great information. Yeah, I know. It s a real pain living with this kind of fear. WWell, here s your coat. Thank you for coming. MIt was nice of you to invite me. I really enjoyed myself. WI have an important meeting today. But I have no idea what to wear. MHow about wearing your gray suit with a white dress shirt? WI d like to have this shirt repaired. There s a big rip in the sleeve. MHmm. It ll take about two hours. Please come back after five. WThere s nothing wrong with this, but my boyfriend bought me the same one. MI see. Which do you want, a refund or an exchange? WEverything about this shirt is fine except that the sleeves are a little bit short. MDon t worry. We have another one that should fit you. WHey, Chris. I don t think I can take this class. MWhy not? It s a required course for anthropology majors. WDr. Wang s English is so hard to understand. MYou think so? WYeah. He has a strong accent, you know. MWell, yeah, but everyone has an accent. His is just different from ours; that s all. We ll get used to how he talks. WBesides, it s too demanding. Twelve hours per week? I have a part-time job and other classes, too. MI know, but isn t that a good challenge? I heard that Dr. Wang is a great professor, and he won t be giving the course next semester. WHmm... then let me think about it for a while. MOkay. Don t be so nervous, though. We ll be just fine. MYou know what, Megan? I went bungee jumping at the White Beach Resort last weekend. WYou did? Wow. What was it like? MIt was awesome! You should try it sometime. WNo way! Bungee jumping is the last thing I would do. MWhy? Are you afraid of heights? WYes, unfortunately. I can t even get on a plane. I once tried to take a flight to Miami, but I completely freaked out. MSo, what happened? WIn the end, I had to get off the airplane before it took off and spent the next 15 hours driving to Miami. 2 5 Chris. Wang 12 Wang Megan? White Beach Resort 15 180